#it has two tickets from prague and one norwegian ticket
bogkeep · 9 months
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loooove this puzzle. super haizcore. sad that i completed it so fast
(vintage travel tickets by the brand galison)
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alexbkrieger13 · 9 months
It’s not really ”changing the setup because Arsenal lost”. I mean anons you can mock Arsenal going out all you want, but if you think about it, them going out is not good for the tournament. They’re a popular team with a lot of devoted fans so they create interest, and they could have sold 40,000+ tickets for some of their CL games. A lot of viewers means more sponsors, which benefits all of the UWCL, not just Arsenal.
The world cup changed its structure for this year, from 24 to 32 teams. Because the level has gotten better and more teams play at a high level. And it was the right thing to do, many lower ranked teams at the world cup did very well.
It’s the same for the Champions League. When Chelsea reached the final 3 years ago, there wasn’t even a group stage yet. Now there is a group stage of 16 teams. But it’s not meant to stay at 16 teams forever. The men’s side has 32 teams in the CL, plus two whole second divisions of Uefa tournaments with 32 teams each.
The women’s CL would be ready for 24 teams at least, 6 groups. And that’s not because of Arsenal. It’s because out of Arsenal, Man United, Real, Levante, Juventus, PSG, Paris FC, Wolfsburg, Frankfurt, Prague, Plus the Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch teams to make the League path round 2 qualifiers, only 5 teams can make the group stage. Arsenal and Juventus won’t be the only teams to be knocked out that could have done well in the group stage, and that have before.
At the same time you have 7 of 16 teams that are Champions from the leagues ranked 5th in Europe or lower. These teams almost never do well in the group stage. Like Vllaznia, Rosengård, Pölten last year.
It’s important that everyone gets a chance to qualify, but it’s also important that the UWCL is financially sucessful. It’s not smart to have a system that is likely to send a significant number of good and popular teams home before the competition even starts. The men’s CL is only open to 4 Champions from lower ranked leagues. Out of 32 slots in the group stage. They have given all of the slots to the top 4 teams from the best leagues instead, because they want to have the best teams playing each other in the CL. Arsenal men’s team don’t have to play the 3rd placed team from Spain for a slot in the group stage while lower ranked champions get more slots and an easier qualifier. Because they see it as a business. The Champions from lower ranked leagues get to play in the Europa League or Conference league instead.
You can discuss if that is good or bad, the men’s CL is more a super league than a league for all the Champions of Europe, but that’s how they do it. But that’s not how they do it for the women. We have the 2nd placed teams of good leagues play each other for a few avaliable slots, while Champions of lower ranked leagues gets their own, easier qualification path, with more avaliable slots. So it is not set up to have top teams from the best leagues, and the teams most likely to draw a lot of viewers, play each other in the Champions League.
I also don’t mean to say that everything is about money. But in women’s football it’s still about breaking even, and starting to make a profit. And that is important if we want the players to get better bonuses, for the UWCL to be able to expand or create a Europa League, for more teams to be able to invest and be fully professional. Expanding the group stage will most of all benefit lower ranked teams, the ones who usually don’t qualify, just like how it was in the world cup. Expanding the world cup wasn’t to make it easier for the USA or Canada, who always qualify, but it meant that on top of the US, Canada and Jamaica, Haiti, Panama and Costa Rica could qualify from the Concacaf as well. Because everyone had more slots with the expanded group stage (and the Concacaf was also successful in intercontinental playoffs).
yea I think we're more likely to see Europa League form to the women's side at the moment then an expanded group stage because yeah there are plenty teams that we're gonna massage for qualifying from this process Alone. And yeah it's in terms of marketing it is pretty bad that Arsenal didn't get through they were planning to play their Champions League game games at the Emirates and that is a massive investment and marketing opportunity that they will not have now.
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theskamlibrary · 5 years
75 dates in the Skam Universe Masterpost
Thank you so much for everyone who participated, we had a total of X dates in the Skam Universe. We are so grateful for every content creators who put such hard work and shared it with us, you are the backbone of this fandom and the ones who make it worthwhile. 
Support your content creators! Reblog their posts, give them feedback, comment, share the love.  
Cliché by @catloves3 {WTFock - Zoë Loockx/Senne De Smet - 497 words}
written for (fun)fair
Senne, Zoe, Jana, and Luka at a funfair.
click by @butforwardiscalling {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 1613 words }
written for shooting photos 
niccolò has a camera. martino is his preferred model, willing or not.
Cheats and Prank Wars by @toobaddiane {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 2507 words}
written for prank war
It’s the summer after their first year in university started and the boys are just lazying around. After an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine gives Jonas an idea, they engage in a harmless prank war. What could possibly go wrong when someone is super competitive and their boyfriend is their teammate?
Or Matteo and David are teammates in a prank war and David is a competitive jerk.
I think I like my eyes by @ayellowcurtain {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1026 words}
written for building a pillow fort 
shut up and kiss me by @orpheuscris {Skam Espana - Cris Soto/Joana Bianchi - 3441 words}
written for study date
Joana and Cris have been at odds nearly the entire time they've been sitting next to each other in class. So that’s why it’s such a surprise when one day, near the end of the semester, Cris invites Joana over to her house to study. And why she’s even more surprised by herself when she accepts.
show me the things (that you believe in) by @softdemaury {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6329 words}
written for at home movie night
“Guess there goes your movie, then.” Lucas says while they’re sitting down at the kitchen table.
“Wait, you didn’t organize this to get out of watching that damn thing, right?” Eliott squints his eyes at Lucas, raising his fork in an attempt to look threatening.
Lucas laughs, “You think I’d do that? Of course I didn’t. We’ll just watch it next time, no big deal.”
5 times Eliott fails in making Lucas watch 10 Things I Hate About You and the 1 time Lucas takes the matter into his own hands
Future Little Koala by @youleavebehindmemories {Skam Italy - Eva Brighi/Giovanni Garau - 2697 words }
written for wedding 
It's basically Giovanni and Eva at the wedding of Marti and Nicco with glimpses into Gio & Eva's future, domestic life! (as well as background moments from others)
Feels like Love by @tunonseisolonico {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 2602 words }
written for karaoke 
“Come on, Marti! Let´s go and sing a song, the two of us!”
“You for real?!” Marti immediately exclaimed, being full of doubts.
He couldn't help but got flashbacks in his head, thinking back to Silvia´s 80´s party, him sitting close to Nico on the couch, Emma on Nico´s other side. Niccolò asking them to sing a song with him, Marti already refusing to do so back then.
“Of course, I´m not joking!”
“Well, sounds like it. No, I´m not going to sing a song with you!”
come with me, my love (to the sea of love) by @lepetitepeach {Skam France -Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4816 words }
written for aquarium
there’s a small touch of wonder to everything that lives in the ocean
critter cottage by @spacekardemomme {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1546 words }
As he walked further into the room, he watched the rise and fall of eliott's chest, the way his hair is messily sprawled along the pillow, a few strands scattered across his forehead and cheekbones.
this is who i’m meant to spend the rest of my life with
Yearning for more than a blue day by @modestytreehouse  {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3723 words  }
written for brunch date 
He really should leave while Isak is still asleep and spare him the awkwardness of waking up beside Even. Spare himself the shame when Isak recognizes him.
Kings of the cargo hold by @evakuality {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen -  3029 words}
written for cruise // art created by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 
“You’re early,” a voice says, a breathy, stuttery quality to it as its owner pants into the room behind Isak, the clatter of his feet loud as his footsteps echoes off the metal of the walls. “I was supposed to be here before you.” “What is all this?” Isak gestures at the table laid out in front of them. “Well, you agreed to eat with me,” Even says, his unfairly gorgeous blue eyes lit up as he stares into Isak’s soul
Aka, the one where Even gets extra as he prepares for the perfect moment with Isak.
sens de la vie by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 2809 words}
written for museum date
a little dive into all of those instagram pics and stories
det betyr jo alltid noe, det gjør jo det by @pagnilagni {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 8722 words }
written for apple picking // in Norwegian // translation in English by Bolomapa
Han står oppgitt ute på den overgrodde plenen og ser på epletrærne. De er gamle og krokete, har altfor mange greiner, de henger for tett sammen under den tette trekronen, tynget av røde epler tett i tett, de skulle vært tynnet, sa naboen, og treet skulle vært beskåret, han sa det et par uker etter at han beskar sine egne trær. “Men det er for sent nå, sevjen stiger, treet kommer til å blø i hjel. Du får ta det neste år i stedet”, hadde han sagt, mens han klappet ham faderlig på skulderen.
Han ser på epletrærne med den modne frukten, en mengde epler har falt ned i natt, mange flere enn i går, han burde plukke dem nå, han burde absolutt det. Men hva skal han med dem, lurer han på, en fortvilende klump i magen spør ham om svaret på det, for han aner ikke, å bruke en kilo epler er greit, kanskje to, han kan vel bake to eplekaker, men alt dette, det må være hundrevis av kilo, hva faen bruker folk dette til?
You’ll never believe how ice cream helped this man to get a date by @nofeartina    {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3333 words }
written for ice cream 
If it wasn't for Magnus, Isak would never have ended up at this ridiculous hipster ice cream place. But then again, he never would have met that ridiculously cute ice cream guy, either.
Sometimes it really pays off being a good friend.
Or 5 times Isak buys ice cream for Magnus and 1 time Even buys it for Isak.
come and fade me by @ho1ogram {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 3957 words}
written for grocery shopping
And no matter how many times he repeats the same lines over and over again till he runs out of reasons to support why dating should be banned (it's a lie; Lucas will never run out of reasons for this purpose, he just gives in to the looks the boys - or Eliott - throw at him) that his friends understand his struggles, his pleas for them to stop. And always, like clockwork, he ends in having them set him up with an unknown guy.
or, Lucas is tired of going on dates after dates with guys that aren't Eliott, and Eliott has a few tricks up his sleeves.
Thousand spires and thousand bridges by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/ David Schreibner - 46352 words}
written for vacation // art by @hjertetssunnegalskap1
In this world, Matteo and David met during Abitur back in Berlin, just like in the canon story and they made sandwiches and almost kissed at the neon party, but David backed out, Matteo did the same and.... nothing more happened.
Now they are studying in Prague. Matteo thinks he lost his chance with David a long time ago. What David thinks, nobody knows.
it's nice to have a friend by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6592 words}
written for rollerskating
5 times eliott and lucas definitely were not on a date, and one time they were
to all who come to this happy place, welcome by @tawmlinsun {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4703 words }
written for disneyland // art by @cottonsdraw
"eliott demaury, you just passed your bac. what are you going to do now?"
"i'm taking my boyfriend to disneyland!"
Super Smash Bros by @thegirlnooneknows5 {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 11672 words}
written for video games // playlist
“Okay. Pretend I’m a customer. Sell me this game.”
Eliott's smile was determined. “You ever had a customer you wanted to throw into the wall?”
“Knock-Out X lets you live that fantasy.” He pulled the game off Lucas’ lap and held it up. The thought of Eliott’s hands so close to him coloured Lucas’ face pink. Eliott continued, “Just imagine if you could throw that customer into a wall and leave with no scratches, bruises or consequences. And look super badass while doing it.” “Seriously, though. You’re going to love it.”
-Or, a Striking Vipers Elu au in which they fall in love through a virtual reality game because love transcends all
Coffee, Gay Gurus, and a Dance by @amyriadfthings {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David - 1242 words}
written for coffee date
Good things happen over coffee. David & Matteo visit a veritable Berlin cultural institution and learn how to swing dance. Gay Gurus in action. Bonus gay gurus to appear eventually.
Small Things by @probablydaydreamingg​ {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 3232 words}
written for concert
Martino gave Nico two tickets for a concert as a graduation present. A cute date ensues.
Hedgehog, on the rocks by @flying-elliska {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4635 words}
written for drinks
Lucas's boyfriend just left him, two days before he has to go to his cousin's wedding, who just so happens to be marrying the town billionaire, and his friends are all otherwise engaged...
So as he arrives alone, he heads to the bar for some liquid courage.
Turns out the bartender isn't having a great evening either. So he embarks Lucas in a creative quest to find him the perfect beverage...
It's not a date yet. But there's still time...
If I Should Fall Behind by @irazor {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 14732 words}
written for fancy dinner // art by @lovethem2121
The plan for tonight had been crystal clear. Stay close to his best friend, and steal her away if needed. Hold her hand through the ordeal of meeting Noora again for the first time in years. Then Even shows up – and suddenly, nothing goes the way it was supposed to.
Or: 3 times Isak didn't know what to say to Even, and 1 time he did.
Fontainebleau by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 12770 words}
written for camping
Lucas, let’s go camping, Eliott says, and with a vision of perfect quiet and green leaves unfurling before his eyes, Lucas agrees without even looking up from his problem set.
The summer after Lucas' first year in university, Lucas and Eliott take a weekend trip to Fontainebleau. 
Under Starry Skies Above by @fille-lioncelle {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 7197 words}
written for weekend getaway 
Matteo and David have been feeling a little dejected, so Matteo suggests they get away for a weekend trip.
Lost & bound by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Skam Norway -  Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 16397 words)
written for bicycle date
Even has been in a bicycle accident and he has lost his memory of the past three years. However, Isak gets a shock when Even tells him that they’re bonded soulmates, and expects them to be a couple.
Così fan tutte by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Chloé Jeanson/Lucille, Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 14070 words}
written for opera
Lucille goes to the opera. It’s another double date.
➔ @hjertetssunnegalskap1 : X - X
➔ @cottonsdraw : X
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densvartaambulansen · 4 years
The Eaten Tickets
This one takes place on a subway train. There are two people sitting opposite of each other; an old woman and a punk man. The man has colourful hair and is listening to loud music. The woman starts complaining out loud about “the state of today’s youth”. The man doesn’t react to her harsh comments. When a ticket inspector boards the train, the woman takes out her ticket, but the punk snatches it, puts it in his mouth, and swallows. When the ticket inspector approaches them, she claims the punk ate her ticket. The inspector, of course, doesn’t believe her, and she gets a 200kr fine (a little over $20). After he leaves, the punk gives the woman a 200kr banknote, saying he’s had a lot of fun.
That is the Swedish version. The story retold in Janeček’s fourth collection is less detailed.
The incident happens on a tram and the elderly person (in this case also a woman) is acting entitled against the young punk. He teases her about not having a valid ticket, so she shows him the ticket as a proof, and the man immediately grabs it and eats it. The rest of the story is more or less the same – the ticket inspector comes and doesn’t believe the woman’s claims.
Unfortunately, Janeček doesn’t provide any further information about the origin of this urban legend or about its other versions in the Czech Republic.
On the other hand, af Klintberg seems to have more knowledge about it. He claims that this story originated in Denmark in 1984. There’s a press cutting from the year titled Punker tog blilletten (A punk took the ticket), and the introductory sentence of the article reads: “A new urban legend is born.”.
Unlike many other urban legends which warn the reader about “dangerous minorities”, this one makes us sympathize with them, and the old woman is the antagonist. The possible reason for this is that the people in Copenhagen are generally open-minded and rarely hostile against alternative sub-cultures. A huge contribution to this story’s popularity was a Norwegian commercial from 1987 promoting pre-paid public transport cards. The short movie, starring Lasse Åberg, re-enacted the story to show how inconvenient single-use tickets were.
The commercial was shown at the International Film Festival in Cannes, and thus spread to France and Switzerland. Af Klintberg doesn’t mention any countries eastward of Germany in relation to this specific urban legend.
A quick Google search in English (to find out whether a similar story can be found in the US or in the UK) didn’t bring up any relevant results so it’s possible this urban legend is still isolated to Northern and Western Europe.
AF KLINTBERG, Bengt. Den uppätna biljetten. Den stulna njuren. Norsteds förlag AB, 1994, s. 86-89. ISBN 91-1-949042-9.
JANEČEK, Petr. Pankáč a revizor podruhé. Černá sanitka: To nejlepší ze současných pověstí a fám. Prague: Plot, 2009, s. 248. ISBN 978-80-7428-014-6.
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understandingchaoss · 7 years
Im confused how youre able to afford to travel so much? I would love to but I cant afford it. Do you have any tips ?
Hi anon! I actually have a list full of pointers!!
First of all, in the long run, I think the fact that I’m able to travel like I do, comes down to the fact that my motivation is Europe. I HAVE to go. There’s something inside of me that can’t stay here and keep seeing the same stuff over and over again. Europe looks NOTHING like the states, and the culture is what I absolutely love. So I think I just have an insane amount of motivation. As a result of that motivation, I feel as if I’ve made some fairly smart choices in order to continue saving like I do.
Second of all, there are two ways to go about being able to afford traveling. There are ways to save in order to be able to travel, and there are ways to save while you’re traveling. 
In terms of what to do to prepare, here’s what I have done:
Join a credit union. Not only do they give you insanely low interest rates when your credit might not be the best, but they give you great deals on houses (when the time comes), cars, and personal loans. I joined mine when I was 18 and will be a lifetime member.
Build your credit. If you have a vehicle that you don’t make payments on, but know the one you have is going to take a dump soon, this is super important. I built my credit for about 8 months before I purchased my car. I got a credit card through my credit union and just put all of my purchases on that instead of using my debit card or cash. However, do not do so if you think that having a credit card means you can spend whatever you want. That money has to get paid off somehow, and as long as you’re smart about it, you can pay it off every month and never pay any interest, thus, building your credit.
Don’t buy a brand new car. This is a terrible idea altogether. The car loses value the second you drive it off the lot. Most people will sign the papers in a heartbeat, except they just signed for a $28,000 car with a 20% interest rate. If you’re smart about it and purchase a good vehicle for a good price, your monthly payments could be as low as $100 a month.
Try to find a job that’s willing to pay you above minimum wage, even if it’s only 25 cents more; or find a job that will eventually give you raise, such as an annual. My job is basically the reason I am able to afford what I do. I serve tables in California, which is not one of the states that is allowed to pay servers as low as $2.00 an hour. California requires tipped positions to be paid at least minimum wage. So I make $10.50 an hour plus my tips, which averages me out to about $18.00-$19.00 an hour. My job also does annual raises and Christmas bonuses, which help a lot. As much as serving tables kind of sucks sometimes, the money is fantastic, and I highly suggest it for anyone in college trying to save money to travel. 
Don’t have your savings account linked to your checking account. Banks couldn’t have made things any easier to not save money. Having the two linked if you’re not the best with money, is an awful idea. When I made the decision to travel, I wanted to spend as little as possible, but it was hard when all I had to do was transfer something from my savings to my checking when I needed more money. I opened up a savings account with a completely different bank. The only way I can take money out, is to go in and take it out, and then I would have to drive another 15 minutes to my other bank just to put it in. You’re more likely to save money when you make things difficult for yourself to actually spend money.
Have an emergency savings account. Life happens, and sometimes you’re short on money, but your car breaks down. Even if you have to only put $5.00 away every month, it all adds up. Make it a completely separate account from everything else, and pretend the money doesn’t exist. 
Get yourself a flyer miles credit card. I only suggest doing this once you’ve had a normal rewards credit card and are comfortable opening another credit account. But boy, does it come in handy! I now use my credit card from my credit union as my emergency card. I hardly use it anymore. I put any and all purchases I make on my miles card. If you’re planning on traveling all over, I suggest a Discover It miles card, or a Capital One Venture card. Discover gives you a mile and a half for each dollar you spend, and Capital One gives you two miles for each dollar you spend. Neither limit you to just one airline, like an Alaskan miles card would, as an example. I will be using my miles to buy my ticket to Alaska this summer, and won’t pay hardly anything out of pocket. I racked up the miles with my every day purchases like groceries, eating out here and there, and gas.
Try to put away a set amount into savings each month, or every pay period. This is not something I particularly do, just because living off of tips isn’t always predictable. I pretty much just look at what I made for the week, divide everything up according to which bills need to be paid, and put the rest in savings. But for some people, doing a set amount can help a lot. Most employers that do direct deposit, will do it for several accounts, so you can even have a set amount from each paycheck go straight into your savings.
In terms of how to save while you travel, here’s what I have found:
Find a cheap airline. Sometimes I feel like this is just a given, but some people will legitimately spend thousands of dollars on an international ticket. I have found that the cheapest airline flying to Europe during most times of the year, is Norwegian Air. Every now and then you can find a cheaper ticket through Virgin Airways. Here’s why I would still pay a little extra for Norwegian. These planes are absolutely enormous because the flights are so long. The sucker is called the Dream Liner for a reason. I have so much leg room, I feel like I’m in first class. Their meals are actual meals served hot, whereas most airlines serve sandwiches, or hot food that looks more like plastic. For not much extra, you can get a ticket one step up that includes meals, choosing your seats, and includes your bags. I like Norwegian because they fly straight from California to Europe. The curvature of the earth matters, and each time you touch down and take off, you add more flight time. I always fly to Poland as my destination, so I stop in Norway, and then go to Poland. It’s a LONG flight if you go from the west coast, but it’s worth it. 
Fly during the fall and winter, and avoid holidays. Sometimes this is inevitable. But if your schedule is pretty open, fly during the ‘off’ season. Prices tend to go down in price to most places around the end of September, shoot up for Thanksgiving week, then go back down until the week of Christmas. During Christmas, they shoot back up, but as soon as New Year’s is over, they go back down. Prices don’t usually go back up in price until about May. Summer is when everyone wants to do their traveling, thus tickets are most expensive so airlines can make money. But for example, I flew to Iceland round trip from California in the middle of January for less than $400. No one wants to go to Iceland in the dead of winter, so prices are cheaper. You could pay around $1,000 just to go to the same place, but during the summer. Prices to the rest of Europe work the same way.
Use public transportation. I always travel with my best friend, Emily. We both refuse to use taxi’s because that’s how men figure out where you’re staying, and that’s like, asking to get abducted. Emily is fantastic with directions and public transportation, so she’s always in charge of that. Just about any city you go to will have public transportation, because Europe thinks about the important things. Tickets to use the buses, trams, or trains are almost always super cheap. All of the major cities I’ve been to - Prague, Budapest, London, Salzburg, Zagreb - all have great systems and good prices. Sometimes you can buy a bulk amount of tickets all at once, instead of buying individual tickets each time you go from one place to the next. It’s cheaper to buy in bulk, so if they offer it, use it.
Stay in Airbnb’s, not hostels or hotels. Hotels are pointless because you can’t cook. Wasted money eating out all three meals right there. Hostels are pointless unless you plan to travel with a large group, otherwise you usually have to share amenities, and not all of them have kitchens. Airbnb’s are super cheap for just about any city or town. They are fully furnished apartments or houses, so you can cook. Not to mention, some of them are so cute and I want to cry when I sometimes find the cutest one for a good price.
If you’re planning on traveling within several countries close to each other geographically, don’t fly. Once you’re in Europe, flying from place to place is super cheap. But if you’re visiting small countries that are all close to each other, look into a rail pass. Emily and I bought two first class passes for just under $1,000. They got us from Czech to Austria, to Hungary, then to Croatia. We bought them through Eurail and it was a great deal. We could hop on any train in each country as long as it was within the countries on our itinerary, and got us from one country to the next when it was time to move on. It ended up being cheaper to do it by train than to fly from place to place. Plus, you get to see the backcountry of everything, and it’s so worth it.
Make friends as you go. Meet people. Get to know the culture. Make friends. Most European cultures are all super welcoming. The more people you meet and stay in contact with during your time at home, the more likely you are to have either a cheap, or free place to stay the next time you go back. I could basically go anywhere in Poland at this point and not have to pay for a place to stay anywhere.
Avoid using cash. Economies are constantly changing. Currencies gain and lose value overnight. Take cash with you, and exchange a little just so that you can come back with some of it. I love to collect all the different currencies. But for the most part, avoid exchanging cash. It loses value, because places gain commission off of it, even if their windows say 0% commission. Research exchange rates of each place you’re going to just in case you need to exchange. All exchanges places have different rates, find the best one. If you plan to use cash for everything, withdraw it from an ATM. Try to stick to ones that are inside of banks, because you’re much less likely to use one that has a scanner in order to steal your information. But all in all, use a credit card. Debit cards aren’t safe to use internationally. If for some reason your information gets stolen, the second the money is used by someone else from your account, your bank likely won’t be able to get the money back. Credit cards are great because if your information gets stolen, the company or credit union is almost always able to fix the problem and you won’t owe the money someone else spent. 
This is all I can think of as of right now, and I think I pretty much included everything. Feel free to ask more questions if you need to, and I can give you answers if I have them! Traveling is actually so cheap if you go about it in the right ways. Good luck!!
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Sicily tour with Titan Travel: review
An admirable trot spherical many of Sicily’s finest hits, among them a number of the Mediterranean’s greatest websites. There are quite some, so the tempo is severe however profitable.
The excursion works excellent for learners to Sicily, the ones looking an introduction to its lengthy, entrancing and distinguished past. Quartering the island – the trip covers an awesome deal of territory – additionally favors appreciation of fine and olive-rich landscapes and a fantastic coast. No heading off a positive apathy in a few urban regions, mind. But that, too, is Sicily. A 10-day tour starting in Catania and Syracuse on the east coast, this is an honest old romp. As referred to, magisterial bits – historic and geographical – are from time to time obscured by city forget about, no longer least in second prevent-over, Palermo. But Sicilian recollections are powerful, enshrined in Norman-Byzantine churches, vineyards and olive groves – and Hellenic temples of startling perfection at Segesta, Selinunte or, supremely, the Valley of Temples at Agrigento. In a series of stand-outs, the mosaics of the Romana del Casale villa – enormous and vibrant with lifestyles and movement – additionally have their location. As, back at the east coast, does Taormina and its Greco-Roman theater. Tour ends with an experience up Etna which I had to omit, but which should have been magnificent. Overall, the 4 tour resorts (all 4-superstar) got higher because of the trip advanced. And that they had started off pretty nicely, in Catania. The Una Hotel Palace turned into a bang vital, big city spot, with a graceful of efficiency and roof-pinnacle eating place affording views to Etna. In Palermo, the recent uniting and relooking of two venerable homes had delivered forth the Hotel Palazzo Sitano in a kind of black-and-white Mafia sublime. Onward to the pick-of-the-bunch Baia-di-Ulisse, a rambling, hacienda-style operation, with terraced gardens unraveling to the beach at Agrigento. Finally, at Giardini Naxos beneath Taormina, the grounds of the San Alpha Grand inn have been additionally as a substitute swell: pool, classical statues, bougainvillea. Within, the area becomes slightly displaying its age, now not least via charging for Wifi.
I joined the tour past due – and left it early – so did not advantage from Titan’s home select-up coverage. Those who did found it located it a boon. Once in Sicily, the train turned into amply at ease and dealt with verve by way of driver Vito. Though I’m not positive the coverage of converting seats every day is a long-time period winner.
Value for Money eight/10
At £1299pp all in – together with front to all websites – the excursion seems in no way overpriced. As stated, I’d be tempted to feature £a hundred, make investments it in the dinners, and perhaps provide wine, too. But that is possibly why I don’t run an excursion organization, and Titan does.
Sicily: Jewel of the Mediterranean 10-day tour, from £1,299pp, which include domestic choose-up, flights, 4-star lodging, all breakfasts, seven dinners, tours and publications (0808 274 6966; titantravel.Co.United kingdom).
A Long Tour in Cairo and Alexandria
Alexandria – the second biggest metropolis in Egypt and the popular Mediterranean motel. It is a type of symbiosis of historic records and cutting-edge beach lodge. Style and lifestyle of Alexandria are very specific from the rest of u . S .: they’re tons in the direction of Europe. The seemingly gain of recreation right here – the opportunity to combine a wealthy “revel in” with a seaside vacation.
Entertainment and attractions of Alexandria
  Alexandria – is not most effective a beach lodge but additionally a cutting-edge city. There are many cafes, eating places, casinos, and nightclubs. This rating level is an awful lot lower than in other motels in Egypt. A Luxurious Long Tour in Cairo and Alexandria is one of the fine things you may ever reveal in on your profession.
The capital of Cairo – the most important town in Africa and one of the most important in the international! The territory is twice decreased than Moscow, is domestic to extra than 20 million people.
In Cairo and its environs, in which the metropolis starts directly behind the desert plateau of the pyramids, the story regarded to “come to the floor.” Including the Biblical story. Even the tombs and mummies of the Cairo Museum, paying homage to Old Testament instances – this is the construction of Egyptian cities, the ruins of which can be these days the most ambitious within the global, overwork humans of Israel, this is whilst considered one of “the most” of the Pharaohs became an excellent exodus of Israel to the Promised Land.
  Fishing Tackle Review: The Normark Titan 2000 Float Rod
If you revel in flow fishing, then it’s pretty sure you also enjoy looking for glide fishing tackle. Here’s some information on a glide rod I’ve lately acquired: the Norwalk Titan 2000.
Key Features of the Titan 2000 Float Rod
The Titan Norwalk 2000 rod is an high-quality all-around piece of fishing address that’s eminently suited for plenty sorts of fishing. If you’re fortunate sufficient to still fish in herbal lakes and rivers, realize that the flexible Titan 2000 can be used as a stick-waft type of rod in addition to a conventional carp rod. The motion of the rod fits it preferably for anglers who use lightweight strains and small hooks. That is not to mention, though, that this rod won’t carry out admirably with heavier weight traces of.16 and up. Another characteristic I liked approximately this nicely-designed piece of fishing tackle is that it has the twist grip reel seat that is so famous with fishermen because it does a terrific process keeping the reel in an everlasting, strong role.
More About the Normark Titan 2000
One function I specifically like approximately this rod is the tip phase. It has a totally nice diameter, so it permits me to fish light, something I regularly like to do. I’ve additionally observed that that is a one-piece, in preference to a spliced tip, giving the Titan 2000 an exceptionally suited modern and sluggish bend, that is an important characteristic for stalking larger fish. There are none of the flat spots that you usually discover in rods with spliced recommendations. For anglers who experience using the lighter address for the sport and mission of it, especially when you hook a massive, feisty carp, recognize that this rod is perfectly suited to this fashion of fishing, even when in comparison to extra high-priced models.
  6 Ultimate Discount Travel Tips
We are almost into 2017. And most probably you have made New Year resolutions- workout, eat wholesomely, give up smoking, and so forth. However, traveling greater is something that you may need to do not forget in the New Year. Most human beings tend no longer to tour lots because they suppose that it’s miles too high-priced but the correct information is that saving cash when you travel is pretty simple. In reality, bargain journey is now simpler than ever earlier than and here are 6 pointers to get you started out as follows:
1. Engage The Sharing Economy
A few decades ago, tourists had to locate accommodation within the phone book, ebook flights at the airport, and plan their itinerary weeks, if now not months in advance. Thankfully, those days are lengthy gone with modern day sharing economic system offering travelers extra options- and opposition denotes savings. And whilst many sharing economic system websites had been in life for years, their growth remains phenomenal. For example, Airbnb boasted barely over half 1,000,000 listings two years in the past, and now it has over one million. Vacationers can, therefore, put the sharing financial system to paintings for pretty much whatever- from in which you sleep to meals, guided excursions, transportation and so on. Some of the most famous websites include Airbnb, EatWith, BlaBlaCar, and Guided by means of a Local.
2. Try Budget Airlines
While gas prices may be at their cheapest in years, this does not translate to ordinary airways decreasing their fares. If something, they are looking to squeeze in greater seats in order to make more money. Thankfully, there are a bunch of price range airlines along with Air Asia, Wow, and Norwegian Air that fly cheaply from Asia and Europe to the U.S. They do the identical issue as normal airways, flying you between continents, but and not using frills and at lower prices. For example, Norwegian Air operates flights from each American coasts to mainland Europe for as low as $150 for a one-way flight. Once there, vacation makers can then discover their way to Asia for simplest $two hundred one-manner. Even more exciting is that Air Asia operates $20 one-manner flights around the area and in case you want to go to Australia from Asia, a one-manner ticket will handiest set you returned $a hundred and fifty.
3. Visit Cheaper Destinations
This is surely a no-brainer. A weekend live at a 5-megastar motel in Paris will without a doubt value greater than the same journey, to say, Prague. Take advantage of destinations whose economies are underperforming or those that have amazing exchange charges. Currently, some destinations that can be of interest to tourists encompass Greece (terrible economy), India, Australia, Russia, and Japan (all of which have seen their currencies fall in assessment to the dollar as a consequence making them manner extra low cost. Admittedly, at the same time as the charges in these locations have not fallen, they have become less expensive attributable to the drop in currencies.
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mounasser · 7 years
6 Ultimate Discount Travel Tips
We are almost into 2017. And most likely you have made New Year resolutions- EXERCISE, eat healthy, quit smoking, etc. However, travelling more is something that you may want to consider in the New Year.  Most people tend not to travel a lot because they think that it is too expensive but the good news is that saving money when you travel is quite simple. In fact, discount travel is now easier than ever before and here are 6 tips to get you started as follows:
1. Engage The Sharing Economy A few decades ago, travelers had to find accommodation in the yellow pages, book flights at the airport, and plan their itinerary weeks, if not months in advance. Thankfully, those days are long gone with today's sharing economy offering travelers more options- and competition denotes savings.  And while many sharing economy sites have been in existence for years, their growth continues to be phenomenal. For instance, Airbnb boasted slightly over half a million listings two years ago, and now it has over a million. Vacationers can, therefore, put the sharing economy to work for just about anything- from where you SLEEP to meals, guided tours, transportation etc. Some of the most popular sites include Airbnb, EatWith, BlaBlaCar, and Guided by a Local. 2. Try Budget Airlines While gas prices may be at their cheapest in years, this does not translate to regular airlines lowering their fares. If anything, they are trying to squeeze in more seats in order to make more money.  Thankfully, there are a host of budget airlines such as Air Asia, Wow, and Norwegian Air that fly cheaply from Asia and Europe to the U.S. They do the same thing as regular airlines, flying you between continents, but with no frills and at lower costs. For example, Norwegian Air operates flights from both American coasts to mainland Europe for as little as $150 for a one-way flight.  Once there, holiday makers can then find their way to Asia for only $200 one-way. Even more interesting is that Air Asia operates $20 one-way flights around the region and if you need to visit Australia from Asia, a one-way ticket will only set you back $150. 3. Visit Cheaper Destinations This is really a no-brainer. A weekend stay at a five-star HOTEL IN Paris will definitely cost more than the same trip, to say, Prague. Take advantage of destinations whose economies are underperforming or those that have great exchange rates.  Currently, some destinations that may be of interest to travelers include Greece (bad economy), India, Australia, Russia, and Japan (all of which have seen their currencies fall in comparison to the dollar thus making them way more affordable. Admittedly, while the prices in these destinations have not fallen, they have become cheaper owing to the drop in currencies. 4. BOOK Cheap Tours And Cruises While it may seem risky, it is advisable to book tours and cruises at the very last minute when tour companies are likely to be desperate in an attempt to fill unsold spots. By waiting until a few weeks to your vacation DATE or date of travel, you are likely to get upwards of 50% off the price list.  With beach vacations, you can also find great deals if you take out a beach vacation guide well in advance of your holiday when companies sell the cheapest accommodation. Also, try using the last minute specials of your preferred tour company if you wish to go for a tour or Cruise Sheet in case of cruises. 5. Visit The Nation's Time Machine With Your Children Colonial Yorktown, Jamestown, and Williamsburg are absorbing discount travel destinations all year-round, as historic interpreters in period costumes HELP modern families appreciate what life was like before the advent of indoor plumbing, computers, or TVs.  For instance, in eighteenth-century Williamsburg, you and your family should find the largest outdoor living history museum where the kids can make bricks in the summer, help weed the gardens in spring, or attend a winter slave couple's wedding. And if you VISIT in the summer, you can also go to Water Country USA and Busch Gardens Williamsburg.  Families can book a five-day/four-night stay including unlimited admission and accommodations for as little as $700 or less. However, if you schedule your visit in the winter, you are unlikely to have roller coasters but will enjoy fewer crowds and can join holiday celebrations. 6. Mexican Beaches For beach vacations, all inclusive resorts are always a favorite for many travelers because holiday makers can do what they please, when they want, and there are always numerous organized ACTIVITIES for the kids as well as opportunities for them to make friends as well.  Usually, beach vacation guides advertise bargain rates throughout the Caribbean just after Easter all the way to Thanksgiving and then again from mid-December and beyond. Mexican trips can really be a bargain and should provide your children with the ideal opportunity to practice their Spanish and experience a different culture. For instance, at Allegro Resorts, children can stay and live free of charge up until the 20th of December and then again during the summer months. All inclusive rates for a family of four start at slightly under $160 per night, including meals, kids' ACTIVITIES, sports, liquor etc.  Further, Akumal's Club Caribe- arguably one of the most popular resorts and which lies south of Cancun but smack in the middle of the Yucatan coast- is replete with prime diving, snorkeling, and plenty of Maya ruins to explore. Here, rates start at under $150 per day, inclusive of parents' meals.  Lastly, Costa Azul (an hour's drive north of Puerto Vallarta in San Francisco, Mexico) is a soft-adventure resort that is ideal for both pre-teens and teenagers as they can among others, learn how to surf, kayak to hidden coves, trek through jungles, and swim through caves. Room rates for a family of four start at slightly under $100. BiggieTips - Tips and Tricks FOR YOUR Daily Life ( http://ift.tt/2pa9474 ) BiggieTips is dedicated to BIG TIPS to help you get things done more efficiently. You will master how to do everything in a bigger way and live smarter. Topics include Home, Health, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Entertainment, Business. FB - http://ift.tt/2p7GPJq Twitter: @BiggieTips Article Source: http://ift.tt/2patGwn
6 Ultimate Discount Travel Tips 6 Ultimate Discount Travel Tips from Blogger http://ift.tt/2pamccp via best4you-now ref=da&site=tumblr">IFTTT
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janiklandre-blog · 7 years
Friday, March 3, 2017
10:25 a.m.  chilly morning  - in Washington it seems the cherry trees are about to bloom - a frost could destroy it all
Still also a comment to my thoughts about documentation yesterday - in the 1920's there was I believe a Norwegian and also polar explorer (google) Fridjof Nansen who created a "Nansen passport" - there wer countless white Russians who had fled Russia and also others displaced by all the turmoil after WW 1 who were stateless and needed some document and I believe the Nansen passport did gain some limited validity - certainly a most welcome document by to many undocumented. A g;obal passport for everyone, that is what we need - not I with my American passport in Europe that I only need to flash - to watch on a train to Switzerland people with darker skins profiled, their passports requested - studied at length and I having to watch to watch their anxiety - and now - more and more anxiety and fear. I they even have a passport - the Iraqui friend of my friend had to throw his overboard when the boat taking him to Greece was about to sink - how many must be passport less - who even knows what sort of representation Iraq has in Finland - and from what I hear the Iraqui government is very hostile to those who fled the country. How does such a person obtain a travel document?
And also back again to my disrupted life - C,B. who used to come quite regularly in the evenings - has bowed out. I had been realizing and resenting that I was Marianne from 7 to 0 in the evenings in her rather rigid scheme - never asked to join her during the day - only asked to come and eat her soup - and asking myself why I depended so much on these evening visits when I listened at length to details about her large family, the many Iraquis in her life - and like myself also she is a people collector and more and more people are cropping up in her life - while she had little interest in people in my life. Then she brought movies "to relax" - that is also what I do with my mother, she said - I watched them while they had little interest for me - altogether I tried to please her because my evenings are lonely. She never would commit - if I asked her at noon she always would say - I cannot say how my day will go - she would not call and if I tried her by 7:30 I would find out she had gone to Brooklyn where she has a long time friend - about whom I have written here. She is very invoilved with charismatic Catholicism - very alien to me - visits lots of people in hospitals - I try to stay away from hospitals as much as I can - and should I ever end up in a hospital - I would find out how much visits by strangers would mean to me. Obviously since I am very delinquent on visiting the sick - I may not get many visits.
My mother when I was growing up always said: the only person in the world you can trust is me - and have found out - other mothers do that too. Early I realized this would make for a very limited world. She spoke a lot about how after 1933 when persecution began people began to withdraw into their blood families and became unavailable to her - specially the friend for whom I was named - in whose apartment in Prague I later was with my mother - in the early 1940's, first on the day when her friend had paid the Germans a large sum of money to release her husband from Dachau - her friend had tickets for a boat leaving from Genua for South America for her husband, herself and Annette her only child who had been billed my sister - her husband Paul never came - only later his ashes - she refused to leave without him. Soon after that my mother and I went to her apartment when she had to report for what was called "the transport" - first to Theresienstadt and later to Auschwitz where she and the child perished. My mother had considered hiding the child - alas that was impossible. Some Catholic nuns did in their monastaries - but we did not know any.
My mother's mother who came from extreme poverty had decided to have only one child - this child was to become "somebody" - my mother got a Ph.D. at 23 - still I have doubts about my grandmother's decision - a couple of siblings might have done more for my mother than a Ph.D. My grandmother it seems had one half brother who became a Catholic priest (mentioned in my mother's memoirs. My grandfather, her husband, came from a large Jewish family - a couple of cousins left after 1945, two in America, one in Israel - she never had had much relationship to them. My mother was a socialist and they all detested socialists. My mother had planned on five children but after 1933 was forbidden to have children, so I remained an only child - luckily had two sons - but they live in Western Massachusetts and my divorce from their father - or rather his divorce from me, he flew off to Mexico, I saw nmo need for a divorce - in any event - he too is among a good number of people whom, after I came to America - I did not assess well.
All my very best friends are in Europe - I took great pains to stay in touch with them - in my experience in my early years I seem to hav e been naturally attracted to people more congenial then the people later in America. Of course, these friendships at a great distance never experienced the wear and tear of daily friendship.
But my mother also was not a good judge of people - I have misgivings about some friendships she formed while living in Germany - from 1946 util 1969 - then she moved back to Vienna where she had lived as a student and later as a teacher - from 1923 to 1931, interrupted by a year in Paris - from 1931 to 1937 she lived in Germany, from 1937 to 1946 in Prague, where I grew up. Whereever she was she did make friends - only chnildren have to. When she moved back to Vienna in 1969 to a lovely apartment in the center of town - her street, Prinz Eugenstrasse bordering on the Belvedaire - she came back to friends from the 1920's who were good friends - but they had stayed in Vienna - her two best friends were not Jewish, they had families in Vienna and my mother kept insisting I MUST move to Vienna and take care of her - heer suicide in 1982 was an act of revenge on me. Deeply disturbing not only my life but also the lives of my sons.
In any event - my choice of male partners in my life while not exactly disastrous - there were good times with all of them - still, none of them was protective of me and none truly committed - with the exception of my boyfriend whom I met at 15 and gave up at 21 when I met Robert G. whom my mother adored - and misjudged.
My close women friends over the years - as I see it - chose me as a friend, rather than I chosing them. Hannelore, long dead, Doris, Christine F. - and also C.B. They recognized my usefulness to them at the time they chose me - all except for Hannelore ten to 15 years younger than I. at the time when they picked me looking up to me, over the years becoming in many ways a lot more successful than I am - very attractrive to other people seeking their friendship - their need for me deminuishing - and leaving me lonely as I grow old anbd older. Not that easy to deal with.
But one thing I had still meant to write about - in the NYT I just read - on page C5 The Right Woman Can Start a Revolution - a play: Bull in a China Shop - a play inspired by Mary Woolley - president of Mount Holyoke College in the first third of the last centurey - the college I came to in 1951 - and certainly heard that name - but very little about her - and not about her woman partner Jeannette Marks - whose name came to my attention only a couple of hours ago.
I think I wrote yesterday, or the day before, how much better I think I would have done remaining in 1951 with my sweet boyfriend in New York, attending with him Brooklyn College that was free then and a lot more interesting in those years that Mount Holyoke - where the only thing celebrated was a big fat diamond engagement ring to an ivy league graduate - that ring was flashed about, no mention of the very few admitted to medical school, or law school - the trophy was a large June wedding after graduation, followed rapidly b y children - andI suspect a good number of my class mates became alcoholics - of course they disappeared from the picture - a large number of my 1953 fellow grads have died - but my class collected more money than any other class and somebody always threw in a cou[le of hundred dollars in my name to claim a 100 % participation
Robert never bestowed any jewelry on me - not that I ever had any interest and every last little bit of gold I owned fell victim to the breakins while living in tenements - stil - between 1956 until 1964 I was living the model life of a model Mount Holyoke grad - and only after Robert divorced me in 1967 fell totally out of the role and have been struggling ever since since - labelled a destructive loser by Robert and also by others, a great disappointment to my social climber mother - and today - I let you find labels for me.
Still before I end I do want to pay tribute to two wonderful German friends I made in America - both suffering from cystic kidneys, one died, the other is thankfully alive due to a transplant and I cannot thank her enough for her friendship and great generosity. My gereat regret - she moved away from New York and I only see her very sporadically when she invited me to her wonderful house. She does live with family and she is extremely busy.
It is close to 11 a.m. - in the next days I may not find so much time to write - well perhaps still on Saturday and Sunday - but Monday early a.m. I have to see the eye doctor who is to do my cataracts in my right eye on April 3rd - tedious preps - then on Tuesday early morning I hope to head for Amherst - take a 5:49 a.m. out of Grand Central. Metro North to New Haven where I hope to find a bus to Northampton - and not sure about my time up North - and then much ado with doctors - the physical therapy in a crowded ill smelling place - I do suspect my walking is the best therapy - I should also see a dermatologisdt, my long year doctor retired - then the dental problems are up in the air - at some point I will have to deal with dentures - for now with these thesethat keep falling out and the dsentist sauggested I try to glue them back in myself - then the gynecologist I saw earlier would like to see me again - in the last analysis many try to make a buck - it seems medicare does pay most or all for the physical theerapy that C.B. so highly recommeds - I'm afraid for the eyes there will be a lot of co-pay, there always was for the dermatologist, the gynecologist demanded to be paid in advasnce and at some point I may get what medicare pays - and then there is stil the podiatrist, who asks doer $20 each visit - it's a mess and all bargaining and the best doctors no longer take medicare and ask for a yarly payment of $30.000 or more - then you will have a boutique doctor who will have some time for you, will come to your house when necessary - and increasingly - the poor are turned away from hospitals - the ambulances told to go somewhere else and with some luck they die on the wayh. When they finally get to some hospital willing to look at them - after hours of wait - lying in corridors - later staying in corridors because there is no room for them - I still remember the humorous way in which my sweet friend Ken described it "here I was in this lovely corridors surrounded by languasges from around the world" - this reminds me of Victor Frankel whom Molly and I googled who descibed finding even brief moments of delight in Auschwitz. By preference I would like to find ways to end my life with dignity before lying for days in a corridor surrounded by languages from around the world - yet Ken, who clearly had had a death wish, then with the help of Margaret still clung for two years to a painful existence, came to the park almost hours before he died and still made big plans for the future. Life is - what life is. Marianne  And C.B. - having been hurt by you in those last several weeks - I do forgive you - and I'm glad you are convinced you are a saint.
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
How to Spend 48 Hours in Oslo, Bratislava, Munich or Glasgow
Whether you’re building an itinerary to fill a two-week vacation, or scouting weekend jaunts from your study-abroad home base, these four European cities are perfect for touching down, checking in, going out, staying up and taking off — all within 48 hours so you can make the most of those 2017 vacation days.
1. Explore Oslo on a Dime
If You’re Going to be Near: Stockholm, Copenhagen or Bergen
While you may balk at Norway’s capital because of its expensive reputation, there are plenty of ways to see Oslo on a lean budget too. And if you’re flying from the US, Norwegian Air constantly offers outrageously affordable nonstop flights to Olso (OSL) from cities like New York (JFK and EWR), Boston (BOS), and Fort Lauderdale (FLL) — always check our TPG Deals Page before you book to see if any are currently available.
Take a stroll through downtown Oslo. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Day One
To get around the city with ease, purchase an Oslo Pass, your ticket to the city’s public transportation as well as admission to its many museums and sights. Oslo’s main attractions — City Hall Square, the Royal Palace, Karl Johans Gate, the Nobel Peace Center, Akershus Fortress and the statues of Vigelandsparken — can all be reached on foot, but you may want to jump on a bus or tram during the chilly winter months. In the center of town, you can take part in Oslo’s cafe culture, particularly evident around the city’s harbor, which will help warm you up after a day of sightseeing. Make dinner reservations at Hos Thea, a popular restaurant that can be difficult to get into, as soon as you book your flight.
Day Two
The next day, spend some time wandering through the area along Karl Johans Gate, the city’s main street. Sample a mug of gløgg and cozy up by the communal fire. The wintry temperatures may appear off-putting, but Norwegians know how to warm you from the inside out. Putting your Oslo Pass to work, take the subway-turned-overground train to Holmenkollen ski jump; the ride through the hills surrounding Oslo makes the journey alone worth it. Once you’ve arrived, plan to ascend the ski-jump tower, where you can see the totality of Oslo, and enjoy the view of the ski jump under the sheen of freshly made snow.
2. Indulge Your Appetites in Bratislava
If You’re Going to be Near: Vienna or Budapest
Bratislava’s petite sprawl offers everything I’ve come to love about Eastern European cities: 10th-century castles, picturesque old-town squares and tiny lanes that spindle off the city center. Flying in to Bratislava (BTS) is convenient from continental European cities like London, Berlin and Milan. It’s also easily accessible by car or train from Prague and Vienna.
Bratislava is petite yet picturesque. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Day One
Slovakia, like its Czech Republic neighbor, produces excellent beers — the country is less known for its quality wines, but that’s what makes the opportunity to drink them even better. To sample both, stop by the LOFT Hotel Bratislava to visit its on-site brewery and the cozy wine bar serving more than 100 Slovakian wines. Or if you’d rather sip from the source, take a day trip outside the city to visit the local wineries. If you’re worried about spending your first 24 hours outside of the city, fear not! Bratislava is compact and can be easily seen on your second day.
Day Two
Looking to burn off those liquid calories from the night before, but also want to see the sights? Book a trip with Go! Running Tours Bratislava. With four tour routes to choose from, you’ll get a workout and a guided tour of the city and its many sites, including the Presidential Palace, Bratislava Castle, Slavin (a military cemetery with views of the entire city), the Old Town and Michael’s Gate. If the weather proves too cold for a run on your visit, satiate your hunger inside a cozy restaurant with traditional Slovakian food. Dishes like okše, typical potato pancakes prepared either salty or sweet; cigánska pečienka, a hamburger-like fried pork steak covered in mustard and onions and served in a bread pocket; and šmalec, a wedge of bread with pork fat and onion, will soon have you warmed up and ready for more wine. Or wash down these winter dishes with hriato, a traditional fruit-and-brandy-based cocktail made with honey and bacon or pork fat.
3. Make History in Munich
If You’re Going to be Near: Salzburg or elsewhere in Bavaria
While most tourists flock to Munich in late-September for Oktoberfest, the city has plenty to offer visitors in the remaining months of the year, too. To get there, plan to arrive in Munich via its international airport (MUC). Once you’ve arrived, take the S1 or S8 S-Bahn trains that depart from the airport for the city center. The journey to the main station at the center of Munich takes about 45 minutes, with trains departing every 20 minutes.
There’s so much more to Munich than just Oktoberfest. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Day One
Once you’ve dropped your bags at your hotel, you’re free to move about the city. Munich’s Marienplatz is a logical place to start your clock if you’re traveling here around Christmastime — once you’ve perused the stalls and had your fill of steaming glühwein, a dangerously delicious concoction of wine, cinnamon, clove, orange and sugar, head to your pre-booked (hint, hint) Hitler and the Third Reich Munich Walking tour. This tour, which I found on through Viator.com’s app, gives you an in-depth look at the city in which Hitler and his followers first rose to prominence and attempted to take over the country with their Beer Hall Putsch. (After he served time in prison for the failed coup, Hitler ran a strong campaign for the presidency of Germany and was legally appointed as Chancellor, a move that eventually led to his dictatorship.) Munich’s part in Germany’s dark past is illuminated by the guide’s exceptional grasp of history and storytelling. If you’re a history buff, 2.5-hour tour is well worth your short time in the quintessential Bavarian city.
Day Two
The next morning, collect your caffeinated cup of choice and head to the Englischer Garten, Munich’s largest public park. What’s so special about this green space? Not only does it have numerous cycling and running trails, as well as a beer garden, it’s also home to Eisbachwelle, a river where surfers line the banks while they wait their turn to take on the waves. This hypnotic dance of river surfers could keep you captivated for hours… just don’t spend too long here, it’s your last day in Munich! Looking to try a bit of local cuisine to round out your experience? Local specialties like roasted pork knuckle, pork roast, Fleischpflanzerl (Bavarian meatballs) and Weißwurst (veal sausage) are all great options. To quench your thirst, try the variety of different Bavarian beers available. If you want to sample some from the source, look for a local brewery like Weisses Brauhaus or Richelbräu.
4. Get Your Glengoyne on in Glasgow
If You’re Going to be Near: Edinburgh or London
How does a city go from a rough-and-tumble reputation to being voted one of the world’s friendliest cities? Simply put: “People Make Glasgow.” The city’s campaign champions the idea that its citizens are what make it such a great place to live and visit. Glasgow is accessible to visitors via its international airport (GLA), or if you’re traveling domestically via rail, its main railway station at Queen Street — a train journey takes about 50 minutes from Edinburgh and just over four hours from London.
Glasgow Cathedral is the picture-perfect place to duck out of the wintry Scottish weather. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Day One
Once you’ve arrived, take a stroll through George Square, which serves as the perfect meeting point for sightseeing tours or public-transportation exchanges. Hop on either of these buses to see iconic sights like City Chambers, Glasgow Cathedral, Hampden Park, the Gallery of Modern Art and the Tenement House. And don’t miss the city’s thriving music scene. From its impressive SSE Hydro stadium to smaller venues where up-and-coming artists like Suspire perform, Glasgow has something for every genre of music lover. Can’t catch a concert while you’re in town? From cheeky wee drams of whisky to handcrafted cocktails, you’ll find a variety of pubs, cocktail bars and nightclubs to keep the fun going all night.
Day Two
Getting up the next morning might be rough, but a little hair of the dog will help. Don’t leave Glasgow without first stopping by a local distillery. Glengoyne Distillery, open from 10:00am to 5:00pm each day, is the perfect place to sample the water of life before you head to your next destination. If checking out art is more your inclination, spend your time in Glasgow following the Mural Trail, an initiative that began in 2008 as a means to revamp older buildings and vacant areas that has inspired close to 20 murals across the city center. Some are temporary, making catching sight of them while you’re in town that much more unique.
Where are your favorite whirlwind European city destinations? Tell us about them below.
Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock.
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Travelling From Gatwick Airport to Central London
Looking For Cheap Flights To London [tp_search_shortcodes id=1 origin="" destination="LON" hotel_city="London, United Kingdom, 5296, 7896, city, United Kingdom" type="avia_hotel" subid=""] [tp_in_our_city_fly_shortcodes destination=LON title="" limit=100 paginate=true stops=0 one_way=false subid="" currency="USD"] [tp_hotelmap_widget coordinates="51.500729, -0.124627" width=500 height=500 zoom=12 subid=""] [tp_ducklett_widget responsive=true limit=9 type=slider filter=0 subid=""]
by fsse8info
Gatwick Airport is located about 45 kilometers south of Central London and is the city's second largest and second busiest airport after Heathrow, despite only operating with one runway. Gawtick Airport is popular with charter airlines and many Londoners take cheap flights to Europe from here. The two major airlines operating from Gatwick Airport are British Airways and easyjet. Aer Lingus, Norwegian Air Shuttle and Ryanair.
Passengers arriving into Gatwick will find a variety of options for getting into Central London as the airport is well serviced by many forms of transport.
Several trains run between Gatwick and London, the most well-known and fastest being the Gatwick Express. This service runs direct with no stops in between and takes about 30 minutes. A train departs every 15 minutes between 4:30am and 1:30am. For a cheaper option you could take trains operated either by First Capital or Southern. First Capital send 2 to 3 trains per hour and Southern operate up to 8 an hour. Both services terminate at London Victoria but make stops in between which means the trip takes longer.
National Express operate transfers to Heathrow or Stansted airports and to towns and cities in the region but they no longer run a service into Central London (this ceased in 2008). However, Easybus have started a service to London Victoria and fares can be as cheap as £2 one-way if you book in advance online. The earlier you book, the better chance you will have at a cheap fare.
Taking a taxi is the most expensive option and, depending on traffic, it could also be very time consuming. The official taxi company operating at Gatwick is Checker Cars. You can take one of these cabs by lineing up in the queue in front of the airport. You could also opt for a Black Cab but you will need to leave the airport and flag one down if you would prefer their services. Taxis only become economical if you are sharing with many people.
If you arrive with a bike you are in luck because Stansted Airport is located on Route 21 of the UK's National Cycle Network. This network connects many of Britain's cities and towns with thousands of kilometers of trails, both on and off the road. In this case you can cycle northwards to Horley, virtually traffic-free. The journey onwards to London probably won't be as laid back, however.
Kirsty has spent five years living in London, and has written a guide to help new arrivals into the city find their way from Gatwick Airport to London.
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