#it hurts typing shit like tht out but DAMN its sOO GOOOOOD
sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
i'm just,,, i'm thinking about fmn again and about how terrible it must have felt for katsuki to see [name] like that. how worried and lonely he had been over all those months and when he finally gets to see her again, she hates him. she's scared of him. how painful that must have been for katsuki, and how painful it still is for him, because it's almost like he's lost her all over again. she's just barely at his fingertips, closer than she had ever been over the past few months, but just out of reach.
ow ow ow i'm thinking about them,,,
haha i like how u think! but consider this:
it was the way bakugou had spent days on end searching and searching and searching for you when he first heard of your kidnapping. he wanted to rip the whole world apart to find you. he wanted to destroy those fucking villains who dared to lay a single hand on you. his body and his mind were given no time to rest as he combed through the streets and buildings, trying to catch any glimpse of your familiar figure. exhaustion weighed heavily upon his shoulders, his mood souring even further with every passing day where you weren’t by his side.
you had been his support, his lifeline, his everything. and without you, he found himself crumbling.
his friends were worried about him, watching him run himself dry on the daily with searching for you and doing his duties as the number two hero. but he always refused their help, always snapped at them that he was fine, damnit, leave him alone! if he couldn’t handle this, then what kind of a fucking hero did that make him, huh?
but he was tired, so tired, and he wanted nothing more than to sink himself in your welcoming embrace.
so when he found out that there was a possible location of your whereabouts, months later, he was thrown into a whirlpool of relief, anger, and determination to get you back. too much time had passed, he let too much time go by. and part of him felt like he had failed you, somehow, by leaving you in the clutches of villains for so damn long. he hoped you would forgive him.
he put his all into storming the facility, trying to find you. he annihilated everyone in the path of his raging storm. and when he stumbled across a small, grey room that looked like it had been lived in for just a bit too long, he knew it had been yours. he could smell your lingering traces within it, almost feel your presence at the tips of his fingers.
but you weren’t here. you weren’t anywhere.
and he felt like he had failed you even further.
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