#fmn rambles
sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
bro wtf i rly just sat here and wrote the fmn epilogue instead of doing my stats hw
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mi pilin pona a tan ni: kulupu Pokeminota li pali e sitelen tawa tawa kalama musi ta jan lawa pi tenpo seli te
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sp1resong · 1 year
new theme to match the pfp 👍 on my rubicon arc
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junipersramblings · 1 year
Shoutout to the spotify lyrics for Charlatan in Red for being the written equivalent of my brain trying to remember song lyrics
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pedrorascal · 1 year
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Thank you past!me for saving this treat by @krissology for Christmas, I didn’t even know how much I would need it right now 😩
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athemarina · 2 years
forget me (not) sounds SO interesting!! do you have any more Fun Details that you can share about that one?
hey gracie!! thank you for your interest in my WIP omg!! Forget Me (Not) is definitely one of my dearest projects, it’s been with me since 2019 so i could talk about it all day tbh (i won’t tho dont worry)
i plan to do a proper WIP intro sometime this weekend where i’ll go more into explaining the premise and will introduce the main characters, so i’ll mainly share some random facts for now!
each of the MCs will get chapters told from their POV, and each of those chapters will end with a memory stored in their Chip; i chose to write the memories in the present tense (main story will be written in past tense) to accentuate how timeless memories become in a world where we can replay and relive them at will.
the media plays a big role in this story, and some plot points are inspired from my own experiences when studying journalism (which i no longer do, god bless). the fact that all the MCs are celebrities and not just random people is really important for the central themes of this story - it’s not just about making mistakes, about grieving, about trying to love and be happy; it’s about doing all of those things while everyone is watching.
this WIP is definitely my most self-indulgent one; which is why it features a greece-inspired island, horse-riding and immanuel kant
i’ll stop it here before i go on and on haha but thank you so much for the question! if you wanna learn more, definitely look out for the WIP intro coming soon, and if u have any specific questions i’m always here! :)
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1-marigold-1 · 5 months
An AU thingy that umm, please listen to my ramble I beg you :[
Hello!!! Had this AU in mind for a bit too long decided to dump it all here :] sorry if it's all a bit messy I'm bad at organising those stuff hghghgghg <-- delusional (explanation and story below the images)
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I call it the FMN AU [Forget-Me-Not] and it's set in a fantasy world of course, in a great Empire of Heremitaran.
Because of how big the Empire is, it's divided in two, with two rulers: Ren The King of the North known for his bravery, plenty of victories, feared by those outside of his Empire , and the other one in the Sout is ... well... Mumbo.. (yes he's a king because his father died, he sucks at it tho, can't help but be that wet poor cat and not knowing what to do).
And that's when we come in with Grian and Scar.
There's a crown, to be specific, called the Vacivus Halo which is safely kept in Ren's vault , away from the rest of the world. It's the most powerful thing ever known, and Watchers are ready to fight for it against Listeners, who are worshipped by most of north people and Ren himself. The war those two spiecies of angel-gods started over a crown has been going for many centuries and now when Listeners has had it for themselves for so long, Watchers start to fear that they might use it against them to finally get rid of the enemy.
The crown has been under Watchers' control for some time too, that's when they tasked Mumbo's father with protecting it, but he died at war, crown got stolen, landed in Ren's hands and now all they got is Mumbo... They quickly realized that he's definetely not... well.. worthy? So they give the task of getting it back to an orphan living near the palace. He's a poor chicken keeper until he meets one of The Watchers disguised as a snake, asking him for help, the snake promises him everything he wants. So he agrees.
He gets powers such as:
Manipulating others' minds [putting images and memories that never existed before into anyone's head ]. It's his most powerful ability that he uses by just looking into their eyes, yet there's one thing about it: he can't make people forget the things he puts in their heads.
Flight, he has a cape that turns into wings when needed.
He can see what his snake sees whenever he wants, so he can use it to spy on people.
With those abilities he fools everyone at the palace into believing he's Mumbo's new guard and personal assasin, so he can be always close to the ruler who should be visiting the North very soon... he also makes friends with the young king, they get along pretty well.
Meanwhile Scar has a simmiliar story, though he was an assasin and Ren's guard before Listeners chose him. Ren is still in a good shape and probably will still be a good protector of the crown, but they felt like they need more than one If Watchers ever plan on getting the crown back, so they chose Scar by appearing to him as a cat, they wanted to tell him that they are ready to give him anything he wishes for but he was like "KITTY!!!!!!!! HELLO YOU SO CUTE!!" and agreed right away, just to have a scarf that turns into a cat...... he likes cats alright, he's been feeling pretty lonely recently too...
Scar's powers are:
Super speed [he got it with the boots]
Sensitive Hearing
Completely silent walking
He also got his cat [he named it Jellie because it's semi-transparent like a jelly when in not-scarf form lol] that can transform into a tiger like creature sometimes.
Yeah guess what.
They meet. Grian and Scar. They. Meet.
And they uhhh kinda make friends with eachother and don't really think that they might be enemies.
Watchers don't know that Scar is Listeners' servant, and the other way around, Listeners don't know that Grian is Watchers' servant.
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Things escalate from here...... and that's where the story starts!
I have plans on making short comics and stories to tell you the lore piece by piece, but be aware that updates won't be very often, I'll try tho!
Just wanted to add that I made this AU long time ago and Jellie is a fundamental thing in it, very important, as much as she was important to all of us, may she rest in peace <3
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vasito-de-leche · 3 months
A short (or not) ramble of scenarios and questions for reverse: 1999 self aware. (sorry if this bothers you, I just don’t have enough confidence to post it on my own blog (plus I love your content))
- Okay so first of all, in the main page of the game, when you click on the upper left corner with your level and username, you go to a screen with Vertin looking fly as ever along with some user information.
So if Vertin can see the game’s ui, then she can see the year in which the player has joined the game (2023-2024). I haven’t dived deep into Vertin’s character so I can’t portray her reaction to much, but I feel like she would tell this info to someone close like Sonetto.
Also our motto: I put “When in a rush, say ‘runs in high heels cutely.’”. I’d be so embarrassed if anyone (even fictional sentient characters) saw that. Like im dead.
On that topic, when you mentioned in your Sonetto self aware post that she can sometimes see us, and honestly, I’d be even more embarrassed. Cause like, if any of the characters from games I played, were sentient and could see me, id pray they didn’t see my bad angle. Like imagine looking up to the sky to see, just for a second, the chin of a head as the hands go to scratch their nose. Like the first impressions I would make.
- P2p players. Imagine the player spending money on the game (at the risk of Vertin possibly seeing their credit card number) to help level up or get costumes for their fave characters.
(Some misc. questions)
-what would happen if player didn’t log in the game for a while (a week to a month as best) cause I would ditch some games to spend more time on others
- What does Vertin think of the mail messages that the player gets? Like the latest mail I got was the discord event invitation. Upon closer inspection and critical thinking, it would hint that there would be more players other than us because it says the winners get 60 clear drops (oh and money too)
- If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned about Vertin hearing the player sometimes. So imagine her hearing us trash talk certain character *cough* Constantine *cough*.
(Anyways, I love your content ❤️ especially your fmn headcanons, can’t wait to see more posts!!)
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;R1999 - Self-Aware AU (2)
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Answering some questions and discussing the Self-Aware AU. A follow up of this post.
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not a bother at all, you bring up really good questions and details that are fun to explore! I'm glad you like my stuff, have a nice day o7!
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On the subject of Vertin seeing the player's profile.
With the way I intended to portray Vertin within the AU, I don't think she would be affected by the date on the Player's profile!
This is the date you came into contact with her from your perspective, whatever time and space that flows within your world, not hers─the world behind the fourth barrier that she cannot see nor hear nor even fathom, let alone try to make sense of. In a way, it's like expecting ants to care about concepts we made up, such as time. They understand night and day, they do not understand 3PM nor 8AM.
Is it truly proof that time can go beyond 1999, when this is something that only she can see? When it doesn't affect a single thing within her universe by being part of a game menu meant for your eyes only? There's also the fact that she finds out the proper time of the world in the 1.4 update, in Chapter 05.
Her dynamic with the Player is something I like to keep vague, so that everyone can fill in the blanks, but ultimately it is something so complex and private for Vertin─who sees it as a one-sided relationship, since she cannot hear nor see you, unlike other arcanists who may reach the 100% bond─that I don't think she would talk about it with anyone, not even Sonetto! The name on your profile and whatever message you've written there are secrets she will take to her grave. The idea of Vertin being the eyes and hands of the Player, but having no way to truly see or hear them makes for a really fun concept to explore!
And on the subject of messages, let's be honest, if you've written something funny or some modern shitpost, chances are she won't understand it LMFAO so it's okay! I literally just have my socials and "men enjoyer" listed there.
Oh! But since you brought it up, the message section could be a fun, little way to communicate with Vertin, since she can read what's on there!
As for P2P players, Vertin wouldn't see any information from the Player's credit card since that's something that happens outside the app lolol. Like, to me, it directly opens to google play transaction stuff.
On the subject of the player dropping the game for long periods of time.
Hmm, in the first post I said that there might be characters ouside Vertin and her suitcase who may be self-aware, with their own goals and such. But nothing truly "matters" unless the Player is there to witness it. So to keep including these possibilities and details, I feel like there's two options, pick whichever you like the most!
One, time continues as usual within the game─but once it reaches an important date where the plot is meant to kick in with some important event, it simply resets back to where you left it. This is a world that exists outside of your perception, but cannot continue without you.
Two, time freezes entirely within the game─but only for those who are not self-aware. Keep in mind we're talking about long periods of time, this wouldn't happen if you log in every day, or every few days. This is what happens when your phone picks up the fact that Reverse: 1999 is one of the unused apps taking up space in your phone. This is a world that stops existing once you stop looking at it.
In both options, the Wilderness would remain unaffected as it seems to be entirely disconnected from the flow of time and space outside of it.
On the subject of the game's mail.
Since the messages auto-delete and all, I can't check but I'm pretty sure Vertin receives mail too? There were a few ones from a few characters a while back like Druvis III or An-an Lee, and I think the implication is that they were vaguely addressing Vertin?
If someone has screenshots and can confirm this, please let me know!
Either way, the easy answer is that yeah, she knows this is a game, so she could make the assumption that there's more players. She has access to your friend list, after all! And even if you don't have anyone added, the fact that it exists is enough for her to start connecting the dots.
I don't remember saying that Vertin can hear the Player, though! I think I was pretty consistent with her not being able to see nor hear you, to have the Player as some sort of eldritch, unknowable entity. But I also write so much stuff in this blog that it's hard to keep up sometimes lolol, if I've mentioned somewhere that Vertin can hear the player, it was a mistake!
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hammerbonk · 3 months
Manus Vindictae Vertin AU Ramblings Part 2: Vertin’s Loyalty
CW for long paragraphs. This one is even more incoherent than the first one
So ever since I first posted about this AU, this has been something that I’ve been thinking about for quite a while. If the Foundation, an organisation that took Vertin in when she was just a few months old, never managed to get her on their side, what chances did the Manus have to get that little bellwether to join their flock?
And I think the reason why the Foundation was never successful in getting Vertin to be loyal was because they tried to work against her, instead of with her. She hated literally everything about SPDM - being cramped in a stuffy classroom, the lack of self expression, the harsh punishments etc.
For example, when Vertin sings the song from the pamplet with the others, the kneejerk response from the principal is to fucking tear gas these children (albeit accidentally). Hell, Constantine’s response to the Breakaway Plans is to push the date forward so that the Ring and Isabella literally get erased from existence. All so that Vertin ‘learns the price of rebellion’.
This isn’t to say that Manus Vindictae aren’t as vicious. They’re arguably just as, or perhaps more so, as evidenced by the shitstorm that FMN and Arcana pull during Chapter 2. However, at the time of Chapter 3, their outward image is that of ‘saviours’ who provide slivers of the outside world to these children trapped within the walls of the Foundation. Iirc, they even protest but they protest peacefully.*
*i need to fact check this
So when the somewhat naive but extremely useful 12 year old Vertin expresses interest in joining them, I think Arcana and FMN’s first course of action would be to maintain that image of freedom by fulfilling Vertin’s wish of self exploration. This may include things like taking her to places, letting her try out new clothes and refining her arcane skills and honing her power practising the piano with her.
I’m not entirely sure when they would entirely drop the facade. I don’t think it would happen all at once. To keep doing their Good Samaritan work dropping pamphlets and shit, I think Arcana and FMN would take Vertin to normal places at first like the park, uptown streets, etc. Almost like a normal family.
Then the places would get shadier, and the people more hostile. They would say something along the lines of ‘See, Vertin? This is what the world thinks of us. This is why you were trapped for so long.’ And it would work on her. Maybe.
Or maybe it wouldn’t. She might spot a human helping an Arcanist child out of the corner of her eye and never entirely believe in the worst of humanity.
Maybe they completely turn when they end up in 1920s Chicago? Schneider was familiar with the executions duels between failed members so it seems like they were doing that for quite some time.
TLDR - MV tries to appeal to Vertin by allowing her to do the things St Pavlov always forbade her to do. They slowly go more off the rails over the years.
Oh yeah and Vertin would be the main recruiter for the Manus. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it but yeah 💀
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foggymud · 1 year
WELCOME TO "Raw Ingredients" ep.1!! the game show where we take ur fav cookie. And dive deep too figure out what swims beneath the calm waters of the lotus paradise
today we have the newest adition to oven break, thats right the one the only the cutie!POND DINO!! or pondy for short!
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So where to start? Lets see....well for one pondy isn't what they seam,there not a gummy dinosour like the ones we've seen before! They are actualy inspierd by the forget-me-not [or fmn if i ever refer to it again] flower! The name was changed in traslación for what ive heard leading too pond dino to be what we know them as!
Pond dino is also one of the few cookies with the slit eye design! While not exclusive to dragons this trait is ussualy shared among them excluding lychee [wich May play into there potencialy sucubus inspierd design, next ri might be on em ectualy]
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wich further reinforces there relevance to the dragon story! And longan there self says that pondy is the only foil to there plan,more on that laiter.[side note: not all slit eye or slit like eye cookies are in the image showned]
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Another thing worth of note is pondy's shape and body design, as a New born baby dino it makes sense there small stubby and chubby,but a weird thing is that they where born with not only super long "hair" that seams too twist rather then sway as well as a flower that-
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APARANTLY IS EATHER SENTIENT OR APART OF THEM???? Wich all of this leads me too belive this is all apart of there boddy, meaning pondy has 6 limbs [huh kinda make sense why there with lotus now] one set of back and front flippers + the hair flippers.
and finnaly in terms of the design we have pondys color palet! Its quite simple being made out of the face tone, primeraly 2 to 3 shades of blue, some cream yellows for the eyes,flower,and tummy, as well as white for extra detail and purple for the eyes,2th layer of the flower and.....segmentación on the chest?? Im not gonna try to understand why a nonbinary they/its new born lizard that already looks quite femenet needed boob segmentación on there upper body so lets just move on.
As ive not seen the hold story i won't be able to talk much about the lore but looks like there isn't much to cover? They where born from an egg that showed up in a place where "ancient magic once held sway" if i had to guess the lotus palace or the lotus lake its self as it did have quite the amount of magical things besides lotus there self, such as lesser dragons wich while not new as we've seen them all over the place, the little elfs that worked for lotus alongside the hydrangean cookies, and that time longan sent there despicable me looking eye balls there so yeah theres a lot of magic.
And if you remember i did say i was gonna talk about longans "the only foil to my plan" line earlier so lets start with this final segment!, i belive what this line refers to is that there atempts at destroying cookie kind might not be that eficient if life [aka pond] can still emerge from it, they sunk an entierd palace and possibly flooded a hold island and jet a cookie was borned from this destrucción, longan seams to know what this implies as while still a baby pond thretends there hold plan just by existing somhow, maybe will see somthing simmilar to pond in the future, eather other babys from the ananas and pitaya islands [maybe lychee as well idk how bad there island is as the longan break out starts deep below the surface], some kind of figure or presence in history, or maybe a New legend? Who knows!
Side note below if you wanna read
Hi thanks too anyone who reads this far into the post! Even thru my crazy theories and endless rambles y bad grammer, i hope it was understandable to some degree. If you have anything that i may have forgot, got wrong, and even wanna add or share what you think on anything regarding this post feal free to inform me!. Anyways hope this was a ok post at best as i hope to do more like this in the future as it was tons of fun for me even if im not trully sure on how to takle this
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unohanabbygirl · 10 months
Forever by your side x FMN crossover. Like how does everyone process Luke being able to remember again but still only having the memories of them locked at 14. Or would it be more painful that he doesn’t remember them at all but can make long term memories??
After stormsend every day they shared is gone same as before but to their own minds no chance of him remembering. Luke is independent doesn’t need them in the same way if he does remember his fourteen years of life from before. I feel like it would retraumatise everyone again after they had made peace with it the first time around.
How do they deal with their relationship to him then without him needing constant and specific care. He’s a champion SURFER for crying out loud (Aemond has heart attacks watching his husband now back reedy and tall before he filled out throwing himself into waves that once stole everything from him). Honestly story low-key ruined my life for the night. Such a horrible fate but so interesting to see in dynamics!!
Also history reading Luke’s journals?? They’d be Romeo and Juliet with the tragic end without the end. Sobbing just thinking about it.
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Let me just say I love that whenever I post a new story we all think about doing a forget me not crossover. FMN is really that girl.
Anyway, this is the crossover that was promised because the idea of Luke remembering his past BUT still having no memory of his life post Storms End is just as painful as him having no memory at all. I imagine that this version of Luke and Aemond lived very well into old age so that’s sixty years of a long beautiful life together just gone.
It’s enough to drive Aemond into a depression. Imagine your spouse that you spent your entire life with not being able to remember a single moment of it. Their last memory of you being how you nearly killed them.
Yea, Aemond is always gonna suffer big time.
And as we all know, FMN Luke is very independent and hates anyone telling him what he can and can’t do. Not to mention that he’s never been in a dangerous accident such as a car crash for example, so he doesn’t have any trauma making him hyper aware of such things. Aemond having a panic attack every time Luke does something lowkey dangerous is sad yet kinda interesting because you just wanna see how he reacts. Imagine Luke doing something as simple as sticking his head out the car window while they’re on the highway and Aemond freaks out big time.
Luke no longer needing constant around the clock care and guidance is such a foreign concept that no one knows how to give Luke his space anymore. It’s odd that he seems to have an aversion to touch when in the past all he did was hold their hands and stay as close to them as possible as he tried adjusting for the day.
On one hand they’re excited that Luke has been able to live life without such a debilitating disability. On the other it gives them a sense that they’ve lost their purpose in a way. Of course as a family they don’t need to have an exact purpose other than to love and appreciate him, but to no longer have that role of being a caretaker is strange.
Luke’s journals fill that missing hole in history since the war never happened. There’s a while genre of film and media dedicated to Luke and Aemond’s heart wrenching love. They blow Rhaenyra/Harwin out of the water and thats just that.
Just imagine that in Luke’s final days he was no longer able to hold his pen as well and his hands were incredibly stiff and swollen due to arthritis. So every night before they go to bed Aemond sits Luke down as he rambles on about his day and what he wishes he could remember as Aemond writes it all down for him, signing both their names before tucking them in.
Hollywood spins these last days into a movie sometime in the early 90’s and its still the highest grossing film in Westeros history till this day.
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
if u guys thought fmn was angsty wait until i start the sequel LMFAOOOOOOOOO
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Commentary on fmn (I just always want to climb inside this James' brain)
Silence. For a moment, she wondered if this was a massive miscalculation—if she had misread the way he was looking at her, now, the way he’d been looking at her all night, if she was honest with herself. But then his hand reached out to brush a lock of hair away from her face, his finger grazing her cheek in the faintest of touches, hardly anything at all and yet enough to leave her feeling breathless. And that was when she decided.
She closed the gap between them, slipped her arms round his neck, and kissed him.
There was a moment that felt like forever, a moment where she wasn’t certain he was going to respond—an agonising, terrifying moment. But then, just as quickly, his hand slipped into her hair, the kiss building in intensity, his other arm slipping round her waist to pull her roughly and deliciously against the hard muscled planes of his body.
Thanks for sending this <3 always happy to wax lyrical about fmn...
Oh, James. I was so psyched to get to this scene, haha, and it all came rushing out in a glob. Then I went back and asked myself, how can you make this more painful?
Given their interactions so far, it had to be believable that he would be into this. She thinks he's been looking at her a particular way all day (and, he has) but thinks that he doesn't really remember their time together and probably isn't that interested. We know by the end that none of that is true, and writing it with the thought of he knows exactly who she is and can't resist anyway, despite his hurt, was a fun challenge. They'd been drinking; the walk home was full of light, easy conversation, even when talking about difficult subjects like his parents. She's standing there, this woman who was once the girl he was completely in love with, looking at him Like That. Very difficult not to just give in to it all.
The kiss itself was fun to write (petition for more snogging against brick walls 2k22) but the conversation after was even better, in an agonising sort of way. He really doesn't want to talk about it, doesn't want to admit to the truth because it's going to drag every dark and pained thought he's tried to suppress back up to the surface. He's tried being nonchalant, he's tried pretending she's a stranger, and it hasn't worked, because he thinks of her as the person who broke his heart.
So when she forces him to admit it all...I think neither of them are ready for it. He's cold where he wouldn't normally be, made cold by the nature of his heartbreak (or, rather, what he perceived his heartbreak to be). She's vulnerable where she has not let herself be vulnerable for so long, for fear of what it would bring on her; she's stifled, again - looking for the James she knew, for the James she wanted comfort from, like she did back at the sixth form party, and once again not finding him.
He tries so hard to brush it off, even once the truth is out; he's desperate not to let on that seeing her again has swept the legs out from under him. He gets in two, brutal jabs which finish Lily off; two things which probably set off the tumble, from there, to her finally opening up to her friends in the next chapter. “I look at you, and I associate you with a—with one of the worst nights of my life.” is one of them, and “You weren’t the person I thought you were.” is the other. He's got no idea what these do to her, because he has no idea what really happened that night. To him, these are justified statements from the injured party. To her, it's a wound, nowhere near healed, and ripped freshly open all over again. It's a confirmation of all the self-blaming things she's thought over the years.
Almost hard to believe they managed to come back from this scene, isn't it?
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emilyharmonia · 3 years
how forgivable are grammatical errors in song drafts?
I kinda wanted to post a few song drafts before the 2nd bc I had them done anyway but...they’re almost all in either Japanese or Mandarin and I can’t say they’re perfect, the Mandarin especially
but at the same time I’m weirdly shy abt just posting lyrics and no song ;A; it’s so dumb but it’s true...should I just post the songs, having said in advance they’re not polished?
#my pointless rambling#on that note guess whose desktop doesn't have a mouse!#or its ethernet cable!#meaning...I've been using UTAU instead of Vocaloid for the last nearly 3 months! bonkers but there's a silver lining to everything right#bc I've now gotten to work with#fucc it I'm gonna rattle them all off right now#teto,eiko chou,akemi konai,kikyuune aiko,sukone tei,ryone yami,xia yu yao,namine ritsu...ok I think that's actually it#I made a 6 vocaloid chorus of a song I'd originally written and built around Ritsu's voice#it's called downpour and it's in 3/4 time signature in Fmn! fun stuff#*F sharp minor bc no duh an octothorpe wouldn't show up. get it together me#but for some reason the photos are all uneven so I'm unhappy abt that lol#oh also after finding out tei is a canon yandere I made a song similar to the teto one...did I ever mention the teto one?#I made a Teto one in May with the standard ''yandere accidentally dies'' trope#the Tei one is a parallel ''accidentally killed the person I love'' trope#it goes between A major and A minor and it's more orchestral than most stuff I do? it's been so fun#oh and then I used Eiko? Chou? I can't remember which name is her first anymore hdagkjhdsfgh#her mandarin voicebank for a song called Xian Guang Hua#I'm hoping without tones that's not too confusing lmao#and then 2 separate things starring Akemi...one with a glitching version of a video I took 4 years ago and it's in Bmn and it's about#being a performer#and then#one in D sharp minor about being stuck in a digital version of reality#I feel like I'm going into so much detail bc I've been offline and so have shared nothing for so long so this is especially exhilarating#forgive meeee#I know I said I'd be online more but ding dong I was wrong#I've had no energy but that should change once I'm not planning stuff for my birthday?#and have accepted what will not happen by then i.e. just kind of existing until it's all over and then realizing that I survived#back to the song stuff rq...is tumblr's video player still working? should I put it here if I'm nervous abt dropping it right onto sc?#this feels way less professional ngl
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frankiemorales · 3 years
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It is soft hours in this house & I will take no slander for it☁️
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lillotte17 · 5 years
been rereading a lot of my old DA stuff and like...damn. it was pretty good? I had over 63k words down in my DA2 fic, and the plot arcs for Forget-me-nots were CRAZY complicated. Like...where did all that oomf go? who do I talk to about getting it back? how does one actually....finish a long fic? 
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