#it is a Bad Day to be zera hopepetal
hopepetal · 5 months
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hopepetal · 9 months
zera hopepetal may i request a simple hurt/comfort (either or neither or both) drabble of either scarlo pearlo or the ranchies 🙏
Hello liau absolutely. have a low effort ranchies
There was something to be said about the peaceful moments in a game of death. 
Never truly peaceful– it was the nature of these games to always have the players on their toes, after all– but far enough away from the constant violence and tensions of the server to at least give the illusion of peace. Tango found that he quite liked these illusions. They were precious, fleeting, and offered what little comfort they could give. It was easy to let himself drift, to let the feeling of peace wrap around him like a blanket.
Without those brief moments where the chaos ebbed and the violence ceased, it was more likely that they’d all die from stress before anything else.
Jimmy was less willing to let himself relax, Tango had noticed. His rancher walked as though he was on eggshells, his small wings quivering. He often spooked at the slightest thing– earlier today Tango had dropped something and scared Jimmy so badly that the avian hid for an hour. And man, was he good at hiding!
It was long after the sun set that Tango found Jimmy sitting outside, and sat down beside him, crossing his legs and flicking his tail into his lap. “Hey, rancher.” 
“...hey, rancher,” Jimmy mumbled despondently, not looking up from where he was picking at the grass. 
Tango frowned. “You good, dude? Something bugging you?” 
Jimmy shrugged. “‘M fine.”
“Mm… you don’t sound fine, bud.” The tip of Tango’s tail flicked back and forth in his lap. “You know you can tell me if something’s wrong? Like, I’m not gonna start judging you or anything. I get it.”
Jimmy let out a long sigh. “I just…” He sat up, finally looking over at Tango. “I’m worried, man. It’s so early into the game and already…” He tapped the yellow hearts that had been magically inked into his arm. “I know! I know it was an accident, I don’t– I’m not blaming you, but…” He gazed back down at the grass, wings drooping. “I’m already so bad at these games. I don’t want to fail again.” 
Tango let out a soft noise, leaning forward slightly. “I getcha, man. Every time we’ve played these death games, I’ve died to such stupid things! I don’t even know what I was thinking…” He shook his head. “I’m really sorry you got paired with me,” he said, at the exact same time Jimmy did.
Jimmy’s eyes widened. “Hey– wait, no! Tango, dude, you’re like– you’re one of the best teammates I’ve had!”
Tango laughed. “Seriously? Dude, what– I got us killed one day into the game! Not even! How am I…?”
The two laughed for a moment before going quiet, taking a moment to just think. The stars shone down on them, familiar constellations a comfort in this strange world. It was a warm night, with a cool breeze weaving its way through the trees. 
“I think we’ll do well,” Tango decided, “we’ve had a bit of a rough start, but I think we can make this work. Just you wait! We’ll turn it around on all of them and win this thing!”
Jimmy giggled, smiling at Tango. “You think so?”  Tango nodded enthusiastically. “You bet! Now c’mon, get inside and let’s get some rest. I’m tired.”
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