#it is actually canon because I say so
There are multiple instances of Jason saying Bruce is his father/like a father to him/calling Bruce “dad”(or himself “son”)whether in mocking or not while there are multiple instances of Bruce sayin Jason isn’t his kid/Bruce isn’t his father/Jay’s not family, yet Jason is the one stuck with the whole “you’re not my real dad >:((((“ angst
I’m just so tired of all the daddy issues jokes(because that’s what easier to squeeze Jason back into the bat dynamic) instead of ever actually acknowledging that Jason’s the one that still holds those titles in his heart while Bruce is the one who went on the (real) years long rant that he only has one kid(Damian) as he’s the only one that’s his flesh and blood. Can we point the finger at who actually doesn’t consider who family instead of bagging Jason down with “teen angst” he doesn’t even have?? Literally is brushing Jason’s issues of as him being a whining kid rather than the only person actually trying to communicate their feelings in this relationship
I mean, seriously, is it really that funny that Jason thinks Bruce hates him and made a mistake taking him in??? Am I missing something? Am I too stupid, sensitive and/or drowning in favoritism to understand why that’s hilarious, that Jason believes Bruce never cared about him in the first place and feels only seen as a weapon and martyr to be used by everyone else?
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stairset · 2 years
Actually on the subject of what I was talking about last night about Star Wars fans treating fanon as fact one of the funniest examples is the idea that the clones are super into Mandalorian culture and consider themselves Mandalorians just because they were cloned from one when there’s borderline no basis for that in canon
#like let's see#the armor design is partially based on mando armor namely through the t-shaped visor#but the clones didn't come up with the armor design the kaminoans did#captain rex and commander blackout have jaig eyes but so does kanan jarrus who is a jedi#really wearing a symbol associated with a certain culture doesn't mean much on its own#you don't go around assuming every single person who wears a yin yang necklace is chinese#stuff like cody's name being kote or the clones calling each other vod? all made up. zero basis for either of those in any canon materials#hell the entire first half of the clone wars finale takes place ON mandalore and features clones fighting mandalorians#and the fact that they were cloned from a mandalorian isn't directly brought up#them being clones of a mandalorian is really only important to the plot in a symbolic sense#i.e. they were created for the ultimate purpose of killing the jedi#so they were created from and trained by a guy from a culture known for fighting jedi#when rex and the clones turn on ahsoka and she escapes and he orders them to go find her#he walks towards the camera and it zooms into his visor then cuts to the mando helmet artwork on maul's prison vault#so yeah them being cloned from a mandalorian is really only important in a symbolism/foreshadowing sense#but it doesn't mean that they actually participate in the culture themselves#it's actually ironic that people make a point to say how mandalore is a creed not a race#and yet those same people just assume the clones should be mandalorian just because they're technically related to one#and i mean i don't see why they SHOULD adopt jango's culture considering he never gave a rat's ass about any of them besides boba#in his age of republic comic he calls them LIVESTOCK. why SHOULD they give two shits about him?#one of the major themes of tcw is that the clones are individuals so maybe we should let them have their own unique culture and beliefs#instead of just expecting them to be like the guy they were cloned from#and i'm aware that there is more basis for it in legends materials#but even then it was mainly limited to the arc troopers and republic commandos#y'know cause karen traviss has a weird hard-on for mandos so she made the elite clones mando to make them more special#but either way that's not canon anymore#we've seen several arcs and commandos throughout tcw and tbb and they don't act any more mando than the regular clones#so yeah that's my hot take of the day#star wars#star wars the clone wars
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iggy-hands · 2 years
I really think more people should read Lucius as polyamorous and his and Pete's relationship as open.
I genuinely think the whole "See? We don't own each other" exchange, as well as a few other parts, was the show saying that they're poly and have an open relationship, it's nbd, but (in a parallel with Jim) they don't necessarily have the words to say it
I can't believe the amount of people saying shipping Lucius with other people is a "betrayal to Black Pete" when that was really not the vibes I got from them at all
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clairenatural · 3 years
i just really think more people on this website would be happier if they freed themselves from the chokehold canon has them in. canon is over. it can’t hurt you anymore. supernatural killed its own author on screen. “you can’t just say things didn’t happen because you don’t like them” yes i can <3 we can do whatever we want!!! it’s our sandbox now!!! just loosen your death grip on canon just a BIT it’s more fun i promise
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mokutone · 2 years
THANK YOU for keeping kakashi’s mask on for that. Whenever I see art of him kissing someone with his mask down it’s like “you think a guy who wears that thing 24/7 365 even to bed is gonna take it off so someone can put their lips all over him? No way”
dgjhdsgkjh this is really such a funny response to my post and i enjoy your passion for kakashi saying the mask stays ON for kisses. thank u + im glad that u enjoyed it!! i also prefer seeing his mask on, tho perhaps for different reasons!
i did actually draw another boruto era scenario where kakashi pulls his own his mask down to give yamato a quick kiss, but we still dont get to see his face
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n then more needlessly detailed kakashi mask thoughts under the cut:
tbh i do think he wears it p much all the time, but i don't think its like he wont ever take it off? and i don't think hes like, as protective of it as he acts like he is with the kids...i think he just likes playing with them 🥺
its like, its like the bell game, can these kids get the mask off? its a good team bonding exercise AND good practice for kakashi, bc even if hes out of their league in terms of skill, they are determined, a group of three vs his group of one, and even if they get tired fast they also bounce back fast. i think its genuinely so fun for him, if it wasn't, and if he was serious about never letting them see his lower face, i think he'd be a lot more harsh! but in the eps where team 7 is trying to get a look at his face, he seems to be teasing them and encouraging them to try harder which. is genuinely really cute.
honestly the reason i had him keep the mask on is because i DEEPLY resent the anime for making any version of kakashi's face "canon," especially using a sketch kishimoto drew that pakkun + the ninken specifically said, in some other additional part of the manga, was NOT what his face looked like (which i thought was really funny and an entertaining way to play w/ the whole face-hiding-situation!! im annoyed that it was retconned...and for what? fanservice? no thank you. stop serving me!!!)
honestly i do not want to know what kakashis face looks like and i refuse to accept any depiction as canon! i think we should just never have found out what his face looks like. this knowledge does not enhance my experience of naruto whatsoever! i don't need to know! let me stay in my own lane! Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot, i do not want to see it, stop trying to show it to me!!!!
anyway. so i just refuse to draw any direct depiction of kakashi's face. closest ill go is drawing another character speculating abt his face, but kakashis face itself? not for my eyes thank u. i do not want to see it.
does this make sense? it's less about how kakashi as a character feels about his mask and more about how i as somebody who consumes naruto feel about kakashi's mask.
#yamswers#agstudio9#kakayama#this is like actually one of the things i am soooo annoying about. i am annoying about a lot of things but this ones near the top#i also dislike hc's that he is hiding his face because he thinks its ugly or because he was bullied for having dog teeth#like i cannot believe that theres a whole clan of people with dog traits including teeth. AND naruto. who also canonically has fangs. AND#kakashis formost companions this whole time have BEEN DOGS...and hed be like ''oh no im fucked up and evil for having dog teeth :(''#+ i just. dont like the idea that he has to have something ''weird'' to justify hiding his face...it feels. bad? like im saying it deserves#to be hidden if its ''weird'' (big feelings abt that word) enough? but. i also dont think you need somebody to point at a feature#on your body and go ''thats bad'' for you to start hiding yourself#which people can do and is! obviously traumatic! especially as a kid + esp if ur the only person who seems to have that feature!#puts chin in hands. okay honestly i think its more that kakashi was probably born ashamed for existing u know?#since we see him covering his face like. even before he was academy-attending age + before he was interacting with other kids#like sakumo is obviously somebody who is so ashamed and embarassed for himself. and hes kakashis only parent#so kakashi is going to learn how to be a person from somebody who is ashamed of himself—sakumo doesnt even need to say anything#but kids who are imitators will learn shame from adults that they immitate. it happens! largely the parents dont even know theyre doing it#like if u look at the sakumo bits in there. kakashi does anything and sakumo is immediately apolozing for him...hes like#not confident enough in himself as a parent or his kid as a kid. and is apologizing for kakashi...and himself for ''messing kakashi up''#like for real this man needed so much more support. for raising this kid. but the village didnt have any to spare i guess#i think him wearing the mask is less about ''i have to hide a Bad Feature'' and more about ''i dont want to be seen at all''#its about SHAME. its about hating himself before he was even conscious of his ''self'' as an entity#this is also why i think hes generally fine taking it off in front of people who know him well bc. mask or not theyre seeing him#mask cant protect him etc etc#i also think that yamato has an especially neutral stance abt kakashis mask...i rlly dont think he cares if its up or down or anything#(well. kissing aside. i dont think he likes kissing fabric much)#like. he was basically raised in root. people having their whole faces covered isnt exactly weird for him?#and i dont think the first time he saw kakashis face was like. A Big Reveal or whatever. i think yamato was probably just like#''weird. he looks naked like that. i'm going to cover his face with the edge of the hospital blanket.''#but like. again. i have strong feelings and opinions on things but my opinions arent Right they are only what i Like#so straight up like. just follow ur naruto headcanon self indulence bliss. thats what im doing
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torgawl · 2 years
fanon kaeya is a fever dream. it's not even kaeya, it'a completely new and made-up character. how is it possible to miss the entirety of his lore??? do you guys read with your arses????
#i saw multiple (and put multiple on that) people saying 'i wouldn't trust kaeya with my kid for even a second' on a video someone made with#characters they would trust their kid with and roasting this boy as if he canonically doesn't take care of klee who is a kid super well#it's literally said she is particularly fond of him and albedo#it's said he wrote her an a tire book of survival tips#plus he gives major cool uncle vibes#but like how are you going to say a character who is actually responsible and good with kids in CANON shouldn't be trusted with a kid ☠️#it's not even about this only people miss his entire persona#same with diluc#that's why i'm so attached to them i feel the need to act like a feral protective dog because so many people just make up shit about them#and try to paint them in such bad light#kaeya is also fucking smart and if you guys try to see the implications of his actions and read between the lines both in game and on the#webtoon you would see how considerate and good hearted he is despite his reckless attitude sometimes#he's not just a funny dude#and he definitely isn't the playboy y'all make him out to be either#people forget he is seen as upstanding and the perfect son-in-law too#like he's such a cool dude 😭 why do you guys do him so dirty#ragnvindr bros haters deserve no rights#people who don't understand them despite how obvious and prominent their story is either#yes i get mad because of fictional characters and what? 😂#i will bite anyone who says shit about kaeya and diluc ever again and not in a good way i will act like an enraged chihuahua
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
i get so sad and so goddamn angry when i think about the fact that one of luke’s biggest fears in life was being erased by time after he’s gone
and then i get even more angry when i think about the fact that bobby obviously knew this. he was there for the song, he heard the lyrics being sung by a very emotional and upset luke and yet
he let time erase him. by stealing his songs and telling literally no one. not even rose. or his daughter. OR LUKE’S PARENTS
no one
he didn’t even need to tell people they were all luke’s songs (still a shit move tho). he could’ve easily dug up an old song after he got his fame and glory and shit and said he found an old bandmate’s song. dedicated it to him
none of that ‘the record label totally bullied him into it’ BS because by now he would’ve already been well integrated into the music scene and industry and would’ve had some leverage so no
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Jumping off the post I just reblogged I feel like we don't talk enough about how Tubbo handled his nukes. He isn't a "trigger happy gremlin" or a "feral" person or anything like that, he handled his nukes in a very professional way. /rp
Tubbo created the nukes as a deterrent. From the beginning, he has been abundantly clear that the goal of the nukes was to scare other people off, not to actually harm them. He tested the nukes once, at a remote location that he personally scouted out to make sure nobody would get hurt. He even warned everyone before he set them off to test them! After that, he locked them up, and was even talking about disarming them if I remember correctly. To date, the only person he has specifically talked about using the nukes on is Dream, and he implied that this would only happen if Dream came after his family, and that Tubbo would hit the dead man's switch on the side of the nuke and take them both out.
c!Tubbo, as in the character, does not run around saying he's going to nuke people. cc!Tubbo may joke about it out of character, but c!Tubbo recently had an entire argument with Quackity over the outpost and barely brought up his nuclear weapons, trying to resolve things peacefully and reach a compromise instead. He showed Technoblade the crater without threatening him with the nukes. He doesn't even interact with the nukes on a day to day basis.
Like this isn't a huge deal, I'm not genuinely upset about this, but Tubbo isn't "feral trigger happy nuke boy" just like he isn't "naive sweet bee boy". Both of those interpretations are borderline guilty of discounting the fact that c!Tubbo is smart. He's methodical and calculating and he thinks through his decisions, and it kind of sucks to see so little interpretations of him center on his intelligence. (He can be both of course! Tubbo can like flowers/bees AND be a badass with nukes AND be intelligent, I just don't see a lot about how smart he is.)
Again, not mad, I just feel like a lot of (not all of) the "nuke boy" interpretations of him forget that to be a nuke boy he had to be intelligent enough to create them himself first.
#also can I say#that i feel like people mix up c! and cc! tubbo a Lot??#because tubbo is very rarely Fully in character so we have to sort of pick and choose what we see as canon#but as far as im concerned c!Tubbo isnt as Quirky Feral Unhinged as just like. cc!Tubbo playing minecraft.#like remember when Tubbo made Fundy jump off that tower over and over in the stream right before#phil and fundy went to see michael and the tubblings had to explain to everyone else that that bit wasnt canon#and it was just cc!tubbo messing around bc there were actually people taking it as canon#idk to each their own interpret tubbo however you want ok!#but i see c!tubbo as a lot more reserved and resigned than most ppl because i dont take a lot of cc!tubbos shenanigans as canon#anyway. another long c!tubbo post here on doodlebloo.tumblr.com. sigh...#doodle.txt#dropping this during lore idc <3#and ofc those arent mutually exclusive things!!! tubbo can eat beetles and be chaotic and also be smart enough to do nuclear physics#thats very possible! but i dont see nearly enough content of him being Smart yk?#if anything ranboo is portrayed as the smarter of the two which isnt really supported by canon#not that c!ranboo isnt smart! he is smart! but he gets confused about a lot of human customs#and naively sees the best in others when he shouldnt a lot of the time. which is NEVER a part of his characterization either.#i just feel like people take interactions between cc!ranboo and cc!tubbo and try and apply them to the characters#even though their personalities are different. (not that cc!tubbo isnt smart thats not what im saying)#and i get that we dont have a lot if any fully in canon beeduo interactions so it makes sense that ppl have to apply the#dynamic of the ccs to the characters to give themselves a base for the characters#but i feel like ranboo is always trying to show us how c!ranboo is an unreliable narrator and is kind of naive a lot of the time#and nobody ever talks abt it/picks up on it which sucks.#idk this is all my opinion yall can do whatever im not pressed i just like sharing my thoughts :)
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Women of Westeros who escaped forced marriage
So take what you want Take what you can Take what you please Don't give a damn Ask for forgiveness Never permission Take what you want Take what you can Take what you please Don't give a damn It's in the blood and This is tradition (x)
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homocidal-invader · 2 years
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ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE in which In order for the Tallest to stay “the Tallest”, they only let specific irkans age to adulthood and everyone else is kept in different places depending on their job. Most Irkans are preteens.
Based off of this Deviantart post I saw when first getting into the fandom! The kid outfit is based off of the outfits worn by him in The Trial MAP. I have no idea where their inspiration came from. Teen Zim is from the Emo Zim AU, and here is Rogue Zim. [Edited to include him 29 July 2022]
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
i love all the people who reblog the dickwing stuff like “omg why is dick like this” or “he really just did that” or whatever as if it’s canon or he’s a real person who legit did that
#/gen btw i find it very funny#like yeah this is canon. no i do not work for dc nor do i have any actual say in it. but it is.#i mean multiple ppl have rbing saying i should work for dc which like i’m honored but#y’all i don’t think i actually know enough about it#i regularly forget the joker exists and i know next to nothing outside of gotham#if you asked me to name the members of the justic league i would flounder so hard#yknow what let’s see uh. batman. superman. wonder woman. the. the martian guy? martian manhunter?#green arrow i think? and green lantern.#i think shazam is part of it? idk i see memes about him being in it#uhhh#WAIT AQUAMAN IS IN IT I FORGOT ABOUT AQUAMAN#he had that movie i didn’t like but other ppl did but the ppl who did like it didn’t even talk about it for more than a month#fuckin. i think cyborg was in it in the movie? idk#WAIT FUCK. THE FLASH. HOW COULD I FORGET THE FLASH.#how did i remember martian manhunter before aquaman or the flash#fuckin. OH. THE. THE BIRD LADY. actually that’s not specific enough for dc yknow the uh. the one with wings. hawk girl?#ngl i’m literally just trying to remember the end of holy musical b@man#yknow actually maybe naming justic league members isn’t the best method of saying how much i don’t know#because yknow. comics. continuously changing members of teams and all.#i. i really have to say i spent like ten minutes remmebing those characters tho#it should not have taken me that long to remember aquaman or the flash
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not-delicious-milk · 3 years
yo yo yo wait ONE FUCKING SECOND
fushiguro megumi’s birthday: december 22
itadori yuuji’s birthday: march 20
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gege? 😃 why is megumi’s birthday the winter solstice and yuuji’s the spring equinox?
winter solstice associations: rebirth of the sun, darkness and cold giving way to light and warmth; marks the end as well as the beginning of winter, as the days only get longer from this point forward
spring equinox associations: rebirth of the earth, new beginnings and the dawn; marks one of two points in the year where the night and day are exactly the same length, being the midpoint between two “worlds” (night and day, winter and summer, death and life)
in buddhism, the spring equinox is especially significant, celebrated as higan (the same veneration is given to the autumnal equinox). the date signifies crossing between two “shores”, the shore of our world and of suffering, and the shore of enlightenment
gege really said: and they were soulmates
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
Did you ever draw martins superhero(?) origin story? I'd love to see that c:
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[image ID: a digital comic featuring Martin Blackwood and Peter Lukas from the Magnus archives. Comic depicts martin entering a room with a coffee in his hand, calling out "mr.lukas?". He peeks his head around the door and says "Mr. Lukas?" Again. He begins saying "I have your coffee-" but trails off as he turns to see peter. He's overlooking a control panel and a large device that looks like a lighthouse with a ring in the centre. Inside the ring, a person is screaming and dissolving into fog until they disappear. Peter turns around and says "Ah! Martin". Martin yells at him "what the hell did I just watch?! I know this place is shady but-but you just killed a man! He's dead!". Peter says "look martin, I don't expect you to understand our work here, you're only an intern after all, but-". Martin cuts him off "BUT WHAT, PETER?!"
martin pauses, looks at the coffee in his hand and goes "actually what if I just-" before pouring it over the control panel as peter yells "NO!". The ring on the device begins to break apart with white lightning coming from it as peter yells "martin you bleeding idiot!". Martin says "uhh...peter, what did I do?". We then see the two men dissolving into fog as they're hit with a white beam. There's text in between them that reads: "Martin blackwood never considered himself a significant man. A lowly intern for peter Lukas at the Lukas co. Lab who had lied on his CV to get there, martin knew what it was like to be treated with indignity. And so, when he saw the Lukas family conducting their immoral experiments to harness the power of a pocket dimension they called "Forsaken", he used that spark of spite and his long neglected desire for justice, and made one small act of rebellion, sabotaging the Lukas' experiments- but at the cost of him becoming...the Forsaken man! With his powers of telepathy, invisibility, and using the Forsaken to travel, he defends the world from those who wish fear upon it!". End ID]
Sorry this is a bit late, but this ask finally motivated me to outline Martin's origin clearly so I wanted to do the best I could with it! I straight up forgot to draw a panel here but you can still follow along lmao. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
#the magnus archives#tma#martin blackwood#peter lukas#superhero au#most of the origin is outlined in the text of the comic so there's not too much to say??#I'd like to clarify that peter himself is not a scientist#he just hangs about his families research facility as a corporate overseer position with interest in the experiments being conducted#the forsaken man is also probably a name given to martin by the media i think#I don't imagine martin was too enthusiastic about the whole 'hero' thing at first? it's just a lot of pressure and-#-he's not that big a fan of theatrics. he's pragmatic i think?#so i don't think he named himself since it probably felt too silly to him. same situation with his costume-#-he threw it together with stuff from his actual wardrobe cause he thought it was more practical/comfortable than spandex#also peter isn't dead he acts as Martin's arch nemesis#sort of a study of how two different people deal with the same situation (accidentally gaining superpowers in a lab accident)#peter decides he'll use them to complete his goals of maintaining power and martin decides he'll help people even if he doesn't want to#because that's just who they are to me#it was also very important to me that Martin's need to preserve people's dignity and his sort of self righteous sense of justice was-#-maintained in this but like Jon's origin incorporated his canon aspects of lacking context and getting screwed over for it-#-martins origin containing an element of pettiness was very important to me#maybe you'd still be a person if you weren't so bitchy martin. but then the world would have one less hero so. tradeoff!#anyway enjoy the him <3#ladel's art
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 years
I’ve figured out how to word my contempt for “straight ships”
I don’t hate fictional straight couples outright. What I hate is the absence of effort and genuineness 90% of straight ships have.
Someone else’s love is not a right you are obligated to. Most straight couples are written with zero effort to earn the love they have. Because many straight creators think there is no work to be done. That a straight man and a straight women being together is inherent. No work is needed to be done because it’s expected.
And I hate that.
I hate it with any relationship, I like relationships because they have depth, but I particularly hate it with straight couples because that is the “normal” mindset towards it. It either happens as a man expects a woman to fall to his feet without doing anything for her or a woman expects a man to throw his life on the line because that’s what is “supposed” to happen and that is so gross to me. That’s not what love is.
Usually I dislike the straight pairings in stories because they are that. You don’t see the two people grow, together or on their own. They don’t prove themselves worthy of the others love, they think it’s something they are granted, have a right to. I don’t usually demand “evidence” for ships because it’s all make believe and for fun but I will not like most thrown together straight ships because of this very thought. There’s no reality to their bond. They do not like even like each other most of the time, and somehow I am supposed to suspend believe and think the most average or even terrible and bland straight relationship is the greatest love story of all time, every time I see it?
Some of my most special ships are between a man and a woman and sometimes I imagine they as straight but they are special because of the journey they went on together and I witnessed them experience that. Or they just have so much genuine love for each other, even if I didn’t see them get together I can still feel their affectionate in all they do. They were that well written that I couldn’t possibly deny the obvious love they have for each other.
Also. I’m gay as FUCK. The most cisheteronormative emotionally constipated strangers-at-best straight pairing will never appeal to me because I have zero stakes or relatability in that. They have no love for each other, no kind of bond or understanding or similar place in the world that lets them understand and feel and devote. They are noting to each other and therefore nothing to me.
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yarrowleef · 2 years
making sense of starclan will get a lot easier once everyone accepts that despite the way living cats talk about it, starclan is not and never has been a single cohesive deity or god, they are just a collection of individuals with different agendas. they just let living cats talk about them like they are One-God-Like-Force because they think it's better to keep everyone's faith absolute if they seem in control, and starclan's only unifying opinion is that they are terrified of cats losing faith because it might mean their afterlife will fall apart (since belief and memory is literally what they run on in this world)
so if you're wondering why some starclan cats said one thing while other starclan cats said another thing, its because they are individals as prone to disagreeing as living cats (spottedleaf and yellowfang are two examples of cats i personally believe often meddle and do things without asking/ever telling the rest of starclan)
#warrior cats#yarrow speaks#this is part of my growing 'making sense of starclan' document#sometimes starclan knowing lies or says things they are unsure about for the sake of what they think is the greater good#like canonically-thats not just an assumption#starclan is a slave to fate and whatever intangible force actually gives them prophecy#they dont know how it works they just know they are afraid of going against it too hard#because rocking the boat could fuck up their sparkly ghost forest#like how ashfurs wild rule breaking literally started melting the afterlife. thats what they are always afraid of#(in my long theory doc. i know the actual authors have no plan but idc what they think)#a big central part of this is starclan doesn't fully understand what they are either and they dont know what would and wouldn't ruin them#so they are deeply afraid to change anything#starclan theory#they are all just guessing all the time. maybe many of them believe their own bullshit. i mean most of them probly do#in a 'well fate wouldn't have placed us here if our opinions weren't meant to be treated as correct!!'#the rest are just 'fake it till we make it we cant let the clans know how confused we are'#think how often a starclan cat will admit to some protag that starclan doesnt actually know and see everything#even though the broader religion of the clans does not acknowledge that and the average cat talks about them as if they are all powerful#lissen i'll put all this together eventually
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jennyandvastraflint · 2 years
Vastra: So you like cats?
Jenny: Yeah.
Vastra: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
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