#it is kiling me that this is still from christma
emersonfreepress · 4 years
What would the gang do if they got caught under the mistletoe with the MC?
festive! this needs to be split into two groups:
🎄Caught under the mistletoe🎄
Gabe scoffs lightly since he finds the custom pretty weird and silly but happily leans in to indulge you with a kiss regardless. He's not opposed to weird and silly ☺️
Kile groans, rolls their eyes, and fidgets. Now that they're thinking about kissing you, they want to. But now that there's a dumb parasitic plant and an expectation to kiss hanging over both of you, every fiber of their being insists that they don't. They won't reject an MC who follows through—but they will be keeping an eye out for hidden mistletoe from then on lmao
Jessie loves this tradition so she's all bounce and cheer and a big ol' kiss 💕 She's also keeping an eye out for more mistletoe, dragging the two of you in the direction of any she sees for the rest of the holidays!
Rain rolls their eyes and is like, "Fiiiiine." They give you a kiss on the cheek, soft and close enough that you even feel their eyelashes brush against you, and then they hold your hand as you resume walking.
Heidi smirks, assuming the MC set this up somehow. Even if you insist you didn't, she's busy dissecting the area you're in like it's a crime scene, giving you credit for the location and acting so naturally as you led her there 😂 Then she draws you close by tugging at your shirt, lips just a breath away from yours, and still wearing a smug smile. "Well? You've caught me, haven't you?"
🎄Orchestrates the mistletoe🎄
Jack sets up a whole series of increasingly suspicious scenarios that always go wrong and leave the MC baffled until the two of you find yourselves genuinely, coincidentally beneath some mistletoe. Exasperated, he's like, "Seriously??" But finally just goes for it! 😆
R tapes a branch of mistletoe on the inside of their locker door so when you two are talking, they're able to swing it open and go, "Oh, my—what's this doing here?!" Then they smirk, unable to keep from laughing at their own antics. "Guess you'll have to kiss me silly now, huh? It'd be bad luck not to." (p sure that's not a thing, R, but ok lol)
Vi scopes out the perfect "coincidental" entryway at school something like a week in advance and then gets someone else to hang mistletoe there on the last day before winter break. Unlike Jack, they're very good at coming up with a plausible reason to find yourselves under the mistletoe. However, their acting skills when they point it out in "surprise" and scoff about how dumb of a tradition it is and how fraternizing isn't even allowed on campus but they guess you should do it anyway to, y'know, uh, keep with... uh.. dumb traditions... yeah, their acting is a lot less plausible 😆
Curt is a low-key Grinch but mistletoe is a Christmas tradition he loves, surprise surprise 😅 First thing in the morning, he shows up at your locker, mistletoe twirling in hand, and that trademark flirty smirk of his. But he's waiting for you outside of first period in the same manner. And in front of the cafeteria. And outside of your homeroom. And—you get the idea lol
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themayor1997 · 5 years
LOVER means shhhhh
One of the reasons why it’s not about that dude in The Favourite, as always. Also, this are just some of my thoughts and these are nothing compared to the huge blogs  uniting kaylors out there .
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(pardon , but the chemistry was just ydqwbeasdagb)
Going back…
First , the term “lover” is kinda peachy. Why not “ Darling”, “ Honey”, or “ Dear” or something British? jk! Well, maybe  because Lover sounds better? I don’t know, we can only speculate. So let’s speculate shall we?
Upon learning that the title of the new album is “Lover”, the first thing I thought was that it sounded and still sounds so delicate ( not the song but also that “song”), something illegal. I think I’ve read enough novels and watched enough movies to have the impression that the term lover actually refers to a third party, a paramour, a valued dirty secret. 
If we google the term “ Lover” , results show that :
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Further scrolling and it would lead you to this:
“Seven Ages Of Man”, from Shakespeare’s As You Like It?  
( Seems like Shakespeare is kinda influential to someone, well Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by W. Shakespeare so yah) 
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       Seven Ages of Man
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
From “As You Like It,” Act II.Sc. 7
ALL the world ’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts,
His Acts being seven ages. At first the Infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining School-boy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school.
And then the Lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad Made to his mistress’ eyebrow
. Then a Soldier,Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard;
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the Justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances,—
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered Pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness, and mere oblivion,—
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
IN short:  Seven Ages of Man
old age, facing imminent death.
CoINciDences? I don’t know. Well maybe the song lover was placed on the 3rd spot because maybe it was influenced by W.S . or  lover ,the person, was born on the 3rd, or maybe both! that I don’t know!!! Regardless, it kinda leads us to the word “mistress” and for us to think of a secret lover.
Now, let’s go check the lyrics!
Personally, I think Lover is something related to New Year’s Day. The first sentence of the Lover just gives the vibes.
We could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til January This is our place, we make the rules And there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
What if these words were taken from the love letters given to her lover.
The line”  We could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til January” shows that she wrote/told her lover this line before January.
Another thing ,
I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town babe Or if you strike out and you’re crawling home
( she could use any other term for sad moments but for Taylor to used a term from baseball/softball means something)
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( Google  dude’s name with baseball and the only result related was dude wearing baseball cap with Tay)
GOING back
Don’t read the last page
But I stay when you’re lost and I’m scared and you’re turning away I want your midnights But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day
 ( The mystery of what was written in the last page of something, a love letter maybe, is kiling me!) 
I want your midnights = I’ve loved you three summers now, honey, but I want ‘em all = (to be with you till death do us part)
Assuming that lover is actually a continuation of NYD, dude is definitely not the Lover as he only entered the scene around 2016 and the album 1989 was released in 2014 so yah…
My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue All’s well that ends well to end up with you reminds me of  I can tell that it’s going to be a long road
For Taylor speaking these words don’t fit a perfect straight white couple love story, unless you’re gay or cheating or both. 
 ( To any anti-gaylor out there, go do your homework)
And well the latest 
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When did dude ever refer NYC as his favorite town…unless lover is not a dude.
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My piece for the InuSecretSanta 2019 event. Whoever you are, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
Have a merry Christmas!
Prompt: Desire
It was all he thought he wanted. All he thought he needed. To become greater than his father, yes, that was what he desired most.
Or so he thought.
Sesshomaru was one of the most powerful inu DaiYokai around, one without a weakness. One who didnt need anyone else...yet his world would soon shatter. The moment he met her, an incarnation of Naraku to beat all, his world started breaking, cracking amd falling apart.
The mask he always wore still kept its unwavering guard against the world, but deep down inside, both his caged beast and himself, his very soul desired the wind witch. He desired to dominate her and make her submit. He desired to have her...to...love her.
Yes, he desired her, but he would never show it. Not yet. He couldn't. All those years, centuries even, of being alone and on his own had carved and smoothed him into the kiling perfection he was. One who never showed fear or emotion in the heat of battle. A dog who never backed down from an opponent...yet here he was, hesitating from killing her as she begged for her death.
He just couldnt kill her. He didnt know why, but he knew he couldn't. He couldnt give her the freedom she ever so longed for. The freedom that she thought only death could bring.
"Fuck you Sesshomaru. I thought at least you would grant me freedom in death. Can't you even do that much for me?" Kagura said in between the sobs that racked her broken body, as she finally let the tears she had so carefully guarded against, fall.
"Wench, be careful of how you speak." Sesshomaru hissed as he tried to control his beast. Outwardly, the only thing that showed was the crimson red that had overtaken his eyes. Inwardly, he was fighting to keep his beast chained. Oh how he wanted to take her here and now. How he longed to feel her skin and taste her.
He had to keep control. He had to. This was a battlefield at this moment. Naraku had come out of hiding and had decided to attack his dimwitted half-brothers pitiful group. He had been in the area and was going to ignore the fight until he caught her scent.
That was the only thing he had needed. The scent of her blood. It sent him into a rage, crimson eyes glowed in the night as he raced towards the source of the scent. What he found had made a well of emotions overflow in him, emotions he long thought he had sealed behind a cage when his father died. Desire. Fury. Anger...and...was that love?
His once cold heart was actually breaking as he laid crimson eyes upon the broken body of the wind witch. She was barely breathing as he knelt down over her.
"Cant You just let me go free?" She begged softly, too tired to fight anymore.
Inuyasha's Wind Scar had done its job. It had torn her body in shreds. She wasnt long for this world and she knew it. Yet Sesshomaru would not let her die. There had to be a way to save her. There had to be.
Withiut thinking of what the others would say, he gingerly scooped her limp body in his arm and seemed to dissappear as he took off as fast as he could go. He headed towards the west, towards his home. If anyone would know how to help her, his mother would. He just hoped that Kagura would last long enough to get the journey.
"So you've finally come to see...oh dear. Quickly, this way." the Lady of the West said as she eyed the limp form of the wind witch. "You..." She said as she pointed to a servant, "call for the healer immediately." She guided the way through the castle to an empty room close to Sesshomaru's room. "Put her here." She commanded her son and watched as he gently laid the woman down. "She will heal, but it will take time. You, in the meantime, have a lot of explaining to do pup." She said as she eyed her son with a motherly glare.
It was several weeks before Kagura had healed completely, yet she still had not woken up. This reason had Sesshomaru pacing like a caged dog. Her scent told him that she was healed, yet she refused to awake. The healers said she was fully recovered...yet she still lay there unconscious. Oh how he wanted to be by her side. To lay there with her. To run his clawed fingers over her bare skin as she shivered under his touch.
Yet that wouldn't happen. He wouldnt take a bitch while she lay there unconscious. It was against his morals.
He was deep in thought as he paced, unaware that the very bitch he was desiring had indeed opened her eyes and was watching his every move. She couldn't believe he had actually saved her. Not him.
The ice Prince of all stone cold city had actually saved her. And judging by the slight tent in his pants, actually desired her. It made her feel something she thought she couldn't ever feel....love. She felt desire towards the very man she thought could love nothing. She wanted him, bad. She decided then and there, it was time for her to make her move, it was now or never.
She quietly crept out of her bed and silently crept up behind the demon lord. She waited until he sensed her and she threw her arms around him in a hug, hoping that he wouldnt kill her at this moment. At least hoping that he would fulfill her desire before he killed her for how foolish she knew she had to be acting. Yet she was met with surprise as Sesshomaru, as quick as ever, turned and wrapped his arm around her in a tight embrace. She was even more surprised when he leaned down and trapped her mouth in a kiss.
"Why did you save me Sesshomaru?" Kagura asked breathlessly as her crimson eyes locked onto his goden ones.
"Because Desire is a strong thing one sometimes cannot overcome. This Sesshomaru is glad that he chose to go with his desire instead of ignoring it." He said as he picked her up and laid down over the bed to give into both their desires.
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SIN Lostbelt Verse 16
The last chapter for this entire Lostbelt... And also the longest to complete because it takes 3 Command Seals and number of retries to deal with the fucking bosses for this!
Time to get this shit done once and for all!
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Verse 16
Buffs, gimmicks, debuffs and more crits! That’s basically the summary of this verse. One main boss after another, starting the first arrow!
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You’re fighting both Consort Yu and her husband together! And this time at the final chapter, you can’t use your Master Skills for 5 turns at the start of the battle! Where my first round of Command Seals are used!
Xiang Yu:
This unit will no longer receive x2.0 damage from any other Servant, and it is treated as if it is Neutral to all classes.
This unit will still deal x1.5 damage to any other servant except for Shielder (x1.0) and Foreigner (x0.5).
Trigger Upon Attacking (Extremity Form)Inflict NP Seal (1 turn) towards a target that receives any attack from this unit.
Consort Yu:
Has a skill that charges her own NP gauge by 1 tick.
You may want to get rid of Consort Yu to prevent her NP spam, but Xiang Yu is equally a big headache as her... Hence, first round of my Command Seal wasted to deal against her first before Xiang Yu OTL
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Second arrow with Qin-sama! The peacock-moth man-dragon-phoenix emperor that showing how a fucking crit works against an Avenger!
All party Servants gains Buster Up, Arts Up and Quick Up [Permanent, Unremovable]
Shi Huang Di gains Critical Rate Up & Recover 10,000 HP every turn. [Permanent, Unremovable]
Shi Huang Di
Has a skill that can stun all front-line Servants.
First HP Layer break: Charges own NP gauge to MAX, and grants self Debuff Immunity for 5 turns.
His NP is capable of buffing self with Invincibility (1 turn), Critical Damage Up (3 turns), Critical Rate Up (3 turns), Attack Damage Up (3 turns) and Taunt (1 turn).
Second HP Layer break : Charges own NP gauge to MAX. Remove all Front-line party members' buffs.
Has a skill that can remove all debuffs on self.
........... This one surprisingly isn’t that hard as I thought. Well, when you got Jeanne Alter against him, every enemy Ruler is a cakewalk. I had to retry it again since I screwed up once in my cards and RNG fucked me first time.
By screwup, his crits were at least 50k total in kiling Jeanne Alter before I’m really left dead. Nevertheless, bring the best ST NP Avenger in your team with support to keep them alive to kill him!
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Third arrow... Your final round with Xiang Yu... Where he’s fatally injured from your last fight in the first arrow. And, he’s fighting you the last time to prevent you and Chaldea to separate his beloved consort once more
While he still have mental debuff immunity, there’s one more gimmick goes with the story:
Fatal Injury: Defense Down. Drains own HP by 1000 at the end of every turn. Drains own NP gauge by 1 tick at the end of every turn. [Permanent, Unremovable]
Considered as the most easiest boss fight by far... Also the saddest of all because what your actions to bring back a lost history. Xiang Yu in this fight will never be able to use his NP at you, but his attacks still hurt as a Berserker. His attack still hurt, but he’ll eventually kill himself by the wound you give him
The summary of after defeating Xiang Yu and the summary of the final arrow: https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/a1t4vu/summary_lb3_berserkers_last_stand_aftermath/
Last arrow, Consort Yu snapped after you killed her husband in that last fight. In a fit of rage, she finally used the special Command Seal and merged the Phantasm tree to kill us all, hence the monstrous growth in the final boss battle.
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NPCs: Qin Shi Huang Di if you’d like a trial run of how his gameplay works
Mayall・α : Resistance against Quick Attacks. [Permanent, Unremovable]
Mayall・β : Resistance against Arts Attacks. [Permanent, Unremovable]
First HP Layer Break : Removes Mayall・α and Grants Self Buster Damage Resistance. [Permanent, Unremovable] Reduces one Servant's NP gauge by 20%.
Second HP Layer Break : Removes Mayall・β and Grants Self Buster Damage Resistance. (In addition to the previous one) [Permanent, Unremovable] Reduces one Servant's NP gauge by 20%.
Drain either whole front-line or single-target Servant’s NP and charge itself
Increase her critical damage
Increase amount of damage from the curse debuff
........ This fucking piece of shit fight... I retried so many fucking times because it’s a fucking pain in the ass from the skills and gimmicks of this fucking tree! And I finally beat the crap out of it just to not burden before Christmas event... SO FUCK YOU DW!
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Now that this is fucking done once and for all, time to grind for SQs! More or less to kill the time before Wednesday for Christmas event!
This entire SINful lostbelt is critfest + cursing status and debuff altogether
Other than survival from the fucking crit stars, you’ll need more or debuff removers to kill the enemy Servant
Lanling Wang aka Gao Changgong:
The only time where Euryale is actually really useful against him
He doesn’t have debuff immunity through the three fights, a charm-locked strategy by the Gorgon sister will work well
The only thing annoying through the rounds of fight with him, his NP will debuff you greatly, and his defense buff is one heck of a tank for him
His invincibility can easily be outdone by either invincibility pierce or removing it via 2 hits
When partnered with Xiang Yu, he acts more of the support role especially when with Hinako as his Master to debuff your Servants
Notably in verse 9 two round of try... She’ll have Lanling Wang to take the taunt to keep Xiang Yu alive
Servants wise other than Euryale, single-target NP servants like Billy, David and Robin are welcomed when he’s alone
With Xiang Yu especially after he used his NP, servants like Darius, Emiya, Spartacus and Lu Bu’s NP will ignore their defense buff to kill them
No recommended CE I guess? Or if you’d like, you can have your main DPS equipped a Debuff Immunity CE to keep their damage high against him
Other than hitting hard as a Berserker, prepare for his unexpected NP charge from his second skill
Skills and NP revolves more on healing to keep him alive
Again, Euryale is recommended here to kick his ass completely. But!
On his gimmicks on his boss fight, his 1-time mental debuff immunity will prevent himself from being charmed! You’ll need to sacrifice one of your charm skills from the Gorgon-sister (if you’re going for that) to paralyze him
Also there’s an NP damage up one time, which can be removable, so more or less kill him quickly before he launches his AOE NP
CE to equipped by far is definitely the most recommended especially recent mobs and boss will always have a Berserker: The Infant of Atlas
Otherwise, have either an increase attack or defense against male Servants will suffice
Red Hare:
This “Horse-Centaur” hybrid is one of the most unique boss other than the Emperor himself
Described as what would’ve been if Lu Bu is summoned under the Rider Class
Though he doesn’t use his second skill on his NP with pierce invincbility, his attacks still hurt like a bitch as it ignores all defense buff on your Servants while sealing their skills
His gimmick have been RNG lucky for me, because he’ll stack 5 CRIT DAMAGE UP buff permanently upon HP break
Assassin in general will work since... I don’t know, there’s Brynhildr to bring if you want her to stab him because he look like Sigurd with the Brynhildr’s beloved trait?
Or Cu proto for beast trait against him?
Riding-trait with Oda Nobunaga?
Either way, just get a good main Assassin DPS to deal with him in general. CE wise there’s none in particular unless you’d like an ignore evasion to deal more damage quickly
Both rounds against her will have two different class mob with her
But both round have different gimmick upon HP break. Common factor is that they are pernanent buff
Off-hand topic, I realized the following gimmick are actually based on her actual in-game NP. But as the enemy, they’re permanent instead of lasting 3 times for 5 turns.
Her skill in general, other than improving quick + arts performance and crit damage, her second skill improve removal buff resistance. So Servants like Amakusa and Medea will be having a little difficulty to remove them if you need it
First gimmick based on her two NP effect: Inflict Critical Damage Down to the target that attacks this unit + Recover the HP of all allied units, upon receiving critical hit from any target.
This one in particular is a headache especially the second effect
Lancelot was my main DPS in this, and generally as a hard crit hitter... It takes a long while to get her damage lowered since the healing when it does is pretty high
Like with Surtr, one way to overcome is to outdo her healing when critting her
Or increase in flat damage is another if you can’t crit her hard enough
The debuff when you received are removable, so do equipped the main DPS Saber with remove debuff Command Code when attacking
Second gimmick based on her second half of her NP: Inflict Defense Down debuff to target Servant upon attacking. + Remove all buffs from a target upon receiving this unit's Critical Hit.
Her first effect may not seem painful against Saber... But when it stacks high along with her crit later, that’s hell you’re digging
But the second one... Unless you got some sort of buff removal resistance, there goes your defense and attack buff
As far as I remember for mine with Lancelot again... It’s only to crit when possible against her. Especially the first effect, I had equipped remove debuff on one of his command card to prevent from stacking
For Servants against her:
Surprisingly being the next girl to have Brynhildr’s beloved, you can feel free to bring her for a strong neutral damage against her
Izou if you’d like against Humanoid traits or even AUO just because she’s weak to Enuma Elish
Or even Jack and Carmilla for higher damage against female Servants
But generally bring your best ST NP Servant against her once you cleared the mobs
Mobs wise, just bring the respective class they’re weak against with AOE NP to wipe them out, along with dealing additional damage to Liangyu
Verse 15 & Old Li Shuwen:
Seriously, I can’t believe I’m even writing for a mob fight because this fucking verse is really high on drugs!
Second arrow:
Okay, at least this isn’t Gilfes fight with Leonidas and his 300 soldiers
But like that CQ from that event, both mob got different gimmick
Terracotta Warrior:
Gain 1 tick of NP charge per turn.
When this unit dies, grants all allies NP Damage Up (1 hit).
Royal Guard:
NP Charge Tick Plus per Turn : Gain 1 tick of NP charge per turn.
Evasion (3 hit)
Guts (1 time)
Goes without saying, if you’re bringing Merlin/Skadi/Waver/Tamamo or any supporting Caster in the field, do kill the Rider mobs ASAP
With a mixed class of Rider and Assassin, DW is screaming out to have a borrowed Alter Ego or Berserker with AOE NP to clear them
While saying that, the Terracotta Warrior have quite a tanky HP to deal with.
I suggest any Assassin found on the field, get rid of their evasion... Or find/equipped Alter Ego/Berseker with an ignore evasion skill/CE
Li Shuwen Old:
Oh my fucking god, if he’s finally out on gacha, he’s at least to be on top tier with his 3 fucking skills:
1st skill:  Ignores Invincibility for 1 turn. Increases own critical damage for 1 turn.
2nd skill:  Grants self Evasion for 1 turn. Increases own critical attack chance for 1 turn. Increases own critical attack chance for 1 turn.
3rd skill: Increases own attack for 1 turn. Grants self Debuff Immunity for 1 turn.
Reduces one enemy's defense for 3 turns. (Activates first)
Deals damage to one enemy.
Chance to Instant-Kill them.
At the start of battle, Royal Guard Chief gains Attackup Attack Up Based On Own Remaining HP [Removable] and 1 Tick of NP Charge per Turn [Removable] for 10 turns.
Royal Guard Chief always uses his 3rd skill before using his Noble Phantasm.
Different debuffs will be used at the end of the turn in this order:
One random Servant is debuffed with Taunt (3 turns) and Royal Guard Chief Dragon ignores class disadvantage when attacking (3 turns).
All frontline Servants are debuffed with Delayed Debuff Skill seal chance to have their skills sealed for 1 turn every turn for 3 turns.
Royal Guard Chief gains 3 stacks of Attack Up for 1 turn.
One random Servant is debuffed with NP Generation Rate Down by 100% for 3 turns.
Royal Guard Chief gains Arts Performance Up for 3 turns at the end of every turn for 3 turns.
First HP Layer Break: Royal Guard Chief gains Critical Chance Up for 1 time [Unremovable] and Critical Damage Up. [1 Time, Unremovable]
2nd HP Break Layer: Royal Guard Chief gains Attack Up [Permanent, Unremovable] and Death Chance Up [Permanent, Unremovable]. 
Royal Guard Chief will now always use 1st skill before using his Noble Phantasm.
I’ve been lucky with the RNG that his insta-death skill didn’t activate... But, his attack is practically insta-kill without that insta-death
His taunts always unfortunately land on support Merlin to kill him ASAP!
Servants to bring?:
Medea: With the amount of buff constant stacking, she’s the most recommended 3* Caster with a ST NP to deal with him while removing his buff
Gorgon-sister combo: I’ve seen comments to bring them in, but reminder that once he has his debuff immunity up, you can’t charm him
George-Sieg combo: I’ve not tried because this isn’t really helping with george probably dying sooner than expected. But you can try turning old man into a dragon for additional damage
Alternate buff and debuff remover: Martha, Amakusa, Jack, Osakabe-hime, Ushikawamaru (Assassin), Circe, Sanson, BB, 
Buff block: Mephistopheles
Stun: Casters Gilles, Hektor,
500 Years Dedication to stall his NP
Ignore evasion if needed to deal more damage quickly
Taunt CE if you want the taunt debuff to fall on your said taunter
Xiang Yu & Yu Miaoyi:
The canon historical couple that’s by far the worst boss fight I’ve ever seen
Xiang Yu:
1st skill: Grants self Evasion for 1 turn. Increases own critical damage for 1 turn.
2nd skill: Increases own Quick performance for 3 turns. Increases own Buster performance for 3 turns. Increases own critical damage for 1 turn.
3rd skill: Gains critical stars every turn for 3 turns. Ignores Invincibility for 3 turns.
AOE NP: Increases own NP damage for 1 turn.
Consort Yu:
1st skill: Charges own NP gauge by 1 tick. Grants self Debuff Immunity for 1 turn.
2nd skill: Recovers own HP every 5 turn
3rd skill: Chance to reduce one enemy's NP gauge by 1. Charges own NP gauge.
AOE NP:  Removes own debuffs. (Activates first) Removes own buffs. [Demerit] (Activates first) Deals damage to all enemies. Inflicts Curse with 2000 damage for 5 turns to them. Increases own Buster performance for 1 turn.
Verse 12 fight:
Unless you’re capable of pulling off double Merlin, his healing is being outdone by her curse who inflicts you at 10% HP
Tamamo Vitch’s guts buff CANNOT be stack if your own guts skill buff. Only exception may be Herc-chan’s bond CE to keep him surviving against her
You’ll want to start equipping Command Code on debuff removal when attacking her so that the curse debuff doesn’t stack
For Xiang Yu:
Anyone with an ignore evasion CE or skill is preferred to kill him ASAP
Front few fights against him only required to break his first HP layer
But his permanent mental debuff immunity isn’t recommended to bring Gorgon sister combo in
For an enemy Berserker and his constant buff in crit damage... THAT ACTUALLY FUCKING HURTS LIKE A BITCH
Also doesn’t really help when his third ignore invincibility will activate to kill your Servants more quickly
Definitely please bring/borrow a Foreigner Servant against him
Trait-damage dealing Servants:
Weak to Enuma Elish: Along with his wife, you can bring the infamous Gilgamesh to kill them both on the final verse arrow 1
Male Servant: Medb, Euryale, Orion, Stheno But Medb isn’t really recommended especially on the final verse with Consort Yu
Humanoid: Izou, Sanson and Nightingale
CE: Infant of Atlas, Kiyohime’s CE, Caren’s CE on defense against Male
For Consort Yu:
While she lacks of defense skill, she’s still a problem since she spams NP very quickly as an Assassin with a curse that stacks inflicts huge damage
The curse debuff are removable so do not get them stack up
Trait-damage dealing Servant:
Demonic: Shuten-Doji (Caster) She’s actually my MVP for the final battle especially against the tree. Her third skill will deal huge damage against her with her ST NP
Weak to Enuma Elish: Already mentioned in her husband bullet point
Humanoid: Izou, Sanson, Nightingale
Female: Jack, Carmilla
Earth or Sky: Minamoto Raikou
CE: Debuff Immunity mostly to prevent the Curse debuff on your main DPS, Art of death for boosting damage on her humanoid trait
Qin Shi Huang Di
The one Ruler whose crit will truly kill an Avenger despite being weak to it on a boss fight
Also you may ended up sympathizing Jing Ke in not being able to kill this emperor
His skills and NP:
1st Skill: Reduces all enemies' NP gauge by 1. Reduces their defense for 3 turns.
2nd Skill: 70% Chance to Stun all enemies for 1 turn. Increases own attack for 3 turns.
3rd Skill:  Charges own NP gauge. Removes own debuffs. Recovers own HP.
ST NP: Grants self Invincibility for 1 turn. Draws attention of all enemies to self for 1 turn. Increases own critical damage for 3 turns. Increases own critical star absorption by 300% for 3 turns. Increases own attack for 3 turns.
As again, bringing/borrowing an ST NP Avenger like Jeanne Alter/Lobo is vital in killing him
Or both if possible because Lobo’s skill will able to remove his stacking crit buff from a 60k+ crit damage
If you’re unlucky to not get Lobo/Gorgon from gacha and/or didn’t pick them from SR ticket, your best bet is the story-locked Salieri
He doesn’t have any pierce defense skill but his stun is really annoying
I know I refer Shi Huang Di under the pronouns of he... His gender is canonly stated as “royal we”. Like Enkidu, he’s genderless so Gorgon-sister combo isn’t advisable here
Trait-damage dealing Servants:
Weak to Enuma Elish: Not even the immortal emperor is strong against the oldest king of Heroes
Humanoid: Nightingale as Izou will have a bit more difficulty to deal damage to him. But Nightingale will die more quickly from her class weakness
King: Scheherazade would be able to deal more but once again his class as a Ruler will have a bit difficulty
CE: Art of Death on your main DPS Avenger to deal big damage, pierce invincibility if you want to kill him quickly, seal NP if you really don’t want his buff to keep stacking... And taunt CE, because you also don’t want the crit to land on your Avengers
Mayall Tree:
Skillset are very similar to Consort Yu as she merged with the tree to kill all of Chaldea
With buffs being resistance to command card type, you’re more or less need to go around accordingly to deal with this tree
I’ve seen many setting Arts team at the end because that’s where the final HP break will have it being vulnerable to it
Servants wise:
Qin Shi Huang Di: The NPC Servant who is actually the most viable if you don’t have a good Caster DPS aside Shuten-Doji. His crits and taunt + invincibility helps in landing the crits away from your Caster and main DPS Servant
Shuten-Doji: It’s not stated in the wiki or I’m missing out something... So not confirmed if the tree has Demonic-trait, if it does, use it for extra damage. Or if not, mostly to break of its first HP layer
MHXX: Despite a Foreigner class with neutral damage, her third skill does extra damage to Threat to Humanity enemies
Other ST NP Casters & Alter Egos: Alter Egos are slightly a bit of problem to bring since they take neutral damage from Assassin in spite of dealing more damage on the four horseman class
CE: Debuff immunity because I find it personally debuff your team more on curse debuff than anything
Or Command card wise which to deal against first to last: Buster > Quick after 1st HP Layer break > Quick + Arts after 2nd HP layer break
Good luck for those rushing to complete and if you’ll excuse me... I will need to go back to Babylonia hell OTL
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whirlybirbs · 7 years
girl can you write some bittercoffee amazingness about the reader finding out it’s Bucky’s bday?
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a little #bittercoffee realted drabble about the reader & bucky celebrating his birthday. this is tooth rotting fluff. i love bucky barnes so much. wtf.
You’d figured out the date in passing – Steve had mentioned it, talked about how old Bucky was when he joined the 107th, how old Steve himself had been. You’d made a quick note to write it down, to mark it in your phone, which had sparked a big grin on Steve’s part. 
“You really care about him, huh?”
“Duh,” you chided, “Don’t you?”
Steve had nodded, and when Bucky entered the room, the conversation shifted.
That was weeks ago, and now your personal planner was displaying a happy little red blip on the 10th of March – the reminder reads ‘Bucky’s Birthday!’ and you keep it on the down-low. Between classes and work at the Tower, you sneak off to the grocery store to get necessary dinner and cake ingredients. 
You don’t see him much that week; he leaves for a mission Monday and comes home tired and bruised on Wednesday. You’re happy to see him for a bit between nightly rounds on Thursday evening and he promises he’ll see you this weekend. 
You make plans for Saturday, suggesting a lowkey night – Bucky jumps at the idea, making a comment about how his back is starting to kill him from carrying his ‘people personality’ around. He likes being himself; he doesn’t have to worry about being too quiet or too standoffish with you. You get it. Tony doesn’t – Tony tells him to smile more.
Bucky hates it.
Saturday evening rolls around and you swear you never want to cook again.
You’d managed to make sarmale and mici and even a beef tripe soup that Bucky had raved about once when you asked him about food his mom used to cook – the Romanian dishes were no easy feat seeing as you were the type to live off leftovers and take-out for majority of the week. It only took you the whole day. Marissa, your flat-mate, had helped set the dinner table, insisting that it would be her contribution to his birthday before she skirted out, giving you both a little privacy. 
The cake was iced, albeit poorly, and was sitting on the bottom shelf of your fridge, waiting to be cut and served.
You felt pretty good about all of it. 
Bucky knocks on your apartment door, wringing cold fingers as his breath curls around his nose. It’s cold for March – he never remembers it being this cold.
He hates it. 
He knows the second you pull the door open that something is up.
You have this big grin on your face, eyes bright, and you – you smell like… cabbage? And… beef. Bucky takes a deep inhale, stomach growling at the fleeting memory of a small Brooklyn dinner table full of food, his sisters crammed around it. 
“You did not,” he starts, eyes narrowed, “You didn’t cook.”
“Oh, I cooked,” you grin as he steps through the door, “I mean, maybe not well, but it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Bucky’s face softens when he sees the small dinner table set for two. The tension in his shoulders nearly melts away as he peels off his jacket and ball cap. He bends down and kisses you firmly on the cheek, fingers pressing into your jaw as he does. 
“You didn’t have to.”
“But I did,” you say, “Anything for the Birthday Boy.”
Bucky’s face splits, eyes creasing in the corners and dimples digging in – he laughs and it’s a bark from his chest. He crams his hands in his pockets and shifts his weight from socked foot to foot. It’s bashful. His nose is rosy.
“Who told you?”
“Steve,” you shrug, hands finding his abdomen as you blink up at him, “He mentioned it while ago. I made a note in my phone – I’ve been trying to get this ready all week, so let’s hope I didn’t fuck up the recipes.”
He leans again, nose bumping yours as he steals a gentle kiss. It lingers. You don’t complain.
He loves it.
Bucky moves across the room, peaking into the pans on the stove before he groans in appreciation. A small blurb of Romanian spills from his lips and you grin – he sounds excited. It’s enough for you. 
“Go ahead,” you chide, swatting his behind with an oven mit, “Sit down.”
He does as he’s told and as the courses are plopped onto his plate, his smile grows. He looks boyish, even with his hair tugged back in a bun, jaw darkened with a trimmed beard. He’s 101 years old. His smile shaves about 90 years off him.
You grab wine and settle in across from him.
“The last time I had this,” he says, mouthful of miri and brows creased in contemplation, “I musta been fifteen years old.”
You spend the rest of dinner sunning yourself in his bright-eyed expressions, his stories and his everything. You forget how much you love him sometimes – then he burps, pardons himself, and smiles. It’s an easy reminder. He’s a dork. Half way through dinner, you grin into your wine glass and bat an eyelash.
“I have that Cosmos show queued up on my laptop,” you hum, “I thought after cake we could settle in and watch it. It’s the one –”
“– The space one?”
You grin. His excitement is palpable. “Mhm, the space one.”
He chews his food and beams with delight.
Sure enough, once you’re both feeling pretty heavy with cabbage rolls and beef rolls and beef soup, you settle on plopping candles into his cake. Bucky makes quick work of the dishes and is sure to pack up the leftovers, insisting this stuff is probably still good for another week and that he is definitely stopping by to snack at night. 
Once the dishwasher is running – it always takes him a few minutes to remember how to work it again – his hands slip around your waist and his lips drop to the curve of your shoulder. He kisses you there and noses against the fabric of your sweater.
“Happy 101st Birthday, Bucky,” he reads, “Sounds right. I feel that old most days.”
“Is it the disconnect from modern technology,” you jest, “or the ache in your bones?”
“Both,” he chuckles, “But mostly my achin’ bones.”
You laugh, fingers finding his and giving them a squeeze. 
“So am I going to sing to you? Or do you wanna make a wish, blow these candles out, eat some cake and open your present?” you say, “Because I might kill you with my singing.”
Bucky’s face goes a little soft and his smile gets a little quiet. Less like the sun, more like a warm breeze.
“I have everything I could ever wish for, you know. You’re the whole package.”
The words settle in your chest and you pout. Bucky’s hands skirt your jaw. He kisses your temple. “Stop that, you’re gunna make a girl cry.”
“No,” he sways you, “No crying – not at this party.”
“Hey, it’s my party –”
“– And you’ll cry if you want to?”
You grin, a little proud he gets the reference. He’s learning. 
You don’t sing to him, but he blows out the candles (after wishing for you and him to get married someday) and you hand him a gift wrapped in recycled Christmas wrap. Bucky likes the dogs on it and he laughs at the antlers taped to their heads. 
“You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“But I did.”
He tears open the package and nearly falls over at gift inside – his eyes are wide and mouth upturned with happiness. Inside the box is a set of new socks, a much needed gift from a man who’s socks frequently look like hobo socks, and a small book. The front says THOUGHTS and inside list prompts. You wrote him a nice note on the front cover, imploring him to write – he’s good at it, you read his war journal after all – and expressing your gratitude for him being in your life.
He reads it and gets misty eyed.
He loves you.
He spends the rest of the night curled around you in bed, half pay attention to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s narration, half paying attention to the way you lean into the touch of his hand as his fingers ghost through your hair. Bucky think that maybe turning 101 years old isn’t so bad if it means he can spend it with you – after all you don’t treat him like he’s some ancient supersoldier. You kiss him like he’s normal, you laugh at his jokes. You kiss his metal fingertips like they’re flesh. You love him for who he is – he’s not perfect, you know that.
Stubble tickles the back of your neck and you hum, eyes squeezing shut as he buries his face there. He breathes softly, fingers tightening in your hair for a moment as he cradles you and listens to your heartbeat. Bucky has to remind himself you’re real sometimes, and not just some fever dream he’ll wake up from. 
Your fingers find his. You roll a little, blinking back at him.
The kiss you share is lazy and lovely.
“Happy Birthday, Buck.”
He kisses you again, settling on enjoying the best gift he’s ever been given: you.
@cutiefrankie @luxieluu @justalittlebitofhisheart @oh-glory@dutchnorkat@buckyb4rnacle@chuckennuggets1213@pandalandalopalis@valiantlymysticfestival @soggysouls @buckywhitewolf@radrouda @moony-you-fold-your-socks @kitty-and-bats-0@rulesbyproblematique @allltheships@im-not-insane-im-a-fangirl@louieisbae42@itshinothey@simplystarsinthesky@model-howell @marveltotheendoftheline @moroiboy@ghost-with-spaghetti-arms@swimmeranxiety@sigynwrites @shadowhunters-warlock@magic-from-the-ordinary@josiehosiedaninja@smarvills@rollcalls@simplyonehellofapilot@marassberry@shrekssunflowers@myboyfriendgiriboy@dameronstars@avengedhearts@commanderrpoe@roadtripsonspaceships@whyisbuckyso@meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian@bulletproofseb@boyzines@nataliarxmanxva@alexblrus@henrietteoaks@omg-imagines-for-days@iamgabby22 @silence–in–the–library@sebashtiansatan@fangeekkk@llianniall@mymourningtea @artemis521 @anise-d-castle6@sighodinson@mischievousweasleys@potterglory @poedamn-ron @seltsamkind @odysseys-and-oddities@happily-beinghappy@listeningtothewalls @im-sebastianstan@daytripper45@crispychrisevans@paintedkylo@superxbarnes @swimmeranxiety@capkitkat@vechkinfan@paleflames@dxrkrxse@daybreakseventeen @buckys-plumbs @chook007@alisible@part-time-patronus@alex-hamiltonian @sebstanwassup @steemy@sebby89@mymourningtea@poopybadwi@inconvenientvoid @dianedancer18 @radrouda@breathlessgirl1991@lamia-maizat@kileybird @laurafloradora @ranialih @mashtons-dirtbag@justasoutherngirly @as-long-as-theres-light @russian-empress @jennifersier @saltiestdemon @mllx-anazra@picturethisfantasy@snipsnapyappap @wh1sk3ypr1nc3ss@alisible@chipilerendi@battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @daybreakseventeen@faunacea@bookgirlunicorn @bleulady01@rollcalls @disgustingpatdstan@superxbarnes@vaguelyminty @killerfirewolf @lazyhistorian@sarasxe @im-sebastianstan@queendade @storiesbehindyoureyes @ufffg @is-this-you-manning-up-sammy @kaeling @alyssaj23
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
survey by lafemelle
1. How many cars have you ever owned? one
2. Can you do math in your head well? i am SO bad at math. 
3. What's your least favorite chore to do around the house? bathrooms. anything bathrooms.
4. What's your favorite flavor of potato chip? uhhh probably garden salsa.
5. Do you ever read the weather forecast? oh ya! i love checking it.
6. Do amusement park rides make you sick? extremely. i don’t do well with movement like that because my headaches already leave me dizzy/light headed.
7. Who is your favorite Star Wars character? i don’t follow the franchise at all.
8. What kind of cheese do you put on your sandwiches? depends on the sammich. i also don’t eat sammiches anymore now that im GF.
9. What radio station do you listen to the most? ooo man. 99.5, 98.3, 103.5, 96.3
10.Who was the last person to give you a gift? today is Christmas so I’ve gotten gifts from mom, gram, kile, sam
11. How old were you when you got your driver's license? 18
12. What was the first thing you ever learned how to cook? o man idk ive been helping since i was a kid.
13. Did you ever collect beanie babies? my siblings all had them already so i just kind of inherited some of theirs. i didn’t collect any personally other than the purple princess Diana one.
14. When was the last time you got a haircut? my sister chopped it in july but mom is pressuring me to get a bob so its a lot less weight on my hair as it falls out.
15. Have you ever been to a bachelor/bachelorette party? yes
16. How many people can you say you TRULY love? are we talking romantically or non romantically? romantically-- i HAVE loved 2. I think i’ll learn to love again. I’m working on that. Non-romantically oh man. I love many people.
17. Where are you most ticklish on your body? my back or my neck.
18. Do you like kids? of course
19. Have you ever cheated on someone? nope. i have a very strong guilty conscience. 
20. Is your next birthday coming up soon? nope. half a year away.
21. Have you ever bailed anyone out of jail? so far ive not had to do so. 
22. What's the last board game you played? like a week or two ago I had mom and I play like 10 board games but I’m not sure what the last one was. I want to say yahtzee.
23. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number? i think once. usually i just say no thank you.
24. Do you actually eat 3 meals a day? since getting real sick i’m to one meal a day
25. Do you have any bumper stickers on your car? No.
26. Do you leave good tips when you eat out at restaurants? yes
27. What's your favorite thing to eat at bbqs? chips n dip ahaha.
28. Do you still own any VHS tapes? lol yes
29. How many of your friends have you known for at least 5 years? emily, alix, nathan, jon, kile, sam, harrison, mike, gosh i could keep goin lol.
30. Are you superstitious? Not at all.
31. What was your favorite book as a child? there was this series about this girl named amelia. i think it’s called “amelia’s notebook” i would give anything to have all of those back.
32. Have you lied to anyone in the last 24 hours? i have to fib at christmastime to keep surprises.
33. What's the most expensive restaurant you've ever eaten at? o man. fogo?
34. How many jobs have you had? many, many nannying jobs. one retail job.
35. Are you keeping a secret from anyone right now? no, not that im aware of.
36. What's the smallest town you've ever visited? oh man. not entirely sure.
37. If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it? Im going to guess probably not.
38. Have you ever gone golfing? ive gone to the range but not ever full blown golfing.
39. What's your favorite kind of soup? i love creamy chicken or creamy chicken noodle or broccoli cheddar
40. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? i was like 9
41. Do you know any sign language? yes
42. If you became famous for something, what would it be? tbh nothing lol.
43. How many friends do you have that are married? two? that im close-ish to.
44. Do you ever read the newspaper? gram saves a lot of articles for me.
45. When you're having a bad day, how do you make yourself feel better? take a drive. do something with my hands like journal, sew, tumblr. 
46. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? yep
47. Did you have a swingset in your yard when you were a child? No. when i was little we had a pool that took up our yard.
48. Have you ever played poker for money? lol yes but i have NO idea how to play. i want to learn.
49. You're making a fruit salad: what kinds of fruit do you put in it? almost all of them except kiwi.
50. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? lol no.
51. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? NO idea. i avoid remembering that stuff at all costs 
52. Do you eat your mac & cheese with a fork or a spoon? i just don’t eat it in general.
53. Where did you have your first kiss? in his car on my driveway
54. When you were a kid, were you ever afraid of cooties? no, it seemed so infantile to me.
55. Do you ever go Christmas caroling in December? i have before but not in a while.
0 notes
calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S4 Watchthrough Episodes 10-13
The Loss: They did it again guys! They made a good episode about the female character! This time for Troi, yay! I love the woman, but her focus episodes have just been… let’s just say not up to par. But this time? A strange anomaly causes Troi to lose her empathic abilities, and… well, she doesn’t take it well. She tries to take it well, but when one loses a part of themselves that they’ve had their whole lives and rely on for not only their job but to go about their day? You’re not just okay. Deanna tries to just live with it and deny that it’s an issue. All it does is cause her frustration to build up and lash out. If this was an episode meant to focus on disabilities… well while I don’t have one, Troi’s reactions make perfect sense. She gets rather harsh, but I’d be more concerned if she didn’t cause… yeah. Everyone tries to be sympathetic, but all it does is make her feel like they’re pitying/acting condescending towards her. Again, understandable. Everything that she is feeling is perfectly understandable and I just want to hug the poor woman. I feel like there are some issues like Riker, while I can tell that he was using a tough-love approach t get her o get int ouch with her human half, was a huge asshole when comforting Troi the second time cause saying she acted like her Betazoid abilities made her superior to humans when she never did and is having a hard time adjusting to a major loss? Yeah… dude WTF? Also felt like Geordi shoudl have been utilized cause he’s also disabled and already figured out how to go through life with it. Even if Troi didn’t want his help, it would have been nice to mention. Also kind of conflicted on Troi getitng her powers back. I’m glad that she did, but I think it would have been much stronger if she hadn’t since she proved that she can still do her job without it, or have to regain it over time. Nevertheless, it’s still a really nice episode with Marina Sirtis doing an excellent job here, and again, Troi FINALLY got a good episode. Now keep it up TNG cause she deserves the best~! 4/5.
Data’s Day: We get a pretty unique approach for this episode. We follow Data as he is making a log to send to Maddox, who I guess had an epiphany since The Measure of a Man to not be a discriminatory asshole. Data logs what is, to him, an ordinary day on the Enterprise. We see him perform regular tasks, deal with problems, and his role in solving the Problem of the Week that would normally be the main focus. We get Data’s narration throughout, which allows his personal perspective on the matters. Also on this particular day, Transporter Chief O’Brien and a woman named Keiko are getting married… and Keiko gets cold feet and thus the whole situation becomes a lot more complicated with Data, who more or less got the two together, stuck in the middle. I really enjoyed this new approach! Not only is the episode still eventful to keep our interest, but it’s very much an episode that we haven’t had either here or in TOS. Just a day in the life of one of the characters, which with all the issues they get into once a week leaves plenty to over. We have a good balance of the Romulan/Vulcan Ambassador plot and the wedding and Data’s part in it. Seeing and hearing his perspective and things like getting Crusher to teach him to dance since he’s filling the ‘father handing off the bride’ roll for Keiko… it was just so fun. But the most important part of this episode… DATA HAS A KITTY! FINALLY WE SEE THE KITTY! I LOVE IT SO MUCH, IT’S SO FLUFFY~!!! The ending with the wedding was also just so heartfelt and I already love this O’Brien/Keiko pairing a lot~! When O”Brien gets promoted to main character status in DS9 they better give me all the domestic fluff! 4/5.
The Wounded: And speaking of DS9, while I won’t be watching that one until TNG is wrapped up, I do know that the Cardassians are a big deal within it. Guess it’s appropriate for O’Brien to get some focus in this one, I guess they were predictig the future here XD So here we have a Starfleet Capain named Maxwell who has gone rogue and blown up a Cardassian ship despite the Federation having a treaty with them. Why? A few things, but the short version is War is Hell and even when a war ends, the hate/prejudice formed against the enemy after years of kiling each other doesn’t just go away. O’Brien, while not murderous, served under Maxwell during that war and with the Cardassians on board the ship… yeah he’s got some issues. So first… I reaffirm what I said above, O’Brien/Keiko is freakin’ precious! I am SO happy to see a happy, healthy couple in something and they’re just so lovely~! Can we get more of this in the media? Please?! Second… just damn. Maxwell, while very much not protrayed as in the right and his actions nearly caused a war to reignite, feels very much like. traumatized man who never got over the horrors that he endured nor gotten proper help, and it lead to his hatred taking over and causing the deaths of hundreds. While we find that he did have some right to be paranoid, he still did it for vengeance and didn’t have legit proof to justify the provication (and even then that doesn’t justify the body count), but it still feels utterly tragic. O’Brien going to him at the end and talking him down from continuing the onslaught… damn man. IDK if they were planning DS9 when they made this episode, but if it’s anything like this one then I’m expecting some good quality! The trauma of war and how it lingers, what happens when you allow yourself to get comfortable in one’s hatred, and considering that O’Brien is a B-Team character the same way everyone not The Triumvirate was in TOS, I like the focus and development for the character and I’m so excited to see how it continues when DS9 comes along~! 4.5/5.
Devil’s Due: Okay first, the Christmas Carol simulation in the beginning is hilarious considering that Patrick Stwart himself would later play Scrooge. His is my mom’s favorite adaptation actually (Michael Caine will always be the true Scrooge to me though). Okay, the actual episode… it was alright. Honestly, it feels more like a TOS episode, albeit it’s not as frustrating to me as their attempts in the past. But we have a very attractive woman claiming to be The Devil romantically hovering over the Captain. Almost makes me think of Sylvia from the Catspaw episode. Kudos to the actress for Ardra, she really made what would otherwise be another sexualized, evil female character essentially forcing herself on the hero like in every other TOS episode with Kirk fun. She’s not intimidating, coming off more like a diet, far less complex female version of Q, but still fun. Otherwise, it was just okay. Not great, not horrible. Just kinda ‘watchable but indifferent about’ kind of episode. But after a more intensive episode like the last one, having something a bit more light-hearted without any serious introspection, politics, and trauma is honestly pretty welcomed. Also, Picard getting teleported to the planet in his pajamas and Worf just being so confused was the funniest scene all episode though Data as the judge in the court battle (just go with it) was also amusing XD 2.5/5
S4 has just been delivering hard thus far! Event he last one, while he lowest rated so far, was still fun. We’re about halfway through and I can’t wait for what else awaits~!
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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Mariners come from behind to earn second 5-4 win of the weekend BY: Michael Keeley, Maine Mariners  PORTLAND, ME – December 7, 2019 – Ty Ronning’s shorthanded goal at 11:40 of the third period broke a 4-4 tie and ultimately gave the Mariners a 5-4 win over the Adirondack Thunder on Saturday night at the Cross Insurance Arena. It was the second such final score of the weekend after a 5-4 Mariners OT win on Friday night in Glens Falls. Jake Elmer continued his dominance of Adirondack with two goals, including the anticipated “Teddy Bear Toss” goal early in the game. It didn’t take long for the Mariners to find the Teddy Bear Toss goal, and the goals scorer came as no surprise. Jake Elmer, who had a hat trick capped by the overtime winner on Friday night in Glens Falls, took a pass from Ted Hart in the slot and beat Eamon McAdam to send the stuffed animals flying. Over 1,500 stuffed animals were collected to benefit local fire departments. Adirondack rallied for three goals between 12:14 and 15:05 of the first period to take a 3-1 lead. Defenseman Colby Sissons ripped a shot off the post from outside the left-wing circle at 12:14 to the tie game. Thirty-six seconds later, James Henry redirected a center point drive from Gabriel Verpaelst to put Adirondack ahead. At 15:05, a puck that rolled off the end boards was misplayed by Mariners goaltender Connor LaCouvee allowing defenseman Tommy Parran to fly in and poke it home for a 3-1 Thunder lead. Before the period ended, Ryan Gropp displayed a great individual effort to bring the deficit back to one, as his zone-entry wrister beat McAdam’s stick side. At 6:11 of the second, the Mariners pulled even when Ryan Ferrill caught McAdam by surprise and cashed a rebound created by Alex Kile's blocked shot. The Thunder regained their lead at 14:36 when they converted on the power play. Casey Pierro-Zabotel was on the doorstep to tap home a shot from Charlie Curti to make it 4-3. Of Adirondack’s nine power play goals to that point on the season, six had come against Maine. The Thunder skated into the third with the one-goal lead. Elmer struck again at 6:04 of the third to tie the game at four. At the end of his shift, Michael McNicholas was able to nudge a puck ahead in the neutral zone and spring Elmer alone on McAdam, who tried to poke check the puck away but left the high glove side open. Of Elmer’s ten goals on the season, nine have come against Adirondack. “I just seem to have a lucky streak against them,” said Elmer. “Hopefully it will carry on to another team and through the whole group.” It was also Elmer’s fifth goal of the weekend. He’s now tied for the team lead with Terrence Wallin. “I think once you get on a roll you can kind of get comfortable with how you’re playing and kind of just get a streak going,” Elmer said. “I’m just trying to carry out with that, try to keep things the same and try not to get in my head.” The Mariners killed off three crucial penalties in the third with Adirondack up 4-3 and then the game tied at four. “I felt the penalty kill did well. We were in the box pretty much the whole night,” said Mariners Head Coach and Assistant General Manager Riley Armstrong. “We altered a couple of things, made a couple of adjustments and I thought we nailed it down pretty good. answered the bell in the third period, making some big saves for us which changed the momentum of the game and kind of put it in our favor. I think the guys really came together in the third.” During the third of the three penalty kills in the third, Terrence Wallin gained the Adirondack zone with the puck and crossed to the middle, eventually leaving it behind for Ty Ronning near the right-wing circle. Ronning powered a wrist shot over McAdam’s glove for a 5-4 Mariners lead, and Maine’s first shorthanded goal of the season. It held up as the game-winner. Ronning was just reassigned from AHL Hartford by the New York Rangers last night. “You come back you know you’re going to be playing a lot,” said Ronning “I just wanted to go play my game. “I knew I had a lot to prove and I just wanted to play my game. We got the outcome we wanted and it was all around a fun game to play.” In between the pipes, LaCouvee made 38 saves on 42 Adirondack shots to earn his fifth win. McAdam stopped 19 of 24 to suffer the loss. The Mariners (10-9-0-1) pulled to within four points of Adirondack for fourth place in the North Division, with still four games in hand. The Mariners and Thunder will play again at the Cross Insurance Arena on Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. Santa Claus will be on the concourse taking photos at no cost. It’s the last chance to catch the Mariners on home ice before Christmas. Groups of 10 or more can get discounted tickets by calling 833-GO-MAINE. Individual tickets can be purchased at MarinersOfMaine.com, at the Trusted Choice Box Office inside the Cross Insurance Arena, or by calling 207-775-3458. Four tiers of holiday packs are also available at MarinersOfMaine.com. Read the full article
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meddlingwithchaos · 7 years
Tagged by @andersandrew Name: Kile Nicknames: Milky's Son (don't ask), Kilou (Anders has called me that), Kile-san, Meddling Gender: trans-male Star Sign: Libra Sexuality: demi-pan Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw. (LET’S BE ROOMMATES ANDY!) Favorite Animal: Cats and bats and foxes. (don't mock me, bats are cute.) Average Sleep Hours: 3.5-9+ (I either undersleep or I oversleep) Current Time: 11:58 PM (I’m super tired as of writing this) Dog or Cat Person: Cats, always. Especially black ones. ;3 Blankets you sleep with: A Nightmare Before Christmas blanket, a plain pink one, and an MLP comforter, but I usually use sheets (my grey one or my black one) if it isn't too cold. Dream Job: Writer, creator, voice-actor of/for cartoons and video games. When Did You Make Your Blog?: May 2015, I think? My archive says that's when I first posted stuff, soo, I'm assuming. Followers: 67 Why I Made A Tumblr: Umm, fandom. For the fandom life, specifically WordGirl at the time. Its kinda just progressed from there, this blog is just a total clusterfuck of ship/cartoon/fandom stuff. Reasons behind URL: Ummm, I was a big fan of Discord from MLP at the time, I still am, and it was kinda a statement on my mental state too, I'm bipolar so sometimes my head feels chaotic, and I felt that whenever I tried to control that chaos it only made me feel/everything worse. Hence, the meddling part; I’m meddling with the chaos in my head. (now that I explain it sounds super stupid. also, I’m sorry if that isn’t a sweet reason and honestly, kinda makes my blog seem dark now but I wanted to be honest.)
I tag @miami-bird @owlishking @havokwreaker (I’d tag shadystation but it won’t let me :( ) hhmmm....and @florinalyndis
1 note · View note
Victim’s family: Fatal stabbing was avoidable
RAYMORE, Mo. — The family of a man who was fatally stabbed Friday at a Raymore, Missouri, home believes his death could have been prevented.
Brian Kile, 44, leaves behind five children, his parents and four siblings. 
"I'm angry and I'm hurt, really hurt," his daughter, 19-year-old Emilee Kile, said before pausing to cry. 
According to the Cass County Sheriff's Office, deputies were called to a house in the 1000 block of North Jerry Street around 4:30 p.m. on Friday regarding a disturbance. The woman who dialed 911 said her estranged husband had broken into the house and was fighting with Kile. 
"The officer came on the phone and told me who he was and said my son was gone, said he was stabbed," Brian's father, Ralph Kile, said before he also broke down in tears. 
The Cass County Prosecutors Office charged John W. Adams on Saturday with first-degree murder. 
His family said Kile had been dating and was in love with Adams' estranged wife.
"I mean they had been together for a while," said 21-year-old Angela Kile, Brian's oldest daughter. "She was a big part of his life."
The family knew the woman he was seeing had an ex who was behind bars.
"She had told me back in October that he was in jail," Brian's mother, Debby Kile, said.
Court records show Adams had been arrested four times in the past two years for assault, including three times for domestic assault against the woman Kile was dating.
Adams pleaded guilty last month and was sentenced to seven years in prison, but he was freed Nov. 29 and given five years' probation after a suspended imposition of that jail sentence.
Just eight days after that guilty plea, Brian was dead.
 "We want closure," Angela said. "We want to know why and what happened."
The grief-stricken family wants answers as they prepare to celebrate their first Christmas without Brian, especially an explanation for why Adams was not behind bars.
"To me, my son should still be alive, because (Adams) should've been still in jail," Debby said. 
from Local News | KSHB https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/family-of-stabbing-victim-this-is-something-that-should-ve-never-happened-
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/12/10/victims-family-fatal-stabbing-was-avoidable/
0 notes
kansascitywatch · 6 years
Victim’s family: Fatal stabbing was avoidable
RAYMORE, Mo. — The family of a man who was fatally stabbed Friday at a Raymore, Missouri, home believes his death could have been prevented.
Brian Kile, 44, leaves behind five children, his parents and four siblings. 
"I'm angry and I'm hurt, really hurt," his daughter, 19-year-old Emilee Kile, said before pausing to cry. 
According to the Cass County Sheriff's Office, deputies were called to a house in the 1000 block of North Jerry Street around 4:30 p.m. on Friday regarding a disturbance. The woman who dialed 911 said her estranged husband had broken into the house and was fighting with Kile. 
"The officer came on the phone and told me who he was and said my son was gone, said he was stabbed," Brian's father, Ralph Kile, said before he also broke down in tears. 
The Cass County Prosecutors Office charged John W. Adams on Saturday with first-degree murder. 
His family said Kile had been dating and was in love with Adams' estranged wife.
"I mean they had been together for a while," said 21-year-old Angela Kile, Brian's oldest daughter. "She was a big part of his life."
The family knew the woman he was seeing had an ex who was behind bars.
"She had told me back in October that he was in jail," Brian's mother, Debby Kile, said.
Court records show Adams had been arrested four times in the past two years for assault, including three times for domestic assault against the woman Kile was dating.
Adams pleaded guilty last month and was sentenced to seven years in prison, but he was freed Nov. 29 and given five years' probation after a suspended imposition of that jail sentence.
Just eight days after that guilty plea, Brian was dead.
 "We want closure," Angela said. "We want to know why and what happened."
The grief-stricken family wants answers as they prepare to celebrate their first Christmas without Brian, especially an explanation for why Adams was not behind bars.
"To me, my son should still be alive, because (Adams) should've been still in jail," Debby said. 
from Local News | KSHB https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/family-of-stabbing-victim-this-is-something-that-should-ve-never-happened-
from Kansas City Watch https://kansascitywatch.wordpress.com/2018/12/10/victims-family-fatal-stabbing-was-avoidable/
0 notes
princesslov27 · 7 years
Hot Shots Chapter 79
Chapter 79
Hestia gave a little smile and grabbed a fresh change of clothes. Showers were the less dangerous thing to take so she generally took those. She’d had one too many “accidents” in the pool or bath to feel comfortable in them anymore.
“You know fear runs your life.”
“No it doesn’t.”
“Yes it does.”
“Where are you getting that idea?”
"Because I've experienced it."
“What do you mean?”
"I have."
“No, I mean what makes you think I’m scared?”
"I'm your best friend, and I know when you are."
“I’m not though. Only time I was scared was when I got kidnapped.”
“What?” She called from the bathroom.
"I'm telling you you're afraid of your power."
Hestia sighed.
“A little. You don’t get it though. You have complete control.”
"Not complete."
“Way more than I do.”
"I suppose."
“Ya do.”
“Kate you don’t get it. I’m seventeen,” she said as she came out from her shower drying her hair, “I should have my power under control, I should’ve had my coming of age ceremony. But I don’t have control and King Zaire told my parents they should hold off on the ceremony until I have control. And to top it all off I’ve been doing things that I shouldn’t be able to and the head water elf is coming here to test me and see how powerful I am. That is never done! The only people who get tested on their power ability are those who are gonna be knights.”
“It says you’re amazing.”
“It says I’m a freak.”
“No it doesn’t say that.”
“Cuz nobody knows it yet. Once the winter festival arrives everyone will find out.”
Hestia sighed and looked down a little.
“I’m sorry.”
Kate got up and hugs her. Hestia gave her a small smile.
“I promise you are NOT a freak.”
“Yeah…...I’m just something from a legend…”
“That’s cool.”
“I guess….”
“It is.”
“I guess we’ll see.”
“I believe in you.”
Hestia gave a small smile as Charlotte brought in her breakfast tray. Kate grins. Hestia grinned when she saw the tray, the cook always made a really special breakfast on the weekends because Hestia didn’t have to run off in a hurry for school.
“Thanks Charlotte.”
“Of course.”
“Oh, I asked for the manicurist to come by, can you show him in when he arrives please.”
“Yes Queen Hestia.”
“Thanks,” she said with a little smile. Getting called Queen was still very strange to her. For one she didn’t feel like one. Besides the palace being much bigger than her parent’s place she didn’t feel like there was much of a difference.
Charlotte left them alone. The girls ate and talked for a bit and then Hestia turned on a movie when the manicurist arrived and they watched the movie while they got their nails done. Kate enjoyed it. Hestia did too, the manicurist was good and she liked getting her nails done, although with school it was hard to get time to go out and have them done.
“So this gonna be normal?”
“What is?”
“Maybe a little I guess.”
“Well you’re Queen.”
“Yeah, I know that. But I spend most of my time in school and right now I spend what little free time I have getting prepared for the big feast for the first of December. We’re throwing our Christmas feast early since we’re on our honeymoon during Christmas.”
“Ah I see.”
Hestia gave a small smile.
“I’ll be back just after new years, a week before school starts up again.”
“So we can still hang out.”
“I don’t mind. It’s your honeymoon.”
Hestia gave a little smile.
“He hasn’t told me where we are going, which is fine I guess. As long as Charlotte knows then she can pack for me.”
"I'm sure you'll go someplace warm and fun."
“Fun, yes, warm….I don’t know. We’ll see.”
Kate nods a little.
“Promise I’ll tell ya all about it when I get back.”
She laughs a little.
"You're cute."
Hestia chuckled a little.
“Not that cute.”
“Leonitus thinks so.”
Hestia blushed a little. Kate laughs.
“Stop laughing,” she mumbled.
“You’re so cute.”
“Stop it!”
“Cuz it’s embarrassing.”
“You don’t need to be embarrassed.”
Hestia gave a half smile. Kate stretches.
“Like your nails now?”
“Oh yeah.”
“I am happy to have you.”
“I’m glad I told ya about us. Now we just gotta find ya a mate.”
“I doubt that’ll happen.”
“Just cuz guys don’t like me.”
“That’s not true. But if ya wanna get a bigger pool of guys to look at you should visit one of the elven cities.”
She gave a half smile.
“It would be fun to take ya.”
“If you’re sure.”
“Of course I am. Besides everyone has to visit the cities by the time they’re twenty.”
“Yeah, if ya don’t live there then ya gotta go once when you’re really young and after that you traditionally get to go whenever you want after your coming of age ceremony.”
She nods a little.
“But I’m sure I could get in.”
“I’m sure too.”
“I wish I could have my ceremony though.”
“You will.”
“I should’ve had it weeks ago.”
“Calm down.”
“I am…..it’s just….it’s a big deal.”
“You will have it when you are ready for it.”
“I am ready. I was looking forward to it. Spending a few days out in the woods, looking for a unicorn….”
Kate smiles at her. “Hestia, you need to go at the pace that’s right for you.”
“I am. But if King Zaire says I can’t go I can’t go.”
“Hestia, all you’re thinking about is...” she groans. “Nevermind, you won’t listen.”
“How it is for everyone else. And woe on you that you’re special in a good way.”
“They all go through the ceremony the week of their seventeenth birthday.”
“So it’s a big deal. It’s like graduating high school for humans.”
“And you know what happens with humans and high school? Most will graduate when they’re 17 or 18 but some will be 16 or younger and some will be 19.”
“Well it’s not like that for elves. I’m still a kid in their eyes since I haven’t gone through the ceremony.”
“And I’m sure you go through it and you’re still a kid.”
Hestia sighed but nodded a little. Why was all of this happening to her? She couldn’t control her power. Kate was right. She was scared of it. It just got worse every day. Hestia didn’t even know she was doing things in her sleep. Kate pulls her in for a hug.
“Deep breath.”
She smiled a little.
“It’ll be over soon, I’m sure of that.”
And in fact downstairs Leonitus was meeting Kilee. Kilee gave Leonitus a little bow.
“Nice to see you again. How was your honeymoon?”
Leonitus laughs. “It hasn’t happened yet.”
“Aw, holding off because she’s still in school?”
“That’s part of it.”
He nods a little.
“I’m assuming I can use one of your pools here.”
“Yes of course.”
“Alright, well I’ll be ready in just a few minutes then.”
“I’ll go get her.”
Kilee nodded and headed to the pool. Leonitus went upstairs and knocked then opened his door.
“Hey girls. Darling, your Head Elf is here for the test.”
“I’ll come with to watch,” Kate states.
“You don’t have work?”
“Well yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“So I’ll call you later.”
Kate smiles and nods, hugging her and left. Hestia gave her a squeeze and then headed down to the pool. Kate sighs and left.  Hestia tried to keep calm as she headed towards the pool. She was rather nervous about this and scared too. Leonitus held her hand. She gave him a little smile and took a deep breath as she walked into the large pool room. The pool was olympic size  and the roof was made out of glass so one could see the sky. There was a jacuzzi towards the right and a diving board off to the left. Deck chairs lined two sides of the pool and on one end of the room was a fully stocked bar. Kilee was adding some plant that Hestia didn’t recognize to the water. The plant turned golden as soon as it hit the water.  Leonitus sat on a deck chair. Kilee smiled at the two of them.
“Hestia I just need you to get in the pool and stand in the center.”
Hestia nodded a little and kicked off her shoes and removed her sweater before she slowly got into the pool and swam towards the center. Leonitus watched her worriedly. Kilee put his hands in the water and spoke in elvish, it sounded like it was a spell but Leonitus had never heard it before. As he finished speaking the water turned brown, followed by green, sapphire blue, ruby, silver and gold. At the same time the water started to move, first forming small vortexes all throughout the pool, then creating waves and splashing up against the sides of the pool. As time went on the water seemed to get more violent and after a few minutes a huge tsunami grew on either ends of the pool and headed straight towards Hestia at a great speed. Hestia screamed and tried to get out of the way but the water hit her at full speed and then froze as it crashed around her. Leonitus wanted to run to her but when he saw the water froze he sighs. As it froze the water changed color again and once it turned golden it stayed that color and then the ice crack and broke, crashing into the pool. Leonitus looks at Kilee.
“What does it mean?”
“Means she’s more powerful than anybody I’ve ever met. Nobody has been as powerful as she is in thousands of years. I don’t even think their is an elf alive today who remembers someone as powerful as she is.”
Leonitus smiles a little. He was proud of her and for her.
“But that does mean we have a problem with her coming of age ceremony. As far as I know, elves like her don’t gain complete control until early twenties, and by that time an adult Unicorn won’t go near her.”
Leonitus sighs.
"So then why not have it now? I wasn't in complete control when I went on mine but I still did it and got my very own phoenix from the deal."
“It’s not completely up to me. King Zaire has to sign off on it.”
"I can get my brother to do that if you'd be fine with it."
“I am, but it would be a good idea to send someone with her just in case something happens.”
"Who would you suggest?"
“It should be an elf and it should be one  that would be strong enough to bail her out of something happened.”
"Does it have to be a woman?"
“No, but if it’s a male than he should be cautious when Hestia is around the unicorn.”
He nods at that. But he was actually thinking of Astrid or his mother.
“Make sure someone keeps an eye on her, the ‘accidents’ are only going to get worse as she gets older. And I am going to have to inform your brother.”
“I understand.”
Kilee smiles and gave him and Hestia a bow before he left.
“Tell me when you’re going to let her do it?”
“For me, she can do it when she’s ready, but like I said, you need your brothers go ahead.”
“I’ll talk with him.”
He nods.
“I’m sure you will.”
He smiles at Hestia, going over to help her out of the water. She gave him a half smile as she walked towards the edge of the pool, she was shaking a little. He pulled her out and wrapped her in his arms. Hestia curled into him. She didn’t want to show that she was scared but she couldn’t help it. He walked her up to their room and caressed her. She gave him a small smile. He lay on the bed holding her and called Zaire.
“Hey bro, what’s up?”
“Can Hestia have her coming of age ceremony?”
“What did Kilee say?”
“He said she won’t have control of her powers until she’s 20 or so and by then a unicorn won’t go with her and that she’s the most powerful of elves in centuries.”
Zaire let out a whistle.
“Well Mom and Dad sure know how to pick them.”
“I know how to pick her too. She’s precious to me. And Kilee says that she can do it, as long as she has someone go with her to help if things go out of control, so I was thinking Mom or Astrid.”
“I was teasing ya bro. But yeah, I don’t have a problem with it. Just let me know when and who you’re sending with her. Also where they generally are headed. Just in case she doesn’t show up when expected.”
“Can I talk with Astrid?”
“Hello Leonitus,” Astrid picking up the phone a few minutes later.
“Hi. Can I ask you to go with Hestia on her coming of age ceremony?”
“She needs a babysitter?”
“Yes. Just in case. She’s the strongest water elf in centuries and so she won’t be in control until she’s at least 20 and a unicorn won’t go near her then.”
“Aw, yeah just let me know when.”
“Sweet. It’ll be very soon if all goes well.”
“Okay, well I’ll be there when ya need me.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Plus I’ll get to spend time with my sister-in-law.”
“That you will.”
“Anyone else coming?”
“Alright, well just let me know.”
“Any time.”
He ends the call and looks at Hestia.
“When do you want to do it?”
“Whenever I can get time off of school.”
“Alright. Tell me right away.”
Hestia nods a little. He gives her a tiny kiss. She blushed a little. He ran his hands over her.
“Thanks for helping me out of the pool.”
“Of course.”
She gave him a small smile.
“I need to change.”
Hestia carefully got up and walked to the closet to get a change of clothes as hers were soaking wet. He watched her. She found a pair of jeans and a sweater and then stripped out of her clothes and into the dry ones. He shut his eyes. God he was in torture over her. Blissful torture.
Mirabella stretched out. It was nice to be another year gone by and the month of torture over. Aristidis was still sleeping next to her, his arm wrapped around her waist. This time, he’d had it down. He’d known when her month was coming, had even probably had it on a calendar, and he was all prepared and didn’t leave her side. Which just made her blush. They’d been married for a couple years now, no kids, but Aristidis hadn’t pressured her at all. He didn’t even bring it up. He knew that she would tell him when she was ready. Mirabella almost felt old because of having no kids yet. She took a deep breath and rubs against him and then made her way out of his arms, took a shower and came back in lingerie. Aristidis had shifted a little in his sleep. She ran her hand against him. He slowly opened her eyes and smiled at her.
“Morning Honey.”
“Morning,” she responds giving him a kiss.
He smiles and kissed her back.
“Don’t you look lovely?”
She blushes and smiles. He ran his hand over her arm and held her hand.
“You okay?”
“Yes. Quite.”
Aristides grinned.
She ran her hand over him again. Aristides smiles and gave her a little kiss. She kisses back. Aristides smiles. He loved his wife very much. She blushes. She loved him too. There was no denying that at this point.
"You got plans for today?"
"Being with you."
Aristidis smiles at her.
“Well I do still have work today but I will be able to spend some time with you.”
“Okay work first. Go ahead,” she responds kissing him.
He smiles and gave her a kiss before he got up. She gave a small moan. Aristidis smiles at her. He was so happy he’d married her. She looks at him, watching him go. Aristidis headed to his office. Her phone rang a few minutes later. She blinks and answers.
“Hey, wasn’t sure if you would be awake,” Astrid said.
“Yeah I am.”
“Clearly, since you answered. So, you still coming in a month?”
“Yesh, like for the holidays.”
“Oh yeah of course.”
“Good, the kids have been asking.”
She grins at that. “I love them.”
“Me too.”
“I hope to try to get with Aristidis too.”
“You’re sure you are ready?”
“It’s been seven years.”
“Since you got married yes but that doesn’t mean you’re ready. Don’t rush it Mir.”
“I’m not....”
"As long as you are sure."
Mirabella sighs.
"Mir, if you are not ready and you try it will just make things worse for you."
"I am waiting forever."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am!"
“Mir, you’ll be fine. If you’re ready great, if you’re not then Aristidis will be fine.”
“All you guys are basically saying is I never should because everytime I say I’m ready, I’m not.”
“No, I’m not Mir. I know you’re happy but I also can’t wait for you to have kids.”
She sniffs.
“And I’m sure you will be a good Mom, you’re great with my kids.”
“I am a good mom. I have my twins.”
Astrid laughed.
“Yes, that is true.”
“I just don’t have any kids with my husband.”
“Which is okay.”
“It’s not.”
Astrid sighed, Mirabella never listened to her when it came to kids.
“It’s just not fair. I’m always being held back.”
“You’re not being held back.”
Mirabella didn’t agree but gave up.
"So what have you been up to?"
“Not much lately.”
"Aw, well you should do something."
“I suppose.”
"You will find something. You're good in a lot of areas."
“Except in sex.”
"Who knows, ya might be."
Mirabella lay back with a sigh.
"I have to go. I have a council meeting. I'll call ya later."
“Alright. Have fun.”
"Cute, it's never fun."
Mirabella snorts.
“Have a good day.”
Astrid took a breath and then headed to her meeting. Mirabella got up and looked around things. The room she shared with Aristidis was in perfect shape and a maid was replacing the flowers now. She got up and headed to go try and figure out what she could do to entice Aristidis. The palace was relatively quiet but there was a decent amount of activity. She got a little embarrassed suddenly but sent him pictures in various lingerie. Aristidis was able to look at the photos several minutes after she sent them.
“Very lovely.”
“You’re very cute ya know.”
“Thanks but I’m not trying to be cute.”
“I know, you’re cute and sexy.”
She grins at that.  Her maid smiles at her.
“Did you want a bath?”
“I’ll make it  up for you.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
She waited for it and then got in and began to play with herself. The maid smiled and let her be. She touched herself while thinking of him, knowing this was awkward with a tail but she was a little horny. It felt good for once. She lay back and underneath the water and smiles at that. Finally it didn’t feel bad or weird. Breathing in the water was so natural and water had always been her best friend. She sat back up and kept touching herself. She couldn’t wait for Aristidis to come home. She got out eventually, redressed in more lingerie, and latched to Aristidis when he walked through the door finally. She wanted him. Aristidis chuckled.
“Hey you, miss me?”
She kisses him passionately. “Yes,” she responds pulling him to the bed.
He smiles and kissed her back. She runs her hands over him. Aristidis smiles at her. She kisses him again and then began kissing down his body. He ran his hand over her back. She smiles up at him and started taking off his clothes. Aristidis ran a hand over her cheek. She smiles at him.
“I want you.”
“You’re sure?”
He nods, but he would take it slow. Aristidis kissed her again as he slowly took off her shirt and bra. She shudders at his touch. It was nice. He slowly kissed down her front. She flushed and moaned. He was amazing. Aristidis smiles and kissed her as he slowly slipped off her bottoms. She had used to been used to being exposed and such but now, with him, she suddenly got shy and worried over how he’d see her. Aristidis smiles at her and brushed her hair out of her face.
“It’s okay, you’re stunning.”
She blushed brightly and hid her face in his chest. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. She took her hands and gently grabs his cock. Aristides smiles at her and leaned down, kissing her breasts. She moans and looks at him. She wanted him. Badly. He smiles and slowly kissed down her stomach. She shudders more, her grip on his cock fading. He went a little lower. She moans loudly. How she wanted him. He smiled happily. She kinda melted downwards, hands falling to the sheets. Felt good. Gently and slowly Aristidis brushed her center with his hand. She bit her lip. It felt good. But also kinda torturous. So slow.
"You okay?" He asked.
He smiled. She reached over to him. He leaned down and kissed her as he grazed her center again. She moans and shudders more. He kissed her. She kisses back passionately, pulling him closer to her. He smiles and slowly played with her. She cries out. So good. Needed him. He kissed her as he slowly slid a finger in. She moans at that. Wanted more. He smiles and worked her a little. She rubbed against his hands. She wanted more. Aristidis slowly picked it up. She moans and kept rubbing. He slowly put a second finger in. She sank her nails in his back. He ran one hand over her chest. Her nipples got hard. Aristidis kissed her again as he slid a third finger in.
“I want you.”
Aristidis smiles.
“Be patient, I’m making sure you’re all ready.”
She whimpers. He smiles and kissed her again. She kisses him with a fever. As she did he slowly slid into her. She moans. He smiles and once she had adjusted to him he slowly started to pump. She ran her nails over his back, scratching hard. Aristidis continued, slow. It was hard to get the satisfaction she wanted but she knew what he wanted to do. He upped the speed every few minutes. She moans and kept kissing him. She felt amazing. He kissed her back hungrily. She moans and finally just tried to hold to his neck then. He leaned down and kissed her neck as he came. She wriggles and came a little bit. She didn’t actually feel satisfied. But they’d done it. And he hadn’t stopped. Aristidis smiles and continued. She gasps and moans, amazed that he could keep going. It also felt incredible. Aristides smiles and kept at it. He had been waiting a long time for this. It wasn't until 5am that Mirabella came completely, and fell against Aristides, limp and content. She would probably sleep at least till 1 and she was okay with that. She loved this man. He smiles and held her in his arms. She started to fall asleep. He did too. Holding her in his arms. She smiles in her sleep. He fell asleep too very happy. She awoke in the early afternoon and snuggles up to him again. Although it wasn’t him, it was a bunch of pillows. He’d had to go to work around eight. She blinks. How had he gotten up early? She didn’t believe it.
“You’re awake,” her maid said as she came in.
She nods and grins.
“Shall I bring up some lunch?”
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Created by taco-tuesdays
Do you live in the same hometown as where you were born? I was born at a hospital a town over from my home
Did you dorm at college or commute from home? I always commuted. I ain’t about to shell out even more money to have a regular “college experience” gosh i have so much anxiety about my loans as is.
How long before you tell someone that enough is enough? it takes me fooooooorever. I’ve been praying lately that God will help me to move on from Kile if he isn’t the one. I was so sure he was the one for me. I feel like jennifer aniston praying in bruce almighty where she’s begging God to help her move on from who she is in love with. or like help me to forget all those memories of how in love i was and how loved I felt.
Do you want to get married one day? Why or why not? yeah I really do. I want to belong to someone again and I want to build a life with someone. I am totally capable of being on my own and i LOVE my personal life i have. but I’m ready to love on someone.
Do you file your own taxes or have an accountant do it? I do it myself. there’s no reason to use an accountant yet because i legitimately have nothing.
How often do you get your haircut? so I had my sister chop a LOT off this year but it had been years before that. I’m about to change the color.
Do you prefer the thin blue and white masks, or decorative ones? I feel better about using the washable kind because i feel like it’s much less wasteful. I don’t mind the other ones. 
Have you ever witnessed someone have a seizure before? many, many, many times. I also have seizures 
Are you someone who puts a decent amount of emojis in their texts? i’ve started doing that when I’m messaging new people on dating apps. it seems to go well. 
What was the last excuse you used when you didn’t want to hang out? i force myself to go, tbh. I know how fragile I feel rn and how important it is to spend time with people when youre struggling, even tho all you want to do is be closed off by yourself.
Do you own more solid colored socks or patterned socks? Most are solid or have like a different colored toe/heel
What is something that still excites you as though you were 5 years old? Christmas, birthdays, 4th of july, moms cooking, organization, kitty paws, dogs, nintendo 64
Tennis, Ping-Pong, or Badminton? probably ping pong
Do you buy seasonal / limited edition food items? sooooo hm. I loved getting yule logs during the season but can’t eat that anymore. pumpkin pie, cant have. umm. hm. i can’t do most of the ones i used to.
Have you ever rode on the back of a shopping cart, or a Home Depot dolly? as a kid yes
Does everything you buy have to be organic? nooooooope. we studied in school how majority of “organic” foods are not at all what we think it is, and now it means abbbbbsolutely nothing to me.
Do you support more small businesses or chain restaurants/stores? there really aren’t many small businesses around me that sell things that I need. but I’m all for that.
Starbucks, Tim Horton’s, or Dunkin’ Donuts? i don’t drink coffee... so dunkin for hot choco.
Have you ever been crowned king or queen at a school dance? was homeschooled. nothin to crown lol
Do you have conversations with your pets or do voices for them? oh heckn yes. benny gets so many convos. plus, i am notorious for being like “benny said ________” to my mom. she loves it lol. I’ll text her and be like “benny wants to know when you’ll be home” or “benny said the turkey needs a blessing” and she just rolls with it tho I am sure shes annoyed.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
If for one day I could be invisible or fly, I'd choose to... probably invisible and see how people decorate their homes
If I had to eat rice with every meal or bread with every meal, I'd pick... bread has gluten (SADLY) so rice.
My favorite actor/actress of all-time is... yikes I just really don’t care. 
My favorite time of day is... so since being sick my favorite time is these late hours of peace. got my bobs burgers on, comfy clothes, pillows, blankets, I have a set of twinkle lights on and a candle, got benny cuddled up, and a hilarious/comforting video playing on my phone while tumblr surveyin. 
If I could relive one day in my life, it would be... the early days of CM when I was talking to everyone, John would call and give me the biggest butterflies, I was tiny-chattin’ kile.. etc. those days were so good
If I could be any celebrity for a day, I would be... I don’t think I would. I just don’t care
What gets me out of bed in the morning is... goin to the bathroom lol?
If I could be a day of the week, I'd be... when I’m with the right person I am a friday night. But when I’m in a group of people I am more like that thursday evening feeling that friday is comin
My favorite comedy movie is... not really sure I haven’t watched one in so long. 
A quote that I turn to for inspiration is... “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” FDR. that helps me to refocus that the struggles make you stronger and equipped.
The greatest invention in human history is... its a tie between air conditioning and indoor plumbing.
If I could learn any skill, it would be... i’d love to be crazy talented at cooking and quilting. I’m learning!
If I could live on the set of any movie, it would be... freakin love the homes in both sleepless in seattle and you’ve got mail
When I'm sick all I want is... to be in comfortable clothes and curled up in bed
My favorite place to be is... on a drive tbh
Something that always makes me smile is... my family
My favorite age I've been so far... 19
The person I'd trust with my life is... mom
My favorite sport/s to watch... football
How I relax after a hard day… basically what im doin now
If I could pick an age to be for the rest of my life, I'd pick... probably like 26 lol
My hidden talent is... hmmm. probably still hidden
If I had five hours to kill, I would... probably take my time showering, doin my hair nice, doin my makeup nice, like glammin’ up.
One word that describes me is... kind
My role model as a child was... mom
If I could visit another planet, I'd choose... i don’t think I would
My greatest passions in life are... my family, my loved ones
Something I love about my sibling/s is... ok so my oldest brother is a provider. He cares about taking care of his loved ones. I admire how hard working he is and how his priority is to provide for them. My sister I love her generous spirit and her tenderness towards her kids. She is so good about slowing down and helping her kiddos understand their emotions and I really admire that. My other brother he has a great vocabulary, he is intelligent, he is good at conversing with people he hardly knows. 
The music genre I listen to the most is... it really varies. it really really does.today alone I was listening to christmas crooners, country, rap, and pop.
My earliest memory is... mom sitting with me on our old leather couch while we watched HSN and millie was walking by and the fire was on in the fireplace. it was good.
The hobby I most enjoy is... probably art? maybe sewing
Between coffee and dessert, it would be harder for me to give up... dessert. I never have it which is funny but i do not ever drink coffee.
The farthest I've ever been from home... probs key west
The thing or person I miss most from my childhood is... probably the innocence. 
Mondays make me feel like... fine. Usually it was school and i loved that 
The videos that always make me laugh are... ones where people are just losing it laughing themselves silly.
If I could be feared by all or loved by all, I'd choose to be... loved
Between sweets and savories, I'll always pick... ooooooo, both. idk
My biggest inspiration in life is... i’m fairly uninspired lately.
My comfort food is... pot roast 
A concert I'd love to attend... country thunder
The sport I'd choose to be a professional athlete in... probs like gymnastics or oooo ice skating
The best thing about family is... feeling understood, loved, accepted etc.
Three things I couldn't live without... oooo man. air conditioning, indoor plumbing, slippers
My favorite beverage is... ice water probs
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Are you mad at your best friend right now? I haven’t a clue how to answer this. I’m really not close to Kile now. my other friends I’m not mad at.
Do you know anybody with a pet snake? ugh. yeah. I would never ever ever go to their house.
Do you buy your underwear in a pack or seperately? depends on where I buy the underwear. I’m tryin to replace all the ones I was gifted so it just depends.
Have you ever made fun of anybody and later became their friend? lol nathan i would rag on him only to his face, never behind his back. 
Is the lamp on in the room you're in? no. I have like twinkle lights on and a candle on.
Do you have a pair of shoes that you can only wear with one or two outfits? to be entirely honest I have to purge my shoes 
Is there any drink that you absolutely MUST drink cold? water, water, water
Did you sleep in past noon today? no. I typically sleep like 3-4 hours. Right now tho I take sleeping pills to try and let my body recover and i seldom do so until like after 1-2 am
Did your grandma ever tell you about her love life? once and she thinks its whats made her so bitter.
Have you ever painted anybody's nails aside from your own? yep. used to always paint my friends nails
Anything exciting happening in the month of September? moms bday! i love that!!!!
Who is your last missed call from? umm, honestly no idea. I’d have to look 
When was the last time you ate Frosted Flakes? man its been a hot minute
Did you ever NOT want a substitute in a certain class? never really had one 
Do you ever donate to the less fortunate? yes
Did you buy an American flag after 9/11 to put on your car/house/ whatever? Personally I did not because I did not have money I was a child, but my family had flags all over
Do you know any songs that are older than you are? of course
Are there framed pictures of you anywhere in your house? Yep. plenty. we like pictures here.
Compared to other people of your age would you be considered 'NORMAL'? normal? what is that even like 
Honestly, do you have any Hilary Duff on your MP3 player? I don’t have an mp3 but of course I have her on my spotify
Who is worst in your family about calling people back? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I hate phone calls unless its like mom or kile or someone I’m like into to lol
Do you like peanut M&M's? yes
When was the last time you had an ice cream sandwich? a long time. that was never really my thing but shoot now i want one
When was the last time you ate jelly beans? yikes a long time ago
When was the last time you had hot chocolate? last winter and I CANT WAIT for some now
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? yeah
What was the last song stuck in your head? lol a song kara was singing
Do you enjoy doing math? I truly despise it.
Do you think your mom has secrets she’s never told you? not many. she knows I know her well
Do you own anything you don’t want your parents to know about? probably yeah
Do you pose in your pictures or just smile? both! definitely
Are there any colors you will NOT wear? the really like nude colored tshirts or like yellows/golds look rough on me I think.
Do you use scented soap in the shower? yep!
Did you ever want to be a fashion designer? no, not that I can recall. not my thing
Who was the last person you danced with? Enjoyable? my nephew lol of course it was enjoyable
Do you like convertibles? yes of course but I don’t want one every day cus of the sun damage 
Have you ever yelled at the television? plenty of times lol
How many songs on your MP3 player are about sex? who has mp3′s anymore. my spotify playlist has plenty of sex songs lol
Do you like water parks? they kinda freak me out
Dark or light colored jeans? dark
Can you take apart a computer and name all the parts? nope. def not
Can you take apart a car and name all the parts? um no but some of it
Would your friends describe you as nerdy? yes lol
How many different colors are you wearing right now? im just in a tshirt and panties at the moment. so pink and blue
Have you ever purchased a lotto ticket? yes
Are you double-jointed anywhere? nope
What is the longest amount of time you've spent playing Monopoly? a couple hours I think
Have you ever witnessed a tornado first-hand? yes but i wasn’t aware of it at the time 
Did you play in the sand box as a kid? my dad would have lost his mind. I really only ever did that at my friends house but her family let them put like gross stuff in the sandbox and i was pretty grossed out by it
How about on the monkey bars? I did like those
Have you ever made an alarm go off? probably yes
Have you ever colored your eyebrows? yup. my brows are naturally SUPER blonde. nothing wrong with that, i just prefer a darker brow
Did you ever own a pop-up book? yes
Have you ever honked at a biker? i am not sure, I doubt it. I seldom honk
Have you ever taken another person's prescribed medication? once a muscle relaxer cus my mom was like seriously you need this lol
Have you ever played golf (not miniature golf)? I mean like top golf and the driving range but not like a genuine 18 holes or anything
Do you use gel in your hair? not usually but I am curious to do so
Do you own a garden gnome? def not. kinda creepy
Are any of the rooms in your house painted blue? yes
Do you kick off your shoes as soon as you walk in the door? usually yes and then I switch to my slippers
Have you ever judged a book by its cover? oh im sure
What is the most effective device at the gym? I dont go to the gym
Can you drive a stick shift? I used to be able to but I wouldn’t trust it now
Have you ever picked on a substitute teacher? definitely not
How good are you at giving directions? I’m not always great at recalling street names but I’m very good at giving landmarks and general ideas of how far and such.
When was the last time you looked out the window nearest you? last week sometime. I keep them covered up because its too hot with sunshine in this room so all summer long I like to keep it cool
Have you ever got dressed with the windows open? absolutely. but it would be extremely hard for anyone to see into my room. not like i’d care
Have you ever given a foot massage? i dont like getting touched like that
Do public restrooms freak you out? not freak me out no, but i dont love it
Have you ever taken a shower outside? not that I can think of. I can’t imagine where I would have
Have you ever been to a junkyard? yes. my dad was a garbage-man for a long time so I was familiar
What do you think of Brad Pitt? no real opinion
Have you ever watched the History Channel willingly? yeah.. ehhh, maybe?
Have you ever used pennies to pay for something that cost over 50 cents? HA yes to my siblings 
If a place makes you pay for delivery - do you still tip the driver? yes
Without the aid of a cell phone - do you know your parents numbers by heart? yes. I have no reason to know my dads but its the same number hes had since I was a kid
Is your bedroom carpeted? no. I do have a rug down, but no not a carpet
Right now, what color is your tongue? pink?
When was the last time you had a Tootsie Pop? probably years ago
If you could get the cell phone of your choice - what would it be? i love my phone. this is like my dream phone. I’ll have to consider getting rid of it cus its kiles line but ugh. that stresses me out
Who is your favorite super hero? no real preference
How about your favorite villain? --
Do you know anybody who works at a bank? yepppppp i do
What do you usually order from your favorite fast food place? a chicken sammich on gf pita omfg its so good
Do you hand out candy to kids on Halloween? yeah mom is usually working so its me. I usually bake cookies and watch Christmas movies lol. but this year I have a broken oven
What perfume/cologne do you wear the most? right now very sexy nights
Can you name all 7 dwarfs? i always seem to miss like 2
Does the early bird really catch the worm? I think usually yes
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Did your parents live in a different country before you were born?
No, they’ve always lived in the US.
Do you have a preferred coffee brand?
No coffee at all.
What's something you've experienced that very few others have?
Uhhh burn victim? 2 Bach degrees?
Do you have to wear an identification badge at your job?
I don’t have a job.
Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money? If so, how did it affect the relationship?
No. But that would be a turn off 😬 that's one huge part of what kile did so well. Like I was excited to think I wouldn't be worried about finances
How often do you paint your nails?
I haven’t since graduation. I just don't have the desire to put into my looks anymore
Do you know anyone who's related to a current or former world leader?
Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional?
I do my own
What is something you don't have any natural talent for?
Did you watch this year's Eurovision?
I have no idea what that is.
Have there been any periods in your life that could be described as being chaotic?
Right now would be a great example of chaos.
What was the last thing you purchased used?
Probably clothing or something like a lamp
Has anyone ever told you that you get too competitive over minor things?
No. That's actually laughable because I'm pretty low maintenance
Do you have hair on your toes?
Every person does, but mine is like clear cus you can't see it lol
Do you usually befriend your coworkers, or do you prefer to keep work separate from your personal life?
I have done both. I am always always friendly but I seldom want to spend time outside of work with the very people I am at work with. I only made a handful of exceptions to that
What was the very first thing you ever saved up to buy with your own money?
Hmm. I want to say a pair of shoes
Describe your favorite Christmas ornament.
It's a little like newspaper and there's a slot for a picture and the picture is my first dog, millie. The newspaper headline is something to the effect of world's best news. It just always meant a lot to me.
What is something you frequently forget?
Math equations lol
If I looked in your fridge right now, what would I find?
I haven't been home in a while so I can't say for certain. Tho I imagine there is creamer, insulin, yogurt, milk, eggs, etc
How do you feel about your body?
I just think it'll keep me from establishing intimacy because of how it looks.
Who is someone you would like to get to know better?
I desire knowing the new kile better. I know I no longer have the opportunity but it's what I desire
If you had to move to a new city, where would you move?
Some small town in the middle of no where
Have you ever traveled on a double-decker train?
Meaning there is an upstairs? My local train that drops off in Chicago is such
At what point do you consider a relationship to be 'long-term?'
I mean 6+ months in and both parties are very committed
What jobs did your parents have when you were growing up?
My mom was a SAHM and then retail work. My dad was a garbage man, DJ, house flipper, truck driver
Do they still have these jobs? Or different jobs? Or have they retired?
My mom works as a major manager at a store. My dad owns a company I guess idk much. They'll both retire soon
Do you own any winter sports equipment?
Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan?
I’m on kiles plan. I'm not at all looking forward to losing a dream phone and this incredible signal
Do you have any recurring dreams?
Yeah, a few. It happens a lot for me.
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