#inuyasha drabble
lady-boketto · 19 days
Difference in Taste! (Random Drabble)
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A/n: Honestly this was one of those random scenarios that pop up in your head and unlike the other ones I had to write this one out, I also included a lot of characters so I put it under the cut
It's one of those rare afternoons where you have the pleasure of passing the time not really doing anything but relishing in the peaceful comfort of your home with your beloved partner.
Not wanting to waste the opportunity of your significant other's already sparse time, you were determined to spend some quality time with them as you thought the day was perfect for a outdoor picnic with bright blue skies and the temperatures being well above the average day, yet the day was still accompanied by a slight breeze with the warm summer air.
As you walked with your arm linked with your partner through the field you both wandered into, your eyes scanned the surrounding for a perfect spot to set up your picnic blanket when your irises catch a nearby oak tree that is providing a nice umbrella of shade.
With the blanket set up nicely in the shade of oak tree, your significant other is already starting to unpack all your belongings and placing them down eagerly on the soft fabric of the blanket, clearly overjoyed to relax with their love one while also enjoying the food the both of you had spent the better part of the morning preparing.
while in their warm embrace you decide to fill the silence with mindless conversation, it's mostly what has captured your attention that day (whether it's mindless banter or enticing gossip you have to tell, your significant other is always listening with a smile with on their face while trying to keep the conversation to the best of their ability) while in the middle of answering your previous thought of what would be the most diabolical smash or pass topic, you think of a another thought that would hopefully shake your partner's thoughts and they finally stumble over their words.
" How do you think I'd taste? what you you think?"
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Those whose minds thought you meant food wise:
JJK: Kiyotaka Ijichi, Utahime Iori, Yuta, Miwa, Takuma Ino, Mahito
AOT: Zeke, Annie, Bertholdt, Mikasa, Hange
Inuyasha: Ayame, Ginta, Hakkaku, Inuyasha, Kikiyo, Sango
CoD: Gaz, Konig, Roze, Kleo, Gus, Farah, Soap
Demon Slayer: Mitsuri, Giyuu, Rengoku, Kanae, Akaza, Daki, Makio
RDR2: Arthur, John, Bill, Molly, Kieran, Mary-Beth, Lenny, Swanson, Pearson, Mary, Lemuel Fike
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Those who are confused on how to answer because they understand both meanings:
JJK: Nanami, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, Mai, Noritoshi, Choso
AOT: Erwin, Levi, Onyankopon
Inuyasha: Kagome, Kagura, Sesshomaru
CoD: Price, Ghost, Rodolfo, Chuy, Laswell, Alex
Demon Slayer: Urokodaki, Tamayo, Gyomei, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Kokushibo, Hinatsuru, Obanai
RDR2: Abigail, Charles, Hosea, Trelawny, Sadie, Grimshaw, Tilly, Black Belle, Bonnie
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Those whose minds went straight into the gutter:
JJK: Gojo, Yuji, Shoko Ieiri, Toji, Geto, Yuki Tsukumo, Mei Mei, Inumaki, Todo, Naoya
AOT: Armin, Jean, Colt, Reiner, Porco, Eren, Mike, Conny
Inuyasha: Hiten, Jakotsu, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Toga
CoD: Nova, Alejandro, Enzo Reyes, Horangi, Valeria, Graves, Makarov
Demon Slayer: Shinobu, Uzui, Sanemi, Shinjuro, Muzan, Doma, Gyutaro, Suna
RDR2: Dutch, Javier, Karen, Micah, Sean, Eagle Flies, Flaco, Madam Nazar
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Surprise! This is a random inspiration bomb! Write whatever the picture makes you think of!
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WOW! This caught me off gurad but in the best way. Anyway, I hope you like it.
"The sun is setting."
Y/n thought to herself. Looking at the setting sun, the trees swinging along with the elegant, maintaining nature's scent yet light and fresh.
"Y/n!" Kastrode over the grass field towards Y/n minor hut, settling at the edge of the village, near enough to the village and yet father away for the privacy she desired.
"Kagome!" Y/n waved back enthusiastically, cheerfully accepting the much-needed company. The ladies hug and Y/n brings them tea. Sitting on the terrace, Kagome sees the evident shift in Y/n's body, a chill going through her body, and uneasy rest.
"Have you heard of Sesshomaru?" Kagome asks, seeing a slight frown befall Y/n's lips.
"A few letters here and there but nothing more than that." Y/n utters, a fake smile mixed into her expression, "I do miss him. I wish he were here." Y/n speaks her words carried into the wind. Hopefully, another being will hear them.
Kagome offered a solacing hug as they both looked at the stars hearing a soft rustle in the distance. Y/n hops off the table, her smile arising on her face, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. The grass and branches rustle more and more the dark night slowly uncovering white ears and long white hair, the moonlight bouncing off the sword nestled in their hand,
giving her much-needed excitement, her hands sweating, and her heart beating quicker.
Kagome walks to her, looking over the approaching man a few more steps uncovering them completely.
"Inuyasha." Y/n said flat-toned, her excitement fizzing out in an instant.
Kagome's gaze deadpans at the red hakama-wearing wolf-boy, giving him a disappointed head shake. Inuyasha looks at the two women catching the two sour expressions upon his arrival.
"What a great welcome, ladies." Inuyasha retorts into the dead wind.
"You weren't the one we were waiting for," Kagome spoke, stepping forward Inuyasha grabbing his necklace pulling him hardly down.
"You were supposed to wait for me, Kagome."
Kagome's eyes inching closer together, her mouth opening a grin decorating it "Don't make me say it..."
Inuyasha's eyes open in shock and anticipation. "Don't. You. Dare."
"Sit!" The necklace glows a bright light pulling Inuyasha harshly down into the ground, forcing him in place.
Y/n giggles at the cute interaction feeling the night wind rustle pulling her attention away and towards the low moon placed just above the line of the ground, depicting a night-style sunrise. Walking towards the picturesque view in front of her the wind rustles together with the grass rusting, indicating that something is inching closer. The moonlight started to cast a over her feet a shadow, growing more and more each second. She looks up and sees him, Sesshomaru. Her feet, as if a mind of their own, start to run towards him, his arms opening for a hug, his deep chuckle echoing in her ears. Hugging him with all her might, Y/n looks up at him thinking
He must have heard me.
"I have missed you, petal."
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anisaanisa · 1 year
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The Artist ☆
Shippo for @inuyashapridemonth 🌈
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drosselmeyerwrites · 4 months
**NEW FIC** Hypnagogia
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Kagome. Waking.
Read on AO3.
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dawnrider · 10 months
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A new drabble addition for A Bushel and a Peck!
Little bitty Izayoi is not about to be left behind for anything!
Come Too! on AO3
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elevenharbor · 1 year
midnight bribe, moonlight bride - ch 4
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fanart (above) that goes with this chapter. My gift to ya'll 🎁
Ch. 4 - Work hard (for the money) [Kagome] {ch. 1 | 2 | 3 |} … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .
All rich people were the same. Egotistical, rude, pretentious, conceited, and downright demanding.
But they also had the power to wrap anyone around their pinky at the drop of the hat, especially when money was involved. People like me stood no chance.
Read the rest on AO3 & Dokuga
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .
words: 2,688 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those who celebrate!
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a-writers-blurbs · 3 months
Sneak Peek...
I thought yall might like another sneak peek at the story I'm working on.
At this point, it's about half way finished. I'll probably start uploading in the next month or two.
Hope yall enjoy!
Prompt: Collection
Story: Tumblr Prompts (untitled)
Poor Jaken. Once a leader in his own right, he abandoned his people to serve the most feared yokai in Nippon. For years, things had been wonderful.
His fearsome lord roamed his lands, vanquished any and all who would dare trespass or overstep their bounds. Of course, as his faithful and loyal servant, he, Jaken, played an instrumental part in some of Lord Sesshoumaru's most challenging battles.
With the power of the Staff of Two Heads in his hands, the gami was able to vanquish many a lesser yokai in order to clear the way for his mighty lord to finish off the leaders. But recently, his master had taken up an odd hobby.
It started simple enough with the human brat Rin. Serving as the test subject for the legendary Tessaiga, his lord generously allowed the whelp to follow them after reviving her.
But then another human began showing its face every now and again. The young taijiya boy, Kohaku Jaken believed his name was, had for some reason been graced with his Lords protection on more than one occasion. 
Thankfully, the adolescent didn't follow then as the girl did.
But now there was this! The newest creature to capture his Lords attention was absolutely unacceptable!
The Miko Kagome!
Somehow, the little harlot wormed her way into Lord Sesshoumaru's good graces. It was ridiculous. Sure the onna had aided Rin several times over the two years the child had been following them. And sure, she may have aided his lord in battle a time or two.
She may also have come to aid Jaken himself a few times... but that didn't make her special!
Jacken just couldn't fathom why his master kept collecting human females!
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whirling-fangs · 5 months
The Dog, the Cat and the Boar
As long as humankind could remember, the wild lands of Japan had always been inhabited with Yōkai. Some large, some small, some dangerous, some inoffensive. Some evil, some benevolent.
The Dog, the Cat and the Boar cared little for such labels. They could not remember how long they had known each other. Their differences only cemented their bond, one's qualities complimenting the others' flaws. They were a team.
They were a family.
The Dog, the Cat and the Boar roamed the lands together. They were all the ruler of their own domain, and they would sometimes part to attend personal matters – but at the end of each quest, they would always meet up for a celebratory banquet.
Together, they were unbeatable. There was no enemy fearsome enough, no army large enough to take them down when they combined their strength.
Their downfall could only come from inside.
The humans and the yōkai were always bound by a precarious balance, begging to be shattered. It only took one spark, one death too many, to light the fire.
The Dog believed that humans were fundamentally good, and worth protecting against those that evil had irremediably tainted. The Cat believed that humans were the root of all problems, and that a peaceful coexistence was nothing but a pipe dream.
The Boar could not pick a side. He watched helplessly as his comrades grew further and further from each other, too set in their own ideals to see what they were losing.
Decades worth of memories. Of shared meals, shared laughter, shared smiles. Three similar trinkets, carved out of their own fangs. How odd for the Cat to be the most sentimental of them all – the Dog and the Boar had laughed, as they happily donned their friend's gift.
The Boar fled the bloodshed. He refused to let his memories be tainted by what had become of his comrades. He departed to the lands he had long left behind, to the mountain that had been the command center of his turf.
He was never to part from it again.
The years passed. Leaves grew anew on the trees, only to turn yellow, orange, red, lying a thick carpet across the lower slopes. Snow covered the mountains and melted away, turning lazy brooks into mighty rivers. The Boar listened to the wind, to the distant news its howls carried all the way to his mountain.
When he learnt of his old friends' untimely demise, he was not surprised. A single tear rolled down his cheek, before he brought his axe down the large log at his feet. Timber for the winter to come.
A simple life. Away from the rest of the world, away from the wars, the famines, the plagues. The Boar stopped listening to the wind's cries.
Until the old world came crashing into his old cabin, in the shape of a disheveled woman.
She was but skin and bones. Her face deformed from being bashed in, clothes torn over her bruised body. Tears had frozen over her mangled visage, her feet and hands turned blue from hypothermia.
The Boar ought to have chased her off. Had she not felt the demonic aura that surrounded his mountain, warding off any creature that bore even the slightest hint of ill intent?
The barrier only let the animals through. Only their hearts were pure enough to cross the sheer manifestation of the Boar's will.
As the Boar opened the door, and the woman collapsed into his arms, he was struck with a realization. This one's heart was not tainted. He had never seen such a pristine soul, gleaming with such force despite the abuse she must have endured.
The swelling of her face subdued with intense care. Her traits angelic, one eye gone blind from the repeated hits. Eyes that shared the same vibrant green as the young leaves of early spring.
The Boar's favorite color.
The weeks turned into months. The months turned into years. The woman's pursuers never came looking for her. The Boar's heart opened again, day after day, letting the radiance of the woman's soul seep into his old wounds. Cure aches that had festered for decades on end.
The Boar thought he couldn't be happier.
He was soon proven wrong.
The little one had his mother's eyes, and his father's ears. Every time he laid eyes upon that small form, allowed those minuscule fingers to wrap around his thumb, the Boar could feel his heart grow another size.
What a fleeting, fragile little life that was. There was nothing he wouldn't give in order to protect it from harm.
Dark clouds gathered above the mountain. They announced a storm unlike any other, one mighty enough to rip the trees apart and turn the rivers into devastating streams. The Boar led his family away from the cabin, into the deeper, higher caves, where they would be safe from the landslides and the floods.
Lightning parted the skies. The Boar felt the barrier, or rather, what remained of it, shatter all around him. For every wound that healed inside his heart, the barrier had grown weaker.
The Spider had not missed that chance. He knew all about the Boar, about his former comrades, about the past that the Boar had for so long tried to run away from. Like an old nightmare resurfacing, fate had caught up with him.
How ironic, for the Boar to finally take a side. A spit in the face of his dead comrades, was it not?
Rage festered inside the Boar's chest. The Spider needed nothing more to seep inside his soul, and seize a heart that had lost all its defenses.
When the Boar opened his eyes again, the scent of blood mixed with petrichor assaulted his senses. A terrible chill ran across his spine, from the warmth that coated his fingers to the rain that soaked his clothes. As his eyes fell to the ground, he felt the remnants of his soul shatter to pieces.
The woman lay sprawled across the ground, her arms outstretched towards the cliff upon which they stood. There was no light surrounding her. No pure glow, not even the smallest spark.
Her soul was gone.
The Boar collapsed to his knees. He brought her body to rest on its back, hands crossed above her chest. A final kiss placed on her forehead.
Before the Boar plunged his own claws into his chest.
The Spider would return to reap the rewards of his plot. As low as the mighty Boar might have fallen, the body of a Daiyōkai was always worth devouring.
The little one was washed away by the streams, until his wails caught the attention of a sorrowful boar mother. The sow brought the child over to her burrow, and nursed him to good health.
The Hanyō never worried about the past, neither did he think about the future. He survived day after day, discovering his own strength as he fought off the many demons that crawled over the mountain, looking for a master that had long departed these lands. The Hanyō's existence in itself was nothing but a rumor for the humans to fear.
Perhaps, someday, he would depart on a quest. Perhaps he would seek more power, better status, and a way to show the world just how strong he really was.
And perhaps, someday, he would figure out the meaning behind the odd little trinket that never left his wrist.
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Kakashi #1
Sesshoumaru #1
Sesshoumaru #2
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Teasing Kakashi #1
Teasing Kakashi #2
Teasing Kakashi #3
Teasing Kakashi #4 🌸
Notice Me Tsunade Senpai #1 🌸
Notice Me Tsunade Senpai #2 🌸
With Love, Sesshoumaru #1
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How to Exorcise a Tailed Beast (Akatsuki) 🌸
Yu Yu Hakusho
Drink Your Water (Kurama) 🌸
Request (Grimmjow) 🌸
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Watch this masterlist grow. I'm taking requests for anime fics rn.
Naruto, Attack on Titan, MHA, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Hunter x Hunter, Bleach, Demon Slayer, and more.
🌸 = Spicy content. Could be a mention, could be an entire scene. Who knows? My blog is 21+ so I think either way, you guys will be fine.
@anitalenia thx for the graphics
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the-badger-mole · 4 months
inu/kag, 21
We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” Inuyasha eyed Kagome incredulously. She stood out in the open with her face tilted towards the rain.
“It’s the first summer rain of the year!” she laughed. “It’s my favorite part of the summer. Come here! Come feel it!” Inuyasha hesitated on the covered porch where he’d taken shelter, but then she turned away from the rain and smiled at him. Drops of water clung to her lashes. She was right, he thought, walking out to her. The rain felt great in the summer warmth.
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petri808 · 9 months
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Day 2 @flufftober “Family, friends, loved ones”
Modern AU Inukag, not canon storylines.
Ever since she woke up this morning, or more like is woken up by this morning, Kagome notices a tightening of her belly. She gets up and of course, her bladder immediately is the first to get her attention. So, she takes care of that, then waddles over to the living room where her mother is already drinking a coffee. She’s been having Braxton Hicks contractions or maybe real contractions, it’s hard to tell, but somehow, today feels different.
“How are you feeling today, dear?”
“Not sure. I think it’s still just Braxton hicks, but my back is feeling a little more sore than usual, and I just feel… off.”
“Yeah, like…” Kagome taps her chin a few times. “Like there’s a pressure in my groin area that—” Suddenly, she stops talking, eyes go wide, and she turns to her mom. “I-I think,” she looks down between her legs and sees a growing dark spot on the pink fabric of her cotton shorts, “my water just broke.”
“Oh!” Mrs. Higurashi exclaims. “Let’s get you to the hospital. Is Inuyasha at work already?” She asks as she helps her daughter off the couch, walking towards the garage.
“He is,” Kagome answers. “I’ll call him on the way.”
Mrs. Higurashi puts a towel down on the passenger seat and helps Kagome to buckle up before going back into the house for the overnight bag. Once secured, they take off for the hospital around six miles away. Kagome also phones her husband and she can hear their conversation despite it not being on speaker… the poor hanyo sounds completely flustered. Battle a demon, no problem. Wife pregnant, total wimp. Mrs. Higurashi chuckles as she remembers her how her own husband handled their daughter’s birth, it wasn’t much different.
Once they arrive at the offloading area next to the lobby, a nurse brings a wheelchair to the car and helps Kagome into it. While the nurse takes Kagome in, Mrs. Higurashi parks and grabs the bag before heading into the hospital. She knows her daughter is being taken to the birthing center, the floor where all the labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum (LDRP) rooms are. They chose this hospital despite it being a bit further than the one near their home because of its quality care of not just the mother but the family. The LDRP is an all in one private room. The mother stays in it through the whole process, start to finish, and is only moved if they require an unplanned c-section.
It’s not long before a flustered hanyo comes barreling through the door of Kagome’s room followed by Miroku who likely did the driving.
Inuyasha drops to his knees next to the bed and grabs Kagome’s hand, questioning in rapid succession. “Is everything okay?! How do feel Gome?! How’s the kid?! There’s nothing wrong right?!”
“Breathe, Inu,” Kagome chuckles, “and calm down, everything it totally fine.”
His body slumps a bit as the weight lifts. Inuyasha lets out an exhale. “What happened?”
“My water broke and the contraction pains started on the way here. I’m already at 4 centimeters, but it’s hard to tell how long it’ll take for it to reach 10 centimeters.” Kagome can tell by the expression on his face he doesn’t quite understand what she explaining, but just trying to be supportive. She squeezes his hand back. “So it means you can relax for now.”
“I don’t think I can,” Inuyasha mumbles.
That’s when Mrs. Higurashi steps in. “Miroku,” she directs her question, “why don’t you take Inuyasha and grab us all some lunch since it’s almost that time. For Kagome, it has to be something light.”
“I remember,” Miroku chimes in, “from when Sango had our twins.”
“Oh, right dear!” Mrs. Higurashi chuckles. “So, I leave it to you two.”
“But I wanna stay— what if she starts?”
“That’s not gonna happen.” Miroku grabs Inuyasha by the shoulder and start to pull him to his feet. “So, let’s go.”
A new child being born is such a joyous event, but what they don’t teach you in the birthing classes is how to handle the downtimes before the mother is fully dilated. They say for a first time mother, it could be anywhere from 8 to 24 hours before the cervix reaches 10 centimeters and 9 hours later she is at 7. Kagome’s room can fit a maximum of five people before being too cramped, so throughout the day and into the night, the rest of the family members arrive and take turns in Kagome’s room or hanging out in the waiting room instead. Sango arrived after picking her twins up at school with her teenage brother Kohaku in tow. She became his guardian after their parents died in an accident. Inuyasha’s parents, Toga and Izayoi Taishou arrived not long after Kagome had been admitted and Izayoi often stayed in the room with her daughter-in-law with Mrs. Higurashi, the two seasoned mothers helping a first timer through the experience. Once school had ended for the day, Toga left briefly to pick up their other granddaughter Rin, Sesshomaru and Kagura Taishou’s adopted child, and brought her to the hospital while her parents showed up later after work. And finally Souta Higurashi joined them after high school as well. All the kids are sitting on the floor in the middle of the waiting room doing their homework under the watchful eye of the adults.
Since Kagome chose not to get an epidural, by the time she is at 8 centimeters the cramps have become quite painful. The two mothers, Izayoi and Mrs. Higurashi sat on either side of her bed holding her hand through each wave. By this point Inuyasha is struggling to stay calm. Just watching the peaks and valleys of the contraction monitor spiking off the chart is bad enough, but with his preternatural senses, he can smell the physical changes happening to Kagome’s body. Truthfully, it’s freaking him out, so the women literally kick him out of the room by the 9th centimeter so his father can keep him under control. It’s okay with Kagome because only two people are allowed during the delivery period and having the two mothers there are comforting.
Left with Toga, Miroku, and Sesshomaru, it’s hard to say if it’s really a good idea. Two have gone through this before and one had been around to witness his brother’s birth, so Inuyasha is the newbie. So what do the men do with the newbie? The way the waiting room is set up, the area is separated into three groups of seating areas to accommodate more than one family waiting. Tonight, there are two families, Kagome and Inuyasha’s and one other which consists of just five to their eleven. The women and children are in one area while the adult men have taken up the last open seating group. When Inuyasha is kicked out of the LDRP room, his father gestures for him to sit next to him, while Miroku and Sesshomaru are sitting across from them.
“Tch,” Sesshomaru sneers teasingly at his brother, “kids not even born yet and you already can’t handle.”
“Fuck off,” Inuyasha retorts. “You can’t say that the smells aren’t difficult to deal with!”
“Calm down,” Toga puts his hand on his youngest sons shoulder. “You know he’s only teasing.”
Inuyasha sits back and crosses his arms. “Just you wait, Sessh. See how you do in another 5 months when your twins are being born.” He taunts, but Sesshomaru just turns his head and ignores the comment.
“You know,” Miroku leans forward, smiling at his hanyo friend, “you’re lucky the women kicked you out.”
“Why’s that?” Inuyasha’s brow raises as he notes a hint of amusement in Miroku’s tone.
“Oh, well,” the man sits back with a grin. “I think women are beautiful to bring life into the world, but it also brings out an inhuman strength you’d never know they possessed.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“If you were in there, you’d probably be holding her hand wouldn’t you,” Miroku nods yes as he speaks as if answering for Inuyasha. “And she’d also be squeezing it until you hear the bones of your fingers crunch.”
“Pfft, that’s ridiculous.”
“Son, no he’s right,” Toga adds in with a mischievous grin. “Be happy your woman is human. With your brothers mother being a demon I thought she’d slit my throat from all the pain.”
Inuyasha’s head turns quickly to his father. The blood in his face drains as he tries to hide his concerns from their statements. Surely, they’re messing with him right? If these were true, what man in their right mind would ever stick around during the labor? “Tch, I don’t believe it,” he huffs.
“And don’t forget the screaming and yelling,” Miroku throws in another jest. “Calling you every evil word they can think of and how they hate you for doing this to them.”
“Whatever,” Inuyasha again huffs, doing his best to ignore them.
Toga laughs and teases his son further. “Believe it boy, even your sweet human mother turned into a demon for a few hours.”
“Idiot,” Sesshomaru sneers at his brother. “You know it’s true. I’ve seen your woman angry before.”
Okay, that’s true, Inuyasha has to admit. When Kagome is angry, he’d much rather be fighting a demon of his father’s strength than fight with her. It still doesn’t mean he believes she could become so hateful towards him that she’d curse him out. Why in the hell would women ever have kids if it’s so excruciating? “If it’s so bad, why would you have more then?” He queries his father and friend. “You’re just messing with me.”
With a chuckle, Toga puts his hand in his sons shoulder, “yeah, okay we’re messing with you, but we’re not joking about how much pain they go through.” Miroku nods in agreement. “So, be thankful you’re not in there to see how much she’s suffering to have your daughter.”
Inuyasha gulps, knowing the truth in his father’s voice. “I know.” He hasn’t admitted it, but he can hear what is going on in the LDRP room right now. No human ears can hear it, but all the demons in the nearby area surely can. Kagome isn’t swearing or cursing, but he hears the pain in her voice, through the straining and labored breathing. It’s taking all his effort to ignore it all, and with these assholes trying to rile him up, it’s so not helping!
Now Miroku chuckles at his friend. “Eh, you’ll be fine. A big strong hanyo like you can handle it. Just wait till you get to hold your kid. Make sure you don’t panic and break her.”
“Shut up! Dumbass, I ain’t gonna do that!” Inuyasha finally snaps. “I even cut my nails earlier just in case.”
“That’s smart of you.” Toga approves of the decision.
“Mom reminded me,” Inuyasha mumbles, drawing more chuckles from the men around him. Screw them! He’ll be fine! he was fine with Sango and Miroku’s twins, so why wouldn’t he be with his own kid?
It took another two hours of labor before Izayoi came to the waiting room to tell them it’s a girl and to bring Inuyasha back with her to the room while the other’s wait their turn. Inuyasha’s nervous to see his child and Kagome, not for the silly reasons his family tried to tease him with, but because this is such a big event. There was a time he never thought he’d have a family of his own until meeting Kagome and now look at them, their first child being born. He’s truly proud of and thankful for what she’s given him, so maybe the nerves are also just worries he won’t be as good a father as he needs to be. The lingering scents of labor grow stronger the closer they get to the room, making Inuyasha queasy, or is it just the butterflies in his stomach? It’s a strange smell of antiseptics and blood, salt and sweat, mucus and cleaning products that for a sensitive nose is overwhelming.
When they arrive at the room, Izayoi stops at the door and gestures for her son to go first. “Meet your daughter,” she smiles and coaxes him through. “She’s such an adorable mix of you both.”
Inuyasha swallows hard to wet his parched throat. He sees Mrs. Higurashi standing next to window side of the bed holding a blanket bundle in her arms and his wife laying in the bed smiling at him through bleary eyes. Kagome’s hair is matted and plastered from sweat to the pillow while her eyes are puffy and the exhaustion is evident. Yet, the radiance exuding from her is like a heroine standing tall at the end of a long battle. She’s done her part and can now bask in the glory.
“Inu…” Kagome motions him over.
“Come,” Mrs. Higurashi completes. “Come hold your daughter.” She smiles.
His nerves rise as he walks over to Mrs. Higurashi as his mom stays on the hospital side of the bed next to Kagome. There’s a tremble from the normally formidable hanyo as all the worries, terror, excitement, and absolute joy mix. Without even seeing the child, her natural scent reaches for him— a combination of them that reminds him of a campfire after the rain during their travels through forests. Earth and smoke with whiffs of pine and leaves. Mrs. Higurashi shifts the blanket to reveal the child’s face before placing her into his arms. This is it, the moment he’s practiced for with the Mirsan twins because holding such a tiny creature is terrifying! But when the weight settles in his arms, so does the turmoil in his gut. Moisture gathers in his eyes causing his golden hues to shine. It’s done. Inuyasha is holding his daughter for the very first time and it couldn’t be any less thrilling.
The biggest grin grows on Inuyasha’s face as he looks quickly at Kagome, his mom, mother-in-law, back to Kagome, then back to their daughter who is staring straight at him. They were told in the Lamaze classes babies eye sight is still poor immediately after birth, but he wouldn’t know that the way she’s fixed on his face. The color will likely change, but her eyes are a light brownish yellow, somewhere between Kagome’s dark brown and his gol, and though only scraggly tufts, she has white hair like him too. But the cutest feature are her ears, just like his in shape, only black like her mothers hair. White hair, yellow sepia eyes, and black fluffy ears.
Inuyasha turns to Kagome teary-eyed. “She’s so perfect!” He leans down and kisses her forehead. “I love you so much, Gome.”
Kagome reaches up and puts her hand over his that cradles the child. “I love you too, Inu.”
While the new parents continue fawning over their new daughter, the grandmothers relay the information to the family and invite them back to the room to meet the baby. Of course, everyone except Sesshomaru take turns oohing and awing, cooing and babbling to the baby who mostly just stares back wide-eyed from all the stimulation, but every so often the child makes little noises in return. Toga is already talking about spoiling her rotten and the Mirsan twins are excited to have a new playmate soon.
“Have you decided on a name?” Mrs. Higurashi questions. “Didn’t you have one picked for if she’s a hanyo?”
Kagome gives Inuyasha a knowing look of allowance along with a nod, before he turns to the crowd gathered. With a beaming grin. “Yup. Moroha, meaning double-edged for being the best of both worlds.”
“Moroha Taisho,” Toga repeats, “double-edged righteousness, such a noble name.”
“What’s the likelihood she’s a handful instead,” chuckles Miroku who’s quickly backhanded by his wife.
Toga laughs at the suggestion. “Considering the handful he was as a kid, I’d say high!”
The room erupts in merry laughter, and though Inuyasha almost refuted the suggestion, he knew they were probably right. It didn’t matter, naughty or nice, angel or brat, they’ll love her all the same. “Pfft, well with your kids as examples, it wouldn’t surprise me.” He jousts back to Miroku who quickly bites back his smirk.
By the end of the night after everyone else has gone home, and with Kagome and Moroha finally asleep, Inuyasha settles into the recliner next to the bed and bassinet. Truth be told he’s still terrified of what’s to come. From dealing with colds to future boyfriends, Moroha’s edition to the family is a whole new adventure into an unknown world. Okay, maybe that’s a bit over dramatic, but is it? “As long as she doesn’t end up dating Koga’s boy I’ll be fine.” He mumbles.
Suddenly, Inuyasha hears Kagome’s sing-song, teasing voice. “I heard that.”
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anisaanisa · 1 year
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Kagome’s time between worlds. Drabble collection for @inukag-week 2023 ☆ Chapter 3/7 – Safe: Kagome has a nightmare. Tags: Night Terrors / Emotional Hurt /Comfort Word Count: 300 (Triple Drabble) 《 Previous〡Next 》
The scream torn from her during the throes of sleep woke the whole house.
“Kagome!” Her door burst open, and her mother appeared, startled and ashen, followed closely by her brother and grandfather crowding the doorway.
She fought for breath while her name echoed cruelly, shaky knuckles catching the alarm clock as she searched for the table lamp that stayed lit from sundown to sunrise. She gripped its metal stem like a vice; it was cool, solid.
The bed dipped as she pulled the lamp closer, focusing on the light fracturing through the glass, and the sting prickling her fingers. A hand touched her knee, and she turned watery eyes towards her mother.
Her voice cracked when she asked, “Was it even real?”
“Oh, Kagome.” She reached out, engulfing her. “Of course it was. Of course, it was.” Soft hands brushed away the hair sticking to her face. The floorboards creaked while her brother and grandfather retreated, and her mother told her their story.
There was a girl. The day she was born, her mother knew she was destined for wonderful, terrifying, and unbelievably great things. There was a well. A monster unlike anything in this world had dragged her down it, centuries back in time. And there was a boy. He’d been pinned to the tree outside her window, where it bore his scar to this day.
Kagome loosened her grip, letting go of the lamp to return the embrace anchoring her. Knee-jerk fright perpetuated her towards the comfort of her family, and they’d adapted to her return with unwavering certainty.
Yet in her dreams, she sought someone else, and on nights like this, it was one truth that she clung to: the demons haunting her in the modern world needed a much rougher, and impossibly stronger hand.
Read it on AO3 ▶
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drosselmeyerwrites · 6 months
**NEW FIC** Reclaimed
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Stolen kisses and a smart miko...
For @shastuhh.
Read on AO3.
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dawnrider · 7 months
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So, not the drabble for this story that I've been trying to write for 6 months, but I was inspired tonight and felt the need to share.
Have some Papayasha fluff.
Stinky Face on AO3
A Bushel and a Peck on AO3.
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heynikkiyousofine · 2 years
been struggling with finding any inspiration this week to write, but this little soulmate one shot came to me in a dream, haha. now, i can get back to writing smut, muhahaha. enjoy lovelies!💕
“Ah, it seems Lord Kouga and his mate, Lady Ayame, have invited us to the Summer Solstice Festival this year to welcome their first litter of cubs.” Lady Izayoi hummed, flitting through the stack of letters as Prince Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Their home always stinks. Maybe I can come up with some kind of excuse to not go.
“Son, do not roll your eyes at your mother.” Lord Toga pursed his lips without ever looking up, continuing to write out responses to the never ending letters and proposals from various kingdoms. How did he..? “And you are coming, no excuses.”
Sighing, he crossed his arms and slid father down his seat, catching his brother’s smirk. Bastard.
“Inuyasha, maybe this time you will finally get to discuss things with Lord Koga.” Inuyasha wanted to swipe the knowing grin off his face, but clenched his jaw instead. The last time he brawled with his older brother, the asshole almost put a gaping hole in his gut.
“Sesshomaru, stop teasing your brother. You will be attending as well and I expect you both to be on your best behavior.” Toga looked up, giving both of them a stern look that said “If you don’t, I will be the one to punish you.”
“Yes, Father.” They replied in usion. 
“Sesshomaru dear, how is Kagura?” Izayoi smiled, her tactic of changing the subject relieving to him. Inuyasha glanced down at the small stack of invitations in front of him, the idea of reading each one exhausting and tedious. It was debut season and while he himself had been announced years ago, many courts were reaching out with their own invitations and secretly hoping he would choose their princess as a bride.
“She is doing fine, resting as much as possible. I expect her to give birth in two month’s time.”
Inuyasha tuned out their conversation, gazing out the window. It was nearly sundown and Miroku and Sango should be back soon, after visiting her family for the day. His cousin had managed to find his soulmate pretty early on and even though Sango was hesitant at first, Miroku never strayed. The monk’s still a flirt, but he’s loyal to her.
Hell, his parents and even his brother and sister-in-law were soulmates. While it was a little different for demons, they had mates. Someone they could bind their life span to, a bond that couldn’t be ignored. He had even heard of mates sharing emotions and similar thoughts, that’s how strong the bond was.
He sighed, his heart aching for his own as he leaned on his arm rest, propping his chin up with his fist. Being a prince was great and all, his father encouraged him to learn about more than just the typical Lordly duties, and that he even declared Inuyasha could marry whomever he wanted, title or no title. Even with all of that, he was still the only one around that didn’t seem to have a soulmate. Maybe it was because he was a hanyou, he didn’t know. All he did know was that it was lonely sometimes.
A flash of dark hair, followed by the softest of giggles, appeared in his mind. Straightening, he looked around, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Inuyasha, is everything alright?” Toga glanced his way, sealing a letter with the royal wax seal. Shaking his head, Inuyasha muttered he was fine, wondering just who that was.
Three days passed and Inuyasha was still confused about the woman popping up in his thoughts at the most inconvenient times. First, it was her hair and laughter, then he swore he could smell her, the faintest scent of wildflowers fluttering across his senses. A brief glimpse of pouty lips or a cute button nose. Sometimes it would be a whisper of his name, causing him to shiver. It wasn’t until he saw her chestnut gaze while he was eating dinner with his family that he knew something was going on.
“Mother, can you tell me again how you knew Father was your soulmate?” He prompted, taking a bite of the garlic chicken.
“I’ve told you that story about a dozen times and you still don’t remember?” Izayoi giggled as Toga patted her hand, proudly smiling.
“Can you tell me once more?” He asked once more, earning looks from everyone.
“I would love to hear it as well, Aunt Izayoi.” Miroku added and Rin agreed, her little smiling dazzling.
“Of course dears, let me start at the beginning. I was enjoying a lovely afternoon in my garden at my Father’s palace. You all know my dear husband was traveling back and forth between Lady Kimi’s home and our own, discussing matters about Sesshomaru when that very afternoon, I found myself staring into the koi pond with the brightest of golden eyes staring right back at me. I thought I was dreaming!” She laughed, Kagura and Toga smiling at her. “It took me a minute to realize that I wasn’t staring at my own, but his. That was the first time I knew my heart belonged to someone else’s.”
“Now, the thing is, human’s eyes rarely have any strange color, so I knew this man wasn’t human, but I didn’t care. From that day on, I searched everywhere I went for golden eyes. After about a week, I saw flashes of silver as I looked in my reflection, but I never stopped searching.” She continued on, “I found out later, I usually saw images of him whenever he was close, as he would fly over my home whenever he was traveling.”
“I also saw flashes of her in my mind as well, but it took me a little longer to put two and two together.” Toga chuckled, intertwining his hand in hers. “After a few months of traveling and getting Sesshomaru situated, my youkai would call out to her and it was then, I knew she lived in the village. The very next day, I introduced myself to her father, your grandfather, and he almost had a heart attack. He certainly didn’t expect for me, a Lord, to just show up unexpectedly.”
“You had the whole castle in an up heap. Servants were running around, trying to make sure the place was perfect for you.” Izayoi shooked her head, her childlike laughter filling the dining room. “When my father introduced me and I stepped into the throne room, it was as if nothing else mattered. I felt myself being pulled towards you and the moment I looked into your eyes, I knew you were the one for me.”
“And you are my heart, tsuma.” Toga smiled, leaning down to give her a small peck on the cheek. “Son, why do you ask?” Here goes nothing. Taking a shuddering breath, Inuyasha met his brother’s gaze and when Sesshomaru nodded, he spoke.
“I think I’m beginning to see my soulmate.”
“Seriously?” Kagura and Sango asked at the same time, Inuyasha nodding silently.
“Oh my!” Izayoi gasped, while Miroku grinned. Sesshomaru even smirked a little, but Inuyasha knew it was his way of showing his affection.
“This is something to celebrate.” Toga announced, holding up a cup of wine in congratulations. “Do you know who she is?”
“If he did, I think he would know, dear.” Izayoi smiled, patting his arm.
“I don’t. I keep seeing flashes, not like in the mirror like you did and my demon keeps urging me to find her, but I wouldn’t even know where to look. It’s always at the most inconvenient time too.” He sighed, shaking his head sadly.
“It may not be a distance thing as theirs was, but you could have a stronger connection to feelings. I can always feel his emotions, even if he resembles the ice king.” Kagura pointed to her husband, smirking. She isn’t wrong.
“Or, it could be a physical touch thing. I wasn’t even sure Sango was the one until I held her hand.” Miroku chimed in, earning an eye roll from his wife. Lecher.
“Just don’t go around groping every woman’s behind who looks like her.” Sango glared and he had to shake the shiver threatening to crawl up his spine. She was strong enough to take him down on one of his good days.
“So what do I do now?” Inuyasha groaned after a thoughtful moment, his mind filled with way too much information for his liking.
“It will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Don’t try to force it, darling.” Izayoi smiled sadly, everyone nodding along. 
Inuyasha let out a deep breath, one he didn’t realize he was holding and looking down at the half eaten plate of food. I hope it happens soon.
The days passed in a blur, more images filling his mind. At night, whenever the moon was high in the sky, he found himself watching it with a new mindset, more than once the idea of running through the meadow underneath the stars filling his thoughts. As he and his family were preparing for their visit to Wolf Clan, a new image flashed across his mind, making him pause in his packing.
Looking out towards the courtyard, he could’ve sworn he saw a pair of blue eyes staring back at him from the reflection in the mirror. I thought she had brown eyes? Shaking his head, he wanted to scream and call out for her, his demon growling when her image disappeared.
Groaning in frustration, Inuyasha sank to his bed and laid his head in his hands. Why doesn’t she just appear in front of me? Am I seeing the wrong person or maybe she’s dead and reincarnated. I have this incredible urge to reach and protect her, but how am I supposed to do that if I have no idea who or where she is? Snarling, he swiped his claws across his pillows and grimaced at the torn fabric. Great, now Mother will scold me for ruining another pillow.
Sighing, he closed his eyes, willing her to appear and shook his head as he was met with darkness. I better get finished, we should be leaving soon.
After loading up the carriages, he found himself with Miroku and Sango and his Father, while Sesshomaru, Rin, Kagura and Izayoi followed behind in the second one. Kagura was growing bigger by the day and she wanted his mother and her husband with her as much as possible. He wasn’t surprised by her fear that something would happen, this being her first child and all.
“How are you doing?” Sango asked him softly, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“I’m alright, You good over there? Monk can’t be too comfortable on your shoulder.” He snickered as they hit a bump, a small frown of discomfort appearing on her face.
“He does better when he sleeps along the way.” She shrugged lightly. “Are you still seeing her?” He knew exactly what she was talking about and he nodded, feeling tired. It seems I can feel her now too. That has to mean I’m closer to finding her.
“I have faith, son. She’s probably just as eager to meet you as well.” Toga patted his shoulder and he nodded.
“There is something though. I thought she had brown eyes, but this morning I saw blue eyes. How am I supposed to find her if her eyes change colors?”
“Maybe she can change forms, like a kitsune. She could be a demon or a witch that can change how she appears.” Sango suggested, smiling sheepishly.
“Well that doesn’t help me one fucking bit.” Inuyasha grumbled.
“You know your mother doesn’t like that word. But Sango’s right. You don’t know if she is human or demon or anything in between and that won’t matter because you will know when you see her.”
“I just wished it didn’t have to take so long.” He crossed his arms and went back to staring out the window.
“Don’t we all?” Toga chuckled.
The hours passed by as the sun was just beginning to set, the royal family were nearing the Wolf Clan and their kingdom. Taking a whiff, Inuyasha tried and failed to hide disgust on his face at the stench, but whipped his head up when the faintest of wildflowers flitted across his nose.
Popping his head out the window, he saw a large group of villagers and what looked like a market. Sighing, he thought it was too good to be true and his nose was playing tricks on him again when his Father announced that they would be stopping to stretch and allow the horse a break. 
Stepping out of the carriage, Inuyasha found himself looking around, nodding at the gaping villagers. This is the part I hate most about traveling. We are normal people like everyone else.
“Son, I think I smell some delicious food. Care to join me?” Toga asked, joining him at his side. “Kagura is craving some sort of spicy food and as much as I can’t stand the thought of burning my tongue, I told her we would search out something for her.”
Chuckling at his sister’s demand, Inuyasha nodded and together, they walked into the crowd. Frowning, he felt this pull towards a large booth serving some type of stew with noodles. Glancing at his father, he pointed his chin in that direction, his mouth beginning to water. What type of food is that? It smells fucking divine.
Arriving at the stall, he met an older woman with dark hair and one gray stripe appearing above her ear. She had kind brown eyes and a soft smile, reminding him of his mother.
“Hello, would you like a bowl of ramen?” She asked brightly.
“What’s ramen?” He asked.
“Here, why don’t you try some and if you like it, you can take a bowl with you.” She laughed, dishing out two small spoonfuls. Looking over at his father, who looked absolutely delighted as slurped down the ramen.
Raising the bowl to his lips, Inuyasha was surprised by how much he loved it. Grinning wide, he gulped down the remaining amount and together, they held out their bowls for more.
She laughed and he tilted his head, the sound familiar. There’s no way this woman is my soulmate. Looking at her eyes, he saw bright brown, but sighed when they didn’t match the beautiful brown he saw in his mind. 
“Actually, would you mind if we took some back to our carriage? My daughter in law is carrying and I think this would be perfect for her.”
“Of course, I’ll dish some up for you and your children. How many bowls would you like?”
“I’ll pay for every pot you have!” Toga held out a small bag, the golden coins jiggling around. “Is this a family recipe?”
“Yes! My daughter Kagome makes this as often as possible, starting from scratch almost every week for market day. Speaking of, Kagome dear! Come out, there is another gentleman who would like to compliment your cooking.”
A joyful, proud feeling washed over him and he looked around, hoping he could see if his soulmate was near. It certainly felt as if she was near, her soft giggle echoing in his ears. The triangles twitched and flattened against his head when he didn’t spot her, straightening his back to introduce himself when the woman’s daughter stepped out from behind a curtain.
“This is my daughter Kagome.” The woman smiled, bringing her forward and Inuyasha breathed in the wildflower scent surrounding him. She has to be close, I can practically taste her.
“Hello, Kagome. My name is Toga and this is my son, Inuyasha.” Toga chuckled and stepped back. Frowning at his father’s odd behavior, Inuyasha turned to introduce himself, and he froze, his demon roaring at everything clicked. There, standing in front of him, stood his soulmate, with long dark hair in beautiful waves down her back, pouty lips, a freckled nose and the most striking pair of eyes he had ever seen. Blinking rapidly, he realized one was brown and one was blue, his world falling into place as her name was whispered into his soul. 
taglist below the cut:
@enchantedink-ag @yukinon-writes @sailorbabydoll92 @loveinu40 @knittingknots @dawnrider @moonandwind @lavendertwilight89 @malditamigs @coyfoxmama @hazelhalfpint @sailorlolo @liz8080 @eriimoonsstuff @gottalottasocks @swaggingtomboy @kalcia @splendentgoddess @wheremydreamsliethereyoullfindme  @kawaiichan67 @mandirox89  @banksdelivers  @keichanz  @sorayastrife @abominablesnowpickle @joaniemae @sheremylunadandelion90 @babeewiththepowerr @misteria247 @that-one-nerdy-gal @adorabubblesblog @snowleopard302 @mybloodstream-caffeine @cazzy96 @briartss @hny-moroha @xcaeli @imextraordinarilyordinary @prettybaby89 @grapefruitwannabe @mustardyellowsunshine @clearwillow @coquinespike @mamabearcat @lostinfantasyworlds @inuyashaeienni @chit-a-to @ashleythegothgirl666 @serial-doubters-club  @shinidamachu
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skyelara · 1 year
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Color Theory, a drabble series for Sango and Miroku day 2023.
Summary: Sango and Miroku were each other’s favorite colors.
Read it on A03 here, or you can keep reading below!
Sango could drown in indigo waves, his magnetic current pulling her under. He was mysterious. An enigma. Her mind screamed to stay away, that he was just an itinerant monk. But she had never seen such a color in her life before. Curiosity took her hand, guiding her. He planted indigo irises on graves he dug for her kin. They shared an umbrella under indigo, rainy skies when she chose him. His skin kissed with purple and indigo bruises, left by her hand. He confessed, indigo eyes warming with declarations of love and marriage.
She never knew indigo until Miroku.
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