#it is never-endingly gorgeous
wristglitter · 8 months
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
wedding day blues | jhs
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request:  could I request a wedding day fluff for a certain hobi lover of ours please?? p.s. Love you bette boop 💕 by @thinksshesawolf​
word count: 1,150
warnings: theres a very brief mention of kinks but like,,,,,this is SO sfw yall there is not even a steamy kiss
“You’re missing something.”
You roll your eyes at your best friend. “I am not,” you tell him. “You just want me to be wearing those ten inch heels we saw at the store the other day.”
“They make the silhouette so much cleaner!” He defends. “Also your butt looked so good in them.”
“Yeah, and it would’ve looked that good on the ground, because I would’ve toppled over in three seconds flat.”
Jimin tsks under his breath but concedes the point, because he knows you’re right. You could barely stand still in the ten-inch stilettos, there’s no way you could’ve walked down the aisle in them.
Butterflies flutter in your stomach at the reminder of what you’re about to do. It’s been a long time coming, most of your friends would say, and this is it. Today’s the day.
You take a deep breath and smooth the skirt of your dress. It’s not white, exactly, more of a cream, because Jimin and Taehyung had insisted it would look better in the photos, though they wouldn’t explain their reasoning. They’d both been ridiculously involved in the entire planning process, and though they are part of your bridal party, it still would’ve been nice to have them calm down a little.
You can’t deny that they know what they’re doing though; the dress the two of them had picked out and then altered for you is gorgeous and makes you feel like a princess. The first time you’d tried it on, you’d cried, it was so perfect.
And now you’re here. Wearing it. Standing in the bridal suite, getting ready to go and get married. 
Panic surges through you. Are you sure you’re ready for this? You’re in love, of course, and you can’t imagine being with anyone else, but still, marriage is a big commitment. Are you really ready to tie yourself to one person for the rest of your lives? Can you really commit to him like this? Even when he leaves the toilet seat up in the middle of the night, and when he gets snippy at you for leaving dishes next to the sink instead of in it, and when he insists that he has to spend even longer away from home because of work, even though you miss him and are feeling needy?
“Calm down,” His voice says in your mind. 
“I am calm,” Jimin replies. Wait, what? Jimin can’t hear thoughts. How did he-
“I wasn’t talking to you.” You turn and grin, because there he is. Standing in a lovely cream suit that’s a wonderful contrast against his tanned skin and dark hair, looking for all intents and purposes like he just stepped off a catwalk, is your future husband.
The butterflies melt away as he smiles at you. It’s familiar and warm, and it feels like home.
“You’re not supposed to be here, it’s bad luck.” He tuts off your warning as he moves closer and wraps his arms around your waist. 
“If I’m not supposed to be here, who’s going to give you your afternoon kisses?” He asks, bopping your nose with the very tip of his. 
“Well, I think Seokjin might be willing to-”
He silences you with a quick peck, and you laugh at the annoyed frown on his face. 
“I’m kidding, Hobi,” You tell him quickly, peppering his face with kisses. He sighs a little and buries his nose in your hair.
“I know,” He murmurs. “Still jealous.”
You roll your eyes and shove away from him before Jimin can complain about wrinkles in your dress. “What are you doing here?” You ask him as you make a show of inspecting your hair in the mirror. Hoseok’s reflection shrugs.
“Thought I’d stop by beforehand,” He says, a little too nonchalant. “Make sure you weren’t running away.”
“Ha ha,” You say dryly. Despite your earlier panic, seeing Hoseok just reminds you of all the reasons that you’re doing this. The way he’s never-endingly patient when you put dishes by the sink, how he insists on giving you kisses every time he sees you, when he has a hot bath and a facemask ready when you get home from a long day. 
You’ve been in love before this, but never like this. Your love for Hoseok grows every day that the two of you are together, and it’s stronger than any irritation or fight or anything that could come between you. It’s been work, of course; a lot of hard conversations about what each of you needs and expects in a relationship, and a lot of unlearning bad habits from both of you, and there’s still a lot that you both need to work on.
But that’s what a marriage is. Finding someone you love, someone you don’t want to go a single day without seeing or talking to, and saying ‘hey, you wanna be my buddy for life?’
“I said yes, Hobi,” You tell him, running your hand along his carefully styled hair to scratch as his scalp the way he likes. “And I’m gonna keep saying yes for the rest of our lives.”
Tension eases out of him, and the smile he gives you is absolutely blinding. 
“Turn around,” He says softly, “And close your eyes.”
“Oh no,” You whine, though you do as he says. “Is this another of your kinky games, because I do not want to walk down the aisle in front of your parents and mine when I have a sore-”
“It isn’t,” He promises with a laugh. He doesn’t say anything else, though, and you can hear fabric rustling behind you. 
Cool metal touches your collarbone and you force yourself not to jolt at the shock of it. 
“Alright,” Hoseok says, both hands landing on your shoulders so he can turn you to the side. “Open.”
Sitting neatly in the middle of your chest is the pendant Hoseok has kept hanging in his store for years, since he opened it. Glass of deep navy, folded in on itself over and over until it resembles a rose, hangs from the simple chain. 
You turn and punch Hoseok straight in the chest.
“What!” He exclaims, rubbing at the wound. “I thought you’d like it!”
“I do!” You assure him, sniffling. “But I told you earlier that I can’t cry before we say our vows, or Taehyung will sue the stylist for not using water-proof mascara!”
Hoseok laughs and uses the corner of his finger to wipe your tears away without disturbing what the stylist had spent so long perfecting. 
“You’ve been eyeing it for so long,” He says, “I figured I’d surprise you with your something blue today.”
“I love it,” You tell him. Jimin had been right when he said you were missing something, but it hadn’t been the shoes at all. 
“Good.” Hoseok presses a kiss to your forehead. “You ready to get married, then?”
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lovehugsandcandy · 4 years
Mermaid Magic (ColtxMC, RoD)
A/N: Apparently, if you want something done, you better do it yourself (note: not done well. just done). Based off the amazing idea where MC is a mermaid and Colt is an idiot from @escanorelyon, here. Thank you for letting me write this and for coming up with such a delicious concept. Anyone, if you want to put your own spin on the idea, I would love to see what you come up with! Tag me!
Pairing: Colt x MC, ROD
Length: ~3,000 words
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (Swearing?)
Summary: Is the surprise that there’s a mermaid? Or is the surprise that it takes him so long to figure it all out?
The plunge is weightless, terrifyingly familiar, and his swift reentry to earth, via splash into the Pacific so deep his ears roar with the pressure, never fails to take his breath away. As Colt kicks back to the surface, salt water around him churning with every stroke, he can almost pretend it has taken his stress away, a complete distraction from the rationale behind his trip to LA.
He emerges and shakes the sea from his hair, swiping at the water dripping from his nose and tonguing at his tingling lips. It’s peaceful here, tranquil, miles away from the confrontation he knows awaits. The cliff had always been the opposite of his home life, peace instead of strife, calm instead of stress, and the trips had always been a respite from the turmoil of his youth. After being forced to make the leap time and time again, he came to see this place as a haven of solitude, where he could be alone and process whatever shithole situation he was currently in.
A sudden splash to his left makes him realize his thoughts of solitude were ill-informed.
“Hello?” He spins, water rippling around him, eyes darting around the surface to assess whatever danger lay beneath.
But it doesn’t look like danger as a face slowly comes into view, chestnut hair slowly rising through the sea. She blinks at him, eyes glowing almost otherworldly in the sunlight, and she purses her lips. She looks wary, scared, as if he was the one who impinged on her peaceful time. “Hi.”
“How the hell did you get here?” He cranes his neck up at the cliff; there were no other cars there when he arrived and he sure as hell would have heard someone else diving into the water. And it’s inaccessible from the sides, cliff towering over them, steep rock jutting out in treacherous points, against which the Pacific crashed in rhythmic pulses booming into the sea air. “This is my spot.”
Her plush lips fall open. “Your spot?” she sputters incredulously. “Are you kidding me?”
“I’ve been coming here since I was eight.”
“I’ve been coming here forever. You don’t own this spot, you utter buffoon!�� She swims closer, glaring at him, and, had he less experience in dealing with the rage of others, he might have stood down; however, her anger only fuels his.
“How did you even get here? I was swimming here first.”
“You don’t own the sea and you were not here first!” Her movements are choppy with anger as she gets closer, but Colt doesn’t retreat, treading water and glaring defiantly back. “I’ve been here…” Her diatribe fades into the surf as he notices that she is being followed, graceful teal fin swimming after her, flapping over the water.
“Umm, “ he interrupts, “something’s behind you.”
“What?” She spins, and the tail does too, swirling around her, too close to be a normal fish. It doesn’t look like a normal anything, swaying just over the waves, matching her every motion movement-for-movement.
His heart stops and, before he can think, he ducks under the water, eyes stinging as he forces them open. It has to be a trick of the light, some weird fever dream. Maybe he died leaping from the cliff. Maybe he isn’t even in LA, instead still lying in his dorm room having talked himself out of this adventure of paternal reunion. Because anything would make more sense than what he was seeing. 
For, in front of his eyes, there is a fucking tail where her legs should be, swirling gracefully and leaving tiny ripples in its wake. The scales glisten, catching the sunlight filtering through the ocean, and it is strangely compelling: unnatural, alien, gorgeous. He opens his mouth and swallows a gulp of salt water, sputtering to the surface to hack and cough and try to get air to his lungs.
When he can finally see again, she is gaping at him, eyes wide, breath coming in uncertain pants. “Wait…” she murmurs weakly, “I can explain-”
“Oh my God.” He can barely believe his eyes but, at the terrified look on her face, he realizes he wasn’t seeing things. “You’re a mermaid.”
The plan had been simple: get to LA, go to the sideshow, have the requisite argument with his father, probably punctuated by a screaming match at the garage, and then fight his way into the crew and prove his worth.
But everything had changed after his leap into the water, when he had met a goddamned mermaid, a fucking sea creature, floating outside the PCH like she belonged in California, not in the dusty tomes of some piece of shit folklore.
Make no mistake, he still wanted to fight his way back into his father’s good graces (assuming Teppei possessed good grace, Colt would be content with begrudging acceptance instead). But now, he was desperate to solve the mystery. He had begged her to stay, voice dipping into embarrassingly weak pleas, but she had panicked and leapt into the waves, tail flitting behind her in a merry farewell as she fled.
He couldn’t let that be the last time he saw her; he had to talk to her again. He was so distracted, wandering around the sideshow with his mind on the sea, that he almost walked straight into a couple, wandering the cars side-by-side and meandering through the crowd.
“Watch where you’re going,” he shot out, halfheartedly, more instinct than conscious thought. 
“You watch where you’re going.” The kid turned, swinging his hair out of his eyes to size Colt up. He rolled his eyes. Did this punk really want to start something here? Of all places?
The girl in front of him stops short as well but, as soon as she turns, she flinches, damp hair settling in haphazard waves around her fine features as she gawks at him, eyes wide. They gleam, large in her face, an almost otherworldly glow from the dance floor strobe lights, and she looks terrified. Colt scoffs; he might rough up her man, but he wouldn’t lay hands on this tiny brunette. He’s not that much of a prick.
She stares at him and takes a deep breath, exhaling loudly as she studies him. He blinks back, waiting, never dropping the gaze. Finally, she speaks. “Ummm....Hi?”
With the sour intensity painting her features, he expected a better opening line. “What? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” She’s still staring at him in terror, eyes glassy, face pale. 
“What? Ummm… you don’t…” Her tongue pokes out to wet her trembling lips and he follows the movement before remembering the asshole perched next to her. “You don’t know who I am?”
“Sorry,” he scoffs, already bored. “I don’t pay attention to every single pair of losers that has the audacity to get in my way.” He shakes his head and stalks off, mind already returning to the waves and the shadow of a tail underneath the surface.
He is absolutely, completely, world-endingly obsessed.
Colt is no stranger to obsession (motorcycles, video games, reclaiming his place as rightful heir through fists and sweat and blood) but his desperate need to see the mermaid is bordering on insanity. He leaps from the cliff, again and again and again, varying hour of day and day of week based on a detailed spreadsheet he drafted to give him the best probability to see her again. The middle of the day is fruitless, depths of the sea a brilliant reprieve from the sun sweltering overhead, but he doesn’t even notice, feeling only dismay when she doesn’t appear. The middle of the night is no better, moon lighting a solemn path through the trees as its glow echoes softly over the lapping waves, but still no mermaid.
He is starting to lose hope, despair seeping its way into his heart, when he spies a familiar head of hair in the evening sunset.
“It’s you,” he breathes and swims closer, drawn to her in a way that he doesn’t want to examine too hard.
“I’ve been trying to find you, I’ve been coming here almost every day.”
She rolls her eyes. “Is that where you’ve been going?”
“When you take off….” she opens her mouth and closes it again, eyes scrutinizing him as if he were a puzzle to be deciphered and conquered. “This is where you go?”
“When you…” she trails off before shaking her head, dismissively. “Never mind. You are an idiot.”
He ignores the insult as he takes her in, the water tracing gentle paths down her features, the tail glowing luminescent behind her, reflecting the waning rays of sun dipping over the ocean. “Who are you? How did you get here? Where are you from?”
“You are really curious about me.” She smiles sanguinely and her tail flips behind her. Colt feels lightheaded.
“You have no idea.” 
“I’m from LA obviously,” she giggles and the tilt of her laugh pulls him closer, legs kicking out until he is treading water directly in front of her.
“What, a secret coven of mermaids hidden in the Hills?”
She laughs and his fingers twitch, aching to reach out and touch the droplet heavy on her cheek. “Covens are for witches.”
“Do you mean the mythical kind? Do they also live in LA? Or are you referring to the lady who runs the bodega on 92nd cuz she is a real witch?”
She laughs again and he would do anything, absolutely anything, to hear the sound again. “I’m sure you may have instigated something there.”
“Maybe…” The smile still plays on her lips; there is so much he wants to ask, so much he needs to know. 
“I can’t believe there are mermaids. Damn.” A sudden thought hits him; he considered this his secret but maybe it wasn’t just his. “Does anyone else know about you?”
“What? I guess…My dad…” She looks past him, gazing far away at something only she can see. “He knows but he…he doesn’t understand what it’s like. What I’m like.”
Her eyes suddenly water with something more painful than the sea and Colt is stuck by the fact that even mermaids have human problems. “Yeah, I get that.”
“I know you do, Colt.”
“Wait...How did you know my name?”
She rolls her eyes, and the sadness vanishes, replaced by the familiar teasing grin, the sense that she knows some secret that he can’t comprehend. “You are a goddamn…It’s mermaid magic, Colt. Mermaid magic.”
He spends less and less time at the shop.
He’s sure his father is delighted, but he’s also sure Pop harbors secret, unnecessary concerns about his whereabouts. The crew seems the same as when he was shipped out east, as bumbling as ever, but now when he desperately escapes from the crowd, it is with purpose. He yearns to catch yet another glimpse of the girl, tail fleeting in the water, smirk on her face as they banter back and forth.
He isn’t interested in anything but the mermaid. 
Except maybe one thing. One person.
The girl from the sideshow, Ellie, has somehow integrated herself into the crew. At first, he was doubtful, wondering how a careful valedictorian could fit in with a group of hardened thieves, but she seemed to integrate seamlessly into the group, her intelligence a compliment to a crew that was severely lacking.
And apparently even he found it hard to reject her, her toughness and drive reminding him of himself. She’s fast on her feet; they have traded almost infinite barbs, various interchanges and insults, her quick wit keeping pace even with his own. He's also caught her glancing his way, peeking glances from across the shop, interest and confusion painting her face. He looks at her as well, more than he would admit, and he tells himself it is solely curiosity. Sure, she's attractive, but she's also rejecting her cozy home for a shadowed existence in a crew on the edge. Of course, he's curious.
Which is how he finds himself escorting her to her driver’s test which, obviously, she passed with flying colors. Beaming with pride, she insists on using her new paper permit to drive them back to the garage, hands confidently gripping the steering wheel as he watches the highway fly by.
“You know you’re an idiot, right?”
He gapes at her. The insult is familiar; it’s far from the first time she called him that, but it seems rather random this time. “Pot, meet kettle,” he huffs.
“You are just so dumb.” She only smiles wider. “You don’t see what’s right in front of your face.”
“I see another idiot who is gonna waste twenty minutes if she misses the off-ramp.”
”Whatever,” she sighs and dutifully puts her blinker on, plush lips pursing at him. “You think you’re so smart, with your stealthy getaways, your little secret. You’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are.”
“What are you-” His voice fades away as his mind races. How did she know-? She couldn’t know. Right? He hasn’t told anyone about the mermaid, about his trips to the cliff, about flying though the air to find her, waiting for him, wet skin glowing in the setting sun.
“I know you have a secret…” She glances over then quickly averts her eyes to the road. “Maybe I do, too.”
“Ha. Your secret is that you got mixed up in a life of crime.”
“And your secret is even more insane.”
He stares at her, trying to figure out what exactly she knows, but she only winks at him, throwing her car in park. “What are you…” he trails off.
“What’s the one thing you want more than anything?” Her lips play in a sly smirk and he can’t help but incline his head towards her. Colt wants, God, he wants all the time. He is a perpetual raging ball of want, desperate for things he can’t have-access to his father’s life, a place in the crew, the trust of a mermaid-all of it swirling in his mind but, right now, the one thing he wants is to lean even closer, to capture Ellie’s lips in his own and bite at her snarky smile until his name on her lips is the only thing she herself wants.
He inhales, sharp, the desire pulsing through him sharp as a splash of water over his face. He is suddenly as cold as the sea.
“You’ve almost got it,” she inches closer and her eyes positively gleam, brilliantly reflecting the dashboard indicators, and she gives him one last smirk before pulling away, springing out of the seat and slamming the door behind her.
Now that she has moved, Colt feels like he can finally breathe, air rushing into his lungs. It smells slightly of salt, as if the sea breeze had made it all the way to Gramercy Park, even through the closed windows. Strange.
“You are an idiot,” she sings, voice high over the surf.
They splash together in the waves and he peppers the mermaid with questions, most of which she answers in between diving under the surf to pop up behind him, hair swirling as he stutters. Every time they meet up, he has more questions, and she indulges him with a small grin. He has learned that unicorns don’t exist, she has never seen an actual sea monster, and, apparently, her overprotective father is so worried about a human finding out about her that he used to put a GPS locator on her phone.
“But how do you have a phone?”
“Idiot!!! How are you so-urgh!” She blows bubbles through full lips and laughs. “Everyone has a phone.”
“What, you just have a pocket in your tail?” He dives, reaching out to slowly caress the scales under the surface. They are smooth to the touch, like sea glass or river rocks, glowing incandescent in the water. She swats at him, tail flicking playfully, and he swims after it, giving chase until his lungs burn and he needs to emerge, sucking in oxygen.
“I told you, I’m not always a mermaid.”
“So you go to school? Like normal?”
She blinks slowly at him, eyes imploring. “I’m in high school. A senior. I’m gonna be the valedictorian of my class.”
“That’s why you think I’m an idiot, because you’re a nerdy smartypants.”
She rolls her eyes. “Nope. Not why I think you’re an idiot, Colt.”
“Will I ever get to see you as a human?”
“Ummm…” She swallows, hard, and a flash of terror crosses her face. His stomach swoops, deja vu hinting at something in his mind, but she continues before he can examine the sensation. “I don’t know. Can I trust you?”
“I’ve kept your secret so far.”
“You have,” she avers with certainty, nodding to herself. “You have.” She looks around at the ocean, deep in thought and chewing on her lips, before she looks at him resolutely. “Ok. Let’s do this.”
She nods again and ducks under the waves, swimming out in front of him, slowly, so his clumsy human feet can follow her to a shadowy cove hidden in the cliff side. He walks out onto a small strip of sand as she pulls herself up, arms propelling her forward as her tail glistens and picks up damp granules of warm sand.
“Wait here. Close your eyes.”
“Fine,” he huffs but dutifully listens, hearing her slither behind a rock. There’s a quiet rustling, movement, fabric draping over wet skin; he can almost imagine her behind the rock, skin wet from the ocean, salt clinging to every inch his tongue could chase. He swallows the flash of heat down.
“Ok.” Her voice trembles and she sounds intensely nervous, though Colt can’t figure out why. “You can open your eyes.”
He does and, standing right in front of him, the mermaid is clad in jeans and a tank top. Her dark hair is sopping wet as she rings it out, strands tangling over her fingers and draping over her shoulder. He steps closer in shock. “You have legs!”
She blinks at him again, dumbfounded. “You are as dumb as these rocks.”
He is about to retort when she reaches down to grasp a sweatshirt, sliding the familiar blue over her head, rocking back on her heels and crossing her arms right below where the white lettering spells out LANGSTON. 
“Holy shit-”
“I told you you were an idiot.”
“I am so stupid. I am so fucking stupid.”
“Wow, we actually agree on something.” She smiles and he can’t stop his fingers from reaching out to grasp her hips, Ellie’s human hips.
When she kisses him, she tastes like the sea.
Perma @desireepow-1986 @leelee10898 @emichelle @client-327 @choicesgremlin @brightpinkpeppercorn @thequeenofcronuts @lilyofchoices @choicesarehard
ROD @omgjasminesimone @mskaneko @lovemychoices
@deimosensblog @alegria1580   @thefarrari @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown@soniadotalves @jolietmaraud @flowerpowell@poeticscolt @zaira-oh-zaira @akrenich @sibella-plays-choices​  @maxwellsquidsuit  @liamzigmichael4ever​ @octobereighth @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction
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ask-chivist · 5 years
😍 favourite character?,📜 favourite marauder? (that’s supposed to be a papyrus) , ❤ favourite weasley?and💕 most relatable character?
😍 favourite character
I want to answer Andromeda because I'm so fascinated by her story, I love the mystery of not knowing much about her, I love being able to make oh her what I want.
But I also want to say Lucius Malfoy (partly because Jason Isaacs is gorgeous and I love long hair) and partly because I find it fascinating how things shape the person he is.
But I might have to say Molly Weasley because she's just so strong and loving. I love Molly, my mum.
📜 favourite marauder
Remus Lupin. Less of an asshole in school, but with every reason to be one. He suffered never-endingly in his life and I love him for managing to stay so strong.
❤ favourite Weasley
Molly (see above)
But I imagine this means Weasley children so... the twins. They carve their own path in life and are successful, even though their mother didn't approve. They cheered people up when times were tough (their anti-Umbridge activity was great, and their joke shop was the light in the darkness).
💕 most relatable character
Like, who do I relate to?
Probably Lavender Brown; emotional, excitable, happy girl who is kind even if she can be a tad annoying... dat me
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head-and-heart · 8 years
4x04 Personal Highlights
So I know that there has been a lot of negativity surrounding this past episode, but I would like to point out that it was far from being all bad and I would say it was a hell of a lot better than episode four from LAST season (aka. my least favourite episode of this show, ever) there was actually some good shit buried in this episode that I would like to address.
Never too much positivity, right fam?
Okay, I’ll get to it.
1. “Bellamy should be back by now.”
I mean, it’s self-explanatory. Even the C/exa queen is writing us some Bellarke shit .. hmm, I wonder why? Maybe cause she has to? Maybe cause Bellarke is becoming canon? Huh, weird.
2. Monty being a total babe and trying to comfort Clarke
It only serves to make the absence of his name on The List that much more painful, but I love seeing Monty trying to cheer Clarke up. He’s such a beacon of light. @the-ships-to-rule-them-all and @abazethe100 talked on their podcast about how its not just Monty’s brain and skills that make him invaluable, but who he is at his core - a source of optimism and support. He holds people together. I thought it was worth mentioning because @theskyboxpodcast is always good, but I especially loved that bit.
3. Devon’s acting
The writers truly could not have picked a better actor to play Jasper. He kills it, over and over and over again. Devon is the perfect mix of humour and tragedy that makes Jasper so heartbreaking and unique. He brings life to this character in a way that few actors could. That scene in the rain perfectly demonstrates this.
(UNRELATED: I’d love to see how Jaha was managing out on that lake when he heard about the acid fog. The possibilities are never-endingly humourous.)
4. Kane calling out Octavia
This scene was soooo validating because its the first time that Octavia’s actions have TRULY been called out. And it wasn’t just a brief call-out, it was an entire lengthy scene dedicated to why Octavia’s actions are NOT being supported by the narrative and are NOT right or honourable. 
“A warrior knows when not to kill. Lincoln taught you that. You seem to have forgotten.”
And to those of you who were screaming about Octavia never dealing with the consequences of her actions after ... what? 4x02? YOU COULDN’T WAIT TWO EPISODES??? WHY DO YOU JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS WHY DO YOU TORTURE YOURSELVES? Short rant concluded. This was a top-knotch scene. 
She is so gorgeous and her voice is so soothing. She makes every episode better just be existing.
7. Jackson being a total babe and helping out Raven this episode/showing compassion and concern
So I’ve seen people shipping it and I am ... oddly, not opposed??? I mean, he’s sweet and that banter was nice and he’s a doctor which means he’s probs smart and also can help her out with her pain (kinda) and it will never happen but I CAN DREAM OKAY? 
Also, Jackson is Jackson’s only name. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. You will never hear me referring to Jackson by any other name. #dealwithit
8. “Save us all” sounds like “keep us all clean” in Trigadesleng because apparently Grounders know their priorities
I guess this explains why L.exa had that deep conditioned shit last season while Clarke was progressing through her slow but steady evolution into a dirty mop
9. “I’ve never met a line I wouldn’t cross.”
Richard you get the best lines. And you slay them every time.
I’M SO EXCITED. Lindsey and Richard are both a thrill to watch and they’re both so sassy and their history is just ... WOW. They haven’t had many scenes together ever since that KILLER scene in the dropship where we learned Murphy’s backstory which is a total crime because THEIR CHEMISTRY SERIOUSLY FLIES THROUGH THE ROOF.
I do think Murphy was trying to get on Raven’s good side when he grabbed her and helped her to safety and it was definitely for his personal motives, but I do also believe that a large part of him wanted to do it as an attempt to make up for fucking up her life so bad as well. It’s such an interesting dynamic to watch.
Just want to clarify that I don’t ship it because ... y’all he literally shot her and paralyzed her why do you do this?? But I definitely want to see more of them on my TV screen
11. Dad!Kane cupping his son’s face
Need I say more?
12. “Warriors don’t reveal their secrets.”
13. Ice Nation is SO much more interesting than Trikru
14. “Remember that time we welded your dad’s furniture to the ceiling? Now THAT was a prank.”
15. “You’re not God, Clarke. You don’t get to decide who lives and dies.”
Hmm ... that’s an interesting line. Almost like it might be ... I don’t know ... A major theme of the show or something?
Also A++ delivery Devon. Kudos.
16. This show is SO GOOD with moral dilemmas
They truly do bring their A-Game every season. The List is just one example of these so-called moral dilemmas. There truly is no right choice. Clarke was pragmatic, everything she did made SENSE. But was it moral? Was it humane? That’s another story, and it’s one these writers are not afraid to tell.
17. Monty and Clarke’s interactions are all so on point
“You’re the one going too far and using the same old justification: it’s all for my people.”
Monty is spilling the tea this episode and while I understand Clarke’s mindset and sympathize with her for dealing with the pressure on her shoulders, everything that Monty said in this scene was absolutely 100% true, and it’s going to come into play in Clarke’s character arc this season, I am sure.
18. Raven’s struggle with her leg is so real
Kim perfectly captured the struggles that Raven has to deal with and how her leg, while limits her physical ability, certainly does not limit her determination, her skill, and her brain. 
19. “What if the fight is all we are? We torture, kill, betray. We pretend we’re more than that just to make ourselves feel better, but it’s a lie.”
I love this line so much. This episode encapsulates so many themes and big ideas of the show (and it grapples with morality in hugeeeee ways) and I’m loving it.
20. “You’re not a prisoner, Luna. You have a choice.”
Raven putting her gun down and saying this to Luna is SO important, especially when you think about how Clarke tried to force the flame on her in 3x14. Free will was a major theme last year and I’m glad to see it paying off now.
21. Jaha swooping in and stealing that crowd
Listen. I know that there are many conflicted opinions on Jaha and I know that lot of people hate him. But I have never been more intrigued. His story this season is sooo interesting. I have no idea what to expect from him. I feel as though he is so disconnected from the other characters at this point in the narrative that he’s a complete wild card. Do I trust him or not? Should I? What are his motives? What knowledge does he have that the other characters don’t?
He’s so fascinating to me in that he is completely unpredictable. His story this season could break off in just about any direction. 
This scene was really fun to watch. Clearly, Jaha’s years of being a Chancellor comes in handy with a crowd. He knows what to do, what to say, to sway them. It reminds me of Bellamy, in a way, actually. Say what you will about Jaha, but he has a way with words and he knows how to inspire people. I can’t wait to see how this goes. 
(I totally think that lottery is bullshit and I think that Jaha realizes this, but he’s manipulating the crowd. We’ll see how this blows up in our faces later.)
“The people need to feel like they have a say in their fate.”
Another interesting line that I enjoyed. Just wanted to point it out.
22. “It’s the only choice you gave yourself. If you think you have the best idea, you have to convince people, not lie to them. Or lock them up.”
So choices and free will and truth and morality are all big focusses of this episode. People seem to overlook how much great thematic stuff is in 4x04 but there’s a lot and it’s great.
23. Becca’s lab is bomb AF
25. “Take me home.” 
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