#it is so good we're siblings bc idk who else would put up with either of us sometimes LMAO
microsuedemouse · 1 year
god fucking help me if anyone at work startles me in the next few days bc I will 100% be lost in thought about Turtles and the chances of me thereby accidentally squawking some piece of Turtle lore at them are also very high
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time-is-a-pain · 3 years
Okay it's 3:00 am I have Thoughts and little filter so here we go
Why are there any ships in fairy tail at all anyway?
Admittedly it has been a bit since I read through it, but I feel like the whole point/theme of fairy tail is their familial bond and how much strength they take from their guild family so why there be ships??
I understand that some characters would naturally fall into relationships, but I feel like most of the ones in ft don't.... make a lot of sense. I'm mostly talking about the canon ships, though some fan ships are odd too
Not that you can't enjoy them I just don't understand them. To each their own, right?
And also, I feel like there are a lot of issues with canon ships? Take Nalu for example. Their relationship reads to me like a sibling one. Lucy is the older sister and Natsu is the annoying younger brother who constantly pokes around in her stuff and goes off on a rampage if someone hurts his sister.
I fully admit that I could be influenced by various fanon that I've absorbed over the years, but Natsu and Happy are constantly breaking into Lucy's apartment and using her stuff without asking. Lucy's constantly surprised and tries to kick them out when she walks in to find them already at home so I highly doubt that she gave them permission to drop by whenever they feel like it to use her stuff.
Even at the end of ft, when Lucy gets her award for her book, the first thing that happens the next morning is Natsu and Happy barging in, waking her up, and then Happy damages her award by scratching it even though they should know by then how important publishing a book and getting recognized for it is to Lucy.
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But it's fine cause they'll "always be together." right?
I guess I could see Nalu happening as like a "we're already constantly together, might as well try it?" kind of relationship, but not as a together forever one.
Gruvia I don't understand at all. Especially don't understand how Gray goes from being creeped out and uncomfortable around Juvia in the beginning to "your body belongs to me." Which is icky to me for a whole other reason, but I digress. Still don't understand it.
I think Juvia was done dirty. She ended up obsessed with Gray because he beat her and made the rain go away right? She could've gone on to explore a world that wasn't constantly grey and wet, she could've been infatuated with Gray for a while before realizing that her feelings weren't reciprocated and moved onto something else. She could've become her own character, instead of a cardboard cutout with alarming amounts of stalker painted on.
Seriously, when Gray goes undercover in that Zeref worshipping group I forget the name of, Juvia literally gets so depressed she becomes the rain woman again and sits outside for, what was it, three months? And gets sick for her troubles.
Why is Gruvia a thing?
Jerza is...... eh?
I think Jellal should've had more than just a amnesia, remembered everything during tenrou's 7 year nap, "I can't love you bc of all the things I feel bad about." And Erza should've had more than "you were my first love, you killed my childhood friend, I thought you died, I forgive you."
Obviously that's oversimplifying things, but they both have issues relating to the tower of heaven that need to be addressed and worked out.
I do like Jerza, I just think it needs some fleshing out.
I like Gajevvy. My only complaint about this one is I would've liked to see more of Gajeel changing from the asshole he was bc of phantom and start making active decisions and changes bc of ft's influence into the mind of person who likes to dress in fancy white suits and sing in stage and puts everything on the line to protect his guild.
Was that a coherent sentence? Idk man, it's late and that's what you're getting.
I also would've liked to see more of gajevvy becoming friends and then moving into lover territory.
Hm, I probably like this one the most bc we can actually see Gajeel go from sadistic asshole to prickly but caring family.
Evergreen/Elfman just feels like "oh, a male and female character are teamed up, let's put them in a relationship."
Ultimately, I don't understand it, but I don't have any feelings about it either way.
Who even did Laxus end up with? I feel like he wound up with someone but I can't remember who. Mira? That feels vaguely correct.
It is now nearly an hour later and all that was to say I wish ft had remained entirely platonic because it's still really good written platonically.
Thank you and good night
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