#it is so tiring lately lookin in the mirror is a joke lately. a total joke i would b someone else entirely if i had been allowed to exist
fairycosmos · 4 years
i’m not naturally a beautiful girl i’m just a normal girl but i feel suffocated but the beauty standard sometimes. it takes a lot of effort and there’s to many things you have to do regularly to look good and maybe this is lazy of me but im very tired sometimes i wish i didn’t have to spend so much energy (and money) on it and i wish i didn’t have to think about it so much. when i’m on a good mental health moment i don’t mind it but mostly i’m not and it becomes very tiresome. it’s hard as human in general but as a woman specially more so
omg you’re not lazy! it’s not lazy to want to just exist normally and naturally in your own body without having to modify it due to outside pressure, or for the approval of others who have been raised on that same diet of impossible beauty standards. and i totally understand honestly like UGH!! i’m right there with you i wanna scream. i think it’s important to remember that they set the bar that high on purpose - it’s SUPPOSED to be unattainable, we’re SUPPOSED to constantly feel like we’re not performing well enough so we keep spending more n more money trying to achieve the look of the moment. it is literally designed to keep us hating ourselves, the whole thing. there’s always something to improve upon, no matter how close to perfection you get. nobody and nothing is ever good enough. in recent years, the standards have gotten even more extreme as cosmetic surgery and elaborate makeup looks become the norm, because those things are extremely profitable. all of this aligns with money more than it aligns with beauty, because beauty is the most subjective and fleeting thing. plus it’s easier to control trends, and what ppl perceive as beautiful, with the iron grip social media has on how ppl want to appear. the further they can take it, the further they will. this fucked up luxurious version of hyper femininity that remains commercially eurocentric while stealing features that are typically found (and shamed) in POC at the same time. and we all have to strive for it apparently, it’s ridiculous. i know that especially for women, how we look often determines how we’re treated - whether that’s like we’re invisible, like a person, like a sex object, whatever. so the frustration is totally justified. but i really don’t think it’s your ‘fault’ for being exhausted by it when the system’s very goal is to do just that. it’s a completely human response to being treated like less than human for having a fuckin hair out of place. ultimately it has everything to do with the world and nothing to do with you and your body, which is actually a very neutral thing that is doing its job allowing you to experience life n keeping you alive. and while being pretty isn’t the most important thing, just because you have been taught not to see yourself through that lens doesn’t mean others view you in the same light. anyway ig what i’m saying is that you don’t need anyone’s permission to be pissed off. look if you want to leave the house w a bare face even just to walk down the street for 5 minutes in the beginning, then you should practice being able to do that. and if the feelings of shame come, accept them and let them pass, but know that it’s not because you’re ugly. it’s because the world wants you to become so overwhelmed by that learned embarrassment, that you spend money fixing a problem that isn’t there to begin with!!!!! ANYWAY
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elianamarie-blog · 3 years
Hiii! Can you do one Hyde and y/n are secretly together bc she’s Forman’s sister but Kelso is always flirting with y/n and it upsets Hyde so maybe Kelso and Hyde get into it and they admit they are together?
Yes, baby doll! Thank you for being patient with me <3
Told You So
Steven Hyde x reader
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"Hey, good lookin'," Kelso said smoothly to Y/n as he slid in the booth seat of the Hub.
Y/n rolled her eyes at him as she scooted away from him. "Kelso, do you mind? I'm trying to eat here."
"What's a pretty girl like you doing here by yourself?" he asked, completely ignoring her.
"Because I want to be," she said and slammed the book she was reading. "And why are you acting like that? We see each other everyday."
"Yeah, but we're not alone everyday," he replied and scooted closer. "Now we are."
"There's a reason for that, Kelso." She shifted further away from him, closer to the edge, but all that did was make him shift with her. "If Eric found out what you've been trying to do, he'd kick your ass."
"Oh, come on, he doesn't have to know!"
"Kelso, even if we did, you wouldn't be able to keep your fat mouth shut. When you were with Laurie, you announced it to the whole world that you slept with her. I don't need that." She gathered up her stuff and started to head out, but Kelso stood up with her.
"So, you're saying there's a chance?" he grinned stupidly at her.
"No, you dink," she spat and pushed passed him. "I don't like you and I don't want to get with you. Why don't you get that?"
She walked outside while Kelso watched her leave, staring at her ass.
"She totally wants me."
Later in the basement...
"I don't know why he even keeps hitting on me," Y/n said to Donna, Jackie, and Hyde while in the basement. Donna and Y/n sat on the couch, Jackie in the lawn chair, and Hyde in his usual seat. "We've been friends forever and he never looked at me like that until, like, a year ago."
"Well, have you looked in a mirror lately?" Hyde asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Do you notice your new shirt fillers?"
Y/n looked down at herself, then realized what he meant. "You're saying he's trying to get me in the sack because of my knockers?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying," Hyde grinned. "Even a blind man can see how much you've grown into your shirts."
"Ugh, what a pig," Jackie sneered. "I'm glad I broke up with him."
"Jackie, to be fair, you broke up with him because he cheated on you," Donna pointed out.
"Eh, whatever," Jackie said, flapping her hand to the side.
"Okay, seriously, guys, how do I get him to stop?" Y/n asked, turning the conversation back around. "Eric gets pissed and tells him to shut up, but he finds new ways to still hit on me."
"Tell him to get bent and that you've found someone else," Hyde suggested.
Y/n eyed him suspiciously. "Kelso may be a bonehead, but when it comes to women and sex, he's freaking Sherlock Holmes."
"Well, then lie."
"Lie?" Y/n asked and fully turned to him. "And say what? That I'm seeing someone so back off before he kicks your ass?"
Y/n thought about it for a minute and then turned to the girls. "What do you girls think?"
Donna and Jackie shrugged.
"It could work," Jackie said.
"I don't think it's a bad idea," Donna responded. "Kelso doesn't like competition. He'll bitch a lot, but at least he'll back off."
Y/n shrugged. "It's worth a try."
"Good," Jackie said and stood up. "I should get going. My mom is going to attempt to make dinner tonight. If you see the fire department at my house, you'll know what happened." She walked over to the door and tugged it open. "But on the bright side, there'll be lots of fireman. Bye!"
"Maybe I can get a piece of that action," Y/n joked, making Donna laugh.
"I better get going too," she said. "I have to meet your brother at the hub for our date."
"Ohhh, where's he taking you? Mt. Hump?" Hyde asked.
"Ew, gross! Hyde!" Y/n shrieked, making Hyde laugh. "That's my little brother."
"Little?" Hyde asked. "You guys are only ten months apart."
"I'm still older by a couple months."
"Whatever you say," Hyde said, unconcerned and crossed his arms.
"Actually, no, he's taking me somewhere else for once," Donna said, grabbing her coat. "He says it's a surprise."
"I can guarantee his surprise is what's in his pants," Hyde said.
Donna rolled her eyes and looked at Y/n. "Good luck with him."
Y/n nodded as she watched Donna leave the basement. She turned back to him who was staring at her through his aviators. "Now I know what's on your mind."
"How could it not be when you're here looking like that," he responded and stood up only to crawl his way onto her, making her lie on her back.
A smirk played at her lips as she reached up and removed his glasses, finally seeing those blown pupils in his baby blue eyes. "Looking like what, Mr. Hyde?"
He growled at the nickname as he dipped his head into her neck, peppering her flesh with light kisses. She closed her eyes and leaned her head to the side to give him more access.
"All hot and don't even know it," he muttered, trailing his hands up her blouse. He brought his face up to meet hers and pressed his mouth against hers.
"You are mine," he growled when he pulled apart from her. "Not Kelso's. Mine."
She nodded. "Now show me just why I'm yours."
The next day...
The gang hung out in the basement as usual as the tv played quietly in the background. Y/n sat on the couch wearing a mini skirt wearing Hyde's Led Zepplin shirt, reading a magazine. Kelso couldn't help but stare at her bare sun kissed legs, his eyes roaming and try to see under her skirt.
"Stop staring at me," Y/n demanded.
"Well, I'm sorry, Y/n, but you're freakin' hot!" he responded.
"Hey, Kelso, have you tried not hitting on my sister?" Eric asked calmly, yet sarcastically.
"I gotta, Eric," Kelso asked. "It's like asking me not to breathe!" He snapped his fingers and pointed at Y/n. "I know! We should do it."
Y/n shook her head, keeping her eyes glued to the magazine. "You are as dumb as you are pretty."
Kelso smirked and leaned on the arm rest next to her, face inches from hers. "So, you're saying I'm pretty?"
She tore her eyes from the magazine and made eye contact with him, noses barley brushing, and glared at him. "Bite me, Kelso," she spit before pushing his face away from hers.
"Is that a promise?," Kelso asked, smirking.
Hyde walked out of his room in that moment, seeing Kelso on the floor and Y/n sitting on the couch. When he moved from behind the couch to his seat, he noticed Y/n wearing his shirt. "Is that my shirt?"
Y/n looked up at him with a hint of innocence in her eyes. "Yeah, I saw it in the dryer and thought it looked comfy. Plus, I thought it'd look good with this skirt. Is that okay?"
"Um," he replied, swallowing thickly as he scanned her body, especially at her smooth and shapely legs. "Yeah. It's whatever."
She grinned at him. "Thank you."
"Whoa," Eric said as he stood from the couch. "Since when do you let chicks wear your shirts?"
Hyde shrugged. "I never had a problem with it to begin with."
"Yes, you did," Donna said with a smile on her face. "You said that no girl will ever your shirts unless you're banging her." Her eyes grew wide as she shot up from her seat. "Are you two sleeping together?!"
"What?" Y/n asked calmly. "Don't be crazy; of course we're not."
"Good, because you know if you were, I'd have to kick your ass, Hyde," Eric said, relief flooding over him as he went over to the fridge to grab a popsicle.
"What's the big deal? It's just a shirt," Hyde replied and set his feet up on the table, crossing his arms. "Besides, I live here. Why would it be weird?"
"I don't know," Fez replied. "I mean it's pretty obvious you have the hots for her."
"Shut up, Fez," Hyde said threateningly. "I do not."
"Oh, sure," he replied quietly.
"So, on this whole doing it," Kelso said and knelt down next to Y/n. "Are we doing it or not?"
Hyde didn't hesitate to reach over and connect his fist as hard he could to Kelso's shoulder.
"Ow, Hyde! What the hell was that for?"
Hyde grinned at his dopey best friend. He tried his hardest not to just beat the ever living hell out of him, but luckily for him, he had a good poker face. "Just love messing with you, man."
Kelso went from offended to laughing in seconds. "That's a good one." He turned back to Y/n. "So, what do you say?"
"You know, you begging me like this is kinda hot," Y/n commented with hooded eyes.
"Oh, yeah?" Kelso asked, shifting to be eye level with her.
"Yeah," she smiled and inhaled deeply.
"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?" Hyde asked.
"Yeah, what he said," Eric said. "Look, I don't need Kelso sleeping with both my sisters AND worry about knocking her up to. It's like a weird porno soap opera."
"You know what also is really hot?" Y/n asked, ignoring her brother and secret boyfriend.
"What?" he giggled, loving how close they were.
"Leaving me alone!" she responded and hit him with the magazine she was holding.
The group chuckled as Kelso stood up. "Damn, Y/n, I just wanted to get a little action!"
"Leave her alone, man. It's like you're deaf," Hyde said, annoyed.
"Hey, I've never given up on a girl before and I'm not going to start now!" Kelso defended.
"Well, you better!" Hyde said, growing frustrated. "I'm tired of hearing this everyday, man. So, shut up and leave her alone before I make you."
"Damn, Hyde, what's got your panties in a twist?" Kelso asked glumly and stood up.
"Nothing. I'm just tired of hearing you everyday trying to get into her pants! So, knock it off!"
"Well, it's not like she's your girlfriend, so you knock it off!" Kelso argued.
"Really? That's the best you can do?" Hyde asked, smirking.
The entire time the two men were arguing, Y/n found herself, staring incredulously at them as if she was a prize.
"Well, I can tell you to get bent and I'll do whatever I like, but I know you'll hit me," Kelso said.
"You just basically said it to me, you moron!" Hyde said, yelling. "And now I'm going to hit you."
Kelso took a couple steps back, backing away from Hyde. "You do that and it will not end well for you."
"Okay, guys stop it!" Y/n shouted, jumping up from her seat. "This isn't cool. Kelso sit down over there," she said pointing to the lawn chair. "And Hyde, sit down over there." She pointed to his usual seat.
Hyde and Kelso glared at each other for a minute.
"Fine," Hyde said and turned around.
"Fine," Kelso repeated and sat down in the lawn chair. "But I think something else that would've been interested to know on what exactly I was going to do."
As everyone looked at him in confusion, Kelso reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of pink panties.
"What the hell, Kelso?!" Y/n shrieked. "Are those my panties?!"
Kelso smirked in victory as he held the panties close to his ear. "What's that panties? You want me to do what to you? Oh, I can't do that. Naughty panties!" He clapped the cotton fabric between his hands and glanced over at Hyde who was practically steaming from the ears.
"You're dead," Hyde spat through gritted teeth and practically lunged at Kelso.
Before Kelso could react, Hyde was on top of him, his fists hitting wherever they would land.
"Hyde! What the--Ow! My eye!" Kelso shouted.
Before Hyde could connect his fist once more, he felt two arms wrap under his arms and around his chest and was pulled off the man.
"Hyde, get off of him before you really hurt him!" Eric shouted, trying to be heard over Kelso's wailing.
"What is it with you?!" Kelso asked. "We're just messing around!"
"No, you're not!" Hyde yelled, ripping himself from Eric's grip. "You're being a complete tool to Y/n."
"Why do you care this much?" Kelso asked with Y/n's panties still in hand. Y/n walked over and snatched her panties back from his grip.
"Because she's my chick, man!" Hyde blurted, but quickly realized what he just said as he saw everyone's wide eyes on him. Except for Y/n who was eyeing her brother.
"She's...she's your...what now?" Eric sputtered.
"Uhm...I meant...she's a--a chick," Hyde said, trying to save himself.
"No, no. No, no. You just she's your chick," Jackie corrected, pointing a finger at him. "Don't try to wiggle yourself out of this one."
"She's...uh--uh...Y/n, a little help here?" he asked his girlfriend who was standing there awkwardly.
"What he meant to say was that as a woman he respects me and he didn't appreciate Kelso's boneheaded advances towards me," she said, rather smoothly even though her voice wavered.
Eric stared at his sister wide eyed with his mouth open. "You guys are dating?"
The couple sighed in defeat as Hyde rubbed his hot neck. "Yeah."
Y/n nodded, trying not to look Eric in the eye.
"Have you two...had s-sex?" Eric stuttered, forcing that image out of his mind.
"Eric!" Donna said. "You don't ask that."
"Do you really want to know that answer?" Hyde asked.
Eric screwed his eyes shut, now the image really colorful behind his eyelids. He shoved the heel of his hand deep into his eyes until he saw different shapes, desperate to erase the unholy sin that was between his sister and best friend.
"How long?" Kelso asked after he was able to get over the initial shock enough to speak.
"About a month," Y/n responded with a strong voice.
"A month?!" Eric cried out. "You've been screwing my sister for a month?! Oh, God." He forced himself to swallow the bile that had risen up his throat.
"You sure it hasn't been longer than that?" Jackie asked. "Because, you know, sometimes, time can feel a lot shorter when you're...having fun."
"Don't call it that!" Eric yelled and eyed the couple who were now standing near each other. "This can't be happening. This can't be happening! My best friend and my sister bumping uglies? Why would you two do this?"
"Because I like him?" Y/n challenged. "And he likes me."
"Yeah, man. We're not just fooling around."
"I don't care what you're doing or not doing!" Eric shouted, face turning red. "You went behind my back and starting dating my sister when you knew it would bother me!"
"No! Don't even--! You know what? I--I can't stay here. I need some air," Eric said before he stormed out the basement.
The couple looked after him, sighing and turned back to the group.
"By the way, yes, it's been a month," Y/n said, answering Jackie's question.
"Ah, damn!" she replied and pulled out ten dollar bill from her wallet and handed it to Fez.
Fez whooped and gleefully took the money. "Told you!"
I hope you enjoyed this one! Let me know if there is anything I could've added! Thanks for reading my lovely.
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