#it just fits stray so well . wth
ar-mage-ddon · 5 months
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that new default outfit got me wailing
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smitmb1 · 1 year
week 8 part 1
today was just a day to spend more time on our own and creating two images on illustrator. we were instructed to document the process of every step.
we learnt a quicker way to take screenshots. (select, object, direct selection). also to get rid of points when points won't join together. (select, object, stray points).
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I started off with this drawing of a plant in a pot. I got an image of Pinterest and used a portion of the image. once I had the drawing on procreate I drew up where I would need to put all the handles. this was all an estimate and I was not 100% sure so I will see how it goes in illustrator.
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this was my first attempt. as you can see it is not at all like t˙e handles I drew. I think I will try this again but only draw half of the pot and then use the reflect tool to make both sides symmetrical.
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this was my second attempt. although it does not line up as well I like this shape and will continue with the drawing. it worked so much better using the reflect tool because I was able to make both sides exactly the same.
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to make the leaves and the stem I ended up using a new tool. I used the width tool on a stroke to make the one appear thicker in certain points. then once I made a shape like a stem I make the stroke into the outline path with the tool under the heading object. from there I used the clipping mask wth the leaf and the stem then with the direct selection tool on I was able to make the stem flow into the leaf by creating more rounded corners.
when I looked at the hands and anchor points it began to look a bit hectic. this was because of the tool I used. but if those points were al there it would look more similar to my original sketch. you can see what I mean below...
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overall I am happy with my first drawing but I think I can definitely choose something more challenging for myself. I learnt new skills today more specific to what I was drawing to make things easier.
these are the tools I used...
reflect tool (for the pot to make both sides even)
width tool (to make the thickness and range of thickness in the stem)
object outline tool (to turn the stroke into a shape)
colour dropper tool (for making all leaves and stems the same colour.
clipping mask (to join a stem to a leaf to the go ahead and make them seamlessly fit together)
along with these tools I also used the basic pen too to create all my shapes in this image.
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i-need-air · 4 years
your hybrid!bkg hcs are mad cute 😖💞 i’m in LOVE— what if reader comes home w/ a stray kitten? 🥺 katsuki doesn’t like cats but this one is all small and shivering and reader couldn’t let the poor thing starve on the streets so she takes it in. the kitten gets attached to katsuki very quickly much to his displeasure, he thinks he’s his mom lmao
I'm so glad you like them, all I want is to make people feel uwu and it's happening! 💕💕 This is so cute and I can only imagine him being a big ass momma later on ahskdjsk let's see:
[ Main Hybrid!Bakugou HCs here: Part 1 and Part 2! ]
[ BNHA Masterlist to find all Hybrid!AU works ]
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× you had to stay out longer than expected so it was getting late, and the worst part was that it started raining
× very dark clouds, thunder seen in the distance, bone-chilling wind; storm looked as if it was approaching fastly
× so you rushed fast home
× but something stopped you in your tracks a few streets away from home
× a small, weak meow that somehow you heard over all the noise surrounding you
× after investigating, you found this poor little kitten behind a garbage can
× frail, tiny, trembling, balled up trying to maintain body heat
× you had to save the little life, you just had to
× when you walked through the door, throwing everything but your jacket, in which the kitten was secured in, Katsuki heard the commotion
× he got out of the shower as it seemed he also got late from work and gave you a questioning face
× bc you mumbled a small "hi" and rushed to the bathroom
× to which he follows, like wth is going on and definitely catches on as he smells you
× "What the hell is that?" blurts, tactful as always
× you explain to him in a rush as you prepare a warm bath for the kitten, asking him to google anything you could do to help it
× gives you a stink glance
× lol like I'd bother type of glance
× yet still does it as you open your jacket to show him the frail kitten still shivering
× he comes around with his phone, acting done with life while reading out loud what to do, what to feed it
× meanwhile you realize you really don't have any food that would suit the kitten so you ask him if he could gently bath it while you go out to buy some at the corner grocery shop near by
× he just took a shower and you were still wet from the rain so it made sense you'd be the one going
× cue to him complaining like an overgrown child
× "Tsk, you're gonna catch a cold"
× "Just let it dry or whatever"
× "I cleaned the fucking floor yesterday and now it's all wet!"
× all while taking the cat from you and closing the bathroom door in your face 😒
× you change fastly and go out again while rolling your eyes at him
× but
× i shit you not, the moment you arrive home and go check on them, you find him in the living room with the kitten wrapped in a towel in his arms
× he's just looking down at it with a serene expression on his face
× 🦋🦋💕🦋💕🦋💕🦋🦋🦋🦋
× honestly, i genuinely feel he'd be compassionate about it, he knows what it is to have a rough life so he's definitely going to help, and will appreciate you for saving its life
× the first few days he really bitches about it though
× "Ya wanna keep it?"
× "I'm not taking care of that damned cat!"
× "Hey, you, brat, come here, you need to eat" to the cat instantly after telling you he ain't doin it
× exagerated scoffs as the kitten approaches him and cuddles him, demands attention, so on
× "This brat is so needy, tsk"
× still pets it gently while acting disinterested
× the funniest thing is when you both realize the kitty follows him everywhere and throws small fits whenever he leaves
× you record it doing so and send it to him
× he only responds with 🙄
× [ but saves the videos in a secure folder called Brat ]
× "The fuck is it followin' me around?!?"
× cuddle time is now him on top of you and kitty burried in his neck purring
× he has a high body temperature, ideal for snuggles
× thinks that you're not looking and puts a hand on the cat for protection
× seriously his words don't match his actions
× i swear, i feel he'd be like a cat whisperer or something
× bc whenever he orders the kitten to do something kitty does exactly that
× you had to argue with the cat to get off the table, Katsuki comes, orders it and the lil shit meows and gets off
× to which, of course, smug ass Katsuki gives you a smirk like "This is how you do it 💅"
× 💕 little shits 💞
× of course you're keeping the cat
× and he demands it has to have a badass name
× like it's a cute fluffy smol bean and he wants to call it Diablo or some shit
× to which he explains it's cuz the cat is a little demon and the name just fits
× fine, whatever, what's important is that you're keeping the kitty, win-win
× will definitely 100% buy cat toys and accessories
× "So it won't destroy the fuckin house while we're gone"
× proceeds to play with the cat
× throws toy mouse a foot away, watching how it catches it and plays with it
× records it
× "What a dumbass"
× sends you the video instantly
× makes fun of you bc it's obvious who's the favorite
× enjoys when you're pouty about it but kisses your forehead
× he might be the favorite but you're still his favorite
× but when he catches you snuggling together he goes 💕💓💞💖💝✨✨✨✨
× will [ again ] bitch about it but even the cat knows he's jealous; he just wants to cuddle with you both
× will scold the cat if it throws things off shelves or something
× if he gets a "meow" back he's gonna glare at it and say "Don't talk back to me" 💀
× if you have the audacity to laugh at him for it he'll scold you too
× Big Mom Energy
× Katsuki is soft for the cat
× but dear lord, can't stand the hairs on his black t-shirts
× "Fucking amazing, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
× "meow?"
× "Don't act innocent!"
× Chef Bakugou prepares the best food for the cat
× he's not buyin that cheap ass shit, nuh-huh
× vet trips make him more nervous than it should be
× he cannot stay in place, leg bouncing, all the anxiety bag
× "It's a regular check-up, Katsu—"
× "Why do they have to stab it, huh?!"
× "It's a vaccine, it's good for—"
× "Fuck off"
× 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
× "You did well, kid" and a scratch on the head after the tragic vaccination happens
× you know those pictures of big hunky dudes working out or doing manly stuff in the mirror? yano, those pics
× he sends you those but you suddently see kitty on his shoulders; the contrast is hilarious ngl
× demands you take some of those pics since he doesn't wanna disturb the cat
× he's soft, man
× his wallpaper is a picture of you and the kitty snuggling
× and he has hundreds of them
× most taken without permission or with you looking like a comfortable mess and that's his shit
× you start talking about pets, specifically cats with other people?
× his cat is better than anyone's cat
× no room for discussion
× will fight them
× his cat is a warrior, dude; no weak ass domestic cat, nope, his cat survived the streets, his cat is an apex predator, his cat is—
× akdjldkakdks you get it
× just say you love the cat and go lmfao
× then he shows em pictures of hIS cAt and it has a Christmas hat on, looking adorable af or something
× big ass apex predator, huh?
× his cat is also cute now stfu, extra 💅
× 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
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jeontaehui · 3 years
nananananana (210331 VLIVE)
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taehee bites back a grin as fans enter the live. “hello everyoneeee,” she greets softly, her cheekbones lifting into a soft smile. “i’m in the practice room once again.”
“i was just learning a dance actually, it’s my break right now so this’ll probably be short,” she mentions. “and then i turned on vlive without asking permission— well, i did ask permission after i... turned it on,” she giggles. “she’s gonna say yes anyways. no one can say no to me,” the comments section blows up after she sent a sly wink to the viewers. she knew her effect on them one way or another. 
mark lee i love you HELLO THE TITLE?? IS THIS A SPOILER???
lee donghyuck’s long hair i only entered the live but i feel like crying T—T why must she be so cute
taeyongbub taehee in the practice room is so attractive??? wth???
taehee tucks a few strands behind her ear asking, “did you guys have dinner already? have you guys eaten?”
mataechan what did taehee eat today?
hyuckschurros PIZZA !!!!
“aw, pizza? i’m craving now,” she shortly puts on a pout before a smile shows itself once again. “i haven’t eaten but i think i’ll have........ um,” taehee seems to think for a moment as she looks up the ceiling, trying to remember what jungwoo said she’d have at the dorms.
“i can’t remember,” she shrugs, proceeding to continue reading the comments.
jungwoo tehet are you going to dance again?
aussiechan TAEHEEEE !!! come home to australia :(
“the dance that me and my teacher did today was to party favors by tinashe! i have to practice some more to get it right but i’m,” she stands up and dusts off her track pants, placing the phone on the floor in front of the mirror, “going to show you guys the part where i’m most confident in.”
she disappears as she goes to the side to play the music, and the strong beats of tinashe’s party favors fills the practice room. she adjusts her pants around her waist and runs a hand through her black hair, ruffling her bangs for a moment before getting into position.
she dances. no matter how hard-hitting the choreography is, taehee knew well how to control her own body, and gracefully yet powerfully sync her movements to the beats.
taehee marry me she’s so hot what the heck do i do
markcity i’m single for this reason only
from the corner of her eye, taehee sees her dance instructor imitate the part where she got the dance wrong during their practice, causing her to lose focus and burst into laughter.
ncityinthehouse everyone, the duality of miss jeon taehee
“unnie is laughing at me right now!” taehee giggles. her eyes glance to the side then back to the screen. “yes so, until there did i memorize the dance. i’ll try to post on instagram the full version of it. oh!” she claps her hands excitedly, a habit nctzens took note of before she says an idea.
“since it’s a wednesday today and! the end of the month, you guys can comment whatever you guys want me to do or any question you want to ask and i’ll answer them.”
“i’m going to scroll with my eyes closed and whatever my finger lands on will be picked,” she cutely asks if the viewers got it before briefly explaining what she just said in english.
“i’ll give you guys maybe 30 seconds? is 30 seconds enough? okay, ready and start!”
taehee bobbed her head as she counted the numbers in her head. “30! okay, i’ll close my eyes now.”
juhfahm skincare routine?
merrymark give us a phone tour :D
twiceyeon please watch switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung !!!! <3
“from twiceyeon,” taehee reads, putting her emcee mode on. “please watch switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung! ohh i think i’ve seen this on my recommended but i haven’t had the time to watch it— sorry, chaeyoung-ah,” she winces.
you can hear keys being tapped on taehee’s phone screen as she typed the title on youtube’s search bar. the music video appears a few seconds later and she immediately clicks on it.
“oooo dahyun-ssi is very pretty,” taehee says. her expression quickly changes when she sees the twice member use her foot as she played the piano, her hand going up to cover the giggles that escaped out of her. “this is so cool,” she beamed.
“oh sexy!” taehee exclaims after chaeyoung appeared. “i really like chaengie’s short hair.”
she compliments the set when the scene changes, a summer pool vibe replacing the vintage set-up at the intro. “the dance is cute too,” she mumbles.
she smiles at chaeyoung and dahyun’s playfulness in the music video before moving on to compliment her best friend again. “chaeyoung is seriously so pretty... whaaat!”
taehee continues to watch the rest of the video as she moves to the beat, occasionally letting out a chuckle or two at the adorableness of the duo.
“hold on,” she grabs her earphones and plugs them into her phone. “(it’s) to avoid copyright,” she smirks.
taehee finishes the music video with a grin on her face, “the music video was very cute! did they perform this on stage? i think the stage set and the fits would’ve been pretty.”
“speaking of music videos, baekhyun hyung’s new album just dropped yesterday! have you guys watched the music video?” taehee shuffles closer to the camera to read the comments. almost everyone was saying that they did, in fact, watch the music video and really enjoyed it.
“i never said this directly to him but i really am a fan of his, seriously,” she dictates. taehee breaks into a grin as she giggles again, the viewers watching how her eyes twinkled while she talked. “‘bambi’ is really great— it’s immaculate. you guys should stream the whole album and recommend it to your family and friends. baekhyunie hyung never fails to deliver (good songs).”
bbhubblegum taehee promoting baekhyun and other artists better than sm pt. 74628392
going on her phone, she mumbles, “and i really like the choreography of his songs.” there was an adorable pout to her lips as she spoke, much to the amusement of the viewers.
then she looks up from the device in her hands and her eyes hold a certain glint in them before she playfully squints. “just be quiet about this though. i am never gonna hear the end of this from him,” she shakes her head with an amused chuckle, recalling all the times baekhyun teased her and the ‘admiration’ she has for him.
“you’re my only bambi bambi,” taehee sang effortlessly. “it’s a perfect night for you,” her tone was a little softer this time.
“okay so that was our first request? dare? of the live, let’s get to the next one right away!”
taeheeroar do you listen to the neighborhood?
wooyoungification do you want to collab with anyone? if so, who?
“the next one is.... wooyoungification! ooo wooyoung-ah hello,” taehee says, prolonging the last syllable of her sentence. “they asked, “do you want to collab with anyone? if so, who?”
“well,” she clears her throat, furrowing her eyebrows as if she were in thought. “there are a lot of great artists out there. taylor swift is already my answer by default but,” she giggles again, “if i have to think of people outside sm, i think it’d be nice to have a collab with stray kids’ 3racha. they’re their producing unit if i’m not mistaken. it’d be fun to work with them.”
“i also had this dream of having a collaboration stage with the other dancers outside nct, like blackpink’s lisa or seulgi unnie. would you guys want that?”
midzyseason this isnt good for my gay ass
reveluvbar can taehee just take over sm
taehee hums, “i think i never mentioned it before but i wanna try doing drama ost’s too. i don’t watch as much dramas as i do before, but when i was still learning korean, they helped me so much.”
“i watched ‘guardian: the lonely and great god’ a lot and i really liked ‘stay with me’. hopefully, i can collab with punch too.”
taehee unconsciously moves her lips to the side, forming another pout and thinks again. “from sm, i think kai hyung? not counting superm, okay?” she beams.
“kai hyung and,” then a snort escapes taehee before she could even stop it, “baekhyun hyung.”
she puts a hand to her chest once she recovers from her mini-giggling fit before holding it up and swearing it was the truth. “these two were the ones that came to the top of my head, seriously.”
beansprout lolll remember when kai used to “complain” about taehee ever only talking about sehun cause he was the one she was closest to in exo when they first met ?
sodangerous it’s so touching how taehee looked up to exo while she was still a trainee and now they’re like family
taehee nods and bites her bottom lip, asking herself, “why do i feel like a youtuber?”
she smiles to someone off screen and quickly glances back to the camera, “next question!”
asteroidsung what did you get for renjun’s birthday?
“what did i get for renjun’s birthday? i just gave mine literally yesterday. i know it’s summer but i gave him a hoodie that i thought would look cute on him,” she smiles. “it was pink.”
“i was with haechanie when i bought it.”
chenlezoned hyuck said he’s gonna marry daegal next month
“hyuck’s gonna marry who now?!” taehee exclaims, “DAEGAL’S A MINOR!!!”
dreamtopia BYEEEEEEE
themissingpuzzlepiece everyone at haechan marrying daegal:❓❓meanwhile taehee: 🌋🌋⁉️
boohoohyuck sending my prayers to lee haechan
just then, taehee’s phone suddenly rings and her eyes widen at the caller id displayed on the screen. “wow, this dude’s timing is really! spot-on.”
she puts the speaker on, “donghyuck-ah, what’s this i’m hearing that you’re marrying daegal?? are you leaving me and chubs already?! oh and you’re on speaker.”
fullseun don’t you just cry on the inside when markhee calls hyuck by his real name or fullsun
you hear haechan’s boisterous laughter first before he could answer taehee’s question. “i talked about that on vlive,” he said, “where are you?”
“i’m doing vlive.”
“but it’s almost midnight.”
when taehee makes no move to answer, haechan goes, “are you in the practice room again?”
“so?” taehee answers sassily, causing the boy on the other end of the line to groan.
“noona, we talked about this already,” haechan whines. “then we can talk about it again later!” taehee shrugs exasperatedly. “noona....” the former warns, as if he was scolding a child. “i’m just on a break,” she gives in, “i’ll go home soon.”
“promise?” taehee rolls her eyes, though it was clear that she was grateful for haechan’s concern by the soft smile she held on her face. “i promise.”
taehyuckles i know i wished for a taehyuck live but this will suffice Gosh they are so cute !!!!!!
“you haven’t said hello to czennie,” taehee reminds him. “czennie, hello!!” he greets sweetly.
“anyways, i just called you because you agreed to playing a few rounds with me but i’ll just wait for you until you get home,” taehee winces at his statement. she might have forgotten. “oh right, i’m sorry. just a few more minutes?” haechan hums affirmatively from the other end.
“get home safely, noonaaa,” after they exchanged their goodbyes, taehee hangs up the call.
“yes, okay! everyone that was lee haechan on the phone with me and i think i can do,” she turns her back to look at the wall clock in the practice room, “three more comments.”
yangqied taehee’s an idol in the day, pro-gamer by night
“okay, so our next question is: are you friends with aespa? yes! i am friends with aespa,” she beamed.
“i actually saw them the day before their debut stage. my time slot in the practice room was after theirs and so we met there,” taehee recalls. “they’re very pretty! and they look cool when they danced to ‘black mamba’. i wished them luck on their debut stage,” she chuckles.
taehee closes her eyes and proceeds to swipe at the screen, “next question is... oh! i dare you to post on instagram. okay, let me find some photos and show you guys so we can all vote.”
“i’ll send them on bubble but i’ll show it here too in case you guys don’t have a subscription. that’s okay.”
markerlee tb to when taehee sent her pcs to bubble... she really said fuck capitalism !!!!
“okay, option 1: this one,” she brings her phone up to the screen, showing a picture of her with the bird filter on mac.
kunniekunkun this one’s cute!!!
moloism markhee pls post ur photos with the mac filters im begging you
“orrrr this one,” she faces her phone towards the camera once more. she was sitting on the pavement with the view of the orange-pink sunset behind her, a mask concealing half of her face.
the127thsense everything just screams girlfriend material to me
deryqueen taehee, i am free this friday. i repeat, i am free this friday.
solhyuck i think you should post these as a set on instagram!
“what should i post on instagram? everyone choose between 1 or 2!” taehee tells them in korean, before switching to english. “you guys pick between the first one and the second one, and i’ll post it on instagram.”
oncezenni 2
flamboyanthyuck the second one!
ohmajesus i like the first one
iamjeno second pleaseee
“mm okay, most of you are voting for the second one so i’ll be posting that first thing tomorrow! and then i’ll just send the other one on bubble,” taehee puts her pinky finger up as she speaks, making a promise to the viewers.
“how many was that? two already?” a pout subtly makes its way on taehee’s lips and a few of her hair strands fell in front of her face, causing her to push them back as she huffed. nctzens found it adorable!
takeoffbesttrack can i kiss you.
“can you kiss me?” taehee presses her lips on the tips of her fingers before lightly tapping them on the screen. “i,” one of the corners of her mouth raises to a smirk, “kissed you.”
mahaecries GODDDD
tenvely you will be the death of me
taehee giggles after seeing the comment section blow up and her dimples peek out from her cheeks.
“i’m gonna have to end this soon, guys. this is the last one, okay?”
haecity can you go live with markhyuck?
snoopyscoop do you have any more funny stories with jungwoo?
taromilktea did you see sungchan when he debuted as an emcee?
“did i go see sungchan when he debuted as emcee? nooo,” she frowns, “but i did call him on facetime.”
“he said he was nervous but i told him he’d do great! and he did, right?” taehee’s frown was quickly turned into a proud grin. “i watched a replay of it on youtube the day after. he was very cute.”
“i told him to just think of it like he was talking to us so he’s more comfortable, and he told me it helped a lot so i’m relieved,” she nods. “i sent him churros too!”
taehee shuffles closer to the camera and brings her knees close to her chest while she talks, “please support him! i know sungchanie’s glad to have received this opportunity that’s why he’s been practicing diligently.”
taehee reads a few more comments and smiles at the funny ones. the humor of nctzens never fail to make her smile. the memes they send during menpas are so hilarious that she can’t help but reply to most of them.
taeheespresident i guess she’s gonna end the live now? :(
jungwootehet it’s nearing 1 am and i still have school tomorrow...... whoops!
“i’ll have to go now guys, it was nice doing all this with you,” taehee softly mumbles.
“i like this idea of having you guys comment what you would want me to do ‘cause i’m able to connect with you guys more, i’ll try to do a live again soon.”
“the weather’s nice here in korea— well at least for me,” she chuckles, “it rained recently but it might be hot? in other places so please remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.”
“also wear your masks and keep social distancing! we’re not only trying to protect ourselves but we have to stop the spreading of it all so,” taehee gives another small smile at the camera as she reminds the people to be careful, “stay safe.”
after a few beats of silence, taehee speaks again. “okay so, until here is taehee’s nananananana live!” she sings while doing the infamous choreo of ‘go’.
empathy127 I KNEW IT WAS FROM GO !!!!
“good night! or good morning to those who are starting their day right now,” she adds, “goodnight! we’ll see you guys soon.”
taehee does her infamous ily hand gesture and winks at the camera before waving bye and ending the livestream.
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oooooooooohh nooo thats so cute :(((( what u said abt young eden is so true omgg. they r also def the type of kid that brings stray cats n dogs 2 their home. so evrytime the orphanage carataker hears a meowing or barking inside they r like "gdi eden not AGAIN!!" but it wouldnt stop them lol. they r the type that r immune to scolding. after finishing wth being scolded theyll go back 2 do exactly what they r told not 2 do. oh n also they enjoy rough playing. so on top of being covered in dirt or mud, theyll always have bruises n scratches from getting into fights or just from falling or running around. also they have a habit of like, suddenly disappearing (maybe 2 the forest which makes them hard 2 track).
and lol ye i saw it, it made me go hmmm, a true missed opportunity. eden wouldnt let the chance pass. im manifesting a future update where we could give them oral spiderman style 🙏
a bit off topic but i was wondering if u have any ideas or hcs about eden n baileys relationship/friendship?? idk. eden being slightly aggressive n mad at u after they rescue(???) u from bailey when u miss ur payment kinda throw me off ngl. bc they dont act that way when they rescue you from remys farm or the asylum. like, wtf is going on??? idk. its a bit of head scratcher for me.
Ooooo boy Eden and Bailey's past is something I often think about.
Under a cut for sheer length
Okay so I think they are about the same age (late 20s to early 40s) and that they grew up in the orphanage together.
I think Eden was there since very young/birth, but Bailey came later.
Eden not having sole primary care takers fucked up their socialising skills and they felt more comfortable on their own (read:fear of abandonment).
Bailey I think came from a really abusive impoverished home, and thats what made them obsessed with money. They have a weird vendetta against their birth parents to be 'better' than them.
Eden had a stray dog they cared for, but one day when they were running through the forest, a wolf got at it. Hence their 'non of these would survive in the wild' line at the pet store, and their obvious interest in puppy play.
After that, Eden started to shut off even more, being aggressive with the other kids, until Bailey started hanging out with them.
Bailey was angry to be in an orphanage and could see that Eden obviously wasn't happy, so they sort of gravitated towards each other.
Bailey was also the only other kid that didn't cry when Eden hit them.
They're the only two people that know each other's birthdays, besides anyone who looks at their very real legal documents.
As they hit puberty and start growing, they get competitive. Both are rather controlling, so they make a ton of bets against each other. One of them being who can lose their virginity the fastest.
Eden is rather blunt at asking, scaring a lot of the potential partners off, while Bailey is smoother about it and of course wins the bet.
Some fellow orphans start going missing, making everyone uneasy.
This is also when they start noticing the rampant sexual assualt in town, travelling as two most of the time so they can fight people off easier, if needs be.
Terrible at school. Eden was great at English, decent at history, but good luck making them show up half of the time. Eden had a talent for art, however, particularly carvings.
Bailey was there to socialise and steal lunch money, but they had okay grades.
If this is set in England, they would have gone to a secondary school with a sixth form. This means ages 11-18 as students, and I hc that when they were in year 7 (1st year of secondary) Leighton was in sixth form (years 12 and 13). They did not get along for the brief time they would meet in the halls.
I also think Eden would have dropped out in year 11, at age 16, and probably had an apprenticeship with a woodworking company (explains making the coat rack and love seat).
Bailey starts getting into more and more criminal activities, dragging Eden into them too, until a local crime boss notices them. The boss takes Bailey under their wing, thinking Eden won't be right for the job.
Instead they ask Eden to get a job at the police station and help them get further footholds there, that's how Eden has all of those collars (inspired by that one anon), and possibly their rifle. Alternatively, Eden leaves for the military and comes back later.
It works, and they end up covering a lot of their tracks. It's probably around this point that Landry does a few smaller jobs around the place and starts hearing about the Boss' new protégé.
They both have money now, for the first time in there lives, and this is when their differences start to show.
Bailey wants more and more, where as Eden wants to be comfortable.
Bailey fits into the mobster life fairly easily, but instead of the drugs that a lot of the others peddle, Bailey specialises in extortion and blackmail.
They slowly end up getting quite a few powerful figures under their control, and when the boss dies and Bailey ends up in charge of the money? They buy the orphanage.
I think Bailey might have cared for the orphans at one point, in their own ways, but their greed got the better of them.
Working under the mob and the corrupt police has Eden start to hate and fear the town. The only place they felt safer was the forest - which was full of deadly animals. But Eden could protect themselves now.
Being tall and muscular means that Eden is often sent to intimidate or even physically hurt people, often times getting hurt as well. Not to mention when arresting people, some are rather adverse to going to jail and take stabs at them.
If I go with Eden joining the military, they come home hoping to have a familiar setting calm their nerves, but it doesn't. Working for Bailey to earn money also doesn't help, one job having them break into the police station and setting fire to their files (that's another way Eden could find the collars, think of their old dog, and take them in nostalgia).
Eden cracks when they're asked to kill someone off, only to realise its a kid. That's too far.
They go to Bailey and tell them they're done. They need an out, they're fucking miserable, barely sleeping, constantly anxious, and Bailey tries to convince them to stay at first, before realising that they could lose their best friend once and for all if they force them to stay.
So they start planning together what Eden should do, and eventually come up with the cabin. Bailey has Quinn/their predecessor in their pocket by this point, so some cash and threats have some builders help make it, including running water.
When in town, Eden supplies Bailey with animal furs for custom coats. Bailey gets Eden new books, cans of food, more bullets. And if you miss your payment, Bailey eventually gifts Eden with a spouse.
Eden gets angry if they 'rescue' you from Bailey cause its a reminder of the past they try to avoid, and they take it out on you. Of the fear they had as a young orphan of disappearing, something Bailey is now enforcing on more orphans. They take it out on you because violence has always been a way they've coped.
Occasionally, maybe on one of those birthdays, they sit at the lake and drink some whiskey together. They don't talk about their feelings, they're both too stunted for that. But it's comforting knowing each other is still alive and well.
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kimistorm · 4 years
You Decorate for the Holidays with Stray Kids
Pairings: Platonic! ot8 x gn! reader
Word count: 3.2 k
You gave a happy wave to the person at the desk before you headed to the elevator to head up to the floor where the boys lived. Your arms were laden with bags full of holiday related goodies and decorations and you had to use your elbow to bump the correct button.
It wasn’t long until you were at the door to the boy’s dorm and pushed your elbow onto the door bell. You waited for a minute, and upon nobody coming out, pushed the door bell again, this time a bit longer. “Yo let me in!” you shouted at the door, “my fingers are about to fall off!” that seemed to do the trick as a moment later the door swung open.
“Ah sorry, just woke up!” Jeongin apologized as he let you into the dorm. You took note of his messy hair and agreed that he looked like he just woke up.
“It’s past noon!” you scolded, though, you weren’t too shocked. Knowing the boys and their sleeping schedule (moreof, lack of sleeping schedule), this wasn’t the first time you’ve come over in the afternoon and hardly anyone was awake. It was why you never stopped by in the morning anymore.
“What did you bring?” he asked as he took one of the bags from your grasp and brought it to the living room.
“Holiday decorations!” you smiled brightly in response as you dropped the bags in front of the couch.
There was a moment of silence as Jeongin thought about what today was, “it’s barely December!”
“And I refuse to let you all miss out on the holiday cheer,” you answered firmly.
“I’ve already heard Hyunjin play Mariah Carey 6 times.” The blue haired boy muttered under his breath.
“Is everyone else still asleep?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“Chan is, I think Changbin and Minho went to work out. Felix, Seungmin, and Jisung are getting lunch, and Hyunjin is in his room.”
“And he made you answer the door?” you quirked an eyebrow at the youngest member of Stray Kids who was still cutely rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He gave a nod of affirmation and you promptly shouted, “Hwang Hyunjin get your butt out here!”
He poked his blond head out from behind the door and his face morphed into a grin, “hey!” he bounded out of his room and wrapped you in a hug, which you eagerly reciprocated. “I didn’t know you were coming over!”
“I literally texted the group chat.” You deadpanned, still mildly annoyed that he made Jeongin climb out of bed to answer the door.
“Anywho, I noticed you haven’t started decorating,” you frowned as you gestured to the dorm bare of decorations.
“Yeah,” he replied with a sheepish smile, “haven’t got the chance.”
“Well we’re doing it now!” you told him excitedly and gestured to the bags of decorations you brought over.
“Oh my gosh yes!” he screamed wih more excitement than you.
There was a flopping sound and the two of you turned to see Jeongin collapse on the couch, “too tired.” He muttered.
“You literally just woke up,” you pouted in response.
Hyunjin waved him aside, “I’ll grab my phone and we can play christmas music as we set things up.” He then rushed over to the bags of stuff, “I think we have some other christmas decorations stored somewhere,” he thought aloud before rushing off to another part of the dorm without even touching what you had brought.
There was the sound of the door unlocking and you looked over to see Seungmin entering the dorm. “Hi!” you gave an eager wave and his face broke into a smile.
“Hi (y/n)!” he returned your wave excitedly as he kicked off his shoes and came to you with open arms for a hug.
“(y/n)’s here?” you heard Felix’s voice and saw him and Jisung pop their heads out from behind Seungmin. Their faces both broke into grins and they gave you their own greetings.
“I texted the group chat,” you took your phone out and gave a little wave to prove your point, “do none of you read your texts?”
“I saw it!” Jisung waved his hand around as he shrugged off his coat.
Felix let out a flustered sound, “I saw it too! I just didn’t realize you were already here.” His voice faded as he pulled you in for a hug in greeting.
“Well I’m here now!” you smiled brightly as you hugged him back.
“I found so-wah!” Hyunjin’s yell took everyone’s attention as he tripped over what seemed to be nothing and dropped the boxes with a loud crash.
You let out a worried sound as you ran over to him, Felix right beside you while Jisung and Jeongin cackled with laughter, “are you okay?” you asked him as he got back to his feet.
“All good!” he responded with a thumbs up.
There was the sound of a door opening and you looked up to see Chris sleepily staring at what was happening outside of his door. His hair was a mess and it was obvious by the way he could barely open his eyes that he just woke up, “what broke?”
“Nothing!” Hyunjin hastily responded as he stacked the boxes back on top of each other. “Everything’s fine!” Chris blankly stared at Hyunjin for a couple more moments.
“Don’t worry about it!” you reassured the leader, “I’ll make sure they don’t break anything. Get the sleep,” you shooed him back into his room, he looked like he needed it. Chris continued to stare blankly before he gave a nod and turned back to his room, shutting it behind him.
“So I found a christmas tree.” Hyunjin broke the silence and Felix grabbed one of the boxes and brought it to the living room where the other decorations were.
“Are these all the decorations you own?” Seungmin asked as he pulled items out of the bags you brought, “what about your own apartment?”
“It gives me more reason to hang out with you guys, right?” you grinned as you dodged the question. They’d probably throw a fit if they knew you went out and specifically bought decorations for them to use.
“I’m always happy when you hang out with us!” Felix smiled sweetly at you.
“Me too!” Jisung shouted as he wrapped you in a back hug while Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin nodded in agreeance.
“Well I’m always happy to hang out with you too! So it’s a win-win!” you then saw Hyunjin pull out the christmas tree and couldn’t help but give it a disappointed look, “that’s your christmas tree?” he set it down onto the ground and fluffed the branches a bit. “It makes Changbin look like a giant!” Hyunjin and Jisung let out snorts of laughter as you looked at the tree that was barely as tall as the blond siting down next to it.
“It’s cute!” Seungmin disagreed and gave the tree a gentle pat.
“Good thing I didn’t bring any ornaments.” You noted.
“Whatever this is, I like it,” Jisung declared as he pulled out the tinsel garland from your bag and wrapped it around his neck like an overlong scarf.
“You look good!” you agreed and gave him a thumbs up. You pulled out some of the temporary hooks from your bag and handed them to Hyunjin, “you’re tall. Hang these up so we can put up lights.”
He nodded as he took the package from your grasp and worked on opening them. “Are these brand new?” he questioned as he struggled with the plastic packaging.
“Let me try!” Jisung held out his hand for the package and Hyunjin passed it. Jisung fiddled around with it for a bit, trying to pry it open before giving up and going in for a bite.
“Ew no!” Hyunjin shouted in disgust, “you’re getting your saliva all over it!”
“It’s not working!” Jisung reported through clenched teeth as he tried to rip the package open.
“No duh! Stop biting it!”
During this entire fiasco Felix had gotten up and disappeared only to come back with a pair of scissors in his hand, “there’s this thing called scissors.” He passed it over to Jisung, who gave the package and scissors to Hyunjin. Felix then pulled out his phone and began to play some dramatic background music to set up the mood.
“It needs to be holiday music Felix!” Hyunjin retorted from the wall where he was attaching the hooks.
“I am not listening to Mariah Carey again!” Jeongin screeched from the couch, where he was still laying, watching all the shenanigans go down.
“Yoo, have you guys heard of Manheim Steamroller?” you asked as you pulled out some more decorations to stick onto the wall.
You were met with five looks of shock, “bless you?” Jeongin feebly spoke up.
“They make really awesome orchestral arrangements of christmas songs,” you continued, “Felix, search them up! That way, you get your epic background music, holiday cheer, and no Mariah Carey.”
“Are these cookies?” Jisung demanded as he took out a christmas decorated tin and shook it around a bit.
“Don’t shake them! They’ll break!” you scolded him before giving him a sneaky look, “don’t tell your manager.”
“Of course not,” he agreed.
You didn’t notice the door open again and Chris waddle out of the room into the kitchen, so it surprised all of you when you heard, “wait, when did (y/n) get here?”
“Morning Chris!” you gave a wave to the leader, “or, afternoon?”
“What are you doing?”
You held up a bundle of lights that were definitely tangled up amongst each other, “christmas decorating!”
His face broke into a smile, “oh that’s so cute!”
“Join us!” Felix invited as he and Jisung looked around for ornaments and Seungmin helped Hyunjin put up the hooks.
“Let me finish eating,” he replied and shoved a spoonful of rice into his mouth to make his point.
“You should help us too,” you whined to Jeongin who was still lazily watching you all.
“You’ve got it under control.” He waved with a sleepy smile.
Seungmin broke away from helping Hyunjin to jump onto Jeongin, “stop being a grinch.” He complained before slipping off the couch, bringing Jeongin with him. There was a loud thump from the two of them and a cry of pain from Seungmin while the rest of the members broke out in laughter.
The two disentangled themselves from each other and sat up on the floor in front of the couch, “fine,” Jeongin relented, “what do you want me to help wth?”
“Help us with the hooks,” Seungmin told him as he stood up to help Hyunjin again, with Jeongin waddling behind him.
You heard the front door opening again and smiled as you saw the last two members enter the dorm, “hey!” both of their faces broke into grins as they shed their outdoor gear and Minho rushed to give you a hug. You laughed at the sudden rush and hugged him back, wincing as you smelled the sweat still clinging to his clothes, “you stink!” you cried out good naturedly and tried to pry yourself away, only making him cling tighter.
“We just worked out, what did you think would happen?” he asked before finally letting go.
“Go change,” you shooed the two boys to their rooms, “and then come out to help us with christmas decorating.”
“It’s barely December,” Minho gave you a quirked look.
“But it’s December,” you disagreed, “your point?” He shrugged before heading off to his room, while Changbin went to his own. You heard a wail behind you and saw Jeongin and Jisung in a tug a war with the tinsel garland on Jisung’s neck.
“Let go!” Jisung shouted at the younger.
“We need it for the tree!”
“You’re not even working on the tree!”
“Oh my gosh,” Felix wheezed as he helped unwrap the tinsel garland from Jisung, “you’re going to strangle him!”
“No killing in my dorms!” Chris yelled from the kitchen.
“You heard him!” Jisung screeched, “now let go!” Jeongin did just that and both Felix and Jisung toppled backwards and onto the ground, ending up in a tangled mess of limbs and garland. You couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of the boys, they really did have a sibling-like relationship amongst them.
You felt someone wrap their arms around you in a back hug and you eagerly leaned into it, “how are you Chris?” you asked the leader who seemed much more awake than before.
“I’ve been doing good,” he replied with a dimpled smile, “how can I help out?”
You pointed to Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin sticking the hooks onto the wall, “I think we mostly need to do that.” You then stared at the small christmas tree, “I think Felix and Jisung have got the christmas tree covered.” You turned your attention back to him, “you have a lame christmas tree, are you aware of that?”
He gave you a shrug, “if it was any bigger it’d be harder to store.” You paused, he had a fair point, but it was still depressingly small. He removed himself from the hug and went over to help Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin, who were making good progress and already had half of the hooks up.
“Oh!” you pulled out a wreath from their decorations, “put one of the hooks on the door!” you held up the green ornament as you pointed to the front door. Chris nodded and eagerly took one of the hooks and bounded over to the door to attach one of the temporary hooks.
You heard the sound of the fridge opening and directed your attention to see Changbin pulling food out of the refrigerator, “you’re eating food before properly saying hi to me?” you couldn’t help but pout at the rapper.
“I’m not eating it yet!” he argued as he brought whatever he had to where you were and wrapped you in a one-armed hug.
You eyed the food that was in his hands, “are you going to eat instead of help decorate?”
“Yes.” He replied without hesitation as he used the spoon to scoop some food into his mouth, “I’ll provide moral support.” You couldn’t help your eye roll but gave him another hug to show you weren’t that annoyed.
“Where are the ornaments?” you heard Jisung ask as he pawed through the decorations.
“You can’t find them?” Felix asked in concern as he too searched through the boxes Hyunjin brought out, “we had them last year.” He let out a confused hum as he sat back onto his heels upon not finding any of the spherical ornaments.
“Hyunjin, was that all of the decorations?” Jisung called out to the blond reaching up to place the hooks on the wall.
“I think so,” he responded over his shoulder.
Felix got to his feet, “I’ll check again.” He declared as he disappeared to where Hyunjin ran off to with Jisung at his heels.
“Oh, was that what you dropped earlier?” Chris asked in realization as he looked at the plastic boxes in the middle of the living room.
“Yes,” you, Jeongin, and Seungmin responded in sync, while Hyunjin replied with, “no.”
Chris gave Hyunjin a grin, “why you lyin’? Why you always lying?” the blond responded with a dramatic huff before turning back to the wall.
“Hyunjin you’re blind!” Jisung’s shout carried through the dorms.
“Well sorry,” said person responded sarcastically. Jisung and Felix came bouncing back to the living room with a small box of ornaments in Felix’s hands. At the same time, Minho emerged from his room, changed and freshened up.
“So you guys are holiday decorating?” Minho asked with a smile as he watched the rest of the members bustle around and put up the decorations.
“Yep!” you replied with a bright grin, “do you want to join?”
“I dunno,” he teased as he pretended to walk away, which led to you launching yourself at him to hug him and keep him put, “all right all right,” he laughed and gave your head a pat, “what do you need help with?”
You held up the slightly untangled string of lights to him, “you and Chris can start hanging these up. I think Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin are almost done putting up the hooks.” He gave you a nod as you passed over the lights, “oh! And drag Changbin into this!” Chris took this literally and grabbed Changbin’s arm (who let out a yelp of surprise) and dragged him over to the corner of the room where the hooks were already up. You watched as the hyung line struggled a bit to hang the lights on the tall hooks, maybe you should’ve planned that better.
“Are you struggling?” Hyunjin laughed as he watched Changbin struggle on his tiptoes.
“Shut up!” he cried out defensively.
“Don’t just stare,” you chided as you dumped the rest of the lights into Hyunjin’s hands, “be helpful.” You left the six of them to work out hanging up the lights on the walls as you sat down next to Jisung and Felix who were carefully putting the ornaments on the tree.
“I’m glad you came over (y/n),” Felix smiled and gave you another hug.
“I’m really glad I came over too,” you returned the hug and the smile, “I really do love hanging out with you guys.”
“Are you going to visit your parents on Christmas?” he asked as Jisung continued to put up the ornaments.
You nodded, “they want me to come over. But I can spend Christmas eve with you and Chris and whoever else doesn’t go home!”
“Yes please!” he nodded his head excitedly like the child he is. There was another scream and the three of you looked over to see Jeongin wrapped up in lights like a Christmas tree. Hyunjin and Seungmin seemed to be the perpetrators as the hyung line basically lost in laughing.
“It’s a visual representation of how much you brighten our lives!” you called out encouragingly to the youngest who tried to smile back at you, but it was clear he was more concerned about his current predicament. The rest of the members awwed at your response.
“That was so smooth (y/n)!” Chris nearly shrieked out as he lost in laughing again.
“We still need to put the lights on the wall,” Minho frowned as he looked at the bare wall and the decorated Jeongin.
“So let’s put Jeongin on the wall,” was Hyunjin’s immediate response as he pretended to lift up said person, who dolphin shrieked in protest.
“No no! Let me go!” everyone in the room (except for Jeongin) laughed at the antics of the two, but eventually the group was able to get Jeongin untangled and all of the lights properly on the wall.
“It’s so festive,” you grinned as you took a step back to look at what you guys did. “I love it.” Next to you was the rest of the band, who also took a step back to see the white lights twinkling on the wall and the small tree filled with ornaments.
“Yeah, this was really fun!” Hyunjin smiled and the rest of the band gave nods and sounds of affirmation.
“I’m glad it was!” you smiled and gave him a hug, which lead to a huge group hug from the rest of the band. Your happy grin turned into one of content as you felt the warmth from your friends make you feel warm inside as well. You had a feeling this was going to be a great holiday season.
AN: Haha, I know it's a little out-of-season, but I guess it's fitting since I'm snowed in right now.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Sick Days
Obviously before Mon el admits his feelings.
So how do you feel?" Mon-el asked when he entered Kara's room.
"Sick, so so very sick. I want to die" Kara sniffled.
Mon-el patted her shoulder, and pulled the blanket over her curled up body again.
"I hope Snapper undersdands. Ugh! I forgod to dell her!" Kara cried, she struggled to get up and rush to the phone but Mon el forced her to lie down again.
"It's okay. James already made an excuse as to why you're not going." Mon el assured her
"An excuse! Bud... I'm just sick, Dan excuse wilb ondly make id worsde." Kara whined as she tried to reach for the phone again.
"No it won't. We just told him that you have wild food poisoning and are throwing up as we speak. It sounds a lot better than just a cold."
"Jusb a cold. This a Krypdoniand cold, dose are mega worsde. It's den million colds at once." Kara groaned, swiveling her head dramatically. Then she sat up.
"Whab about you! Your fake job," She cried.
Mon-el brushed a stray hair out of her face, a smile creeping on his face as he looked at her. Even though her skin was ashen, her usually bouncy blonde curls were limp and stringy and her eyes were bloodshot and her nose was as stuffed up as a Build a Bear, she was cute.
She cared about his job, she cared what her boss would think. That was true determination and loyalty. Just generally niceness. That was Kara. She may be an alien, but she could fit as the girl next door any day of the week. She was just so optimistic and cheerful, it was one of the best things he liked about her.
In fact that was why he volunteered to help stay with her today. He didn't really know how to take care of a sick person but he googled it so it seemed easy.
Now Kara was a grown woman, but she was practically useless when she was sick, physically not able to get out of bed useless, and that usually put a damper on getting lunch herself or getting dress or getting tissues when she ran out.
Alex was going to do it, but once Mon-el heard he volunteered. And insisted that Alex go do her job and he would take care of her.
Lately Mon-el had been thinking a lot about Kara. A lot. She would creep up into his mind and random parts of the day even if she wasn't in the room.
He would stare at daffodils and think "Kara would love those. The first sign of spring. What did she call them? Oh right, cups of sunshine in bloom."
To a regular person that would be cheesy but that was just Kara.
He would watch tv shows and suddenly a particular line would pop up and he would be tempted to write it down so he could tell her later.
Yeah, he had to admit it. He got it bad for the Kryptonian.
But he couldn't admit it TO her.
She was just so strong and caring and yes, that might be her point of weakness. She would care too much. And when people fell in love, those feelings only amplify and then she would be protective of him this way and that and then there would be the whole "it's not you, it's my enemies." He was aware of the danger. It still didn't mean he could get over his feelings just like that.
Especially when she sounded like that.
"I'm gonna make you some food. You stay here and start getting better." Mon-el told her. Kara did what she was told and buried her head under the pillow without a second thought.
When Mon-el came back from the kitchen, Kara had fallen off the bed, and was staring dazedly at the wall.
"Mon-el. Fuddy ting. I can'd ged up." Kara said. He could swear the stuffiness was getting worse.
He placed the bowl of piping chicken soap on the dresser and swept her up in an army lift. He gently placed her into bed, rearranged the pillows, and pulled the blanket over her again, and made sure the tissue box was close by.
"Here some soup." He handed the bowl to her and she grinned happily.
"Danks" She took a slurp of it and spewed it across the bed, coughing violently.
"Sorry! I didn'd mean do!" Kara cried, she got off the bed and was about to start wiping the blanket when she dizzily fell again.
"Kara, you rest, I got it." Mon-el said, he lifted her again and walked her to the couch in the living room.
"Sorry," she muttered again.
"No it's not your fault. Your sick. Just relax, watch some tv"
He went back to the room, stripped the sheets and managed to wrangle up some new blankets in the back of her closet.
"Danks for all dis. Really. You could be doing domthing more udful or fun than be with me." Kara blew her nose in a tissue when he handed her the box
"It's my pleasure. You do so much for everyone, and for me. It's not a big deal to care for you" Mon el replied
"Dupergirl does do a lot of duff for everyone," Kara said.
"And Kara Danvers does too." Mon-el said as he sat next to her "She makes me happy, she brightens the workroom everyday and tries to see the best in things. I really like her."
Kara blushed, and hid her face behind her blanket. James froze, did he just admit his crush? More importantly, one of the most dreaded scenarios of this whole conversation was that she was just being Kara. She was nice to everyone including him. He was no different than Winn or Cat to her. Okay maybe he was step up from being Cat in her eyes but still.
"I really like you doo," Kara mumbled shyly. Mon el' heart skipped a beat.
Mon-el put his arm around her to adjust the blanket, and she leaned his head on his shoulder.
Soon she fell asleep but he just sat there contently and grinned like an idiot.
"She likes me. "Mon-el thought "She said she REALLY likes me. She'll probably be sick tomorrow so I should probably bring her daffodils just to cheer up. Oh and I could rent a movie. Has she seen that ER show yet? Oh and some super hot fudge. Yeah, tomorrow's sick is gonna be great!"
No way had Mon-el thought that in his days of taking care of a sick Kara that he would get sick himself.
But here he was, in bed, freezing, his throat burning me nose so clogged up that everything he said was filled with ds and his hearing felt like he was underwater the whole time.
In Daxam the closest thing to this was the daily headache of a hangover from the late night parties. In all honesty he was pretty sure his parents wouldn't allow him to be sick on account of being ruler and all that.
He wished he could just have those hangovers now. Actually he wished for some water because his threat was not only burning but felt like a little porcupine was scratching it as well.
Then he heard the door bell ring.
"Mon-el can I come in?" A sweet voice that reminded Mon el of a angel in his sick state.
"Yeuhh" Mon-el managed to cough out.
Kara walked in. Pristine and near as usual in her cardigan and glasses. Her hair perfectly curl and seemed so soft. Mon el really liked the smell of her hair. Well, if he could smell. He remembered what it smelled like though. Like fresh apples. Wholesome and good like Kara.
"Jew divil women. Jour are dill tryin' do kill me" Mon-el mock glared when he was seized by another harsh sneeze making his threat burn more.
Kara simply shook her head as she started to take out a soup container from her bag.
"We don't know how colds affects Dazims" Mon-el groaned "Dis could kill me."
"I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen." Kara said as she opened the container, "So I made this for you."
Mon-el gave hr an genuine smile. This was the Kara he admired. Someone so willing to do things for others from saving the world to giving soup to him.
Mon-el eagerly grabbed the container, but another sneeze took him and he spill some of the hot soup on his sweat pants.
Mon-el barely concealed how much he wanted to scream with what he hoped was a manly grunt.
"Oh oh I'll take care of that" Kara quickly grabbed the tissues and dabbed at the spill. "I'll just give it you."
Mon-el cocked his head questioningly until he realized that she meant to spoon feed him.
He didn't understand why he felt so nervous about it. Maybe it was the way Kara looked at him as she put the warm soup in his mouth. Caring, focused only on him wth those piercing, kind grey eyes.
"Tank you" he croaked
Kara put a finger to his lips and Mon-el noticed even though most of his senses were dulled he could feel how smooth her skin was.
"Rest your voice."
"Bud I like talkging with jew. Jour indersing,” He smiled.
Kara turned away but Mon-el could see her bite her lips as the end of her lip curled into a half-smile.
Mon-el smiled to himself. He still had his charm. Plus he had meant what he said. She was interesting. She was bubbly, and entertaining. But she also wasn't afraid to tell him he was wrong. While that was infuriating and annoying, it also intrigued him. Years of being with complimentary bimbos made him forget that some girls were headstrong.
And Kara was plenty headstrong. She had personality. That personality made her seem full of life and vigor. And he wanted to have her next to him and feel that vigor. She was so..so complex. As Supergirl she seemed industrictable, almost unattainable but here right now. She was pure and genuine. He wanted all of it.
"You're interesting too," Kara replied.
With those words, Mon-el felt like he had been given the greatest compliment. She thought he was interesting! No one at home ever thought he was interesting. Pretty, hot, fun usually came up. But interesting never.
Mon-el finished his soup so Kara started arranging his blankets, and started a movie. "Hope you don't mind, but I thought you need to see the greatest movie of all time."
"Stard Ward" Mon-el guessed. Winn kept going on and on about how awesome Star Wars was. And it was. It had so much action and drama and even some of the planets were realistic for a human movie.
"No." Kara chirped, “The Princess Bride. I think you'll really like Ingio."
Mon-el shrugged and settled closer to the blonde. He felt hotter with her body heat next to him. It was tempting to move away but he didn't want to. She may be hot as hell but her prescnce was also comforting and warm and soft.
Mon-el dazedly opened his eyes to see moon light streaming through his windows and that the night sky was alight with the flashing lights of buildings.
"Whad happened?"
Kara leaned over him, her blonde hair brushing against his cheek. "You conked out during the commercials and it's eleven."
"Oh sstorry?" Mon-el murmeered
"It's fine." Kara smiled at him, "We can see it another time. You looked cute asleep." Then she paused and blushed as if she hadn't meant to say that last part.
Mon-el was too happy about that to tease her. "Jou lookd cute lasd week doo."
Kara put her hand to his forehead and smiled at him once more. "You're less hot. So you're probably be better soon. And not going to die." Kara added
"Good." Mon-el said "But I'm glad jou were here with me if I did."
"Me too." Kara whispered softly, "I better go now. But I'll stop by tomorrow."
"Okday" Mon-el waved as Kara left his room.
He settled himself to sleeping position once more, utterly beaming with happiness at spending an afternoon with Kara and being called cute by Kara. Kara, Kara, Kara. That was all he could think of. He never felt this way about a women before. Then again, he never met a women like her before.
The door cracked open and Kara scutler back in adorably. "Sorry just wanted to make sure you had all the blankets on you. Okay, good. Sorry. Go back to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."
Mon-el managed to wave goodbye as the mild manner reporter went away, "I'll be waiting."
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years
The Royal Recap: A Tale of Two Houses, Chapter 1
Hello all! It’s time for my thoughts and reactions to the first two chapters of The Royal Masquerade. Most weeks I will have this out earlier than Friday, but as many of you know, I was way from Friday to Wednesday and am playing catch up.
I loved The Crown and the Flame. Loved it so much. I do like the Royal Romance, but it was the TC&TF connection that has me so excited about this book, a return to teh world of teh Five Kingdoms and the first Choices characters I ever fell in love with. I play wth two devices so my recaps note that. I don’t search out other playthroughs though, this is just based on my own play and reaction. I will point out connections to other books and my random thoughts and so on. I also don’t necessarily go chronologically, if a point comes up twice, I will discuss it all at once.
So with that settled, let’s start!
The book tells us that our story is taking place in 1600 A.D in the Kingdom of Cordonia, so 400 years before modern events and a later comment about it being 300 years since humans had magic makes me think it is probably roughly 400 years since the events of TC&TF, putting us at the mid-point between the two lores. More on that later.
But first, we have to choose what we look like! 5 faces and 3 of them are from OH. Oh hello again, I think we are all sick of you. One is from ACOR and the 5th is new. I have to choose two, so I chose the ACOR face and the new one. We also have to choose a name and a house. Here are the choices for house:
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I am a little salty that we couldn’t choose to be a Nevrakis 😂 as that was my number one hope for this book. Oh well. I guess I’ll choose from these three.
I chose House Rosario on one playthrough and House Everhart on the other. Meet my MCs, Lady Viola of House Rosario and Lady Livia of House Everhart:
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Both names were chosen for a reason, one as a nod to one of my favorite Shakespeare plays (and a fitting one I think) and the other a reference to my own fanfic canon.
Now, to the story, we start while dancing with a mysterious stranger. The game asks us if we are interested in men, women, or both. We will see later that this choice impacts the gender of the LIs, which is a neat way of blending the sexuality choice of TE with the LI gender choice of Perfect Match/High School Story: Class Act/Platinum.
I chose interested in men on one device (Livia) and both on the other (Viola). Interesting note, I got blonde male Hunter as my dance partner in both, though he is obviously not identified yet. There is some flirting and they lean in for a kiss and then... We are rudely interrupted.
Turns out it was just a dream and we are brought to the present and the library where the MC works under the stern Head Librarian Kana. We learn that we were raised in a respected family, but given to the library. Given the nasty atttude of our aunts when we meet them, I am going to guess that happened when our parents died. But for now, back to the drudgery of writing up manuscripts on soil samples.
We are interrupted again, but this time not by Master Kana, instead it is a pretty noblewoman, who we quickly learn is our big sister Annalise. She quickly tells us that she is here to whisk us away from the library and sneak us into the Royal masquerade ball! Alright, sis, I already love you. I love her even more when she firmly puts Kana in his place before whisking us away.
She takes us home to the family estate and we reveal we have been away from some time. As soon as we get inside, we are introduce to our aunts Zya and Elise. Zya is terrible and sour and hates us, she is the one who reveals that the MC is an “adopted stray” and I am sure she is the one who gave the MC to the library. Elise doesn’t seem as bad.
Annalisa has no patience for Zya’s nonsense and also reminds her that she is the head of the family and that she wants the MC by her side. You rock Annalisa and I love you already! Zya backs down and Annalisa whisks is away to get ready for the ball.
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Upstairs we meet Vasco, an older gentleman who seems to work for the family and is the last member of the household (at least for now) and we are presented with a magic mirror. Side note, I love this, becuase I have always had strong Snow White vibes from TRR and my MC Eleanor and the magic mirror just ads to that and I love it.
We learn that there are a few magical objects left in the world and that only the noble families posses them and that Queen Kendra has gifted this mirror to our house! We also learn the names of the other royal houses: Vescovi, Fierro, Beaumont, and Nevrakis. At some point I am going to sit down and figure out how they match up to the family’s of the Five Kingdoms and modern day Cordonia. So far the only consistent between the three Books is our beloved Nevrakis family.
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So this magic item makes clothes appear out of nowhere (for diamonds of course), I guess this is what you do when you don’t have boutiques in every noble residence 😂. We get our first diamond dress option and it is the same one we were wearing in the dream at the beginning. TRR did this too, let us wear a dress in teh flashforward at the beginning of the book and then make us pay for it later. At least this time it is a dream. If we don���t like that dress, we are given a free black dress provided by Vasco.
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The free dress is actually very nice. The diamond dress is too, but it is so close to Aster colours and that is the house I didn’t choose so that annoys me a little. But I do love the jewelled belt and I have always adored that shade of blue (it was the color of my bridesmaid dresses). Interesting, the free dress is very similar to Vasco’s outfit and I don’t think that is a coincidence. I ended up choosing the diamond dress for Livia and the free one for Viola.
After we choose our outfit, we talk a little bit with Annalisa and Vasco. Annalisa promises to free the MC from the drudgery of the library and we learn that our house is about to be announced as the newest noble house. Apparently our parents made lots of money and Annalisa has charmed the queen and the result is that we are being granted official status and the power and influence that goes with it.
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We travel to the ball and then we are introduced to Queen Kendra, though we don’t realize that is who it is at first. Kendra is very friendly to the MC and they have a brief chat about art and then we are whisked inside because there are other nobles waiting to greet Kendra.
The MC eagerly eats some bread (because they are starving her at the library) and Annalisa generteases her about it, before departing to find a bed mate for the night. Between Annalisa and Hunter (as we will soon see), we get the impression that Cordonian court is very sexually liberal, which is awesome. I am putting PB on notice that I expect my MC to be able to indulge as well, no waiting a whole book for a kiss.
The MC heads to the food table (good plan) but is distracted by a gorgeous person in a sun mask who is being fawned over by noblewomen. However, despite their admirers, we are the one who catches their eye and we get the chance to choose their appearance (and gender, if you picked you are interested in both). I picked Asian male for Viola and white male for Livia. (Note- From this point on, I will be referring to them as male because both mine are).
This mysterious noble in the sun mask is the same one from our dream (we’ll potentially 😂) and he flirts with us, ignoring his fawning audience in favour of us and he asks us to dance, telling us to meet him on the dance floor at the beginning of the next song. But before we can, it is time to meet our next LI.
We have attracted the attention of a mysterious person in a moon mask, who seems to realize that we don’t belong. We get the chance to customize their appareance and I chose the black male for Viola and I chose the Hispanic/Mediterranean (I don’t know what race they are supposed to be) male for Livia. (note- Like with Hunter, from this point forward I will be referring to them as male).
He asks us for our invitation, but we deflect him and there is a chance for some flirting before he asks us to dance. We now choose who to dance with. Livia chooses to dance with the man in moon mask and Viola with the man in the sun mask.
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Both men take being rejected well and then we begin dancing with our chosen partner. The conversation is similar but not the same. The man in the sun mask is smoother, more flirtatious while the man in the moon mask is a little more reserved, as if he is unaccustomed to this kind of thing. The man in the sun mask lifts the MC, while the man in the moon mask dips her.
I really like this scene and how it differs between the two men to accommodate their personalities, because it lets you get a feel for them. Both want to know who the MC is, but they approach it differently, with the man in the sun mask desperately curious and the man in the moon mask more suspicious/intrigued and more direct.
The dance ends and the man in the moon mask comments he still knows little about the MC, while their is a crowd ready to pounce on the man in the sun mask who is unwilling to let hte MC go just yet. Both men suggest that the MC join them on the balcony to continue their dance and we have our first diamond scene!
Again, the diamond scene is similar, but not identical. Again, the man in the sun mask is very comfortable and very charming, while the man in the moon mask is more reserved but very observant. In both cases, you dance and then the masked man tries to guess your identity. The man in the sun man guesses foreign noble (though if you tell him the truth, he is not surprised) while the man in the moon mask accurately guesses who you are. Then it is your chance to guess who he is, if you choose “noble from important house”, the man in the sun mask agrees and the man in the moon mask demurs, but both refuse to name their house, saying it changes how people see them.
The two of you admire the view from the balcony, his hand covering yours, and then it is time for you to remove your masks. Both men seem to be quite impressed by the MC’s appearance and in both cases, they are about to kiss her when they are interrupted by Vasco (who I am so suspicious of, dude is up to something).
Apparently, Annalissa is about to give the Queen the wrong invitation. So we say goodbye to our mystery man, though we do get a name. You can choose their name, though the defaults are Hunter and Kayden. I kept Hunter (becuase I am sure it is a nod to Dominic Hunter) but changed Kayden to Dante on both devices and will be referring to him as such.
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We hurry to the throne room, but find two dead guards and get there just as an assassin plunges a knife into Queen Kendra! The Queen advises for us to flee with her dying breath and the assassin threatens us. The assassin reminds me of the shadows from TC&TF and that makes me wonder who sent them, a foreign power or someone within Cordonia? Right now, we have bigger worries, because our sweet sister is lying unconscious on the floor!
And end chapter one.
I thought this was a great start, it introduced the world and set the tone of one of glitz and glamour but also secrets and a darker side. I feel like that may be what this book is about, about everything that lurks Heath the glittering surface of court and I am here for it.
Also, visually this is such a beautiful book. The background, the characters, the gowns, everything is so beautiful. I love period pieces and I am already drawn into the world that they have built and I am so excited to be exploring this portion of Corodnian history!
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leejeongz · 6 years
Stray kids reaction to their s/o’s ex
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🤗idk if this is what you wanted but I wrote this anyway so I hope you enjoy, sorry🤗
Bang Chan:
A night out is just what you needed. Work was very stressful these days and the deadlines were closer than you ever thought so one night away from all that really would help (even though you knew it wouldn't). You got all glammed up and chan did too. As a little present, chan brought you some new perfume so you decided to wear it tonight.
“Let’s roll baby you look HOTTTT” he shouted getting into the taxi. Soon enough you reached the club. VIP admittance of course, Chan couldn't be bothered to wait in line... ever. You sat down in the modern egg chairs while chan brought you some drinks.
“Y/n is that you?” A familiar voice asked you while you spun around to see who it was.
“Oh I didn’t know they allowed rats in the VIP area” you snapped, turning back around to see chan stood with two drinks.
“Y/n? Who’s that? Do you guys know each other?” he asked flicking his head up in your ex’s direction.
“You smell really nice, honey” your ex said leaning down placing his head on your neck.
“Yeah it’s the perfume I brought them so how about you run along and go spoil your s/o, oh wait you can’t get one for yourself that's why you have to unsuccessfully try and steal other people’s” Chan said with a stern look on his face. He put down the drinks, grabbed your hand, pulled you out of the chair and kissed you passionately right in front of your ex. All your ex could do was drink your drinks out of spite. 
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Yours and Woojin’s hand felt perfect in each others. Neither of you had any objections when it came to showing each other off in public. You were just going on a nice afternoon walk when you saw the “new parenting group”  coming out of the community centre across the road. You know your ex had recently become a father but never in a million years did you expect him and his new girlfriend to join that group, far too mature and sensible for them you guessed.
“Y/n, you haven’t congratulated us yet!” Your ex shouted dragging his girlfriend across the road. “Aw look you’re holding hands, only another 700 years till you ever progress to actually looking into his eyes. Remember when we didn’t kiss for what the first year?”
Woojin’s hand never left yours. He began to speak for you. “Just because we are in a relationship doesn’t mean we have to have sex every night, and pop out children after 3 days” Woojin didn’t hold back. You’d never seen him like this before, especially when he firmly pulled you away from the speechless pair.
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Lee Know:
He staggered his way over to you in the street, his usual way of walking.
“Y/n you know that guy?” Minho laughed. You shook your head even though you knew him far too well. “He’s coming this way, shit I think he might want to buy some drugs or something.”
“Hey babe long time no see” your ex slurred out, he’d clearly been drinking but that wasn’t your problem anymore.
“Erm babe?” Minho quoted, a puzzled look becoming more and more apparent on his face.
“Ohhh you must be the new guy, be careful with her, the first sight of fun and she’s out” your ex explained putting his hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder. You’d told him of this ex many times. How he was really into partying and doing drugs and that reallllly wasn’t your style.
Minho shrugged off his hand and put his own arm over your shoulder.
“That’s cute you think illegal activity is fun, how about you get your life together before you start ruining everyone else’s” Minho’s voice got louder with every word, almost like he was going to cry. That’s when you knew Minho was the one.
“Come on babe” he strutted away with you securely under his arm leaving your ex with nothing but the bottle of cheap vodka in his hands.
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Well parties weren’t usually where you and Changbin would be but you couldn’t really say no to Jisung. He’d been planning it for months and most of the other members had gone home during their break. Changbin said it would be you two and a few of Jisung’s old friends that he didn’t know. You and Changbin walked in hand in hand to the dorms as if Changbin didn’t live there and wasn’t there just 20 minutes ago before Jisung told him to go to make him look more popular by looking like a couple of his friends. You spotted Jisung and pulled Changbin towards him to go and say happy birthday for the 73rd time today.
“Oh y/n, that guy over there thinks you’re cute. He didn’t want me to tell you though” Jisung said pointing to your ex.
“That prick” you muttered catching Changbins attention.
“Listen here” Changbin announced, edging closer to your ex with his fist in a threatening position. “Speak like that about my s/o again and you’ll be 6ft under” Jisung tried to pull him back. “Get out of my house before you regret it” and with that your ex left leaving Changbin kind of ashamed but happy that he stood up for you for the first time. 
Even if Changbin didn’t know it was your ex, he still felt he should stand up for you, even if his reaction could have been seen as excessive or whatever. 
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As if it wasn’t annoying enough to have to deal with disgusting stays hating on you for being in a relationship with Hyunjin, you now had to deal with your ex who had recently become a jyp trainee. He was always at the building and seemed to have grown quite close to stray kids, excluding Hyunjin who knew exactly who he was. One evening you went over to your boyfriend’s dorm to watch a movie with his friends.
“Oh you’re here” you said rolling your eyes as you spotted your ex making some popcorn in the kitchen.
“Yeah like the good old days! We even used to cuddle on your parents black leather sofa” he laughed pointing at the pretty much identical sofa in the living room of the dorms.
“Well that won’t be happening tonight, pal” Hyunjin intervened “y/n put your shoes on Babe, we’re going out”
Saying no clearly wasn’t an option and as soon as you left the house Hyunjin started to apologise.
“He’s practically indoctrinated the others, I’m so sorry, I did tell them not to invite him! They just wouldn’t listen to me! At least you’re out now though, don’t let him get to you, especially when I’m here”
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Was your ex obsessed with you? Maybe.
Every time you posted a picture of you and Jisung he’d message you saying you look cute, like he didn’t even see Jisung besides you.
You didn’t want to block him and cause unnecessary drama so you decided just to disallow messages from him. The next post, a picture of yours and Jisung’s hands tightly in each other’s showing off your matching couple rings, you never expected your ex to comment but he did.
“Even your hands look cute, even cuter when they are in mine”
Jisung commented back within seconds “aw I’m glad you like my hand, maybe it would look good slapping your face.”
You didn’t want to admit it after such cruel words but you felt safe even when he wasn’t with you. Your ex soon deleted the comment and Jisung messaged you multiple times asking if it was too much even though he knew you couldn’t say no. 
(this gif doesn’t go but angry jisung is no where to be seen so accept it)
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Who was this boy you were laughing with? Felix’s conversation was interrupted when he noticed you and some boy he’d never seen before laughing together with your friend.
“Ugh yeah bud that’s great I got to go” he said tapping Chan on the shoulder as he passed him abruptly. He sprinted over to you and threw his arm over your shoulder.
“I never want to see you get hurt, but if you wanna be with him then I guess it’s unavoidable ” and with that you stormed off leaving your friend and your ex.
“Hey hey babe what happened?” Felix asked running slightly to keep up with you but slowing you both down when he reached you.
“Her, him that what’s happened. That guy he’s my ex, the one that cheated on me with my own sister. And now my friend is wanting to be in a relationship with him. I’m not angry at her, but I know he’s gonna hurt her and I’ve told her so many times and she hasn’t listened”
Felix embraced you tightly, he didn’t care that you were in public.
“But wait, why were you laughing?” Felix asked pulling back from the hug.
“It was a fake laugh Felix, you need to learn how to do that babe” you joked, he’d cheered you up without either of you even realising it.
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Sluggishly typing away in your school’s technology room, you and Seungmin sat silently while finishing your homework when suddenly the door swung open. You paid no attention to the student who had made his way over to you and sat on the table next to you.
“Ah some things never change do they” the boy said, sighing while watching you work. “Still the nerd of the school with one friend it seems” he said throwing himself off the table onto his feet.
You looked up to see the arrogant boy to be your ex.
“Sorry who are you, and why does it matter?” Seungmin questioned viciously much like he hadn’t thought before he spoke.
“Oh I’m y/n’s ex, I made her cool for a month but she wasn’t fit for it so... I dumped her” he seemed proud of what he was saying which angered Seungmin more.
“You think you’re cool huh? So tell me why you’re in here... alone, two hours after school has ended. If I didn’t know any better maybe you’re the freakish one in constant need of human interaction” Seungmin snapped “so you came in here to talk to MY s/o since you don’t have one for yourself. Nice going” he hit print on his work almost breaking the mouse as he did so. 
(this is the meanest gif I could find of satan himself wth)
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He peeked over your shoulder as you stared down at the message you just received.
“I see my replacement is a pretty boy” it read. You thought you blocked your ex’s number but he probably got a new phone, that was the only explanation.
“Who’s that” Jeongin asked as he looked from the phone to you and back down to the phone again.
You realised there was no point in lying.
“It’s my ex, he’s really not that nice, he never was”
Just as you finished your sentence your phone beeped again.
“You know I’ll always love you, I’d love you better than he would.”
“Just block him for now y/n, just give me a second”
Jeongin left the room to grab his own phone.  Soon enough he was calling your ex with a no caller id saying that it was his maths teacher that he had just text that message to just to mess with him.  yeah it was funny at the time but your ex never did it again. 
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Gifs aren’t mine
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haroldssfedora · 6 years
Don’t Force It (Harry Styles Imagine Part 2)
The first part really got a lot of notes and a lot of you have been messaging me to continue it, so here ya go! Tell me if I should still continue.
For those who have not read Part 1, here you go!! Part 1
Also! Send me songs that you think can fit Harry and Y/N’s situation! Request and send feedbacks HERE
The interview and performance finally ended. I was exhausted beyond doubt and was all ready to just lie around the house and catch up on sleep.
“That was a great performance, Y/N!” My manager, Erika, said. “We don’t have anything more scheduled for today besides this, so you can go home and get some rest. Remember, James Corden carpool karaoke shoot tomorrow morning, Apple Music commercial shoot in the late afternoon.” 
I nodded and thanked her for today. I went to my dressing room to freshen up, but to be met by my phone lighting up from notifications from various social networking platforms. I quickly went to the app to be met with hundreds of tweets about the performance.
@Y/NOfficial SLAYED that performance #Y/NonEllen
@Y/NOfficial im so gay for you #Y/NonEllen
Ok... what just happened... @Y/NOfficial tried to kill me with her sexiness THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED... I still love you tho #Y/NonEllen
Reactions like these always make me smile. I took the time to like and reply to a few of them when I noticed a certain tweet that got my attention.
@Y/NOfficial... On behalf of @Harry_Styles, we sincerely apologize for not being treated well @Y/NOfficial #Y/Ndeservesbetter #Y/NonEllen
I then noticed that #Y/Ndeservesbetter was trending worldwide. 
It was about what I said about the songs. 
I saw a few tweets that were directed towards Harry. Some were words of kindness but most of them were just plain downgrading.
WTH @Harry_Styles you wrote a song about Taylor Swift but you can’t write songs about your girlfriend of three years? #Y/Ndeservesbetter
@Harry_Styles wrote a song about Townes in Carolina but not @Y/NOfficial… weird #Y/Ndeservesbetter
Oh, no.
I exited the Twitter app to be met with 12 missed calls all from Harry. A few text messages of ‘Call me back’s’ were also left unread in my inbox. Thinking of the worst, I quickly dialed his number but was led to his voicemail.
Panicking, I dialed his number once more but was met with a text that said ‘In the studio, might take a while so don’t wait up. I love you. x’
Sighing in relief, I quickly cleaned up and packed up with the rest of the crew. My driver loaded up the van and brought me home. I was too tired to even unload the dirty clothes in my bag and was out like the light in mere seconds, enjoying the comfort of the bed that I love so much.
Harry’s POV
“Harry, relax. You don’t have to finish this by tonight. I’m sure Y/N would understand.” Jeff said, rubbing his face to rid of any sign of hopelessness.
“She would, but that will make me more of a dick,” I said, slumping on the office chair inside the studio beside the equipment. “She wrote what, eight songs about me. And what did I give her? Nothing. Zero. Absolutely nothing. I never wrote a song about her, not even a song that didn’t make it in the album. What does that make me look like?”
“It’s not your fault-”
“But it is! Why is it so damn hard to write a f***ing song about her?!” I said, starting to pull on my growing hair. 
“Alright, this is not just about a song. Speak up.” Jeff said, rolling his seat towards mine and patting me on my back. “C’mon. What’s pushing you to write a song about her?”
“It’s just... what the people are saying is true. Y/N deserves better. She deserves someone who can write billions of songs all about her.” I said, wiping a few stray tears that started forming. “She’s... she’s the person who would change your life. You know what I mean?” Jeff nodded in understanding and let me continue.
“She has made everything worth it for me. If touring and being away from her will lead us to an easy life together, where she wouldn’t need to lift another finger ever again, in the future, I’m willing to do it. She is it for me, mate. I... I can’t explain what I’m feeling but I just want to spend the rest of my life with her. And writing about my other relationships besides ours? It makes it look like she doesn’t mean anything, but that’s not the case. I don’t want her thinking that way.”
“I can’t lose her. She’s home for me.”   
My nap took longer than expected. I checked the time and saw that it was almost seven in the evening. Looking for any signs of Harry’s presence, I was surprised to see none. I got ahold of my phone and sent him a message.
Y/N: Haven’t seen you all day... I’ve missed you xx
H: Taking a little longer here at the studio. I miss you too x
Y/N: Are you gonna eat dinner there?
H: Probably, yeah.
Y/N: oh, ok. Love you xx
H: Love you too x
This then gave me the idea of bringing food for Harry at the studio. I made my way to the kitchen to prepare all the ingredients needed for his favorite pasta and immediately got cooking.
Arriving at the studio’s building, I was met with the secretary smiling at me.
“Ms. Y/N! Mr. Styles is using Studio 3 as of the moment. Want me to tell them you’re here?” Jodie said.
“No thanks Jodie, I’ll just enter. Brought some dinner for them as well.” I said. raising the blue bag that contained the pasta, as well as a few cans of beer to help them relax. “Oh, here. Have some.” I said, reaching for a separate pack which I specifically made for her.
“Thank you so much, Ms. Y/N. You’re so thoughtful.” I reciprocated the greeting and made my way to the studio.
As I was about to knock, I heard a triumphant scream from the inside.
“Knock, knock!” I said, peeking my head inside to see Harry, Jeff, and the band all surrounding the equipment. A chorus of hellos and heys welcomed me in. I showed them the dinner I made and they all said their gratitudes and dug in. Harry, on the other hand, was still busy by the booth.
“Love, eat some dinner first. It’ll help.” I said.
“No, I have to finish this by tonight.” He said, pulling on his hair. He only does this when he’s frustrated.
“Why are you in a rush? You just released an album that is now number one in over 84 countries. Give yourself some time to relax.” I said, tugging on his jumper sleeves.
“No, I have to finish this for you.” He said, almost too soft for me to hear. But I heard it.
The interview.
“H, if this is about the interview, it’s nothing really. I never thought that it will blow up like that.” I said.
“But it deserved to blow up like that. I’m a dick of a boyfriend to have written songs about other women and not write songs about you.” 
“Some things just can’t be forced, H. Don’t force it. Ok?” I said, giving a small peck on his cheek. 
“I don’t want you to leave me because of this.” He said, finally looking at me.
“I won’t,” I replied, caressing his cheek to calm him down.
“You wrote eight songs about me, Y/N. Eight! And I wrote none. That has to change.” He said, removing my hand and going back to work.
“Harry, I said don’t force it.”
“But I have to.”
“BUT YOU CAN’T!” I shouted, finally losing my temper. “You can’t rush a song in a day if the inspiration is not there.”
“It is there! It’s just-”
“Harry! It’s not! Can’t you take the hint?!” I said, tears now forming. “I’m sorry that I haven’t made such an impact that writing a song is such a problem.” 
“Songwriting is such a beautiful process that you have to trust on. You can’t force it like what you’re doing now.” I said, standing up. “I don’t need a song written for me to believe that you love me.” 
And with that, I walked away.
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spurgo · 8 years
Driving through "Mexico", past endless miles of rusting industrial zones, cloned fuel tanks lining the roads like a Giger painting...huge rusting pipes sticking out of the ground in the middle of farmland, bent or snapped off, lime green grass growing over them. Up ahead a row of decaying factory buildings...one which is already leaning dangerously over the road suddenly falls , burying a few cars. Our driver doesn't even flinch, just accelerates and weaves around the flying bricks. I ask what all this was and the front passenger says "petrol". I remember reading that Mexico had just signed away the last of their industry to the USA. So this is the result. As we near our destination, the roads deteriorate further and we are obliged to steer onto the skeletal remains of the highway: parallel curved girders with grooves big enough for car tyres to fit, like a giant roller-coaster. I think they are kidding and feel a knot in my stomach. Use of brakes is forbidden, you'll either crash into the car behind or fly off on a corner, so everyone uses the natural speed which gravity and momentum offer...in other words scarily fast. Amazed that we make it, we split up and I find myself looking at the same junk shops as in several other dreams, still with the same indeterminate electronic junk. Hendrik Hegray is there and hates street art so much that he has decided to make his own, and so many of the sides of underground trains and the station walls are covered with his messy intimate drawings done in black marker on white paint which he has splashed over anything vaguely hip-hop/L.A. gang style. Sometimes it seems he ran out of white paint so we see improvised sheets of white paper pinned or taped onto the sides of the trains. Hendrik showed me a way to cling, spiderman-like, onto the side of the train between compartments in order to access narrow parts of the tunnel system, and out of curiosity I find myself in another train compartment somewhere near the end of the line, which is half full of womens handbags, some still containing packs of cigarettes or makeup, the remains after bag-snatchers have hastily ran off with whatever they can. I see one which I'm sure belonged to a friend, and reject the idea of taking it thinking she might imagine I was the thief. 
Rented a house in some unnamed town which had become a Mad Max -style junkyard ran by Jase Deepkiss 720, who was apparently the man to ask before you took anything lying around on the street (bike parts, car engines, bits of guitars etc). Crowds in the middle of the road were betting money on some kind of mechanical horse racing screened on a pile of old tvs. Inside the empty house the "landlord" was trying to persuade me to adopt one of the many stray cats outside. I asked if cats were allowed in the house. "Unfortunately not", he said, while stacking up all the paperwork involved. Deciding that all this bureaucracy looked more like a representation of the landlord's precarious mental state I declined, and became nostalgic about all the cats I had known in my life, reminiscing about one which had undergone brain surgery and an eye operation. He surprised me by reacting with horror: "well I hope you got the video evidence; they are usually drunk when they do that!". 
Movie night in the Vietnamese restaurant, film lists were in a phonebook-sized books on each table like in karaoke bars, and we picked out a cheezy-looking 'sell-through' effort in the "BAT VOMIT" series, the first film rolling wth the title sequence half finished as was usual with such quickly made flicks. The first scene was a nighttime jungle sequence of a truck transporting midget soldiers in tiny tanks, grumpy little men resembling squished metal plated turtles, their boss a seriously pissed off looking dude whose face was a mass of scrotum tissue frowns with machine-gun stems sticking out between the hairy folds of flesh, which continuously sprayed bullets at the enemy as they attacked the bridge. As the end credits rolled the restaurant's proprietor told us cryptically that it had been a good choice of film, and I agreed, taking this as a signal to leave until a friend decided we were going to eat one last thing: a snack made in oily cardboard containers which were stored (following some old tradition) on the backs of the exit doors, consisting of yellow/green oil, lemon grass, and seafood which he scooped into bowls. The famous taste was hard to replicate because the toxic conditions of the factory and ill health of the workers who produced the delicacy were responsible for it's unique flavour. 
In this dream I was a close friend of Lars Ulrich (Metallica), who I was trying to find at some stupid-looking rock festival. A bouncer handed me the sandpaper part of a matchbox which had ANDY written in Lars' retarded scrawl; this was supposed to be my backstage pass. Everywhere was a total mess, super complicated to find the Metallica room, and no real idea why I had to. Leaving the modified toys I was carrying to show to my pal Lars sticking out of the bag to try to make it easier to spot, I threw it onto a giant conveyor belt which was heaped with Metallica fan's clothing, bags etc. Seeing that my gear would get lost immediately, I ran up to some security types, explaining that I was staying near the upturned car-henge sculpture, and was directed into a shop which sold energy drinks called things like GUZZLE and GOFORIT. I noticed a display of badly-molded and half-melted skull/pirateship/heidi architectural model toys, which played back crunchy, near-unintelligible low bit-rate samples of a phony Vincent Price reading boring horror and mystery stories, some of them playing backwards, batteries dying, with faded glow-in-the-dark stickers. During all this chaos I was reading emails from a friend who was worried about the part of a piano concert he was supposed to perform which required quickly moving the piano up 8 flights of stairs in order to play a solo. I asked why they couldn't just have another piano up there, and he angrily replied that this was impossible because everyone would know it wasn't the same piano. This reminded me that we were supposed to be finishing a Varese-like speaker installation for a rectangular monument in New York City, which the media were trying to sell as the new Statue of Liberty or Grand Canyon. The job was for Elizabeth Taylor, who was another friend of ours. 
We were invited to check out a new "night club". The annoying club owner proudly showed us their new decor: a few rooms decorated with cheap plastic flowers and other crap. We were unimpressed until she announced "AND NOW, for the REAL attraction!!!", opened some swing doors through which floated a group of 'dolphins' (as they were referred to) which flapped around in mid-air, licking everyones faces in what was supposed to be a "cute" kind of "family" experience, but honestly it was pretty gross, making me think of the "trout farm" scene in Existenz. Some of these malnourished creatures resembled peeled bananas that has started to go brown, and some of the baby ones started getting into the hole in the sink. It was really difficult to get them all out of the sink and back through the door, and I felt that this club owner lady was very irresponsible. 
My job was to expose an evil Scientology cult based in Salt Lake City. 2 Scientology girls were ticket sellers for a run-down cinema showing scratchy cult promo films and selling "pork and egg", which one of them told me was actually slices of road tar and shaving cream dyed yellow, and that the real pork was in Utah. 
By Andy Bolus
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