#it makes sense that necrons need those too right...? more metals and blackstone... makes me wonder how costly resurrection is
necrophiliak · 6 months
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what i got rn
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segersgia · 4 years
Looking Back: Part 5 - Chaos - Chaos Space Marine Infantry and Terrain
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I like to believe that this edition was a very exciting one for Chaos Players, since we saw a major influx of updates when it came to their range. We first saw some glimpses for things to come inside of the Blackstone Fortress game, and eventually, we were rewarded with Shadowspear and Chaos got a much needed update to their main infantry.
Chaos Space Marines:
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Chaos Marines are Space Marines who have given their allegiance over to Chaos, either worshiping them all equally or dedicating themselves to one specific god. They either exist as seperate warbands that raid and pillage planets, or they are part of one of the original Traitor Legions. 
A Chaos marine can come from different backgrounds. Often, a marine is created through the gene-enhancement of vat-grown humans, slaves, or kidnapped children. The most powerful and experienced of them all have been fighting since before the Horus Heresy. They don’t call it the “Long War” for nothing.
The gear they wear and the weapons they wield are often relics that have been tainted by the Warp. This means that, just like the Death Guard, they carry stuff that looks worn out and “vintage”. 
Chaos Marines needed this update. The old ones really started to show their age, as they were too small and badly proportioned. Their updated models fixed those issues and the overall design change has worked really well. These are most definitely marines that have survived millennia of war and carnage.
I noticed that some have said that, like the Death Guard, the new Marines are cluttered and overdesigned. I disagree with this sentiment. The problem that Plague Marines have is that their design is completely cluttered with mutations. Every Plague Marine has atleast one tentacle or Plaguebearer face sticking out of his armour. If their armour was just way more worn down, it would’ve looked a lot better. 
Meanwhile, these models don’t have the same issue. Yes, they have plenty of detail, but most of it is brass plating or ornate designs. These details don’t really overstay their welcome, while with the Plague Marines, they most definitely do.
What I do find a slight downgrade is the design of their horns. The old Marines had a way more smooth and clean horn design that has now been changed into some sort of weird growth. I would’ve preferred they kept the slick design, similar to what they did with the Age of Sigmar Chaos Warriors.
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Looks better, right?
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Havocs are the Chaos equivalent of the Loyalist Devestator Marine and they are obsessed with their occupation. They have a love of big guns and destruction that could rival Ork Oddboys and they go into battle carrying a variety of weapons, both old and new, such as heavy Bolters, Lascannons and Autocannons. 
I love Havocs. Heavy-weapon teams are always some of my favourite units in an army. The design team chose to slightly alter their appearance. If you look closely, the Havocs have way thicker armour that really gives them girth and a better presence on the field. I also really like their helmets; the piping and the visor scope makes the really stand out better. The spikes on their boots are a nice touch, as they probably serve the purpose of keeping the Havoc in a steady and stable position.
Kind of dissapointed at the amount of poses. These come in a unit of five, and you quickly notice that they only have about two different poses, discounting the Aspiring Champion. 
Speaking of the Aspiring Champion, may I just say that he has one of the best looking heads in the entire range. He looks proper evil.
 Chaos Terminators:
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The Traitor Legions took plenty of boxes filled with Terminator Armour with them. Those that wield Terminator Armour are held in high esteem by the rest of their warband. Most of them are Aspiring Champions or Veterans that have served for centuries. In fact, the only way for a Chaos Marine to get Terminator Armour is to kill its previous owner. Most Terminators take on a leadership role in a warband and will often show their authority through horrendous violence. 
I have a love-hate relationship with this unit for a few reasons. The new ones fix one aspect of the old Terminators, which was their proportions, yet didn’t really fix the other problem, which was their size. This iteration of Chaos Terminators are in my opinion way too small.
Secondly, they once again flunked on the design of their horns and tusks. Their previous iteration were better in my opinion. They were way longer and came in some very cool variants, including rhinoceros tusks. The new ones still have this in a way, but not in the same manner as their predecessors.
Greater Possessed:
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Possessed are Chaos Marines that have allowed Daemons to possess their very bodies in an act of devotion to the Dark Gods. They then mutate into these malformed beings that are half Daemon, half human. 
Greater Possessed are the big brothers that normal Possessed look up to. Their bodies are taken over by way stronger and more dangerous Daemons, such as Daemon Heralds. They are a taste of what a full ascension to daemonhood could be for a warrior, and are revered as champions and saints. 
Oftentimes, the process of their creation isn’t possible without the interference of a Master of Possession. Greater Possessed would instantly be consumed by their host without the help of one of these sorcerers.
Why was this unit necessary? I would’ve preferred it if these were just a replacement for the regular Posessed, as that old kit is just very ugly. I hope this means that normal Posessed are receiving an update as well at some point. 
Designwise, I’m a little divided on them, One looks stunning while the other one looks kind of derpy. The mutations on them atleast fit way more than some of the stuff that Plague Marines have. 
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Obliterators are Chaos Marines who are infected with the Obliterator Virus, a daemonic malady that turns them into a living arsenal. 
Obliterators become fused to the armour and the weaponry they wield, becoming half human, half machine. They also gain the ability to absorb other weapons into themselves and make them appear on their body at will. This makes these hulking masses of flesh and metal almost unstoppable in battle.
They also can teleport, since they wear Terminator Armour. 
The Obliterator Virus is a transferable disease, that spreads in the same way as the flu. I do wonder if non-Space Marines can become infected, as that would be a very cool conept.
The “glow-up” of this unit is really visible and I really hope that Mutilators get the same treatment somewhere in the future. I really do wish that a new version of them gets released that would allow for more customization. I do miss the Spiderweb-looking growths that is depicted in the artwork for them. 
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Someone did point out to me that their armour resembles that of the old Rogue Trader Terminators. If this is indeed the case, then I like them even more. 
Noctilith Crown:
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Noctilith Crowns are giant shrines made from Blackstone; a substance that the Necrons use to repel psychic energy and the powers of the Warp. Both the Blackstone Fortresses and the Cadian Pylons are made from this stuff and not only the Mechanicus have been fighting in order to retrieve this valuable resource, but the Necrons and Chaos as well have been aggressively coveting the material. Abbadon learned that the properties of Blackstone could be reversed, so instead of repelling the Warp, it strengthend it. 
Noctilith Crowns are specifically constructed to enhance the power of Psykers and to thin the veil between real-space and the immaterium. They are still a very dangerous and volatile structure to use, as would be anything that screws with the laws of reality.
This is a terrain piece that I’m surprised at wasn’t made about 3 editions ago. It makes so much sense for Chaos to have a Chaos Star as a piece of terrain. It is also nice to see terrain that isn’t tied to the Imperium. 
There is nothing bad to say about this. I’m just baffled we never saw this release earlier.
While I have my gripes, the new update that Chaos got is making me giddy for what may come next for them. They most definitely needed this update. What came before was so outdated.
Next up, Drukhari, and boy do I have some stuff to say about  the Dark Eldar.
previous posts: Primaris Mainline Infantry, Death Guard Infantry, Craftworld Aeldari, Primaris Vanguard Infantry
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