#if anyone um. is curious/cares/whatever then feel free to ask obviously
necrophiliak · 6 months
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what i got rn
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the-white-soul · 6 months
We've got some good thoughts already, aside from Sans. The only thing he's eager about is quitting. You can't blame him with how hard this all is, but we have to win this case despite that!
Let's see... During the war, we couldn't even manage to take one life while countless monsters died. They were also allowed to make these murders since it's a given of war, but all this means is monsters haven't manage to kill anyone until Asgore's seven souls. Humans are much more bloodthirsty, and most monsters could hardly even hurt humans if they tried. At the point when souls were taken, we were forced to do so just to live free from a barrier which was put in place for no real reason in the first place. Monsters were innocent for the longest time and beaten down on by humans for that one instance with the curious child who absorbed the soul of their already dead friend. The kid didn't even try to harm anyone with it, like Alphys said.
I'd like to say I should go as a witness as well since I also know asgore well and grew up in politics so I know how things work, but then again I didn't perform well last speech and I might ruin this again in addition to sparking some negative reactions just by showing me face.
Speaking of, d'you think people are going to try to take me for murder? Or would the police not care since that human was obviously an idiot? At least I hope it was obvious.
(Kara) "Honestly, I have no idea. How hasn't he been arrested? I'm happy about it but confused." (John) "While you are probably a criminal, you are a criminal of war, so…" (Dess) "It doesn't matter. We have great security." (Kara) "People spraypainted your house." (Dess) "They were protecting you. They are everywhere." (Kara) "Spies cost money." (Dess) "You want to know how we can afford everything? There's one monster who's so popular even some humans give him plenty of money." (Mettaton) "It's me, darlings! You can see why, can't you? I'm so glamorous it connects the world because everyone agrees I'm hot." (Kara) "Whatever pays. Now, one last question." (Dess) "What is it?" (Kara) "What will we do with the Anons?" (Dess) "I was about to ask the same thing."
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(Kara) "How many problems can we handle? I feel like I'm about to explode. You can change your voice, as well. Great, now you could all be psychos. 'Hey Kara, did you have enough stress today? No? Well, let's make it so you want to pull out your hair and punch yourself so hard you'll be unconscious. Won't that be great?'Looks around and sees the monsters hiding behind a chair. Sorry, something slipped out. Now, how did you get here? Cause when one person gets in…"
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(Kara) "Wait, Chara did this again?" (Dess) "Um, Kara? I don't mean to alarm you too much, but we're not hiding because of you." Kara turns around and sees Chara pop out. (Chara) "Howdy!" (Kara) "Oh shit!" (Chara) "Don't worry, I'm not here because of blood lust. Well, not now. Tee hee. I'm here because I thought a flower would've been my mailman, but he seems too afraid. Don't worry. I'll tell them. Winks. You see, I think you should take this more seriously." (Kara) "Why?" (Chara) "Oh, let's just say monsters will be free one way or another, whether it's by death or love. Most likely both. I guess you've met some of the anons. I thought about giving you a little fun because we all know how boring court dramas can be." (Dess) "Don't you want monsters having less discrimination? How does bringing more hate solve anything?" (Chara) "Well, if you can't handle a simple creature like an anon, you should give up! I promise you I'll make it quick." No one spoke. The wind could've gone 1 MPH, and everyone would've heard it. (Chara) "Okay! If you want a ridiculous trial, then who am I to judge? Good luck! Try not to die to the anons!"
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starshine583 · 3 years
New Girl on the Block (17)
(sorry for the late update everyone! I spent time with family this weekend and got a little side tracked lol anyway, please enjoy chapter 17 of “New Girl on the Block” and as always, feel free to check out the mini series connected to this called Journal Entries!)
Ch.1 / Ch.16 / Ch.18 (ao3)
Chapter 17: Subtlety Is Key
The platform ladder that Marinette was standing on sat firmly in Felix’s grip as he watched her attempt to pin a stream of hearts to the wall. She appeared to be having trouble deciding which angle was best, moving her end of the stream up and down while staring at the other end, which was already pinned up, and squinting. He half wondered if she was going to take this long on every stream of hearts she pinned up, since she'd been doing the same up-and-down motion for a while now, but he also didn’t mind waiting if she did. The longer he stood here, the better his chances were of escaping the task of writing those “thank you” cards that Allegra liked to put in her party favors. She always managed to rope him into it, saying that his handwriting was the best amongst them, which, in truth, it was, but why not save the trouble and type out the message on the computer in a curly font? Surely, it would have the same effect.
“Felix, does this look straight to you?”
Felix dragged his gaze back up to Marinette, who was frowning at the spot that she’d finally decided to stop on. The stream of hearts hung to her right, making a nice curve on the wall that looked fine, but he wouldn’t be able to say for certain until he acquired a level, which they didn’t have.
“As straight as it can get, I imagine.” He replied. Even if it was a tad off, the guests would hardly notice. They’ll be too busy mingling and dancing around.
A sigh fell from the ravenette, and she lowered the hearts to give him a tired look. “How is that supposed to help me?”
“Well, it’s definitely not straight now. Does that help?”
Marinette pressed her lips into a thin line, obviously disgruntled, and Felix clenched his jaw to avoid smiling. Perhaps he should wait until she got off the ladder to continue. She might kick him in the face otherwise.
“Why are you here if you’re not going to be useful?” She grumbled, turning back to the wall.
A snort escaped Felix’s lips. “I am being useful. I’m holding the ladder so you don’t fall and break your neck.”
“Bold of you to assume I won’t fall whether the ladder is steady or not.”
“Which is another reason why I’m here.” He replied smoothly. “To catch you.”
Marinette hummed, glancing down at him from the corner of her eye. “How kind of you.”
“Yes, it really is, isn’t it?”
She breathed out a small laugh and shook her head, coaxing a smirk from Felix as well. 
It’s been about a week since they stayed up all night talking at Allegra’s house, since things between them changed, since things with him changed. He couldn’t quite place what had caused it, except that it was most definitely her. The way she listened to him wholeheartedly throughout the entire night, hanging on his every word, offering support when needed and trading a few stories herself- It made him feel heard, which was immensely strange. Because he’d been heard before, plenty of times in fact. It was nothing new. So why was that night different? Was it because of the soft atmosphere that the moon provided? Or because they were both somewhat tired despite saying otherwise? Why did his entire being feel so clear and refreshed when they went up to bed later on?
Whatever happened, he’d assumed that the feeling would be gone by morning, since nighttime conversations hardly travel to the next day, but imagine his surprise when the feeling swelled full force in his chest the next day, specifically when he greeted Marinette in the hall. It was as crystal clear as the night before, and it had yet to fade even now. 
Felix didn’t understand. Not at all. But he certainly wasn’t going to dispute it. He actually began encouraging the feeling, talking with Marinette on a more constant basis, muttering in her direction during conversations, asking more casual questions, throwing around a joke or two about the others when it seemed appropriate- he even found himself teasing her at one point, which led him to the wonderful realization that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was much sassier than he’d given her credit for. Despite her surprise, she’d snapped back immediately, a playful glare in her eyes and a smirk on her lips, and with an unexpected reaction like that, Felix couldn’t not tease her more. That would simply be a waste.
In the following week, he continued to talk with her, and continued to learn how much of a wild card she truly was. She never reacted to his teasing the same way. For example, one minute, she would blush, the next she would smack him, or roll her eyes and shoot right back without a second thought, or even pout. There was no telling what she was going to do next, and Felix eagerly anticipated her next move each time. It was fun for him now, fun to talk with her, fun to see her smirks and glares and giggles when he did. He could understand why Claude, Allegra, and Allan would want to talk with everyone and anyone if they all acted like her.
Their dynamic had definitely changed over the last few days, and although he wasn’t sure how much Marinette had noticed it herself, Felix knew he was thoroughly enjoying the shift. 
“There.” Marinette said above him, leaning back to put her hands on her hips. “How’s that?”
Felix’s eyes glazed over the stream of hearts again, and he let out a hum. “A bit more to the left.”
Her shoulders drooped. “Are you serious?”
The narrowed yet playful glare that she shot him had Felix holding back another chuckle, and he innocently moved to grab one of the pink, inflated balloons on the table next to them to hand it to her.
“Why do I ask you anything anymore?” She asked as she took the balloon from him. 
“Because you know I’m an excellent judge when it comes to fine craftsmanship, such as the stream of hearts hanging above us on the wall right now.”
Marinette scoffed, tacking the balloon to the wall just above the first decoration. “What, are you kissing up to me now? Are you trying to butter me up so I’ll bring you more cheesy croissants?”
Felix shot her a look of feigned offense. “I wouldn’t dream of it, not after the amount of pain and effort that went into the making of those decorations.”
Now she was glaring at him. “Exactly how long do you plan on holding that paper cut against me?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.” Felix replied, a slight smile betraying his lips as he did.
Marinette huffed, letting her eyes flick up in an eyeroll, and started back down the ladder. Felix moved back to let her off, before grabbing the ladder again to lift it over to the next wall. They still had two more streams to put up.
“You seem to be more present today.” He commented, thinking back on the get-together they had yesterday. She’d been lost in her own thoughts through the first part of it, so much so that Allegra felt the need to ask her if she was alright. Marinette didn’t get to answer due to Claude jumping in, but when Felix asked her about it again a bit later, she quickly froze up, saying that she’d rather keep it to herself for the time being. 
Felix understood, of course, and he said as much, but that didn’t stop him from being curious. Or even a bit concerned. She always had a specific look when that model was involved, and she’d worn it openly yesterday. Therefore, he could only assume that that was part of the trouble, but how much trouble? Did they run into each other again? Did he text her? Did he go looking for her somewhere? There were too many possibilities and not enough clues for Felix to draw a firm conclusion. He couldn’t even be sure that Agreste was the problem in the first place. 
“Did your troubles sort themselves out?” He added, trying not to look at her too much as he did. Felix didn’t want to pry, but he did want to make sure she was handling herself alright. (Not that that was really in question at this point. After that run-in with the akuma, they all knew quite well that Marinette could take care of things when she needed to.)
Marinette paused at the base of the ladder, tilting her head at him with a questioning glance. “My troubles?”
A slight frown tugged at the corner of Felix’s lips. Had she forgotten already? It must not have been that important, then..
“You said something was bothering you yesterday.” He said anyway.
“Oh!” Understanding washed over her features, but a grimace quickly followed. “Oh.”
Felix rose a brow. Did that mean the problem wasn’t resolved?
“Um.. no.” She said, offering a bit of clarity as she fiddled with the next stream of hearts that they were supposed to be hanging up. “No, it’s still very much there, unfortunately. I’m not sure how everything’s going to work out yet.”
Felix nodded. “I see. I apologize for bringing it up, then.”
“No, no, you’re fine.” She insisted as she climbed the ladder. “I know you were just trying to help.”
“Besides,” Marinette threw another smile over her shoulder, one that was clearly softer than the smirks she’d been giving him earlier, “if it gets to be too much, I’m sure you’ll come to rescue again. So you can have something else to brag about.”
Felix’s eyes widened, admittedly knocked off balance by the comment. Joking about being rescued wasn’t entirely unusual, but ‘again’? What did she mean ‘again’? Did she think he rescued her before? When? Why did he find himself feeling immensely pleased with the thought?
“Of course..” He muttered absently. “I do love to brag, you know.”
It was a bland remark to be sure, not nearly one of his best, but Marinette laughed anyway, as she always did, and turned back around to start pinning the next stream of hearts to the wall.
Felix continued to watch.
Bzzt. Bzzt.
Adrien lunged for his phone, unlocking it with his fingerprint before it could even finish vibrating, and tapped the notification. Was it her? Had she finally decided to text him? Please let it be her!
A news app flashed onto his screen, and his shoulders sagged as he realized that Marinette hadn’t texted him. How long was she going to wait? It’s already been a full day, and winter break was fading fast. He knew these things could take time, but they honestly didn’t have a lot of that right now. Once school started up again, his schedule was going to go right back to packed, and he’d barely be able to breathe let alone go see her. He didn’t want their precious chance to hang-out to go to waste. 
“You good, dude?” Nino asked next to him. “You’ve been hovering around your phone all day. Is something going on?”
“Oh, uh-” Adrien sat up, pushing away his phone and disappointment. Marinette was going to text him eventually. He just needed to be patient. “No, everything’s fine. Père just likes to stay in touch with me while I’m out, so I want to make sure I don’t miss any text messages or anything.”
Nino frowned. “Isn’t sending Gorilla with you enough?”
Adrien shrugged. “Yeah, but you know how he is. He likes to stay on top of things.”
Disgruntlement flicked across Nino’s features, and he tugged his hat down slightly to hide it, muttering, “Or he just likes to control everything.”
Adrien smiled despite the comment. “Come on, he’s not that bad. He let us hang out today, right?”
Nino nodded, though his frown didn’t fade. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.. Just don’t let him distract you from our game. We still have a tie to break.”
Adrien straightened and grabbed the controller that he’d dropped earlier. “Course not! Père or no, I still have plenty of focus to beat you.”
Nino let out a playful scoff. “Sure, dude. We’ll see who beats who this time.”
Adrien chuckled and positioned himself on the couch, and the two jokingly counted down before starting the next match.
Keeping Nino in the dark about Marinette wasn’t something Adrien enjoyed- they were best friends, after all -but he didn’t want to risk talking about her now. The class was only just now starting to be suspicious of Lila, and even then, it was light, joking. They weren’t serious about it yet. If they knew he was meeting up with Marinette, the person they still weren’t entirely fond of, it might serve as a disadvantage to him. What if they stopped listening to him because he was talking with her? He couldn’t take that chance. He needed to get his feet planted firmly on the ground before taking any rash steps forward.
That said, he did need to take some sort of step forward. Lila trying to make a deal with him last week was extremely reassuring, since it meant that she herself thought of him as a threat, but he also knew that he couldn’t slack off because of it. Muttering over her shoulder wasn’t going to work forever, and if he didn’t find a way to crank up the pressure soon, she would start countering his subtle attacks. Maybe he could start talking to people directly? While they were alone. He could talk to them more about Lila and ask if her stories are suspicious.. But what if he talks to the wrong person? Depending on who he conversed with, they might round on him in an instant, and his plan would crumble again. No, he needed to be careful about this. He needed to start with someone he could trust.
“....So,” Adrien glanced at Nino, because who better to start with than his best friend? “what are your thoughts on Lila?”
If Adrien wanted to change everyone’s opinion of Marinette and Lila, he supposed he would have to know those opinion’s first, and Nino, he felt, was the perfect candidate for that. He was a chill, relaxed person, who pretty much liked everybody. (Everybody except Adrien’s father, that is.) His opinion of Lila should be similar to an average of everyone else’s opinion, and Adrien could use that as an estimation of Lila’s- hopefully decreasing -popularity.
Nino scrunched up his nose, clearly confused by the change of subject. “Lila? I mean, she’s alright. Pretty nice. Alya really likes her.”
Adrien nodded thoughtfully. That was about what he expected him to say. “What do you think about her stories? It seems like she’s been everywhere, doesn’t it?”
Nino snorted. “Right? She says she knows everybody and anybody. It’s pretty crazy.”
Adrien’s eyes widened slightly, though Nino didn’t notice. ‘She says she knows everybody’? Not ‘she knows everybody’? If Adrien didn’t know any better, he might say that sounded a little bit like doubt.
“You don’t believe her?” He asked, carefully.
“No, no, I do.” Nino rushed to say, ignoring the game console that was now blinking ‘defeat’ on his side. “It’s just.. you know.. crazy. She’s been all over the world, knows all these different people, and she’s only fifteen. And she kept up with the school the whole time. It sounds like a lot.”
“Yeah, it definitely does.” Adrien agreed, setting his controller aside and hiding a smile. “And now, she’s been taking up the job as class president, even though she’s still planning charity events and working at homeless shelters and hanging out with Alya and the rest of the girls and doing homework.. It makes you wonder how she fits it all into her schedule.”
Nino chuckled. “Yeah, I- It’s.. I don’t know. I definitely couldn’t do it. What about you, though? What do you think about her? You seem to be really interested in her lately.”
Adrien had to bite the inside of his cheek to avoid laughing. Interesting was a word.
“Ah, well.. I guess I’m just curious about her more than anything. I’m a model who goes places and meets people all the time, and I haven’t met nearly as many famous people as she has. I wanna learn how she’s managed to not get in any news or magazines so far-”
Bzzt. Bzzt.
Adrien paused mid-word to whirl around and check his phone. He was honestly preparing himself for the disappointment already- why would this time be any different? -when his eyes landed on the tiny speech bubble that represented his text messaging app. His insides leaped at this sight, and he tried to swallow his excitement as he tapped the notification. Was it her? Had she finally texted him?
Marinette’s name splayed across the top of the screen, and it took every ounce of discipline for Adrien not to leap off the couch and cheer. She’d texted him! Marinette had finally texted him back!
~Hey, sorry it took me so long to text you. I’ve been helping my friends out with something. If you want, I can meet up with you at (something) café for lunch on Feb. 15th? Does that work for you?~
Lunch! Adrien wanted to scream. She was inviting him to lunch! Marinette did want to hang out with him more! This was perfect!
He quickly texted her back. 
~That sounds great! I’ll see you then ;D~
Adrien hadn’t even checked his schedule yet, but that didn’t matter. He was making this lunch date no matter what. Then he could talk with Marinette about his plans and maybe convince her to come back and-
“Was that your dad?” Nino asked, breaking Adrien from his thoughts yet again. That was probably a good thing though. He shouldn’t be getting too ahead of himself. From the way things looked, Marinette was really enjoying her new school life. It will probably take a lot of convincing to get her to come back. For now, he needed to take things slowly.
“Oh, yeah.” Adrien said, cool as a cucumber. “He was just telling me about my next photoshoot.”
“Another one? It’s not going to stop us from hanging out, is it?”
“No, no, it shouldn’t.” Not that he knew of, anyway. The only thing his meeting with Marinette would hopefully affect was everyone’s opinions of Lila. 
Nino relaxed slightly at the answer. “Good. He over-works you way too much. You should ask for a raise or something.”
 Adrien laughed. “I think I’d rather keep the time off that he gives me. Anyway, you ready to play another round? You lost, so now you have to catch back up.”
Nino eyed his controller with a slight smile. “Whatever, man, you know I’m gonna pass you up without a problem.”
“Sure you are.” Adrien smirked. “Just like how you were gonna pass me up last round.”
Nino laughed and snatched his controller up. “Oh, it’s on, dude.”
Allegra drew in a deep breath, reveling in the scent of the special candles she’d ordered. Patchouli and Rosewood- the perfect thing to accentuate the rose bouquets delicately placed on the round tables and encourage the romantic mood for their party. With the lights dimmed and everyone dancing together on top of that, hearts were bound to be captured, and she couldn’t wait to see it, especially when it came to a particular pair.
Allegra set her candle down and subtly glanced over her shoulder at Felix and Marinette, who were currently stringing up the last stream of hearts on the other side of the room. They were both laughing and talking together, completely comfortable as Felix held the ladder steady and Marinette pinned her last balloon at the end of the stream. It was a cliché couple, really- the stoic, uptight rich boy falling hard for the sweet, adorable bakery girl -but Allegra was determined to see it work out. She’s always prided herself on getting unlikely people together, and these two were going to be her ultimate achievement. Of course, at this point, she supposed she could hardly call them an unlikely couple. They’ve been rather in-step with each other as of late. What with their muttering to each other during group-hang outs and sharing secret looks and sitting near each other on a regular basis. She might be inclined to be excited for the progress if she had any idea as to why they were suddenly so close. Last week, Felix was still gritting his teeth about being caught looking at Marinette, yet today, he’s talking and smiling and laughing with her openly. Laughing! Felix doesn’t laugh. He scowls and hisses and maybe smirks when he’s in a good mood, but he doesn’t laugh. Something monumental must have happened between the two that would encourage him to do so. So what was it? When was it? Her entire body was itching to know, and the fact that she knew she couldn’t ask only made it worse. If she tried to ask Felix about the event, he might clam up again, regressing the friendship. If she tried to ask Marinette about the event, the ravenette would probably become flustered or more hyper aware of Felix’s subconscious advancements, which, again, would probably regress the friendship. She was stuck either way.
“They’re driving me crazy.” She finally said, knowing the boys would hear her. If she couldn’t confirm her theories about Felix and Marinette’s interactions, she would rant about them to Claude and Allan instead.
As usual, Claude was the first to respond, glancing up from the party favors she had him arranging to ask, “What? Who’s driving you crazy?”
Allegra turned to him with a sigh and tilted her head ever-so-slightly in the “lovebirds’” direction. “They are. They’re acting differently than they were before, and I don’t know why.”
Claude straightened to glance over her shoulder for a moment, his brows furrowing slightly.
“You mean Felix and Marinette? They look the same to me.”
Allegra scrunched up her nose with a scoff. “What do you mean they look the same? You think Felix just laughs like that on a regular basis?”
Allan wandered over to their conversation then, also watching Marinette and Felix. The blond and ravenette didn’t even look up from the hearts on the wall, which was another big sign that they were becoming increasingly engrossed in each other. Felix was normally highly aware of his surroundings, as was Allegra, and he usually would have noticed the trio’s stares by now. But he didn’t, because he was too busy looking at Marinette instead.
“They have been a bit chummy lately.” Allan agreed, bringing a smile to Allegra’s lips. At least someone besides herself was paying attention.
“Well, yeah, but we knew that already.” Claude said. “They like each other, don’t they? Of course they would be chummy.”
“Yes, but not like that.” Allegra insisted. “Whether Felix likes her or not doesn’t change the fact that he’s technically being open around all of us right now. Isn’t that a bit strange to you? Besides, we still don’t actually know for sure that Marinette has a crush on Felix.”
Claude gave her a look. “What? I thought you said that she got all blushy and stuff when you talked about Felix at the sleepover.”
“She was, but Marinette gets blushy about a lot of things. And I was talking about how comfortable Felix is around her. That would probably make any girl blush.”
“She has a point,” Allan spoke up, “but I do think she might like him. She always gets this certain vibe when he’s around.”
“Oh, it’s definitely a possibility.” Allegra agreed. “You can totally spot the little ‘glow’ she gets when he talks with her, and even that’s improved since Felix changed things up.”
Claude’s eyes widened as he glanced at the pair again, seeming to study them closer this time. “Do you think she’s glowing more because he’s changed?”
“I’d say so,” Allegra answered, tapping her finger to her lip, “But what I want to know is why he changed and when. It can’t have been anything short of last week, because they only started acting this way recently, but what could have happened that we didn’t see? We’ve been with them the whole time.”
“Maybe they’ve been hanging out by themselves?” Allan suggested. “They’re not tied to us, you know.”
“I know, but wouldn’t we have heard about it? Marinette sends us pictures and such all the time. She would have mentioned her and Felix hanging out by themselves.”
Unless Marinette simply didn’t want to offend them, but Allegra still didn’t buy that explanation. As far as she knew, Felix and Marinette’s shift happened sometime after the sleepover, if not right after. It was as though they’d fallen asleep as usual, then woke up as different people entirely when it came to each other. So whatever happened must have happened during the sleepover.. but when? They were all together most of the night. Allegra supposed it could have happened during Hide and Seek, when they were all spread across the mansion, but moments like those were too quick and too tense and she certainly would have noticed Felix’s change in behavior then. That left her with.. A dead end, because the rest of the night, Marinette and Felix were always with one of the trio, even when they were all sleeping.
Unless the two hadn’t been sleeping..
“I don’t think we should overthink it.” Allan said, lightly nudging his shoulder into Allegra’s. “Marinette seems happier around Felix, and Felix is definitely happier around Marinette, so I say we take the win and let them keep getting closer on their own.”
“I agree.” Claude chimed in, surprising Allegra. He normally enjoyed meddling in others’ affairs as much as she did. “If they’ve made it this far without us getting too involved, they're bound to confess to each other at tomorrow’s party, especially with the ‘fake date’ we have planned for them.”
A smile found its way back onto Allegra’s lips. So he did intend to meddle. He just didn’t want to overthink Felix and Marinette’s sudden progress. She should have known. 
“That reminds me: I still have to finish arranging that.” Allegra remarked.
She spun on her heel, leaving the boys to their tasks again, and began crossing the room to Felix and Marinette. Their chuckles and smiles quieted down as she approached, but she paid it no mind. Felix was mostly the one to stop laughing, anyway.
“Are you guys all done?” Allegra inquired, not missing the way Felix gently touched Marinette’s arm to help her get off the ladder.
Marinette flashed her a smile. “Yep! We just finished the last streamer. What’s next?”
Allegra let out a hum. “Well, Felix still has to write all of those ‘thank you’ letters for the party favors-”
A tired sigh left the blond.
“-and we have to set up the caterer’s foods, but they aren’t coming in till tomorrow. So I think we’re pretty much done. Claude and Allan are just now finishing their last tasks too.”
“Oh, good!” Marinette beamed. “The place looks great already. I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions tomorrow.”
Allegra smiled. “Neither can I. By the way, since everything’s practically set up, you two can go ahead and stay home until the party starts. That way you both have time to get ready.”
A hint of concern flicked across the ravenette’s features as she knitted her eyebrows together. “Are you sure? I don’t mind coming in early with you guys.”
“I do,” Felix cut in, a slight smirk on his lips as he added, “and I will gladly take the extra free time.”
Allegra smirked as well, because she knew that comment had to be for Marinette’s viewing pleasure. He wouldn’t have had a smirk otherwise, nor would he have held that mischievous glint in his eyes.
Of course, Marinette breathed out a chuckle and briefly rolled her eyes, capturing Felix’s attention immediately. She then offered Allegra a meaningful smile. 
“Well, if you change your mind, you can always text me.”
“Of course, but in case I don’t, why don’t you have Felix pick you up for the party tomorrow? Since you’re both not going to be arriving until later.”
Marinette and Felix exchanged a look, as though they were silently asking each other’s opinions, and Allegra had to hold back a snort. They were already reading each other and communicating in their own way. It was too cute and all too obvious. How did Claude not notice the difference earlier?
“I wouldn’t mind if you need a ride,” Felix finally spoke, pulling his shoulders up in a slight shrug, “but it’s your decision.”
Allegra swallowed a coo and glanced to the side, because this person in front of her who used to be dead-set on not helping anyone or scowling the whole way was being incredibly considerate, and she desperately needed a before-and-after video.
Marinette smiled up at him. “A ride would be nice, thanks. That way I don’t have to bother Maman or Papa about taking me at the end of their work shift.”
It was just the answer Allegra wanted to hear. Felix will be the first one to see Marinette in her new dress, and he will have plenty of time to become flustered over it during their drive to the party. Missing Felix’s face when he went to fetch Marinette was going to be a shame- since he himself mentioned how stunning she would look -but if they were lucky, perhaps he’ll still be wearing the expression when the two arrive.
“Great! I’ll call my driver so we can start getting ready to leave then.” Allegra said with a smile.
Marinette nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll go grab my purse and put up the ladder.”
“I’ll put up the ladder.” Felix cut in, already moving to close it. 
A frown tugged at the corner of her lips. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. They like their tools to be put back a certain way.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks, then.”
Allegra watched Marinette walk off, feeling a fresh wave of determination.. Gosh, they were already acting like they were in love with each other. Well, Felix was at least. Marinette was about that kind to anyone. Either way, things were going smoothly now, and it should only take a carefully-timed push for the two to really get the ball rolling. 
Valentine’s Day, Marinette and Felix being dressed up, both of them being alone together while dressed up, the sudden closeness- finally, all of her plans were coming together. The only thing that could possibly make this better was if Cupid himself came out to see them swoon over each other. 
That wasn’t going to happen, of course, but it didn’t need to, because Allegra was going to be glad to take his place.
Tag List:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas @thewheezingbubbledragon @crazylittlemunchkin @unabashedbookworm @moonystars14 @sunflowers-and-mooncakes @2confused-2doanything @magnificentcrapposts @moonnette @nickristus-dreamer @vixen-uchiha @casual-darkness @luxmorningstarr @jjmjjktth @kaithehero @itsme1598 @theymakeupfairies @xjaccyx @miraculous-ninja @miraculouspenta @swiftie-miraculer13 @justafanwarrior @all-mights-asscheeks @ira-sairain @lookatthestars1 @dahjokester @blissful-passing @solangelo252 @canivialemonsquints07  @derbygracie  @pleaseignorejustheretoread 
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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(Jean x fem!/reader) -> Angst -> 4.7k 
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Notes: Sorry for updating a lot later than expected! Here’s chapter eleven, and twelve will be out as soon as I write it. Hope you enjoy! 
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During the night, you had no dreams or nightmares. It was simply peaceful, calming, and warm. Having him beside you (though he was on the floor) gave you the utmost comfort. He was really here with you, resting to the side, while you did the same. Such a feeling that was yearned for, had finally found its way back to you. The first night in what seemed like forever where you actually slept through calmly. 
You woke up the next day to see the sun peer in. Through the crack of your blinds, highlighting the walls of your cozy room. The birds, though silent, remained present as the wind rustled quietly. Jean lay on the floor. His hand still clung onto yours from the night before. His grip felt secure and gentle when holding yours. His hair laced over the pillows, as his body was barely covered by the sheets. Only now did you realize how much of a mover he was. Though that was the case, he still miraculously held you through the night. Without causing any discomfort whatsoever. 
You wanted to sit in this moment for a tad longer, but knew you would have to ready you both for the day ahead. You tried to slip out of his hand, but to your failed attempt, he gripped even tighter. He really wasn’t going to make this easy. You tried yet again, using your other hand to assist. Regardless, his one hand and few fingers kept you grounded. You thought that was the end of things, but he then pulled you in. Locking you in a tight embrace. You shook your head, both flustered and disappointed. You needed to get away from him, yet here he was, keeping you captive. 
“Jean...Jean I need to get up-” 
“Not again...no...never,” he mumbled. 
It seemed as if he was sleep talking. If he was conscious, he probably would’ve laughed at you by now. You were sad to hear such words. He had gone through so much trauma to the point he couldn’t let go of you. 
“I’m not leaving...not yet at least...so Jean, don’t worry and please let me go,” you cupped his cheek as it sank into your touch. His head now leaning towards you, and his face at a closer range. Smiling at the reaction, you then heard a knock coming from outside. 
“Hm...I have to go now,” he seemed less tense than earlier. It must’ve been because of your words since he actually let you go. You got up, put yourself in a cardigan, and quickly tied your hair. Maybe this time it was actually Reiner, for goodness sake you would now need to leave a candle there. Just in case next time, it’s a crazy psycho and not Jean. 
You opened the door, ready to attack if it was anyone threatening. Though hesitant, you let your guard down, opening the door even wider. 
“Ah Y/n! Long time no see,” you stared at the woman, flowers in one hand, while treats in the other. 
“Alexandra, what are you doing here?” you smiled shocked. 
Alexandra was also a person from the military. An Eldian soldier who commanded her own squad. Though your rank was a tad higher than her’s, she was never too far from you. You both conversed here and there. Though you weren’t as close to her as you were with the warrior unit, you were both mutually acquainted. Enjoying each other’s company from time to time. 
“I just came to drop by. If you’re busy, I can come sometime later today,” you didn’t want to be rude and reject her. Even though Jean was over, you assumed that if he had heard someone else (other than you) in the house, that he would keep quiet. 
“No no no, I insist. Come in, I’m free,” you led her inside for her to then place the gifts on the table. Now that you thought about it, this was the second time she had been to your house. That being said, you were surprised she still had this place memorized. Not only that, but you were surprised she had come out of the blue. Did she have something important to share, what drove her to come? 
“Curious are we?” she laughed as your eyes widened, embarrassed. 
“Of course not-” 
“Haha, you’re not a very good liar Y/n~” 
“I guess you’re right about that,” you grinned as you started to prepare tea. She was just such a lady, and plus, tea complimented any situation. So why not make some now? 
“Hm lovely. Earl Grey if I’m correct?” 
“Haha, yes you are,” you then placed a cup down. Pouring the tea as she patiently waited. Crossing her legs and setting the treats she brought across the table. 
“I’m sorry I’ve come so early in the morning, it’s just that my squad is going to be shipped out sometime tomorrow...so I wanted to say my goodbyes before then.” 
“What do you mean? I know you’ll come back,” you smiled as she followed hesitantly.  
“Yeah...of course I will,” you then set the teapot down, as she took a sip.  
“Hey so...I heard that someone might be getting married,” you start to drink your tea, eyeing her suspiciously. 
“Who else but you,” you choked on the beverage, wondering as to how she would know such a thing. You then tried to play things cool, hoping the subject would slowly avert. 
“I’m still not understanding?-”
“You and Reiner silly. It’s been going around everywhere...didn’t you know?” 
“No...I...I didn’t know that others knew?...” 
“Ahh I see. Well, from what I know, the town seems content with such a proposal. The ladies have been talking about what kind of future you both might have, even with the limited time. Not only that, but Reiner’s mother seems ecstatic with both the arrangements, and attention being given,” you then bite down on your tongue. Never would you have thought things would escalate so quickly. Rumors that weren’t even confirmed, yet spread like wildfire. She then placed her cup down, grabbing one of the deserts to munch, and then covered her mouth. She spoke, trying to keep her manners while also enjoying the treat. 
“So, have you prepared a wedding dress, did he give you a ring yet, or are you both going to wait for the day of?” 
“No...I haven’t been given a ring, nor have I gotten anything.” 
“Wait, really?” 
“Hm...well okay. Let me ask you a different question.” 
“Of course, whenever you’re ready,” she then finished, and took a sip. Eyeing you as you sat uncomfortable, not sure what her next approach would be. 
“You do like him, don’t you?” 
“Um...well...I...I would say-” 
“You know, I’ve always thought the both of you were...how do I say it, cute. Very cute actually.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” you laughed a little, thinking she was being sarcastic. Whereas she was being quite serious. 
“You two have always seemed so close. You both respect each other, take the time to have one on ones, you also put in the effort to see each other’s families, and just...so much more. You’ve always seemed like a couple, or, couple goals to say the least. Not only that, but you seem to genuinely care for each other. You give words of affirmation, and he gives you acts of genuine affection.” 
“How would you know such a thing?” your brow cocked as she sighed. 
“My dear, it’s called observation. Speaking of observing, you can’t deny that Reiner is very attractive.” 
“I mean, he’s a total catch. He’s a very good looking gentleman. One that actually takes care of his hygiene. He’s presentable most of the time, and treats you like the lady you are. Giving you the respect which you deserve. Very attractive in my opinion. Chivalrous, yet understanding of a lady’s worth.” 
“I agree with that,” though your feelings for Reiner were platonic, what she stated was...somewhat true. Just disclude the whole “wanting to kill you,” along with the “using you as a way to cope,” and vice versa. 
“So you do like him?” she asked as you sat there, not sure about what your response would be. 
“Well…” a question then sprung in your head. You put your cup down, to then eye her yourself as she locked her gaze. Awaiting for whatever your answer would be. 
“Alexandra what if...what if there was someone else?” 
“Someone better looking than Reiner?” 
“I...I guess so,” you chuckled as she stared at you in shock. 
“No way...did you get with Porco? Wow...you surprise me the more I get to know you-” 
“Wait a minute, you think Porco is more charming than Reiner?” You cut her midway through, baffled to say the least. Now you were the person in shock as she smiled cockishly. Proud of such a statement. 
“Well...yes...yes I do,” she said shamelessly as you now laughed. 
“Wait, but why? I’m genuinely curious,” you said, obviously having a different opinion. 
“First of all, his undercut is both sharp and clean. Not only that, but the dirty blonde really suits him. His build is nice, along with the fashion he portrays. Though not too out of the ordinary, you can tell he puts in the effort to look his best.  
The energy he gives off is adventurous, dark, and mysterious, you know? But at the same time, he also seems like a gentleman. One who’s misunderstood, yet has a soft interior. His eyes seem to hide an excruciating pain, yet his smile is one full of brightness, and laughter,” you were surprised about how philosophical, and passionate she was when describing Porco...Porco of all people. No offense to him, but you would never see him in such light. 
Regardless, she seemed proud to say such a statement, as she then asked you: 
“And you? Just what about Reiner intrigues you? I understand for some reasons, but more than Porco?” you nodded to then state: 
“I can’t guarantee my description will be a full fledged english essay. But oh well, here it goes,” she listened intrigued, ready to hear your rebuttal. 
“Well, he does have a beard. Though Zeke’s is fuller, Reiner’s compliments his face structure. He has a very um...broad build, the blonde suits him well, and over all, is a very sweet person. Compared to Porco, I would say he has a much more timid nature. Don’t get me wrong, he can speak his mind, but is a little more sensitive when doing so. That being the case, I feel as if he’s more relatable. Though, I may be saying this because I’ve known him for longer, outside of Marely of course, I just think he’s the better option-” 
  “The better option, so he is an option. Meaning that you feel attracted to him. Leading to the conclusion that you like him,” she grinned maliciously as you panicked. 
“Um well...I wouldn’t say that…” 
“Interesting...but my point still stands haha. If you ever need someone to help you prepare for the occasion...if I come back...I’ll be sure to aid you.” 
“Of course,” she then stood up, placing the flowers in a vase. Grabbing her bag, her coat, her hat, standing before you. 
“But before I go, just who is this other person?...Are you really seeing someone?” 
“I…” you weren’t sure what to say to her, as the hesitation rang in your voice.
“No...I just wanted to know what your thoughts would be,”  You know you should have told her yes, but you just couldn’t. You didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire, and if you couldn’t even tell the warriors, telling someone else shouldn’t have been an option. 
“I see, well...farewell Y/n. Let us meet again, and if not here...somewhere else…” 
“Yes, of course,” you smiled happily as the door then shut. 
You were glad that one, she came to visit you, and two, that things were now over. You sat in your seat, stretching out your arms to hear another knock. Except this time, it was coming from behind you. Your head then flung backwards, your smile growing even wider as your chair tilted. 
“Good morning handsome~” 
“Good morning beautiful, how are you?” 
“Greater than ever, how about you? Did you sleep well?” 
“Magnificent. Also yeah, I did sleep well...surprisingly,” you both laughed a little, as you then got up, placing breakfast for the both of you. Though a little full from the meeting before, you still wanted to enjoy a meal with Jean. After all, it had been so long since the last time you did. And plus, that was during your time as a cadet. You weren’t able to enjoy such a feast in the morning. 
You both ate in silence. Both of you trying to enjoy the food, and each other’s company. Letting the peace around settle in. Once you had finished both eating, and cleaning up after yourselves, you then decided to speak, asking: 
“Did you hear the conversation I had earlier? I’m assuming you probably woke up because of it,” you didn’t ask how much he heard. You instead wanted to see how much he did hear from the man himself. He put the cloth he was holding down. Similar to you, he wanted to see if you’d tell him anything from the conversation. So he asked: 
“Was there anything important I should be informed about regarding it?” 
“No…” you lied guiltily, but you didn’t know how to handle it otherwise. He then decided to hint you with what he knew, by saying: 
“Hm...Is Reiner really your type? Do I have to buff it up, go blonde, and grow a stache?” he then touched his face as you laughed. Both out of silliness, and nervousness. You felt worried knowing he heard that much of your conversation. Meaning, he knew you hadn’t denied Alexandra even once. 
“Haha no! I love you just the way you areeee!” 
He then looked at the ground, leading him to stand up. 
“If that’s the case,” he leaned against the wall, staring at you intensely. 
“No? Y/n, why did you say no?” you sighed in defeat, seeing that he most definitely was on your tail. 
“I can’t tell her I’m dating a ‘devil’ from Paradis,” you said, trying to make an excuse. 
“You wouldn’t have needed to tell her that...just saying yes should’ve been a good enough answer. You didn’t have to say no.”
“I know…”
“Then why did you?..” 
“I just...I’m not even sure myself-” 
“About this...us?...” he stopped himself while clenching his fist. Though he was annoyed, he didn’t want to push that onto you. He knew you cared about your relationship, and plus, it sounded petty for him to say.  
“Never mind...it’s not a big deal.” 
“I see…” you agreed, still feeling guilty as he then asked: 
“You’re not planning on marrying him...right?” 
“Hm,” you think to yourself. Though your mind had run blank, he certainly did not as it ran with rage. Seeing you hesitate when the answer should have been obvious. He just couldn’t handle it, along with his sense of inferiority. Though he had matured, there were still times where acted otherwise. This being one of them. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t say no, almost immediately-” 
“You know I won’t Jean…” 
“Then why didn’t you tell off your friend? You didn’t deny the proposal, or  your affection for him.”
Jean wasn’t jealous, rather, frustrated. Frustrated that you weren’t using your words (yet again), nor telling him any of your thoughts. It's like watching a movie with no audio, he wasn’t able to understand your actions even when seeing them. Without any coordination, communication would never reach his side of the spectrum. 
He scrunched his eyebrows, and pinched the bridge between them. Though that was the case, he was trying to be patient with you. After all, this was something new and he didn’t want you to feel pressured. Nor did he want you to feel like it was completely your fault. Even if it was, he wouldn’t have known unless you told him so. 
“Look Y/n...I really don’t want to fight, especially over something like this. But in order for me to understand things, even if it does hurt my feelings, I need to understand your thought process. That way, I’m able to clear up any misunderstandings. You tend to keep your mouth shut, and that’s not something that we need as of right now. You know how I feel, now it’s your turn,” you were still hesitant, feeling pressured as he approached you. He looked into your eyes. His stare was desperate, yet understanding. Patting your head as you gazed upwards. 
“I’m sorry for acting like that...but you know...your actions do hurt me, especially when I don’t know where you’re coming from. So can you please...try to explain?” he pouted as you sighed, ready to convey how you felt. He seemed excited seeing that you were somewhat ready, feeling like a proud father...which was something he didn’t feel often (having both Connie and Sasha). It was a weird metaphor, but the only one which could describe the moment. 
“I wasn’t sure if I should tell her. Although I do trust her, it could get out. You never know. Plus, I didn’t want to deny the proposal yet. I still need to talk things out with Reiner, and his mother” he seemed a bit disappointed, leading you to then hug him.  
“But I can promise you, it’s something that won’t happen. I love you, and you alone,” he then wrapped his arms around, returning the favour. Him hovering over your top half, as you hugged his torso, still in your seat. 
“I see...thanks for that but...I think I’ll still go blonde-”
“NO! I like your brown hair, it’s cute!” 
“Cute eh? I guess I’ll keep it then,” Him then smirking at the ego boost, as you sat flushed. 
“I love your hair as well.” 
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After breakfast, you both decided to make plans. Heading out for a walk in the park, wanting to spend more time together. If anything, you could conclude it as being a date. You went out for lunch, and strolled together while conversing. Though walking was a great thing, so was sitting. That being the case, you both sat on a bench. Hands intertwined, feet swinging, and him calmly humming. Moments had passed in such comfort for him to ask: 
“What’s happened in your life? Well, other than becoming part of the military, and all of the boring stuff.” 
“Nothing much, how about you? What’s been happening in yours?”
“Ah...I can’t say too much about that,” he nervously said, as you backed off, understanding it wasn’t something to be said aloud. You both then sat awkwardly, only for you to ask something that you had been curious about. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? After I left...the truth if possible,” you knew Jean was a truthful person, you trusted him, but you also knew he would sugar coat things to make you feel better. That being the case, you wanted honesty. No matter what. Afterall, you deserved to hear such criticism if needed. It was the least you could do to attone. 
“I guess I’ll start off lightly. Um...we did find the cellar, the one which Eren’s father resided in. We also took back Shiganshina, though now mainly used for military purposes...I think. Not only that, but your horse has been doing fine.” 
“Violet? How about Buchwald?” 
“Yeah, him too. They’re pretty good friends in my opinion,” he looked at you to see that you weren’t content. It seemed as if you wanted to know more, rather than being shielded by the lightness in his words. Since you could make your own decisions, so could he. Deciding that he would tell you instead of keeping you from things. Things that you honestly...deserved to know. 
“After you died...I barely slept. I couldn’t eat, train, or even walk for that matter. I was pretty malnourished during that time, refusing to have a meal. I did that feeling guilty that you couldn’t have it with me. You passed and yet I still lived?...it didn’t seem fair no matter what was said. I was pretty grumpy as well. Angry, sad, and confused. Not knowing what to do. 
When Marco died, instead of mourning, I instead used it as a way to motivate me. To push myself even further for humanity, so that his death wouldn’t go in vain. But with your death...I couldn’t even. It was too painful to even bring up. Thinking of it as my motivation, seemed both coward like, and sickening. 
Everyone else was pretty moody as well. Not sure how to approach such rogue behaviour from me, nor how to accept your death. Even though I made the biggest ordeal, they still mourned. However, even though that was the case, what matters is that you’re alive now. We’ve also talked things through, and now I’m here...with you,” he grasped your hand, smiling softly. The guilt that now built in your stomach, remind you of the pain you put him through. Not only that, but the anguish which held him captive for so many years. Though you put him in such a position...he was still willing to forgive you? 
You stared at him. His eyes broken, yet also...in the process of healing. Although you couldn’t change the past, maybe you could alter the present, concluding in a better future for you both. You smiled as his thumb caressed your knuckles, loving the warmth. You sat there for a second, to then ask: 
“Tell me...is Berthold alive?...in Paradis?” he then stopped, as he looked at the ground. You understood the answer, based on the actions given. 
“How did he die?” 
“Armin...ate him-”
“What? That’s only possible if-”
“We had spinal fluid? I know,” you sat there spooked. Just now finding out Paradis had such information, climbing up the latter as you spoke. They’d probably catch up to your wits eventually. Though that was the case, and you could have worried even more, you decided against it. Knowing this wasn’t the time to. 
Instead, you decided to focus on Bertholdt. He was really gone...though you assumed it would have been better than being held captive, it still hurt. He must have felt so much pain going through that. Not only did he get eaten, but he was alone. None of you were there to help, nor witness such a sight. It saddened you as your eyes teared. The sweetest person, the only person who didn’t want to fight, was finally taken out of it in such a brutal way. 
Jean saw the distress that struck across you, as he then wiped your tears. Trying to console you the best way he could. He knew what it felt like to lose a friend, heck he even thought he lost you. It was a process that hurt a lot...but one that would come to pass.
“What about everyone else?...”
“Hm...everyone is fine...especially Sasha and Connie. Those two are still as lively as ever,” he smiled as you followed suit. 
“I’m glad they’re still the hooligans they were.” 
“Yeah…me too.” 
“How did you get here?...and why are you here?” you asked, genuinely wanting to know. 
“Shh...it’s a secret,” he joked, obviously trying to avoid the question. After he answered, you could feel the tension in the air. One not wanting to tell the other everything just yet. You both trusted each other...yet felt as if your intentions...were something to keep behind closed doors…. For now at least. 
Jean then sighed, gripping onto your hand even tighter. He, along with you, tried breaking the ice. Him with his actions, and you with your words. Though it felt a little awkward, you still wanted to carry out your conversation. 
“You know, even though I tried pushing things aside...after leaving...I could never get over the departure. Separating from you, our comrades, and the place that made me feel...happy...normal...and well...loved,” grinning he then draped his arm over you. Your hand then grabbed his which lay on your chest, both intertwining whilst you both were even closer. 
“Also...I’m surprised you didn’t move on. Especially after all of that time,” his expression then changed into a curious one. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well...you thought I died. Not only that, but you're quite the ladies man. So I wouldn’t see you having much to...any difficulty actually.” 
“I could never Y/n...though it sounds childish, you were my first love. I couldn’t imagine leaving you for someone else, even if you had passed. I would’ve died an old stallion,” he dramatically said as you burst out laughing. He loved seeing the face you’d make when you were happy.  How lovely the corner of your lips would lift, the way your eyes crinkled, as your brows lifted the slightest bit. He was glad he could see such a sight, and that he was the cause behind it. 
“Who said you won't, ya horse!” 
“HEY! I’M NOT ONE!” laughter continued to fill the atmosphere. Both you and him adding your humor to the mood. Laying your head on his chest, and moving in closer. 
“You know, if we ever do part ways...don’t feel bad, okay?” you stated. 
“What do you mean?” 
“It can apply to anything but...I mean death to be more specific. You never know what will happen in the midst of battle.” 
“Hm...I guess so” 
“But, the guilt will live with me forever. No matter what because...I just love you that much,” you smile to yourself and nod.  
“I too, love you just as much...Jean. And I always will.” 
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While you two were enjoying your moment, being yourselves, cherishing each other’s presence, Zeke was not having any of it. He didn’t hate the sight of you being with someone else, it was just that...he thought your priorities lay elsewhere. Both in loyalty, and worth ethically. That being the case, he decided to do the only logical thing. Crash. The. Party. 
So, he crept behind the both of you, clawed his hands, and placed them on your shoulders screaming: 
“WHAT THE HECK!” you then smacked his arm, quickly squirming away from Jean. 
“Heh, good morning to you as well, Y/n. Now, who’s this we have here?” Before you could respond, Jean sighed, extending his hand. He knew that if he let you talk, you would be put in another awkward position. 
“My name is...John. A friend of Y/n,” you wheezed internally. He just had to pick the most generic name, one which sounded like his own. Zeke grabbed his hand, and shook it. 
“Ah...nice to meet you John. Anyways, Y/n...Reiner has been looking for you all morning. His face seemed urgent, so I think you should go see him,” though Jean wasn’t pleased, with both Zeke, and the fact you had to leave (him for Reiner), he approved of the notion with a small nod. 
“I’ll see you later, Je-John.” 
“Yeah...same here,” he then walked the other direction, leaving both you and Zeke to walk towards HQ. 
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“Were you lying, about Reiner?” hand in his pocket, as the other smoked up a storm. 
“No, I wasn’t. He actually was looking for you.” 
“I see.” 
“Also Y/n, just for the record, know that I’m not dumb, nor oblivious. I know what stunt you two were pulling off, trying to lie to me, tch,��� he said, clearly annoyed. You inhaled the smoke of cigarettes. Not sure what to tell him. But you were also...laughing a bit. Actually enjoying his reaction since you’ve never seen Zeke so frustrated out of work. 
“I see I’ve upset you?” 
“Whatever you rascal. How long have you been with him?” he smiled as your hands clasped. 
“We really are just friends. I met him at a pub, nothing much has happened between us, nor will anything in general,” he sighed as his tone became a lot firmer. Though he didn’t believe you, he still had something to say.
“You need to be more careful. If it were someone else who had seen, even more rumors would've been speculated, you know that? Plus, friendship or not, know where your priorities stand,” you choked on your saliva, trying to cough as his words caught you by surprise. 
Before he could say anything more, the gates to HQ then opened for the both of you to see...Reiner...running as fast as he could. 
“Y/n! You’re here!” 
“Yeah...I am….” 
“I need you, let’s go,” he then dragged you elsewhere as Zeke stomped on his cigarette. 
“You may need her...but does she actually need you...Reiner?” 
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mc-lukanette · 4 years
Luka was taking his usual route home, his coffee in hand and marked with his name, as it always was. All employees got one for free at the end of the day, and while it felt a little too generous for him to accept at first, he got used to the insistence, just glad to have a boss who wanted their workers to be happy.
That said, he hadn't opened it yet, planning on doing so when he got home in order to be perked up and ready to work on his music. The coffee he made without following a menu had a certain bite to it that somehow made the wake-up call even stronger, earning him the nickname "Viperion" from all the people he worked with. He didn't complain, obviously; it sounded cool.
As he walked down the wide sidewalk, he glanced up and noticed something that made him pause: a woman, slumped over a table and looking ready to either sleep or pass into the afterlife. He couldn't get a good look at her face, since she was face-down on the table and her black hair was making any of her features unseeable, but he saw the professional outfit she wore and the sketchbook resting under her hand, implying that she was overworked.
Luka realized belatedly that she didn't have a writing utensil in hand, his eyes drifting down to scan the circular table she was laying on. Indeed, there it was, on the opposite side of the table and continuing to roll along due to the occasional gust of wind. He rushed forward as it neared the edge, saving it from a sad fate on the sidewalk. He couldn't tell how fragile it was, but it seemed expensive, so he was glad to have come by when he did.
Slipping the pen between the open pages in the book, Luka's next priority was to duck down and check under the table for the woman's belongings. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that her purse was safely between her legs, unstolen and with the strap hanging around her shoulder. From the looks of how she was hunched over it with her legs pressed into the sides, he imagined that she might stir awake if someone attempted to take it or steal what was inside, but he wasn't going to take that chance.
He stood, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving her a gentle shake, even though he felt bad for doing so. The woman made an assortment of whines and groans at the motion, shifting away from him and curling in on herself. She even pulled her sketchbook in with her as if it were a pillow, clearly not willing to depart from whatever half-asleep state she was in. He couldn't help feeling bad for her; she was so obviously exhausted and he got the impression that this was a recurring thing.
While debating on what to do, he remembered the coffee in his hand, still hot and definitely a burst of caffeine for anyone who drank it. There was no question as to whether or not he should offer it to her, he just did, holding the cup out and gingerly pressing the bottom of it against the back of her hand while ensuring that the name side was facing away from her. She shifted again, but had a better reaction to the heat, maybe recognizing what it meant. She turned her head up, her hair parting just enough for him to see one of her eyes as it took in the cup in his hand.
His heart skipped a beat, having not expected to see such a bright blue color, but he remained still and waited for her reaction.
Eventually, the hand not touched by the cup came up to grab it, the other soon moving out from under the cup to do the same. She tilted her head back down at the table, then gave him a muffled, "thanks," probably thinking that he was someone serving her a drink she ordered.
He smiled, her voice reminding him of the pleasant chime of a bell. He was content to accept whoever she thought he was so long as she accepted the drink, releasing it so he could walk away from her. Once he was a fair distance away, he looked back to see that she was slowly pushing herself up so she could drink the coffee he'd given her. Satisfied and feeling that it was safe to go, he rounded the next corner to continue his way home.
The next day at work was particularly slow, with Luka having difficulty keeping himself occupied. He'd already wiped down everything in the shop that he could think of without the customers starting to suspect that he had a cleaning obsession, so he gave into his personal wants and pulled out a notepad he kept on him. It wasn't much, but he used it to jot down little melodies that came into his head, figuring that he might be able to turn them into something special with a little bit of time and effort.
He'd only been able to sketch some quick staff lines when the front door opened, rapid footsteps following as someone apparently barreled through. He glanced up at him, only needing to look for a moment before he recognized them as the woman he'd helped yesterday, though she was sporting casual wear instead of her business attire. A few of the customers at the tables turned to eye her, their faces a mixture of curious and confused, but she didn't seem to care.
"Is—" The woman panted, waiting to catch her breath before she stood straight, raising her right hand to reveal the coffee cup she'd been given yesterday. "Is there a Luka here?"
Luka gaped, then raised the notepad to his mouth to hide the fact that he was chuckling. He'd honestly thought that something terrible had happened to her with the panic she was in, but this?
The woman looked around frantically, clearly hoping to get a positive response. The customers who'd focused on her earlier had glanced in Luka's direction at the mention of his name, causing her to follow their gaze to him. Luka himself lowered his notepad enough to offer her a smile, his free hand going up to greet her. She ran up to him, taking note of the signature on his name tag and then comparing it to the one on the cup.
"Oh—thank goodness," she sighed. "I found you." Setting the cup down, she threw herself face-down onto the counter. Luka felt glad that he'd just cleaned there.
Curious, he asked, "Why were you looking for me?"
"I am so sorry," she whined in response. Raising her head just enough to look up at him, she continued, "I was so tired and I wasn't even thinking, and then I drank all of your coffee!"
He blinked, half-wondering if maybe she'd been so tired then that she thought that she'd stolen it. Offering her a smile, he placed his hands on the counter and lowered himself until he was level with her, assuring, "I gave it to you, it's okay. We get them for free. Besides, you looked exhausted and you definitely needed it more than I did."
"Still!" she argued, pushing herself back up with a pout.
The speed of her response told him that she actually knew already that she didn't steal it, yet was still that distraught over the matter of drinking his coffee anyway. He thought it was cute.
She threw her arms out. "And I'd never been to this place before and had to find directions on my phone and I was so worried that I might've picked the wrong one and I wouldn't know since I figured you were just a customer so my chances of finding you again were already bad and even if you were a regular I wouldn't even know what you looked like—" She stopped herself, letting out a sigh as she seemed to realize that she was getting side-tracked.
Luka watched, a mixture between amused and maybe a little charmed as the woman pulled out her purse and began to dig through it. Though he couldn't make out much, he could tell that it was organized, leading to her pulling out what she'd been looked for relatively quickly.
With a sudden serious look on her face, she firmly placed the money she'd grabbed down on the counter. "Anyway, at least let me pay you back! I don’t care if you got it for free or not!"
Luka looked at her, then the money, then back at her, reminding himself that she really went through so much trouble over a cup of coffee and it was absolutely adorable. He wasn't sure what his face looked like, but he knew it wasn't his normal "customer smile."
"What's your name?" he finally asked, once he'd put his thoughts together.
"W-what?" The serious expression vanished, replaced by surprise. "Um—" She tilted her head, but answered him anyway despite not knowing why he was asking. "Marinette."
Grinning at the melody taking place in his head, he turned away from her, abandoning the money she'd set down and picking up a cup to start writing on. "So, what kind of coffee do you want for that money?"
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seihun · 4 years
i have never once been jealous of park chanyeol in my entire life
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ϟ pairings and aus :: oh sehun x reader, college au, friends to lovers au, fluff
ϟ word count :: 2.3k
ϟ author’s note :: this is technically a part of a (now completed!) au i’ve been posting, but it can also be read as a stand-alone!! so, i hope you enjoy!! i’ll link things later, if necessary :) more notes at the end!!
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Sehun hears you before he sees you, sending a panicked text to Junmyeon before you come crashing through the front door.
Except you don’t.
Sehun swears that he’s hearing your voice, though, loud and clear. He shoves his phone into his back pocket, ignoring the repeated notifications from his elders, and trudges towards the window.
Sure enough you’re there, alright, and that is your voice. Through the small hole he’s made in the curtain, he sees you opening the back door to a car, obviously searching for something inside. His eyebrows pinch together for a moment, unsure of what you’re looking for, or who’s car that is, but he’s not left wondering for long.
Because Chanyeol rounds the rear of the vehicle, playfully shoving you out of the way as he reaches into the backseat himself. He can hear the two of you talking, laughing, but he drowns out the words; too focused on watching the scene in front of him.
Chanyeol pulls out two white plastic bags, full of what appear to be containers of food, but that’s not what Sehun sees. He sees your bright-eyed look of affection, the cheek to cheek grin painted on your face as you take a bag from Chanyeol. He hands you another one, a grocery bag this time; the exchange is quick, but Sehun feels like he’s been watching for a lifetime.
Chanyeol must have said something funny, because he has you laughing again, gently nudging his hip with yours before giggling himself. You have him goodbye with your free hand, before turning to head for the stairs to the front door.
He rushes to close the curtains, almost trips over a pair of Baekhyun’s shoes on his way to open the door for you.
“Hey, there you are!” you greet him, shoving the door closed with your foot. Sehun smiles back, taking the bags of food from you while you take your shoes off, following him into the living room after.
It’s easy banter as you help him unpack all the food. You hand him the bubble tea, and excited, waiting grin on your face. It’s almost childlike, the way you glimmer up at him, waiting for him to take the first sip—like a kindergartner waiting for their parent to taste a cupcake they decorated.
It’s good, of course. It’s his favorite, and Sehun’s satisfied smile seems to be all the approval to you need.
“I got spaghetti, and ziti, and three types of garlic bread—and also carbonara. We probably won’t finish it, but if there was this deal going on and Chanyeol insisted we should buy as much to get the discount, and I figured Baekhyun would probably—”
“I think you should ask Chanyeol out.”
If Sehun surprised himself with the words that came out of your mouth, he surprised you ten times over. At least, so he thinks, judging by the way you completely freeze, wide eyed with an aluminum foil take-out container barely maintained in your loosening grip.
“You—what? Why would I ask out Chanyeol?” you question, blinking slowly and setting the container on the coffee table.
Sehun shrugs, preoccupying himself with opening the rest of the food. He’s careful to avoid eye-contact, lest tears threaten to spill from his own. “Chanyeol’s a good guy,” he says, words quiet, slow, deliberate, “And he seems to like you a lot.”
“I mean—yeah, Chanyeol’s great, but I, um, I don’t think he likes me like that, though.”
“He probably does,” Sehun pushes, “He has no reason not to.”
“Hun, where is this coming from?” you ask with a chuckle. You shove his shoulder playfully, forcing him to look up from twirling pasta around his fork.
He shrugs again, bringing your mood down a notch. “I just—I don’t know, I think you deserve to be happy and date someone if you want. And Chanyeol’s a good guy.”
He’s twiddling his thumbs, biting his lip: telltale signs he’s anxious or lying, or in this case, both. He notices his actions, but stops them too abruptly, insighting disbelief on your features in the form of crinkled eyebrows.
“What—I mean, does something give you the impression that I’m not happy now?”
“No!” Sehun’s tone is pitched and jumpy. Then quiet and somber, “I’m just saying, you know. If you like him, you should go for it.”
It’s silent for a while, too long for Sehun’s comfort, filled only with longing stares and curious eyes. He dares not say anything else, untrusting of the sound of his own voice and his ability to swallow his sorrow; forces himself to stuff food into his mouth as a distraction.
“Thank you for looking out for me.” You scoot over, sitting directly next to him on the couch before wrapping your arms around his torso. Sehun borderline chokes on his garlic bread. “You’re a good guy, too, Hun,” you add, head resting against his bicep, words eerily close to those Junmyeon was murmuring to him just hours ago.
Neither of you say anything for a moment more, Sehun trying his best will away the scratchy feeling in his throat. He closes his eyes briefly, and sighs. It’s not that he didn’t know it before, but the realization that he’d do anything for you crashes into him. It hurts just a much as it gives him a sense of relief.
He can’t hear the way your heart beats in your chest, can’t hear the whirlpool of thoughts threatening to overflow in your mind, but maybe it’s for the best.
“Well! Come on then,” you startle him, words breaking through the silence. You lean forward to reach for the food, “This pasta isn’t gonna eat itself!”
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A few days later, Sehun sees you off to your study session with Chanyeol. Study-date is probably the more appropriate term. If you hadn’t texted Chanyeol at all over the weekend to say something, Sehun was sure you’d speak up today.
Because, like a self-inflicting fool, Sehun brought it up just before you opened the door to exit his car; and completed his act by sending you his best smile and most supportive words. After confirming you’d safely entered Chanyeol’s house, he proceeded to slam his forehead against the top of his steering wheel for approximately seventeen minutes straight, before driving himself to Junmyeon and Minseok to wallow in his emotions. As per usual.
“So, you told the girl you’re in love with to ask out some other guy, and now you’re upset that she might have gone and done just that,” Junmyeon ponders, looking down at his lap where Sehun attempts to bury his face into the pillow resting upon it.
Sehun groans, kicking his feet a little like a child. Minseok tuts at him from the loveseat, “When we said talk to her I thought it was clear that you were supposed to ask her out. Not encourage her to ask someone else out.”
Sehun continues moping, laying dramatically on his back, half of his limbs falling off of the small couch. Maybe encouraging you to ask out the guy he’s extremely jealous of wasn’t the brightest idea he’s had in terms of his goals to ask you out—but if you wanted to date Chanyeol, then so be it. Sehun wasn’t irrational enough to try and push the taller out of the picture due to spite.
“Part of me admires you, Sehunnie,” Junmyeon starts, tapping his fingers against the younger’s forehead, “But I can’t help but think that you’ve been reading this wrong.”
“You mean like he’s been reading everything wrong,” Minseok scoffs, “Sehun can’t tell when certain people are in love with him. No wonder he falsely assumes the opposite for others.”
“You’re extra sarcastic today,” Sehun grumbles. “It’s not appreciated.”
“Sorry I’m not team watch Sehun’s existential crisis unfold,” Minseok grins, “I told you the only way this is ever going to work is if you talk about your feelings.”
Sehun whines this time, flipping himself onto his stomach to resume burying his head into the pillow. The older boys laugh at him, Junmyeon doing his best to comfort his friend with pats on the back, but it makes Sehun feel like a patronized toddler.
“I need a drink,” the youngest mumbles soon after, pulling his face from the plush, “Or food. Or both.”
Lazily, he pushes himself from the couch, turning in the direction of the kitchen. The others follow suit—Junmyeon out of concern for both their liquor and food supply, and Minseok for purely entertainment purposes.
A curious knock on the door stops all three of the boys in their tracks. Junmyeon and Minseok weren’t expecting anyone else over—anyone who knocks that is. That ruled out the possibility of it being Baekhyun immediately, and with Yixing away visiting his parents, neither of them could rack their brains for an expected guest.
Still, it’s Minseok who makes his way towards the entrance, gingerly stepping up on his toes to look through the peep hole before opening the door with a knowing grin.
He’s greeted by your even smaller, fuming figure. Hands balled into fists with a kindergarten-esque scowl on your face.
“Where is he?” you demand, marching into their apartment before receiving an answer.
Minseok simply chuckles, letting you storm into the living area, and closing the door behind you. Shocked, both Sehun and Junmyeon are at a standstill. The older is equal parts confused and concerned, but Sehun is petrified.
You stop abruptly in front of him, and Sehun opens his mouth to start spewing apologies—for whatever it is that you’re upset about, he’s not sure, but he knows a few are due—but he doesn’t have the chance to, before you’re fisting his shirt in your hand, and pulling him down into a kiss.
If Sehun could describe the feeling of an out-of-body experience, it would be this. Kissing you, being kissed by you; something he’s imagined, dare he say dreamt of. Despite his eyes fluttering shut, it’s like he’s watching himself being kissed,unable to wrap his head around that fact that you stood in front of him, pulled him towards you, and kissed him.
He doesn’t have time to consider relishing in the moment, either. Because he hears Minseok and Junmyeon wooing in the background, loud and obnoxious, and because you pull away, parting your lips from his.
There’s a storm of emotions brewing in your eyes, a similar phenomenon happening in his own; but before he has the chance, to act, to say anything, your scrunch your nose, and jostle his shirt in your hold.
“You think you can just tell me to go ask out Chanyeol—which I didn’t by the way, because I’m not exactly keen on looking like a clown—and then come here and sob into Junmyeon’s lap?”
Sehun blinks. “Well, it’s not that—I—”
“You are the biggest idiot I know,” you say, “Who tells the person they like to go ask out someone else?”
“A fool!” Minseok hollers. Sehun doesn’t even have the clarity of mind to toss him a glare.
Flustered, cheeks a little red, and neck very warm, he sputters, “I thought you liked him!”
“Hun, I don’t get it,” you frown, untwisting your hand from his shirt in favor of running your palms along the length of his arm, “Why would you want to see me with Chanyeol if you like me?”
Sehun sighs before inhaling deeply. Slowly, he bends his arms to rest his hands on either of your shoulders, gently tugging you closer. He stares at you, eyes watery with a mix of emotions even he couldn’t hope to make out.
Carefully, his hands tread upwards, gently cupping your jaw in his hold and tilting your head upwards. “Because I love you.”
“Exactly,” the word leaves your mouth in exasperation. Sehun watches the confusion dance in your eyes. “It clearly made you upset, so why encourage it?”
“I already told you,” he says, a soft smile on his lips, “Because I love you.”
“I don’t—you’d make yourself sad because you love me?”
Minseok’s right about a lot of things—(as much as he hates to admit it)—so maybe, just maybe, saying what’s on his mind will end this once and for all. For better, or for worse.
So he sighs, then lets out a breathless chuckle, before stepping just a millimeter closer.  “I just want you to be happy. And if Chanyeol could have made you happy, I would bear the pain.”
He thinks you might cry, with the way your eyes grow cloudy. If you were going to, you do a good job at sweeping the tears away, offering him an ironic chuckle instead.
“I’m happy now, Sehun. You make me happy, idiot. I’m sorry, though, if I didn’t make that clear before. I should have just said it—and I was going to that day, but then you started talking about Chanyeol, so I figured you didn’t like me like that and—“
“I do,” he cuts you off quickly, thumb padding against your lower lip, “I love you.”
The tow of you just stand there, staring at each other, blissfully happy for a little bit, before Minseok reminds them you of his and Junmyeon’s presence.
“So, are you going to kiss her this time, or?” Minseok chimes in, the dirty grin on his face never left. From beside him, Junmyeon chuckles, eggs on the teasing to hide from the fact that he was ready to cry moments ago.
Sehun pulls you into him with a roll of his eyes, squeezing you into a hug. “Fuck off,” he mumbles, giving Minseok the finger behind your back.
The older chuckles, opting to further his embarrassment by snapping a picture. Junmyeon’s loud laughter permeates the living room, as he immediately receives the image. Sehun’s phone pings in his pocket and he groans, letting his chin rest atop your head—that means Baekhyun and Yixing have that picture too, which means Sehun’s life is over. Unfortunate, because he feels like it just began.
You pull away first, not before leaving a fleeting kiss against the fabric of Sehun’s shirt—and even so, the action makes him warm inside. He could get used to this.
“They’re never going to let me live this down,” he mumbles, peeking as the elders chuckle at something on Minseok’s phone. Sehun’s going to have to remove himself from every group he’s ever been in.
“Do you wanna get out of here,” you pull his attention back to you with a laugh, gently lacing your hands together, “Maybe get boba or something?”
And Sehun grins, squeezing your interwinted hands before dipping down to kiss the crown of your head, “Absolutely.”
He doesn’t even care to grab his jacket from the kitchen stool, opting to snag Junmyeon’s cardigan misshapenly strewn over the couch. With your hands tied, Sehun makes quick work of heading for the door, leaving his older friends chuckling at his tinted cheeks and hasty mannerisms.
He should have known trying to get out without one last jab would be borderline impossible.
“I hope boba is code for go home and make out!”
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ϟ more author’s notes :: this is the first (and probably one of the very few) times i’ll ever formally write on this blog, mostly because it took me a year and day to even plan and begin to write this LOL i think i’ll stay in my lane and stick to fake texts and instagram posts, i’ve learned my lesson. ps: hope all you team sehun anons are happy—and if it wouldn’t have taken 5k more words of writing, i would have made her talk to chanyeol about it too just to create some drama :’)
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saladejin · 4 years
Admire | 04
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Seokjin x Fem!Reader | arranged marriage!au, husband!Seokjin | Strangers to lovers, angst, self discovery, loneliness in luxury, touch starvation (eventual smut), eventual domestic fluff
Summary: You’d never needed anyone else. Growing up alone, living alone, existing alone. It all came naturally and effortlessly, quite like breathing. That was until your somewhat distant parents finally decided it was time to make good on a promise. One they’d made before you were even born.
Warnings: Brief mentions of semi-absent parents
Word Count: 2k
A/N:  Hey there, this is just a short chapter I decided to post as a bridge to the next part of the story-line. Hope you enjoy :)
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“I know that you’re living a different life now (Y/n), but you still can’t skip out on the annual summer road trip,” your mother’s voice chided. You held the phone away from your ear slightly to avoid bursting your own eardrums.
“But - am I just meant to go on my own and leave the house? The road trips aren’t exactly meant for…”
You trailed off with a weird strangled noise in your throat, knowing that saying ‘people like him’ would only sound bad. Seokjin looked up at the changing tone of your voice, eyeing you with an intense curiosity. There was no way he didn’t pick up that it was him you were referring to.
You had been sitting together at the dining table, feasting on an old-style Italian pasta dish you’d decided to whip up right before your mother called. It was one of the only times you two had actually eaten together since getting married, as you usually just ordered food whenever you were hungry or ate out somewhere his driver would take you.
You had just been shocked that the stoic man agreed to share what you’d made in the first place.
“He can come along, no worries. I’ve already told the guide that you’d be bringing your husband anyway, since I just assumed he’d go with you,” your mother said in a dismissive tone, seemingly distracted on the other end.
Shit, right. We’re meant to be in love.
“Okay, but it’s going to be pretty different to what we’ve been doing so far.” You sighed, thinking about all the high-class parties you’d attended in the last few months, twirling some pasta around your fork absent-mindedly. Seokjin was going to be way out of his element here.
“Then it’s settled, you leave in a couple of days. Remember the meeting spot?”
“Yes, Mum. Bye then.”
You hung up the phone and sunk back into the chair across from Seokjin, exchanging his look with one fizzling with tension. Not one of you had touched your food since you took the call.
“You going to tell me what that was about?” he hummed after eventually moving to swallow down the last of his meal with a satisfied sigh.
“Yeah, just trying to figure out how to tell you.”
He seemed a tad concerned, but didn’t push any further. You sat and brooded with your thoughts for another minute or so before running your hands slowly through your hair in exasperation. You could almost laugh at how strange this was going to be for him.
“Okay so we do this thing every year, although my parents don’t usually go, where our extended family and friends have a summer road trip out to the countryside and sometimes stop by the beach. It’s kind of like a break from the busy lives they all lead, and it’s … such a big difference from their wealthy lifestyles,” you explained, not catching any change in facial expression from the handsome man across from you.
“So … I used to tag along because like you just heard, my mother nags me to go, and the trips always turned out being not half bad. If anything, I enjoyed getting out and seeing the different ways of life the people there lived. It was a nice change of scenery too.”
You realized you were ranting and cleared your throat, pushing your half empty bowl away from you. Seokjin looked like he was pondering again, but you were already guessing the thought of a road trip probably put him off terribly.
“Look, my mother said you’d come along but no one’s going to force you. It’s just a getaway thing that lasts for a couple of weeks, I wouldn’t be gone for too long. Maybe you could attend a party or ball by yourself for once, it’d make everything much easier for you-”
“I’ll go.”
You blinked at him in shock, but he only gazed back with a spark of interest flashing in his dark eyes. The raw emotion was such a rarity for him that you had to blink again to snap out of the awed emotion that was now warming up your cheeks.
“You will?” you squeaked, hating how high your voice had pitched itself.
“Yeah, I don’t want life to get boring. I’ve never done something like this, so I’ll see how it goes,” he replied simply, a small smile resting on his lips as he took in your expression alighting with appreciation. Was he always this adventurous? Maybe deep down, there were sides to this man you had yet to discover.
“Well, we leave in a couple of days. I can tell the driver the meeting location and everything… uh, are you sure?”
“Yes, (Y/n).”
You got up from your seat and swept up your dishes, feeling an odd excitement flood your whole chest at the prospect of going on a retreat with Seokjin. Getting to spend some time with the man who was slowly but surely warming up to you was such a promising idea. Plus, lately you’d been wanting to get closer to him. Your need for pure company was becoming overwhelming.
You wanted your own husband to be the person you could turn to when you needed attention … but after giving it too much thought, you knew that there was no way he’d care enough to want to put up with that. It was borderline foolish of you.
“So, you didn’t really go on many holidays?” you probed quietly after rinsing the bowls. He’d shifted himself from the table to one of the kitchen stools to watch you work. You felt oddly comfortable under his searching gaze, even if you did look quite average in your tracksuit pants and simple white tee.
“If my father’s business trips count?” Seokjin snorted in dry humour. You could tell he was legitimately curious about the whole road trip thing, which was so baffling to you considering he’d barely tried to ask you about your life at all.
“Well, what did you do on those trips?”
You wiped your dripping hands on a dish cloth and sat across from him, only the sparkling white benchtop separating the two of you. You had been spending a fair amount time in this position during the past week or so, and it filled you with joy having these longer interactions with him whenever it happened.
“My father would take my brothers and I when we were younger to his workplaces. Teaching us his ways and getting us prepared for when we would take on jobs at the firm. My mother did her own thing, but would only talk to us about what we’d done that day. Maybe there was the occasional shopping trip for new clothes, but both parents were busy most of the time,” he said rather sourly.
Seokjin was obviously tired of having to spend so much of his life pleasing his own mother and father. You couldn’t have imagined how repetitive it all must have been, then again you didn’t really know what it was like spending time with your own parents in the first place.
“Can you tell me what you used to do, then?” he asked suddenly. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief, because he was asking about you, but then you felt bad for painting him in such a bad light. He wasn’t a terrible person; he just hadn’t engaged this much before. That’s why you were taken so off guard when he looked at you straight in the eyes and asked you the question so calmly.
“Um, yeah of course.” You smiled as the feeling of warmth enveloped your very soul, “So… since I never went on business travels with my parents, the only form of a holiday I ever experienced were these trips. They helped me relax and took my mind away from everything.”
You breathed out deeply at the memory of the countryside breeze, and the feeling of the piping hot beach sand crunching underneath your toes. You could only imagine the feeling of the sun’s rays kissing your skin as Seokjin watched in a mildly fascinated state.
“We’d travel as a large group in separate motorhomes – by the way we’ll most likely get one to ourselves – and stop in many small towns along the way. We’d go on walks and find lovely spots to eat lunch, and we’d visit special lookouts along with other cool cultural sites. The best thing was when you got the day to just venture through the place on your own, doing whatever you wanted and exploring the country.”
You unclasped your hands and let your voice die in your throat, not wanting to subject the man to more of your wistful reminiscing. He was hearing all about memories you held close to your heart, because throughout your school years the travelling was what’d kept your mind relaxed and stress-free.
“Sounds like it’ll be interesting for me. You said we’ll be given a motorhome, so we’re the ones driving?” he questioned quietly, almost as if he didn’t expect you to cut yourself off so soon.
“Yeah, I grew up with that brand of vehicle so I can do most of the driving. I’ve got my license,” you assured, barely stifling a giggle as you recalled memories of learning how to drive a motorhome for the first time.
“We can take turns,” he replied shortly, raising a strong eyebrow at you as if daring you to challenge him. You nodded in a slight daze of shock.
So you can drive too, huh.
You never would have guessed, after knowing that the handsome man had been chauffeured around basically his whole life. What need would he even have for a driver’s license?
“Well, I’m going to bed. I’ll start packing for this trip, just let me know if I need anything else,” Seokjin announced with a grunt as he slid off the chair and made his way around the bench to stand before you. He was dressed pretty casually as well, with a light blue button-up shirt hanging over grey trousers, but he still looked so unfairly tasteful.
“The only thing I’ll really say is just bring casual, but comfortable clothes. Oh, and a hat or cap if you have one,” you said, feeling giddy with anticipation for the holiday already. He nodded to acknowledge the advice, resting his weight onto one foot and pursing his thick lips as he thought about if he did, in fact, own a hat.
“Goodnight then,” you spoke after feeling something strange wash over you. This random urge to show him how elated you truly were. Your steps were bouncy and full of life, similar to the fitful pounding of your heart that felt full to the brim.
You stepped forward and placed your hands upon his crossed arms, then stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his smooth cheek. He didn’t jerk away or tell you off, just stood rigidly still for a few seconds before leaving the room to head to bed. It was only after he was gone that it finally hit you.
No way… did I just do that? Did I actually just freaking do that?
Your face erupted into a fiery crimson blush and you almost slammed your head down into the benchtop below you. All the couple-like actions you both performed at the parties must have made themselves a habit of yours, and since you’d been feeling so happy the desire to kiss him just leapt out.
“Idiot, oh my God,” you whimpered to yourself, busying your hands by cleaning the rest of the kitchen in a hurry. The fact that he hadn’t said a single thing scared you. Did he hate it? Or did he like it, or did he just not care? There was no way of knowing!
You scurried off to your room and heard the door shut behind you a little louder than normal. Your embarrassment was flowing thickly through your veins at this point. You just needed to bury your head under the covers and forget that the whole thing happened.
It wouldn’t take long for him to forget, right?
Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.
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alwaysraineh · 4 years
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🍄 (the mushroom is a gift bc I love u)
🥺🥺🥺 i love my mushroom thank you 😭💕💕
okay so this took me ages cause i had to find something i thought was worthy of your attention but also i was curious about counting the flowers and if i'm right there are 316 of them 😂 which issssssss too much for me to count sentences lol SO after much deliberation i have decided simply to present you with what is basically an entire chapter of Oslasil (largely removed from context but featuring a scene that was very fun to write)
ENJOY, MY LOVE! 💕💖💖💝💕💘✨✨✨😘
“I’m not playing your game.”
“Why not?”
“Have you looked around yourself in the past four hours? There isn’t anything to spot and guess! There hasn’t been since we passed by Calcheth. Everything is flat and grassy and identical to what’s beside it.”
Haroch shakes his head. His eyes are bright and welcoming, and there’s a slight flush on his cheeks. He’s enjoying this far too much. Though, if Veridis is honest with himself, this may be the closest he’s come to having fun in… he doesn’t know how long. It’s an odd feeling, but not unpleasant. Spending time with Haroch has never been unpleasant.
“You’re talking like a quitter, Veridis.”
“You can’t get offended when you’re the one who gave up before he began!”
“I’m not offended. I just don’t appreciate being called a quitter.”
“Then step up to the challenge!” Haroch exclaims, knocking their shoulders together. “I’ve already spotted something green.”
Veridis stares at him with narrowed eyes, but he meets the gaze steadily. Obviously, Veridis is going to have to play by Haroch’s rules to gain back the upper hand. He huffs out a breath, more amused than frustrated, and turns his focus to their surroundings. It doesn’t take long to scan the environment and, just as he suspected, Veridis sees nothing green.
“Haroch, you’re losing your mind.”
“No, no, I’ve spotted something that’s green. You have to guess.”
“There isn’t anything.”
“That’s not a guess.”
“Okay. I guess that there’s nothing green.”
“You didn’t even try.”
“Ugh. You are relentless.”
Veridis tries to ignore Haroch chuckling beside him so he can do another sweep of the countryside. Nothing catches his eye as being particularly green; the storms have beaten this place down with their sickness. Most of the grass is prematurely yellow. The bits of prairie that are another color are the areas that are browning or that have already died off completely. Everything in camp fits within the same color scheme.
“I want another hint.”
Haroch’s eyebrows practically fly off his head, they shoot up so quickly. Prat. “Seriously?”
“Yes. I get to know more than the color, don’t I? I want more information.”
Haroch’s eyes roam Veridis’s face like he’s studying the elf. He bites his lower lip, but even that can’t hide his smile. It seems like years before he nods. “Okay. Um- yeah, alright. The thing I’ve spotted is both green and close to you.”
A quick scan of the ground around them is no help at all. Veridis is starting to see how this game would keep children entertained at the market. What he doesn’t understand is how the children don’t lose their minds with frustration when they can’t find what they’re meant to be spotting.
“I have absolutely no idea what you want me to find.”
“Are you giving up?”
“… Maybe.”
Haroch throws his head back and laughs. Veridis knows it’s at his expense, but it’s still a beautiful, infectious sound. He finds himself unable to stop smiling because he’s trying so hard to suppress his own laughter. When Haroch has composed himself enough to sit still again, he places his hand on Veridis’s shoulder and leans closer. His hand is, thankfully, just far enough from the pulse point that he shouldn’t be able to feel how fast Veridis’s heart is racing.
“You’re very unobservant for a ranger,” Haroch finally manages to say. He’s still a little breathless.
“Bold claim coming from a farm boy,” Veridis snaps back.
He doesn’t mean the words to be hurtful, but the moment they leave his lips he regrets them. Haroch stares at him, wide-eyed, and falls victim to another fit of laughter. Veridis’s brow creases in confusion.
“You really haven’t played games before. I guess a part of me still thought you were joking, but clearly I was wrong. And who are you calling farm boy? I seem to recall that the place you call home is a certain farming down in southern Theiq.”
“Hey, you can’t gloat until you can prove you actually spotted something green.”
“Wow. You’re going to accuse me of cheating at a game you don’t even know?”
“Maybe I am.”
Haroch rolls his eyes. “Big tough ranger you are. You refuse to let someone else take a guard shift so you can watch for danger, but you won’t look at your belt and notice that your very own dagger has a green hilt.”
Veridis glances down out of instinct and immediately feels foolish. He should have guessed this far sooner. Haroch is watching with a soft expression when he looks back up. Veridis doesn’t think of himself as particularly competitive, and yet… he can’t let this end here.
“Give me another guess.”
“What, really?”
“Are you sure? I won’t go easy on you. I thought I was making it simple by spotting your knife. If we go again, it’ll be harder.”
“If you won’t spot something for me, I’m going to spot something for you.”
“… You know what? Go ahead. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
The sun is high overhead by the time they stop playing the game. Both have lost track of what the other has spotted and who has guessed more than the other. In the hours that passed as they played, not a single traveler came up the road they’ve made camp on. So when Haroch makes his way closer to the edge of the stream, Veridis finds himself following.
They remove their boots so they can dip feet in cool water and take turns tossing pebbles to see who can make a larger splash. Veridis plucks a long piece of grass from beside him and begins twisting it around his fingers about the same time that Haroch leans back and settles his weight on his elbows. Veridis notices him staring not long after when he tries to look past him to watch the road.
“Why wouldn’t you let Seilyn take the watch?”
“We just met, Haroch. I don’t trust her.”
“You don’t trust anyone.”
“Why not?”
Veridis shrugs and turns away from Haroch’s imploring eyes. “I’m a ranger. When you see what I’ve seen and do what I’ve done, it’s kind of hard to trust people.”
“I suppose.”
Haroch tips his head back so he has a better view of the sky. Veridis’s eyes are drawn to the column of his throat. He follows it up to Haroch’s jawline, and from there his lips, his nose, his eyes. He has long eyelashes. They’re as dark as his hair; even the midday sun can’t light them up. His lips part as he draws in a deep breath.
“How come you answer so many questions about yourself by saying you’re a ranger?”
“It’s applicable.”
He chuckles, and his lips tug into a ghost of the brilliant smile he’s been wearing all morning. “Sure, but why not anything else?”
“If I tell someone I’m a ranger, it wraps up everything about me that everyone else finds odd and ties it into a neat little package. I don’t have to try to elaborate on some habit I have, or find a reason for the way I act. I can say I’m a ranger, and they accept that at face value. They don’t tend to ask more questions. Unlike someone else I know.”
“You can’t blame me for being curious.”
“And why can’t I do that?”
“Because you’re the only ranger I know. You’re the source of my information. Soon enough I’ll know all the dirty little secrets you rangers keep from the rest of us.”
“Sure, Haroch.”
“I’ve never met anyone who kept as many secrets as you do.”
“Yes, well, I need to.”
Veridis stands and crosses camp to snag two apples from one of the sacks. Haroch rolls onto his side to watch him go. Veridis tosses one of the apples to Haroch as he returns to his side. Haroch snatches it out of the air and sits back up, turning the apple over in his hands. He twists the stem off and flicks it into the water. Veridis watches it as it floats away and vanishes beneath the surface.
“If I asked you something, Veridis, would you answer honestly?”
“Depends on the question, I suppose.”
“Right. How would you feel about another game, then?”
“I don’t think I could find something new to spot if my life depended on it.”
Haroch chuckles, pressing the back of his hand to his lips to cover the half-chewed apple in his mouth. For a bastard raised on a farm in the grasslands of Froel, he has good manners. Veridis only spent a couple of hours in Roldt’s presence, but he has no doubt that all the good in Haroch came from his uncle.
“Not that one. No, I used to play this one with my little sister. I suppose it isn’t actually much of a game, though.”
“What is it, then?”
“An exchange of information. I ask you something, you answer. You ask me something, I answer. Whatever we want to ask, but you only answer what you’re willing to share.”
Veridis bites into his apple as a way to buy himself more time. He’s finding, lately, that he does enjoy Haroch’s company, and talking with him seems to make the day pass quicker. Still, he could ask things the answers of which would put Veridis in danger.
“I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to?”
“Nope. And if I ask something that crosses a line, feel free to tell me off. Just as I would if you pushed too far.”
“Would you?”
Haroch shrugs with a grin. “Probably. I never needed to with my sister, so I can’t say for sure. Then again, she was much younger than you.”
“… Alright. I’ll play your game. If I get to ask the first question.”
“Go ahead.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me you had a sister?”
“Technically I have two. Also two brothers. My father’s children with his wife, of course. Kheidan is hardly younger than I. Then there is Rona and Wynmar. Pennaedra is the youngest. She’s the one who would play games with me. She was just shy of her fourth year when I had to leave.”
“It sounds like you care for her very much.”
“I do,” he says. He smiles sadly at his hands. “Aceline hated that Pennaedra would spend so much time with me. Oh, but I love her. She’s the sweetest girl. Never cared that the rest of her family hated me.”
“I’m sorry you couldn’t see her before we left Aerilon.”
Haroch waves his hand dismissively. “We would have needed to go to Penketh for that, and I’d really rather not have to see my father or Aceline. Besides, I’m not sure Pennaedra would even know me anymore.”
“All the same.”
Haroch looks at Veridis as if seeing him for the first time. The tightness around his eyes softens. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and he swallows a couple of times.
“Thank you.”
It isn’t until he clears his throat and turns away that Veridis realizes how close they’ve gotten. He scooches away as subtly as he can.
“What about you? Do you have any siblings?”
Green skirts and freckled shoulders flash through Veridis’s mind. He shakes his head with a frown.
“No. Or… yes? Not exactly.”
Haroch’s breath comes out in an amused huff. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“My father was married once before he knew my mother. They had a daughter together. We met only once, when I was young.”
“I had no idea.”
“Yes, well, I don’t like to dwell in the past. I mean, why don’t you ever talk about your family?”
“I tried to avoid all of them if I was able to. Other than Roldt and Pennaedra, they aren’t good people. Kheidan, in particular, is rather cruel. And I suppose I don’t see the value in sharing stories about people I don’t care for.”
A beat passes as Haroch flings the rest of his apple across the stream.
“What were your parents like?”
The question makes Veridis’s blood run cold. He has to remind himself several times over that he doesn’t need to answer if he doesn’t want to. He shouldn’t. If he does, he should lie. The less that Haroch knows about him, the better. If Haroch is oblivious, he’s safe, and there is one less person in this world who could track Veridis.
And yet, there’s a part of him that needs to answer Haroch honestly. Veridis has no doubt that it is the same part of him that wanted Haroch on the team. The same part that has allowed a certain amount of openness. The same part that will undoubtedly get him killed one day.
Veridis tosses the core of his apple into the stream and leans forward so he can let the water run over his hands. When he sits back, he dries his hands against his shirt. He can feel Haroch’s eyes on him. He doesn’t know if the nervous tremble in his fingers is a result of Haroch or his question.
“I never knew my father very well. We were… distant with each other. He never loved my mother the way he loved his first wife, and there were times I wasn’t sure he even remembered that she was there. Oh, but my mother… she was withdrawn from the world much of the time. There were times she didn’t know I was around, and other times she simply didn’t care for my presence. But she loved my father dearly.
“’He likes the summer,’ I can remember her saying. She would go into a frenzy every year after the first snow. Her cheeks would be painted and she would trade her usual dresses for gowns that were bright and vibrant. She was glorious under the influence of winter. Where others always seemed to crumple in the cold, she blossomed.
“It was these times that I loved her most, that I needed her most. These were the times when she would remember me. Her arms would cradle me and her hair would tickle my face and her lips would sing praises for me. But… only in the winter. Only when she was bright, when she wrapped herself in satin gowns colored like the summer.
“Her favorite was a soft orange, more pink than yellow, and I remember it brought out the light that appeared in her eyes during those months. The hope and the warmth and the gentleness. But when the snow stopped falling and the first buds burst, she was gone. The gowns were gone, the paint on her cheeks was gone, the laughter and smiles and embraces were all gone. It was like she would take all the happiness in the world with her when she closed herself off again.
“’He likes the summer,’ she would say, and become the summer for him. But it was an act, like everything she did. When the real summer came, she could not be what she was not. She couldn’t make my father love her the way she deserved.”
For a long while, the only sounds are the burbling steam and the soft susurrate of the breeze through the grass. Veridis clenches his hands into fists to stop the trembling, but it feels now as if his entire body is a taut bowstring. He’s honestly not sure if a response from Haroch would release the tension or add to it. He can’t bring himself to face Haroch; his eyes have started to unfocus from where he’s locked on to a rock on the opposite bank. He can feel his teeth grating as if his jaw has been wired shut.
Haroch lets out a soft breath. The warmth of a hand hovers over Veridis’s shoulder briefly before it is drawn away without ever touching. Then the hand returns- this time on the ground beside Veridis’s hand, just inside his field of vision. There to hold if he wants it, but not forcing interaction.
“I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard you speak at once,” Haroch murmurs.
Veridis chokes on a quivering laugh. After a few more deep breaths, he is able to look at Haroch. He’s watching Veridis carefully, as if he might startle and flee like a while animal. Veridis can’t say that the thought hasn’t crossed his mind. He swallows to try and rid himself of the lump that has formed in his throat, but nothing happens.
Veridis feels shaky and unstable, like he could be blown away if the breeze were but a breath stronger. Though he left out key identifying details, everything that he’s said is the truth. It has been a long while since he’s thought about his mother at this length.
Usually, the briefest thoughts of home invoke anger or fear, but now… Never in the three years since he left has he considered returning. Never has he imagined his mother, shut in the house with no one to comfort her in the spring time.
Veridis wonders how she survived the first winter that he was gone.
Hot tears prick at his eyes. He blinks rapidly to banish them, startled and confused by their presence. For a second, he believes he might fall over. He places both hands on the ground to either side of him to steady himself and draw in a quivering breath.
“I didn’t mean to say so much,” he finally manages to whisper.
Haroch supplies a gentle smile. “I’m glad you told me.”
He doesn’t say anything more during the time it takes Veridis to compose himself. He doesn’t touch Veridis, either, but Veridis can feel the warmth of Haroch’s hand beside his own.
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Change of Heart (part 2)
🐺Hey all! Finally back with a part two. My lungs betrayed me during the last week of the semester and I’m so sorry this took so long to get done! I may need to edit it a bit more this weekend, still feeling a little wonky so I may have missed some stuffs. I really hope you enjoy! If anyone ever wants me to write them some words, feel free to ask! I’d love to create something for you! Thank you for stopping by!🖤
Derek Hale x Reader (part 1)
~2,000 words
This story is a continuation of Change of Heart, it picks up right where the last left off. Derek tries to be smooth, and isn’t as subtle as he hopes to be.
Derek felt his heart warm as he watched you and Rowdy play rock, paper, scissors as he pulled the popcorn maker down from the top of the fridge.
“One big bowl?” Derek asked as he debated how many kernels to pop.
Rowdy looked up to you then back over to Derek, concerned. “But what will you guys eat?”
Derek bit back a smile, “Right, what was I thinking?”
Rowdy gave a relieved sigh, “Better make it three big bowls.” He looked over to you for backup.
You nodded your agreement. “He’s right, popcorn is serious business, you know.”
Derek laughed as he looked in the cabinets for bowls. “Fine, three it is.” Or…maybe two will do…he thought as he had an idea how to ease into his confession.
He popped one big bowl for his son and one markedly smaller bowl to share. “Rowdy, get settled where you’re gonna watch from.”
Rowdy pulled two chairs over in front of the television and struggled to get his blanket draped over the top. You got up and helped secure the blanket before setting about putting the DVD in and taking your normal spot on the couch.
“Thanks, Y/n!” Rowdy climbed into the fort and Derek placed the bowl in front of his son and laughed as he watched as his tiny arm snaked out and the bowl disappeared into the fort.
You hit play and settled back while Derek went to retrieve the rest of the popcorn. When he came back and sat down you saw he only had one bowl and so you stood up to go get yours, pushing aside the twinge of disappointment you felt.
Derek’s hand, warm on your wrist, stopped you and you turned and lifted an eyebrow in question. “You want me grab you a drink?”
“Where are you going?” Derek gestured with the bowl toward the table. “I brought us drinks already.” You glanced down at the one bowl and he continued, “I thought we’d share a bowl. Make a good influence on Rowdy and all.” He smiled, popping a piece into his mouth before raising the bowl to you and turning on the Hale charm. “Sharing is caring.”
You made a point of looking toward the tiny dino den where Rowdy could clearly not see that you two were sharing. “Uh huh…” you turned back and sat back down on the couch, confused but curious enough to play along with whatever Derek is up to.
The second Derek sat down he scooted over so that you were close enough that you could feel his warmth seeping into your skin. You hoped he didn’t feel the shiver that ran through you, and made every attempt to maintain your poker face.
Derek placed the bowl so that it balanced on both of your legs. “So we don’t get anything on the couch.” His eyebrows drew together and a look of concern passed over his face. “You OK?”
Say something…come on brain…make words happen…It doesn’t matter how good your poker face was if you were going to just sit and stare at the bowl between you, or rather at where your leg lay snug and warm against his. You’ve never sat so close before. The unexpected contact had your heart racing, and if your face hadn’t given you away, your heartbeat would be easily heard by him.
Damn wolves and their hearing.
"Y/n?” Derek waved a hand in front of your face. “Is this OK? Do you want me to fix you a bowl of your own?”
Suddenly you snapped out of your daze. “No!” If he hadn’t had a hand on the bowl you would have knocked it to the floor when you shot your hand towards the bowl to grab a piece. “Sharing is good.” Sharing is good?? Breathe…calm down…You turned toward the television and closed your eyes, trying to focus on your breathing and getting your heart rate to come down.
When you felt more back to normal you reached a hand over to the bowl and nearly jumped out of your skin when you accidentally grabbed his hand instead of popcorn. You turned and gave him a sheepish smile, “Sorry, go ahead.”
He returned your smile and shook his head and gestured for you to go first.
You grabbed a few pieces to hold in your hand and work on and turned back to the documentary. You almost knew it word for word by now, it was Rowdy’s favorite. You wondered if he somehow sensed his connection to wolves.
It wasn’t too long into the film before you heard his soft snoring coming from his fort. Derek handed you the bowl and stood up. He grabbed the blanket and threw it over one shoulder, then bent down and picked up his son, careful not to wake him.
You put one of the chairs away and pulled the other in front of you to put your feet up on, and waited for Derek to put Rowdy in his bed.
You switched back to the TV and just surfed the channels until he came back and sat down next to you. “Here, you wanna pick?” You offered him the remote but he just placed it on the coffee table. 
He never even glanced at the TV, he just looked into your eyes, shook his head and said, “This is perfect, love this show.”
You could have pointed out that it was on a commercial, but you weren’t ready to break his gaze just yet. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he remained silent. “Yeah, it’s good.” You started to feel heat creep into your face and looked back toward the screen.
You both sat, watching in silence. Your hand brushed against his a couple more times as you shared the bowl. After the fourth or fifth time, you began to think that maybe he might be doing it on purpose.
You hoped he was.
It was as though he was waiting for you to reach for the bowl and he would reach his hand out to brush his fingers against yours. You noticed the bowl wasn’t really getting any emptier considering you had been at this for almost an hour, so you decided to test your theory and you would reach your hand out and when he would too, you noticed in your peripheral vision that he wasn’t taking any popcorn.
He was just reaching out as if he were going to and then took his hand back when you moved yours back. You scooted the bowl off your leg onto the couch to the left of you, and continued feigning as though the bowl were still there. After a few minutes, you were ready to call him out. “How’s the popcorn? Good?” You tried to watch his face without making it obvious.
"Mmhmmm, delicious.” He looked content, grinning like an idiot.
You shoved the bowl at his chest, forcing him to grab it so it didn’t fall and see that it was nearly full. “Alright, what game are you playing at, Hale?”
Derek looked nervous and laughed as he placed the popcorn on the table. “Guess, I’m busted, huh?”
You crossed your arms and raised and eyebrow. “You think?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve had the popcorn over on the side through two sets of commercials now. You wanna fill me in on what you’re up to?”
He turned off the TV before turning back to you. “I have to tell you, I kind of heard what you said earlier.” He must have seen the confusion on your face because he continued on, “I walked in and heard you talking to Rowdy.”
Your mind raced as you struggled to remember exactly what you had said and then it clicked. “What…um…and so what are you doing then?” You could hardly string a whole thought together. “Are you making fun of me?”
Derek made a face at that. “Y/n, have I ever once struck you as the type of person to make fun of someone?”
You sighed, “No, of course not.” When you first moved in you didn’t even think he knew how to smile, let alone make jokes or tease someone. “I’m sorry, I’m just not so good at reading people yet.” You raised your eyes to his, and waited for him to explain himself.
“Clearly, I’m not so good at it myself.” Derek turned to face you. “I haven’t ever been good at sharing my feelings. That’s why it didn’t work out with Jess and me.” He paused for a second and a you could see the sadness wash over his face. “If I had been more up front from the beginning, Jess might have at least told me about Rowdy, instead of taking off without a word.”
You knew how much it pained him, having missed out on so much time with his son, though it didn’t occur to you until now that he also might have regrets about missing out on time with Jess too. “Do you think you would still be together now if things had been different?”
Derek laughed lightly at that and shook his head, “I doubt it, looking back I think we needed each other, we found comfort in each other. I just wish I could have understood how I felt then, so I could have avoided hurting her. It was never my intention to cause her enough pain that she thought she had to hide the pregnancy from me.”
You nodded, unsure what to say next. You had questions but this was new territory to you. You thought about the evening so far and decided just to ask the first question that came to your mind, “I don’t know any other way to ask, than to just ask straight out. Do you have feelings for me?” You stared at your hands, waiting for him to answer.
There was no hesitation. “Yes” Your eyes shot up to meet his honest gaze. “I didn’t want to scare you off by just coming out with it, so I thought I’d ease into it.”
"So wait, was that your way of flirting with me?” You had seen him flirt to get answers from people and you knew he was charming, but this had been anything but smooth. Not that you had much of a frame of reference, but still. “If you wanted to hold my hand, you could have just asked, you know. You had already heard me, you obviously knew that I have feelings for you.”
He was silent for a beat too long so you snuck a glance up at him. He looked nervous as he slowly stretched out his left arm and traced his fingers lightly over your wrist before lacing his fingers through yours.
“Over the last couple of months, I’ve started to…feel things for you.” He pulled your hand closer to him and started to rub his thumb over the skin where it lay. “At first I just brushed it off as a sexual attraction, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that it is more than that. When you smile I can’t help but smile, when you’re sad, or sick, I want to be the one to cheer you up and help you get better. I’m sorry, I’m not good at expressing myself, but I want to spend more time with you. I want to get to know you.”
You reached your left hand over and placed it over your intertwined hands. “You’re doing just fine.” You hesitated slightly, “Derek, you do know me, you know everything there is to know. Before Deaton found me, I don’t…remember much of anything. Occasionally, I get a flash of something, but I can’t seem to hold on to it. He says the group that held me had wiped my memory. So I’ve been getting to know me, just as you have. I don’t have any quirky stories, or any childhood anecdotes to share. I…”
Derek’s hand tightened around yours. “Then we will just have to make memories and stories of our own. I’m in if you are.” His face read cool and collected, but his eyes betrayed that confidence and gave away his nerves. Despite him knowing that you also shared feelings for him, he was scared that you were going to reject him.
You removed your hand from his and he looked crestfallen, but then you turned and held out your hand as though you were making the deal of a lifetime and gave him the answer he was hoping for. “I’m in.”
🐺Thanks again for giving my stories a chance! I have more stories in my drafts for this reader that I can flesh out if anyone wants to read them.🖤
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bubbyleh · 4 years
I See La Vie en Rose - Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Meet the Family
Out of all the other Gods, Tommy's gotta say, his friendship with Gordon is the most unique. Which isn't a bad thing, necessarily! It's simply that the context in which Gordon knows Tommy is, comparatively, different than the others.
After all, excluding Joshua, Gordon's the only one who's younger than Tommy. And Tommy’s not sure if Gordon remembers this, but he was the one who took care of Gordon before his ascension was complete. Sure, it was mostly babysitting a glowing orb, but he also had to protect it from Benrey! Who, uh… was not doing so good back then.
Things were good between them. Out of everyone else, Tommy thinks he trusts Gordon the most to be honest with him. At least he knows that Gordon isn't hiding some dark, unholy experience that could threaten their lives!
It's a nice morning. Tommy had been texting on and off with Darnold when he got a message from Gordon, asking if he could come over to take a break. Well, Tommy isn’t one to deny Gordon a break! Which is how Gordon ends up sitting in Tommy’s kitchen with him.
“You know what I miss most?” Gordon asks. “Coffee.”
Tommy raises an eyebrow. “You can- you can still drink coffee.”
That clearly hits a sore spot, because Gordon sighs and slumps over the table. “It’s not… it isn’t the same. I don’t get the same kinda energy anymore.”
“I get energy from most food.”
“But not like you’d get with coffee,” Gordon explains. “You weren’t ever mortal, so coffee never affected you like it’s supposed to. It...” He waves his hand around, trying to find the words. “Regular food keeps you moving, sure, but coffee wakes you up. Energizes. Kinda wish it still worked on me, these days.”
Dang, that sounds good. Tommy lets his shoulders sag. “No- no kidding.”
“But, hey! Speaking of mortality…” Gordon nudges Tommy with an elbow.
“Oh no,” Tommy groans. “Not you too.”
Gordon raises his hands. Or well, his hand and magical substitute for a hand. “I’m just curious! Tell me about him.”
Tommy gives Gordon a look. Gordon smiles back.
“Alright,” Tommy relents. “But you- you can’t go around telling everyone, okay? Promise?”
“I promise not to tell everybody,” Gordon says, and Tommy, like an idiot, trusts him.
Tommy takes a deep breath. “So, um. His name is Darnold.”
It turns out, Gordon takes the first loophole he can find and runs with it. Tommy doesn’t realize until Coomer pokes fun at him for “texting Darnold” that, perhaps, some information has been leaked. So Tommy heads to confront the source, finding Gordon sitting in his home with Benrey and Joshua, the latter of whom are waving cowboy toys at each other on the floor.
“Uh, hey guys,” Tommy says, but he’s quick to get to the point. “Gordon?”
“Hey Tommy, what’s up?” Gordon asks, in a tone that’s a little bit too casual.
“Do you re-remember the thing I told you not to talk about?”
“I think so, yeah.”
“Did you- did you talk about it?”
Gordon nods once. “Yeah.”
Tommy feels all the unease in his chest fall away into annoyance. “Why did you do that? You- you promised not to tell anybody!”
“I promised not to tell everybody,” Gordon counters, and he holds up a finger. “I only told Benrey.”
Benrey pipes up. “I told everyone.”
“Great,” Tommy says, but he’s so annoyed he wants to bury Gordon alive for a decade.
Gordon raises his hands in front of himself. “They all kept asking me, man! I figured if I only told Benrey, then you couldn’t really blame me.”
Tommy shoots a glance towards Benrey. Benrey currently has a small toy cowboy hat in his mouth.
“I- I can totally blame you for this,” Tommy concludes, holding the same tone as a teenager who found their younger sibling had stolen their clothes.
If it had ended with a little bit more knowledgeable teasing, then maybe Tommy would have gotten over it quicker. Or at least, gotten used to it, since he doubted either his crush on Darnold or his family’s relentlessness would be disappearing anytime soon. Tommy can deal with a few jokes and headlocks, he’s been at this for five-hundred years!
But, when accounting for everything they’ve ever done, Bubby and Coomer knock it out of the ballpark when they unexpectedly show up in the middle of Tommy’s walk with Darnold.
Which! Is not! A romantic walk! Tommy just mentioned that he was taking Sunkist on a walk soon, and well, Darnold asked to come along! It’s not romantic if Sunkist is there.
"Hello there, Tommy!" Coomer says, acting as though their meeting were complete happenstance.
"Uh, he-hello Mr. Coomer. Mr. Bubby." Tommy has a feeling he would be a little more coherent if it weren't for the fact Coomer and Bubby have gone planetside for social reasons for the first time in what must be three hundred years.
Coomer continues on despite Tommy’s lost expression. “I must say, it’s quite the coincidence to run into you today! We had no idea you were about.”
“None at all,” Bubby echoes, the lie seeping into the edge of his voice.
“Er, Tommy?” Darnold asks, and it’s enough for Tommy to realize he has to do damage control now.
“Oh! Darnold this- these are my-” Tommy stumbles over his words. “They’re… I’ve known them my-my whole life?”
“You must be Darnold!” Coomer exclaims, as though he didn’t already know that. He holds out a hand, obviously distracting Darnold from some sort of mental calculation he was doing. “Tommy’s spoken so much about you! I’m Coomer, and this is my husband, Bubby.”
Darnold nervously shakes Coomer’s hand, only to feel every single bone in his own be crushed. “It’s… nice to meet you,” Darnold says, trying to play off his pained wince. “Tommy talks about me?”
Tommy can feel his heart rate go through the roof.
“Not with us, really,” Bubby quips. “We’re the old folk. He doesn’t talk to us about this sort of stuff.” He looks right at Tommy as he talks. Before anyone else has a chance to respond, he starts again. “You’re an alchemist, right?”
“Oh, yeah!” Darnold awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve made quite a few interesting potions!”
Bubby rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well. It isn’t real magic, though.”
“Bubby!” Coomer chides.
“I’m just saying!” Bubby says. “As something of a pyromancer, alchemy’s too physical. Too grounded.”
Darnold’s eye twitches. “Too… grounded? Who are you to say my potions aren’t magic enough!?”
Great! Perfect! The ideal scenario that Tommy always knew would happen!
“Me?” Bubby raises an eyebrow. “I’m the greatest pyromancer who ever lived! So, of course, I know a thing or two about magic.”
“You can’t be that good. I’ve never heard of you!”
Bubby cackles. “I’m sure you have.”
Okay, the active antagonizing was one thing, but now Bubby’s getting way too close to the truth for comfort! Not even thinking, Tommy grabs Darnold’s wrist with his free hand and drags him past the old men.
“It was nice seeing you Mr. Bubby and Mr. Coomer but we- we really have to go now bye!” Tommy shouts behind him.
Only after they round the street corner does Darnold look at Tommy and say, “What a rude person.”
Tommy shrugs, falling back into a slower pace. “He’s- he’s always been like that. I think it means he likes you?”
Darnold has that look on his face again, like he’s puzzling something out. Then, he looks back up at Tommy. “So your family likes me?”
All the Gods quickly become common sights whenever Tommy heads down to see Darnold. So far, all the appearances they’ve made have been fairly innocuous, such as “bumping into” Gordon at the coffee shop or “passing by” Benrey on the sidewalk. Darnold’s met all of them, by now, not that Tommy had much of a say in the matter. Well, all but one.
“Hello, Tommy.”
Tommy had been so focused on petting Sunkist, whose head rested in his lap, that he hadn’t heard the footsteps approach him. He smiles as his father sits down next to him.
“H-hey, Dad,” Tommy says.
It’s a pleasant evening. The three of them sit together on the edge of the cloud, and for a moment, Tommy thinks about when he was younger and scenes like this were more common. When the world was a little less scary, or at least, scary in ways that it isn’t now.
They don’t get time like this anymore. Ironic, considering Gman is the God of Time, but true nonetheless. Tommy’s about to lean against him, but his father suddenly speaks up.
“You’ve been. Heading down, to Earth. Recently,” he says, and immediately, Tommy gets what he’s implying.
Tommy sighs. “You… Benrey told you, didn’t he?”
“Yes.” He pauses. “Tommy, I. Trust you to, make… good decisions.”
Here it comes. You can’t, you shouldn’t. He’s a mortal and he’ll die. He could be a cultist and you wouldn’t even know. Don’t give out special treatment, you’re above that.
But the way Tommy’s heart races when the light catches Darnold’s eyes. Or when he realizes how close the two of them are standing and he can’t breathe. Or Darnold’s smile! The most beautiful thing he’s ever seen!
“What you, do with him is. Up to you, but. I will be there, for you, no matter what, you choose.”
Some invisible weight lifts itself from Tommy’s shoulders, because of course Gman wants him to be happy. Even though they’re both so busy right now, his father loves him. Always has.
Tommy rests his head on Gman’s shoulder. He can’t help but feel that, whatever has them all worried, it can’t be too bad.
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bartsfrogprince · 4 years
The king has asked you to take care of two dragons nearby. But it turns out they are retired, and just want to live a simple stress-free life.
Posting on request for @learningtoacceptchange and @quonit. Barely proofread. Sorries. 
But … I mean, like, why??? I really have no idea why King Roderick thought these two dragons in particular needed to be taken care of rather than just killed like the others. He could just dispatch an experienced knight to get rid of them and we could all get on with life. I suppose it’s not as though he needs my approval, or permission, or y’know - comprehension of the task I’ve been given. But, whatever, fine. Fine. I can take care of dragons. They’re just massive, marauding, murdering beasts. It’ll be fine.
Can’t be all that different than the castle dogs right? That’s what I usually did - tended to the dogs. I mean, not the hunting dogs. They needed training and keeping up with all that was just beyond me. The unclaimed mutts, ratters, and other various strays needed to be kept out the way though and I was good enough at that. Usually. I mean, what happened this morning wasn’t my fault. How was I to know the gerbils belonged to the princess daughter of a visiting queen? Okay, looking back, they were very nicely kept, clean rodents. But they were still rodents and letting the small dogs who were interested in that sort of thing into the room seemed like... well, precisely what I was supposed to do? I think?
Really, there’s no way I could’ve known she’d be bitten trying to save the little wastes of space. Who wants extra rodents around!? I mean, aren’t there enough rats and mice and voles and all the others without, like, intentionally introducing more of the things? But, princess plus dog bite plus me being blamed wasn’t something I wanted to happen. And apparently the king had taken that into account as, instead of being tossed into the dungeon, I’d been given a task away from the castle to give everyone some breathing space. Good thing he was having an understanding sort of day.
I’d never killed or even fought a dragon before. They’d show up every few years and one warrior or another would be sent to kill them. They usually came back a bit crispier around the edges than they’d left, but they did come back. That’s the important part. Can’t forget that this was a thing that could be done and, obviously, if the king sent me then he’s confident I can do it. Right?
They’d fitted me with armor before I left. It was a bit old and beginning to show rust spots, but it was still nice of them to supply me after I let them know I didn’t have any of my own. Hopefully it’d keep me from getting too crisped. The sword and shield were in a similar condition and didn’t seem the best tools for taking care of dragons. But beggars and choosers and all that, you know. I figured I’d have a look and then supply myself as necessary from there.
Which is how I currently found myself approaching the enormous cavern that led to an even more enormous maze of dry caves that everyone in the kingdom was constantly attempting to prevent their children from exploring. I’d been lost in them for three days as a child. Found my own way out and everything. Would’ve been nice if someone had noticed I was gone and come for me, but they hadn’t and it had all turned out fine so. Yeah. Dragons. Focus.
How does one introduce oneself to a dragon without being eaten? Um, well, the scariest person I’ve ever introduced myself to was the captain of the castle guard. That hadn’t been exactly intentional, though, and I didn’t think the dragons would appreciate me falling on top of them any more than the captain had. So probably not a great idea to go in there with? I’ll save it for a backup plan if I can’t think of something better.
I don’t have to actually come up with anything, as it turns out. I’d been told before leaving that the dragons were inside this cavern. Inside. So when a shadow passes over me, a huge gust of wind nearly blows me off my feet, and one of the dragons lands in the field outside the caves … I admit it takes me entirely by surprise. Don’t know why I’d expected them to stay inside. Considering too many other things to get to that one, I suppose.
I remember thinking the word massive to describe the dragons earlier and well, it certainly is that, but the rest of it … I don’t expect this beast to be doing much murdering or marauding in any form. He’s a sort of dark grey that gives the impression it was once a deep, lustrous black. His teeth and talons, while huge, are yellowed and cracked or missing entirely in the case of at least two fangs. His eyes burn red still but are obscured, as though they’re filled with smoke as well as flame. The wisps of white hair seem to be everywhere but on top of his head. Sprouting from his ears, trailing from the ends of his eyebrows, tufts at his shoulders and elbows … wait, do dragons usually have hair at all?
Anyway, the astoundingly ancient creature looks at me with an overpowering sense of fatigue. “Here already, warrior?” he sighs.
Warrior? What? Oh, sword and armor. Not how I want to start off. I quickly drop the sword and shield and hold my hands up to show that they are empty. “I’m,” I try to explain. But I’m staring at a dragon. I’m staring at a dragon that thinks I mean it harm and my throat is closed off. I make another attempt to speak and realize it’s not going to happen. I hold up one finger, indicating I need a moment … dragons understand all that sort of thing, I’m sure. I drop my pack, detach the waterskin, and have a good drink. That fixes me right up.
When I put the water back and look toward the dragon, he’s giving me a curious look. I don’t know why he’s looking that way over me drinking a bit of water, but as there doesn’t seem to be hostility of any sort I decide to continue introducing myself. “I’m not really a warrior.” I manage to get out the entire sentence.
“You don’t say? Care to tell me what you are then?” The dragon sounds … amused? Almost? 
“I’ve been sent by the king to take care of you! Well, both of you. I was told there were two dragons? I haven’t seen another dragon … I mean, ever. You’re the first dragon I’ve ever seen! But, yes, I’m here to take care of you. So, um, what do you need? I mean, as I’ve never met a dragon I’ve obviously never helped to care for one. So I really have no idea … how … to …” I trail off as the dragon’s eyebrows rise further and further and stop speaking entirely as an expression that is obviously a smile cracks across his scaled face. His laugh is so low I feel it more as a vibration in my chest than hear it.
“My mate is inside sleeping. The journey here was tiring for her. This was the order your king gave? To care for the dragons? What an odd change of pace. It is certainly not the reception we’re accustomed to from humans.” 
I decide not to mention that I don’t understand either. “That’s it. So, um. What can I do for you, Sir Dragon?”
The weird, chest-rumbling laugh again. “Sir Dragon? I suppose that will suffice as you would be incapable of actually pronouncing my name. And I should call you what? Carer?”
“I suppose that will suffice,” I reply, proud of myself for sounding as dignified as Sir Dragon. Doesn’t matter what my real name is, if the dragon wants to call me Carer he can. I mean, not that I’m scared to correct him or anything at this point, but just … a dragon wants to give me a new name? That’s cool, right? But, unfortunately, I still have no idea what to do next. How to take care of a dragon. So I just. Look. At him. Uh….
The dragon sighs and his smile becomes a smaller, friendlier thing. He settles his tattered wings across his scarred back and turns to enter the cavern. “Come, Carer. Inside. We’ll have a cuppa and discuss this arrangement.” I follow, hoping he doesn’t expect me to explain the why of it all to him. Because I can’t. I mean, I really hope they just ask me to sweep or fetch and carry and things of that sort.
That’s what I find myself doing by the end of the afternoon. Lady Dragon was sweet as can be following her nap. After it was explained to her that I hadn’t been brought along as a snack, at least. Her wings had dragged alongside her as she emerged from the deeper caves. They’d explained she suffered from pain in the joints where they attached to her back, especially after exertion like flying all the way to the kingdom. That got my attention. 
I launched into telling them all about the witch in the woods nearby. I started by telling them all about her cottage. It’s a seriously crazy place. I mean, it used to be made of candy. Like, actual you could walk up and take a bite candy. Not that anyone dared to. Witch in a house of candy? Even I know better. But, seriously, it was an awful mess every time it rained. And the ants. God, the ants … So, it was just wood and stone now. But it used to be candy. Also, she makes an arthritis remedy that the king’s mother swears by and that’s what I actually wanted to tell the dragons about. The candy cottage just had to be described in detail first, since they’d never get the chance to see it themselves because it’s not candy anymore.
So, I’d gone to get enough salve for a dragon. The witch demanded the tip of my pinkie finger and the promise of a future unnamed favor as payment. I told her that was ridiculous and managed to talk her down to just the favor. So, as the sun sets, I’m rolling an entire barrel of arthritis salve across the meadow towards the cave and thinking of just how pleased King Roderick will be with me for taking such excellent care of the dragons.
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undine66770 · 5 years
Full Version of my Current Work, “The Quest”(unknown chapter)
"What's that over there?" shouted Yang to DV, over the engines of their respective motorcycles. "It looks like an inn," responded DV. "Which is just what we need, because it's starting to get dark." Yang's lilac eyes strayed to the building up ahead, before the two eventually stopped and got off their bikes, putting their kickstands down. Ye Olde Crystal Inn, the sign read. "Well, we've got nothin' to lose. C'mon." DV went to open the door, and to hold it open for Yang. They were in a town in Raoz that was completely new to them, so they didn't know what to expect. Inside though, was rather relieving - it seemed to be made of timber, with brick walls. Upon glancing around for a while, Yang made the conclusion that the building seemed to a barracks one time. There were various arms and armor in different areas wherever she looked. "Cool," she said in surprise. DV took a glance around the room himself, taking in all of the patrons and newcomers in the building, talking the evening away. Surprisingly, it was a large amount of people...A few people in a group near a large table fixed their eyes on Yang and DV. "New people?" a female elf said in curiosity. "Looks like it. I don't think they're from here," a male human responded. "Hail, travelers! Take a seat." The blonde and dark-clad looked to each other and shrugged their shoulders, before heading over and pulling up chairs for themselves. "Whereabouts are you from?" the elf asked them. "The realm of Eludin has lots of countries indeed." DV rested his chin in the palm of his hand, resting his elbow upon his table. "Aeredale. The royal happens to be my brother." "And I'm originally from Patch, a large island to the west of Vale, one of the kingdoms of Remnant," Yang chimed in, then gestured to DV. "He's my boyfriend." The female elf and male human shared a look, before the two frowned. "Aeredale?" responded the elf. "I hear there's a rumor of the royal, your brother then, sir," she looked at DV before continuing, "...being captured and sent away to Izheim." Dark's red eyes hardened, and trailed downward. "It's... It's not a rumor. It's true. And that’s why we’ve came from Aeredale to Raoz... and from Raoz... We’ll make our way through the other countries to Izheim. And I’ll get him back, no matter the cost." There was a silence between the group, before the female elf’s ears twitched. “Hold on. You, hailing from Aeredale, plan to head to Izheim?” she asked DV incredulously, seemingly concerned. “Did you forget that Aeredale and Izheim have been on bad terms for years?” “How old are you?” the male human butted in. “You look...young...” A sigh, and DV fixed his gaze back up to the two. “I’m 21. Yang just turned 20.” “21?!” squeaked the elf. “You are too young to be going to a country that has bad relations with yours! It’s a huge risk in itself.” “Maybe, but if I have to risk my life for my brother, then so be it.” “Good gods. This has to be most reckless traveler I’ve ever seen, Niserie!” the human said with his mouth agape. “Niserie?” Yang spoke up again. “I’m assuming that’s the elf’s name?” She took a moment to take in the other’s appearance: Long, auburn hair with hazel eyes - she seemed to be wearing some sort of leather armor, too. “Yes,” Niserie responded calmly, “that is my name. Niserie Reythana.” “Well, er... mine’s Wulfric. Wulfric Lytcott,” the male human said afterward.  “It’s nice to meet you all, but...Look,” DV interrupted with a frown on his features. “I get that Izheim and Aeredale hate each other. Okay. And I appreciate your concern, alright? I do. But that won’t stop me from saving my brother!” “I understand,” Niserie responded in resignation. “I understand. I would do whatever was necessary to save my own family, too.”  “How much does a night stay cost? Yang and I are heading off tomorrow...” “‘Bout 5,000 Klutk,” the innkeeper piped up from the other side of the room. Yang’s lilac eyes widened. She knew Raoz had their own currency and whatnot, because she’d been there before, but 5,000 for a one night’s stay? Per person? “That’s outrageous!” DV groaned, rubbing at his face with his hands. “I don’t have that on me. Come on, dude.” “I do,” Wulfric offered with a slight smile. “I’ll pay, but on one condition.” “Shoot.” The smile on Wulfric’s face only increased. “You let us help you.”  The dark-clad raised an eyebrow. “Pardon...?” “You let us accompany you on your quest,” Niserie clarified. “Going from Raoz to Izheim is no easy feat - it will take a long time to get there.” So now, DV would have him, Yang and her teammates (wherever the hell they were), and these two? “I don’t know you,” he responded with a frown. “How can I trust someone I don’t know?” He did have a good point, but Yang couldn’t help but speak herself. “They seem to have good intentions, and they look like they’re on our side. Obviously, if they were concerned about you.” “Please let us accompany you,” Niserie insisted. “I can lend my blade and my archery skill. Wulfric can lend you his magic spells, and also heal wounds. Plus, not only that, we can get to know each other on our trip.” Now DV was intrigued... So the elf chick was a swordswoman, and knew ranged as well, and this guy was a mage of some sort, and a cleric? Even better, a healer, it seemed. Dark took a moment to look at Wulfric: A tall young man, with gold hair and deep blue eyes, wearing plate mail armour.  “So how about it?” Wulfric stood up, holding out his hand. DV sat there, before he stood from his seat as well, and grasped Wulfric’s palm, giving it a small shake. Yang couldn’t help but smile at the action. “Alright. We leave at sunup,” DV decided, watching as Wulfric went to go pay for each individual’s rooms.  “Ah, wait!” Yang stepped forward to Wulfric. “Hey... um... We... actually have others coming... 3 more. They’re, um. Close friends of ours. Moreso mine. One of them is my sister, well, half-sister, but still.” That didn’t seem to be an issue, as the male also seemed to pay up front for the to-be newcomers. To be honest, now that everything was settled, once Blake, Weiss and Ruby got there, all DV wanted to do was just crash. That was the longest bike ride he’d probably been on. He was exhausted - and there was more to come... Just when he thought he was ready to go upstairs to call it a night, the inn door opened again and his red eyes redirected their attention toward the entrance. It was who he and Yang were waiting for: Blake, Weiss, and Ruby. “About time you showed up,” Dark told them with his head tilted to the side. “What took you guys so long?” “Ruby wanted to look at every single store possible in the square,” Weiss responded, giving the red-clad girl a side-eyed glance. “Granted, she’s never been to Raoz like Yang has.” Niserie turned to look at the girls, intrigued by their appearances. “You don’t seem to be from here, either...” “Neither do you,” Weiss noted. “But you’re right. We’re not from here. I’m from Atlas in Remnant.” “I’m from Patch!” Ruby grinned-her normal chipper self. “And Blake over there, she is from Menagerie, a landmass in southeast of Remnant.” “Well, it’s a good thing you two are here. These two,” DV gestured toward Niserie and Wulfric, “their names are Niserie and Wulfric. They’re goin’ with us to Izheim. Just figured I’d get introductions out of the way, ‘cause it’s late. I have yet to witness their skill at fighting, but they seem to be skilled enough. We leave at sunup tomorrow. Any questions?” When he was met with silence, he turned toward the staircase. “Well, I guess I’m gonna call it good for the night then. If you need anything, just holler. Feel free to stay up if you want, but just know we’re headin’ out early, as I said.” “Good night, then, DV,” Weiss said politely. “I’m sorry we’re late. Sleep well. And I promise you-we’ll do our best to help you save PV. I know how much he means to you.”  On his way up, he turned back at Weiss’ voice, giving her the smallest of smiles in return. “Thanks.” And with that, he went up to find his room. The dark-clad, upon making it upstairs, opened the door to his room after unlocking it with the key, stepping in and dropping his luggage bag near the bed and tossing his key onto the nightstand, as well as grabbing his phone out of his pocket and placing it there, too. Curious, his red eyes gazed around - the area itself seemed sizable enough; but he didn’t dwell too long on the matter, going to turn the lights off, then flop forward onto the bed, stomach first-and not long after, he was out. Especially since the bed was also big and very comfortable!
~~~~ Bzzzt. Ding. With a grunt, DV opened a single red eye. In the corner of his vision, he saw his phone, also on the nightstand-lit up with...some sort of notification for something, he’d assumed. Sighing in a frustrated manner, he shifted and tried to drift back off. It almost worked, but he was awoken again by yet another bzzt... Ding. Groaning, he sat up and reached for the phone, squinting at its brightness. Throughout the nearly blinding light he could make out two messages... and the time, 2:15 AM. Did you make it to Raoz safely? I know it’s late, but I’m concerned. First text. DV, please answer me. I know you may be sleeping, but I need to know you’re okay. Second text. Dark’s eyes slowly accustomed to the phone’s light, before he realized-those texts weren’t from just anyone - they were from Vitas! Aw snap, now he felt terrible about not answering. He stared at the messages for a moment, before sliding to respond. -Yeah I’m fine. We made it safely. You woke me up though. The hell are you doing up I was concerned. Why else? -Dude I’m serious. I’m glad you’re safe though, so I’ll let you sleep now. Let me know when you head out. Be careful. Please. -Careful shmaremul! DV. -Alright okay I will geez Good. Sleep well. And with that, DV proceeded to set an alarm on his phone for sunrise - 6:41 AM. Then, he laid back onto the bed again, sprawled out, and tried to drift back off. He had no idea what the next day would bring. That, or the entire quest. But he hoped, no, prayed, that PV was okay and that they weren’t too late. Whatever they had to do, he’d do, just to save that gold buffoon’s tush. Again.
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chaoticgoodmermaid · 6 years
Lights Out - Part One
Hey guys! Here’s part one of my Venom fanfic! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Hailey is a normal seventeen-year-old, just trying to pass her classes so she can get out of Queens. But, when mysterious killings begin happening around town, things go from normal to anything but.
The day before my life turned into a total shit-show started normal enough. I woke up in the same bed, in the same apartment, on a normal Tuesday. I took a shower, got dressed in my normal t-shirt and jeans, and ate a normal breakfast. It was all perfectly fucking normal.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s back things up a bit. My name is Hailey Elena Rodriguez. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Queens with my mother who’s almost never around. It’s not her fault, though. She has two jobs that keep her pretty busy so I can go to a fancy school. Well, as fancy as a public school can get. I go to Midtown School of Science and Technology. Long ass name, right? It’s not as cool as it sounds. The only good thing about going there is that it’ll look good on a college application.
I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My hair was, thankfully, under control this morning since my mother had just put it in cornrows a couple days ago. I actually liked my hair, unlike most hispanic girls at my school. They all get it chemically straightened and shit. My mother would kill me if I did that. She was a God-loving, proud Puerto Rican woman who expected me to be one too. Which meant loving the head of curls I was given and not ruining them with chemicals and dyes. So, I wore them braided a lot. And with a quick layer of mascara, I was ready for school. Mama had already left for work at the diner down the street. She always worked the early morning shift there, and wouldn’t get back for another hour or so. I had to learn how to get myself up and ready at a young age.
I don’t mind, though. I grabbed my keys off the table and swung my backpack over my shoulder to leave. There was a knock at the door, and I had a feeling I knew who it was.
“Hey! I was starting to think you were dead.” Peter smiled as I opened the door. He had another new backpack over his shoulder. I was starting to wonder what had happened this time.
“Are you stalking me now, Peter?” I rolled my eyes and stepped into the hallway, shutting and locking the door behind me.
“Obviously,” Peter retorted. “No, I texted you last night about our project, but you didn’t answer.”
Shit. Peter and I were assigned physics partners this year, and our midterm was due in a couple weeks. I wouldn’t say Peter Parker and I are friends per say, more like friendly acquaintances. We really only know each other from physics class and because we live in the same building.
“Sorry, I got busy,” I gave my lame-ass excuse, when in reality I’d been watching Netflix and avoiding him.
“Uh huh. Sure,” Peter muttered. “Whatever. We need to work on it tonight. Can you come over, or are you working?”
I wish I was working tonight. I did a few shifts a week at the same diner Mama worked at. And the last thing I wanted to do was work on this stupid project. How could anyone find thermodynamics interesting? Still, I really didn’t want to fail this class.
“Yeah, I can come over.” I sighed a bit and headed down the hall towards the elevator. Peter caught up to me, messing with his hair as I pressed the button. “You do realize that MJ doesn’t see you like that, right?” I glanced over at him, raising an eyebrow.
“What? I don’t like MJ. What are you even talking about?” Peter rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. As if he thinks I don’t notice. He was so bad at hiding things.
“Oh, please. Since when do you care about your hair?” I asked snarkily, stepping into the elevator as it opened and pushing some of my braids over my shoulder.
“I don’t care about it. It was in my face.” Peter followed me in, shrugging unconvincingly. I swear I saw a blush form on his cheeks.
“Oookay, Parker.” I smirked at him. He pressed the button to bring us to the front door of the building. The rest of our walk to school was pretty quiet, as it usually is. I guess we don’t have much in common, so there’s not much to talk about. When we got to school, Ned was waiting for Peter, so I went on my way. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I reached my locker.
Hails. You alive? MJ. Apparently, everyone assumes I’m dead when I don’t answer my phone. I sighed and typed up a response. She was probably already here, she liked getting to school early.
Nope. This is zombie Hailey. I hope you don’t mind your brain getting eaten. She didn’t waste any time texting back.
Hilarious. I grabbed my textbooks out of my locker and shoved them into my backpack. I found MJ in our usual meeting spot, in the library. She was sitting at a table near the M-Z biography section. She was my best and quite possibly my only friend, since we’d gotten close over the summer before junior year. Now we were a couple months into senior year, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.
“Hey, girl.” I nudged her with my bag before sitting down across from her. She looked up from her book and smiled.
“Hey! Ready for another shitty day at Midtown High?” MJ asked sarcastically, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. She always looked so good without even trying. What a goddess.
“You know it,” I replied unenthusiastically. I couldn’t wait to get out of this place. The bell for first period rang and I stood, slinging my bag over my shoulder. “See you in third period. I’m off to fall asleep in physics.”
“Don’t worry, Peter will keep you awake by staring at you.” MJ grinned up at me. Peter? What the hell was she talking about?
“Um, no. I’m pretty sure he only stares at you.” I rolled my eyes. “He likes you.”
“Ew, seriously?” MJ shook her head. Oh, please. As if she didn’t know.
“Bullshit. You know he does. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye!” I waved to her before walking to my class. And lo and behold, there was Peter, waiting at our table. Great. I sighed and sat down next to him, dropping my bag on the floor.
“Long time, no see,” Peter mumbled, not looking up from his notes. Oh, God. Do we have a test today? “Did you even study for the quiz?” Shit.
“What do you think?” I quickly pulled my notes from my bag. Why do I always do this? As I was studying them, our principal walked in. He cleared his throat, causing everyone to look up.
“You can all put your notes away. Due to an... unexpected turn of events, Mrs. Harrison will be out for an indefinite amount of time.” He seemed to be holding back information. “Your quiz is canceled for the day, and since we have no substitute currently, I’ll be sitting in. Consider this a free study hall.” He sat down at Mrs. Harrison’s desk and pulled out his laptop, typing quickly. An email, I assumed. I looked at Peter, who seemed concerned.
“You don’t think this has anything to do with those attacks on the news, do you?” I asked quietly. There had been multiple reports of something attacking people on the streets. They said it looked like the claws of an animal. Nothing that had ever been seen before in New York.
“I don’t know,” Peter answered, his voice low. Not knowing made it so much worse.
The class went by uneventfully, as did the rest of the day. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Mrs. Harrison. She never called out sick or took personal days. When she broke her leg two years ago, she came in on crutches and continued to teach her class. That woman is a badass. So, you can imagine why I was so curious. When the final bell rang, I left English class hurriedly. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe I could get out of working on that project after all. I didn’t look for MJ or Peter when I left school. I didn’t really feel like talking.
The sun went down so much earlier now that it was November. It was already starting to get colder, too, so I wanted to get home as quickly as possible. A few buildings down from mine, I heard a strange noise in the alley. I stopped in my tracks, thinking it was a stray dog or something. Of course, even though I’ve seen as many horror movies as I have, I went into the alley. It was quiet for a few moments before I heard the noise again. It sounded animalistic, and I was starting to regret my decision to investigate. Before I could decide to leave or not, I heard something speak.
“We must find a new host. We are dying.” I was a deep, beastly voice. It almost sounded like there was more than one of them.
“A-Are you okay?” I asked, glued to the spot, even though everything in my body was screaming to run. There was silence, and within a split second, I was pinned to the side of the building. Before me was a huge beast, oily black with what seemed like a hundred sharp teeth. It stared down at me with its white triangular eyes, saliva dripping from its mouth.
“You will do. For now.” It growled and seemingly melted in front of me, revealing a man who fell to the ground immediately. I looked down, frozen in fear. The black sludge that was once this creature inched it’s way over my sneakers and up my legs. I started to panic, my chest heaving as my breaths became more shallow.
“What the f-” I started before the sludge took over me completely. I no longer had control over what I said or did. I felt a deep chuckle radiate through me, though I didn’t know why.
“We can make this work.”
Thanks for reading! Part two will be linked here when it’s done!
@leahnicole1219 @lumberjackofthelumberwoods
Let me know if you would like to be tagged for future chapters!
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faemytho · 6 years
so, uh, i write a lot of things that i never post but uh in light of the season of homecoming, here's this
IBVS // @onebizarrekai
Otherwise known as, the dance nobody wanted to go to and yet everyone was at.
Edward sighed, rolling his eyes and leaning up against the wall. His date, some sophomore girl, had pretty much ditched him first chance she got. He couldn’t imagine why.
Cheap confetti littered the floor and streamers were hung up in their school gym. Snack tables were shoved off to the side, and the lights were dimmed as various people sparsely and awkwardly danced in the middle of the gym.
Dumb pop music Edward didn’t care enough to listen to played over the speakers, and even though he nodded along to a couple songs, none of them were worth getting out on the dancefloor to dance to.
Obviously, homecoming was a waste of time.
“This dumb dance was a waste of time.”
Edward perked up at the pair of people walking past him who had inadvertently echoed his thoughts.
“Well, come on Isaac, it’s like, part of the high school experience. Or something like that.”
“We didn’t even get asked by anyone Chris we just showed up.”
Edward followed Isaac and Chris with his gaze, noticing that they were headed towards the exit. Unconsciously, he followed them, stepping in front of them before they reached the exit.
Isaac looked up at him with narrowed eyes, quite literally ready to fight the other boy to leave.
“What do you want, Error?”
“Just wanted to talk.” Edward held up his hands in mock innocence. Or maybe it was real innocence. He had no idea why he’d followed the other boys. It just kind of happened.
“Why? Not like we're friends,” Chris pointed out.
“Nobody asked you, Cross.”
“Yeah, uh, great you wanna talk out in the open instead of in a damn closet, but what do you really want?” Isaac asked, and Edward opened his mouth to tell Isaac exactly what he wanted when he found himself lost for words.
So, he panicked.
He grabbed Isaac by the hand and dragged him out onto the dance floor, where the dumb pop music had just stopped and slow music started to play.
He needed to get his impulsive decisions under control. This was the very last place he ever wanted to be. Especially with these implications.
“Error, what the fuck,” Isaac whispered, looking around almost scaredly at the other students around them. Most of them tried to pretend they weren’t staring, but it was pretty damn obvious by a few.
“I, uh, panicked,” He stuttered out lamely, trying to get his suave, cool attitude back. Isaac stared at him, before wrenching his wrist out of Edward’s grip.
“If you want to dance with someone you don’t fucking drag them against their will to the dance floor,” Isaac snapped quietly, still looking around at the other students who were slow dancing around them.
“Fine, whatever, Ink, will you dance with me?”
What was with him all of a sudden?
Isaac stared at him, mouth agape.
“I- Uh… Sure, I guess?”
Edward’s heart dropped into his stomach. Why had the little artist nerd agreed? He wasn’t supposed to agree!
Isaac was staring at him expectantly, and then Edward snapped back to the present, stepping closer and awkwardly pulling the other boy into his hold.
“... Oh my god, have you ever done this before?” Isaac snorted, before placing Edward’s hands around his neck and dropping his hands to the school king’s waist.
“... For your information, no. Also, are you leading? In what world do you think I’m gonna let you lead-?” Edward protested, before being rudely cut off by the little peasant.
“This one, you dumbass, you don’t know how to fucking dance and I’m sparing you the misery of learning the hard parts the hard way,” Isaac scoffed, staring at him with a raised brow.
Edward sighed, and after a moment, relented, letting Isaac lead him gently around the dance floor.
“This is dumb,” He commented quietly, mostly to himself, but of course Isaac had to hear him.
“Sure is. Why’d you wanna dance with me anyways?” Isaac asked, a curious lilt in his voice. Edward cursed internally. He was hoping Isaac wouldn't ask. He didn't have an answer.
"Just uh," Edward scrambled for an excuse, and spat out the first thing that came to mind. "Thought it'd be funny.”
Isaac froze, and Edward nearly stumbled over his feet.
"You thought. It'd be funny." Isaac's voice was flat. Edward got the distinct feeling he'd fucked up worse than usual.
"Uh, of course. Why else would I ask you to dance?" Edward stuck with what he'd said, too prideful to take it back. Isaac's grip tightened on his hips, and then, the other boy pushed him away, walking off the dance floor. The song hadn't even ended.
Isaac had looked pissed. He really did fuck up then.
"H-Hey, wait up a sec-!" Edward rushed after Isaac, who had just exited the double doors to the gym with Chris. Chris had probably been watching like the creeper Edward figured he was. Why did he care again?
Edward managed to catch up to Isaac and Chris in the parking lot, grabbing Isaac's wrist and forcefully turning him around. It was dark out, and Edward couldn't see the colors in Isaac's eyes. He found himself vaguely wondering what color (colors?) they were.
"What the fuck do you want, Error?" Isaac snapped, and Chris turned around as well, ready to step between Edward and Isaac.
"I, uh..." Edward stopped, thinking things over a bit. Why did he care if this dumb art nerd stormed out on him? Why did he care that Isaac had wanted to dance with him in the first place? Why did he ask Isaac at all? "Look, I just, um…”
"You look emotionally constipated," Chris spoke bluntly, and both Edward and Isaac glared at him. He backed up, hands up in surrender. "Okay fine, geez. I'll be waiting in the car Isaac.”
As soon as Chris left, Edward found himself scrambling for more words, a possible excuse to give the boy who was staring him down with the most venomous look he'd ever received in his life. He still wasn't sure why he cared.
“Well? Do you have any explanation for what just happened other than that you think you're above consequences because you're the ‘School King’?” Isaac spat, and Edward, convinced he was being spurred on by some personal demon, snapped back.
“I wanted to dance with you because I like you.”
Oh. Well, that would explain quite a few things up to that point.
Isaac's expression dropped in shock.
“You- What?”
“Oh for the love of-” Edward muttered, before tugging Isaac closer by the wrist, reaching out with his other hand to rest it behind Isaac's head. “This.”
And then, the last impulsive decision he would ever make in his life, because Isaac would surely murder him after this, Edward leaned down and softly brushed his lips against the other boy’s.
Isaac froze.
“What the fuck?” He whispered against Edward's mouth, because this was the last thing he ever saw coming out of homecoming night.
At his whisper, Edward began to pull away, but Isaac stopped him with a single word, his voice quiet and shaky. He wasn't sure what he wanted now.
“... Wait.”
“Error,” Isaac started, taking a deep breath. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
And with that, he moved himself forward, firmly pressing his lips to Edward's.
Edward managed to understand exactly what was going on, because he gently pressed back.
After a moment, Isaac pulled himself away, resting his free hand on Edward's shoulder.
“I um… Do you wanna go finish that dance?” Edward asked quietly, and Isaac stifled a laugh.
“Nah. Homecoming’s kinda dumb. And you can't dance, so-”
“Shut up,” Edward muttered. Isaac let out a laugh, leaning over and kissing Edward's cheek.
“I'm going home. I'll see you later, Error.”
Edward watched Isaac walk away, bringing a hand up to his cheek.
He was going to have to reassure himself later that maybe homecoming wasn't as bad as he thought.
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raendown · 6 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Chapter: 6/7 Word count: 1980 Summary: Now attending the university here in their hometown as he begins his Master’s, Tobirama develops a problem with falling asleep in the strangest of places. Madara, poor innocent never-deserved-any-of-this Madara, gets mistaken for a mattress one too many times. All he wanted to do was focus on his career but instead he finds himself forcibly tasked with herding his secret crush towards better sleep habits. It’s driving him up the wall.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI in the blog header!
Chapter 6: Clearing The Air
Boxes. An entire sea of cardboard boxes filling up that one barren corner of his living room that he’d always meant to do something with but never really got around to it. Until now there hadn’t been anyone around to make him feel pressured in to the task and even when Tobirama had appeared he’d figured the fool wouldn’t notice anything that wasn’t food or schoolwork.
Now there were boxes and Madara had a couple of guesses as to where they came from but he was having a hard time figuring out why they chose now to appear. Luckily the man he was after had flopped down in the middle of the mess as though he intended to make himself a homework fort.
“Should I ask?” he drawled. Tobirama looked up from his phone, on which he appeared to be googling some kind of rare chemical compounds.
“My lease came up for renewal but my building manager told me he had some people willing to pay more for the apartment and he wanted me officially gone. So I suppose I really just live here now.” One careless shrug and he was lost to his research again.
Madara sat down hard on the bed-couch, still hovering in the doorway between living room and kitchen at just such an angle that he could watch TV while his self-declared roommate slept. It was too much. He had suffered quite a bit for this man, through confusion and frustration and not a few nights when it took all his self-control not to just roll his hips and take a bit of pleasure no one ever had to know about. Unfortunately he was a police officer who knew right from wrong. He was also, however, hoping to see a promotion to detective someday soon and detectives liked to find answers.
“I think I’m drawing the line,” he said.
“You can’t just keep playing with me like this.”
Curious, Tobirama resurfaced from his phone. Madara had enough brainpower to at least appreciate the amount of attention he was getting as opposed to last week when Hashirama came to visit and spent over an hour trying to entice Tobirama away from the page of calculations he was studying. The rest of his brain was busy scrambling to tie the loose ends of his sanity back together so he wouldn’t fly apart under the constant confusion of this ridiculous situation between them.
“I am not playing anything,” Tobirama said, a hint of curiosity in his tone. Madara snorted.
“You sleep on me! With cuddling! And you get mad at me when I sleep without you or I can’t be there when you want to sleep and–! You kiss me! Now the moving in and I can’t! I can’t anymore!” Pulling at twin handfuls of hair, Madara’s eyes squeezed shut with the force of his emotions. “There’s no way you can tell me you haven’t noticed I’m in love with you! So just stop! No more! Okay!?”
Tobirama slowly lowered his phone down to his lap, jaw falling open to gape in shock. “Wha–?”
“Any more of this and I’ll have an actual break down and you know I’m ugly when I cry! Everyone says so! I just need…I don’t know.” Madara deflated as easily as he had gotten himself riled up.
What he needed was to hibernate for at least three seasons until these stupid feelings went away or until he starved himself to death, whichever came first. At this point either would have been good.
“No, you misunderstand me.” Tobirama set his phone aside and stood. When he stepped forward Madara scowled and leaned back. He was met with the back of their bed-couch and stayed trapped there as the other man approached, pinning him in place with narrowed eyes.
“Stop it, whatever you’re doing!”
“Be quiet for a minute and listen!” With a huff Tobirama poked him in the middle of his chest. “You think I fell asleep on you every day for several months, laid my head down on your chest when I was tired and looked for you – only you – when I needed rest, but I’m still too stupid to think there might be something between us? Why the hell would I kiss you if I didn’t like you?”
Madara pinched his lips together. “Fucked if I know.”
“You’re an idiot. And here I thought it was perfectly clear where we were headed! It’s hardly my fault you never made a move so I kissed you myself. Are you telling me you still don’t realize we’re already dating?” Tobirama poked him in the chest again with one thin finger but Madara was too busy staring to react.
“Wait what?” he asked faintly.
“Is there a specific part of that you needed me to repeat?”
“Dating!? You think we’re already dating!?”
Finally Tobirama paused, looking unsure of himself for the first time. “Are we not? You didn’t oppose me when I kissed you…” He had the gall to look more confused when Madara flailed with violent exasperation.
“Of course I didn’t ‘oppose’ you! I wanted it – and more! But I don’t want you kissing me or thinking we’re dating just because I happen to make a comfortable pillow!”
“That isn’t it at all!”
“Then tell me what the deal is here because you’ve never shown any signs that you might want something from me other than a bed buddy! I’ve been going crazy this whole time trying to hold myself together with you draped all over me and you’re telling me suddenly that you think we’re dating?” Madara snarled out of sheer frustration. “I don’t like having my feelings played with. I’ll be the first to admit that some parts of having you here have been amazing but it’s – I – this is too much. You can’t live here. You have a whole room at Hashirama’s house waiting for you! Go move in there!”
He was panting by the time he finished, a little surprised by himself. It was hard to remember the last time he’d said so much all at once without being interrupted or giving testimony on the witness stand. Tobirama gaped at him in naked shock.
“Um…can we go back to the part where you said you were in love with me? I sort of passed that over because I didn’t think you meant it seriously but…” Shuffling awkwardly, Tobirama scrubbed at one arm with the opposite hand and let his voice trail off without finishing his sentence. Madara swallowed thickly.
“We don’t, er, need to focus on that, do we?” he mumbled.
“I think we do. Namely because I…hadn’t realized. Truthfully, I hadn’t realize that you felt anything for me beyond a mere acceptance of my presence.”
“Acceptance?” Madara parroted in disbelief.
Tobirama wrinkled his nose slightly. “Knowing how you truly feel makes it seem a bit of a ridiculous assumption, I agree. I thought I had broadcasted my desire for a relationship quite clearly and yet you never seemed to have an interest so when you allowed me to rest on top of you and it turned out to be the best sleep of my entire life I saw no downsides to asking that we continue to do so.”
“Hn, ‘ask’.”
“Fair, I don’t suppose I ever truly asked anything.”
“No, you demanded,” Madara said, “with little regard for what my answer might be.”
“In any case, I kissed you because I was growing impatient and I wanted to know once and for all if you saw anything between us. Your only qualm seemed to be that you wanted more than just kissing and I thought…”
“You thought that meant we were suddenly dating!?” Madara wondered, faintly, why he made such poor life choices as to fall in love with a man stupider than himself.
Actually that wasn’t true. Tobirama wasn’t stupid, he was just socially oblivious and didn’t care much for learning how to be otherwise. But that didn’t make it any easier to swallow that he had been suffering for nothing this entire time just because they both refused to open their mouths and talk like regular people with regular emotions.
He unashamedly placed most of the blame for this on Tobirama’s hands. Madara would be the first to admit that he was bad at flirting but Tobirama had given off absolutely no signals other than hatred in all the years they had known each other, right up until the day he–
“Oooooh.” Madara’s empty body drained off tension, his face going slack with wonder. “When you were off at university that first year – holy shit. That’s why you made me sit next to you and keep you warm when the heater wasn’t working.”
“You liked me back then?”
“Clearly. Why else would I have let you cuddle me like that?”
“Let me? That was another demand! You gave me no choice!” Through sheer force of will Madara managed to avoid sticking his tongue out. He was a grown man up for promotion to detective in a very respectable precinct and he would not resort to such childish measures.
He would, however, resort to crossing his arms and snorting pointedly in Tobirama’s direction. The head tilt he got in return was incredibly unsatisfying as far as reactions go.
“Question. Are we fighting right now because we’ve both been wanting to date each other but neither of us realized that the other was interested so now that we’re both on the same page we’re releasing all of that pent up tension we couldn’t discuss before?” Tobirama furrowed his brows while Madara snapped his jaw shut, both of them glaring thoughtfully across the small space between them.
“I think so,” Madara said.
Tobirama grunted. “So we could be making out instead now that we both get what’s going on?”
“We could. I’m still a little mad at you.”
Madara nodded slowly. Then he lurched upwards off the cushions and crushed their mouths together. It obviously wasn’t the first time they had kissed but it was the first time he had been able to reciprocate without feeling like he was bracing himself for some inevitable fallout afterwards. The arm of the couch behind him was all that kept him upright then as his knees went weak, hands clutching the back of Tobirama’s shirt both to hold himself up and to keep the other man as close as possible.
When Tobirama groaned against him he swallowed the sound eagerly and tilted his head for a better angle. The kiss tasted like relief, like frustration bleeding out to leave room for everything he had been pushing down to spring up instead and fill him. He felt buoyant when they pulled apart. If his feet had lifted from the ground right then he wouldn’t have been surprised – though he would have held on tighter to make certain that Tobirama came with him because just the thought of separation after such a revelation was painful.
Finally achieving the one goal he had deemed hopeless years ago, now that was a rush not even cracking the hardest case could beat.
“I guess you can stay here and live with me officially,” he murmured, deliberately offhand.
“Can we sleep in the bed now, then?” Tobirama asked. “You’re very comfortable but I’ll bet you’d be much more comfortable if I had you on a mattress.” Madara choked.
“Don’t phrase it like that!”
“Are you turning down sex?”
“Why can’t you just let me have one nice moment? Huh? Just one, that’s all I’m asking!”
Tobirama’s laughter was as pleasing to the ear as ever but it didn’t do much to dampen his annoyance this time. Still, Madara couldn’t find it in himself to get truly angry at the man – not when he finally had a chance to taste that laughter right from the source.
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wincestisasincest · 6 years
Murder in the Blue Morgue -- Part 5
Trigger Warning: Death
With a warning like that, how can you not click on this?
Last part I’m posting for tonight, and be on lookout for a masterlist.
First chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181730682110/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-1
Second chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756574650/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-2
Third chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756696770/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-3
Fourth chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756885220/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-4
“Alright, kid, where are we off to?” Russel had been quick to rush them out of the house and onto the streets, leaving 2D and Kathleen to discuss whatever matters befell them. He knew that it might end up with some physical violence, but he just wanted to get Jo out of the house, because it would’ve been more violent with someone who more easily provoked her. “Um, I mean, you were thinkin’ a diner, right?” She was still a little awkward around the band, as, though she would never admit to feeling a little overwhelmed that they all showed up, it still was a change of pace. “Preferably one with a hot waitress.” Murdoc stumbled behind them. It takes more than one beer to get Murdoc drunk, of course, but that was assuming that it was his first beer of the day. “I can get you one with an easy waitress,” She started to walk on the right side of the street, with the band, minus 2D, trailing behind her through the unfamiliar streets, “So, you just casually flew all the way out here, huh?” 
“Needed a break, y’know? And, we never really visit other places unless we’re on tour. Just wanted to see casual New Jersey,” Noodle was looking to make conversation again, “Besides, I don’t know if ‘D would’ve been able to face that woman without our encouragement.” “He won’t, y’know. We should’ve stayed.” “Nah, he’s actually pretty capable, we just needed to push him to actually see her in the first place.” Noodle made sure to leave out the part where they purposely taken the painkillers out of his suitcase so he could stay focused.” “Also, you need to get outta that house. That woman is a massive bitch. Dunno how she ever got any, even Dents has standards.” Murdoc, though not considerate, wasn’t stupid. And he made sure everyone knew that. “Yeah, sorry about that. Trust me, we saved the bad stuff for when people aren’t in the house. But normally I don’t stick around for that long anyway.” “Yeah, my parents were shitty too. More advice? Your birth doesn’t determine your family, and for your sanity you need to move out as soon as possible.” Murdoc once again threw in his 2 cents, spewing things that, while unsolicited, were at least relevant. And, for once, he was happy to share his life experiences. “Again, I already got that. But, thanks. Oh, look, we’re here.” She turned into the glass doors of a sparsely populated diner. The bell rang above them that alerted the attention of a waitress with dark, black hair and a large smile. “Hey! Joey! How’ve you been?” She approached the group with a couple menus in her hand. “Y’know, the usual. Break’s over. School’s shit.” Jo shrugged and looked at the floor. “Ever the optimist. And you brought new folks!” “Yeah, luv, we’re scouting out the best girls of Jersey.” Murdoc shoved his way to the front, sensing someone just as eager as he was. “Well, you came to the right spot! But I’m not off work for a few hours, so we’ll see what I can do for you now, and you can come find me after hours.” She gestured for them to follow her to the corner table, with Murdoc’s eyes trained on her ass the whole time. “Y’know, Jo, I can’t remember the last time anyone but you and your buds sat here.” She and Jo shared a laugh. “Well, you’ve worked here for two months. Just wait for spring, that’s when all the crackheads start to show up.” The group took seats around the table as Jo continued her conversation, with the girl passing out the menus. “Dear, it is Jersey.” “Hey, going to college doesn’t count as living here. Only I get to insult Jersey. Not that it needs help.” “Alright, you folks take a look at those menus and I’ll be back in a minute.” The waitress sashayed off into the kitchen, leaving the group in a decided silence and Murdoc slightly stunned as his eyes followed her. “What’s her name?” “Gina.” “Damn.”
//The meal passes, because transitions amirite folks//
“And they invited you the next year?” “Everyone knows you can’t have a party without Murdoc Niccals.” Murdoc leaned forward, a french fry in one of his hands, or ‘chip’ as he called it, obviously way too invested in the telling of his many holiday stories. “Even though he was in prison next year.” Noodle hadn’t spared any expense in going outside of her comfort zone with this meal. In all her time living in England and Japan, she couldn’t deny that she had gotten both her best and worst food experiences in America. However, the greasy, juicy burger that had sat in front of her an hour ago was definitely one of the better ones. “Wouldn’t be the last time either.” Russel had to admit that he’d been missing classic American food, even if it wasn’t like what he’d had in Brooklyn. Of course, New Jersey pizza, especially with the yelling in Italian that he’d heard from the kitchen, was nothing to sneeze at. “Damn.” Jo leaned backward in her seat, feeling her pancakes already beginning to digest in her stomach. Diner food was always fantastic, and it practically ran through her blood at this point, but it never ceased to make her incredibly tired. “Hey, now, I was only guilty once, and I was just caught because that goddamn brothel wanted me back.” Surprisingly, even though he, at one point, had been one of the most immoral people that England had ever known, most of the reasons he had gone to prison were fairly tame. False checks, contact breaches, etc. The boring crimes were the only ones where he cared to get sloppy. “Well, no, gettin’ in trouble with the cops is nothin’, you’re only really in trouble if you get caught.” Jo munched on one of Noodle’s fries, similar to Murdoc, wholly invested in the conversation. “Little young to be robbing stores, are we?” Russel could remember back to his own childhood, even in private school. One of the best parts of being a kid, of course was doing illegal things and knowing how illegal they were while you were doing them. “Nah, robbing stores is trashy. Just trespassing. But again, you’re only really in trouble if you get caught, so I’m clean.” “Alright folks!” Gina returned to the table, slamming the receipt in the middle of the group, “It’s been a pleasure having you all here tonight, and I do hope to see you again. Especially you,” She blew a kiss to Murdoc, “Jus’ give a yell when you’re ready, the place is practically empty.” She was right. The diner was completely vacant, and most of the lights were off as the staff had begun to clean up. The group had spent more time at the diner than they’d originally intended, getting caught up in conversation while slowly gnawing away at the food, which was admittedly delicious. Even Noodle, who would normally ask for dessert at this point, was completely stuffed. “Alright, so mine was 7 bucks, and-“ Jo had pulled some of her babysitting money out of her back pocket, and begun flipping through the cash.” “Wait, mine was only 6 dollars?” Noodle had pulled out a 20-dollar bill, ready to cover the expenses. “Well, yeah. We don’t just like diners because they have good food, they’re also cheap.” Jo had forgotten that not everyone was familiar with having delicious food this readily accessible. “Uh, Noodle, I only brought pounds, can you cover me for, uh, 15 dollars?” Murdoc had insisted that he had brought dollar bills when the rest of the band was going to the exchange counter, and that his time would be better spent ‘discussing’ music with one of the cashiers at the gift shop. “Damn, Murdoc, what did you buy?” Russel, too, was thumbing through his wallet. “Only, like 2 beers.” “No problem, Mudz.” Noodle sighed. The group had left their cash on the table, including a rather generous tip considering the racket that they’d made, and cleared out into the empty, dark streets. The buzz of cars was in the distance, but any populated roads were at least three blocks up. All of the streets with the most popular food or shops were almost entirely ones where people would walk. “So, um, are do you guys wanna go back to the apartment, or…? Because, like, if you’re curious about the nightlife I can give you directions or somethin’.” Jo was never good at ending meetings, especially when they resulted in her having to return home, but she couldn’t keep them here all day. “Actually, yeah, are there any bars around-“ “We’ll head back with you and see if 2D is still busy.” Russel interrupted Murdoc, yet again, legitimately curious if 2D had turned out alright. “Where would ‘D have gone if he was done? Back to the hotel, right?” Noodle was just beginning to realize how chilly the night could be, even in the city, slowly rubbing her arms. “I hope so.” Russel lead the way this time, vaguely remembering the way that the group had taken on their way there. He and Noodle continued up front, with Noodle gawking at some of the lights while chatting with Russel about some of his memories from living in the area. “Psst.” Jo whispered into Murdoc’s ear while they continued down the street. “Yeah?” Murdoc copied her whisper instinctively, his attention grabbed. “2 blocks up from the apartment, on 419 Edgebrook Street, it’s free drinks with karaoke that night. And there’s a strip club just down the street. Just tell ‘em you know Marty and they’ll let you in.” “Who the bloody hell is Marty?” “I know the son of the guy who runs it. Marty is his dad.” “Hm. Thanks, kid.” “No problem.” Sirens blared down the street, closing up just behind the group, and slowing down as they passed the group, making them halt in their tracks. The cop driving the car pointed his flashlight out at the group, finally landing it on Jo. “Josephine Powell?” “That’s me.” “You’re gonna have to come down to the station with us.” The group began looking at each other, slightly panicking. “I didn’t do it.” Jo didn’t know that trespassing could land someone a police chase. “What? No, you’re not being arrested, it’s your mother?” “What happened?” “She’s been murdered.”
Thanks to all of y’all who got this far.
Be on the lookout for more chapters!
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