#it really bothers me that lestat seems so angry and pressed all the time? very detrimental to his whimsy and charm imo
tsaricides Β· 3 months
hope you’re doing well yutro!! πŸ’› just saw the iwtv season two trailer dropped! any thoughts? 🎀
i've been postponing watching it because i was too nervous and thought i would be thoroughly disappointed... especially that the 1st season introduced some changes into the text that i thought were completely unnecessary and detrimental to it.
but i have finally watched it now and... i'm a bit obsessed? the way lestat haunts them... and armand! armand repeating "lestat"... i truly hope it is not just some display of jealousy and that there will be at least hints at armand's own psychosexual obsession with him. if not, i will be a let-down that will ruin the whole adaptation for me once again (the monogamous worldview that the show writers impose on vampires is so tiring.) especially that i'm already highly skeptical of louis & armand still being in a relationship. but i have already complained about the strange standards and butchering the beauty and horror of the immortal love at length when the first season came out so i will not repeat myself.
there is so much going on that i cannot dissect because it's a complete turn away from the original... in that one scene, is lestat laughing at armand?? why are they talking about the interview itself as if so much is at stake... what happens to claudia in this iteration of the story? etc. etc. it makes me both nervous and a bit curious where they will go with it all.
the thing i'm really thrilled to see is the theatre though! this was my favourite part in the books... and we didn't get much glimpses at it in the trailer, but i know some of it was recorded in prague, and i'm also excited to see it.
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