#it really reeks of 'this character is the writers favorite' so they wanted an excuse to write more for him
sorenlionheart · 6 months
when i look back at my t/oh hyperfixation i do find it a little surprising i kept up with the show past season 1, not to say the show is bad but it went in a different direction than what i expected for better or for worse
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Are death gods like a class lower than Olympian gods? Minthe says that Hades can buy all the suits in the world and still stink of death and Apollo refers to Thanatos as Poor Man’s Heremes and also reeks of death. Do they smell bad, or do people just hate them for existing? You’d think they’d be a little more fear controlling death/underworld
2. for the person saying "come on, persephone being a self insert isn't bad" completely misses the point.  As a young writer I used to have self inserts until I realized that my favoritism overshadowed the narrative and didn't allow for my characters to experience consequences or be in the wrong.  This is how creator's pets get made, and no one likes those because they ruin the story and take away attention from other (more interesting) characters!  (1/2) 
We are clearly seeing this in LO.  Persephone is essentially a perfect little goddess who keeps getting powers, is probably going to be revealed as one of the strongest goddesses, and her issues (sans the two giant ones we know what it is) almost never personally affect her.  No one gets angry at her in a meaningful way unless the narrative wants us to demonize them, and when they suddenly "see the light" and go to her side, they're rewarded!  THAT'S why persephone as a S.I is bad
3. Ok. I think Daphene and Thanatos are the best ship. I would read this story...also,Thanatos is the grim reaper...how metal would be if he take down LO Apollo and LO Hades? Yes, I'm aware this would be impossible in the.original myths but HEY why not? RS is not caring for the source material
4. RS’s writing is such a mess of contradictions between actuality and intent it’s hilarious: 1) Hades is supposed to be seen as a good guy yet is portrayed as a tyrant who somehow still manages to be a Gary Stu. 2) Persephone is simultaneously overpowered (fertility goddess powers) and powerless (is just a college kid) to the point where she’s viewed as a spoiled rich brat living consequence-free and destitute young woman left with no options but to marry to get out of trouble 
3) Artemis is supposed to represent a separatist feminist yet is depicted as foolish, British and out of the loop for humorous effect by the poss poor excuse of a comic which calls itself ‘a feminist feeling’. 4) The lack of time skips coupled with RS’s need to give HxP as many ‘cute’ moments as possible makes the comic’s progress feel slow for the reader when it’s actually progressing at breakneck speed if you go by the character’s timeframe. 
5) Wants to treat SA with nuance and sensitivity (RS almost manages to do it at first) but then uses Persephone’s rape as trauma porn, a means for pushing her closer to Hades while reminding the reader of his differences from Apollo and a means of furthering the side plots (Artemis’s descent into depressed confusion, Eros and Psyche’s romance, Hera’s quest to get the mains together).
5. i genuinely do not want to see whatever reason rachel thinks up to have zeus and demeter not like each other because it's either going to be a "shock" incest twist (unlikely) or it's going to be something akin to how she made apollo to persephone and maybe zeus stole her "fertility" and thats why she couldnt have persephone naturally and why demeter isnt a fertility goddess but persephone is. like no writing choice is good in this so i guess brace for the worst from her in this regard.
6. i honestly get sad looking at old LO art because not only is all the charm gone, but the colors also got way worse. hades used to be this subdued, rich dark blue with icy blue hair while persephone was a nice shade of pastel pink with magenta hair, but now theyre all one shade of neon. there used to be choices put into the art but now its just lazy. like hades looks like a blue highlighter, and persephone like her personality is only one nauseatingly bright shade and thats it 😞
7. i feel like if at least the writing in LO was good the art would excusable, you know what i mean? and the same can be said in reverse, but both are just so bad (or was never good to begin with) that it just seems inexcusable? like at least put effort into one, not half assing at best for both.
8. i mean for all we know bc thats how how psyche normally looks the braids are just a nymph disguise that basically pops away once shes human looking again. regardless the whole thing is nasty once you think about it and idk what we expected from a white woman to begin with. she thinks persephone revolving her whole world and being dependent on hades is feminist and making a canon bi god a r//pist is groundbreaking too like ....
9. lets add to the psyche is black-coded discourse: anyone want to mention how nasty it is she was literally sold off to a WHITE MAN for eros to save her from (ignoring the fact he proceeded to lie to her while having a sexual relationship), made her loving parents into abusive assholes, and psyche just happens to be the only character who is illiterate despite being a princess? the whole thing reeks of internalized racism on rachel's part, and her now giving her braids kinda makes it worse, tbh. 
-----FP Spoilers-----
10. Is it me? Or in the fast past episode were they showed one of the muses Polymnia (or Polyhymnia)  they mixed her with Clio??? Because Zeus calls her "the goddess/muse of history" but Polymnia is acutally the muse of hymns, CLIO is the muse of history, how did they get that wrong? Her name literally means "a lot of hymns"! And why is there a muse in this??? Even she says that she shouldn't be there because she doesn't work in anything similar to law, did Zeus really asked her to make a POEM in a TRAIAL??? For what exactly? Make Persephone look bad?
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abbydramarambles · 4 years
The REAL Ending CLOY
This is my headcanon and you can’t tell me otherwise. The epilogue in Switzerland is set a few years after the events of that piano concert. They have already found a way to be together more permanently. To me the house doesn’t seem like a vacation house, it seems like a home home. 
There is that photo of Se-ri on the bridge, not something one would frame for themselves. RJH definitely lives there. Check out the north Korean coffee kettle and other souvenirs as well. This is the sort of stuff one would have in their home.
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The only thing holding RJH to North Korean is his parents, the fact that they could be killed if he were to defect. After they die, he has no reason to stay. We’ve already been shown that he is resourceful and would know exactly how to get out. Not to mention that everything in north Korean runs on money, if you have connections like Se-ri and RJH do....anything is possible. And to me these two people with all their power, well they would find a way.
Dan’s mother travels out of the country a lot as well for business. I think the 2 weeks is the longest trip Se-ri takes while RJH’s parents are alive. It’s not the only trip of the year. I doubt her employees would be saying “you’re going to Switzerland again??” if it was a once a year sort of deal they wouldn’t think she had a man. They even say “it’s lasting a while this time”. Come on who in the world would think it’s a relationship if their boss goes to switzerland for 2 weeks a year. It’s her favorite 2 weeks of the year because of it being uninterrupted time. 
Well with her wealth and his determination, and connections via his family, I'm sure they'll find a way eventually, either it is his parents passing away (since it has been about 6 years between him going back to NK and the epilogue meetup), or him somehow getting a long term mentoring position at Switzerland. You’re telling me Dan’s mom a department store owner can swing to Europe anytime, and Se-ri who created a whole scholarship for her man can’t swing something in collaboration with Papa Ri?
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I got the impression the student performing his song on stage was a full-time student in Switzerland. RJH is not studying abroad but is teaching NK scholarship winners. Seri has been traveling back and forth a lot but these two weeks are the longest continual time they have together. 
When Seri first sees him in Switzerland she asks how dangerous his journey was, and he didn’t answer, just said he got on the wrong train but reached his destination. “Destination” implies a final location to me, not just a two-week stay. For two people who find it torturous to be apart for even a moment, destination would not have been thrown around like that. It could’ve taken his Dad some time to manage the politics to make a permanent teaching position with the National Symphony. He did see his son cry in the car after leaving her. That man is powerful, the 3rd most powerful man in North Korean. A political manipulation genius, a man always one step ahead of the others. He got his son and 5 people in and out of South Korea. You best believe he can make it happen. He’s not going to sit back and leave his only son living without his only dream. Plus RJH was never a flag waving patriotic North Korean anyway. He already expressed that he wanted to stay with SeRi in South Korea, have a child that looks just like her. It’s kdrama script writing 101 to not have your lead character mention a deep desire such as this one unless its foreshadowing or serves a larger purpose. And Park Ji Eun is no noob writer. 
Let’s look at the way the show itself references fate and destiny. Regardless of how impossible it may seem, these two always managed to find each other again. Fate is pushing them together and is on their side. I don’t think fate wants them to meet 2 weeks a year. Fate didn’t make them meet in Switzerland, in North Korea, in South Korea, and in Switzerland again for 2 weeks a year for the rest of their lives. I can’t entertain that.  A lot of people think that the epilogue on the hill and when she meets him for the first time again in Switzerland with the parachute are the same time frame. I don’t think so. I really do think the piano concert is the ending and the picnic is the epilogue. It’s years from then, when everything has been sorted about how to be together permanently and it’s a window in to happy every after. Just look at their body language and expressions in the last scene, they are totally at peace and seem to have gotten everything they wanted. Even the music radiates peace. Listen to the lyrics of Sigriswil that play as the camera pans out “wandering this strange night, won’t you be here by me? now I hold your hands, with you I’ll be alright...how does it feel, my friend? It’s been a long day and night” THEY ARE NO LONGER WANDERING ALONE THAT IS THE POINT. period. It was a “long day and night, but now I hold your hand” ... how does it finally feel to have your happy ever after....my friend. IT REEKS OF OPTIMISM and closure. In film making the atmosphere says everything about what is unsaid in the script. 
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You best believe he won’t leave a stone unturned to be with her, see her grow old and live in the house of dreams with their twins. Just the fact that he vocalized this thought in the show leads me to believe that it did indeed happen. 
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Believe in what the show is telling us to believe. What it’s showing us, not telling us even. That love will always find a way. 
Cloy’s ending also reminds me of  very heavily of (spoiler) that of “my love from the stars”. It was written by Park Ji-eun, the same writer as CLOY. So yes they are forced to be apart in that show too, but he finds his way back and each time they meet its for longer and longer and its implied that one day it will be forever. If an alien could find a wormhole to make it back to his love interest, north korea isn’t looking too bad. Same thing with her other star crossed lovers show “legend of the blue sea”. The mermaid finds him again against all odds and they live happily ever (plus a baby). Hey I’m just saying that the precedent has been set on how this seperation works through our writers own works. Having seen all of Park Ji Eun I know exactly how she structures her endings. It’s almost always the same. The mermaid made it back, the alien made it back...north korea is where we draw the line? They’re only apart for awhile till they figure it out, and they work hard to do so.
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Whatever this image is from TVN left it unaired. They shot something they had to pull back. My crack theory brain says she looks a bit pregnant. Actually, that ain’t even a crack theory, I stand behind it. Son yejin is so slim, and judging by the material of the dress it just wouldn’t fall like that unless they were trying to make her look pregnant. Like LISTEN, just LISTEN to me. They put in the effort to get the actors in these outfits we have never seen before, they even gave seri flowers...whY?? There are no other purely promo shots that didn’t have footage attached. The only ones I can think of are the ones they took in front of a greenscreen for the photoframes inside their house. THIS WAS A REAL SCENE THAT WAS DELETED.  South Korean dramas pre-film certain scenes (like the swiss ones) and live film the others to make slight changes to the storyline based on audience reaction. During airing there was quite a lot of political backlash a la north korea. 
There are some stills TVN released that weren’t screencaps. But ALL of them were in outfits relating to scenes we have seen, such as this one.  It just would make no sense for them to go out of there way to get this image on the jam packed expensive swiss schedule and not just do greenscreen in korea like they did for all the other promo material UNLESS it was a real scene. 
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So you want more evidence for plot points that indicated the original, unaired, together forever in Switzerland ending?
Let’s look at some details, at one point in Episode 14 when Jeong Hyeok's father is meeting with the bad guy Senior Colonel who tries to use photos of Jeong Hyeok in Korea as a bargaining chip, he says "You should retire quietly. Using your health as an excuse won't raise any suspicions." now whilst this may be a casual reference to him being old and that health issues are plausible, it's also possible Jeong Hyeok's father has had some long term illness they've not mentioned which would add to why it wouldn't raise suspicions.
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The main reason I thought of this is it would sort of line up with some other details, in the finale when they're deciding whether to send them back or not, at the NIS briefing they mention how the North has requested keeping it quiet and confidential, they mention "They want the confidentiality term to be five years. They're being sensitive about it because one of them is a high-ranking officers son". Then if we fast forward toward the end when Se-ri is receiving the timed messages, a year passes after her birthday message from Jeong Hyeok, after that scene we see Jeong Hyeok having his farewell meal with the townspeople and preparing to leave after being accepted as a pianist for the National Symphony Orchestra, presumably around the same time as Se-ris birthday given that scene was right before. Se-ri then comes up with her Switzerland Music academy idea probably a few weeks or month or so after she read RJH's text about meeting and then it tells as it's one year later, Se-ri waits but doesn't meet him and returns home, her mum says "It breaks my heart to see you return in disappointment every time" which if that's a correct translation it means it's been more than once by this point. Add up this entire timeline....guess what it comes out to. FIVE YEARS. That’s how long it takes them to sort out a permanent solution for their problem.
When he chooses to defect it will be much easier for him considering he’s making trips to Switzerland already. All he would have to do is walk into a South Korean embassy in Zurich. They have an open door policy for North Koreans, he doesn’t even need to cross the DMZ again. 
You want even MORE proof? Okay my friend, I’ll bite. Why are there photos of a couple with children?? Honestly come on I really don’t have to say more.
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They had to leave the ending open. Due to the political situation, they couldn’t exactly show RJH, a North Korean, defecting. Pretty sure our buddy Kim Jong-un would not be chill with that.  However ridiculous it is, the show had multiple attacks on it while it was running by political parties saying it violated the “national security act”.
The ending was clearly cleverly re-edited to be less explicit so the viewer can read between the lines but the show-runners can protect themselves from lawsuits and public sentiment regarding a sort of maybe illegal situation. If you believe they met for two weeks a year for the rest of their lives, you don’t know RiRi Ri-eally well ;) 
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shihalyfie · 4 years
Do you think that Taichi, Sora, Yamato, Jyou, Koshiro, and Mimi were handled well in 02 (that they got rid of their crests, that some only showed up for a few episodes, that they acted like role models, etc.)? Love your blog btw!
Thank you!
I think “handled well” has different potential definitions that we’d have to define first. In terms of the excuses they used to conveniently nerf the older Adventure kids, I feel like they definitely could have come up with some better excuses than the Crest depowering that was revealed only halfway into 02. I think the Dark Towers were actually a decent move (it’s just an extended and more threatening version of the Love Serenade in Adventure itself), but the Crest thing definitely reeked a bit of last-minute excuse. But fundamentally I don’t think the nerfing is the problem -- the Adventure kids got, uh, kind of ludicrously powerful at the end of their series, so it makes sense that some kind of nerfing would probably be necessitated to establish why they can’t just steamroll over any problem that comes up now, and so my complaint is just “I wish you’d spent a bit more time/foreshadowing establishing an excuse like this instead of just rushing the explanation in without warning”.
As far as whether they Adventure kids were “handled well” in terms of respect given to their characters, I think they were handled about as well as you can ask for given the nature of what 02 was as a series.
02 is a sequel that, from the very beginning, was a story about a new cast, so that they wouldn’t have to rehash territory with the original Adventure kids and be redundant or backpedal, and so the writers had no obligation to include the Adventure kids in a plurality of episodes. This goes not just for 02, but for any sequel that changes casts. It’s just how things work -- a story is based on the viewpoint of the characters it focuses on, and that means said viewpoint isn’t obligated to zoom in on an old cast just because they were what the camera used to zoom in on; see stories like Nanoha or Ace Attorney where casts change hands and older characters take on more of a mentor role. This is completely normal and expected in media, and it’s not like 02 was advertising itself as anything to the contrary, nor that the Adventure kids had an unfinished story in their own series or something. So it makes sense that a few years later, they’d use their expertise to help out any juniors who are starting on their own adventure. I understand that Adventure fans probably wanted to see their favorite kids as much as possible, but while it must certainly be a bummer to see less of them (and I won’t deny it!), their appearances should probably be seen more as a bonus, not an obligation.
When it comes to situations like these -- again, something that 02 is absolutely not the first nor the last piece of media to ever do -- I think the question is less about how much screentime the seniors got, and more of how they were treated within the narrative, and if their treatment was with the respect they deserve and in a way that’s true to their character arcs and relationships. (For instance, in the Ace Attorney example above, I’m much less inclined to think too hard about complaints about 4 because “Phoenix isn’t the protagonist” and far more when they’re about “what they did to Phoenix’s character arc”.) Within 02, there was absolutely no point where it was implied that the Adventure kids were viewed with anything but utmost admiration and respect from their juniors. No, seriously, the 02 kids adored their seniors, arguably even more so than the writers necessarily even needed to portray them as, but the kids really just straight up practically pedestal’d them. And when the Adventure kids did show up, they were always helpful and kind and generally true to the character development we’d seen of them in Adventure (I know there are people who would dispute me on this, and I’m not going to claim they don’t have a right to an argument, I just personally think generally everything tracked).
So I think, given the fact that 02 was a sequel that had absolutely no obligation to involve the Adventure kids to the degree they did, they actually did about as well as you could ask for in terms of giving us a refreshing update on their status and also handing them a bunch of really cute adoring juniors who near pretty unequivocally love them. I’m not going to say it’s perfect by any means, and I still gripe about the nerfing mechanic (although, to be honest, even that I can only complain so much because it’s clearly reversed after the events of 02, which means the 02 kids are still outclassed by their seniors anyway), but I feel it’s definitely one of the better ones I’ve seen!
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blakegallo · 5 years
Is this shade about Kevin's love life? Please say yes because I cant believe bitches out here acting like Joaquin gonna show up and save Kevin from Moose.
at this point i’m not ruling joaquin showing up. if clifford had a long lost twin i’m not going to say that joaquin doesn’t have a brother named juan or jose or jeremiah or some other shit that could show up. riverdale loves to pull from soap operas for their plotlines. so far nothing has been too crazy for this show?
my real issue is this retroactive thinking that kevin/joaquin had this really epic love story? that was based on any kind of like… communication? 
but i think that my issue is i fundementally view kevin keller differently than the rest of the fandom? kevin is a fucking slut. like. even before the season 2 scene with him cruising in fox forest season 1 established him as a person that enjoys casual sex. and good for him. i’m all for conventionally attractive white boys out here living their best lives on television.
that said, let’s go back to kev + joaquin. the first night they meet kev only approaches joaquin because joaquin is giving him them “you dtf” eyes… like. that’s it. let’s continue with season one, casey isn’t a series regular so he doesn’t have a lot of play. after 1.04 the next big kev + joaquin scene is at jug’s birthday in 1.10, where again they’re seen making out and kev asking about hooking up. in this episode we also see that fp told joaquin to use kev to keep tabs on where tom was with the investigation.
all of that is fine, all of this development is perfectly normal for this kind of murder mystery plot. i don’t take any issue with this storytelling. like it is what it is. 
after this though in the next two episodes we see that kev is upset that joaquin was using him. it blows up and kev + the core four use this revelation to get joaquin to tell him what he knows about jason’s death and that eventually leads to joaquin leaving riverdale. so of the twelve episodes of season one that joaquin was around in, their relationship was not a large focus of either of their storylines, the bulk of their time spent together was them kissing and when they weren’t kissing joaquin was using kev. and kev + joaquin were obviously never given the time to develop anything past this, and in the two subsequent seasons when joaquin has made an appearance we never get to see him and kev work through what was obviously an issue for kevin.
i will also take this time to say that joaquin as a character has never been serviced by the plot. this isn’t the first time i’ve talked about any of this, and ever time i have i’ve said that joaquin desantos was ras favorite plot device. he was only ever inserted into the plot when it was convenient to the narrative.
we literally know nothing about jaoquin desantos other than he’s a southside serpent…. correct me if i’m wrong, but like, dude was never a character.
now let’s talk about kev + moose. yes, they started off highly sexual. and you know what if moose flashed his horse dick at me in the winter formal bathroom i would have taken his ass to sweet water river too? the fuck??? 
again we don’t really know much about moose other than he’s a closeted bisexual football player? so like, you could argue he’s a plot device too, i’m not gonna stop you from doing that.
i’m also not going to say that you shouldn’t be upset that ras decided to fridge midge to make this ship happen. and i’m not going to sit here as someone that loves moose + kevin that that was a good idea or plan. because obviously it wasn’t? like it doesn’t take a genius to see that. 
but this thing where people hold midge dying against moose and vilifying him because he’s with kevin now? like stop. midge dying is in no way moose’s fault, and given the fact that the last time midge was in danger he acted like a human shield and took all of the bullets like… maybe let’s stop acting like moose didn’t care about midge and has only ever wanted to fuck kevin? i’m not arguing that moose was faithful bc we know he wasn’t, but i think that the canon evidence of moose caring about her is there. and yeah he might have cared but that doesn’t mean he was a good boyfriend and if midge were still around i would want her to leave him and be with someone that was y’know actually a good boyfriend? but we don’t get to live in that world and so what we have is a dead midge that deserved better, and now that she is dead i think that soem people upset that moose would move on is so wild? the writing on this show is terrible, but that aside it’s not really your place to tell someone how long they should be grieving for the death of their partner?
even if moose were the most faithful and he wasn’t trying to fuck kev or make out with cheryl, it’s not your place to tell someone that they should still be broken up over the death of their girlfriend? i feel like that’s stepping over a line a little and just reeks of entitlement? you don’t have to agree with moose moving on, but to hold the fact that he has moved on against him is wild?  
we’ve known that moose and midge were dating literally since the pilot. i’m pretty sure kev name drops midge when he’s talking to veronica that first day at lunch. 
and i don’t say any of this to justify moose as a cheater. like. pass.
but moose being a cheater is literally just part of his of character at this point. like he was full on making out with cheryl at jug’s birthday party so excuse me if the cheater is equal opportunity. he’s not surprising anyone? 
all of that brings us to where we are currently. where i’m still here for kev + moose because i’ve been with them since the pilot and their journey to getting together has been a hot ass mess… but you know the gays on this show are all in that boat? only archie seems to get to have really nice and and lowkey carefully crafted love interests. grundy + farm lady aside.
my issue with all of the lgbt characters that riverdale has introduces is fundementally the same though, none of them seem to ever get to have a storyline that isn’t solely about their significant other. yes, the core four have had their share of relationship drama, but they also get moments that the other five don’t?
neither one of these relationships started in a good place and only one of them has ever been given the opportunity to talk. kev + moose had the hospital scene [ which is hands down my fave thing that riverdale has ever done ] and the diner w/ midge. none of these characters have ever really been made central enough to the main plot  [ again kev + joaquin were loosely important to the finale of season 1, but eh… ] let alone important enough to the writers to be given the development that they need. so comparing the ships to me really is apples and oranges because neither was given a solid foundation and even though kev + moose is “flourishing” is it tho? 
it really does do a disservice to both ships in my opinion to keep trying to compare them and act as though one of them is superior? 
at the end of the day people can ship whatever they want to ship and support what they want to support. but like, you’re not any better than someone who ships the other?????
but also leave my trash son moose alone. he’s already been shot repeatedly he doesn’t need you dragging him for being trash.
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titan-mom · 7 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. 
Def wasn’t tagged by @illumynare but I’m bored and wanna do something before I sleep so I’m gonna. Might not be an excuse to go re-read my favorite fics and then some.
Also an open tag, anyone who wants to talk about their own fics, please do! Tag me as the one you got it from so I can see!
Where Hive Gods Go When They Die (Eris, 500 words)
Eris heard but did not hear. Too fixated on the weapon. There was something here, something that should not be.
“Why?” Her whisper is a breath through the Dreadnaught halls, hundreds of thousands of miles away by ship but hardly a step through the planes.
The Guardian responds, Eris is not listening to them. She is waiting for another.
Shorty mc short but I really enjoyed it and feel like I really got Eris’s tone. Was trying to emulate the feeling I get when @ir-anuk writes any Eris-adjacent words at all and it feels pretty successful! That and the Oryx’s-soul-haunting-the-Touch-of-Malice is a lovely headcanon I adore.
Twilight (Eyahn, 5k words)
He found her at twilight. The sky was warming with blackness and the stars hummed, preparing their gentle nightly songs.
Eyahn had a Vandal in her sights as she felt his presence approach, felt without seeing the simple existence of another Light. She let the feeling roll off her, an audience was so alien it was of no distraction to her. She was so used to no one being there that it was easy to pretend she was still alone.
I’m really pleased with how much of a character I was able to flesh out of little Eyahn, she’s become my favorite to write for since finishing this. It was an establishing piece of her tone and the critical (read: sad) part of her background. Still the thing I go back to and re-read to get a grasp on how I want her to sound and feel when I get stuck writing her voice.
Iona (Iona, Petra Venj, 1.7k words)
Iona had never gazed upon a Ceres Gallot and felt fear before. Yet here she stood in the tower plaza, in the shade of the Traveler, staring at the sleek Reef ship. It’s pilot was obscured by a crowd of curious Guardians. Logically it was nothing, logically it was simply an emissary, however uncharacteristic it was to send one. Logically, it wasn’t here for her, but logically, the Queen knew she was here. Where else would she be?
She swallowed her fear and strode away to the Vanguard hall. Never before had she wanted to report to Zavala so badly.
It’s one of those that jumps around a bit, a lot of little chunks that fit together. I feel like Iona is one of my more interesting Guardians, she has one of the most complicated and fleshed out lives out of my OCS. A lot of them are just ambiguous “fought things for five years here” “did patrols for a couple months there” but Iona seems to have more events in my mind and more hobbies than most. One of the more unique rebirths also leads to a more unique “Eyes up Guardian” scene and setting.
Introductions (Mack, Amanda Holiday, 900 words)
She had been shipwright two months when his ship first arrived.
It caught her eye because she was pretty sure she hadn’t seen it in before. But the tag logged a veteran Guardian, rather than a new arrival. She was beginning to worry her memory was slipping when it requested access to the back landing pad, for unloading purposes. Few Guardians ever did that, she knew she recalled all their ships. This was someone new.
Amanda is really fun to write actually. I imagined she’d be a bit difficult but I’ve read a lot of fic with her I suppose. On top of that, Mack is always fun, with his oddities and awkward smugness. Mix in some of the good old Non vs Guardian interaction and good times, good times.
Knives (Eris, Taken!Toland, 800 words)
His arm jerks in a way that would be familiar on beings other than him. Murmurs words on his lips that are not clear; but whenever were they?
A dead moon fills the wild land’s sky, with cracks to rival the Traveler’s belly. Two great white orbs ravaged by two great battles in one eternal war. Both reek of death, cracked like clams while still alive to suffocate above humanity. Both shattered.
Toland’s hand twitches again, it’s a motion that originates at the shoulder. Tension in something distinctly not muscle amplifies the spasm so his raking fingers cover inches. It affects his head as well, this time, neck bending sideways to an angle improper but not quite impossible before springing back.
A fic trade! Which is already exciting and motivational. Another one of comparing my writing to Nem’s existing beautiful aesthetic. And Taken!Toland, something I hadn’t seen and still don’t really think I have since. It was fun to write for the metaphors, the feeling, and the lovely ambiguity of the ending, a Choose Your Own Knife ending.
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loveinthewriteway · 7 years
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rules: choose a couple of fave photos/gifs/manips/etc of your ship! copy and paste the questions down below! answer as if you’re the characters that have been tagged! then tag some more of your fave ships/characters to answer next!
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