#it sounds like a bside and tbh there arent many fromis bsides that i regularly listen to
wickymicky · 3 years
sigh.... it hurts to admit it, because it means i’m an idiot, but idk, maybe i was too hard on Talk & Talk lol. im starting to not mind it. i think it’s many many steps behind every one of their other title tracks, but like... 
okay, a couple things made me wanna give the song another chance. first off, their first win. i felt guilty because that’s a big deal for them, and theyre one of my favorite groups. i was bummed cause i really wanted to like it, especially since that was a big moment... and the other thing that made me wanna revisit the song was... well... a certain very weird song released recently by a certain boy group that i (usually) like, haha. that sorta put things into perspective. like, at least Talk & Talk is a song.... so yeah, i wanted to give it another chance, and as i listen to it more, yeah, it’s not that bad. i was just harsh because idk... it came from a place of love, you know? i wanna see one of my favorite groups thrive and i want every comeback of theirs to be their best ever up to that point, and so when something falls short of my hopes, it sucks lol. and idk maybe it’s my bad for having too-high expectations in the first place.
like, i still dont think the song is amazing, but man... it’s a song haha, unlike that other song. even if there are parts i think dont really do anything for me, i can at least appreciate that it’s a song. that sounds harsh too but i mean that in a good way. like... i listen to a lot of songs that are just songs. not every song is perfect haha, and yeah, i listen to a lot of stuff just for the hell of it, cause i appreciate some aspect of it, idk, something like that. so while i think Talk & Talk sounds like a mediocre bside, i mean... i listen to a lot of mediocre bsides lol. it’s fine. it’s not hate-worthy, not at all. at the absolute worst, it’s just kind of a “shrug” song, not a “this is garbage” song, haha. at worst, it’s not something i would have had much of an opinion of if it had been already released when i first got into fromis 9. like if this song existed already, and i discovered it then as an already-old song, i wouldnt have minded. it wouldnt have been my favorite, but i wouldnt have minded it. and i can settle into feeling that way about it right now pretty easily too. especially if the next thing they release is something that i really love, lol. but yeah
idk, it’s hard to put all of this into words. 
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