#it suited him sooo weeeelll
coexistxcoldrain · 4 years
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Mori Brothers + different hair styles
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Answer their 10 questions and then think of 10 questions to ask other friends!
Thank you @lucynnamonroll​​, I’m SO sorry for answer the questions almost one year later (?).
A couple of things before I start that cracked me up when I was reading your answers:
We had the same crush with Kyoya Tategami.
I have the same “problem” that you have with Spanish… But with French. But honestly, I’m glad to have Spanish as my first language or I would cry if I had to learn it now HAHAHAH.
This has nothing to do with your answers but you are a ray of sunshine. Period.
1. A dream that you still remember?
Oh my oh my, let me tell yoU about that dream where me and my friends were almost captured by the marines. Yes, One Piece related, what a surprise.
Sooo, I was in a convention or something like that of the marines minding my own business when, out of the blue, I blinked and I was with my friends on a speedboat in the middle of the ocean surrounded by four ships, proper marine ships with their soldiers and all.
Soldiers who chained us.
They were about to send us to G-5 for some reason bUT BUUUT my friends started yelling at me “SAY IT, RITA, SAAAY IT, YOU CLOWN!”
And… And HAHAHAHHAHAh I looked up at a woman who I think it was Tashigi (I don’t remember her face, but for the sake of the story im going to say that it was her) and said:
“I just… Wanted to know if… If. IfSmokerissingle.”
And Tashigi…
And then I woke up.
But let me tell you, the best of the dream wasn’t the dream itself, was the reaction and explanation my friend Laura gave me when I told her what happened.
Laura: Well… I know what happened. You approached Smoker, confident, powerful, knowing what and how to say it. Then you saw him in front of you and… You just punch him in the stomach and started running.  And that’s why the Marines were chasing us.
What makes funnier what she said is that I DID that as a child. I was 10-12 years old, went to my crush at the moment, prepared to confess my feelings… Changed my mind at the end and just slapped him and started running.
I like to think that I had a date with Smoker after the incident and we laugh it off like it was nothing (?). And then he complimented my punch(?).
2. What job did you want to do when you were younger?
Uhm… I wanted to be a veterinarian, then a journalist, a poet…
 3. And now? Did it has changed?
Yes! Now I want to be a translator and I’m studying a degree at the University to do so. And I love it. And I’m so frickin’ happy... I cry everytime I think that I made it here.
4. A favorite game?
Of all times? Mass Effect.
It was the first videogame that I found and played without my brother, in fact, HE played it because of me when it usually went the other way around (and let me tell you, as the younger sibling, that felt GOOD).
And I just fell in love with the characters, the story and… Jane Shepard is my MOM AND I LOVE HER. And maybe the mother of my OC of One Piece was inspired by her.
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And right now? Yakuza.
I started playing the series a couple of months ago. At first it was just because… I was bored, I won the game in a giveaway, they were two characters wearing suits and one of them had an eye patch (I KNOW, I KNOW, SUCH IMPORTANT REASONS HAHAHAHAAH im basic im so sorry).
But DAMN the game hooked me at the first chapter.
And now I’m obsessed. I know that some people when they hear Yakuza the first thing that comes to their minds are the memes (and yes, they are amazing) but there is so MUCH more in those games. If you have the opportunity, try to play some of them. I recommend start with Yakuza 0, it sets the story for the two characters that would be appearing in the rest of the games (Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima).
PS: Can I say how much I love Majima? And his story? I’m going to stop now before I start crying.
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5. Where did you have traveled? (Either it's in your country or not)
Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands)
Málaga, Seville (Andalusia)
Portimao, Porto, Lisboa (Portugal)
6. Did you have a totem animal/a favorite animal?
Ravens, don’t know why but I love them and always try to put them in some way with my OC’s.
7. Did you/Do you have a teddy bear to help you to sleep? How it was looking?
Yes! Was a gift from my brother when I was still a baby, his name is Señor Pana (Sir Corduroy) because the first pants that he had were made of corduroy. I know, an amazing name.
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8. THE animated (or not) serie of your childhood/teenage years?
Omg, I have to choose ONE????!!!!!
Maybe Get Backers or Shamang King, for the same reason as Mass Effect, they were the first series that I started watching for myself without my brother.
9. Do you have anime/series/movie/whatever things merch?
Well well well well WEEEELLL, hell yes.
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Don’t ask me about the laces on Smoker’s neck, or the lamp in Zoro’s hair, or the candy in Luffy’s strawhat. It just… Happened.
If the laws of Toy Story did apply in our world… They would hate me. Maybe not Luffy, but Smoker and Zoro? HAHAHAHAHAHimawfulbutguysiloveyouiswear.
And Stampede? I watched that movie like… 5-6 times? In Japanese, in Spanish, in Portuguese. With friends, alone, EVEN with my mom. What can I say? That movie is my happy place right now.
10. How was your day?
It was really nice and productive!
I draw a little, play some Yakuza obvs (and thought about how much I love Majima), and write about my OC of One Piece, who was born thanks to this amazing ask that Julie answered. Thanks to her hcs I felt the need to create her, to draw her, to make her story, her mom’s… The problem is that I need to catch up with the manga/anime before finishing her background :,) even if I planned to base her ongoing story after the events that Oda decides to left at the end of manga (?). And I’m CRYING ‘cause I really really want to write things for her but I feel like I won’t make it justice if I’m not aware of everything (ಥ﹏ಥ).
And that was my day HAHAHAHAHA.
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