coexistxcoldrain · 4 years
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Mori Brothers + different hair styles
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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 Big Hero 7 : the series
Big Hero 7 S2
Eyes fluttered open as it adjusts to the bright light above him. The light became tolerable enough for his eyes to fully open and take in the surroundings, revealing it to be similar to a hospital room. The young man tries to turn his head only to flinch at the sudden pain coursing through his body, making him hiss through his coarse throat.
"Good day to you sir.''
The young man hears a voice which soon reveals itself to be a woman, with dark blonde hair tied to a ponytail, green eyes, fair skinned, and wearing a doctor's coat. She gave a smile doctors gave after a successful surgery, which got the young man thinking. Just what happened to him that led him to a hospital? The doctor continues to smile as she heads over to adjust the man's view so he could sit up without the pain.
''A nurse will come by soon to give you your meal and painkillers. In the meantime I want to ask a few questions for you young man.'' she said, sitting down at a chair nearby. The man thought over his memories and found that the first things that arrived.
''There were flames.. a person... And that's it. That's what I remember so far.''
The doctor nodded as she takes notes, humming as well. She then looks up as another nurse comes in, a male this time, and places a glass of water and a pill case of medication. The doctor sighs before she gets up and starts heading towards the door, to which she then turns her head to him.
'' Do you recall your name at least? Or should I write you as John Doe?'' said the doctor.
The young bit his bottom lip in thought before his eyes lit up. Clearing his throat he gives his answer.
" My name is-
*The young man's eyes widened as the deep alarm sounds off in his room, jolting him awake. He groans as the memory of the dream fades into nothingness. He could hardly believe it's been a year since that faithful day... That day he woke up from what he remembered was an inferno to a room where he thought he would be safe as he recovers... oh how naïve and stupid his past self was. The room he is in is dark as night, barren save for a bed and a door beside him that leads to a restroom. Getting up he dons on his black skintight suit, quickly cleaning himself for he cannot appear half dressed in front of her... The Witch. That is when he hears that dammed voice from behind the door. Did he really have to appear by his door so soon?*
Lenny: Get a move on, you and the others have some training to do with a special guest... You're growing in strength and obedience... so do not disappoint the Madame tomorrow. After all… this is the last test.
*The young man shakes his head before his brown eyes look up to the mirror in front of him. His breathing turns heavy as he thought over his memory dream. Just how stupid is he?! How could he be so foolish to do something like that?! His right fist starts to shake as more anger runs though him, his blood increasing his temperature to the point that steam is barely visible.*
*He hated this. He hated the Madame, that vile witch that turned him into what he is today... he hated that smug grin of her second in command Lenny, his approachable aura a façade for naïve people like himself... He hated his past self the most. He looks up to see who he was before.. that hopeful, optimistic young man who had a bright future against the world. What a fool. He lets out a frustrated, loathsome growl as he sends his fist to the mirror in front of him, cracking it and shattering to pieces, destroying the image.*
*At SFAI in a cool afternoon, Miyuki is sitting in her usual spot, sketching out whatever she sees through the view of the campus. Inside her book where some students walking around the She sighs as she puts down her pencil and sketchbook aside, lying down on the grassy hill under the shade of an old Oak tree, to which her mind decided that a short nap on top of it wouldn't hurt. Her eyes closed as she waits for the soothing lull of sleep to take over to take her to her dreams. And so she did... for about 12 minutes.*
Ian: H-Hey Miyu-yuki.
*Her eyes squint in a mixture of wakefulness and irritation of being woken up from her peaceful slumber. Her squinted eyes soon shown itself to be Ian, her partner for her class. She holds in a sigh of irritation as she sits up and stretches her back.*
Miyuki: Hey Ian...
*There were more moments of silence between them until Miyuki decided to head back home to finish up her work and start making dinner. She quickly starts gathering her things and stuffing it to her backpack when Ian decided to join in and starts to grab some of her papers.*
Ian: Y-You need any help?
Miyuki: No... I'm OK. Just hand them back to me-
*A large gusts of wind blows the papers hard from Ian's hands to which the man goes after them. Miyuki groaned internally knowing in someway he would mess up and loose some of her papers. But when she looks again Ian had gathered all of the papers without incident, even catching one paper away from the path of someone riding a bike with ease. That was certainly odd... she didn't recall Ian being this flexible and quick to his feet. The first time they ever met he nearly tripped over a chair while he carried his own backpack after class ended. He quickly walks back to her and hands over her papers, to which Miyuki gingerly takes it back, avoiding his hand. Ian clears his throat as he follows her down the hill.*
Ian: S-So I'm having a party at my place tonight and I was wondering if you would like to go? It'll be fun! There'll be music and food and uh... you like twister?
Miyuki: I don't know Ian, I'm not in the mood to be around other people tonight-
Ian: Well that's the best part cause it'll be just you and me there.
*Miyuki could not believe that had come out of Ian's mouth... a party... for the two of them.. alone.. Somewhere inside her mind all kinds of red flags were flying.*
Miyuki: *Chuckling nervously* Well... that's rather.. interesting. But I-
Ian: I even got a wedding photographer so he could take pictures in case things happen.
Ian: Yeah! Just in case we wanna remember it like forever, ya know?
Miyuki: *Slowy backing away* I'm going to have to pass on that one. I have homework to do at home.
Ian: So this Saturday tomorrow?
Miyuki: *Walking away* Bye Ian!
Ian: Saturday then!
*But Miyuki is far away enough to not hear him any more; which the guy gives a sheepish smile until he goes behind the tree and starts growling and groaning in frustration.*
Ian: 'Wanna play Twister?' Are you kidding me?! Just dance would've been fine!
*Ian punches into the oak tree to which he groans in pain. Miyuki turns her head when she heard the voice of Ian shouting at the tree.*
Ian: Stupid tree! You hurt my wrist!
*Miyuki continues to walk away from the scene. So aside from the increased flexibility, there's also the fact that he took his anger out on a tree... She decided to brush it aside and continue walking back to her apartment. She noted the chill in the air and the decorations setting up for the upcoming holidays around the city. Being a woman who controls ice and snow, the chill and cold were as natural to her as bees to flowers. and naturally, when the special time of year comes around with the cold, couples would walk hand in hand and cuddle for warmth. Watching them pass by with content smiles made the small pang of bitter envy pierce her heart before it melts into melancholy. She would never experience the warmth of another person because the one she loved is gone... a young man named Tadashi Hamada. Miyuki shakes her head of those thoughts, focusing on her path home through the chill and colored lights. Finally, she reaches her apartment complex and climbs up the stairs all the way to her apartment door; once inside she is greeted by the decorative lights and ornaments of the holidays as Esme lights up the candles, humming along the radio.*
Miyuki: I'm back Esme.
Esme: *Spotting Miyuki and giving a warm smile* Heya Miyuki! You're a little early. Hit a little dry spell on sketching?
Miyuki: Sort of, and one was in the form of Ian. He tried to ask me out on another date.
Esme: So? He does that all the time and you hold your ground.
Miyuki: He did by claiming it was a party for the two of us and a wedding photographer.
Esme:... A wedding photographer..? Jeez, Ian seems to pendulum swing to being an awkward dork to massive creep. That's the type of guy I avoided back in my escort days.
Miyuki: So you usually stick to rich older men and women?
Esme: Somewhat, the dork factor could have work if that's what that, a dork. Ian has 'nice guy' written all over him.
Miyuki: Yeah.. hopefully he can just move on and find some pretty face so he could stop bothering me... and I know this is a silly wish, but I hope he gets over his crush on my super hero self... jeeze. Now I know what Hiro felt like when that Karmi chick obsessed over his super hero ego.
Esme: Yup. *Looking around the room before turning to Miyuki: Hey Miyuki, do you think you could use your powers to... add one or two decorations here?
*Miyuki looks at Esme with a pensive expression before she gives a small smile. Her hands slowly forming a small snowball with tiny snowflakes dancing around it. Once her fingertips got its blue hue she launches it up the air where it promptly explodes to snowflakes that connected to the lights hanging on the doorways to join its colorful glow, landing on the walls which quickly grows frost with beautiful geometric designs. In the end, it resembled a winter wonderland amidst the colored lights and candle flame.*
Esme: *Scoffing jokingly* Showoff.
Miyuki: Scuse me, you asked for the best. I gave my best.
*The two laughed together before Miyuki removed her coat and started making dinner for the two of them. Miyuki then chuckled as she thought up a memory.*
Miyuki: You remember how we first met?
Esme: Oh yeah I do. You just moved here a almost two years ago and set up an ad to share an apartment. I answered and agreed to meet the following day... though I never would have thought that we would officially meet earlier... at a burlesque club.
Esme: To be honest, I would have preferred that we didn't meet when I was half naked dancing onstage being whistled at.
Miyuki: I can see that. if you weren't the person who answered my call, I would have continued on thinking of you as the woman who danced and just happened to sketch. But in a way, I'm glad you are my roommate.
Esme: Me too.. *Sniffing the air* You better not burn the chicken this time!
Miyuki: Oh shi-!
*Miyuki quickly lowers the flame of the stove and checks the chicken in question. The edges were on the brink of turning black and the golden cooked skin becoming more dark red. At least she could cut off the edges rather than toss it out to the garbage this time.*
Miyuki: Chicken's fine!
Esme: Good, I rather not have ramen cups and ice cubes again.
Miyuki: It was one time!
*Esme chuckled as she gets up and starts to set the table to eat their humble meal of slightly burned chicken and rice. Meanwhile, the young man is in his room eating his own meal, a plate of one ounce meat, kale, and two large strawberries for dessert. A simple and humble meal in response to his long day of training he spent. The food was cooked.. just like that. There's nothing else to say about his meal. Most would try to describe the flavor depending on how well its cooked or how it tasted. It did not taste terrible nor was it used from spoiled produce. No, everyone must eat food. And that's just that, food. Nothing came to mind. Its odd that knowing who cooked it would prompt the person to either compliment or recoil; family members were always given the strongest compliments or disgusted remarks in regards to cooking, though the later they would disguise it if it were to hurt their feeling, but he did not know this person. And therefore, the chef and its food meant nothing to him... well.. aside from that woman.*
*The young man's stomach churned in memory of that smile. That smile that hid the most deplorable and vile hag that she truly is; nothing more than a trap to get what she wants. He looks down at his empty plate before playing at a little elevator to deliver it up to be washed. Lying down at his bed he stares at the ceiling once more, trying to entertain himself by small gossip and news he would hear from Nozako's minions and from Lenny himself. So far, the story was that one of her minions by the name of Diane Amara was delivered to this island rather than its rightful place in prison, and with the woman was her twin sister, Liv Amara, and a man named Chris, who was Lenny's former lover. He had heard that Diane was planning some sort of betrayal to the Madame via marriage... a marriage to whom he had yet to know. Whoever it was, it was enough to send Lenny to deliver them personally. And those who face the Madame personally were the ones who received the worst torture/punishments imaginable. Ultimately, Diane had her face literally torn off by the Madame and sent to work in the latrines of her 'pets', Liv Amara having her hands cut off due to her association to her sister, and Chris... well.. nothing is known about Chris' fate. Knowing that he was Lenny's former lover he would at least get reduced to lowly servant. What did he care? He's most likely never seeing either of them in person unless he passes his test on Saturday, or worse, be reduced to a shivering mess like that woman. Finally, he thought over his family... his family... his heart panged in pain for them. They have no idea he was trapped in this prison he calls hell, no idea that he was forced to work for this wench. He finally allowed himself to sleep, letting go to tonight and awaiting another horrid tomorrow. Not even in his sleep is he free from his memories.
Walking felt so queer yet freeing after one month and a half of first walking on crutches, then to braces, and now his own feet. When those braces had been removed and declared him fit to walk his excitement had risen beyond what he felt. And he had the doctors and Madame Nozako to thank. From their efforts they had cared for him and guided him along the way, showing what the world outside his room had looked like, with The Madame overseeing his progress personally, and with a pleased smile on her lips. It had been a pleasure to meet the old woman shortly after his awakening at his room; her smile coy yet welcoming and reddish brown eyes resembling like burning embers. Though she has the wrinkles and face lines that indicated age, and she needed the help of some nurses and her trusted companion Lenny to get her cane, she held herself the elegance and strength she undoubtedly had in her youth. What he learned is that they are on a island south of the state of California yet north of Hawaii, where they have called this island their home for more than 155 years. Founded by her husband's ancestors after moving from Japan during the twilight years of the Edo Period, and the last of the shogunate. The man wondered how they could have lived for so long and yet posses the technology he knows has yet to exist in his hometown, to which the madam simply said that they had opened trade far wider than previously imagined, and took in geniuses or businessmen that had potential but were shunned from society. To him it looked like paradise. But as much as he enjoyed his time there, he was more than ready to go home. During the last sessions he had retrieved his memories of his early life and his family. He even remembered the event before he woke up in the room... an event that had temporarily stung his heart. But that memory doesn't matter now; He had been summoned by Nozako just after his hours of exploration. Perhaps she called him to let him know that she has prepared for a ship to take him home. To which he would run home and share that he's alive and well. He could already imagine their reactions after seeing him-
" My Madame! Please! I-I couldn't do that -"
A slap is heard across the room. The man's eyes furrowed in worried concern and so he slowed his step and went to the sliding door and pressed his ear.
" I gave you ONE TASK to do and you can't perform that?''
"B-But he was in pain! I just wanted to give him water-"
Another slap and a yelp, followed by a thud and a whimper.
"He was a failure. Remember that. He has to earn back his hands.''
The younger woman sobbed as footsteps now walk towards his side, to which it opened to reveal the woman holding her left cheek... but he could see the bleeding scratches of long fingernails.. one that was over her eye. She continued to sob as she walked past him. He turned back to the now open room... where Nozako merely wipes her fingernails clean as if nothing had happened earlier. She then sees the man's aghast face and gave her best smile.
" Come in now, don't be so shy.''
He wasn't anything but. Her walked towards her with his baffled expression. He noticed that there was no chair for him except for the Madame, which to him resembled more a throne. Figuring out what he must do, he kneeled down in front of her and looked up to her face, feeling less like a guest and companion... and more of a servant.
" I've been watching your progress since you arrived, and I'm pleased by what I saw. Not only have you shown to be a young man of strength, but one of intellect... a genius according to your records... from your birth town.''
He continues to look on to the old woman with the pit of dread slowly crawling from his stomach on its way to his throat.
"I've thought over what use you will be of me... and I've decided this... you are to be part of my special force. A force for gifted soldiers... Your training starts tomorrow.''
As the Madame got up with the help of Lenny, the young man finally found his voice, though it wavered a bit.
"M-Madame Nozako, I'm not going to stay here."
That got the madame to pause in his footsteps... and Lenny's eye to perk in slight interest. After what seemed to be an eternity, the silence was broken by the woman.
" Could you repeat that young man?''
The young man felt his dry throat gulp before he repeated himself.
" I want to go home Madame Nozako. I'm not going to stay here... especially if that's how you treat others...''
Before he knew it, Lenny was twisting his arm from the back with the increasing pressure threatening to break his arm in half. The young man let out pained yelps before he felt the arm released but pushed to the floor. He looks up to see the Madame… to which Lenny plants a foot on his back, making him yelp in pain. The Madame then used her cane to lift his chip up to look at her wicked smile.
'' I don't recall asking for your opinion boy. Besides...''
The Madame pulled out a hologram from the corner where it displays an old piece of news around the time he woke up... His eyes widened in horror before he looked up to the Madame once again.
''As far as the world knows... You are a corpse. And the World has no need for corpses'. Here, you are given a second chance of life, my doctors repaired you, and I was generous enough to place my first improvement chip."
"I-Improvement chip?''
The woman merely chuckled with her cruel smile.
"You work for me now.''
She then looks at Lenny and gives a nod. That's when Lenny picks him up and starts dragging him, leaving said man to flail around as to escape Lenny's iron grip.
"You can't do this! I have to go home! I want to go back to my family!"
*The young man's tears slip quietly through his closed eyelids, his face slightly pained as the horrid memory replayed in his head. But even if he were to wake up, he knew it was real, as real as his surroundings. No matter where his dreams or memories take him, he was trapped in this island run by that sadist. That evening, Miyuki had just submitted her art assignment to her art history professor as she stretches her back. It took her some time to write, then edit, then re-edit that whole essay regarding Caravaggio's art pieces relating to his life, but with determination, studying, and iced coffee she made it through. She then went to make herself a glass of lemon water with ice to reward herself for the hard work; her hands already going with the lemon and sugar for it. Once she got it together she used her hands to freeze the water enough to be the consistency of a slushie. Looking at her hands Miyuki though over her own powers in a long time since her arrival at San Fransokyo. Had it really been years since that fateful day?*
A little girl of seven with brown hair and brown eyes is giggling happily as she arrived at the frozen pond in the park one winter morning. Joining her side was her older sister, her mother, and father. She put on her skates as the three arrived and couldn't help but smile at the little girl's excitement. The older sister joined the girl and helped her get on the ice, smiling and laughing merrily.
"Come on Anyu! I'm ready! I've been practicing!'' said the little girl.
The older girl smiled at the younger's excitement.
''Whatever you say Mimi.''
Smiling brightly, the little girl let go of the elder's hands and slowly skated on, at first delicately and slow before she did a perfect spin on the other side of the pond. The elder sister clapped happily as the parents smiled. The little girl continued to laugh until she heard cracks... cracks forming underneath her feet. And before she knew it she plunged into the ice cold waters below with a terrified yelp, the last images being her family's horrified faces and shouting her name.
There was darkness... and the cold. it enveloped her body and shocking her... and yet.. the shock went away and the cold embraced her... the first thing that brought her back to the world was the bright light trying to penetrate through her eye lids, to which she fluttered her eyes to adjust. That's when a doctor, who had just looked up from his paper files, let out a yelp at the girl.
"I-IT can't be!''
Confused, Miyuki reached out her hand towards him.
"Mister? Where am I? Where's my Mama and Papa? Where's Anyu?''
The man only continued to back away, muttering so lowly that she couldn't hear him. But both gasped at the frost that was growing on her fingertips and making the room cold.
"You-You shouldn't be awake! You're heart stopped!', chattered the doctor, backing away from the little girl, who is growing more scared than ever.
"What do you mean? Where's mama and Papa?''
This time ice and frost was growing rapidly at the girl's reaction, making him lunge at the door and leaving her behind.
"Wait! Please don't go!''
The girl started to breath heavily as she looks around the ice that was wrapping itself, making her grow more terrified at her surroundings. That's when in the reflection of the ice she saw it. Her chestnut brown hair became pale, her peach skin was nearly as white as snow, and her brown eyes became icy blue. She pressed her hands to her heart to which she gasped. It was slow.. far too slow for any heartbeat to be. That's when she heard footsteps and voices coming from the door.
"Mimi you alright sweetheart?!"
The girl cried out as the ice now is barricading the door.
"Mama! Papa! Anyu! Help me!''
*Miyuki snapped out of her memories to find the room slowly being covered in frost and the room dropping in temperature. She quickly used her powers to remove most of the frost to return it back to normal, save for the decorations and ice water she made, and checked on her roommate.*
Miyuki: I am so sorry Esme! I-I didn't mean to freeze the room... I was thinking about...
Esme: Tadashi?
Miyuki: *Shaking her head* No. The day I got my powers...
*That got Esme from her annoyed look to one of concern. She bit her lower lip before she brings out a wool shawl for the snow maiden, wrapping it around her shoulders to warm her.*
Esme: Well, you go ahead and relax for a bit. I'll make us some hot cocoa.
Miyuki: OK... *Remembering something* Hey... do we have an outing to go together with the gang?
Esme: Yeah, we're heading over to Fred's place to discuss a secret Santa thing or something.
Miyuki: OK. Its just I realized that I never told them how and why I became a super.
Esme: Oof! That is quiet a story to tell them.
Miyuki: But not as wild as their origin story was I bet.
Esme: I guess, but its sure is something.
*The two women laughed at their words through the winter air outside the room, contrasting the cold barren wasteland of the young man across the sea.*
*The morning came and went as swiftly as the cold wind. They had just gone through their morning class and did their best to handle groceries and the rent before setting off to Fred's mansion. when they arrived they take note of Wasabi's car and the moped aside as they get through the front door. Soon enough the two ladies are escorted through the mansion by Heathcliff until they reached Fred's room where the gang are hanging out, with Baymax standing by looking on..*
Miyuki: Hey guys.
Esme: We're here~!
Honey Lemon: Miyuki! Esme! Hi!
Baymax: Hello.
*The chemist went over to hug the fashion major and the animation major before she brings them over to the couch. Cora looks up from her phone to which she smiles widely and waves her hand.*
Cora: Hey guys!
Esme: Hiya baby. Doing good?
Cora: Mhmm! Just finished writing down the names for the Secret Santa!
*The blue haired teen gestured to the pieces of paper folded in half as Fred brings out a Santa hat for her.*
Fred: OK now, to keep this completely fair, Heathcliff is gonna be handing out the papers after these are properly jumbled up.
*The whole group of friend group of friends gather round the couch as Heathcliff is given the hat with the names inside. He ties the opening of the hat with string, to which he puts it in a red bag. With that, he starts to shake them wildly... for quiet some time...*
Cora: Wow... he's sure shaking it like a maraca...
Fred: He does this every time, so it may take a while...and I mean a WHILE.
Miyuki: Hmmm...
*That is when Miyuki felt her side being prodded by Esme, who whispers into the snow maiden's ears . Miyuki nods in response, taking a deep sigh before speaking.*
Miyuki: If it's really gonna take a while, might I interest you all with a story?... Specifically of how I became a super?
*That got everyone's attention. As they recall, they had never heard of Miyuki's decision to become a super hero even after learning her secret identity.*
Fred: *Excitement rising in his voice* You're gonna tell us your origin story?!
Miyuki: Yes.
Fred: Hold on! I'll get the popcorn!
*Fred rushes out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving behind the group as Miyuki starts wringing her hands. Esme looks at this and frowns a little. Miyuki wrings her hands whenever she is feeling anxious or nervous. It was her tick, a way to comfort herself as to prepare her for anything happening in front of her.*
Esme: Hey... You got this...
Miyuki: *Smiling softly* Thanks Esme..
*With that, Miyuki cleared her throat before she starts, her mind already replaying it as she talks.*
Miyuki: It was shortly after my high school graduation back in my hometown, Burgess...
The graduation caps floating down as soon as everyone starts to meet up with their families. Among them was Miyuki, still retaining her pale chestnut brown hair and ice blue eyes as she sighs in relief. Some girls stop by at first and greet her.
"Hey Miyuki, wanna hang out at the beach with us?'' asked the first girl, with her hair tied to a high ponytail. But the other girl, the one with dark skin and curly hair shakes her head before taking the former away.
"Forget it, she never hangs out with anyone. She's ice cold..''
Miyuki shook her head as she blew a piece of hair on her forehead before heading towards her family, a family that stayed and grew a little thank god. Her mother and father were there, holding a bouquet of white roses for her, her beloved sister Anyu was there along with her husband, a tall handsome man with reddish hair that grew sideburns, a man named Hans. Her mother and father were going to hug her but Miyuki merely held out her hand, though she had her earnest smile. Smiling back they all shook her hand, with the mother handing her the roses. Anyu came next as she spoke.
''Its OK Mimi. You're not gonna freeze by hugging you know.''
''Just wanted to play safe.'' replied Miyuki.
She heard the soft sound of ice crackling, to which she looked at her bouquet and quietly gasped at the now frozen roses.
"Oh no...' Miyuki moaned quietly, ''Mom I'm so sorry-''
''There's nothing to be sorry for Miyuki.' her mother interrupted, her reassuring smile staying, '' Sides, I think they look prettier with all that frost.''
Miyuki did her best to give a convincing smile to show that she's alright, but deep down she's ashamed that this continued to be a problem.
Ten years it had been since that fateful day at the ice pond... ten years since waking up and finding herself in an ice covered room in the hospital scared out of her mind. After her family got in there were men in uniforms that took them away. She had to see doctors to do tests. What they concluded was that somehow, that fall in the pond had altered her biology and genes to the point that she had cytokinesis. Or in layman's terms... she can summon forth cold and ice by her hands alone. The doctors said that if they, her parents, want to leave her with the doctors they have complete right to do so. They adamantly refused to leave their youngest alone. In the end they reached a compromise. She would stay with her family, but after her high school graduation, she is to move to go to their doctor's and study over her new biology. Over the years her family, bless their hearts, had done their best to guide Miyuki through her new powers, which he sister calls a gift. But despite their efforts and reassurance that she is fine the way she is... Miyuki felt that she is cursed. She had nearly frozen her entire room to the point that Anyu moved out to a different bedroom cause the ice wouldn't melt away. Each flower she touched would freeze and die on contact, her hands were ice cold, heat bothered her to the point of dizziness, and learned too quickly that her emotions greatly affect her powers.
And so, the jovial social child became distant and cold to her friends, away from their parties and gatherings and into her new comfort; her drawings. And thanks to this developing passion she had been scouted by San Fransokyo Art institute, one of the best art schools in the country. But her dream felt too far away now that she is to go away. Her father wraps his arm around her shoulders in a comforting embrace before speaking.
''Let's go Mimi. We got a reservation at your favorite restaurant this evening.''
"Yep'', smiled her father. Miyuki sighed before she smiles back.
"OK, just let me go change clothes for a sec. I'll be right back.''
In the bathroom, she quickly changes out of her graduation gown and into her best dress, a humble sheath black dress and blue scarf. She then gets on her dark blue hoodie to cover her arms, now content with her appearance. As she steps out of the bathroom door she heard something...or rather... someone...
"Let me go! Please!''
"I will after you give me the money!''
Whatever that was, Miyuki knew it wasn't good. She quietly walks towards the voices and quickly sees the cause. An older man in black clothing was holding a young girl crying in his arms, one of the graduates standing still and frightened along with their parents held back by two older men with large muscles. Miyuki's eyes widen before she ducks her head in, flipping her hoodie up to hide her face just in case. She should get out of their, run towards security and inform them about this-
''If you're not giving me the money I'm taking this chit!''
Miyuki heard the family cry and beg the man to not take the poor girl, only for the man to yell them, telling them if they don't give him the money by midnight the girl will die. Its not enough time. Miyuki sees the man drag the girl while covering her mouth. That moment she didn't think. She didn't consider what possibilities would happen if she took action against these brutish men. That didn't matter.
The other two men heard the screams and run out, leaving behind the family. What they find is their leader covered head to toe in ice in a petrified state, only able to move his eyes towards the other two. The men then look back to the hiding place to check their prisoners... only to find them gone. That's when they saw a flash of ice and flurry as they felt the cold and chill surround them just like their leader. Miyuki, the young girl, and the family ran towards campus security. Once there the girl hugged her family, who cry in relief of her safety. The graduate turned her head to thank the person who rescued her sister... but she was gone. Miyuki flips down her hoodie as she breaths heavily. Ultimately, she quickly ran back to her family, deciding to keep what she had done a secret... unaware of a man staring at her.
Hiro: Woah...
Cora: So what happened next? Did you end up going with those doctors?
Miyuki: Somewhat... when we got to the restaurant Commander Carter arrived. He took my family and I to the private part of the restaurant and well... turns out he saw what I did. That's when he revealed this. Some of the doctors work for the Super hero training program and told him and other officers about me. After he saw me save that family he fully invited me to be a super hero, even offered to help me move to San Fransokyo to attend SFAI. I could still see my family, I got here and began being a super.
Honey Lemon: I'm glad things worked out for you and your family.
Miyuki: Yup. Now they can rest assured that their little girl not only will be creating animated films, but she's a super hero helping others the way she can... and honestly… That moment... I didn't feel ashamed of my powers. That moment made me realize that I could genuinely make a difference with my powers.
Cora: I'm happy for you Miyuki. And your sister was right, your power is a gift.
Miyuki: *Smiling warmly* Thank you. *Looks down at her hands* And hopefully, someone would see me do what I done and realize that their powers are a gift as well.
*At that time the simulation starts ringing up through the electric board, where the young man and other warriors like him are awaiting for their tests. Finally its dings, showing their names and serial number. It appears that he will be group with three women, Japanese in origin, who had shown skill with skates and knife like fans.. so much so that their feet were replaced with electromagnetic skates.*
Lenny: *Over voiceover* Stand aside as you await further instructions.
*The four walk away as they see others be handed over their tests. The youngest female, age of seventeen, looks at the young man who's eyes gaze off to the distance. The young girl turned her head to the middle girl, age 20, and whispered.*
young girl: Are you sure we will be safe with that young man?
Middle woman: What do you mean? You know he's one of the strongest in this hell. Pairing with him had just increased our luck.
Young girl: I know... but he never seems to talk to anyone... and I've heard of his power... he could hurt us as much as he could help.
*That's when the eldest, who appears to be in her late twenties, joined in their hushed conversation.*
Eldest: I'm surprised we even have our tongues since our arrival here. No one could be as chipper as you when it comes to conversations you know... As for his power, he knows it'll be put in his best interest and ours to not upset the Madame.
*The young man heard it all, and his brow burrowed deeper in memory as pain and loathing taints his features.*
It had been 3 months since that day. And each day had been tougher than the last. The young man found himself in a prison cell and given a serial number, basically stripping his name without doing so. And training was hell. He thought it would be self-defense exercises and basic training like policemen or soldiers... instead he and many others were trained as mercenaries fighting for their lives. Training against machinery and brutish creatures of nightmares had quickly taught him and others that failure is death... as he had witnessed countless souls be torn apart by these creatures, by these things. after surviving that, those who excelled, and survived, were given rank and allowed to move up. He had moved up in rank considerably, but told time and time again that he had yet to use his 'gift'. He had no idea what gift Lenny or Nozako referred to, and was too afraid to find out. Course, whatever gift he received must've been internal in comparison to others. The three girls, all sisters, had their feet replaced with electro-magnetic skates as to increase their speed. However, he did notice that whenever his anger is rising, his body becomes warmer than it should; his arms that are now rid of his burn scars seem to trick his eyes that it was glowing. Even so, he pushed it aside and remained focused on one objective: Survive.
The young man dodged against the slam fist of a mechanical sumo wrestler, his heart pumping faster and deafening his ears. Studying from its movement, this bot needs to overheat to be disabled before he could rip out its chip that acted as its heart. But the mech was nowhere near the slightest hint of overheating, and the young man was growing tired. If he grew tired he would be weak, and if he was weak he would be slow, and if he was slow it all over for him. No. That will not happen. Not after everything he's gone through. His anger rose dangerously as he let out a furious growl at the thing, his body now enveloped in flames as he runs towards the mech with all his might and punches it to its eye. The flames quickly grow in size as the creature squirms and flails. Hold on... flames?! The young man had no time to think before he is flung to the ground, landing with a groan but no serious damage to his body. He sees the bot finally still to a halt as the flames had now dug deep to his wiring and lands down with a great shake. Now the man looked at himself. He was covered in flames and yet it did not sting, in fact it felt like a second skin. But it scared him none the less. Then before he knew it the flames were gone, and he was still perfectly intact. No burns anywhere on his person, his hair intact... but how? A slow clap is heard, making his heart still.
"Congratulations my phoenix.. you've finally used my gift to you.'', congratulated Nozako.
Lenny: *Voice Over* Its time to go. Get ready.
*The young man and the three girls stand up and head their way to meet their fate, their 'gifts' ready for use. Now it came to the final test. The four run in unison towards their objective, a large cliff to which they are to climb up on. One by one they each get up to scale the cliff, swinging and climbing towards their finish line. However, there were obstacles in the way. A group clad in armor is waiting up ahead and soon they confront the four. The first one, the youngest, swings up and lands a kick to the face, resulting in the man loosing balance and dropping to the floor with a resounding thud. They all fight with their assailants as they climbed; the eldest using the blade of her skate to kick it in the back. But each fight grows difficult to handle as the sharpshooter up ahead keeps shooting at them. Its there that the young man runs up to the shooter, dodging each blast before he picks up a flint stone and slashes its throat. The three girls were in the middle of fighting four when the blasts hit their adversaries in the back, leaving the three safe. The three look down and see who is responsible, and found their answer. The young man said nothing as he carries the riffle blaster and continues running up to the top along with the three. They jump on board and find themselves greeted by Lenny, who gives his best smile of congratulations.*
Lenny: Your training is now complete. You are free to retire to your rooms until Nozako summons you.
*The four leave him, ready to retire to their rooms. Once the young man gets to his, he collapses onto the ground and groaned pathetically. He survived 'training'... but who knows what that wicked woman would make him do. He's a good person, with a promising future, a loving family, great friends... and a someone who he never confessed his love to... It doesn't matter now.. He looks to the broken mirror and found a large shard reflecting his face...He never felt so helpless and monstrous than in this moment, nothing more than a shell of his former life.*
*Back in San Fransokyo the sky had given way to the late tones of dusk, which at the time the red hat is back in Fred's hands. When it came to shuffling, Heathcliff wastes no time to properly shuffle them.*
Fred: Alright! Go ahead and pick a name! Any name!
Gogo: About time.
Honey Lemon: Yay!
Wasabi: OK then.
*The gang pick a piece of paper and look at their names. Miyuki reached in and found that the name she had chosen was none other then Hiro Hamada. This certainly placed a pickle to her ideas. As much as she grown with the gang, she hadn't gotten to be personally close with Tadashi's family, least of all his brother, to know what are their personally hobbies and likes/dislikes. And she wasn't sure how personal she could get with him without tipping him off about her status as his Secret Santa. She supposed she could go talk to Aunt Cass... Aunt Cass... her heart panged at the thought of the woman. Ever since that day she had been a mother hen to her whenever they are in private, ready to share stories about Tadashi. And as much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't ready to talk more about him. Sharing how they met was enough to send her to tears and her heart aching painfully. Her fingertips starts to frost as little, her mind becoming filled with pained memories of the fire. That's when she felt a pair of hands over her own.*
Esme: Miyuki? You're looking a little anxious.
Miyuki: Oh?
Baymax: Yes. According to my scans, your neurotransmitters indicate you are feeling troubled and anxious. It is alright to be feeling this way.
Miyuki: Of course... just things going through my mind...
*Baymax blinks before he hugs Miyuki from behind, causing the snow maiden to sigh contently.*
Miyuki:*Softly* Thank you Baymax.
Baymax: You're welcome.
*Its there that the discussion went onto family, specifically Hiro and Cora's families and their plans for the holidays.*
Hiro: You should've seen Aunt Cass this morning. She was jumping up and down for joy as soon as December 1st came over. It won't be long till she starts pulling out the decorations.
Cora: Wow. It still feels unreal you know... its been almost two years since we got together... Back then Christmases with my family were small. No colored lights, no Christmas tree... but we celebrated it by watching Holiday movies and that was it. Then Papa would bring out presents for us. It wasn't much but it was Christmas... then we celebrated with you guys. That was an experience.
Hiro: Yeah. Cass must've made your dad jump up with that holler.
Cora: Yup! I was so nervous too... I felt like I was in some other world with all those decorations and loudness.
*The teens chuckle together, prompting Miyuki to smile. That's when Cora's smile turns a bit melancholy.*
Cora: I was so thankful Tadashi helped me calm down and enjoy the time together... It showed what we missed out all those years hiding behind closed doors.
Hiro: Yeah...
*The two teens sit in silence before Hiro turns his attention to Miyuki.*
Hiro: Miyuki?...
Miyuki: Yes Hiro?
Hiro: Is it alright if I ask you... when did you realize you fell in love with Tadashi?..
*Miyuki looks at Hiro, her hands wringing together to soothe herself. That's when Hiro, seeing her discomfort, immediately back pedals.*
Hiro: You know what, never mind. You don't have to answer it.
Miyuki: No no… its fine.
Cora: Are you really?
*Miyuki stares off to the side, biting her bottom lip as her stomach begins to churn. Finally she sighed... leaving a puff of air.*
Miyuki: I guess even now I still get chocked up about Tadashi huh...?
Hiro: *Comforting* You're not the only one here.
Miyuki: Then why is it so easy for you guys to talk about him after all this time?
*There was silence going until Gogo spoke up.*
Gogo: Truth to be told, sometimes it isn't easy to talk about him... it still hurts. But Tadashi was our best friend, and we want to keep him alive in our thoughts..
Miyuki: Oh…. I see. *To Hiro* Alrighty then, I'll tell you the story.
*Miyuki gulps as she prepares to share her story to her friends, wringing her hands nervously in front. Back at the island, the young man is granted permission to go to the dinning room along with the three girls to get themselves whatever they wished to eat as part of the reward before meeting Nozako. The girls took it upon themselves to eat ramen and chocolate cake while watching a movie of their choice. The young man chose to eat a bowl of Katsudon and staring out of the window for the first time in forever. He forgotten how beautiful the stars are at night.*
*Miyuki's face felt the tears drip down her cheek as Hiro holds her hand in thought and memory of Tadashi. The memories play out her mind as she recounts the tale of her and Tadashi. At the same time, the young man thought over his family, his friends,.. and his crush... Ultimately, he decided to recount the tale of when he realized he fell in love in her...*
Miyuki: It was actually around this time of year... I was at the lantern festival looking for inspiration...
*The man thought over that winter... the lantern festival was going on, and he was looking for a present...
Miyuki let out a breathy puff of air but did not bother to adjust her jacket as to appear to be warming herself. She didn't mind the cold. Her hands were sketching the passing people as quickly as she could, smiling a bit when she spotted a few interesting characters... That is until she looked up.
The young man pulled his winter jacket tighter as the air continued to get colder, but not enough for snow. He chuckled as he recalled his misadventures of creating snow back when he was young. He hoped his present would be ready by next year for sure. He could imagine their faces... that's when he spotted her. And she was looking at him... for a moment he was stuck in love filled stupor, but immediately shook himself out as to not bother her or anyone else just in case. Finally, he spoke..
"Hi Miyuki.'' Spoke Tadashi.
Miyuki felt her heart race as Tadashi called her name out. For a moment she didn't know how to respond back, feeling herself ready to run away if she were to embarrass herself in front of him. She didn't know what this was called, it felt far more than a mere crush... but she didn't know the name of it.. Finally, she calmed herself down and looked at him again, and spoke.
"Hello Tadashi.''
Tadashi felt his heart slightly flutter at Miyuki saying his name, but he immediately squished it down before it could affect his facial expression. Then he felt himself at a loss for words as well, starting to look around the plaza as to find anything to interest Miyuki in a conversation.. that's when he spotted her hands.
"Don't you have gloves?''
Miyuki looked down at her hands and slightly blushed. immediately she giggled half heartedly with an awkward smile.
"You could borrow mine if you want', offered Tadashi. Miyuki however is quick to stop him.
''No no no its fine. The cold doesn't bother me anyway.'' replied Miyuki.
Tadashi blinked before he let out a heart filled chuckle, which made Miyuki's heart skip a beat.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were another Elsa.''
That caused Miyuki to chuckle back, her smile radiating a warmth she hadn't felt in some time, the same smile that made Tadashi's heart skip a beat. Another blast of wind goes through and it makes Tadashi shiver, to which she goes over and giver him her scarf without a second thought. The young man saw this and immediately felt himself blush at this kind gesture... a blush matched by Miyuki as soon as she realized what she had done. The two look to the side before Tadashi regained his voice.
"Thank you Miyuki...''
"Y-Your welcome...''
Silence continues to penetrate between them before Tadashi spotted something in the distance.
" Hey, I see some of the staff setting up their equipment to start the dance over there.''
Miyuki turned her head to see exactly what he's talking about. She saw a pianist and a string quartet tuning up their respective instruments as the lights are adjusted to let the lantern's natural glow take center stage.
"Oh.. that's cool...''
That's when Tadashi blurted out his thought.
"D-Do you want to dance?''
Miyuki's blush returned ten fold as she felt herself stutter.
"W-Well Tadashi..I-I would b-but... I don't know how..''
That's when she felt his hand on hers, making her blink at the gesture before looking at Tadashi, who was rubbing the back of his head.
"Its OK Miyuki... I'm not a great dancer either...''
Hand in hand, Miyuki and Tadashi headed towards the center just as the staff and musicians were ready to there that the first song is played.. a lovely melody from Tangled called 'I see the light'.
"Well.. that's something', commented Miyuki, her smile giving an air of playful coyness. Tadashi chuckled as he puts his hands in position, making her smile go away and blush return.
" You could say that again."
As the piano and string instruments play its song , Tadashi and Miyuki took their first steps together, moving slowly as the lanterns glowed softly as their only source of light. It felt hard to believe its been months since they met, and neither didn't know it... but they fell in love with each other. Neither could believe it after all this time. For Tadashi, he thought he'd remain singled forever after missed chances to confess, and his friends involvement with his crushed. for Miyuki, she thought she would be content with her family and one friend she made in the city, content to not be in a relationship. But in each other, they found something they thought they wouldn't find in another. Neither felt alone nor cold, and both wondered if their love held the same thoughts for them. But before that nagging thought of doubt could creep through, they pushed it away...
It was their night together, the uncertainties running in their minds silenced by their beating hearts.
For now, this was enough for both of them...
*The two snapped out of their thoughts and forced back to reality. Tadashi's eyes burned as tears try to escape, but he quickly wiped them away... but his melancholic smile remained. Miyuki's tears however flowed quietly... but there was no ice forming at her feet or the room drooping in temperature... she was surrounded by Tadashi's friends... her friends. All giving her a hug to reassure that she isn't alone in her mourning. Hiro is the one closest to her being, tears slipping through his eyes as he hugged her. With Tadashi, he knew that he couldn't have the embrace of his friends and family... nor of his love. But somewhere inside, in those last pieces of humanity he hoped that they would be together this year despite his disappearance. Both knew that even they are far away and apart... their memories of each other would keep them warm and content despite the tears that may spill.*
A.N: Whelp, I dead. Now, I've thought about this over and over and about how Tadashi would be in. I understand that Tadashi surviving would change a lot of the story in this, but I hope that I could do it in a way that would satisfy this story and to you guys. I'll be working on the holiday special soon so there's that to look forward too. Also, the gang won't learn about him till much, MUCH, later.
Happy Holidays you guys. Love you!
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dietaku · 5 years
Amazing Quest 1: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: My Little Sister can't be this Rig Vedic! (Before we go on, I got this from PalsOwnFire: "The Kimyawa minigame is actually the harder of the two options open to the AQ1 This is because, while it doesn't allow for later paths opened with the griffohump, it does grant Kimyawa massive stat bonuses, and also gives her the "KitsnCllr" an item which not only grants her even LARGER bonuses, but also reveals her darkest secret: That she too is a Chimera. Kimyawa: Since you have spent so much time to help me, I wanted you to know this... Hiro: Eh? Kimyawa: (Produces a fluffy tail) I'm actually a Chimera. My family doesn't like me showing it off. They say I should be a human. Hiro: I don't think much about it. Heck,I don't think there's a true human on our team... Kimyawa: Aaaaaw, Hiro-kun! (The two hug, as Ozma glares from a corner, with "The True Human" flaring over her) "So, yeah. It's kinda cute, not the "Monstrous misogynistic exercise in subjugation" that Amelia Sardinian, that Feminist e-celebrity, posits. Of course, this is also the minigame where Hiro dresses up in a jogging suit and quotes Rocky, so..." (We then get a cut-scene with Zoddon and Jaydea) Jaydea: So, brother. It seems that the Light Pudding dreck has gathered quite the army. He's captured two of the Talismans, and proceeds to trek towards Us even now. He seems quite driven. Zoddon: No matter. We still have the ace in the hole. How goes the Work to sway Toneland to our cause? Jaydea: (Cough) I'm working on it... Voice: GYAHAHAHAHA! Working it, you mean! Jaydea: Kodas! Show yourself! Kodas: Not just me! (Three shadows appear) Zoddon: Ah, your Four Heavenly Kings. Shadow: Four Kings and One Queen. Kodas: Then it removes the entire motif! Just roll with it, Ceuri! Ceuri: (Pouts) Jaydea: No matter, go take care of them! I'll be along in a moment. Zoddon: What exactly are you doing in Toneland? Jaydea: Ehehehe...Well... We then assume control of the party, at the far end of the racign bridge from Chapter 4. There, we're in a large desert. You'll note that the desert saps health slowly so long as you're on the sand. The trick is to go towards a cave to the southeast. Loyroll: This heat is oppressive! My hair is going to go limp! Kimyawa: Aaaaan! Hiro-kun, can't we do something? Ozma: Just suck it up, all of you, we can do this! Hiro: Ozma, you're beet red. Are you okay? Ozma: Erm... Hiro: Anyways, we need something to help us... Mancala: I KNOW! Hiro: You do? Mancala: Yes! It's a great treasure! But one thing. Only I can go to get it. The lands I'd be going to are secret! Loyroll: Ok. Ozma: Go ahead. We'll be here. Kimyawa: Hai! Resty-resty~. Hiro: I guess we're staying here. Mancala: (Pouts) Fine! You then control only Mancala. Proceed to the left, to a pool of water, which connects to the Oceans you were in before. Return to Mermania, and back to the Guild house. There, an elderly merman is crying. Talk to him to proceed. Merman: A bloo bloo bloo! Mancala: Guild Patriarch! What's the matter! Patriarch: Ah, Mancala. You're like a tax hike on my assets on top of this insane revenue cut that already has struck! Mancala: Oh no! Is there anything I can do? Patriarch: I'm not sure how, but my assets are being attacked. The Stone Lord Kord has summoned the Grim Reaper to slay all of my assets and plummet Mer Culture's economy into the Deep Trench! Mancala: OH NO! I must stop it! Patriarch: Psh. I don't see a conniving woman like you acting altruistically. Mancala: Hey! Eh, well, okay. But, I know someone who WILL! And you need me to get them!  Patriarch: I'll give you one hundred gold to get them to fight! (You then get a choice between accepting the money or haggling) Mancala: One hundred ? Pocket change. I'd have to swim aaaaall the way back, and that's hard. Patriarch: TWO hundred! (Another accept or haggle choice) Mancala: Two Hundred? Geez, that's hardly an improvement. I could make that setting up a lemonade stand. Patriarch: FOUR Hundred! (Yet another prompt) Mancala: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh... Patriarch: You're a giant, colossal bitch. EIGHT Hundred! Mancala: Mmmmm, deal! You then have to return the cave. You'll probably notice at this point, that Mancala on her own is pretty terrible in battle, but that's neither here nor there. Talk to Hiro to proceed. Mancala: Well, I have good news! Hiro: You found the item to let us travel across the Desert? Mancala: What? NO! I got us a job! Hiro: Wait, what were you doing? Mancala: Relax, I needed to grease some palms! If we do this, it'll be easier! Loyroll: And whose palms needed greasing? Mmmm? Mancala: Shut up, you greaser reject and help me! (Mancala returns to the party) Enter the pool that Mancala left from and return to Mermania. Talk to the Patriarch. Patriarch: These are your soldiers? They don't look so tough. Mancala: Relax. Where's this reaper? Patriarch: I last heard he was going to slay a Miner in Dun Falafel to the northeast. That miner owes me sixty trillion!  Mancala: We got this! Be sure to have the cash ready! Patriarch: Yeah, whatever. Go north, to the ridges north of Mermania. Follow those, and then go east when you can't go north any longer. You ought to find a cave by the coast. Welcome to Dun Falafel, City of Chimerae. --Dun Falafel-- Dun Falafel has an impressive upgrade set for everyone. Grab a OrichSbr for Hiro, KnklDst for Ozma, NOdhi for Kimyawa and FlSHST for Hiro and Loyroll. To find the Miner, he's in the west house. Chimera Doctor: There's no use. He's going to die in an hour. Chimera Nurse: But, doctor, all you did was check his pulse. Doctor: I think HIS presence makes it a foregone conclusion. Reaper: Hello. Miner Moore: Tell my ma I love her, wouldya? Doctor: Um, yeah, sure, kid. Reaper: Can you guys get this out of the way? I gotta reap this sumbitch. Doctor: By all means, Mr. Reaper. Mancala: STOP RIGHT THERE! Reaper: Mm? You'll try to stop me? But, why? Why stop a natural course? All die within time. Mancala: Why? WHY? FOR MONEY, OF COURSE! --Boss Battle!-- Grim Reaper x1 LP:12000 MP: 6000 Grim Reaper is an annoying jerk, because he spams DEATH, KILL and BREAK, all of which have chances to instantly kill people. Also, don't use any weapons that inflict death, such as the Decap Shuriken from Mermania, as they instantly restore him to full health. Just stock up on Smelling Salts, and he's no trouble. --Boss Battle!-- Reaper: Fine, fine, you crazy people can have him. I'm going to reap some old cat. Moore: Ah, shucks, thanks, folks! Kimyawa: Yatta~! Hiro: Okay, so we did what you asked. How does this get us an item to travel across the desert? Moore: Hello? Y'all listenin'? Mancala: Watch and learn, Hiro! Moore: Oh, y'all are leavin'. Okay, I'll be here...I'll just take a nap. (Return back to the Patriarch) Patriarch: I just heard! Congratulations, you she-devil, here's your cash. Mancala: Ah, here's the thing. I did so much work, so, now, the deal is the money AND the Magic Fan. Patriarch: Wait, what? Mancala: Oh, we can go back and kill that miner if you want? Patriarch: Fine, fine! Here's your fan! Now get the hell out! Hiro: Wow, Mancala. That was...decidedly mercenary. Mancala: Let's go, goons! Hiro: ... You then return to the desert, and entering it, Hiro holds the fan aloft and then switches it on. You now don't take damage, but there's now a large dust cloud flying around the desert. If you encounter it, you'll discover its source: the giant Dark Pudding motorized army. Dark Pudding Soldier: Sir! We found the Light Pudding Army! Praetorian Faa (A woman in oversized silver armor): Splendid! Inform Lord Kord. Dark Pudding Sir! Hiro: So, are they gonna come closer, or... (The Dark Puddings begin firing on the Party) Hiro: BACK TO THE CAVE! You're then returned to the cave from before. Hiro: We can't go back now. Where do we go? Go deeper into the cave. After dropping to the second floor, you'll find a hole. Drop into it to enter the Aero Spire. --Aero Spire-- The Aero Spire is a large cavern with small plateaus the party can walk on. Yu'll get prompts to jump over from one to another. The problem is the swinging blades that damage you should you get hit. On top of that, the enemies shift from the Giant Bats and Cave Trolls to Magik Munchkins and Ghost-o-mancers, magical enemies who love to attack you with party-wide spells. After reaching the end, you'll find a flashing phantom. Phantom: Halt, you cannot pass. Past here is the Ancient Sage. Ozma: Wait, like Ancient Sage that crafted the Talismans in the Long-ago Days? Phantom: Yes. However, to get to her, you need to get past me. Hiro: Seems fair, I guess. Phantom: R-really? Kimyawa: Pretty much, Dead-san. Loyroll: True! Phantom: O-okay, then. --Boss Battle!-- Phantom x1 LP: 18000 MP: 1000 Phantom is nothing new. He enjoys blasting you with light and earth spells, while occasionally striking you with Eghitr, a multi-hit physical skill which also has a high critical chance. Fight as you normally will --Boss Battle!-- Phantom: (Cough) You have proven your worthiness. You may proceed. (Inside is a large bed where a chimera woman is sleeping peacefully) Phantom: Oh, dear. She still hasn't awakened.  (He pokes her, claps his hands, and then smacks her with a pot. Nothign rouses her) Phantom: One second. GHOST! (A palette swap of Phantom appears) Ghost: Yes, Phantom? Phantom: We have Worthy Ones here. Help me wake her up. Ghost: You mean? Phantom: Yes. (The two then assume positions around her, and then blast her with electricity. The Woman jumps up.) Chimera: WHAT! WHO? Phantom: Mistress Deima, we have Worthy Ones here. Deima: Worthy, huh? (Peers at Hiro) Whaddya want, hot stuff? Hiro: Yes, well, um, we were stuck down here because of the Dark pudding Army, and... Deima: Dark Puddings. So, the time has come at last. I assume you're Light Puddings, then? Hiro: Well, I am, yes. Deima: Well, that settles it, then. I'm going to help. What we need is a Lava Worm. Hiro: ANOTHER fetch mission? Deima: Relax! I got it right here! (She produces a brown orb from behind her back) All we need to do is put it in a volcano! Now, the normal thing to do is to return to the surface and go south. NOT, go back to the volcanoes near Zaius and Heston, although that does merit a surfing minigame in the remake, where Hiro and company surf a stone slab over lava back towards the Desert. There, you'll enter Mt. Metalgi. --Mt. Metalgi-- The mountain is home to a good number of fire-themed enemies, including Flame Munchkins, Toasties, and Hella Goodbyes. From the start point, proceed east and north, as you work your way into the heart of the volcano. From there, Deima will drop the egg in. With that, walk out. Hiro: So, how do we know that it worked? Deima: Relax! It totally worked! (The Dark Pudding Army drives up) Faa: Ah, you just don't learn, do you? (The Volcano explodes, and a large writhing worm made of fire descends on the Army) Hiro: I suppose an apology is in order. Deima: Apology accepted. Soldier: OH GOD, IT'S EATING ME! Faa: (ICE SABERs the Volcano Worm, which explodes into steamy chunks) Soldier: I'M OKAY! Faa: GRRRR! MY ARMY! --Boss Battle!-- Praetorian Faa x1 LP: 22000 MP: 15000 Faa abuses Ice Armor and Ice Saber, skills which counterattack with Water-1 and a heavy physical water-themed attack. The best option to counter her is to throw up Kimyawa's Aqua Veil to lessen the oomph of her skills and abuse Loyroll's Whirl form with Hiro. Nothing too bad. --Boss Battle!-- Faa: AAAH! BROTHERS! I WILL JOIN YOU! (Explodes) Hiro: ... Ozma: Nothing? Hiro: No, I'm over it. Kimyawa: Sourpuss. Deima: Well, that's that. If you need anything else, feel free to call. Buh-bye! (Deima then leaves) Now, without any other obstacles, you can then go west across the desert. There, the terrain shifts into greenlands, with farms here and there. If you talk to the villagers, you'll learn that the Dark Puddings were using their technology to restore the desert to arable land, and there was a Dark Pudding Noble in the Hell Garden Keep further on. --Hell Garden Keep-- The overgrown castle is filled with plant monsters, making Kimyawa useful here with her many fire-themed attacks. Once you reach the second floor, you get to a large plaza, where four robed figures were line dancing with Jaydea. Hiro: Jaydea! Where's my sister? Jaydea: Four, five, six, seven, eight! Okay, guys. Looks like they finally came in.  (The four figures take off their robes, revealing a short, fat man in blue robes and a turban, a tall, blonde woman with long razoe nails, a chiseled man without a shirt, and a short, blue man with a monocle) Short, blue man: Biomancer Kodas! Short, beturbanaed man: Dream Magister Modt. Blonde Woman: Star Lady Ceuri. Chiseled Man: Stone Lord Kord. Jaydea: And me, Piedmon! Erm, Jaydea! I've been waiting, Light Pudding! Show us, what progress have you made? Kord: All on you, Boss. Modt: Yes, um, I'm not big on physical confrontation. Ceuri: Yeah, I just painted my nails? So, no. Kodas: I'LL HELP! Jaydea: Yeah, no. (Sigh) Fine, you four... --Boss Battle!-- Jaydea x1 LP: Infinite MP: Infinite Better late than never, this is Jeffcom's obligatory forced loss battle. She'll engage Figgy Pudding, and destroy you with ease. --Boss Battle!-- Kodas: Ooh! Ooh! Jaydea: (Sigh) Yes, you can have them, Kodas. (The party is then seen in a lab, tied to slabs, where Kodas putters about) Kodas: I wonder what would happen if I feed you this shrinking potion? Mm. Whatever, well, it takes a while to take effect. See you in thirty! (He then leaves, as the party begins to shrink) You then fall onto the floor, free. Go north, to a crack in the wall. Inside is a village of mice, who reveal to be escapees from Kodas' experiments. They have an inn and an item shop. Also, in the back, is a mouse who mourns his Panacesean, cheese so good, it cures any illness. He then mentions that the cockroaches took it, who live above them on the next level of the castle. You then need to exit the village, and go east, into another crack in the wall. Continue up, going up the insulation in the wall, until you enter a large, pink room. Follow around the discarded vinyls, books and clothing items, until you see the resident. Hiro: This room seems pretty girly, is this.. (Jaydea walks in. In the US version, she's wearing pajamas, and in the Japanese, she's in a t-shirt and her panties.) Jaydea: Gods above, those idiots. Oh, well. Time to crank the tunes. (She turns on her stereo, and begins to do a dance) Hiro: !!!! You now need to avoid the flailing dance moves of Jaydea, If you get hit, it's an instant game over. Thank goodness for the save point that drops immediately after the cut-scene. The worst, is the fact that, if you take too long, it becomes impossible to exit, as Jaydea plops down, her butt blocking where you need to go. Thus, go as fast as you can, to find another village, of cockroaches. Cockroach leader: Attention all! The Goddess of Destruction has resumed her dance! We will now sacrifice the cheese stolen from those foul mammals to appease her! Hiro: NOT SO FAST! Ozma: WOW! Mancala: My heart! So manly! Kimyawa: YECH! Cockroach cheese? Cockroach Leader: Cockroach Knights! To action! --Boss Battle!-- Cockroach Knights x6 Cockroach knight LP: 4500 Cockroach Knight MP: 2000 By themselves, they're not hard, but together, they tend to run ragged on people. The best option is to whirl with Ozma and smash each knight in turn. If you keep them all alive, they will use "Swarm" on you which inflicts heavy magic damage and a random status.  --Boss Battle!-- Cockroach Leader: Um, let's not get so hasty! Take the cheese! Hiro: Thank you! (The party all eats the cheese, as they grow in size, producing a bang, which gives pause to Jaydea's gyrations, as the party falls onto the floor below) Kodas: Where did they go? (The party falls on him) Kodas: YOOOU! --Boss Battle!-- Heavenly King Kodas x1 LP: 27000 MP: 9600 Kodas isn't so hard at first, casting second tier magic. When you take off half his LP, he then uses the "Kodas drinks the POITON" action and mutates into a horrible, leafy plant monster. This raises all his attacks, and gives him the obnoxious "Viney Winey" attack which hits all targets for earth damage, and also the "Spore" Attack, which causes Red. Smack him down, as you would any other plant-type monster --Boss Battle!-- Kodas: ACK! (falls over and dies) Ozma: So, what do we do now? Hiro: Um, I hadn't thought that far ahead. So, uh... WE JUMP! (The party then jumps out the window)
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girlbetweenryosuke · 6 years
“Rogue and Reigning” -- Chapter I
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Chapter I: The Rogue Prince
Note: Hello! Ok so u might be thinking oh my god she’s making another story she aint gon finish bUT wait ok i swear im going to finish this. ALSO yes i didn’t put a watermark on the title thing bc it kind of ruins it?? I quite like it like really simple ya kno idk but anyway those aren’t my photos so ofc there’s no need for my watermark hAHAHAH
Teaser: (I don’t really have a good teaser so this is an excerpt from the second chapter)
“I’m someone who wants to step up, and you are someone who wants to step down. But quite surprisingly, we are both outcasts. I want the throne, and yet I am not given it. You want to be a commoner, and yet you are forced to wear a crown. I guess it’s natural that we envy each other... But maybe that’s why somehow, we complete each other. Opposites attract,
and I am well over attracted to you.”
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The word this young princess feared to hear the most. That’s especially when that was the answer to a request that she had built up an abundance of courage for. She was sitting on a cushioned seat, hands on her lap, ankles crossed and to the side as she sat up straight. She followed all the rules, she had all the manners, she was deemed as a perfect princess—and this was the only time she was willing to go against that title.
“Father, please.”, she begged as the king sat on his seat behind the desk. His arms on each armrest and legs apart as he huffed. “I cannot allow you to be the crowned queen.”, he said as Y/N looked down, tears welling up in her eyes. “But father,”, she looked up, scared to look him in the eyes. “I am the first-born child. I can be a good leader. I have been studying every single detail about our country’s history, politics, and economy since I have been a toddler. I am very much prepared!”, she continued.
The king leaned forward, sitting up from leaning on his chair as he looked her in her eyes. “Y/N, my dear, you have been studying our history, am I correct?”, he asked, and Y/N nodded, “Yes.”. “Then you must know that throughout our family’s 449-year reign, no woman has been appointed as a queen.”, he said the words that annoyed Y/N the most. “Goodness, even your mother wasn’t a queen. Women in this monarchy are only princesses. They cannot hold such power a king can have.”, he said.
Y/N huffed, looking away and shaking her head. “Well then, I suggest that there be a change.”, she looked him back in the eye as she regained confidence. This. This was the thing that drove Y/N to want to rule as queen. She wanted to prove that a woman can be leader-material. What a man can do, a woman can do too. Aside from that, she had planned for ages on what she wanted to change in her country of Seina.
Seina is an archipelago off the east coast of Japan. Since they were so near Japan, it was once part of it during the Heian period to around half of the Edo period. After they were separated from the country back in 1569, they were colonized by Europe and their first language of Japanese was mixed with English, creating their now first language, Seinese; their now second language, Japanese. The monarchy began with their first king, King Morita. He wrote in his will that his crown must be passed to a man, not a woman, and no one really understood why, but that is why kings must always have sons, no matter what. Y/N’s great-grandfather was the last child of 12 siblings, all of them being girls, which explains how grave they take his will.
And Y/N wants to know why.
She loved her country, that’s why she wanted to fix it. Poverty rates were rising, the economy was on the brink of collapsing, riots were forming here and there, and there was no escaping from the reality that her father’s reign was one of the worst. On top of that, the idea of misogynism was evident in the country taking from its beliefs that men and women aren’t equal beings. She went to charity works, she’d immersed with the crowd to study what wasn’t included in history books. She knew what had to be done, and she knew she had to do it now.
“There’s no need for a change when you have a little brother who is an heir to the throne.”, he replied. “Father, he is 6-years-old.”, she said with pity for her sibling who will soon be holding the burden of the crown. “In a year, once you’ve stepped down, Hiro will only be 7. He’s merely a child!”, she ranted. His forehead puckered, seemingly beginning to be annoyed at her words.
“Don’t paint be as a bad man when I am only following traditions.”, he urged. “Next year will be my 50th year of reign, and you know what that means, right?”, he asked as she gulped and nodded. “Every 50 years, we have to appoint the heir of the throne as king. In a year, I will teach him everything that Hiro needs to know.”, he said. “I will begin with manners, but apparently you need a brush up on your manners too.”, he said, setting Y/N aback as she silently scoffed to herself. “Do not be late for your flight to Japan, you must learn more about our history with them before you create these unrealistic ambitions for yourself. You are dismissed.”, he flicked his hand away, gesturing her to leave. She bit the inside of her cheek, standing up and bowing deeply, her right hand hesitantly on her left chest, “Excuse me.”. She left the room with fire in her chest, feeling anger in her veins.
She had more than one reason for wanting to be a queen. She loved her country, she loved to serve, she wanted to break the foolish traditions and on top of that—
“Y/N…”, her brother approached her, tugging on the sleeves of her dress. She turned around to see Hiro, teary-eyed, and pouting. She pouted, squatting down to hug her brother, petting the back of his head. “Did he say yes?”, he faltered. Y/N looked down as tears started to drip down her cheek, “No.”, she hesitantly answered as the little boy’s breath hitched. He then began to wail, face red, strings of saliva appeared when he opened his mouth and his face wet with tears. She rubbed his small back as she comforted him. “I don’t want to be the king. I don’t want to be the king.”, he cried.
On top of that, Y/N loved her little brother.
 In her room, she let her body fall on her bed, feeling tired from putting a brave front to confront her father. “If it meant to rule a country, I wish I was a man.”, she said to herself, arms on her forehead as she stared at the ceiling. Then, there was a knock on the door. “Come in.”, she said as she heard the door open and close. “Princess Y/N, someone wishes to have an audience with you.”, her trusted maid, Kiera, said. “Who is that someone?”, Y/N asked as Kiera cleared her throat. “He wishes for me to not reveal his name.”, she repressed a smile.
Then, Y/N, sprang up, knowing exactly who “he” was. She slipped on a robe and ran out into the corridor, Kiera frantically trying to catch up to her. Y/N quickly ran downstairs and out into the front courtyard to find the most dashing man in her eyes, Riinen. Riinen is her best friend, a son of a cabinet member. His caramel-colored hair was always slicked back, he had gray-blue eyes and thick brows. He always looked neat, not a strand of hair out of place, not a wrinkle on his shirt, neither a spot on his shoes unpolished. She loved him—well to be fair, everyone did. He was a truly perfect man.
But the thing Y/N wishes she could see, was the true him. She’d never seen him cry, despite the many times he had seen her cry. She’d never seen him tired or sweat, he always looked like some Ken doll. She’d never seen him in his casual clothing, he’s always in a white long-sleeved polo, and black slacks and black polished shoes. She wanted to see more of him. She wanted to fall more in love with him, but he was acting like a prince that doesn’t break walls to let people in. She hated that—well to be fair, everyone did.
She jumped to him, wrapping her arms around him as she kissed his cheek as he carried her. “I missed you!”, she pulled away and he laughed, “Not as much as I missed you, Your Highness.”. She let go of him, letting her feet touch the ground again. She gestured for them to walk together to which he nodded. Her maid followed along, out of hearing-range so that they could privately talk. “So how was Canada?”, she asked, “It was extremely cold!”, he complained, a smile on his face as he rubbed his shoulders, pretending to shiver.
“Colder than Mt. Sundire?”, she asked, pertaining to the coldest mountain in Seina. “Colder than Mt. Sundire.”, he nodded, and she shivered. “Was it fun, though?”, she asked, looking up at him. “Oh, for sure it was. Mary and I had a great time sight-seeing and such.”, he smiled. She looked down at the thought that he was having fun with another girl. “Hey, don’t be so sad.”, he lightly turned her shoulders to turn to him. She looked into his dreamy eyes as she gulped. “Mary is just a girl, so don’t be so jealous.”, he smiled.
She blushed remembering that Riinen did in fact know that Y/N loves him. He’s already accepted it, and even teases her for it. Although he has never been clear with his feelings, he does show his affection to her, making Y/N both confused and happy at the same time. As she looked into his eyes, she noticed how cold looking they were, beautiful, but unwelcoming. They say a person’s eyes were the windows to one’s soul, and yet she couldn’t see anything in them. His eyes were empty. “Would you like to go out with me? Have a little drink?”, he asked her, and she pursed her lips and hesitantly shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I have to fly to Japan today, I have an official meeting with the Emperor’s grandchildren.”, she pouted.
That was a lie. No, the official meeting was not the lie, but the true reason behind Y/N visiting Japan is not for her to meet the Emperor’s grandchildren. The real reason as to why she was going there was to research more about why Seina was separated from Japan. She needed an explanation as to why there were so many misogynistic traditions in their culture. And, she desperately needed an answer as to why the first king, King Morita, did not want women to lead the country.
He smiled and tilted his head, then pouting, “I guess I’ll have to drink alone again, Your Highness.”. “Hey, don’t drunk text me again, alright?”, she smiled, lightly pushing his chest as he laughed. “Princess Y/N.”, Kiera bowed with her hand on her chest and called her. Y/N turned to her and nodded, “It is time to leave. Your luggage is all packed and placed in the vehicle and is waiting for your arrival.”, she said as Y/N pursed her lips and nodded. “Alright.”. “I guess I’ll be going now.”, she smiled and patted Riinen’s chest. “See you!”. “See you, Your Highness!”.
After Y/N changed into her proper clothes, she rode a limousine to the airport, and from there, she rode an airplane to Japan. It only took an hour until she was already stepping on the Japanese grounds. She was greeted by various politicians, performers, and had to pass and greet different people before she was able to be in her own private space in a car.
“Are you alright, Princess Y/N?”, Kiera asked, sitting in the front seat next to the driver. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you.”, she replied, sighing and looking out the window. She examined the environment, finding everything beautiful and amazing how color coded-like the city was. The streets were clean, and very seldom would you see a piece of trash on the ground. It was very much different from Seina where the streets of the rural areas would have trash and homeless people. She wishes to fix that—very soon.
They arrived at the palace, Y/N noticing 3 women of her age lined up with a little boy in the middle. The driver opened the door for her, and she stepped out as the four of them bowed to her, “Good afternoon, Princess Y/N.”, they said in unison. Y/N smiled and returned the bow, with her hand on her left chest, “Good afternoon, Princess Chihiro, Princess Misaki, Prince Mamoru, and Princess Airi.”. It was a mouthful to say all of their names, just imagine if there were more.
She was then led into the palace with smiles as they toured her around. She noticed how Chihiro held Mamoru’s hand, and how young he truly is. “Prince Mamoru is the heir to the throne, isn’t he?”, Y/N said, and they nodded, Mamoru showing a wide smile on his face. “I hear your baby brother is too?”, Misaki asked, and Y/N hesitantly nodded. “Tentatively.”, she added as they nodded. “Mamoru is still young and has a long way to go. He wouldn’t be the heir if someone shaped himself up.”, Airi added, and the three siblings hushed her as she lightly bowed. “Someone?”, Y/N asked. “No one. I’m sorry, let’s continue the tour.”.
Throughout the whole day, Y/N had meals with the grandchildren, did some entertaining activities, and during dinner, there was a performance by some local artists. She barely had enough time to sneak around, neither did she know where to go in the first place. She was thinking that maybe the library would have some texts, but she didn’t know where it was located.
It’s now nighttime, Y/N was lying down on her bed, wearing her long, white, satin nightgown as she twisted her hair around her finger, staring at the ceiling. She was waiting for everyone to fall quiet and asleep so that maybe she could look for the library then, but throughout Y/N’s stay in the palace, she’s been hearing whispers here and there. No, it wasn’t some ghostly whisper, rather they were gossips from the maids and stewards. She could hear them talk in the hallways from her room.
She sat up from her bed and walked over to the door to press her ear on it to hear what they were talking about. “He hasn’t been home in a week!”. “I hear he’s doing it again.”. “Oh goodness, when will he stop?”. “He’s such a disgrace.”. “He really lives up to his title as the rogue prince, huh.”.
Y/N began to become curious. Curious to know what they were talking about and curious to know who this rogue prince was. Then suddenly, chattering stopped, and frantic footsteps filled the hallways. Y/N slowly opened the door, peeking to see maids running around as if there was an emergency. Then, she let her whole-body slip through as each maid that passed by bowed to her.
Then, she spotted Kiera calmly walking by with a glass of milk for Y/N. “Kiera,”, she summoned a maid as she bowed to her. “Yes, Princess Y/N.”. “What is with all the maids panicking?”, she asked, as the maid looked down, “I’m deeply sorry, Princess Y/N, did they disturb you?”. “No, no. Not at all. I am just a little bit curious.”, she said. “Oh, well, I’m not quite sure as to why there is such a ruckus, but I have heard something about a rogue prince.”, she informed her.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she quickly ran back in to slip on a robe and run back out into the hallways. “Princess Y/N!!”, Kiera placed the glass of milk down on a table and frantically ran after her. “Who is he? Who is he? Who is he?”, it repeated in her mind as she made her way to the indoor balcony, overlooking the entrance of the palace. She leaned on the polished wooden railing and looked down at the doorway. As the maids quickly turned to walk away from the entrance, a man entered, shuffling sluggishly like he had either a few drinks, or he was tired. Or maybe both.
He was wearing a sweatshirt, his hands in his outerwear’s pocket. He was wearing sweatpants, sneakers, and his hair was dark brown and ruffled. Then at that split moment, he looked up, showing his face, as their eyes met. They were these beautiful dark brown orbs; his eyes were gorgeous. They were warm, they were welcoming, they were open—she saw through them. His nose was tall, his lips looked soft and pink, his skin looked flawless aside from the bags under his eyes and some dirt and dust on either of his cheeks. He looked… handsome.
Suddenly, all the different sounds surrounding them fell mute in their ears. They couldn’t hear a single footstep, not a single clock ticking, nor a door creaking; nothing. To them, it felt like all they could hear were each other’s heartbeats. Synchronized, fast, and thumping hard. One couldn’t explain what was happening, but they were certainly amazed. The corner of her lips started to curve into a light smile.
“So this… is the Rogue Prince?”
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sabraeal · 8 years
ok OK so likeeeee obi/shirayuki/ryuu family! friendship bracelets? one of them buys it in lyrias and all of them wear it idk I JUST WANT GOOD FAMILY TIME AT LYRIAS OR ANYWHERE ELSE
“I think Ryuu might have a…lady friend.”
Obi stills, comically still crouched on the sill, and stares. “Ryuu?”
“He’s been distracted this morning.” Shirayuki ducks her head, keeping their faces close and her voice low. He slides out of the window, tucking his body between it and her. “And was flustered when I asked about it. He won’t look at me –”
“Is that new?”
“– more than usual,” she amends flatly. “And he’s been asking after you. I asked if I could help him instead, and he left the room without so much as a word.”
Obi grins, too pleased. “Do you think he wants advice?”
She knows exactly the sort of guidance her knight would be eager to give. “Don’t even think about it.”
He looks down at her, eyes wide with mock-offense. “Miss, you couldn’t possibly think –”
“Oh.” Ryuu stops short in the doorway. Shirayuki breaks away from Obi to face him, watching as the boy – the young man, really – shuffles his feet. “You’re both here.”
Obi is serious now, his face all tense planes. “Is everything all right, Little Ryuu?”
Ryuu flushes, eyes not meeting theirs like always, but also somehow more. It’s as if he wants their gaze to slip off of him, as if he’d like them to politely pretend he isn’t there at all.
“Yes,” he says finally, “it’s just…”
His head sweeps wildly from side to side before he shuts the door. Shirayuki’s heart pounds against her chest. She reaches out to Obi, only to find he is reaching out to her as well. Their backs hide the way their fingers tangle, the way he rubs soothing circles against the soft skin of her wrist. It doesn’t ease her worry, but it soothes her to know she isn’t alone.
“I have something for you,” Ryuu blurts out, digging into his pockets. “Both of you.”
He thrusts out his arms, his gaze fixedly on the floor, and Shirayuki sees that in each hand he holds a thin, knotted rope of thick-bladed grass.
“What is this, Ryuu?” she asks gently, untangling her fingers from Obi’s to take her gift.
“It’s a…wish bracelet.” He mutters the last words, as if he is embarrassed by them. “Kirito showed me how. They are made with an…intention. The longer they last, the stronger it is.”
It’s cunningly woven, beautiful in its simplicity, just long enough to wrap comfortably around her wrist. “It’s lovely, Ryuu.”
Obi reaches over, gently knotting it over her pulse point. It fits perfectly.
He’s turns back to his own, deftly tying it with one hand. “And what wish did you make, Little Ryuu?”
The young man is suddenly quiet, fiddling with the ends of his bracelet. Obi reaches out, tying his as well, and Ryuu finally, reluctantly, admits, “That we would all stay together. That is why I made three.”
Obi is still, so still, his face so carefully blank.
“I-if you don’t like it,” Ryuu stammers, “you can always just take them off.”
She puts her hand on Obi elbow, giving him a subtle push, and suddenly he comes to life again, like a child’s toy freshly wound.
His smile is earnest, bright, so wide it threatens to split his face in two. “That’s a good one, Little Ryuu.” He taps the boy’s wrist and winks. “I hope mine never falls off.”
Shirayuki puts a hand on Ryuu’s shoulder, holding both of them in either hand. “I’m sure they never will.”
Like most promises, this one is easier made than kept.
She knows they have to fall off at some point; grass, live or no, does not last forever. She just doesn’t expect it to be so soon.
A puff of steam scalds her wrist in lab, and as she cradles it against her chest, pressing snow to the angry red patch on her skin, she notices.
The bracelet is no longer a vibrant green, instead faded to a dried, more yellowish color. It’s threadbare by the knot; the wide blades of the tundra glass worn thin enough to be almost translucent.
It’s only been two weeks, but she reasons that the environment of the lab is not hospitable to such delicate things. It only makes sense that it is starting to fray.
Until she sees the one on Ryuu’s wrist still looks as fresh as the day it is made.
Shirayuki worries. Is she being too hard on hers? If it breaks, will Ryuu think she doesn’t mean to keep her promise?
She consoles herself with the idea that Obi’s has to be in more raggedy shape that her own. He spends eight hours a day sparring or patrolling in the cold Lyrias air. There’s no possible way his could be in better condition.
His coat rides up at dinner as he fights Suzu for the last dumpling, and she sees –
Green, bright and still carefully knotted.
She may…go overboard.
She soaks her wrist in warm water baths, then cold ones. She finds a cream Izuru makes for one of Wilant’s older ladies, one used to hide wrinkles, but the science is the same so –
None of it works. Each day she watches her bracelet get tattier as the ones on Obi and Ryuu’s say pristine, vibrant, intact.
It’s just before dinner that her poor, beleaguered bracelet finally gives up the ghost.
It flutters to the floor, and Shirayuki’s hands freeze in their braiding, the whole of her focused upon the small bit refuse at her feet.
When Obi finds her, ten minutes late for dinner and still in her room, her sobbing has not subsided in the slightest.
“Miss.” His hand is warm on her back, rubbing soothingly over her spine. “Miss, what’s the matter?”
She thrusts the bracelet out at him, holding it in both her hands like a child with a dead pet. “I couldn’t do it,” she sobs, big ugly things that make it hard to breathe, hard to think. “I couldn’t keep it alive.”
He stares at her, shocked. “Miss –”
“I tried,” she promises, clutching tightly to his coat. “I tried, but I – I must not have wanted it as much. I –”
“Miss,” he says again, his hand lacing through her hair, ruining what little of her braid was left. “I’ve been replacing mine.”
It’s her turn to stare. “Replacing?”
He shrugs, his skin darkening just slightly. “It hardly lasted a week. Jirou gave me a closer shave than he meant to. And Hiro grabbed my second by accident. And the third –”
“How many have you had?” she demands, her eyes suddenly dry.
He grimaces. “Six.”
“Six?” Her mind roils with the things she’s like to say to that. “You made a new one every week?”
“Yours still looked so nice!” he protests. “Not to mention Little Ryuu’s. I didn’t want to disappoint him.” She’s close enough that she hears his added, “Either of you.”
“I…” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe this.”
He seems to realize just how angry she is, coming to take her hands in his. “If it makes you feel better, Miss,” he starts, innocent. “I could make you another as well?”
“Well.” Her anger ebbs. “That’s a start.”
They catch Ryuu at nearly two months, his broken bracelet beside him as he makes a perfect replica.
“But yours are so nice!” he protests, color high on his cheeks. “I didn’t want you to think I didn’t – I didn’t mean it.”
“Ryuu,” Shirayuki says carefully, kneeling beside him. “How many have you made?”
He ducks his head. “This is my fourth.”
“My ninth,” Obi admits, pulling back his sleeve.
“My third,” Shirayuki adds. Ryuu stares at both of them, wide-eyed, almost uncomprehending. “I think…we all wanted to show just how much we meant to each other.”
He nods, gaze slipping to the floor.
She licks her lips, suddenly nervous. “But I think that we might be much better served if we just…say what we mean.” She reaches forward, holding his hand gently in her own. “I want to stay with both of you. For as long as I can.”
“Forever,” Ryuu presses, his eyes flicking up to meet hers, then Obi’s. “I don’t want – I don’t want to be alone again.”
Obi crouches, resting his hand on the young man’s shoulders. “You won’t. You’ll always have us.”
He’s silent for a long moment. “All right,” he says, the tension leaving his long limbs. “All right.”
Obi is silent, oddly silent, after Ryuu leaves.
“Is something bothering you?” she asks, laying a hand on his arm. She knows he’s not – not used to this, to the feeling of belonging.
Of family.
It’s not that. “Should you have promised that?”
She rears back, but he chases her, face grave. “What do you mean?”
“He believes you,” Obi presses, and there is something more to this as well. “But you can’t keep that promise.”
“Of course I can,” she says, “I meant it.”
“I know you do.” His tone is aggravated, as if she is the one being inscrutable. “But can you really keep it?”
His gaze is fixed on her, unrelenting amber, and she is frozen beneath it. “I don’t think…” His hand tugs at his shoulder. “They don’t let Princesses work beside common boys, do they?”
She had – she had never thought of that –
“Ah, never mind, Miss.” He shakes his head. “Forget I said anything.”
Buts she can’t, not now that it’s been said, but he –
He is already gone.
She shuts the window, shivering at the cold. Against her wrist, the grass has never felt so brittle, so fragile, so…
So apt to break.
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amy--abroad-blog · 7 years
Got Asked
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Spotify
is your room messy or clean? Clean, I cleaned it this morning
what color are your eyes? Brown baby, brown~
do you like your name? why? I mean, yes, I think it suits me, I do wish my middle name was used instead of it though, its more... unique?
what is your relationship status? In a relationship
describe your personality in 3 words or less Caring, stupid and cheerful
what color hair do you have? Dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? I... do not drive
where do you shop? I mean, I’m all about that Kmart cheap realness, but I do appreciate H&M and Cotton On from time to time.
how would you describe your style? Still trying to figure it out. Very... baggy on top, tight on the bottom, mostly monochrome. Quite usually serving that tom boy realness.
favorite social media account I think I’m still active on Facebook because thats how I keep in contact with people but I am a huge Insta girl.
what size bed do you have? Single
any siblings? 3 older ones. Forever the baby~
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Japan, been interested to live and work there for quite a while now, I want to experience the country for myself, get better at the language, start a career there and be with my boy. (Currently in a LDR)
favorite snapchat filter? I don’t use snapchat
favorite makeup brand(s) I mean. I use makeup but not religiously, I buy whatever I can afford, I usually don’t leave the house without brows filled and that winged liner. Recently though I swear by Daiso’s Mascara man. That shit has LIFT. Cheers to my mate for telling me to buy it.
how many times a week do you shower? Everyday~
favorite tv show? Game of Thrones and Stranger Things.  HOWEVER, I’ve been binge watching a Danish show on Netflix recently called Rita. SO GOOD.
shoe size? I always forget... Aus size 9 I believe?
how tall are you? 165cm
sandals or sneakers? Sneakersss
do you go to the gym? Nope. I should lol
describe your dream date Uhhh. At the moment. Disneyland. Sorry for the basic answer but I am DOWN.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Uhh. Probably like $6.
what color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing any.
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2
do you have a job? what do you do? Currently job hunting, will be starting an internship soon
how many friends do you have? Quite a few? I have my main group, then I float. I love surrounding myself with people.
whats the worst thing you have ever done? 1-100 real quick.. uhh. I quite literally don’t know.
whats your favorite candle scent? Lavender
3 favorite boy names Oliver  Danny Hiro
3 favorite girl names I actually don’t know.
favorite actor? I have this weird love for Mark Ruffalo
favorite actress? MERYL STREEEP and Emma Stone. 
who is your celebrity crush? Danny Jones of McFly and Taka and Toru of One Ok Rock
favorite movie? I used to LOVE Parent Trap as a kid. Still do. Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Lilo & Stitch uhh yo Black Panther too atm. That movie was LIT.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I am not a reader
money or brains? Brains but hey, why not both 
do you have a nickname? what is it? I don’t really, Amy is short enough as is so I never really got one.
how many times have you been to the hospital? For myself? I recall... twice?
top 10 favorite songs SHINee - Replay One Ok Rock - Memories One Ok Rock - We Are Usher - Caught Up McFly - I’ve Got You Busted - Year 3000 (lol) Weezer - Undone - The Sweater Song Foo Fighters - Run Foo Fighters - Sky Is A Neighbourhood BTS - I Need U
do you take any medications daily? Nope
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Combination
what is your biggest fear? SPIDERS
how many kids do you want? If I ever 100% do.. 2
whats your go to hair style? Just.. out.. nothing exciting lol
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Uhh.. medium sized 
who is your role model? Mum
what was the last compliment you received? That an outfit suited me a lot
what was the last text you sent? Telling a friend that I expect him to be at a BBQ lol
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Younggg. Thats a funny story. Long story short. I never really believed in Santa because in all the houses I was raised in we never had a chimney. Therefore theres no way he could’ve been real. Mini mastermind that I was haha
what is your dream car? Don’t currently have one
opinion on smoking? Nope. No. Nope. I mean, you do you but its not for me.
do you go to college? Graduated 
what is your dream job? Photographer with my own studio or a dancer
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Nope
do you have freckles? Nope
do you smile for pictures? Yes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? Thousands.
have you ever peed in the woods? Nope
do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes on Netflix
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Maccas. Don’t think I’ve eaten at a Wendy’s.
Favorite dipping sauce? Tomato sauceee
what do you wear to bed? Oversized tee and cute pj shorts. 
have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope. Forever the shittest speller. 
what are your hobbies? Photography, dance, baking
can you draw? I used to be able to, slowly losing my touch I think
do you play an instrument? I used to play the violin
what was the last concert you saw? Foo Fighters, Weezer opened for them
tea or coffee? TEA
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Neither?
do you want to get married? In the future I do yes :)
what is your crush’s first and last initial? T and O
are you going to change your last name when you get married? I think so
what color looks best on you? BLACK, sometimes red and sometimes white
do you miss anyone right now? All of my family, friends from highschool and my boyfriend.
do you sleep with your door open or closed? CLOSED
do you believe in ghosts? I don’t not believe in them..
what is your biggest pet peeve? When the volume is on an odd number lol or rude people.
last person you called` Boyfee
favorite ice cream flavor? Choc. oh PHISH FOOD. That shit good.
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Choccccc
what shirt are you wearing? Black and White printed, guys button down from Hallenstein Brothers.
what is your phone background? Lock screen is me and my bestie and the other one is me and the boyy.
are you outgoing or shy? Both. 
do you like it when people play with your hair? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
do you like your neighbors? I don’t really know them, but I play with their German Shepard every morning lol
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Mostly mornings, I’m trying to make it a habit to do it at night too.
have you ever been high? Nope.
have you ever been drunk? HAHAHAHAHA... good times
last thing you ate? Uh... yorkshire puddsss
favorite lyrics right now oh man uh... well I a few weeks ago I was listening to Get Over It by McFly a lot because I was going through a hard time in terms of stress and getting my life together. When Danny sings the last line “But I’m up and I’m over it”, makes me feel like I too can fight the stress and the down times. So i guess thats it. Sorry, I feel like it needed context haha.
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk
favorite month? Uh... May and December
what is your zodiac sign Taurus
who was the last person you cried in front of? Well it was over the phone and I was calling my mum, a few weeks back.
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nsschaintale · 8 years
Everyone knows the old legend. The Legend of the War Between Monsters and Humans. Or, The Monster-Human War, as it was easier to call. To think humans and monsters used to live in harmony, only to end up in the war. Tried as they might, but the monsters were too weak to defeat the humans. As a result, all of the monsters were sealed underground under a mountain by seven magicians.
(a child is seen heading towards a cave entrance)
Over the course of the years since then, there had been disappearances. Now, a warning had been ingrained into the people's minds...
(the child gets closer to the entrance)
“Anyone who so enters this mountain....
(the child trips on a raised tree root)
….will never return, for it is the World of Monsters....
(the child is seen falling)
….and the Grave for Humans.”
It isn't clear if there was truth to the warning and legend, but it didn't stop those who disappeared from entering the mountain. There was always hope that they would return.
(the child is unconscious, lying on their stomach in a bed of flowers)
Sometimes, hope comes at a cost.
The child, a young boy, soon woke up from his fall into the mountain and sat up to his legs, glancing around as he dusted the crushed flower pieces off his clothes. He wore an oversized long-sleeved shirt that was blue and purple striped, his shorts a deep blue, he was also wearing black leggings, and black slip-on sneakers. The area was lit up by sunlight and was revealed to look like ruins of some kind. Crumbling marble pillars, cracked stones from years of vegetation pushing through and winding around, it looked like a place in homage to an ancient god or goddess than a place where dangerous monsters are said to roam. Or maybe it was both. The boy stood up and was about to move from the flower bed until he felt something pierce his mind. His vision started to darken as he could see a child crying in echoes next to him. It was a child like him, having a mop of chestnut hair to his cropped caramel hair, red eyes to his honey-brown, their pale skin to his tan, and both of their clothes are similar with some differences. The child had an oversized green sweater with a single yellow stripe and with ribbed cuffs, collar, and bottom, brown denim shorts that reached his knees, and black boots. Seeing the other child's body being translucent compared to everything else, they turned out to be a lost child spirit kneeling in the bed of golden flowers. He saw this single lonely spirit, with their teary crimson eyes and tear-stained rosy cheeks and approached them, only for the vision to blank out and brightness returned.
Boy: What was that? (crosses his arms) …..Hmm....Who was that? ….I better go. (looks back to see if he could climb back up, but there was nothing but solid chipped rock) ...Not that way... (looks around to find a kitchen knife-sized stick outside the flower bed) For safety..
The boy moved forward towards the arch past the flower bed. Once he entered, there was a large spot where a patch of grass breaking out of the eroding stone path and in the center of that patch, a little flower with a white face and six yellow petals was watching him walking up.
Boy: That's a cute flower.
Flower: Howdy! I'm Flowey the Flower! You're new to the Underground, aren't you? Golly! You look so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! Well, little ol' me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!
The area around the duo went dark while they themselves went into a gray scale. The only thing that still retained color was a red cartoon heart. Flowey explained to the boy that the heart is his SOUL, the very culmination of his being. The only way it can become strong is by getting LV.
Flowey: What's LV? Why, LOVE, of course! Down here, LOVE is given through.... (shifts his eyes) ...little...white...friendless pellets. (five white pellets appears around him) Grab as many as you can!
Frisk: Ok- (sees a vision of himself moving out of the way of something white and does it; ends up confused) Huh?
Flowey: ….Hey, buddy, you missed them. Let's try again. (sends more pellets)
Boy (sidesteps): Sorry!
Flowey (gets angry): Are you brain-dead or something.... RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS friendliness pellets.
Boy (dodges the pellets): I'm sorry!
Flowey: …. (sneers) You know what's going on, do you?
Boy: I don't know...
Flowey: Ah. (surrounds the boy with pellets) DIE!
Boy: What, no!
(the pellets disappear and they both become confused)
Flowey: Wha- (gets hit by an incoming ball of flame and sent flying away into the darkness) AAH!
Soft patting of heavy footfalls approached the boy as a tall goatlike monster appeared before them. With Flowey gone, the area returned to what little color there was from before. The tall creature was a white bipedal goat with small horns, blue eyes, and paws like a lion's. The outfit it wore is a long purple robelike dress with white sleeves and a strange symbol that looks like a winged circle with three triangles under it. By the voice, it was a female monster.
Goat Woman: What a terrible creature, tormenting such a poor, innocent youth. (smiles at  the boy) Do not worry, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins.
Toriel explained that he was the first human to show up in a long time, and offered to guide him through the catacombs. She led him towards an area where two flights of stairs on opposite sides lead up to an opening flanked by a length of vines. Piles of red leaves are scattered across the slightly damaged location and a bright four-pointed star gyrated in place between the stairs where the majority of the leaves were gathered. He looked around as he approached the star, the shadow of the ruins looming over him.
Boy (touches the star; a black screen pops up): Awah!  What is this?
Hiro    LV1         XX:XX
Ruins – Entrance
Save                  Return
Boy (looks at the number; it's showing his LV as 1): What's this mean?
??? (echoing): That number's too low for me....
Boy (looks around in a panic): Who?! (sees no one behind him) ….. (turns back to the screen and touches “Save”; the words turn yellow and he suddenly felt determined to do things) Cool! But that name.....am I Hiro?
Toriel: Is anything wrong, my child?
Boy: No, I'm okay. I think my name's Hiro.
??? (echoing): You'll see, +----.....
Hiro (looks around nervously): ….
Hiro followed Toriel up the stairs into the next area where six round panels in a double-cross pattern are arranged on the right side of the place. A pair of purple closed doors with the same symbol as the one on Toriel's chest remained shut. After welcoming Hiro to his new home, she proceeded to then explain the operations of the Ruins, walking on the corner four plates then pulling the lever switch. The doors creak open as a result.
Toriel: The Ruins are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and door keys. One must solve them to move between rooms. Please adjust yourself to them.
Hiro: Ooh.
The boy followed Toriel into the next area where the path where across two small wooden bridges built over the canals that water flowed through, and thick vines covered some of the walls. There were three switches in the area, two of which Toriel instructed him to flip in order to proceed. Hiro did just that as Toriel led him to the other side of the room.
Toriel (claps her paws): Splendid! I am so proud of you, little one.
He followed her into the next area where a tall stuffed dummy stood in wait. She then explained how to deal with monsters in the Underground.
Toriel: When you encounter a monster, you will enter a FIGHT. While you are in a FIGHT, strike up a friendly conversation.
Hiro: ….Okay.
Toriel: I will come to resolve the conflict. For now, practice talking to the dummy.
Hiro walked to the dummy and initiated the fight. Like before, the area fell into gray scale except for his Soul, and four orange boxes appeared with the words FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY. Frisk was about to choose ACT, but he suddenly had a vision of himself choosing FIGHT. A strange bar appeared in front of him. It was a long lime green oval, with six thick vertical bars and several tiny verticals going from red at the ends, yellow before them, and green in the middle of the oval. The open center of the oval was like a bull's eye on the dummy, and the vision hit it with a pointed stick that Hiro had on him. The dummy was destroyed instantly, its stuffing releasing a thick cloud of dust upon its stitches ripping apart. Hiro nearly shrieked after the vision blinked out and he hit ACT. A second branch of the screen showed *Dummy, and two options showed up around the dummy: *Check and *Talk. Hiro decided to talk to the dummy.
Hiro (waves a little): Hello. How are you..? You look....neat? …..
The dummy didn't seem much for conversation, but Hiro saw that Toriel seemed happy with him.
Toriel (claps her paws): Ah, very good! You are very good.
Hiro beamed.
Hiro followed Toriel into the next area where she asked him if he can solve the puzzle that is in the place. As they walked on, the room was about to go into a zigzag when a white frog-like monster hopped in between Hiro and Toriel, initiating a gray-scaled fight.
Hiro: Ah! (chooses ACT and sees that the frog is called Froggit and the words Check, Threat, and Compliment around it) Compliment....Ah! You look really neat!
Froggit didn't get what Hiro said, but was flattered anyway. Before the Froggit did anything, Toriel walked into the battlefield and stared down at the frog. The frog hopped away, looking ashamed.
Hiro: Phew, that was close.
After the sudden “battle”, Toriel led him to a spot where there are four long rows of spikes over a large pool of water. She was concerned about Hiro's safety, so she took him by the hand and guided him to the other end of the spike rows. The duo soon entered the next room where a long hallway stretched out in front of them.
Toriel: You have done an excellent job thus far, my child. But I have a difficult task for you. (averts her eyes then looks back at Hiro) I would like for you to go to the end of this hallway by yourself. Forgive me for this.
Hiro: Eh, wai-
As swiftly as her legs carried her large form, Toriel quickly trotted her way down the hall as Hiro just walked after her. He was tense about this, since it was a quiet walk until he reached the end of the hallway where a single complete pillar still stood. Toriel soon left the pillar and explained that she wanted to test his independence. There was one more thing she had for him.
Toriel (pulls out a little gray phone with a short antenna from a hidden pocket): I apologize for this, but I have some errands to run and I need you to stay here until I return. Here is a cell phone. (hands Hiro the phone) It already has my number, so if you need anything, you can contact me. (walks away) I'll be right back.
Hiro: ….. (looks at the phone and starts pressing buttons) How do I- (presses a green button and a black screen popped up; two black screens appeared)
The top box had his stats:
LV 1
HP 20/20
G 0
And the second had ITEM, STAT, and CELL. Hiro tried STAT and another screen popped up:
LV 1
HP 20/20
AT 18 (0)       EXP: 0
DF 11 (0)       Next: 80
ARMOR: Bandage
Gold: 0
Hiro closed the screens and decided to call Toriel, finding her number. They chatted for a short while, saying hello and Toriel talking about herself. She was even happy that Hiro called her “Mom”, and awkward when he made a “flirtatious” remark. If calling her a cutie pie would count as such. Hiro didn't know. But now, Hiro wanted to listen to what Toriel said about staying where he was, but his curiosity got the better of him. He soon left the hallway into the next room area where another white frog is present ahead of an entryway and a massive pile of red leaves with another yellow star ahead of them. Hiro was about to move on when the phone rang. Toriel had called to ask if he had left the room and warn him that there were puzzles she had not taught him about yet. Hiro was suddenly felt guilty and had no choice but to lie to her about not leaving. She just accepted it before hanging up. Hiro kicked some of the leaves around in a playful manner before touching the twinkling star. He touched the Save word, hearing a ding and the black panel vanished. He went into the entryway and found a small room where a bowl of what looked like candy sat on a marble pedestal, and waterways on the sides of the room. He took nearly all of the candy, and pretty much felt awful about being the scum of the earth after knocking the bowl off by accident. Hiro left the room and talked to the Froggit by the entrance.
Froggit: Ribcuse me, humanbit. Ib have some advice for you abit battling monsters, ribbit. If you act a cerbain way or fight untib you almost defeabit them, they might not want to fight abymore, ribbit. If a monster does not want to fight, please.... use some mercy, humanbit. Ribbit.
Hiro: ..Okay.
Hiro was about to leave until he ran into a little bug monster. The battle began and before he could see what it was, his vision darkened again and he saw himself stabbing the bug with the stick in his hand. The scene blinked out and Hiro grew confused and afraid like the bug. Hiro found out it's called a Whimsun, and before he could console it, the Whimsun flew off in tears. He was starting to wonder what these visions were, but he decided to ignore them again. Hiro continued on to  next area where there is a hallway with six cracked spots in the floor and two rectangular holes on the wall.
Hiro: How am I gonna go over there? Maybe I can... (backs up far then runs; jumps but lands on a crack; falls through) AAAAAH!! (lands on a pile of red leaves, landing on his back) Ow! (curls into himself while waiting for the pain to fade; looks up to see a hole then sees two exit ways; goes to the right) Where does this go? (walks into it until it shrinks like a tunnel) Getting..kinda small... (climbs out through a rectangular hole on the other side of the crack floor) All right!
Once Hiro was out, he continued onward to the next area. It was a wide area where the wall has a few vines crawling up, a small rock about his waist, a gray platform, and a row of spikes. Before he could fully explore this area, he received a phone call.
Hiro: Hello?
Toriel: Hello, this is Toriel. For no reason in particular..which do you prefer? Cinnamon or butterscotch?
Hiro: Um...Cinnamon.
Toriel: Oh, I see. Thank you very much! (hangs up)
Hiro: Huh... (takes a few steps before the phone rings again) Hi, Toriel.
Toriel: Hello! You do not DISLIKE butterscotch, do you? I know what your preference is, but...would you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate?
Hiro: Mmm, I don't...think so.. I don't hate it.
Toriel: Right, right, I understand. Thank you for being patient, by the way. (hangs on again)
Hiro: Huh, why did she ask?
After the call, he looked around to see if he could get past the spikes. Hiro couldn't see his way around them, and he realized that there was no switch nearby, even when looking behind the vines. He then came across a grey sign that shows 'Three out of four rocks recommend you push them'. Remembering the rock, he went to go push it. He suddenly had an encounter with a Whimsun but this time, he was able to spare it before it fluttered away, leaving behind the scent of lavender and mothballs. It was an odd scent. Hiro resumed to push the rock to the platform ahead until he heard a click. Hiro saw the spikes had disappeared and he moved on to the next area. There was another rectangular hole on the hallway wall, and  Hiro soon found himself before an entire floor of cracks.
Hiro: Uhhhhhmm.... How am I going to..... (looks around then moves forward) I'll just- (feels the ground cave in and falls) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa!!! (lands on the red leaves) Aaaaoow....
Hiro found himself in another underground room. This time, there is an excessive amount of red leaves. He got up and saw an exit out, avoiding the hole he fell through and fell down again in another hole. He thought about leaving through the other side of the room, but spotted a sign with 'Please do not step on the leaves' on it. He did notice that the room of leaves had a path-like void and followed it out. It took him a few times (and a few battles against a Whimsun, a Moldsmal (looks like a giant gelatin dessert), and a pair of Froggits), but he managed to get through.
Hiro (picking leaves off himself): I don't wanna go through that again.... I could've.....I should've......
??? (whole face is red): I should have killed them.....
Hiro (jolts):  What...  (looks around in fear) Who is that?
Hiro was getting worried about the strange voice and the creepy vision he just had, so he had to move quickly. He moved to the next room where there are three rocks this time, and a spiked bridge over a waterway. A wobbly, squelching sound was heard, and Hiro spots two Moldsmals ahead of him. He decided to try something during the battle, since the last time he did, he imitated one and they both contemplated life for a while. Now, he tried wiggling his hips with the Moldsmal's wiggles. It was a very sexy wiggle to the monster. Hiro was just wiggling. After sparing both monsters after nearly having his Soul hit by a stray exploding bullet, Hiro went back to moving the rocks. He moved the first two relatively well. The third one, however...
???: WHOA there, pardner!
Hiro: WAHH!!
???: Who said you can push me around?
Hiro: Who said that?
???: Down there!
Hiro (looks at the rock): …..You?
Rock: Yeah, me!
Hiro: Uuh...oh. Uum...Can you...uh, move over, please?
Rock: HMM? So you're ASKIN' me to move over?
Hiro: Y-Yes.
Rock: Okay, just for you, pumpkin. (moves ahead a little)
Hiro: No, a lot more.
Rock: HMM? You want me to move some more?
Hiro: Yes.
Rock: Alrighty, how's this? (moves off the path)
Hiro: N-No...Not that way.
Rock: HMM? That was the wrong direction?
Hiro: Yes. (points to the platform) There.
Rock: Okay, I think I got it. (moves to the platform) Was that helpful?
Hiro (sees the spikes collapse): Yes. Thank you! (walks to the bridge; the spikes reappear) AAAH!! (looks back to see the rock off the platform) You have to stay on it!!
Rock: HMM? You wanted me to STAY on it?
Hiro: Yes!!
Rock: You're giving me a real workout. (moves back onto the platform)
Hiro: Thank you...
After nearly getting skewered by spikes and running into yet another pair of Moldsmals, Hiro imitated and wiggled his way out of the battlefield and into the the next room. There, he spotted a yellow star, a block of cheese on a round table, and a mouse hole. He walked up to the hole to peek inside and the mouse squeaked at him. He wanted to coax the mouse out with the cheese, but when he went to get it, Hiro discovered that it was so old, it was stuck to the table.
Hiro: Ew....
Despite this, he knew that one day, the mouse will leave its hole and get the cheese. Just like he'll leave the Underground and return home to the surface. Hiro thought of this with determination as he touched the star and saw the Save box pop up. Once he was done, he made his way to next room where he spotted a ghost laying on a pile of red leaves.
Hiro: A ghost! I hope it's not mean.... (approaches cautiously) Hello...?
Ghost: Zzzzzzzzzzz.... Zzzzzzzzzzz.....
Hiro: Is it sleeping....?
Ghost: Zzzzzzz... (opens an eye, like it was wondering if Hiro was gone; closes it) Zzzzzz....
Hiro: Um... It's....pretending to sleep.... Um, can you please wake up?
Ghost (a little louder): Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Hiro: Please wake up! (his Soul flickers a bright red)
The room went into a grayscale and before Hiro was the ghost. Hiro checked for the information on it and found that the name was Napstablook. Napstablook didn't look to have a sense of humor.
Napstablook: Oh..... I'm REAL funny. (starts crying)
Hiro: Please, don't cr- (Soul gets hit by a tear) Ah! (dodges the tears)
Napstablook looked like they didn't want to be here. Hiro felt the same, but he had to get through the battle. Napstablook materialized something in the air in front of Hiro, and he was prepared to dodge it, but what was shown was....
Hiro just floated in his spot, confused. Napstablook went back to pretending to sleep, which didn't last long. Hiro continued to dodge more tears before deciding to tell a joke.
Hiro: H-Hey, why did the ghost take the elevator?!
Napstablook: …?
Hiro: He wanted to.. (points his thumb up) ...lift his spirits!
Napstablook: …..
Hiro: Be...Because..he's a...
Napstablook: Heh...
Hiro: Oh!
Napstablook started crying squiggly tears that crawled along the battle walls. Hiro had been hit a few times, but he threw in a somewhat flirtatious move after eating a piece of monster candy, which Napstablook didn't seem to pay much mind to. Napstablook looked just a little bit better, so Hiro gave Napstablook a patient smile.
Napstablook: Heh heh...
Hiro's cheering up of Napstablook during the battle seemed to have improved their mood, and they soon decided to show him something.
Napstablook: I...want to show you something....Let me try...
Hiro: Hmm?
Napstablook (cries again, but the tears rose around their head, forming a top hat): I call it...”dapperblook”. Do you like it...?
Hiro: I-
???: Absolutely hate it. It's ugly, just like you!
Hiro (hands on his head): Ngh...
Napstablook: ...You don't like it...?
Hiro: Did he hear that? N-No! I really love it! It looks really cool!
Napstablook: Oh oh....
(color returns to the room)
Hiro: So, why are you here, Napstablook? Do you live here?
Napstablook: No.... I usually come to the Ruins because there's nobody around...but today I met somebody nice.... …..oh, I'm rambling again...i'll get out of your way...
Hiro (watches Napstablook disappear): Goodbye.. That was cool. But that scary voice again... Why can I hear it..?
Hiro decided to forget about it and continue his walk past the leaves, arriving at a section with two openings. He went to the opening ahead of him and found a room where there are two spider webs, the first smaller than the second, and a sign that say “All proceeds go to real spiders".
Hiro: Eh? Proceeds....? What's that? (walks up to the second spider web; sees a note with “Spider Cider – 18G” on it) Hmm... (digs in his pockets, but doesn't feel any money, just his phone and two pieces of candy) Oh... I thought I got money from the fights. I didn't? (goes to the smaller one; sees a note with “Spider Donut – 7G” on it) Hmm...Ah! (waves his hand and the menu comes up; sees the money amount showing 15G) Not enough for the cider, but I'll get the donut! But how do I... (stands in front of the smaller web) Um... (holds his hand out) I want the spider donut! (nothing happens) Um….. Menu, spider donut! (nothing happens) Ah... (pulls out his phone) Maybe I should ask Toriel... Hmm.. (holds the phone to the web and tries a few buttons, landing on the # button; a small panel with “Leave 7G in the web? Yes No” and a square  showing “$  -  15G         SPACE -  2/8” pops up) Oh! (chooses Yes) Now what? (sees 7 coins land on the web, a few spiders descend from the ceiling holding a donut covered in purple glaze and sprinkled with spider-shaped sprinkles) Uuh... (is given the donut; watches a spider wrap the coins in silk and carry them up its string to the ceiling) Uuh...Thank you..? (puts the donut in his pocket) Okay..
Hiro left the room thinking about the spider situation. He wasn't too afraid of spiders, but he wasn't fond of them either. They just made him a bit squeamish. He went to the other entrance and came across a sign talking about a Spider Bake Sale in the room to the right and how the items were "made for spiders, of spiders, by spiders". Suddenly, Hiro wasn't sure if he should keep the donut. He spotted three frogs along the way. The first talked about how his friend never listened to him, but how lucky that Hiro wasn't like that. The second frog heard something about using F4 to make a screen bigger. Or did it mean “Four Frogs”? It didn't know. Hiro figured it meant the panels that show up around him. What's weird was that there's only three frogs here. The third one heard that Hiro was merciful for a human.
Hiro: Were the other humans mean?
The frog then proceeded to talk and ask about yellow names, which Hiro did notice when he spared the monsters. He just didn't know why it happened. He did find them very helpful. The frog told him that sparing meant that one won't fight, so he'd have to do it, even if the names aren't yellow.  Before he got a chance to leave, Hiro ran into a Moldsmal and what looked like a walking cockroach. A Migosp, as he found out. It looked evil, but it looked like it was in the wrong crowd. When Hiro approached it....
Hiro had to dodge bullets and now bugs. He saw that once he spared the Moldsmal, the Migosp started dancing  along with a smaller version of itself like it didn't have a care in the world. Hiro danced along a little before sparing it, too. He soon received a call from Toriel who had realized she hadn't cleaned up in a while, and wasn't expecting company. She then reminded him that if he wanted the things that were lying around, he would need to have room in his pockets for them before hanging up. The only things he had in his pocket right now was the spider donut and two monster candies in his left one. He only had enough room for one more thing in it, so it was starting to worry him.
Hiro: Hmmn...
Hiro walked to the next room where there are six cracks on the floor, three on each side of the hall. He found a sign saying that there's only one switch, but when he looked around, there was none. He decided to check the walls, but when he went to check the walls, he didn't check to see if the crack of the first spot was normal. Soon, he fell through it.
Hiro: NOT AGA- (lands on the leaves) oooww.... Why....
Hiro sat up to leave the room when he found a carrot. When he tugged on it, it turned out to be a giant monster carrot with a creepy face. It sprung out of the earth and Hiro found himself in a battle with it. His options with fighting this Vegetoid were Talk, Devour, and Dinner. He tried to talk to the Vegetoid, but...
Vegetoid: Plants can't talk, dummy.
Hiro: But you just did.... (sees various vegetables rain down) Waah!!
Once he dodged everything, he realized that besides the candy, he hadn't really eaten anything filling since he fell into the Underground. Hiro felt his stomach gurgling and patted it, which seemed to be a sort of signal to the monster.
Vegetoid: Eat your greens!
Hiro dodged the vegetables again, but noticed one of them was green and caught it while dodging the others. He had a flicker of a vision where the vegetable was a half-eaten Vegetoid and he almost threw it away. Swallowing the uncomfortable feeling in his throat, he ate it. He felt a little better. The monster cackled softly as Hiro moved to spare it. Afterwards, he left the room and checked the one across from it. Bad idea. Once again, he fell down.
Hiro: I wish I didn't have to fall in the holes.... (notices a faded pink ribbon) Did someone drop this? (picks it up) Does this belong to a monster? I should find them and give it back.
Hiro did eventually find the hole with the switch and continued into the next area after being ambushed by another Vegetoid and a Migosp. He soon arrived at an area where there are three pillars in different areas of the room and the entrance on the other end of the room had a gray panel with a few holes in it.
Hiro (reads a nearby sign): “The far door is not an exit. It simply marks a ro...ta...tation..rotation in per....pre..per..spec..tive...perspective? Perspective. Eh? (looks at the three pillars and sees giant buttons in three colors) There's a red, blue, and green button. Hm. (walks into the next room and notices the room is the same, but this time, three are spikes in the exit) Eh? I was just.... (reads the sign) “If you can read this, press the blue switch.” Oh! I just saw the blue one when I came in!
Before he could reach, Hiro runs into a pair of monsters that has an eye for most of their body, jagged row of teeth, long arms, short legs, and a pair of horns. They both sized up Hiro and started picking on him. Hiro had checked on the first one and it, or they, were called Loox. They seemed to be family since their last names appear to be Eyewalker, which made sense to Hiro since they were a pair of walking eyes. Even when they were picking on him, he didn't return the flavor.
LooxA: Finally, someone gets it.
Hiro: I don't get it.... But okaaAAAAAY!!? (dodges strings of rings)
Hiro kept refusing to pick on them, all the while ignoring the vision of someone picking on the monsters. The visions were starting to get worse for him, and he wanted to get out of the Ruins quick. After the battle, Hiro went back to the first pillar and pressed the blue button. The sound of something clicking rang out, and Hiro sees the spikes are gone. After running into a Moldsmal and Migosp, he went into the next room. He ended up in the next room where the room looked exactly the same as the last one.
Hiro: Uh... (looks at the sign and he needed to press the red switch) Hmmm....I think it's by the other side? (walks to the exit with the spikes and looks around the pillar and finds it) Yay! (sees a pair of Looxs) Oh no...
After he spared those two, he moved on to the next room....which was the same again, much to Hiro's dismay. This time, he had to press a green switch, and deal with a Migosp/Vegetoid pair and a Whimsun/Loox pair. Afterwards, he managed to leave the room and arrived at a split path going left and straight ahead. He crossed over a thick line of grass that broke out of the ground and again through another patch as he headed straight.  Hiro met up with a Froggit who said it saw Toriel coming through the entrance after shopping for groceries. It also mentioned that the other monsters were too intimidated to talk to her. This worried Hiro because if the monsters were too scared to talk to her, maybe Toriel was dangerous? She didn't look like it to him. He soon ended up at an area where the edge is fenced off like a balcony overlooking the landscape where an old ruined city is seen.
Hiro: Whoa....This is what it looked like here? I didn't know there was a city under a mountain! (stares at the city for a while longer before turning to leave; notices an item to the left of him) Hm? (goes to it and picks it up; it's a plastic knife) A toy knife? (swings it a little)
???: Go back...
Hiro (jolts): Wha?
???: Go back.....kill...
Hiro (shaking): Ah...
Hiro started to see images of the monsters being attacked by someone that looks like him. That strange panel he saw when he talked to the dummy kept appearing in front of the child as they slashed and stabbed the monsters until they were all gone. Hiro looked down to see the knife...
...And his hands were covered in dust.  
His clothes, his skin, the knife, his shoes, they were covered in the powdery monster dust. Hiro let out a scream that echoed into the city and threw the knife down, trying to get the dust off him. But when he moved to do it, there was no dust on him. Not on his skin or sleeves or shoes. Not even on the knife. He ran from the cliff balcony in tears and spotted the Froggit. Seeing the monster made him feel a little better, but he was still upset by the vision. He staggered his way past the large pile of leaves into the next area. Hiro entered a large area  where there is a building with two  glassless windows with a massive pile of leaves under them with a star on the left pile, and an entrance missing a door with an unreadable sign above it built into the wall of the cavern. Closer to the entrance Hiro entered is a black tree whose leaves had fallen off. As he wandered ahead and trying to wipe his tears away from his eyes, he heard Toriel's voice.
Toriel: Oh dear, that took longer than I thought it would... (walks past the tree and stops to call Hiro; sees him) Oh my goodness! (runs to him then crouches in front of him) How did you get here, my child? Are you hurt?
Hiro (starts crying again): A little.. I-I'm soorrry... I-I wanted to s-see the Ruins, but I ran into m-monsters and I k-kept falling into holes and saw s-scary things and I-I'm sorry I didn't w-wait for yooou...
Toriel: There, there, I will heal you. (holds her paws over Hiro's wounds and a soft green light washed over them, mending the wounds until they disappear) There you go.
Hiro: snif.. Thank you..
Toriel: You're welcome. Oh, I should not have left you alone for so long. It was irresponsible to try to surprise you like this. (covers her mouth) Err..
Hiro: Surprise?
Toriel: Oops. Well, I suppose I cannot hide it any longer. Come, small one! (walks towards the building)
Hiro soon followed her to the house, but not before saving his....whatever he was saving.
Hiro: Progress? Maybe. (looks at the house) It does look kinda cute. (saves then goes into the house)
Hiro entered the house and found Toriel standing in front of stair railing, waiting for him. To the left of the two flight of stairs is ochre yellow table stand with a brown vase and yellow tulips, above the first flight is a long landscape painting of a mountainous landscape with a forest valley on the bottom and thin clouds. To the right, a flower-shaped wall lamp, a second square picture of a flower field and floor shelf with some books a few small trinkets are seen. Hiro caught a strong scent floating in the air.
Toriel: Do you smell that?
Hiro: Yes, what is it?
Toriel: Surprise! It is a butterscotch-cinnamon pie.
Hiro: Ooh!
Toriel: I thought we might celebrate your arrival. I want you to have a nice time living here, so I will hold off on snail pie for tonight.
Hiro: Eh? Livi-
Toriel: Here, I have another surprise for you. (walks to the hall on the right)
Hiro: …..I'm gonna live here? (follows Toriel; arrives in a long hallway where there are three doors, two tall vases with a zigzag design on them and two odd brown oblong things on a stalk, a large plant pot with a lily, two more stands with a red flower on the first one and a similar brown one on the second; four wall lamps, another smaller landscape painting, a mirror on the far end past the third door, and diamond patterned hallway runner rug that span from before the first lamp to before the fourth lamp)
Toriel: This is it... (leads Hiro by his hand to the first door) A room of your own. I hope you like it!
Hiro: Oh. (feels Toriel pet his head with her paw; looks up to see her have a strange but sad look on her face) Toriel...?
Toriel: Hm? (eyes slightly waters; sniffs) Oh! Is something burning..? Um, make yourself at home! (hurries away)
Hiro: ...Was she...hmm..
Hiro decided to explore the house a little before settling in the room. He went further down the hall and stopped at the second door. Around the left side of the room up is a trash can, a large desk with an open book, papers, and a table lamp. It looked like it was used by the way the chair is. A giant bed that looked bigger than a twin-sized one with blue covers and a light blue pillow with a paw print rug by it, two square photo frames hung behind the bed, a flowerpot with a tall plant, a wide bookshelf with a flowerpot of two bright yellow flowers and a small cactus. Next to the bookcase is a short dresser with another small lamp. A tall flowering cactus with two branches is seen to the far right of the entrance. He noticed an open book on the desk and went over to it to read it, seeing a circled passage in it.
Hiro: “Why did the skeleton want a friend? Because she was feeling BONELY...” Hmm... (looks at the rest of the page; they had jokes of the same caliber) Heh...Um...hmm...
Hiro explored the rest of the room where the trash can turned out to be a bucket of snails. In the bookcase was an encyclopedia of subterranean plants. He flipped through the pages of it and ended up in the middle.
Hiro: Ty.. “Typha” - A group of wetland flowering plants with brown ob...long seedpods. Known commonly as.. “water sausages”. (sees a picture of them) Are those... (walks back out of the room and sees a pot of them by the first door) So that's what those are. (goes back in the room; goes over to the drawers of the dresser.) It's Toriel's sock drawer. I don't think I should look in here.
So scandalous!
After Hiro finished looking around, he went back out the room. In the hall, he went past the door that had a sign saying that it is under renovations. He then noticed a mirror.
Hiro (grinning): It's me!
??? (a static black image in the shape of a child in the mirror standing behind him): C----!
Hiro: WAAH! (covers his mouth with his back against the mirror)
Toriel (calling out): Is everything okay?!
Hiro: Y-Yes! Just scared myself!
Toriel: All right...
Hiro: ….. (turns to the mirror) …....It's me... (waits; nothing happens) ….. (walks over to the stand and finds flower seeds and broken crayons)
Hiro moved on to the lobby area, looking at the books that may have been worn down from frequent use and finding an old calendar from the beginning of 201X in the table stand at the opposite end. He then looked at the stair case and became curious of what was downstairs. Thinking that Toriel may be busy, Hiro stuck his way down the stairs. It was a long dark hallway ahead of him and this made him even more curious. Before he was able to go further...
Toriel: I think you should play upstairs instead.
Hiro (freezes when he hears Toriel's footsteps): !
Toriel (gently grabs his hand): Come along now.
Hiro: Ah....
Hiro was released from Toriel's grasp once they left the hallway, and he wondered why she would stop him from going there. Ignoring his curious urges, he went into the next room. It was the living room, and Toriel was seen reading a book in her chair while sitting by the fireplace. When he got close, the fire isn't burning hot, it just felt pleasantly warm to be close to. Just enough to put his hand inside, but he didn't want to risk Toriel yelling at him to not do so. By the fireplace was another bookcase and by that was some fireplace tools. Hiro noticed that they were filed down on the ends, probably by Toriel to make them safer. There was also a large dining table with three chairs and a flowerpot with more flowers in it on the table.
Hiro: Um...Toriel..?
Toriel: Hello there, little one!
Hiro: Um.....Should I ask her about the hall? Mmm...(shakes his head a little) I'm kinda hungry.
Toriel: I see. Well, the pie has not cooled down yet, so perhaps you should take a nap for a while until it does, okay?
Hiro: Mm..not now.
Toriel: You would rather stay up and chat with me, then?
Hiro: Yes.
Toriel (smiles while adjusting her glasses): Well...Um, I want you to know how glad I am to have someone here. There are so many old books I want to share. I want to show you my favorite bug-hunting spot, and I have also prepared a curriculum for your education.
Hiro (frowns): Eee..
Toriel: This may come as a surprise to you...but I have always wanted to be a teacher. ...Actually, perhaps that is not very surprising.
Hiro: You look like you can be a teacher.
Toriel: Thank you. (frowns) STILL.
Hiro: ?
Toriel (smiles): I am glad to have you living here.
Hiro: Oh...okay..
Toriel: Oh, did you want something?
Hiro: Ah.......no, nothing..
Toriel: Well, talk to me again if you need anything.
Hiro: Okay.
Hiro left the living room to go to the next room and entered a kitchen. There was a refrigerator where Hiro found a brand-name chocolate bar, a sink with a small kitchen mat and white fur stuck in the drain, a rack with a pair of pans and oven mitts hanging above the cupboard that has cookie cutters in the shape of monsters for making gingerbread monsters.
???: Where are the knives...
Hiro (shivers): Hmmmn...
He ignored the questioning voice and approached a very clean stove top. Hiro figured that since she had magic, Toriel must use fire magic to cook. The full pie itself has a nice smell, but it's too hot for him to eat yet. He decided to do what she told him to and go to sleep while waiting for the pie to cool. Hiro was about to go to bed, but he did wonder what some of the books in Toriel's bookcase were about, so he went up to it and grabbed one as Toriel sat back down to read again. The one he picked up was a history book and it reads as follows on a random page:
“Trapped behind the barrier and fearful of human attacks, we retreated. Far, far into the earth we walked, until the cavern's end. This was our new home, which we named... “Home.” As great as our king is, he is pretty lousy at names.”
Hiro: A king....and the monsters, scared of humans? I thought they were the scary ones... (looks at Toriel) ….
Toriel (notices): What is it?
Hiro: Ah, nothing. (puts the book back)
Toriel: Well, bother me if you need anything.
Hiro: Okay....Good night.
Toriel: Sweet dreams.
Hiro left the living room to go sleep in....his room. The thought didn't exactly sit well with him, but it was better than hanging around in the Ruins alone. He entered and found that it looked like a child's room. A large rug with stripes inside a border of triangles is in the center of the room, and around the right side of the room up are a box of dusty toys, a brown bed with a white pillow and red covers, a pair of white and red stuffed animals, a striped floor lamp, a closet with a drawer, a table shelf with smaller toys and items, a photo frame and some papers, a chest, a picture of a flower taped to the wall, and a small table with a small table lamp. As cool as the toys in the box were, they didn't interest him at all. He checked the closet, but there was nothing inside. He found the empty photo frame covered in dust, and looked inside the chest. In it, there were kids' shoes in a disparity of sizes.
Hiro: Why does this have so many shoes? I didn't see another kid here... (yawns) Hmmn...Sleepy..
Hiro laid in bed, thinking about his exploration of the Ruins so far. The monsters didn't seem too bad once he talked, or tried, to them, but he was still wary of them. Toriel was no exception to his caution, but he was finding her to be like a mother. A mother. Hiro thought about his parents, and he wasn't exactly fond of his family. He had forgotten exactly why he came down to the Underground, but it felt like he just had to get away. The thoughts that flooded his mind soon went away as he drifted off to sleep. He wasn't sure when or how long he slept, but he woke to the light being off and a familiar scent hanging in the air. He got up from the bed to find a single slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie on a plate in plastic wrap on the floor. Maybe Toriel wasn't so bad at all if she went out of her way to bring him a slice without disturbing him. He picked it up and put it in his free  large pocket so it wouldn't get crushed in his thinner ones. As much as he wanted to enjoy this homey atmosphere, he had to leave. The thought of staying here forever didn't appeal to him, especially when he had a home to go to. At least he think he did. He left the room and headed into the living room to talk to Toriel. As he thought, he found her still reading.
Hiro: Um...Toriel?
Toriel (looks up from her book): What is it?
Hiro: Um, I really want to thank you for letting me stay, and I liked it here, but I wanted to know when I can go home.
Toriel (tenses for a split second): What? This... (smiles) This IS your home now.
Hiro: No, it's not. I-
Toriel (holding up the book in her paws): Um..would you like to hear about this book I am reading?
Hiro: Tor-
Toriel: It is called “72 Uses For Snails.” How about it?
Hiro: That's neat, but-
Toriel (slightly nervous): Here is an exciting snail fact. Did you know that snails....sometimes flip their digestive systems as they mature? Interesting.
Hiro: I didn't know that. But um, I want to know how to leave the Ruins.
Toriel: …. (removes her glasses and puts the book by her thigh on the chair) ...I have to do something. (gets up and hurries out of the living room) Stay here!
Hiro: Toriel! (runs after her)
Hiro chased Toriel and hears her down the stairs. He followed her down into the basement hallway and found her standing further ahead.
Hiro (walks up to her slowly): Toriel...?
Toriel (doesn't face him): You wish to know how to return “home,” do you not?
Hiro: Yes.
Toriel: ...Ahead of us lies the end of the Ruins, a one-way exit to the rest of the Underground. (looks ahead) I am going to destroy it. (turns her head but doesn't look at him) No one will be able to leave again. (looks forward) Now be a good child and go upstairs.
Hiro: Wha- (sees her run off) Wait! Destroy it? (runs after her and meets her again) Why do you want to destroy it? I can't leave if you do!
Toriel: I know. ...Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again... They come...they leave...they die..
Hiro (shocked): What..? They...die..?
Toriel (shakes her head a little, sighing): You naive child.. If you leave the Ruins.... They...Asgore...will kill you.
Hiro: Asgore..?
Toriel: I am only protecting you, do you understand? ...Go to your room. (walks away)
Hiro: Asgore...will kill..me..? (turns away, but decides to keep following; meets her at the corner) Toriel, I-
Toriel: Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning. (walks away again)
Hiro: Wait! (follows her; arrives at a wide area where Toriel is facing a giant pair of doors with the same symbol as the one on her dress on them) Toriel, please, I just want to go home!
Toriel: ...You want to leave so badly? Hmph.. You are just like the others.
Hiro: The others?
Toriel (sighs heavily): There is only one solution to this. Prove yourself.... (lowers her head) Prove to me you are strong enough to survive.
Hiro: Prove..?
Hiro noticed that darkness washed over him and Toriel. Color drained from the area and into the grayscale. His Soul illuminating the area and pulsing outside of his body. He knew exactly what this meant; he was getting into a battle.
He was about to fight Toriel.
Hiro (backing away): T-Toriel...W-What are you....
Toriel (flames spark to life in her paws): …...
Hiro: Ah!
Toriel: …..
Hiro: Toriel.. I don't want to fight you...
(Toriel sends off a stream of flames as she moved her arms)
Hiro (flies around to dodge the flames; his Soul gets slightly singed): AAH!! Toriel, please stop!
Toriel (looks through Hiro): …..
Hiro: Aah...Um...Noo..I can't think of anything!!
(Toriel crossed her arms ahead of her as the flames formed a crescent shape then releases them at Hiro)
Hiro (flies past them): Ah! Toriel!
Toriel (sends off another wave of flames): …..
Hiro (stressed): Come on, Hiro, think of something!!
Toriel (has two large fireballs spiraling in her paws): …...
(flames crawled along the walls as Toriel sends off smaller flames at Hiro)
Hiro: AAAH!! (floats away as he notices his HP is low; eats a monster candy to get some of it up) I can't think of anything... (looks at the orange boxes around him) Maybe I can.... (reaches for the MERCY button)
???: Kill her...
Hiro: Aah.. (dodges the flames)
???: She's going to kill you.. So kill her...
Hiro: No...Stop talking to me!
???: You'll die if you don't kil-
Hiro (presses MERCY; sees the Spare option isn't yellow): Is this what that Froggit meant...? (hits Spare) I'm not going to hurt you, Toriel!
Toriel (acting aloof): …. (sends off more flames)
Hiro (gets singed): Aagh!! (presses MERCY again) Toriel......!
Toriel: …..........
Hiro (dodges a stray flame): Toriel, stop fighting!
???: Just kill...her..
Hiro (ducks): No!
(Toriel takes a deep breath)
Hiro: Toriel, why won't you stop?
Toriel (sends off more waves of flames): …............................
Hiro (dodges the flames): Aah! (hits the MERCY button) Toriel, I am not going to kill you!
Toriel: …?
Hiro (dodges a few fireballs then hovers): Toriel!
Toriel: What are you doing?
Hiro: What?
Toriel (prepares another fire spell): What are you doing? Attack or run away.
Hiro: No.
Toriel: No? What are you proving this way?
Hiro: That I don't wanna fight you. I don't wanna hurt you...
Toriel: Fight me or leave! (sends off flames)
Hiro: No! (dodges most, but get severely singed) AAAaaow! I won't leave!
Toriel: Stop it.
Hiro (gives her pleading look): No! I won't!
Toriel (averts her eyes): Stop looking at me that way...
Hiro (eyes water; floats toward Toriel): Please stop fighting me..
Toriel: Go away!! (sends off an explosion of flames)
Hiro (covers himself, but doesn't feel anything; sees the flames split past him): The fire...
Toriel kept sending flames at Hiro and Hiro kept hitting the MERCY button. The more she sent, the more sadder she became. Hiro noticed this as well as the flames splitting before his Soul. It looked like Toriel never had wanted to hurt him from the start. Hiro moves closer to the flames and they move away from him. Before he knew it, Toriel dissolved the magical attack she prepared and ceased her onslaught.  
Hiro: Toriel...?
Toriel (looking down): I know you want to go home, but...(looks at Hiro) But please...go upstairs now.
Hiro: …. (presses the MERCY button) I can't..
Toriel (smiles sadly): I promise I will take good care of you here.
Hiro (MERCY): ….I know...but I can't stay...
Toriel: I know we do not have much, but...we can have a good life here.
Hiro (MERCY; tears fall): I'm sorry...
Toriel (voice breaks sorrowfully): Why are you making this so difficult?
Hiro: I'm sorry...
Toriel: Please, go upstairs....
Hiro: I can't...
Toriel (laughs hollowly): Pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child.
Hiro: But you saved me...
Toriel: No, I understand. You would just be unhappy trapped down here. The Ruins are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this.
Hiro: You mean...
Toriel: My expectations....my loneliness....my fear... For you, my child... I will put them aside.
Hiro: Toriel... (watches the colors come back)
Toriel (doesn't turn around when Hiro grabs her dress): If you truly wish to leave the Ruins...I will not stop you. However, when you leave... (lowers her head) ...Please do not come back..
Hiro (surprised): !….
Toriel: I hope you understand.
Hiro: I- (gets hugged by Toriel) ...Uh....Toriel...(hugs her back while crying) I'm sorry...
Toriel: …. (lets him go while standing up) Goodbye, my child.
Hiro (watches her walk away): Ah...Mom..
Toriel (stops; glances back): …... (smiles then leaves the area)
Hiro had an urge to run after her, to ask her to come with him, but he never left his spot. After wiping a few stray tears away with his sleeve, Hiro walked to the doors and pushed them to open. Hiro made his way up a long hallway, thinking about how he wished he had stayed with her. He would have stayed, if he wasn't wanting to go home so badly. But there was a sense of guilt growing in him the farther away from Toriel's home he went that made him feel bad about not doing what Toriel told him to do. He believes now that she really was just lonely and only wanted to protect him from what's beyond the exit. By the time he finished his thoughts, he soon finds himself standing before a familiar flower...
Flowey: Clever. Verrrryyy clever.
Hiro: Flowey..?
Flowey: You think you're really smart, don't you? In this world, it's kill or be killed. So you were able to play your own rules. (grins menacingly) You spared the life of a single person. Hee hee hee... I bet you feel really great.
Hiro: Yeah, I do! I didn't have to beat anyone up!
Flowey: Well, you didn't kill anybody this time.
Hiro: Th-This time...? I didn't kill anyone. I'm not going to hurt anyone!
Flowey: But what will you do if you meet a relentless killer?
Hiro: ...Um...
Flowey (gets closer to Hiro): You'll die and you'll die and you'll die. (moves back) Until you tire of trying. What will you do then? (gives a wide toothy grin) Will you kill out of frustration? Or will you give up entirely on this world...and let ME inherit the power to control it?
Hiro (cringes back): I don't know what you mean by that other stuff or who you really are, but I....I'll talk to them. That's what Toriel taught me! Or run away. That first then talk.  Who are you to say that stuff?
Flowey: Hee...I am the prince of this world's future. Don't worry, my little monarch, my plan isn't regicide. This is SO much more interesting. (grows larger and looms over Hiro; laughing menacingly before retreating back into the ground)
Hiro was shivering by the time Flowey disappeared. He didn't know what to make of everything that has happened to him. The monsters, Toriel, him falling into the Underground, everything. He did know what it would be like outside the doors, but as the three locks that held the exit shut dislodge, Hiro began to wonder how the rest of his journey will play out. Will he get to see Toriel again? Will he really have to kill someone who wanted to kill him? And why was he hearing a voice and seeing himself hurting monsters?
Hiro (walks through the exit as it opens): I hope I don't have to hurt anyone....I'm determined to leave this place!
0 notes
Big Hero 7: The series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Write Turn Here
(Warning: The following will mention Child abuse so tread lightly)
*SFIT is going on its course despite the monster discourse happening lately. Thankfully, Cora had recovered significantly after that frightening experience at school. If Cora had thought that her father was overprotective, then she clearly did not know the gang nor her boyfriend Hiro. Following her recovery they waited on her hand and foot that immensely made Corra flustered and slightly touched by their concern. Baymax, as according to his programming, kept a close eye on her to check for any irregularities closely. And home was no different: If Cora so much sneezed Kaguya would immediately give her a cup of green tea, their Baymax would check her temperature, and her father would be coddling her all day as soon as he gets home from work. She could appreciate Kage for not being as close and in your face in regards to her health... but she couldn't help but wonder if that certain event during Open house never happened, would he be ok with even pressing his hand on her forehead? Either way, after getting the green light, Cora is free to join back SFIT, and even then the wishes of her well being were given to her. Hiro, the ever loving boyfriend he is, stayed by her side and would wrap his arm around her. When they got to Grandville's class Cora is met with even more wishes for her recovery and had received a gift or two... which certainly caught Karmi's attention. While Cora went to her seat across Karmi went over to the blue haired teen's desk and gave a death glare.*
Karmi:*Seething* Don't think I forgot about you puking on me Cora. You cost me a shirt and a month's worth of notes!
Cora: Look I'm sorry Karmi about your shirt and notebook-
Karmi: Sorry? If you had the time to wobble your way to the water fountain you should have turned around and-
Grandville: What is going on here?
*Cora and Karmi look up to see Grandville looking at the two girls.. and she didn't look pleased. Hiro turns up in time to see Grandville with the two girls, and he could only try to hold back a wince.*
Karmi: *Sickingly sweet smiles at Grandville* Oh! Professor G! I-I was just wishing her well after being sick! Isn't that right Cora?
*Both Hiro and Cora internally wince as they recall Grandville's previous actions regarding Karmi, and they thought without a doubt that she would let such an obvious lie slide.*
Grandville: I can hear you clearly from where I was and I am confident that was not what it is Miss Karmi.
*That caught all three teens off guard.*
Karmi: OH!... Bu-But-
Grandville: Your peer had fallen ill and all you care about is your notes and shirt? I assume you would be wise enough to transfer some of it to your files. As for your shirt, its replaceable. Third, nobody could control how we react Miss Karmi, and someone who had fallen ill would have even less control. You should especially know this since I also presume one of your classes had gone over the effects of the human body and viruses? I suggest you go back to your desk immediately. Class is about to start and I don't want you disrupting my student's attention.
*Karmi deflated after hearing that. She sulked all the way to the back of the class and mumbled under her breath. Hiro and Cora couldn't even blink at what they just happened...Grandville... had just talked back at Karmi. Adding even a 'Miss' to it despite always calling her by her name. Regardless, they were thankful for it. And so they go to class as usual, focusing on thermal dynamics; however, near the end of class is when Grandville drops in some news.*
Grandville: There has been some recent news that I think would interesting to experiment on. You see, there will be a creative writing contest on campus on Friday, and I want to see if any of you would be interested in participating the event.
*That got their attention. Hiro and Cora could hardly believe that Grandville, a thermal dynamics professor, would suggest creative writing of all things.*
Grandville: And those who participate will be receiving a bonus point for any up coming test in my class. After all, challenging your imagination makes you better thinkers... better thinkers or better scientists. I have a sign up sheet in my office if you do want to join in after class.
*And with that class is dismissed, and Hiro and Cora leave the room.*
Hiro: Well, that was a little surreal. Grandville, giving an opportunity for a bonus point, by joining a creative writing contest?
Cora: Yeah, that got me off guard to. Let me see what's it about.
*Cora quickly pulls out her phone and searches up the contest Grandville talked about and finds it... and more.*
Cora: Ooh! Turns out there's a prize where you get to hang out with a surprise author. Plus having your story be a apart of the library here!
Hiro: Hmm...*Gets an idea and smirks* Ya know.. I think it might be worth a try. What do you say? Wanna join the contest?
*Cora is taken aback with Hiro's idea, and yet she finds herself mildly excited for it regardless.*
Cora: OK then! Lets go!
*But when they head up to Grandville's office, they find Karmi signing in her name with a confident, smug, smirk on her face... which appeared when she saw Hiro and Cora arrive. They go through without argument thankfully, but they knew at least that Karmi will claim her story to be superior simply cause its hers.*
Grandville: Ah, Mr. Hamada and Miss Mizichio. Are you here to sign up for the contest as well?
Hiro: Yep.
Grandville: That is quiet a surprise. But regardless, I wish you luck for your creative writing entries. You should find the rules online.
Cora: Thank you Professor Grandville.
*With that the two teens discuss what they plan to do... especially since Karmi will be joining in too.*
Cora: Knowing her, she would probably write something about Big Hero 7... *Slightly shudders*
Hiro: Babe, its fine. We know better that she won't be as into it like last time.
Cora: Yeah, afterall, she doesn't know Big Hero 7 is actually us.
Hiro: That's it! I know what I'm gonna write about!
Cora: What?
Hiro: How about I write my own story on Big Hero 7! You said it before, we're Big Hero 7 so I know more about us than she does!
Cora: *Blinking* Ya sure you wanna do it? Not that I think you can't do it but I was hoping it would be something more original.
Hiro: Well, you're not wrong. How about I try to think of something else and then try to write about Big Hero 7 as a last resort K?
*Needless to say later on that night the three teens are at work on their story. Karmi is back imagining up a storm with her self insert story involving Big Hero 7 and Momakase. The two teens however are facing some sort of... blocks on their way. For Hiro, he found himself staring at a blank computer screen with no idea how to start.*
Baymax: You have been staring at a blank computer screen all night.
*Hiro groans in frustration as he tries to hit his head on the table, only for Baymax to cushion it. Cora's block is something a little more... unique. She was just about to type out whatever word she could think of first when she heard something downstairs.*
Mizuchi: What in the world is this?
*Curiosity go the better of her as she rushes down to find to her surprise: a bouquet of roses along with a brand new Truck waiting for him outside and custom made for Mizuchi to drive comfortably. And considering his height, that is a massive feat.*
Cora: Whoah!
Kaguya: Whoah is correct granddaughter.
Mizuchi: I-I can't believe it...
*He looks closely at the truck and he couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship and the fact that it can easily fit him.*
Kage: I can't believe it either, and I highly doubt it would be Krei who arranged this.
Cora:*Looks at Kage with questioning eyes* What do you mean Kage?
Kage: I doubt Krei would arrange roses to shape like a heart with the truck. Its clear... that he may have a secret admirer.
*And just like that, Cora's world freezes, finding herself unable to move or blink.*
Kaguya: Cora? Are you alright?
Mizuchi: *Turns his head to see his daughter frozen* Cora? Are you alright sweetheart?
*He goes over, dropping the bouquet of roses to the ground as he goes over to Cora.*
Mizuchi: How about we get inside and get hot cocoa? Doesn't that sound good?
Kaguya: I suppose.
Kage: If you say so.
*The four enter back inside the house where their baymax is waiting... while behind the shadows are two eyes... one brown and looking rather disappointed.. the other set of eyes being a familiar, robotic, red... and it didn't look happy.*
*Somewhere else in the city, in one of the abandoned warehouse Trina is looking up any formulas reserved in her father's computers before his.. untimely passing. Her Mecha suit is put aside to recharge as she scans through. Her pink shirt, purple beanie, and ripped jeans are replaced with a black tank top, black leather jeans, and dark red combat boots. However.. that's not to say that she isn't alone at the moment, as noodle Burger Boy had just arrived back, and now hoping up and down trying to look at the old schematics in front of them.
N.B.B: Howdy and Hello sis! I have some news about- *Distracted by the screen* Whatcha working on sis?
Trina: Its-
N.B.B: *Appearing in front of Trina* Shiny! *Pointing to everything else in the workshop* And whats that do? And that? And that? oh and definitely-
Trina: Noodle-!
N.B.B: Yes sis?
Trina: I'm trying to work!
N.B.B: Oh.. OK! Betcha I can guess what your working on!...give me a hint-
Trina: Maybe I could actually get work done if you were somewhere else.
*Trina pushes N.B.B aside as she goes to focus on the schematics again...only for N.B.B to get back again.*
N.B.B: Not much of a hint-
Trina: Take a hint! Go anywhere but here! And make yourself useful!
N.B.B:... OK Sis... I'll tell ya what I found later...
*Noodle Burger Boy slinks of while Trina goes back to the schematics. But as she did her processor brought up a particular memory file.
Trina had been recently reconstructed, in the form of a six year old. She was approaching a man who is working on a similar set of schematics in front of him.*
Trina: Daddy?
Obake: *Not turning around* What?
Trina:... You promised you'd read me a bedtime story tonight.. and I got my PJs on.
Obake: *Sighs heavily while pinching the bridge between his nose* Oh... that.. I'm sorry Trina but I'm a little busy at the moment. I'll just read your bedtime story tomorrow.
Trina:...OK...*Looks up to the screen* What's that Daddy? It looks really cool, could you give me a hint-
*Obake suddenly slams his hands on his keyboards, grunting in frustration before he turns to Trina with a frustrated look on his face.*
Obake: Do I need to repeat myself? Go back to your room right now. I am busy with my work and I don't want to be disturbed. Take a hint!
Trina trembled before she nods sadly. Obake shakes his head and hugs Trina, to which she happily gives back. But even a blind man could that that Obake's hug, while appearing loving outward, is completely hollow within.
Trina: *Shaking her head to focus on the schematics* Focus on this Trina. Sides, Noodle Burger Boy will come back.
*Later on the rest of Big Hero 7 grouped up for night patrol where currently Hiro is trying to pitch in his story idea to the gang.*
Hiro: Suddenly went completely black! *To Baymax* OK Baymax play that back.
Baymax: *Hiro's voice recording* As the concentration shifted, a chemical clock reaction suddenly went completely black!
*The audience in front of him are currently Fred and Cora. Cora appears a little distracted by her thoughts while Fred's look is a little...unimpressed.*
Fred: I don't get it.
Hiro: Its a scary story.
Baymax: A chemically accurate scary story.
Fred: sometimes accuracy does not equal entertainment. I as an English major should know.
Hiro: Ugh... Baymax erase it.
Baymax: Yeah, go ahead and erase all of it. Its super boring... sorry Hiro.
Hiro: Yeah... you're right.
Baymax: Deleted.
Fred: Hold on...Cora? How about you? Got any ideas for your story?
Cora: hm? *Snaps back at attention* Oh! I'm sorry I was just a little... distracted... with thoughts. I'm sorry Hiro.
Hiro: Its fine Cora, and sides it does sound boring in hindsight.
Fred: Science Horror might be too advanced for your first work of fiction. How about you write what you know!
Hiro: I guess so... But what?
Fred: Hmm... *To Cora* You wanna share your thoughts Cora? I heard that the first step to writing is to write immediately what comes in your head. Otherwise its gets puddles. Maybe sharing what you are thinking might be a good idea.
Cora:... I don't know how I would write about Papa getting a secret admirer would get me in the mood for writing...
Hiro: *shocked* Wait what?!
Fred: Really?
Cora: Mhmm…. We found a truck, a custom built one, along with a bouquet of roses shaped like a heart in front of our house!
Fred: See! that's something to work on! A romance mystery story!...*realization to Cora's words* Except you're clearly not in the mood for it...
Hiro: Nope.
Cora: You got that right. All that we do know is that it has to be someone crazy rich! And honestly I don't know if I could think on anything else...
*Thats when Gogo zooms up to the four up the roof.*
Gogo: You know if you focus on one thing too long you'd forget about everything else? We are not having a repeat of what happened again.
Cora: What should I do?
Gogo: Do what you love to do.
Cora: True...
*that is when Baymax comes up with an alarm.*
Baymax: There is a disturbance in night market square.
Gogo: Lets move out!
Fred: This conversation is T.B.C! That stands for 'To Be Continue-'
Gogo: *Dragging Fred to Baymax* Yeah.
*The five hop on Baymax and fly towards Night Market Square and soon land to find that the disturbance is none other than-*
Cora: Oh no...
Hiro: Noodle Burger Boy!
N.B.B:*Holding two gears* Perhaps these parts will fill the emptiness inside of me.
*That's when they all got a closer look on his face. It had went from its usual cheeriness to a sad face complete with a tear.*
Cora: What the?...
Fred: Is he OK?
Gogo: Whatever! Move in!
*Gogo jumps up to throw at Noodle Burger Boy the discs. It did hit the sides of his head but he had no immediate response.*
N.B.B: Great... happy hyperactive heroes... awesome..
*Noodle Burger Boy shoots his laser eyes to blast back Gogo, who is sent flying back while Baymax flies in with Hiro and Cora. The three land before Noodle Burger Boy as it continues its melancholy speech.*
N.B.B: Existence is an endless void.
*The burger bot half heartedly runs to Baymax starts to half heartedly to smack its head on the nurse bot's leg.*
Fred: *Picking Gogo up* Is it just me or is Noodle Burger Boy kinda… O.O.C?
Gogo: *Sighs*… what does that stand for?
Fred: Out of character c'mon!
Cora: Kinda have to go with Fred on this... this is super weird.
Hiro: I can fix that. Baymax, power kick!
*With one kick Noodle Burger Boy is sent flying through the air before crashing to a wall.*
N.B.B: Typical me..
*The bot falls down as Fred and Gogo regroup with Baymax, Hiro, and Cora.*
Hiro: Give it up Noodle Burger Boy!
N.B.B: Failure is the inevitable result of effort.
Hiro: OK... So y-you surrender?
N.B.B: Why not? My day can't get any worse.
*Cora looks up to see a billboard start to lean forward onto where Noodle Burger Boy is at oblivious to his surroundings.*
Cora: *Gasp* Noodle Burger Boy get out!
*But it was too late. The Billboard fell down, crushing the bot into pieces of robotic parts and wires.*
Fred: I can't believe it.. he's gone... taken out by a flying bill board!
Baymax: Fred, it was a falling bill board...*Patting on Fred's back* there there.
*Later on the gang meet up at the lab where Fred is cradling what remained of Noodle Burger Boy.*
Fred: Goodbye Noodle Burger Boy.. My heart is broken by the fact you represent one of my favorite foods in the whole world and for a brief time, delivered joy.
Wasabi: Until he became one of our top bad guys and started to try kidnapping Cora for *Hums out 'You know who?"*
Fred: Yeah, that is fair. Even so.. the memories are too real.
*That's when the gang turn to Hiro and Cora, who had just gotten off the phone.*
Honey Lemon:...How did Kage react?
Cora:...shocked... genuinely shocked..
Hiro: Alongside his numerous apologies about Noodle Burger Boy for... Wasabi already spelled it out. He's coming over to actually see if its true.
Honey Lemon: Really?
Cora: *Sighs sadly* Yeah really...
*Hiro looks at Cora before he pulls out his computer to show Cora what he is working on.*
Hiro: OK, how does this sound? *Clears throat* Reluctantly, Shiro held out his twisted hand to the disgusting, oozing claws of the Beast. The Beast gave a menacing grin, revealing shark like teeth with dripping blood and organs of his previous victims. He knew he had to do it, or else his boyfriend Hanzo would slowly suffocate under its vice like grip-
Wasabi: Woah woah! That's a little graphic!
Hiro:*Caught of guard* huh?
Fred: I second that! I mean, I get where you were going but you did two no nos in fiction!
Hiro: I was?
Gogo: The rules in the competition said that the rating at max is PG-13, and that sounds like its more than that.
*Hiro winced at that, especially since Cora brought out her phone to show the rules to prove it.*
Fred: Not to mention you wrote that Shiro's boyfriend was gonna die and uh... You know..
*That is when Hiro catches on to what Fred is trying to say. He quickly deletes the file and rubs his arm in embaressment.*
Hiro: Oh my god I am so sorry about that! I did not mean to uh..uh..
Fred: Do the whole 'Bury your gays' trope? Its alright, we know you Hiro. After all you are a novice and now you've been told what you did wrong so you'll know what to do better.
Gogo: Its how writers grow. You pay attention to when the critics say something is genuinely bad. And you can either whine how hard it is, or take out your notes and get better. Speaking of which..
*Gogo pulls out her phone.*
Gogo: I looked up Karmi's lastest update and its a little ridiculous.
Hiro: Really?
Fred: Let me see that. *Looks into fanfic and reading* Huh.. OK, this is a little weird. Why does Karmi have a gun? I-Its just doesn't make sense! And why did she do that with- Seriously!? Augh and you actually held promise!
Hiro: I take that Karmi's latest chapter is something?...
Fred: Theres now a ton of plot holes in this chapter that somehow evades common knowledge! Like, if Wasabi was still conscious, tied up with rope and Momakase didn't take the weapons off?! Like, he could literally snap off the bonds and free everyone else and knock her out!
Hiro: I thought you said that accuracy isn't very good for entertainment?
Fred: Accuracy can be played with and modified to fit the story's tone and theme. This is a blatantly obvious solution that's right there and could have been more interesting but instead wrote us dumber and weaker to get it where she wants!
Hiro and Cora: Wow...
Gogo: Yeah wow... and Fred's not the only one.
*Gogo then shows the reviews, the latest ones in regards to the plot holes, forced situations, and unrealistic approach is handled... and karmi's responses were less than stellar.*
Gogo: 16 years old and she throws a tantrum at being told her chapter didn't work.
Hiro: Wow... that is something...
Gogo: Yup. So you two... kick her ass.
Honey Lemon:*Goes over to place a hand on Gogo's shoulder* In regards to the competition! Not to you know..
Gogo:*Sighs and places her hand ontop of Honey Lemon's hands* I get what you meant Honey. But you know what Commander Carter said about this.
Honey Lemon: OK.. I don't like it, but if it means Hiro and Cora would be alright in the end I'll be ok with it.
*Honey Lemon leans down to kiss Gogo's cheek, which causes the shorter to slightly blush before she turns her head away. With that, Hiro turns his attention to Cora, who is currently scribbling down her notebook.*
Hiro:*Cora? You have something for the competition?
Cora: I-I think so... though they're only drabbles.
*Cora pulls out her notebook where it shows sentences in different colored pens with some rushed handwriting.*
Fred: *reading the drabbles* Hmm... well, its a start.
Cora: I can't decide between a sort of fairy tale version of how mom and dad met or make one of the lullabies, Grandmama sang to me as a kid into a song.
Kage: that's an interesting concept.
*The gang all turn up to see Kage arriving with his own Baymax waddling behind. He spots the leg Fred has in his hand before walking towards him.*
Kage: The leg please.
Fred: O-OK...
*Kage looks closely at the robotic leg, his eyebrows burrowing as he looks closer... to which his eyes widened.*
Wasabi: Um... Kage?
*Kage turns his head slowly to the gang, his eyes widened with fear as cold sweat starts forming on his temples.*
Kage: This isn't Noodle Burger Boy...
Hiro: What?
Gogo: Sh!
Cora: Wait what do you mean-?
Gogo: Shh!*Whispering* I hear something...
*Soon enough the metallic slide door is pierced through, leaving a hole big enough for...*
Fred: Noodle Burger Boy's back!...*Horror sinking in* Noodle Burger Boy's back...
*They all hit the deck when the second N.B.B shoots his laser eyes again.*
*Once the dust settled down the gang manage to get a good look at this new bot. It looks exactly like Noodle Burger Boy, but he possesses a monocle and a mustache.*
N.B.B: *British accent* Salutations and good tidings gentle sirs and madams. I've come to relive you of your disserving views.
*The fancy Noodle Burger Boy starts rummaging around the area while everyone else manages to hid behind a wall. Baymax one is currently holding Kage close as the man looks like he was about to have a panic attack. Gogo peeks around and soon spots something that would help them.*
Gogo: Purse.
*The chem purse is on Honey Lemon's chemistry table. Honey Lemon picks up a wrench close to her and throws it at Gogo, who catches it and smiles at her girlfriend. Gogo runs out and throws the wrench at the fancy bot to get his attention. And it worked.*
Fancy N.B.B: Fisticups sir? Then it shall be!
*The other bot goes in to fight Gogo one on one while Honey Lemon uses the time to grab her chem purse. Once she does posses it Gogo runs off to her girlfriend where soon enough Honey Lemon throws a chem ball that traps it inside.*
Fred: Nice Honey Lemon!
*But that victory is short lived as the fancy bot uses its lasers to blast himself up in the air and spinning around to cause more damage. The gang move out of the way as the fancy bot lands on top of Wasabi's tools and starts dancing around it.*
Wasabi: I just finished arranging that!
*Cora spots a pile of ping pong paddles nearby to which gives Cora an idea, grabbing as many as she can she starts throwing it at the fancy bot. The first shot knocked him down and now properly facing Cora.*
Cora: OK Noodle Burger Boy 2! Step down or face your doom!
Fancy N.B.B: Ooh~ a Blue haired maiden? You seem oddly familiar... along with that gentleman over there.
*The person he so happens to point to is none other then Kage, who at this point is shivering as he stares at Noodle Burger Boy's eyes. With that the other bot rushes towards the teen first, to which in response Cora finds herself trapped in a cycle of memories with Noodle Burger Boy repeated attempts to kidnap her.*
Honey Lemon: Cora, duck!
* Cora snaps back just in time to hear Honey Lemon's warning and duck as Honey Lemon throws a chem ball that made the floor beneath the other bot slippery goop. and it just so happens to hit back and activate Wasabi's plasma lasers and fall down on it. They all couldn't help but flinch at the sight, especially Kage and Cora. Hiro's Baymax waddles over to Cora as he holds her gently.*
Cora: I am sensing a rise of fear, shock, and discomfort. There there.
*Baymax pats Cora's head, but all she could do is think about Noodle Burger Boy... and look at Kage's face ridden with shock and guilt. They all meet up Fred's house to discuss about the rise of the Noodle Burger Boy copies. Kage is looking around the room as to avoid eye contact with everyone else. The gang had been quick to assure him that he didn't need to join if he is uncomfortable with it, but Kage refused on the basis that he knew how Noodle Burger Boy is built and how he programmed it, so they would need his advice. The Baymaxes are made sure to stand close to Kage in case of anything.*
Wasabi: What is with these random Noodle Burger Boys?
Fred: Maybe they time traveled from the future.. or the past! We're talking about different timelines in the noodle-verse. *Gasp* I just blew my own mind!
Gogo:It could be Trina.
Honey Lemon: *To Hiro and Cora* What do you think you two?
Cora: Hmm.. multiple Noodle Burger Boys...wait a minute! *To Hiro* Hiro, do you remember when Noodle Burger Boy got you and Krei to that factory to get you to fix him? What if around that same time he found copies of himself!
Hiro:...You're right! If Noodle Burger Boy and Trina found his copies they could easily program them like him!
Kage: That is a reasonable assumption... which means the original Noodle Burger Boy I...employed... must be around. But just how can we find him and the copies?
Baymax: Noodle Burger Boy is attacking the shipyard.
Hiro: Lets suit up and head out. *To Kage* Kage… do you want to join us?
Kage: *Bites down his lip before looking up* Yes. I made Noodle Burger Boy to what he is... I can easily help you destroy it.
Fred: Ooh.. suspense!
*And so they all fly off the shipyard, with Baymax carrying three members of Big Hero 7... who is followed by the second Baymax dressed ultra armor with the other three on his back, with Kage on top. They had given him a mix-match set of Wasabi's visor and chest plate armor, Hiro's gloves, and Gogo's discs for protection.*
Cora: There it is!
*They all land down to see another Noodle Burger Boy swinging on a hook wearing an eyepatch.*
Captain N.B.B: Argh! What mighty treasures await me discover ye here?
Cora: OK... we have emo Burger Boy, then British Burger Boy, now he's-
Hiro: Pirate Burger Boy.
*Pirate Noodle Burger Boy lands down on a metal crate with a seagull passing by.*
Captain N.B.B: Yo ho yo ho! Me hearties yo ho!
Fred: Ok, I kinda like this version!
Kage: You may want to change your mind on that...
*That same version soon pushes off a crate labeled Frederickson onto the docks where they were all standing. They all run off as lasers soon join in, marking the same crate with an X.*
Fred: Yeah, I take it back.
*The new bot opens up the second crate of Frederickson which catches Hiro and Cora's attention immediately.*
Hiro: What's he up to Baymax?
Baymax: It appears to be-
*The sliced crate lifts up via crane and spills out fish onto the heroes.*
Baymax 1: Sea food.
Wasabi: *Shudders* Why sea food?
Cora: *Sniffs one* Ugh... Exposing them like that in the open will guarantee their decay at a faster rate. They look fresh but smell like its been a week old!
Hiro: Now's not the time for that lets go!
*And so Hiro and Cora's Baymax flies off to stop this new Noodle Burger boy.*
N.B.B: What be this? Hostiles? Argh!
*The pirate bot shoots out his lasers before Baymax's rocket fist hits it over the crates and into the clearing of the rest of Big Hero 7 plus Kage and his Baymax. Wasabi goes in with his laser hands trying to slice apart the bot.*
Captain N.B.B: Have at ye bilge rat!
*The bot hops over Wasabi's shoulders and pulls out a fish that had been stuck to his hair. Surprised and disgusted by the fact that this fish had been in his hair he would of course, dodge the bot's fishy weapon instead of easily slicing the fish like tuna. Fred goes in and tries to flame broil the bot but it simply punches him away. Honey Lemon joins in the fight using her chemballs to chase after and capture the scurvy bot.*
Captain N.B.B: Yo ho. Yo ho. Yo ho!
*With that last word the bot fires its lasers and shoots Honey Lemon away and falling into Fred's arms who catches her on time. the bot continues running away until it sees another Baymax with an entirely different person.*
Kage: Surrender now!
Captain N.B.B: Never ye traitor! You had abandoned us at the deepest blue and live a life of warmth while we shiver down below.
Kage:...*Shocked* What?
*The bot jumps up and starts smacking his Baymax with a fish and soon they were about to fall off the edge. But thankfully for him; Baymax, Hiro, Cora, and Gogo join into surround the bot.*
Captain N.B.B: Ya think ya got me better you blooming cockroaches!
*And so the fight begins. Gogo zooms in to land the first strike only for the bot to whack her hard with his fish. the bot chooses to go after the baymax with the two teens, landing punches and kicks while Baymax tries to fight back.*
Baymax: Why is he hitting me with a fish?
*Cora notices the seagull that always seemed around N.B.B and the fish. She quickly grabs the fish and lets out a whistle to the bird before throwing it up to the air to which the seagull happily catch. Gogo joins in to throw in the disc, at first appearing to miss him only to strike him back in the head and land face forward with his laser eyes snapping the chains holding the third Frederickson crate which so happens to be directly on top on him.*
Gogo; We got a man over board.
Baymax: Fred, Cora, do not look.
Baymax 1: Do not look Kage.
*And so the bots saved their respective charges from witnessing another gruesome end to Noodle Burger Boy. The next day, after delivering everyone home safe and sound, meet up at the café.*
Wasabi: OK, any theories on why pirate burger boy is after fish?-
Fred: OK! Time for a break from all this thinking. Its exhausting. So Hiro, Cora: have you two come up with anything regarding your stories?
Hiro: Nope, I'm still kinda stuck.. *To Cora* How about you?
Cora: Well, I made a decision.. but I don't know how you'd react. Its not against the rules or anything its just... I don't know...
Baymax: It is OK to be feeling this way. Doubting your work is natural, but you must also remind yourself that what you create is what you love.
Cora: Hmm.. OK then.
Hiro: *Mutters to himself* Create what I love...
*But before Hiro could ponder on that phrase they felt something... the large, trembling, waves of the Earth moving around and screams. They all run outside to see the Kentucky Kaiju Robot stomping its way through the streets.*
Hiro: Oh no.
Cora: Oh no is right.
*And the one operating on it is none other than noodle Burger Boy... the Original Noodle Burger Boy.*
*The team suit up and go towards the inner city of San Fransokyo, its screaming citizens running away in fear of being stomped at.*
Fred: Ya know, I'm kind of surprised the bad guys just now managed to steal my Kaiju again.
Gogo: And honestly not sure why you keep rebuilding it.
*Baymax flies in with Hiro and Cora and stop in front of the kaiju.*
Hiro: Give up Noodle Burger Boy! You can't stop all seven of us!
N.B.B: Howdy and Hello misters and missus! We are delivering this ten ton of kaiju bun as a present for our sister!
Wasabi: Our?-
Honey Lemon: Hiro, Cora watch out!
*They are shot back by a set of familiar eyes... and familiar bots.*
N.B.B: Meet the latest models of my burger brothers! They are fresh off the grill!...Sis told me to make myself useful...So I made myself... and they are useful! Its Over Big Hero misters!
*The other bots jump up as to shoot Baymax down while Cora looks ahead at the Kaiju.*
Cora: Omega Danger! Rocket fist!
*The rocket fist launches... only to be repelled back as a flash of green shields the kaiju.*
Hiro: What?
*They fly away before they are hit with any more lasers from the other Noodle Burger Boys below.*
Fred: *Sheepishly* Did I mention I had the exterior reinforced after the whole giant shock wave about to destroy the whole city incident?
Baymax: You did not.
*The other bots keep shooting their lasers as to have the chance to strike down Baymax mid air.*
Honey Lemon: They're so quiet... its a little creepy.
Hiro: Uh, anyone have any ideas?
*A laser starts cutting through the wall behind them as they all get out of dodge. Honey Lemon uses her chem balls to bounce up and create a shield for them.8
Cora: Anything sounds good right now! We need to defeat Noodle Burger Boy and his copies!
Hiro:Hmm… Hey Noodle Burger Boy! Lets say you were writing a story about us, at this moment. How would you write about defeating us?
N.B.B: Ooh~ Lets see.. We would have a dance off! 'That is the ultimate form of battle misters!' says Electro Alpha! "Misters, I do not think we can win' says Omega Danger. ' I heard that his dance moves are out of this world!' says Aqua girl"Golly misters, we can try~' But you were no match for dance moves as you were all blown away. You all decided to join me as my back up dancers thus allowing my victory once and for all! Hee hee. Hee hee!
*However, it seems that the story Noodle Burger Boy had told had been nothing but a distraction as while he was gloating, the team had used the team to focus defeating on the burger bot copies.*
Gogo: Wow.
N.B.B: My burger brothers! What happened?
Hiro: That was a distraction.
*Noodle Burger Boy turns around to see that Hiro, Cora, and Baymax had managed to get inside the Kaiju.*
Hiro: Baymax. Rocket fist.
*From outside the kaiju moves until it falls down to where the gang is, thankfully they had gotten out on time... except for the copies. But by this point, Fred and Cora's reactions to it are mute. In some way, Noodle Burger Boy crawls back to Trina, still studying the schematics ahead.*
N.B.B: Guess what I did sis!
*Trine goes over to Noodle Burger Boy and picks him up under his arms.*
Trina: Play time's over little bro. Time to get rid of Big Hero 7.. We must avenge father.
N.B.B: About that Sis. There's something I learned... turns out.. father is not dead.
Trina: What?
*N.B.B uses his own eye cameras to show what he had managed to record. It really was their father... alive, and well. Trina could only stare as she sees how he was joined by Mizuchi, Kaguya, Baymax… and Cora.. they were laughing... they were smiling...*
Trina: No...No no! That's not father! Father is never like that with us!
N.B.B: But it is father. My scanners said so last night that its him.
Trina: No! I know father! And he would never be like that with us! That is not love! Regardless.. here's how we get our revenge.
*That's when she finally shows N.B.B the ultimate plan.*
N.B.B: Ooh~ Its so shiny!
Trina: In the meantime... I want to meet this imposter.
*At the same time, Hiro is in his room with Baymax, finally typing and thinking over his story.*
Baymax: Hiro, would you like me to help you on your assignment? I can run fanfiction simulation that are separate from Karmi's stories.
Hiro: Its OK Baymax. Sides, you actually gave me an idea earlier. I'm just gonna write it in my own style.
*That's when he pics up a photo of himself and Tadashi, smiling warmly.*
Hiro: I'm gonna write from experience and do what I think is best for my story.
*The entry date arrives where they all have to turn it in to Grandville. Hiro and Cora wait for Karmi to drop off her entry before going in. And so they gave it her, in their own unique folders with different stories.*
Grandville: I'm very impressed. If you two don't mind, could you tell me what these stories are about?
Cora: Umm... for me, its about a demon king and a water fairy and how over time... they found what they in each other.
Grandville: Interesting. And what about you Mr. Hamada?
Hiro: Well... its about a boy, his brother, and a robot.
A.N: Howdy and Hello! I'm back! So yeah, Write turn Here gave me ideas and as you saw I changed it around. Sorry it had to come so late, school and all. Also, I want to give a reminder that I do not want spoilers in any of my reviews. Overall, thank you for following Big Hero 7 the Series!
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
The Globby Within
*A man looking through his phone, passing by a dark alley where a pair of familiar glowing greens eyes is seen. That's when the man is pulled back and the globby hand takes away the phone.*
Actor: Hey! Globby! I thought you weren't a thief anymore!
Globby: I'm not. But I am making sure all of San Fransokyo knows about the new KreiTech Kphone!
Actor: Krei Tech K phone?
Globby: Its got all the phone features you love plus daily affirmations from Alistair Krei!
Krei: You smell great name of customer!
Actor: He's talking about me! Thanks Globby!
Globby; If I can make the switch from villain to hero, you can make the switch to Krei Tech K phone! Not that far from a stretch!
*Globby then morphs his body to the signature K of Krei Tech to conclude the commercial playing at the office of Alistair Krei himself joined by his assistant Lois Carter and Globby.*
Krei: K phones are flying off the shelves and its not just how weirdly slippery they are! Globby you are a star!
Globby: Thank you Mr. Krei!
*The oval like phone slips out of Krei's hand.*
Krei: We really have to fix that.
*And with that Globby walks hom with people greeting him left to right with smiles and praise. Finally he goes back all the way to his apartment where he is currently living with Felony Carl and their cat.*
Globby: What a day Felony Carl!
Felony Carl: Yo Glob, you're just in time. Guess whats on, Extreme Celebrity Whistling.
*The TV shows the upcoming program as Globby takes a seat.*
Globby: I'm voting for Bluff Dunder.
Felony Carl: His trilling is impeccable. Reminiscent of a turtle dove.
*Globby sighs happily, to which Felony Carl notices.*
Felony Carl: Whats up? You OK?
Globby: I'm more than OK. For the first time in my life I feel... happy!
Felony Carl: I am elated to hear that.
Globby: And I am very close to graduating from the Super Hero Program too!
Felony Carl: Yeah, at this point it seems like nothing could go wrong.
*They turn their attention to the tv as Bluff Dunder comes onscreen as a contestant.*
Dunder: I'm Bluff Dunder and here's a little something I'd like to call my ominous tune.
*And as he whistle his ominous tune, a dark piece of purple blob emerges slightly out with its red eye exposed, only to then be shooed away from the blob of Rose Gold following after it.*
*The next morning the entire gang is at the café where Wasabi is retelling the events on Extreme Celeberity whistling.*
Wasabi: And then they voted off Bluff Dunder, even though his whistle was hauntingly beautiful.
*Just behind them is Chief Cruz, arriving to the café which the gang quickly take notice off.*
Hiro: *groans*
Wasabi: What up?
Hiro: Its Chief Cruz, he's been here for coffee every morning this week.
*Cass just so happens to see Chief Cruz approach Cass and taking his hat off in respect.*
Cass: Well good morning Chief Cruz. I have your usual ready, half caf latte with whole milk.
Chief: Am I that predictable?
Cass: Umm...Yeah.
*The two chuckle before Cass leaves to continue working. One sip of his usual is quick to tell that he isn't the biggest fan of coffee.*
Hiro: And he doesn't even like coffee.
Gogo: I don't think this is about the coffee.
Fred: He likes Aunt Cass.
Cora: *Sighs* And I'm getting flashbacks of that time with Krei.
Baymax: Fred is correct. Chief Cruz is showing physiological signs of attraction and excess of norepinephrine causing sweat glands in his palms-
Hiro: *Stopping Baymax* OK Baymax! We get it!
Wasabi: Wait... sweat glands in our palms?
Baymax: Over three thousand square inch.
*Back with Cass and Chief Cruz they continue talking over stuff.*
Cass: So how are things? Out in the streets of San Fransokyo?
Chief Cruz: Challenging thanks to Big Hero 7.
Cass: Really? Don't you technically work with Big Hero 7? And I'd thought they make your job easier.
Chief Cruz: I am aware of that. But that doesn't mean that once super heroes make an appearance its only a matter of time before the super villains follow.
Cass:*Frowning* … Chief Cruz... Callaghan appeared out of nowhere after the world presumed him dead at Krei tech with my nephew's microbots dressed like a supervillain. That was the first time Big Hero 7 showed up. So don't tell me whether or not super villains are the result of Super heroes.
*That got Chief Cruz to shut his mouth, eyes averting as he remembers from the briefing when he met commander Carter their origins. Especially with Cass' cross brow directed at him before she goes back to work. Just then they see Mizuchi enter the store alongside his brother to which Cass immediately greets with a smile.*
Cass: Mizuchi! Kage! How are you two?
*The gang turn their heads to see Cora's father and uncle arrive with Cass walking over to them.*
Mizuchi: Its going fine Miss Cass, we'd like two expressos and-
Cass: Coffee with vanilla cream to go! Got it!
* She walks away smiling with Chief Cruz blinking at the size of Mizuchi and... why did that man's name beside the giant sound so familiar? Noticing his confusion Cass is quick to explain.*
Cass: Oh that tall man is Mizuchi, he's Cora's father.
*That got his eyes to widen... this giant man is the father of that small blue haired girl? And judging from his muscles he is no stranger to strength.*
Cass: And Kage is Mizuchi's brother. He's living with them.
Chief Cruz: I see...
Cass: We have dinner together as a family sometimes. They're really good people once you get to know them better.
*Cora and the gang turn to Mizuchi and Kage and greet them.*
Cora: Hey Papa, Uncle Kage. Glad to see you here!
Mizuchi: I'm always happy to see you Cora. We're just grabbing them on the go before I go to work and drop Kage back home.
Hiro: By the way, how's Chara going?
Mizuchi: She's getting there. We're helping her gain her memories before that night and when... she became Mothra.
*It was bad enough that Chara lost her memories before the incident those many years ago, but after the transformation to Mothra she had forgotten where the island was where other humans are trapped. And looking at the recordings Chara sounded certain, but now she can't recall which direction she took. This is certainly going to be harder to help the others; though thankfully they have all been given lessons about mermaids and about their biology. Which meant that when they get the location of the sirens' hideout, they could properly rescue them.*
Kage: Also... thank you for informing us about Megan's research and bout...Chief Cruz...
Cora: Well... how do we even explain it without landing all of us in jail?
Wasabi: Why would Chief Cruz put you guys in jail?
Cora: One, there's the fact we're hiding the fact that Chara's ok and were keeping her a secret for now, and two it would lead to the exposure of mermaids, and third the whole Yakuza blood line... I could end up in jail or on someone's lab table along with Papa, Grandmama, and Uncle Kage.
Gogo: Hey, we promised that we would help you guys no matter what, especially what you had done for us.
Honey Lemon: Without you guys we wouldn't had any idea about Diane Amara or about Nozako.
Hiro: We're in this together Cora. *Holds Cora's hand tightly* And I'm not giving up on you.
*Cora smiles warmly at the gang as she hugs Hiro. Mizuchi and Kage smile at this before they leave the café as well.*
Cora: Though... I think we should talk about these things somewhere else. Since Chief Cruz comes here often he could overhear anything we say.
Fred: Ya know, that brings up an idea I had for a while.. I think this is the time we plan out secret headquarters.
Wasabi: Secret headquarters? Really?
Fred: Not only it would rock, but its a place where we could be ourselves and not be exposed in public!
Cora: Fred does have a point. We need to find someplace else if we don't want to be caught.
*Chief Cruz meanwhile is writing notes entirely different. Notes about the disappearance of Chara Bonete. They should count their stars that Chief Cruz chose to sit in a different table away from them after the brief talk with Cass. He sighs frustratingly as he thinks over everything he and his daughter Megan learned so far about Chara Bonete's disappearance. And so far what they've found is that her parents had moved away after the investigation ended. What they recalled is that she had been quiet and reserved days before she left when she was normally cheery and talkative. He remembered one of the last times he ever saw her alive...*
'Alright now! Hit the showers cause ya stink of pigs!'
Diego Cruz groaned as he stood up along with other guys from their training exercise as football players. There was the homecoming game coming up against their rival school and good ol' Gym teacher Krump is already pushing them to the bone. Getting up Diego walked towards the showers when he saw Chara Bonete, her face showing signs of deep thought and worry as she heads her way to meet up with the cheerleading squad. Diego goes over to Chara and greets her.
'Hey Chara, what up?'
Chara jumps up startled before she looks at Diego and gives a small and weak smile.
'N-Nothing much Diego... just stuff...in my mind' Chara replied before she turns to her books. But Diego isn't buying it.
'Ya know that I'm here for you right? Whatever's been bugging you spill. No one's stopping you.'
Chara sighs before she responds.
'Its just stuff about...my boyfriend...'
Diego's eyebrows furrow as she mentions her boyfriend. He had no problem with her being in a relationship. No. In fact he was already seeing outside of school and viewed Chara as a little sister; what he had a problem was that Chara's boyfriend had been making her more reserved and quiet and been isolating her. Chara had made many arguments that it wasn't like that and that her boyfriend was simply nervous around people and mostly kept to himself and had even taken her out on dates and at no point, had ever hurt her. And she even brought him over to the games just to show him.
And immediately Diego felt something was off about him. It was a surprise to learn that Kage was in fact in college despite being Chara's age; but something about him just felt off. True, he clearly shown that he loves Chara more than anything but everything else... Something inside Kage didn't feel right; it didn't feel that he sane. But still, he can't go off by a hunch; now he's going to stand by and watch just in case.
'Something up with your boyfriend?' asked Diego
' Kage is just going through stuff at his home and he's busy with his school project. Stress ya know.' Replied Chara.
'Hmm... if that's what you're saying.' muttered Diego.
'That is exactly what I'm saying. Don't worry Diego, I'll be alright. I can handle myself, and hopefully I can help him whatever way I can. Though I'm no robotics genius, so helping with homework is out of the question.'
Chara chuckled as her smile became stronger, which for a moment soothed Diego's worries.
'OK, I better catch up for cheer practice. See ya later Diego!'
Chara ran off while Diego headed to the showers, both unaware of their futures ahead.
*Chief Cruz shakes his head as he sighs heavily. That was the last time he had ever saw her. If he had only pressed for more details he could had done something. Anything to at least protect Chara. Learning that she planned to run away with the guy only for the police to find scraps of clothing... He takes another sip of the coffee despite his distaste. At the very least... he would bring Chara home where she could rest in peace. He turned his head back to see the men gone and Cass to work... seriously... why is the man with the red streak in his hair seem so familiar?*
*Meanwhile Globby had just swung himself over to Joe's Diner trying to whistle.*
Globby: It is harder than it looks! Maybe if I had lips.
*Finally he lands in front of Joe's diner where he is greeted with praise and admiration.*
Joe: Globby! I have your special booth already!
*Globby stretches himself over to sit at his special booth as he signs a couple auto graphs.*
Joe: I saw your K Phone commercial again last night! I was so entertained I almost bought one! But its too much money.
Globby: I can get you a deal Joe. *Looks at the menu* Oh~, Joe dog or chili joe dog... is there such thing as a chili corn dog?
*But while he is busy with his reading the purple blob, Nega Globby, possesses Globby's left arm and stretches over to another booth where its wrecking havoc across the diner. But that is when the rose gold blob starts wrestling with the nega Globby, causing more damage as it swerves to stop each other. For the Rose Gold its to protect Globby while Nega Globby sought destruction. That is when Globby sees his arm in a war.*
Globby: What the?!
Joe: Globby stop!
Globby: I can't control my arm! Somethings' wrong! I'm sorry!
*That's when the police arrive lead by Chief Cruz.*
Chief Cruz: Hands in the air now!
*Globby is now teetering around as he tries to control his arm only for it to hit Joe against some mugs where the shards fell and cut his arm.*
Joe: Augh!
Globby: Oh my god! Joe I'm so sorry!
*Finally that is when the rose Gold blob over powers Nega Globby and wrap itself around Joe's arm. However, this appears to be to the police, Globby attempting to harm Joe even further.*
Chief Cruz: You're coming with us Globby! Drop the man now!
Globby: Its not what it looks like!
*But he knew that the police had seen what they want to see, and what they saw is someone hurting others. Finally the rose gold blob goes back to the body of Globby. The officer beside him shoots her taser to which causes Globby to convulse where he goes to the drain, escaping the police. The police officer heads over to Joe while Chief Cruz goes to call for the police and medical aide.*
Chief Joe: Hold still Joe, we're going to contact medical aid.
*But that's when he sees that joe's arm had the shards removed and the cuts healed. But that doesn't matter. Globby attacked the store. globby hurt that man. And he will go to jail for it. Somewhere else the team go ahead and meet with Fred at his house.*
Fred: Good day my fellow members of Big Hero 7! I've gathered you all here to talk about something very important-
Gogo: Do not say it! Do not say Secret Headquarters.
*Fred shifts his eyes as he thinks over what he says next.*
Fred: A clandestine central meeting location from where we can exact justice!
*The gang groan except for Cora and Baymax.*
Cora: Whats wrong with having a secret headquarters?
Fred: Exactly! I've been working on this in my head, you know, where ideas come from. First we need doors tall enough for Baymax-
*That's when Hiro looks up from his phone and sees something distressing.*
Hiro: Guys! News alert!
Dunder: Local Hero, honorary member of BH7, and Krei Tech's spokesperson Globby has been reportedly returned to a life of crime. We go live now to Police Chief Cruz's press conference.
Chief Cruz: The criminal known as Globby has destroyed Joe's Diner and has harmed Joe himself.
Dunder: Home of the beloved Joe dog-
Chief Cruz: BE advised that the fugitive is considered dangerous. Anyone aiding Globby will be suspected as an accomplice!-
Police Officer: Chief Cruz... You got a phone call.
Honey Lemon: Globby tried to rob Joe's?
Wasabi: But he loves Joe's.
Cora: Something doesn't add up. We need to look further into this-
*that's when Hiro's phone rings with a familiar face.*
Hiro: Its commander Carter...and Chief Cruz...
*The gang answer the phone and transfer it to the TV.*
Hiro: Commander Carter, Chief Cruz...
Commander Carter: I assume you have watched the recent news regarding Globby?
Cora: Yeah we have. But we feel like something isn't up. Globby would never dream of hurting anyone!
Chief Cruz: But he did-
Commander Carter: Regardless... Big Hero 7 will the ones to detain and capture Globby.
gang: What?
Chief Cruz: What?
Commander Carter: Before he had supposedly reformed he was a thief. They have experience and know how he works and his unique biology. It is up to you to capture Globby while the Super Hero Program will bring him over to decide his punishment. *To Chief Cruz* You and your police will not get involved.
Chief Cruz: But its an officer's duty to protect and serve the public! We can do as much help as they could ever-
Commander Carter: Your tasers and guns have no effect on a gelatinous humanoid that could turn from solid to liquid at will! You will stay put with your police force and deal with any other crime. Leave to this to the team that can actually make a difference. Am I clear Chief Cruz?
*Chief Cruz's moment of shock quickly turns to a heated glare before he composed himself. He takes a deep breath before he addresses to both commander Carter and Big Hero 7.*
Chief Cruz: Yes Commander Carter. *To Big Hero 7* Good luck.
*Chief Cruz ends his call as he stares frustratingly at the phone. Finally he slams it to the table as he shakes his head. No. He is not going to stand back on this. It doesn't matter what Commander Carter said. He will go after Globby.*
Honey Lemon: What are you going to do to him when we do get him?
Commander Carter: Considering that Globby is.. was nearing his final test to get his license. Either Maximum security prison or a government base away from this city.
*The team look on with worry and fear for Globby. Its a very harsh punishment for their friend; both ending in him away from his home and friends. But none the less that doesn't mean they'll get to the bottom of how Globby acted the way he did and get answers. Perhaps they could show Commander Carter that Globby is innocent... if that was the case.*
Hiro: We understand Commander Carter.
*Later on they suit up to go Globby and Felony Carl's apartment to ask the latter about Globby.*
Felony Carl: I'm perplexed onto Globby's current whereabouts, even if I did would never betray my globs like that.
Honey Lemon: We know you care about Globby, but even if we are sent to find him we just wanna keep him safe.
Cora: We'll do all that we can to protect him.
Felony carl: *Sighs*… Alright.. I'll arrange a meeting... Under one condition...*sniffs* Give him a hug for me.
*Baymax and Cora go to hug Felony Carl to comfort him.*
Baymax: There there Champ.
Cora: Again, we'll do everything to protect Globby. You have my word.
*Later on the gang go towards the meeting place to meet up with Globby, each taking careful steps.*
Gogo: Where is he?
Baymax: Globby is behind you.
*Globby emerges from the wall.*
Globby: Hi guys
*The team jump back slightly spooked from his emergence from a brick wall.*
Baymax: Hello.
Honey Lemon: Globby!
*She runs over to hug Globby but he slithers away.*
Globby: You should stay back...
Honey Lemon: Why? Whats wrong?
Globby: I just lost control of my arm I don't know what happened.
Fred: Baymax, anything on evil arm syndrome?
Baymax: Evil arm syndrome does not exist.
Globby: Well then how do you explain this!
*The same purple arm emerges to which Honey Lemon steps back. But Cora looks closer and immediately connects the dots from a memory.*
Globby: What?
*The nega arm goes around knocking some of the team down until Wasabi uses his laser blades to cut some of it off, making the purple arm disappear.*
Globby: Whew.. thank you. I was hoping someone would do that.
Cora: Globby! That's Nega Globby!
*that's when an evil laugh emerges where the team sees on the back of Globby's head.*
Hiro: She's right! It is Nega Globby!
*Globby tries to punch away Nega Globby but the dark copy merely laughs evilly as it tries to emerge from his head.*
Wasabi: Oh this is so wrong!
Globby: How is this possible?!
Hiro: You did defeat him by eating him.
Honey Lemon: He wasn't destroyed.
Gogo: just weakened...
Fred: But now he's getting stronger!
Globby: Does that mean he'll potentially take over all of me?
Cora: We won't let that happen Globby… maybe the healing potion could destroy it just as it turned you back into a human.
Baymax: Law enforcement has arrived.
Hiro: What?!
Chief Cruz: Keep your eyes peeled! Several reports that Globby is in the area!
*He goes over to pick up a purple, motionless blob.*
Chief Cruz: He was here... we're getting warmer...
*Once the police leave Globby drops his brick wall disguise which the team goes to remove some excess globs from their suites.*
Globby: That was too close!
Wasabi: and too gross...
Gogo: Chief Cruz was supposed to stay away from this case!
Cora: He's probably still concerned about others. He's a police officer after all...
Honey Lemon: But he still disobeyed Commander Carter.
Hiro: We need to hide you Globby..
Cora: Wait.. hide?
Hiro: We need to get Nega Globby off Globby, and once we detain it we can show commander carter and Chief Cruz-
Cora: To prove that globby's innocent!
Honey Lemon: *To Globby* You can stay with me and-
Gogo: No.
Honey Lemon:... OK never mind..
Fred: Oh! You can stay with me and Minimax!
Globby: Oh you mean it? Thanks Fred.
Fred: No sweat.
*Honey Lemon pulls out a vial to collect a sample from Globby while Cora goes forward.*
Honey Lemon: We're going to solve this.
*Globby, overwhelmed with emotion, wrapped himself to hug all of Big Hero 7.*
Globby: What did I ever do to deserve great friends like you?
Wasabi: Oh I don't know, maybe saving millions of people in San Fransokyo?
Globby: Oh yeah?
Cora: And helping Hiro rescue me.
Globby: Yeah, I earned this.
*Somewhere in Fred's room, Fred is in a suit presenting a little show on the TV.*
Fred: Welcome to Fred Talks. Today's topic, Secret Headquarters. Every great superhero has one! Captain Fancy had Fort Fabulous, Danger Face had.. well, The HEAD Quarters, Boss Awesome has his secret home office right here in the casa!
*And his audience is none other than Globby himself.*
Globby: Huh... Well I'm just gonna lay down. It might seem like I'm sleeping but I'm not... even if I snore a little-
*And then he drops dead unconscious, sleep taking over him.*
Fred: So where should Big Hero 7 have our secret hideaway? We want it to be near good schools and restaurants obviously and-
*But while Fred rambles on, Nega Globby slowly emerges from Globby's body and starts to laugh... to which Fred quickly notices it.*
Fred: Oh no...
Globby: Ah!
*Globby rolls off the couch only for Nega Globby to pull up and start thrashing around the couch with Fred trying to escape. Soon parts of Globby morph into Nega Globby's color while Fred tries to restrain it and keep Globby safe. That is when Minimax goes over to fly in the rescue.*
Minimax: Did someone cry out in pain for Minimax?
*Minimax flies over to start fighting off Nega Globby while Minimax goes off on his heroic ramble. Finally, while maneuvering around to avoid Nega Globby's shots the little jets on minimax causes the kaiju figure to land on top of Globby, squishing him and thus putting Nega Globby out of commission.*
globby: Thank you!
Minimax: You are most welcome gelatinous life form!
*The next day Fred is going over what happened last night with his friends.*
Fred: Its was like before except this time both his arms went evil!
Hiro: Nega Globby is getting stronger!
Cora: We need to get Nega Globby out of Globby stat! It'll be only a matter of time..
Wasabi: Wait... Where's Globby now?
*Fred recalls that he has Globby tied up with rope with Minimax to watch him over at his home.*
Fred: I gotta get back soon, karate mode is rough on Minimax's battery.
Honey Lemon: Cora, hows the potion coming along?
Cora: Its getting there, but I need your sample to see if there's any effects. I don't want to hurt him by accident, *Sighs* I need more time...
Hiro: We need to find someplace to keep Globby where he can't hurt anyone.
Fred: I got an idea!
*Soon enough Big Hero 7 arrive to an old abandoned factory outside of San Fransokyo with Nega Globby in tow.*
Gogo: Battered, creepy, abandoned, and broken. Great.
Baymax: I detect traces of chocolate, caramel, and tree nuts.
Fred: Exactly Baymax. A creepy, abandoned candy factory. So... fun!
*Fred hops over to open the doors to show everyone.*
Fred: This was built by my great grandfather! Fredereina Frederickson! You can still smell the sugar.
Globby: Why am I in an old candy factory when I am a living candy factory!
*He turns both hands into chocolate to demonstrate.*
Fred: My family owns this place but no one uses it anymore. So we can keep Globby here until Honey Lemon and Cora fixes him.
Globby: But what if my legs turn evil? I'd be going for an evil jog!
Hiro: Don't worry, we'll take turns guarding you.
globby: Oh I don't wanna put you guys to anymore trouble! You're already risking you license just to protect me.
Honey Lemon: No trouble Globby, this is what friends do.
Globby; Aww... bring it in!
*He wraps his chocolate arms around the team for a hug.*
Wasabi: And now we're covered in chocolate.
Fred: yum!
*Gogo is keeping watch on Globby as he reads the newspaper as Nega Globby tries to shoot blobs at Gogo only for her to merely deflect herself with her discs. that is when a rose gold blob wraps itself around it and push it back before it could spew a fountain of globs Fred is going over his comic book and action figures to educate Globby on the super hero comic world when Nega Globby tries to melt it with acid only for the other blob to coat it in a glistening sheen of plastic, making it look brand new. Hiro and Baymax are playing robotic ping pong with Globby to pass the time when Nega Globby starts spinning his arm out of control and breaks the enemy paddle and puts a crater on the wall behind it. Next, Wasabi is cleaning up left over spilled popcorn that Globby spilled from his bowl when, once again, Nega Globby pushes the popcorn bowl to the floor making Wasabi frustrated. Soon enough Nega Globby is taking more control as it tries to attack the members of Big Hero 7 watching over them.*
Gogo: Well this isn't working.
Fred: Come on Nega Globby! Knock it off on getting stronger!
Globby: I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I should have never eaten my enemy.
Baymax: Would you like a hug?
Globby: Oh I would but I don't wanna put you in anymore danger.
Wasabi: Don't worry about it.
Hiro: Yeah, friends help friends.
Fred: Absolutely! Even when those friends have unstable, terrifying monsters inside their heads.
Globby: I just can't be trusted... I blew it when my arm attacked Joe's diner and hurt Joe... Just who am I now?
*Later on Hiro meets up with Honey Lemon and Cora at the lab where they are looking over the potion and the sample of Globby.*
Hiro: Any progress?
Honey Lemon: My alternative doesn't seem to destroy Nega Globby's without also destroying Globby..
Hiro: Maybe… we shouldn't destroy Nega Globby… we should make him stronger!
Honey Lemon: So that Nega Globby is powerful enough to burst out of Globby!.. Ew..
Hiro: At least then we could take him on without hurting globby.
Honey Lemon: I know just what to do!
*As Honey Lemon rushes off Baymax breaks the news to Hiro and Cora.*
Baymax: The stronger Nega Globby becomes, the more difficult he will be to contain.
Hiro: I know, but I think this is the best chance on saving Globby… Hold on..*To Cora* You hand't mention the potion and Honey said about the alternative...
Cora: Theres also something else inside Globby..
*She directs him to the microscope where he soon spots tiny globs of rose gold trying to eat Nega Globby's cells.*
Hiro: That looks just like-
Cora: The potion.. I even added some to see what it would do. While it doesn't seem to attack Globby's cells its a little weak against Nega Globby's despite it trying to dissolve it. But it does acts on its own... I checked on Joe and he told me everything. He said that after he got mug shards on his arm, globby's arm reached out and wrapped it... and when he left Joe's arm was healed!... I think the potion is becoming self aware.
Hiro: The potion became an antibody to guard Globby from Nega Globby. But the stronger Nega Globby gets the weaker the potion is.
Cora: And I'm afraid of what it'll do when I add more of it! What if it becomes just like Nega globby?!
*That is when Hiro's phone rings to which he answers it.*
Gogo: We got a problem.
*Hirom Baymax, Cora, and Honey Lemon arrive at the factory suited up and the potion safely tucked to Cora's armor.*
Gogo: Globby's gone. And he left this.
*Fred pulls out a glossed over paper with writing no doubt being Globby's. Honey Lemon grabs the letter to read it out loud*
Honey Lemon: *Reading the letter out loud* Dear Big Hero 7, Thanks for looking out for me but I'm too dangerous. I must stay away from the people I love, so you won't ever see me again! P.S I should have mentioned it earlier in the note but this is Globby.
Cora: Poor Globby!...
Hiro, Cora, Baymax, and Honey Lemon: Oh no...
*The team quickly get on Baymax to search for their friend across san Fransokyo.*
Hiro: We have to find Globby before Chief Cruz!
Honey Lemon: Chief Cruz wasn't supposed to be following globby.
Gogo: But there's no doubt he has police cruisers all over the city.
Hiro: Maybe he's not hiding in the city.
Fred: *Gasp* Maybe under the city!
Gogo: No, I don't think that's what he was getting at.
*Thats when they receive a call from Commander Carter himself.*
Cora: Commander Carter!
Commander Carter: Have you found any leads onto the whereabouts of Globby?
Hiro: Not yet Commander Carter, but there's something we have to tell you. Chief Cruz has police cars all over the city and is searching for Globby!
Commander Carter:... What... How did you find out?
Fred: We were... uh..
Honey Lemon: We over heard him when we were searching for Globby.
Commander Carter: That-! Either way, the moment you find Globby immediately detain him! We'll be heading over the moment you send the signal.
Gogo: Understood Commander Carter.
*They hang up as the team look at each other with worry in their eyes. At the ruins of Akuma Island Globby is sitting at the edge using his self made harmonica to keep himself company.*
Globby: *sighs..* I never even got to say goodbye to felony Carl..
*Looking up he sees Big Hero 7 arrive to Akuma island. Globby runs over as worry appears in his face.*
Globby: Why are you here? I'm a monster in exile! Get! Go! Leave me!
Gogo: Oh calm down drama glob. We're here to help.
Hiro: Yeah, We have an idea.
Honey Lemon: You might not like it much.
Globby: I'll try anything!
*That is when Hiro's skymax arrives and reveals a special backpack.*
Hiro; This is the Glob Pack.
Honey Lemon: Its going to strengthen Nega Globby.
Globby: What?!
Hiro: Then as soon as he bursts out of you-
Globby: Burst out of me?!
Hiro: It'll be fine! We'll contain it in here!
Globby: You sure there isn't a plan B?
Cora: I have this made by yours truly.
*She shows the vial of the healing potion strapped to her belt.*
Honey Lemon: This is the only way.
Globby: OK... as longs as its not dangerous.
Cora: Umm... about that...
Baymax: It is extremely dangerous.
Globby: Darn it.
*Soon enough everyone is taking place to free Nega Globby from Globby as Honey Lemon draws a large circle around their friend while everyone else stands a good distance away. Cora holds her hand over the vial on her belt as she looks at Honey Lemon then Globby.*
Honey Lemon: Ready Globby?
Globby: No... but lets do this!
*Everyone else stands back as Honey Lemon starts up her chem purse to take aim at Globby.*
Honey Lemon: OK... One. Two.. Three!
*She shoots a chem ball with a heart design directly at Globby where he absorbs it, the green color soon consumed inside.*
Globby: Oh well, it was a good idea. So about that potion AH!
*Nega Globby had observed the green liquid and soon bursts out of Globby's chest. That's when soon after that Globby burps out a small, rose gold glob which lands on the floor wiggling harmlessly.*
Globby: Hey! I'm just globby again!
*Hiro uses his Glob Pack and takes aim to Nega Globby, but the purple monster uses the suction to toss around Hiro and his invention around to the air. Baymax quickly catches him as the team prep their weapons against Nega Globby. Though Cora takes note of the Rose Gold glob. Nega Globby soon throws away the glob pack away from the team.*
Gogo: I'm on it!
*Gogo dashes forward to grab it but the enlarged hand of Nega Globby pushes her back to prevent her from reaching it. *
Hiro: He's growing too big!
*Nega Globby roars as he grows.*
Hiro: Surround him! Cora, come with me!
Cora: I'll catch up a little later Hiro. That thing is interesting.
*Hiro, despite not knowing what his girlfriend is talking about, goes forward anyway while Cora dashes towards the rose gold blob as the rest of Big Hero 7 surround it. Fred fires at Nega Globby as it fans out its flames. That is when a Hiro and Baymax fly through it and take position.*
Hiro: Baymax! Rocket fist!
*But the gelatinous being merely absorbs it to which it send it back and knocks out Baymax.*
Cora: Hiro! Baymax!
*As Baymax manages to land safely with Hiro, Honey Lemon steps forward and uses her chem purse bazooka to aim at Nega Globby as Wasabi charges forward with his laser blades. He uses his laser blades to cut it open where it turns to a fog. With that Gogo transforms her hover disc to accompany Fred's flames to attack Nega Globby in the mist. A very flammable mist. Cora is beside Globby as she looks at the rose gold blob to which Globby now notices it.*
Globby: And what is that?
Cora: I think its the potion you drank the first time. But now it sort of looks like blobs.
*She pokes at it only for it to jiggle happily.*
Cora: Sentinet blobs...
Globby: Please tell me it won't turn into Nega Globby 2.0.-
*With the large flames expending everyone takes cover as Globby shield Cora until it dies out. Once it did globs of Nega Globby rain down with Nega Globby weakened. that is when cora spots the Glob Pack.*
Cora: I got it!
*She runs forward to get ahold of it to which Nega Globby grabs hold of her foot and launches her towards the group, the force of which twists her ankle making her yell out in pain.*
Hiro: Cora!
Wasabi: I got you-Woah!
*Soon enough Nega Globby enveloped them in his own gelatinous body where Cora tries to send her own electricity to make Nega Globby let go of them but it merely sends it off the side... striking it to the rose gold blob which absorbs it, making it stand still. Nega Globby then uses his globs to short out her gloves, deaming them worthless. Globby is now the only one standing watching his friends being tossed around like hot potatoes. Globby stands back as he watches Nega Globby collect left over debris of the old Krei Tech lab to make himself stronger than before. Now it felt that Globby is pinned down and trapped before the hand of Nega Globby*
BH7: Globby!
*That is when two things happen... When Nega Globby slams down his fist he finds that the Rose Gold Glob has formed a shield around Globby, to which Globby absorbs himself to grow into a large version of himself to face of his dark copy once and for all. Globby looks up to see that he morphed himself to a butterly, to which he compliments himself.*
Globby: Hey that's pretty good! *Looks down* Um... whats up with... Her?
*The gang look down to see the Rose Gold blob grow in size to a humanoid bearing resemblance to Globby though with one or two feminine features... to which it reveals a soft green glow of what appears to be eyes and a bit slimmer. Everyone waits to see if its a friend or foe until she shoots herself up and morphs into the exact form globby is by his side.*
Globby: Thanks!...Whoever you are!
*The two fly around the monster as Globby uses a whistle to let them know when to strike.*
Wasabi: Nice extreme whistle!
*Wasabi swims inside of Nega Globby as the monster chases after the two, morphing itself to a serpent to devour the two butterflies whole. The two fly towards to Wasabi who had emerged to the surface and free him, soon grabbing Honey Lemon and Gogo while Honey Lemon takes aim. Honey Lemon's chem balls take form as cushions for them all. The Rose gold Glob leaves behind a blob around Cora's ankle before flying back to the fight.*
Hiro: Cora! You alright?
*Cora looks up to see the blob around her ankle glow softly before it melts away. She moves it around to find that it healed her.*
Cora: Well... at least we know that this one heals.
Fred: You go Globby and Pink Globby!
*That's when Fred sees in front of him the glob pack to which he takes hold of throws it to Hiro. The two globs fly around the sky before Globby wraps himself around Nega Globby's eyes while Rose Gold Globby joins in to protect catch Globby as Nega Globby's spikes pierce through and causing him to fall down.. with Nega Globby smashing itself down to squish them.*
BH7: *Gasp*!
*But just as Nega Globby turns its attention to the team, the spikes of Globby along with the glow of Rose Gold Globby cause the monster to explode to pieces while the rose gold blobs dissolve it, leaving behind one tiny Nega Globby.*
Globby: quick use the pack to stop that thing!
*Hiro pulls out the Glob Pack and sucks him to the pack, therefore trapping it in its glass cage.*
Globby: Ya can't beat the original Globby!*Turns around to find the Rose Gold globby standing still* Oh and uh... thanks... uh...
Gogo: OK... what exactly is... she?
Cora: I think that's a Glob person fully formed.*To Globby* She kind of looks like you don't ya think?
Globby: I guess so... but what does that make her?
Hiro: Either way, who's ready to go home?
Globby: I know I am.
*That's when the police lights arrive behind them, temporarily blinding them as they look above.*
Cora: Oh no!
Honey Lemon: Its chief Cruz!
Chief Cruz:*Using a megaphone* You are not going anywhere!
Hiro: Chief Cruz! We got this! And Globby was telling the truth!
Chief Cruz: I know what I saw!
Honey Lemon: There was something bad inside him!
Cora: We even have proof!
*She pulls up the glob pack to show the purple blobs inside.*
Chief Cruz: Are you telling me you've been purposely hiding him?!
Baymax: Yes.
Gogo: This is not good...
Chief Cruz: Big Hero 7 you are under arrest!
Commander Carter: Not on my watch!
*That's when they all turn to see Commander Carter's own helicopter land down and him stepping out.*
Commander Carter: Land down Chief Cruz! They're not the only ones who have answers to be questioned!
*Chief Cruz growls as the copter lands down to the ruins of Akuma Island where he goes towards the team with a stern frown telling them that they would face trouble.*
Commander Carter: If I heard correctly... you have found Globby already but instead of bringing him over asap to the Super Hero Program to face punishment you've kept him hidden?!
Honey Lemon: Only because we found out that it wasn't really globby! Look!
*Cora shows the blob again to Commander Carter where the red eye glares heatedly.*
Commander Carter: Nega Globby...
Hiro: He was the one controlling Globby against his will!
Cora: None of it was his fault!
*While they talked chief Cruz sees behind them what he thought was Globby himself, and so taking aim he shoots his taser at-*
Honey Lemon: No!
*They turn their heads to see The rose Gold Globby twist in pain as she tries to stay in control of her form only to dangle itself off the edge into the waters below. Globby tries to reach out but he was too late... the other globby fell.*
Globby: No!
Hiro: What the hell?!
*Commander Carter looks around to see Chief Cruz and immediately marches over with the most Livid expression they've ever seen.*
Commander Carter: Last I checked I gave explicit orders that you and your police force are to stay out of this case!
Chief Cruz: I'm not just standing back again and pretend things are going to be alright! As long as I'm a police officer I will do whatever I can to protect everyone!
Commander Carter: And yet aside from Joe's diner he has been kept away from the city and away from everyone! Do you honestly believe that no one besides yourself could bring justice! *To the team and Globby* Half of you see if you can recover what ever that was then head straight to the copter! We have a lot to discuss.
*Cora, Honey Lemon, Baymax and Hiro go towards the edge where she gets on Baymax to dive down while the rest get to the helicopter.*
Commander Carter:*To Chief Cruz*AS FOR YOU. For disobeying direct orders with the intention of arresting licensed heroes and harming someone, you are suspended until I deem you ready to return back to the police force!
*Chief Cruz stares back in shock and horror at his sentence as Commander Carter rips off his badge.*
Commander Carter: If you dare pull this stunt again after your return back to your job, consider the suspension permanent!
*Cora and Hiro go down to the water as Globby and Honey Lemon climb down to the edge of the water. That's when Cora spots something faintly glowing. Letting go she swims down and grabs hold of the decreasing rose gold blob. They resurface back to the island where they see another officer hold Chief Cruz with hand cuffs and the rest of the team in the helicopter. Cora continues to hold the glob tightly.. tiny sparks coursing to it faintly. Once they get aboard and fly off to the super hero program while Chief Cruz and his team fly back to the city they explain everything to Commander Carter, who so far merely nods in understanding. Once they land down they are faced with other members of the super hero program where Globby steps forwards to face his judgement.*
Commander Carter: *Holding the Glob pack* From what I understand, you were an unwilling accomplice to this Nega Globby.
Globby: I know... I'm ready to go to prison for it. After hurting everyone and letting Nega Globby put my friends in danger I deserve it.. I'm no hero...
Commander Carter:... On the contrary, your valor had shown that you are indeed a hero. You were willing to isolate yourself to keep those you love safe. You're a good person Globby.
*Globby smiles at Commander Carter.*
Commander Carter: Even still, while we clean up and explain to the public about this you will have to repeat your entire super hero training from scratch. And have some police officers watch your move till graduation.
Globby: I suppose that's fair.
Commander Carter: *To Big Hero 7* While I do not condone the fact that you had hidden Globby away instead of bringing him here... I commend your valor and compassion as well. If you had explained all of this when you first met Globbyn post attack we would have worked out a solution together. Like that time Aqua Girl informed me when an eleven year old brat essentially blackmailed you?
*The team chuckle nervously and blush slightly in embarrassment. That's when the small blob wiggled around Cora's arms.*
Commander Carter: Consider this a warning. Next time something like this happens contact me immediately and inform me what you discovered.
Hiro: We will commander Carter.
(?): W-Wahh!Wahh!
*They all turn their heads to see Cora, who's eyes widen in surprise and amazement reveal a small humanoid, globby form of-*
Honey Lemon: A baby?
Baby: Wahh! Waah!
*Cora tries to sway the baby to calm down but she kept crying, to which Baymax scans it.*
Baymax: It appears that the gelatinous infant is in need for paternal affection.
Fred: What?
Wasabi: The baby wants her dad...*realization setting in* meaning Globby is-
Globby: I'm a dad?!
*Cora walks over to Globby holding the crying baby in her arms before she carefully places her into his. That is when the baby stops her crying, looking up and smiling, cooing at what she felt is her creator. And globby couldn't help but hold her tightly as a warm feeling overtakes him as he hugs her closely. that's when doubt creeps into his mind.*
Globby: H-Hold on! I don't know how to be a parent or even how to take care of a baby! What if I mess up and- and-!
Cora: we're more than happy to help you.
Fred: Yeah, we struck with you when you were possessed by Nega Globby.
Honey Lemon: We'll gladly help you raise your baby.
Globby: *Tearing up* Oh thanks you guys!
*Later on that night the team, with one police officer arrive at the apartment when Felony Carl answers the door. After explaining what happened Felony Carl accepted it and is just happy that globby is back and safe. That is when Globby brings out the tiny blob in his arms, swaddled in a white blanket.*
Globby: *Blushes* H-How do you feel about kids?
Felony Carl: I think since we're already dating, babies would be a next step. Whats her name?
Globby: Hmmmm… I don't know... I never thought of baby names...
Fred: Ooh! Ooh! how about Artemis?! Or Diana?!
Gogo: Are those names from your comics?
Fred: Yeah...
*Globby hums to himself before he gets an idea.*
Globby: How about Rosie?
*The teams' eyes widen at the name suggestion but quickly agree to the name along with Felony Carl.*
Felony Carl: Rosie... its perfect.
*Honey Lemon sniffs at the scene while the gang go back to their homes to rest. Being the last to step out she mutters to herself.*
Honey Lemon: Well Rosie... welcome to Earth.
*Baby Rosie merely sleeps on, dreaming safely in the comfort of her new dads.*
A.N: Yup. I added babies. Babies and dads. I understand that the canon ended with Big Hero 7 being labeled fugitives by Chief Cruz but you have to remember from this story on chapter 13 they have a super hero license so chief cruz can't really arrest them for vigilantism. and having him suspended for a while will certainly add tension between them don't ya think? Also I ship Globby with Felony Carl. As for the Rose Gold blob(Aka Rosie she's been there since the chapter episode nega globby. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you so much for reading and following Big Hero 7! Love you!
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Something’s Fishy
*At the garage Hiro, Cora, and Baymax are with Fred in the bright sunny day of San Fransokyo. Fred earlier had discussed a potential super suit update to the teen couple and, taking in the potential idea, crafted the new suit and right now, they are presenting to Fred.*
Fred: I think I'll call it... Fred-millian! Also I found some cool things chameleons chan do so could we add them? Please (x5)
Cora: OK Fred OK! *Giggles* You're super excited about this!
Hiro: But first, get in and lets test out the camouflage function-
*While Hiro was speaking Fred had already gotten inside the suit.*
Fred: Already inside! So excited!
Hiro: Of course you are, OK! Hit the button on the left-
Cass: Hey guys!
Baymax: Hello Aunt Cass.
Cass: What are you guys doing in here?
*Hiro turns to Fred only to see he had already activated the camouflage just before Cass could see him and the new costume.*
Hiro: Uh what? Nothing! Just nothing, you know... working on our projects together.
Cora: Nothing too important per say.
*The two teens watch for any disturbance of any objects near Cass in case of his clumsiness. But so far, and thankfully, Fred managed to sneak outside without knocking anything to big or important.*
Cass: I have some news for you guys! I just ran into an old friend who just moved back to San Fransokyo and he has a daughter who's you guys' age!
Cora: Sounds interesting Aunt Cass!
Cass: Her name is Megan and I asked is she could stop by the Café tomorrow to meet you guys.
Hiro: Oh! Is that so?
Cass: Considering she's new in town it would also help if you two show her around?
Cora: Depends... we've been rather with school and study sessions.
Hiro: But we'll try!
Cass: Also, Mizuchi is planning to bring his brother Kage over for dinner in a few days.
Hiro: Oh! Kage!.. Hehehe..
Cass: I know its sudden to meet Cora's distant uncle but he seems nice, admittedly I didn't know he's Cora's uncle when he ordered that coffee and blueberry scone that time.
Cora: no no its fine! Lets say that he had a..interesting life before he moved in with my family-
*that is when Hiro's phone rings and finds the caller to be Gogo. Cora gestures for Hiro to take the call while she keeps a lookout for Fred and Cass.*
Gogo: High Voltage busted out of prison again!
Hiro: *Whispers* OK, but right now Cora and I are a little busy, but Fred is on his way though!
*Hiro hangs up as he joins back to the group.*
Cass: What was that about?
Hiro: Oh that was just Gogo and she was asking if Cora and I would go over to her place and... uh...
Cora: See if we could go roller skating!
Hiro: Yeah!
*The two teens smile awkwardly to Cass to which she smiles back.*
Cass: Ok guys. See ya up at the café.
*And so Cass goes up to the café to continue working, leaving Hiro and Cora be. That is when Fred reverts back to his actual self and looks at the two teens.*
Fred: Wow! You get to meet a new friend! And...also have to have dinner with Obake- Oh I mean- Kage...Well see ya around!
*and so Fred slithers away leaving Hiro and Cora be. The blue haired teen looks down when Hiro kisses her cheek*
Hiro: Hey Cora... I know it sounds a little..off with Kage, but I'm sure it will be fairly normal. Like all the other family dinners together.
Cora: Yeah... you're right Hiro. And who knows, maybe Megan would be awesome.
Hiro: We gotta meet her first though.
Cora: So long as she isn't *Coughs*Karmi*Cough* I think I'm willing to give her a chance.
Hiro:*Smirks* That's my girl *Wraps arm around her.*
*As it turns out Gogo and Fred are on their way to Mole's place. As soon as Gogo received news that High Voltage escaped she knew she had to call for backup to protect a certain pest. When they arrived there they see Mole playing his own version of MonsterVMonster where Mole's monster opponent is Fred.*
Mole: Ha! You're Roadkill Fred!
Fred: Ahem!
*When Mole hears that ahem he turns around only to see, to his delight, Fredzilla and Velocity, two members of Big Hero 7.*
Mole: Wait! Are you lizard guy?
Fred: Yes... buts that not actually my-
Mole: Love the new suit! *To Gogo* And you're also in Big Hero 7. *To Fred* But Lizard guy! Oh Wow wow wow wow! I can't believe you're here! *Fanboy squeal*
Gogo: Please stop squealing.
Mole: Do I know you?
Gogo: Nope.
Fred: *Puts an autograph over Mole's face.* How about a genuine lizard guy autograph?
Mole: Nice! I can't wait to shove this into Fred's stupid face! He's gonna be so jealous!
Fred: My face is not-*Catches himself and coughs to distract* I mean what is wrong with this Fred person's face?
Mole: Oh I don't know...everything!
Fred: *One hairline away from exploding before remembering something* Well that's too bad... I heard that this Fred person was building a super Hero mesuem and I thought I would ask you to accompany me!
Mole: Oh! Ummm.. Actually Fred is actually uh..
*Gogo has enough and so pushes the two apart.*
Gogo: Anyway, we're here because High Voltage escaped from prison.
Fred: And they'll come after you for having their orb.. which is stored right here.
*Truth to be told, the orb in question is in fact a replica. While Mole was unconscious after getting his memory wiped out, Commander Carter had the orb generator removed and replaced it with a regular electric ball. But that won't stop High Voltage to come after it, cause as far as they know, Mole Richardson has it.*
Fred: And now we wait.
Mole: I-Wow. So honored! You can stay as long as you like in fact, how about I make us some smoothies!
Fred: No time for tropical refreshments citizen! This is an official super hero stake out!
Mole: Super Hero steak out? *Extreme fanboy squealing*
*And so the three waited for High Voltage to come for their 'Orb'. But minutes turned to many long, boring hours. they had passed the time either with selfies(Begrudgingly Gogo had to take one with Mole, and that's only cause Mole wanted the full collection), drinking the smoothies Mole offered, and chewing bubblegum. But High Voltage was nowhere in sight.*
Gogo:And I'm out.
*Gogo heads for the chair.*
Fred: But High voltage-
Gogo: Is clearly not coming.
*But what neither of them know is that the reason High Voltage didn't come for Mole was because they had been taken to Sycorax by Liv Amara herself.*
Barb: You are such a sweetie for getting us out of that nasty place.
Liv: Are you kidding? Us ladies have to stick together right?
*Liv Amara tried to get a high five from the dance duo but receives nothing... so she has to put away her hand.*
Liv: And I see a co-opportunity here.
Barb: Is that a word?
Liv: It is now! Listen it just so happens that I need a pair of specialists.
*Barb and Juniper look at each before returning their eyes on the red cladded blonde.*
Juniper: In what?
Liv: Crime dancing.
Barb: I'm sorry honey, can't help you. Our crime dancing days are over.
Liv: I'm sorry what?
Barb: Ya see, we had an incarceration realization. The criminal life-
Juniper: Its not normal and ain't for us.
Liv: That is not going to work for me.
Barb: What do you have to do with this?
Liv: Well there's the matter of my payment.
Barb: Payment? What happened to 'us ladies sticking together?'
Liv: Please, we both know nothing comes free. You two can go off and be normal after you pay me?
Barb: I don't take orders from you!
Liv: Fine, then I'll just give the police a jingle.
Juniper: Then we'll tell them that you broke us out.
Liv: As if they ever believe you, who do you think donated them their canine unit?
Barb: I would think they would listen a little considering that, I don't know, that monster fellow formerly known as Knox broke out of your lab and destroyed your work.
Juniper: Not to mention that intern of yours quit after being kidnapped.
Barb: Big Hero 7 had to ultimately kill him, since you never really found a cure that you supposedly found two months ago. *To Juniper* Lets get out of here Juniper.
*But when Juniper and Barb tried to head to the door to leave it suddenly became bolted with metal. And that is when the floor released an ooze that glued them to their place. Liv Amara walks over to the women, now both scared for their lives.*
Liv: I'm not one used to getting a no...*Pulls out a drill with a chip at the end.* And you two are gonna do your job whether you like it or not.
*The next day, Hiro is sitting at one of the tables when Cora came inside. She quickly spots him and sits on the opposite chair. Then she pulls out another chair for Megan. That is when Megan herself arrives to the door. She's a girl around their height, dressed in jeans, hoodie, stripped shirt with hair tied up to a pony tail. Cora waves Megan over and the teen girl sits down with them.*
Hiro: Hey... I'm Hiro.. and this is my girlfriend, Cora.
Cora: Nice to meet cha.
Megan: Nice to meet you too, I'm Megan.
*Its that moment where Baymax waddles over and greets Megan.*
Baymax: Hello.
Megan:...So a robot?
Hiro:That would be Baymax, he's a personal health care companion.
Cora: But technically a nurse bot in layman's terms.
Megan: That's cool.
*The three sit in awkward silence for a bit until Baymax speaks up.*
Baymax: Social interaction can be initiated with an ice breaker. Common topics include the weather, sporting events-
Hiro: We're good! Thanks Baymax!
Baymax: You are welcome.
*While Hiro stands up to push Baymax away, Cora and Megan sit around till Cora speaks up.*
Cora: So how are you enjoying San Fransokyo?
Megan: Its going OK, still getting used from the move. I never met anyone who's boyfriend has their own robot.
Cora: It can be weird but interesting.
Megan: Does weirdness happen a lot to you guys?
Cora: More than you can actually believe.
Megan: Then I can't wait to see what this city has in store.
*Cora smiles at Megan, to which Hiro joins back to the table.*
Hiro: So uh, you probably heard about my Aunt Cass from your Dad. She cares.. a lot.
Cora: My Dad's the same... just add a little overprotectiveness to 'balance' it out.
Megan: My Dad's the same way, both in caring and being overprotective.
*From afar, Cass is watching the three chat and can't help but smile to herself. Seems like letting the three teens be is working like a charm; it's a good thing since Hiro and Cora hadn't gotten a chance to have a normal day aside from their dates and family dinners. She then receives a text from Mizuchi asking about whether or not the family dinner be at his place or hers. She texts a quick response before getting back to work.*
Cass: Its nice to know that Hiro, Cora, and Megan are getting along so well. I'm sure her dad will be happy to hear that she's not alone in this city.
*Somewhere in San Fransokyo, Barb and Juniper had just broken out of the bank carrying duffle bags filled with cash when Gogo and Fred came to block their path.*
Gogo: Give it up!
Fred: Yeah! You're just bad dancers.
Barb and Juniper: *Gasp*
Gogo: Oh yeah, this is gonna be too easy.
*Both had failed to see the chip implanted to their necks as a way to control them... and give them new powers. And so Juniper generates her own electricity with just her bare hands, much to Gogo's surprise. Gogo skate dodges out of the way while Fred steps up to face them.*
Fred: Super jump-*Realization* Oh yeah, different suit.
*And so Fred is zapped away from the dancing duo. and during the fight they just keep getting zapped by the duo until they ultimately stay down.*
Barb: You're right. That was too easy. Bu bye.
*And so the dancing duo danced away their escape.*
Gogo: How did they do that without their orb?
Fred: I was hoping you know...
*While that happened, the teen couple decided to show Megan around town to get her more adjusted to San Fransokyo. It was also there that they decided to have lunch together at Joe's diner.*
Megan: So I got a foreign language club... or was it photography club? Doesn't matter, the point is I was only seven minutes late but my dad already had the entire police force looking for me!
Hiro: Oh wow!
Cora: that is some overprotective dad level there.
Megan: I told you two way too much about me! Your turn you guys.
Hiro: Oh, Cora and I go to SFIT.
Megan: I know that, I mean what do you two do for fun?
Hiro: Well... aside from the occasional date or two with Cora to either the movies or just hanging at the garage or study dates we don't have much free time.
Cora: Same boat here... though I do try to at least visit the beach once a month. It soothes me.
Hiro: I also have an internship at Krei Tech. Cora's dad even works there!
Cora: He's a security guard.
Megan: Sounds like you two have your hands full, its amazing you two are still standing from all that work.
Hiro: Don't I know it.
Cora: same here!
*This is when Cora's phone buzzes to see a couple text messages from Gogo asking them to meet her at SFIT asap. Cora shows Hiro the texts and soon gets the message.*
Hiro: Something just came up, we have to go... Sorry Megan.
Cora: School stuff.
Megan: On Saturday?
Cora: College life is a bit different, and this coming from someone who's been homeschooled her entire life.
Megan: True, will I see ya guys again?
Hiro: Sure, come by the Café anytime!
Cora: See ya Megan!
*When the teen couple arrive at SFIT they see over the news clip showing High voltage using their new tech free electricity to open up a vault with the gang. As of while, Hiro brought over a bowl of gummy bunnies to share as a snack with the gang.*
Dunder: We haven't seen the last of these dancing divas.
Gogo: see? No orb.
Cora: And no miracle charger like last time.
Wasabi: How are they doing that?
Honey Lemon: That electricity has to be coming from somewhere.
dunder: In other news, still no developments on the missing San Fransokyo's beloved aquarium electric eels, AC and DC.
Cora: Wait.. someone stole AC and DC! Not cool!
Fred: Wait wait wait! Did you just hear that? Electric eels?
Gogo: Yeah, what about them? Aside from the fact its sounds like Cora's power.
Fred: Exactly! Maybe there's a connection to their new powers with the fact that our resident Marine Biologist uses electric charged gloves inspired by her theme as Aqua Girls. Cora you know that right?
Cora: Yeah... its common knowledge. But that doesn't explain how they are still able to generate their own electricity.
Fred: What I'm saying is High Voltage is part eel!
*The gang stare at each other... before they answer.*
Wasabi: Interesting.
Gogo: But wrong.
Honey Lemon: Yeah Freddy... that would be kind of..
Gogo: Crazy..
Cora: There has to be something else that they're using as a power source.
Fred: Eels~
Hiro: Anyone want a gummy bunny?
Honey Lemon: I do!
*Honey Lemon grabs one and admires the style.*
Honey Lemon: Oh these are so cute! I can't bring myself to eat one...hmm... inspiration!
*That is when Gogo's phone starts ringing and shows that the caller is Commander Carter.*
Gogo: Commander carter, did you hear about High Voltage?
Carter: I have noticed, but there's also something important I have to discuss to you about your super hero licenses. I set up a meeting with the new chief of police for you all to meet. As part of the program, the police and supers have to discuss and co-operate on any situation that comes around. He will be briefed about your identities just so you all know. I expect you to all arrive there. Understand?
Gogo: Yes Commander Carter. *Hangs up phone and speaks to the gang.* We have a meeting with commander carter and the chief of police, super hero stuff.
*Late at night, Juniper and Barb are walking through Good luck alley.*
Juniper: OK, the scary lady's been paid, now what?
Barb: We're law abiding citizens now Juniper.
Juniper: Maybe we can go to the movies and not rob them for once! Just like normal people do! Oh mama I'm so happy! *Stomach growls* And hungry..
Barb: Me too...
Juniper: And I'm kind of craving...
Barb and Juniper: Sea food!
*Just then a truck carrying fish passes by.*
Barb: OK... one last crime.. then we're officially retiring!
*And so they electrocute the car to a stop and opened up the back to enjoy the fish inside... while its raw... Back at the café the three teens meet up again as they decided to do their homework together. Megan peeked over Hiro's homework and was floored by its complicated equation.*
Megan: Wow, and I thought algebra was hard.
Hiro: Algebra? I only got an A minus on that. Of course I was nine.
Cora: The tutor computer made it sound so boring that I nearly slept through it, and that was when I nine too.
Megan: Wow, brag much?
Hiro: Sorry, I graduated High school when I was thirteen.
Cora: Same here, but I didn't actually go to a real school...homeschooled graduate here.
Megan: So that's a yes on the bragging.
Hiro: Oh.. I guess it came out that way..
Cora: sorry bout that.
Megan: Its OK, I'm just messing with you two. Two really had been through some interesting things as kids. Bet you didn't go to a lot of school dances huh?
Hiro: Not really... especially when Kurt was there..
Megan: Kurt?
Cora: Some jerky jock that bullied Hiro back in the day.
Megan: Oof! That had to be tough! But we're gonna change that! How about you two come join me to the school dance this weekend?
Hiro: That sounds... interesting.
Cora: Of course!
*Around the back of the Café Cass is texting to Mizuchi about the preparations of the family dinner, smiling when she overheard their plans together.*
Truck Driver: And when I looked at the back I saw High Voltage eating the fish whole!
Fred: Whole you say? Hmm.. interesting.
*Gogo and Baymax are over there checking over the fish bones and trying to piece together why the heck did they eat raw fish whole.*
Gogo: Baymax, can you scan for High Voltage?
Baymax: Scanning now. I am unable to locate High Voltage.
Gogo: Scan jammer?
Baymax: I am not detecting any scan interference.
Fred: Which brings us back to Fred's eel theory.
Gogo: do we have to?
Fred: Yes! Did you hear what the man said? They were eating raw, whole, fish!
Gogo: Even if your eel theory has some truth the only way they would be half eel is if someone genetically altered their DNA to-
*That is when Gogo's mind flashes back to Orso Knox, and the chip he had on his arm. She turns to the truck driver and spoke.*
Gogo: When you saw them, did you happen to notice something on their body?
Truck Driver: I'm not sure... Wait! I did see a little indent on their necks! Tiny and square with little red veins.
*Gogo turns to Fred and Baymax.*
Gogo: We gotta tell the others... I think a certain business woman was behind this...
*The next day, the whole gang are at the Robotics lab. There were two reasons why... one was to chill or work(While already been informed from Gogo about the chip in High Voltage last night) and to officially meet the chief of police. Right now Hiro and Cora is playing ping pong with Wasabi and Honey Lemon.*
Hiro: Just a random question.. what was highschool like for you?
Wasabi: Oh for me it was test anxiety, I only remember the test anxiety and all the kinds of test stress I rather not relive again.
Honey Lemon: High school was where I fell in love with Chemistry! And Andrea... The exchange student.. cest la vie..
Wasabi: Why do you ask?
Hiro: Recently, we've been hanging with Megan, a girl our age and she told us stuff about Highschool that.. well.. makes me wonder if I'm missing out.
Cora: And considering how I was homeschooled, I wonder what it would've been like if I did go... Maybe Highschool would've been a lot of fun!
*Just then, Commander carter comes in with the new chief of police, a tall man with a stern brow.*
Carter: Big Hero 7, this is Chief Cruz, the new chief of the Police department.
Hiro: Its very nice to meet you sir.
Cora: Same here.
*But the man does not respond, his eyes narrowing at the two teens.*
Carter: Remember Cruz, you two are to communicate with each other should any crime happen. If its a common burglary, you deal with it. If any supers come over, either let them or at least make a plan. These people have their super hero licenses, understand.
Cruz: Loud and clear commander Carter.
*Commander Carter nodded as he leaves to talk to the other members of the team while Chief Cruz heads over to Hiro and Cora.*
Hiro: So uh.. I'm sure we can work together-
Cruz: The only thing I'm telling you two to do is two things: One, don't get involved as much as possible, and two, if you have to get into our business leave Megan out of this.
Cora: Wait, did you say Megan?
Cruz: Yeah. Megan talks about you two at home.
*That is when the teens realize that the new chief of police is the father of Megan, their new friend.*
Cruz: I don't care what you two do, just leave Megan out of this super hero nonsense. Seriously... they should have kept the super hero ban years ago...
*Hiro and Cora look at each other, both uneasy by Chief Cruz's dislike for superheroes.. aka them. But at the very least he doesn't mind them being friends with Megan. That following weekend Hiro and Cora are standing by the lucky cat Café dressed in their best outfits while their families are already inside the house having their dinner. While it was a surprise for both Mizuchi and Kaguya about the new friend, they thought it over and allowed Cora to go. Though admittedly... seeing Kage greet Hiro and Cass was an experience. That is when Megan shows up dressed in her blue dress.*
Hiro: Hey Megan!
Cora: Ya looking good!
Megan: Thanks! Both of you looking sharp as well. Come on, lets go!
*The three walk off to the school while Cass stares out the window and sighs.*
Cass: Its so good to see them getting along so well. I knew meeting them up with Megan was a good choice.
Kaguya: indeed.
Cass: So Kage, hows it going for you?
Kage: I would say about average... nothing good but nothing terrible.
Cass: I see... I made hot wings!
Mizuchi: Sounds good.
*with that the four adults start eating their dinner, complimenting on Cass's hot wings and the strawberry salad to accompany it.*
Mizuchi: So where does Megan go to?
Cass: Back at my old highschool, Westerburg High.
*That is when Kage starts choking on his water and starts coughing up. The Baymax accompanying him pats his back as Kage takes deep breaths.*
Kage: Westerburg.. highschool?
Cass: Yeah. Oh man the memories. Westerburg was like the thunder dome, where its kill or be killed. I remember this girl that used to go there, she was very smart. Was gonna graduate at the age of 16. A Cheerleader, very pretty, the overall package..
*When Mizuchi starts hearing Cass rambling on he sees Kage looking like he was having a panic attack.*
Kage:*Softly* please.. don't..
Cass: What was her name again?... I know its at the tip of my tongue..Co...Oh right! Her name was Chara Bone-
Kage: SHUT UP!
*Kage stands up and slams his hand on the table, his breathing heavy. His eyes mixing with pain and longing as memories of the strawberry blonde haired girl resurfaced. He looks up to see the shocked and concerned faces of the others. Unable to bear the stares he quickly leaves his seat and heads downstairs.*
Cass: Kage? whats wrong? Was it something I said?
Mizuchi: Miss Cass... You remember her?
Cass: Yeah, she used to come by the café before she... disappeared... she used to hang out with this boy her age... they were really close...
Mizuchi: Miss Cass... The truth is... Kage was that boy Chara hung out with.
*Cass's eyes widen as she realizes what he meant. while he explains(With the most part) about Chara and Kage, the three teens arrive at the highschool entrance to the dance.*
Hiro: Westerburg High?
Megan: Yeah, or as most like to call, the thunderdome of highschool.
Cora: Really?
Megan: It takes that whole kill or be killed social aspect literally here. Come on lets head inside!
*The three teens go inside and see a lively party happening in the school gym, with the students mixed with the jocks and cheerleaders and nerds doing their own separate thing... with one or two older teens doing some... French smooching.*
Cora: *Blushing hard* well that's something..
Hiro: *Blushing red* Yup..
Megan: You two really are virgins.*whispers* those two have been doing 'it' since last week!
Hiro: You mean they already-
Megan: Yup. Highschool is jocks, plastics, and horny people. Where you're either screwed figuratively, or literally.
*Cora looks around the dance when she spots a photo on the wall. Taking a closer look she sees that its a group of cheer leaders... with one of them being-*
Cora: No way! Hiro come over!
*Hiro, curios about what got Cora surprised, checks the photo and immediately sees what got Cora shocked. among the cheerleaders was a young strawberry blonde haired girl with green eyes and freckles in a cheer leading outfit, where in the plagues had a name.*
Megan: What up?*Looks at photo and sees the cheerleader in question* Oh that? that's Chara Bonete. there's actually a little urban legend about her. Years ago she used to come here, and from what I heard she got it all: looks, grades, style, she was gonna graduate at 16! But then this guy came up and they fell fast; but then one day Chara disappeared, along with a white dress and a ton of cash from both her account and her folks. Her parents found a her diary that said she was actually running away with him. But when they got to the meeting spot, there was nothing... only blood and bits of the dress she wore. They say that the guy had actually lured her to the spot and aced her. Now the school honors her memory with this pic... and the gym.
Hiro: The gym?
Megan: Fun fact, its named the Bonete Gym. Spooky story ain't it?
Cora: You can definitely say that.
Megan: Well, enough scary stories, wanna dance?
Cora: Sure! Lets go! *Straining smile*
*As cora and Megan head back to the dance floor, Hiro takes one last look at the blonde in the picture... in a way Chara did resemeble Cora... its no wonder Kage that she(Cora) was her(Chara)… At the park in the middle of the night Kage sighs as his Baymax checks over his being and keeping record of the time.*
Baymax 1: The current temperature is now 59 degrees. It is advisable to head back to the café and stay warm.
Kage: I know Baymax... I just.. I need to think...
*Just then he hears footsteps and he quickly turns his head, his fists tightened half prepared for anyone, only to see it is Cass, wearing an old letherman jacket.*
Kage: Cass?
Cass: Hey...Kage… how you feeling?
Kage: *Sigh* better than what I was earlier...
Cass: I see... mind if I sit next to you.
*Kage nods absently as Cass sits down next to him. There was awkward silence between them before Kage speaks.*
Kage: Cass, I would like to apologize for my actions earlier-
Cass: No no! Its fine, really... if anything I owe you an apology... Mizuchi told me that.. you were the one who dated Chara.
*Kage turns his head to see Cass, who sighs sadly as she looks up to the sky.*
Cass: When I first heard about the disappearance I couldn't believe, I mean...why would she just leave when she was just getting started...but when they found the bits of dress and... we assumed that you...
Kage: Cass? How much do you know from my brother?
Cass: Only that your mom was stupid rich and hated you... and that she kept you away and... oh god I can't imagine the trauma... back then I never would have imagine someone running away or even dying... but look at me now. My sister and my brother die in a car crash... then a year ago... Tadashi was gone... Now Hiro's all I have left... Kage, know that my house is always open to you. If you wanna chat or just scream, I'm all ears.
Kage; *Halfhearted chuckle* I'll take that in consideration Cass. But I do need to apologize for my behavior earlier. I shouldn't have reacted that way or left in a hurry... no doubt I worried you and my brother greatly.
Cass: Oh yeah. *Stands up while offering her hand.* Wanna come back and get dessert.
Kage:*Takes hand and pulls himself up* I suppose having one plate wouldn't hurt.
Cass: Kage, you're practically bones, you're getting two plates.
*At the dance the three are enjoying themselves as they dance somewhat awkwardly through the music, which at times are appropriately awkward or just... inappropriate. But when Hiro grabs Cora by the hand and swings her around the blue haired teen sees two familiar dancers far behind.*
Cora: *Whispers*Hiro, behind you!
*Hiro turns his head to see Barb and Juniper dancing with their partners. He quickly texts the gang about High Voltage being at the dance, his face now filled with concerned as with Cora's.*
Megan: Hey, you guys' OK? You look a little off?
Hiro: Oh? I was just thinking...things..
Cora: Nothing much. everything's alright.
Juniper: Look mama! my first time non-crime dance! I'm a normal girl!
Barb: Smile baby!
*Barb takes photos of her daughter when the rest of Big Hero 7 arrive on the scene.*
Fred: Party's over! You're coming with us!
Student: Wow! Look its Big Hero 7!
Barb: Why? I'm not doing anything? We're just enjoying the dance.
Wasabi: A highschool dance... a little weird.
Megan: Wait a minute.. is that-
Hiro: Big Hero 7!
Cora: That's them alright!
Juniper: Leave us alone! We're not bothering anybody!
Honey Lemon: That's true, but you did break out of jail and go on a crime spree.
Barb: That's in the past.
Juniper: We're reformed.
Gogo: Uh huh... right.
Barb: Oh, don't believe us?
*Barb uses her electricity to hit the lights and the spot light on her.*
Barb: There comes a time, when a life of crime dancing is left behind~
Hiro: *whispering to Cora* Is she singing?
Cora: *whispers* Yeah... and she's not half bad.
Barb: Well Momma's gone made up her mind!~
*Barb dances to Juniper.*
Barb: We're making a change! I got a feeling, its gonna be strange not stealing your money!~
*She throws the cash to the crowd.*
Gogo: Seriously?
Fred: Shh! Can't we have a little musical once in a while?
Barb: We did our time, well mostly. But we're gonna shine look closely over here!~
Juniper: Mama!
Barb: Not now Juniper this is Mama's solo.*Back to singing* I give you everything I could! Through a larconess childhood! But now its understood we're gonna go good!we're gonna go good!we're gonna go good!~
*Wasabi could not help but clap along the musical number while Gogo sighs.*
Barb: A change of heart and a change of pace, a brand new start gonna show our face... in public!~
*the other dancers start cheering for Barb's performance and Hiro and Cora, even Megan couldn't help but smile at the woman's energy.*
Barb: We're making a change! We're gonna go straight, we'll stay in our lane so before you judge us wait!~
Barb: Big Finish! We're gonna go good, good, good, We're gonna go good!~
*That is when Cora sees the chip in the women's necks and how its glowing the red veins.. and the slowly transforming features from human to-*
Cora: Hiro! The chips!
*Hiro realizes what Cora is saying as while Barb is singing, the women are transforming into eel like creatures!*
Juniper: Wait a minute.. what's going on?
Barb: Juniper! your face!
Juniper: Yours too!
*With that their electricity goes out of control, causing the dancers to run away and Hiro and Cora leading Megan to safety. As they got to get Megan out, Hiro and Cora go to change into their super suits.*
Juniper: Look at us! We're freaks!
Barb: Calm down honey, its not that bad!
Honey Lemon: Tell us honestly: How did you break out?
Barb: Would you believe us if we told you it was Liv Amara?
Wasabi: You'd be surprised by that answer.
Juniper: Really! Good! Then you gotta help us! That lady inserted chips inside us and that's probably why we're Augh!
*And soon all sense of human functioning shushed as they start spraying electricity around, which leads to Gogo going over to stop them but nearly zapped away. and that was thanks to Baymax with Hiro and Cora on his back. Soon they all join together.*
Honey Lemon: stay behind me guys!
*When the next electric zaps comes to them Honey Lemon uses a chem ball to create a body suit armor bubble shaped like a bunny.*
Honey Lemon: I told you I love Gummy bunnies!
*The two continue to zap them as the team tries to shield themselves.*
Fred: Liv amara definitely leveled them up, Phase two villain people!
Gogo: What do we do Hiro?
*The zaps soon start to melt Honey Lemon's bubble armor.*
Honey Lemon: I don't know how long I can hold them off! They're too powerful!
Wasabi: And disturbing.
Hiro: Fred, ready to use those new powers you were talking about?
Fred: Oh yeah! So ready!
Hiro: Cora, help Fred.
Cora: You got it!
*Fred and Cora turn on their camouflage and run around while the two eel women finally zap away Honey Lemon's bubble, leaving them all vulnerable. But before they could zap them once and for all, Barb feels a sharp kick to her side while a tongue wraps itself around juniper before it soon grabs Barb. But then a spare electric shock rips up and turns on the fire sprinklers which soon directs the electricity to Fred's tongue, which frees them. Cora jumps over to avoid nearly being bitten by them as they slither away.*
Cora: They really did wanna change...
Hiro: But Liv Amara got to them first...
Honey Lemon: First transforming Orso Knox into a monster..
Gogo: To using High Voltage to do her dirty work.
Fred: Its official... Liv Amara is a total Savage. Definitely worthy of a phase two villain.
*Cora kneels down and scoops up the ooze and places it in a plastic cup.*
Cora: I'm gonna look over this... wait a minute!
Hiro: Megan!
*Hiro and Cora rush out and change back into their regular clothes where they find Megan outside.*
Megan: Hiro! Cora! Can you two believe what just happened? Super villains at a high school dance! This is not normal.
Cora: Welcome to San Fransokyo Megan.
*Just then police cars arrive and soon, Chief Cruz steps out.*
Cruz: Megan! Are you alright?
Megan: I'm fine dad!
*Chief Cruz hugs his daughter before he goes to the other officers and orders them to get statements. He looks over at the two teens were judgmental eyes, causing Hiro and Cora to feel smaller than they were. Later on the two teens return to the café where Cass and Mizuchi hugs their respective children as they fuss over their well being. That is when Hiro sees Kage, who looks off to the side.*
Hiro: Hey Kage.
Kage:... Hello...
Hiro:...Nice to see you here...
*Back at Liv Amara's office, her new tank now hosts two very special eels that were once Juniper and Barb.*
A.N: And that's something fishy! Love you all and thank you for following Big Hero 7! Also, Megan’s a sweetheart :3
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Prey Date
*The two boys, Fred and Hiro, have decided to take a dude's day off where for today, they can play video games together. This video game in particular is a Monster brawl game arena which the two are going toe to toe... until Fred gets hungry.*
Fred: Wait wait wait! Snack break!
*Fred goes over to his popcorn bowl, but finds it empty. Then to his delight he found some popcorn on the floor.*
Fred: Five Second rule!
*But when Fred eats the popcorn pieces, Baymax speaks.*
Baymax: The five second rule is a common myth. Harmful bacteria cling to food immediately upon contact.
Fred: What?!
Hiro: Come on Fred I'm in the middle of a twelve hit super combo!
*Hiro's purple monster is delivering the combo onto Fred's Monster avatar.*
Fred: But this is a snack emergency! And I'm out of clean popcorn!
Hiro: Yeah, and you are also out of HP.
*And just like that, Hiro's monster avatar defeats Fred's monster with colossal damage...and then it dabs like a boss.*
Fred: No fair, I wasn't paying attention! Time out.
Hiro: Fred, there's no time outs.
Mama Frederickson: AHH!
Fred and Hiro: Time out!
*Hearing Fred's mother scream gave them reason to investigate and save her, with Baymax waddling behind. But when they arrive to the scource of the scream, all they see is Mama Frederickson showing a video of a puppy to a Liv Amara.*
Mama Frederickson: Its so darling!
Hiro: OK...not what I expected.
Fred: Yeah, my mom's a joy screamer. Honestly its embarresin-*Sees Chris carrying cupcakes* AH! Cupcakes!*
*While Liv Amara talks to Mama Frederickson, Hiro's mind races back to the dinner attack from Momakase, where Cora shared what she had learned about Liv Amara. While he was ticked off that Liv Amara snubbed him because of Baymax's true creator, he wouldn't pinpoint Liv Amara to any thing that Krei would do... but when she brought up what she learned, the scales and schedule, and Krei's behavior to check that his resentment is more than jealousy, and how Orso only went after her alone. It had been a shock to all of them, especially Grandville, but they knew that Cora would never make something like this up. So while Fred is more or less neutral(Though slightly wary) of the 23 year old business woman, Hiro's suspicion flipped on and so he began to check her every move and action... just in case.*
Mama Frederickson: Boys! Look at this hilarious puppy!
Liv: I hate to admit it but I'm addicted to these viral videos.
Baymax: My scan indicates zero viruses on that video. It is safe.
Liv: Literal robot, also cute!
Chris: I bet the internet would love him! Cupcake anyone?
*Fred grabs four cupcakes, two for himself and one for Hiro and Cora.*
Mama Frederickson: Before we talk about investment opportunities Miss Amara, I've been meaning to ask about your progress on curing my dear friend Orso Knox.
Liv: Oh... Orso Knox of course... I'm confident we're two to three weeks from a breakthrough.
Mama Frederickson: Well that's a relief to hear. Oh liv! Have you seen the sleepy hedgehog?
Liv: How couldn't I? I made it into a meme on Sycorax's lifestyle blog.
*Hearing about Orso Knox immediately brought to mind about Cora's words... and a certain interview Liv had. And so, after Fred and Hiro leave the women be, they pulled up a chat room and contacted the gang.*
Hiro; OK guys, remember how Cora brought up about Orso Knox and Liv Amara? She said something very familiar today.
Baymax: Yes, I am often told I am cute. I am not programmed to know what that means.
Gogo: I don't think Hiro meant that.
Hiro: Exactly, here's what I mean.
*Soon on each of the member's laptop showed Liv Amara's interview with Bluff Dunder on the subject of curing Orso Knox. Cora gently places her Eve robot to the table as she listens carefully.*
Bluff: Random aside Liv, how is that mutated fellow, so horribly mutated...what was it- Orso Knox?
Liv: I'm confident we're two to three weeks from a breakthrough.
Hiro: Its the exact same answer she said to Fred's mom, and this was two months ago!
Cora: You would have thought someone like Liv Amara would have harder at curing Orso Knox since he was her investor.
Honey Lemon: What do you suppose we do? We can't just go in and ask.
Wasabi: The tour was a one time thing to us.
Gogo: You need an employee or intern to get in.
*That's when all eyes are directed to Cora.*
Cora: Oh...
Hiro: Cora, you still have your intern invite right?
Cora: I still do.
Hiro: Then maybe... you can accept and check to see whats really happening to Orso Knox?
*Cora looks at her feet, then to Hiro. Soon her face grows with determination and a confident smile. Karmi is in the darkness of her lab, studying over her viruses when she sees a figure of Liv Amara and someone beside her. The lights turn on as Karmi removes her googles.*
Liv: Hello Karmi, say hello to our new Marine-Biology intern Cora.
*Karmi's eyes widened in shock as Cora gives a sheepish wave hello. Unknown to the women around the girl there was an ear piece on her with Hiro listening in.*
Hiro: Oh... right... Karmi...
Fred: Whats wrong with her?
Hiro: You do remember that Karmi hates our guts right? Cause we're younger than her and go to SFIT? Cause we're a couple?
Gogo: And how Cora responds to Karmi's snipes.
Hiro: *To Cora* Its OK Cora, you got this.
*Cora nods in response and puts on her best smile.*
Liv: Cora and I had a small discussion and she agreed that she would be an intern for a test run, to see what its like here! Be nice to our new Marine Bio intern Karmi, and direct her to her new lab!
*And so Liv leaves the two teen girls alone. Cora looks at Karmi who is ready to explode only for her to put on her most sickly sweet smile and walk her towards the Marine lab. While on the way some of the employees greet Cora warmly as the blue haired teen merely nods. While the girls are nearing the marine Bio lab Cora speaks up.*
Cora: So... Have you heard anything related about Orso Knox?
Karmi: What about it?
Cora: Well, it has been quiet some time and we hadn't gotten any word about any cure for him. And its been over two months.
Karmi: Someone's impatient.
*Cora sighs, but then she realizes something that could play to her ego. Well.. time to please the devil herself.*
Cora: OK, how about you show me around the lab? Afterall, Hiro only got see the main lab, but not all its juicy secrets.
*This catches Karmi's attention and soon she smirks at Cora.*
Karmi: OK then, I'll show you... after you set up any progress on your lab!
*Cora's lab opens and Karmi shoves her inside.*
Karmi: Meet me at the main elevator at break... fish girl.
*The door slams as Cora flinches. She sighs deeply before she turns to the lab. To a bit of her comfort there were tanks now filled with clown fishes and the most adorable school of baby cuttlefish swimming freely.*
Cora: *To Hiro via earpiece* OK Hiro, I'm in. And Karmi agreed to take me around the lab.
Hiro: Good, that way you can figure out which one has Orso Knox and check on him...Also.. good job stroking her ego.
Cora: Its what I do best... aside from roasting her.
*Cora turns to the cuttle fish as she smiles gently, stroking her finger on the glass as the baby cuttlefish curiously look at her.*
Cora: I think you are my highlight of the day little cuties. considering how I'll have to deal with she who shall not be named and finding Orso Knox, you're gonna be the sugar that makes the medicine go down.
*And so Cora sets to work on her progress for her Marine Bio major, setting out potential patterns of weather and studying over the movement of all the marine life holograms. She also made sure to feed the fishes and cuttlepods, though she ignored how they seem to be wriggling in excitement whenever she hummed a song she knew. But soon enough Cora got tired and closed her eyes as she lays her head down to rest on the table to sleep.*
(?):*Soft* Wake up...
(?):*Soft* Hurry! Wake up!
*Cora's eyes fluttered as she heard rather young and cuteish voices of children ring through her ears . At first she thought it was remnants of a soon to be forgotten dream, but when she stretched her arms and checked over her surroundings, the voices did not go away... it became stronger and frantic.*
(?): You have to get out of here!
(?) That red lady is not what she seems!
(?): Go away from this place!
*Cora's eyes tried to look for any person that could be in the room or even a speaker. If this was some sick prank then she would take note to punch the prankster in the throat. But there was neither a person or stereo. That is when Cora turns her head to see the adorable clown fish and cuttle fishes pressing their heads to the glass.*
ClownFishes and Cuttlefishes: RUN CORA!
Cora: AHHHH!
*Cora lifts her head up to shake her head out of the nightmare she had. She places her hand over her heart where she looks around sees nothing out of place. Though while the fishes and cuttlepods are safe, they are staring at her funny... That's when she realizes she was on the floor. She quickly picks herself up and brushes herself off.*
Hiro: Cora? Are you OK?
Cora: Y-Yeah... I'm fine...
*Cora looks at the clock up ahead and sees its almost time, and so she sets out her way through the main lab a few minutes early to meet up with... her... As she arrived she looked around the team who are busy doing their research she did note one thing... a file that lead to-*
Karmi: Hurry up Cora.
*Cora's attention is snapped back to Karmi, who she sighs sadly before joining her to the elevator.*
Karmi: So, where do you wanna go?
Cora:*Looks at the pad and points to the lowest level carelessly.*
Karmi: Ya know that's only reserved for the most important scientists...
*Cora sighs as she prepares to hear Karmi go on a tangent.*
Karmi: And I can't take you there. That's the most exclusive labs there where the really important stuff is.
Cora: *Blinks in surprise* What?
Karmi: Last time I tried to go I had to be dragged up to Liv Amara's office! Thankfully, being her FAVORITE intern, I got off easy.
*Cora blows a piece of her hair from her face. So much for that. And so they arrive at the second lowest floor, with Karmi stepping off walking ahead.*
Karmi: And so to your right you'll see where we store the cellular molecuels of the rare greenery and pesticides, and if you look to your left..
*But it seemed that in Karmi's state of showing off she forgot to check that Cora actually followed her. The blue haired teen looked at Karmi and then to the pad and then decided to press it. The lowest floor, level 6. When the doors to the elevator open again Cora steps off carefully, seeing a lone door in front of her. She noticed a key pad in front of her, telling her its passcoded.*
Hiro: Cora? Where are you?
Cora: Hiro? Can you hear me?
Hiro: A little, where are you now?
Cora: I'm at the lowest level of the building, there's one door in front of me. I'm gonna check it out.
Hiro: Be careful Babe.
Cora: I will Hiro. I love you.
Hiro: Love you too.
*Cora finds the most worn keys and pressed enter. The lights turn on as she looks inside, where soon all sorts of biological related science enters. Rows of eyes look at her as numerous jars of brains from largest to smallest neatly stacked. As of while Hiro is back at his room trying to get connection to Cora.*
Hiro: Cora! Cora can you hear me?
Baymax: It seems you have lost connection.
Hiro: The lower level must be scrambling the waves!
*Cora sees over the strange creatures and items, her heart beat being the only tangible sound... until she heard a soft growl. Cora turns her head to see behind the room a large set of cells... with one occupied creature she knows all too well. Liv Amara is heading over to Cora's lab, carrying in her hands a cup of tea; she is planning to talk to her about her grandmother's book. Now that she is a sycorax intern she can learn whatever secrets the old book may hold. But when she reaches there she finds it empty.*
Liv: Chris?...Where is Cora?
Chris: Oh! I saw her earlier with Karmi.
*Cora slowly walks towards the cell, her footsteps echoing through the hall. As she draws closer the figure takes more clearer shape as the creature opens it familiar blue eyes. Cora felt it pierce her soul as she sees Orso Knox, trapped behind the cell like an animal.*
Cora: Mr. Knox?
Knox:...What do you want?
*Karmi is currently at the dangerous viruses lab wearing her biohazard suit.*
Karmi: And if you see here-
Liv:*Camera* Karmi.
Karmi: *Jumping slightly* Miss Amara! How are you?
Liv: Where are you and Cora?
Karmi: At the Viruses laboratory, she's right-
*But when she turns around she finally realizes that she had been alone all this time.*
Liv: Karmi… where is Cora?
*Cora slightly jumps at Orso Knox's voice. It had been the same deep and powerful growl that had haunted the team and san Fransokyo since his attack.*
Cora: Are you alright Mr. Knox?
Knox: Does it look like I'm fine?
*Cora flinches at the tone, but holds her ground.*
Cora: I suppose not... considering you're still here.
*That is when Knox's eyes widened in surprise. He slowly approaches near the cell door where the young girl looks up.*
Knox: You can understand me?
Cora: Yes? Considering you spoke? Whats going on Mr. Knox? Liv Amara said that they should've cured you by now! But instead you're still here.
Knox: That's all Liv Amara is good for. Lies! Everything she says is a lie!
Cora: What happened to you Mr. Knox?
Knox: Liv Amara did this to me! I-If I see her I will rip her to pieces and throw it to the poisons she makes!
Cora: Mr. Knox! Please calm down!
*Knox pants heavily as he looks at the young girl, her eyes still holding the fear he placed, but alongside it the care and concern for him.*
Knox: You need to run, tell Big Hero 7 about Liv Amara! She's only just begun!
*That is when door shuts behind her and the lights turn bright red, blaring an alarm in this dark lab. Meanwhile at the very top, it was a more calming ding letting the workers know to search for a missing intern; and Liv Amara goes forward to look for Cora... she has some questions that Cora should answer. The blue haired teen covers ears tightly as Knox howls in pain, his increased sense of hearing feeling like tanks setting off his ears. That is when Cora sees her own name tag glow a dark red. And suddenly her feet became stuck to the floor. That's when it starts dragging her through the floor!*
*Cora tries to run to back to the cell, holding tightly the pad near him, but the force pulls her away... but not without her accidentally pressing the release button on Orso Knox's cell. Knox sees with his own eyes Cora being dragged away by the tag around her neck... if she is found by Liv Amara or by her goons then she would be doomed.*
Chris: Everyone! Check every room in the facility, the first one to find her brings her to Liv Amara immediately!
*Cora continues screaming as she tries to remove the tag from her neck. Whatever technology Liv Amara made, it made sure to make her tag be bio magnet to carry her around. She finally stops being dragged when she is in view shot of a couple scientists and Karmi.*
Scientist: There you are!
*Cora held her breath as she sees the scientitsts' and Karmi's faces; with the adults its presumed worry over her safety, with Karmi its ' ya brat'.*
Scientist: Where were you? We've been worried sick!
Cora: I-I was-
Karmi: Save it Cora! You're gonna get it now-
*The scientists and Karmi gasp in horror as they see Knox charge through the hall and land in front of Cora. The scientists and bio intern backing up.*
*Knox then picks Cora up in his hand and soon runs through the halls in inhumane speed.*
Cora: What are you doing Mr. Knox?!
Knox: Getting both of us out of this hell!
*The scientists either had dodged out of the way or tried to grab whatever weapon they could use to subdue him, but his superior speed and intellect made him nearly unstoppable. When Liv Amara is about to enter the elevator she sees Orso Knox launch through the emergency staircase to the entrance. That is when Liv sees the person in his hands.*
Liv: Cora!
*Orso's eyes turned to Liv Amara as he growled with death in his eyes.*
Orso: I will not let you silence this one as you had those before! You will pay for this Liv Amara...O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!
*He crashes through the building, running outside into the outskirts of San Fransokyo. As of while, Karmi gets up from being slammed against the door when she sees an ear piece on the floor, curiously she picks it up to figure out who it belonged to. But when she headed up she began to hear a voice coming from the ear piece.*
Hiro: Cora? Are you alright? Can you hear me?
Baymax: The connection is stronger. She should be able to hear you clearly now.
Karmi: Hiro! what the hell are you doing!
*Hiro, from his side, jumped from the sudden screeching of Karmi's voice. He gets up and tries to calm himself down.*
Hiro: Oh! Hey..Karmi… so uh.. c-could I talk to my girlfriend right now-
Karmi: You're precious girlfriend is now Monster chow you creep!
*That's when he hears the crunch of the ear piece from Hiro's side, indicating that Karmi destroyed it.*
Baymax: Karmi destroyed the-
Hiro: Wait... Monster?...No! No!
*But soon enough, he could hear the TV and news playing, showing the monster Orso Knox, with Cora in his hands.*
Hiro: CORA!
*Immediately Hiro calls forth the gang to meet up at the garage, already planning out whatever strategy to stop Knox and save Cora. From his sight as he passed the Café Cass covers her mouth as she sees Knox run through the city with the girl in his claws!*
Cass: Oh no!
*Mizuchi is already leaving the city to search for Knox and Cora, his heart racing a mile a minute as Kaguya goes to Cass... alongside her Kage. Now, Kage had met Cass before, and after his surgery. But he could only mutter a few words before he turns quiet. But Cass and Kaguya did not fail to see the genuine concern for Cora's safety in his eyes. Hiro saw it too... and that's when Kage sees him. Hiro and Kage stare at each other for a few seconds before Hiro shakes his head to concentrate.*
Hiro: Later Kage… Cora needs me.
*Kage says nothing as he sees Hiro run off to join his friends... he gives a soft smile to him, knowing that they will succeed.*
Honey Lemon: Poor Cora!
Wasabi: Why didn't we think of giving her any weapons for self defense?!
Gogo: Guys! Now is not the time to beat ourselves up.
Hiro: Exactly, Cora needs us! First we suite up.
Fred: Not to nitpick but while your silver suits did work for us, it didn't work so much for Orso Knox.
Hiro: I know. I'm gonna upgrade it, and give myself some new weapons. This time with more aquatic features.
*And so Hiro sets off to work, making sure to combine his tech expertise with marine Bio as the gang either practiced fighting or kept any updates on the Monster search.*
Bluff: This is Mr. Dunder on Channel seven news. Just today, the calm and sunny afternoon turned into a storm of horror as the mutated monster, formerly known as Orso Knox, had escaped from Sycorax and is in a rampage with one intern trapped in his claws. As the police and search party and Big Hero 7 soon to arrive to rescue the intern and stop this monster, we may have to ask ourselves this: Just how reliable is Sycorax after this monstrous catastrophe?
*That is when a cup of tea is thrown to the TV, which causes both the TV and cup to shatter. Liv is looking at all her investors, both current and future ones, currently asking her competence about this situation, even questioning her ability to help Knox. That is when the hologram of Nozako appears, her face still in the shadows.*
Nozako: It Seems like your little pet monster has escaped Liv Amara.
Liv: Whatever that blue haired brat has done, I'm gonna rip into her and-!
*The load echoes of a cane hitting the floor via hologram echoed through the room, silencing Liv Amara.*
Nozako: You have until Midnight to recapture the beast and this child. And when you do bring him back... you will kill him.
Liv: Madame Nozako! He's Orso Knox!
Nozako: Silence! Look at your investors... the monster's escape has planted the seed of doubt to your competence. You had already 'tried' or so to speak... killing him would be an act of mercy. After all, you said so yourself that he had long since forgotten human speech. Slay this beast, and you will be rewarded immensely.
Liv: I understand...and of the girl?
Nozako: Do whatever you please...
*With Orso Knox and Cora, the monster had swiftly carried ran underground to the abandoned subway. Deeming it safe the monster gently drops the girl as he lays down to rest.*
Cora: W-Why did you that?
Knox: It had to be done.
Cora: Running through the lab while destroying their hard work only paints you more like a monster.
Knox: Most of those fools already know, and those who don't are either naïve or waiting to be transformed to be in Liv Amara's image. I cannot let them do to you as what they have to me.
Cora:...What did happen to you Mr. Knox?
*The man growled softly in sadness as he looks at his reflection.*
Knox: I had fallen for Liv Amara's charms. She seemed so full of life and hope for this world, I wanted to support her...I was so blind. I blinded myself from other companies that needed me... and blinded myself from seeing the true reflection of her. If a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, but with her... she was a rose with poison tipped thorns. I had come to her office one night for a discussing. I had planned to split the money and talk to Liv Amara about a conjoined partnership with Krei Tech. But while I waited, I let my curiosity get the better of me when I saw her hologram recordings... This woman... she had done the most deplorable and disgusting things I wished to never see again... I cannot tell you what most of them are to preserve your innocence… but what I can tell you is that Liv amara's start of Sycorax had been nothing but a sham. A garden hiding the poisonous yellow diamond back snake. That is when Liv Amara found me. She begged me to stay silent, but I was so disgusted and repulsed, that I lost my wits and made the foolish choice to shout that I will expose her heinous crimes and ruin her... That is when in an attempt to slay me, she had stabbed something inside me... this thing that had made me what I am today... The monster of Sycorax...
*He looks at the girl, who's eyes widened in shock and horror as she heard his story. He turns his head away as he looks at the floor.*
Knox: I am sorry you have gotten involved little one.
Cora: Its OK Mr. Knox. I just can't believe... I'm so sorry...
Knox: *Sad chuckle* Is your name Cora?
Cora: Yes?...Why?
Knox: Once or twice Liv Amara spoke of you whenever she 'visited me'... you should've stayed away. That woman wanted your grandmother's herbal book. Agreeing to be her intern means that all you have will be hers... and whatever is in your book must be of great value.
Cora: That's why she was so pushy! Augh! Hiro owes me big time for this...
Knox: *deep chuckle* I suppose this Hiro is your significant other?
Cora: Yeah... he is. *Smiles with a small blush on her face.*
*Orso Knox smiles at the girl, and for once since his transformation, he could relax and be at peace. He will admit this to himself... according to Liv Amara, he had lost his ability to speak in human tongue, making any please for help impossible... but somehow… this girl could understand him and listen. He can think about how it works later... he wants to enjoy the peace of now. As of while Mizuchi is at the streets, joining the street search as the police arm themselves with tranqulizers.*
Chief Police: The Monster has a civilian in his hands! Find a way to separate the girl and the monster!
*Mizuchi's mind flashes to the angry mob chasing him down with all their pick axes and metal rakes. He shudders away those painful memories, trying to focus on finding his daughter. That is when everyone looks up at the sky.*
Civilian #1: Its Big Hero 7!
Little girl: And they look super cool!
*The team is wearing what appears to be a black version of their super suits with all the new fixings. Fred's suit spikes can now shoot projectiles as well as act as armor, with the tips being able to stun the monster. Gogo's suit has it now act as a swim suit warmer and her wheels to act as rotors to swim through it easily, Wasabi has his laser blades also turned to projectiles while having a shield and a sword, and if acted just right, the shield would emit an ooze to make the monster's claws slip rather than break...Wasabi needed a few minutes in the bathroom after being shown that. Honey Lemon now has a chem bazooka that allows her to fire at a long range and with the added bonus of being able to act as an echo-locator when hits its target. Baymax now has the added ability to throw stronger punches and swim swifter than he could before. As for Hiro, he now has electro-magnetic discs to pin metal down, and with an homage to his girlfriend, his boots also act as squid strength suction cup shoes to stick to any surface. *
Hiro: Honey Lemon! Launch your chem ball to any entrances below! Chances are they might be under ground! Gogo, carry Honey Lemon as fast as you can!
Gogo: Got it!
*Gogo skates over to Honey Lemon and picks her up to take her to all the possible as Honey Lemon aims her bazooka and fires. Hiro checks over his tracker that shows Echolocation as more of Honey Lemon's chem balls hit any possible places. When Honey Lemon hit the next chem ball to an abandoned subway station, Hiro sees two figures on the screen.*
Hiro: I got a visual! They're in the underground subway station at Night Market square! Group up!
*And so they all run towards the subway station, heading to the dark abyss to rescue Cora. However... they had failed to realize that since Orso Knox's senses have increased, he felt the vibrations coming afar. He looks at Cora, who is asleep, and gently nudges her awake.*
Knox: Cora, wake up.
Cora: *groggily*W-wha?
Knox: I think they may have found us...
Cora: Who?
Knox: Liv Amara's goons.
*When the sound grows stronger he immediately picks her up and starts running off. Cora holds tightly to his hand as to not shake so much. Just then his path was blocked by Baymax with Hiro behind him.*
Hiro: Orso Knox, let Cora go!
*Orso Knox growls before he jumps over them and tries to run off again.
Cora: Wait! Orso Know! That was-!
Honey Lemon: They're they are!
Gogo: Let her go you freak!
Cora: Guys wait!
*But Orso knox keeps trying to escape with the gang all successfully blocking his path. Finally Baymax prepares his rocket fist as Honey Lemon uses her chem balls enhanced to pin him down.*
Cora: Baymax no!
*Cora uses the opportunity to free herself from Orso Knox's grip and stand in front of Orso Knox.*
Cora: Guys I'm fine now!
Wasabi: We know you are and were thankful you're safe.
Fred: But now we gotta stop this guy and take him back to Sycorax lab-
Cora: You can't! Sycorax is where he got turned to the monster!
*That caused everyone in the room to stop, to which Hiro remembers how it all began in the first place.*
Hiro: Oh... Oh!...
*Hiro climbs down as he walks over to Cora.*
Knox: Stay away from her Amara slave!
*But to Hiro and the others they heard growls.*
Cora: Its OK! He's Hiro, Hiro Hamada...a friend. *To Hiro* I was right, Liv Amara was responsible for Knox's transformation. Apparently Knox found some incriminating evidence about Liv Amara's questionable activities and she turned him into that to shut him up.
Hiro: She never really meant to cure him.
Gogo: Everything she said about helping him was nothing but a lie.
Honey Lemon: Is there anyway to cure him?
*That is when Hiro spots something in Knox's arm... a small indented chip with red icky veins.*
Hiro: Whats that?
*Hiro tries to get a closer look only for Knox to roar. Hiro scrambles up and stands in front of Cora as she hears him shout.*
Cora: What?!
Wasabi: Cora what's up?
*Cora looks at the monster, waiting for an answer.. to which Knox speaks.*
Knox: This is what she had injected me. It is a chip of her design.. the cursed object that had made me into this. It is designed by her and can only be operated by her... if anyone else besides her were to remove it, it will release a venom that will stun the heart and then the brain...
Cora: Oh no... *Turns to Baymax* Baymax, scan his arm.
Baymax: His harm has a small chip inside him. It is currently keeping his altered DNA in this state.
Honey Lemon: So that's how he's still a monster.
Gogo: I say we go to the hospital and remove the thing.
Cora: No Gogo! Chances are Liv Amara rigged the chip to kill him if anyone else besides her were to operate on him.
Fred: That definitely sounds like a Phase two villain!
Cora: He's not safe here! We gotta get him out to the ocean.
Hiro: Why the Ocean.
Cora: Assuming his whale side is effective, he'll live.
*after sneaking around, Baymax opens a path that leads to the San Fransokyo bay, where the moon shine bright.*
Cora: *To Knox* I promise you, we will do everything we can to do help you and bring Liv Amara down.
Knox: Of course. I will never forget your kindness nor of your friends'. *Before jumping off to the bay* Oh! When you do stop Liv amara and find a cure for me...let me get the first punch.
Cora: Whatever you say.
*And so after they see him off, they all emerge back to the city. Baymax holding a piece of molten skin to be proof they fought him, and Hiro carrying Cora in his arms just for the fun of it. everyone had cheered at BH7's success, happy that the monster is gone and that the girl captured was now safe. Cora giggles before she kisses Hiro's cheek, to which causes the boy to blush. The next day, Cora is walking towards Sycorax, her family and friends by her side to see her off to the building. Karmi and Liv Amara were cleaning up the mess along with everyone else as Cora gently places her Sycorax lab coat and name tag onto the recyclables.*
Liv: Cora? what are you doing?
Cora: I'm resigning Miss Amara. I get that what happened yesterday isn't exactly the most ideal way to have a test trial... but even without the incident I could not focus here very well especially since there are some challenges at home and school that I need to resolve. I enjoyed what time I had, but this isn't for me. *To Karmi* And Karmi?
Cora: I hope you enjoy this job immensely, just be careful K?
*Cora walks away to the exit, only to be called out by Karmi herself.*
Karmi: Wait! There's something you should know.
Cora: What is it?
Karmi:... I should have paid attention to you... because of me you were dragged around the city with that monster. I just... you know.
Cora: Be entitled to your workspace to feel like a special snowflake by injecting your venom into me?
Karmi:... You could say that...
Cora: I accept your apology.
Karmi: Second...*Scoots closer to Cora's face* What was it like being held in Electro-Alpha's arms?
Cora: Oh wow I think I hear my Papa calling me! Bye, see ya never!
*And so Cora immediately runs off, leading to Karmi dropping to the floor flat on her face. As of while, Liv Amara receives a text from Nozako, and the words written made her shudder with fear.*
You and I will have a little talk.
A.N: And that was Prey Date! Not something you were expecting huh? Any way to answer your questions, 1. I made the revelation of Liv amara being evil and responsible for Orso Knox's transformation earlier because the writing the path would be boring. it would definetly spice up this journey since now they all know she's responsible, now the quest is how to expose and defeat her.
2. Nozako is Cora's Grandmother from Mizuchi's side, read Chap 29 for full details! Till then, Love you all and thank you for reading BH7!
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