#it takes him forever to get into work mode when he's in front versus behind
darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
sorry if I don't know the exact terms, but can I ask why one dog (Sigurd I believe), when pulling the sled, is off to the side instead of at the front with the other two?
Sigurd is out in front of the sled (although it can seem like he's off to the side sometimes because he has a strong preference to hugging the right hand side of any trail).
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Sigurd is alone in "wheel" position like this because he doesn't do well up front and i have a small team. Additionally, Slash (the black dog) doesn't do well in wheel because he'll try and push himself too hard while trying to get ahead of the dogs in front of him. I do sometimes have him in single lead like below:
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but this is a work in progress position for him as it takes a lot of training and talent for a dog to lead by themselves. This means that Zombie is my only dog who is currently flexible in the position she can be in when I have the full team on the gangline and honestly i usually need her level head and reliability up front with Slash more than i need her power behind with Sigurd (he's 108 pounds he's fine lol).
A larger team is more likely to be set up like this:
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but it is also not usual for a dog to be by themselves in their position, it all depends on how they work best and what other dogs you have in team with you. When I run a two dog team I will run Sigurd up front, but this is because he's a bit closer to me and more controllable in this situation than he would be if he was up front on a bigger team.
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atc74 · 5 years
Anything You Can Do
Square(s) Filled: Girl Power for @spnfluffbingo2019
Warnings: playground antics, flirting, fluff, ahhh, IDK, it’s fun! Implied sex as payment (it’s REALLY not what you think)
Summary: Jared opens his man-child mouth and it’s on! It’s a karaoke battle for the ages and the ladies are in it to win it! But, when this crew shows up, there are no losers!
Pairing: Reader x past OC, Rob x Reader, Jensen x Briana
Word Count: 4455
Written for: @spnfluffbingo2019
Beta’d by: @alleiradayne​ who was crazy enough to support this idea from the beginning and my dear @amanda-teaches​, whom I would be lost without. 
A/N: I wanted to do something really fun and who of us wouldn’t be up for some of this on a Friday night???!!!! All the songs were painstakingly chosen for reasons. There are also some shameless plugs for my boys Louden Swain. 
Also a shout out to my friend Beth @brooksba, who took all the amazing photos found in the graphic below!
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It was a rare convention weekend when all the guests showed up on a Friday. The green room was fuller than normal as Jensen, Jared, Rob, Rich, Briana, Kim, Y/N, Ruth and the boys from the band sat around shooting the breeze. The green room always had a relaxed and playful atmosphere and this time was no different. 
“Oh come on! You cannot burp the alphabet!” Jared scoffed as Briana picked up a warm soda from the table and opened it. 
“Why, cause I’m a girl?” she challenged him and the room exploded with the disbelief of all those in attendance that Jared dare say such a thing to her, or any of the women on the convention circuit. 
“Well,” Jared looked around sheepishly, waiting for someone to help him. 
“Nope. You’re on your own with this one pal!” Rich slapped him on the back. “You have awakened the beast.”
“I just mean, you’re little and…” Jared tried to come up with another reason. Christ, Gen was going to kill him when he got home. 
“I may be little but I am fierce, Jarpad,” Briana grinned and chugged the soda. It wasn’t long before a symphony of belches in the form of the alphabet song erupted from her. “Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you.” She sang as she high fived Kim and Y/N. 
“No, no, no. Not this again,” Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Oh yeah! I am so down for this. And this time, a wager perhaps?” Rich went into full on emcee mode. “What do y’all say about a battle for the ages? A karaoke battle, if you will. It is Friday after all.” 
“Yesss!” The women shouted. 
“Winner picks the losers costume for the next convention?” Rich continued, knowing he had the ladies all in for this. “Fellas? You gonna back down from a challenge?” 
“Hell no! I’m in!” Matt Cohen raised his hand. 
“Yeah, I’ll do it. I mean, I am a professional,” Rob joined him, making eye contact with Y/N shyly across the room.
“Can’t leave my fearless leader in the wind. I’ll do it,” Mike Borja threw his proverbial hat in the ring, looking at the last three. 
“Don’t look at me! I don’t sing!” Jared backed away slowly. 
Jensen glanced to Jason, then back to the women, all with shit eating grins on their faces. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but okay. Jason and I are in.” 
“Wait, how did I get wrapped into this? I’m not an idiot like Jared!” Jason defended. 
“No, but you are a team player buddy and we need you if we’re going to stand a chance,” Jensen replied, looking to Briana with a wink. 
“Splendid! The rules are simple. I, and only I, will pick your songs. No one else will know what you are singing but me. Now, go. Be gone. Out damn spot!” Rich grinned ear to ear as he pulled out his phone, making the most epic list of his convention career. 
“Y/N, girl, are you gonna tell him or not?” Briana asked her pointedly when they got to Briana’s room to get ready for the Karaoke Party.
“Yeah, did you see the way he was looking at you?” Kim chimed in. 
“You guys, I just ended a really bad relationship and he’s my friend,” Y/N said. “I don’t want to ruin what we have.” 
“Then don’t. Just ruin him for all other women!” Ruth giggled. 
“Oh my god Ruthie!” Y/N hid her flushed face behind her hands. 
“And may I point out that you didn’t ‘just’ end that relationship. It’s been over for weeks officially,” Kim reminded her. 
“And you gotta get back on that horse sometime. No time like the present I say!” Briana laughed. 
“Come on, Y/N. You’re an overachiever! Just go out there tonight and be amazing; sing your rock song. This is real life, babe and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a leg up on him and he won’t know what hit him!” Kim encouraged. 
“All’s fair in love and war and karaoke battles,” Ruth chirped. “This is how you’ll win the big one, Y/N, ready steady.” 
“Okay, okay okay! I get it. Gosh, you all sure know a lot of their songs,” Y/N rolled her eyes as Briana dragged her in the bathroom to curl her hair. 
“Aha! You know all the songs, too!” Kim shouted. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N smiled at Briana in the mirror. 
“You’re gonna knock his socks off,” she smiled back. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Karaoke! Boy oh boy, do we have a special treat for y’all tonight! During some green room antics earlier, a challenge has been issued,” Rich paused, waiting for the audience to quiet some and let him finish his intro. “Tonight, with you good people as witnesses, will be a battle to battle all battles! The ladies versus the men
of Supernatural will battle it out for bragging rights right here on this stage!!” 
The crowd exploded in cheers and applause. Rich drew a slip of paper from the bowl and the first few fans sang their songs to roaring applause. Briana, Kim, Rich, Rob and Matt all joined in on stage for the fun. 
“Please may I get a warm welcome for Miss Y/N Y/L/N!” Rich announced. 
Y/N walked through the curtain, kissing him lightly on the cheek and whispering in his ear. “I know what you’re doing Rich. I’ll get you back for this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about darlin’. Now go, sing!” Rich shooed her from his side. 
The beat started and Y/N started rocking her body with its rhythm. “Yeah!”
“I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
Get this party started on a Friday night
Everybody’s waiting for me to arrive
Sending out the message to all of my friends…” 
The crowd was going wild, bouncing and singing along as Y/N worked them into a frenzy with her first song of the evening. If this was any indication of how the night would go, she didn’t care who won, she was having a damn good time, and she made sure the crowd was too as she finished her song. 
“Well, well, well, I guess we really got this party started now!” Rich laughed, pulling another name from the bowl. 
“Please give it up for Miss Briana Buckmaster!” Rich shouted as Briana walked forward. 
Briana took center stage in front of the screen. She was holding her breath, praying Rich didn’t pick something lame. When the screen lit up and the music started, she gave it everything, knowing they had this shit in the bag. 
“Step back gonna come at ya fast
I’m driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won’t stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don’t give a damn
And you’ll be loving it up
Some days I’m a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won’t last forever
Next day I’m your supergirl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin’ better…”
From the first word, the crowd was loving it and singing along with her. Jensen watched discreetly from the side of the stage, cursing Jared for opening his gigantic mouth, but loving the view. Man that girl could sing! And the way she moved…mesmerizing, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It definitely keeps getting better. 
Briana finished off her song and Rich stepped up to announce the next name. “You know, Robby, we’ve been doing this for how long? Four, five, sixty years?” 
“Oh about sixty I think, from how old I feel at the end of a convention weekend,” Rob quipped, the audience breaking out in laughter.  
“And never, in all that time, has this next person ever, ever, graced us with his presence on a Friday night. Did you know that?” Rich asked Rob. 
“Never, ever?” Rob repeated. 
“Never. So without further ado, please welcome to the karaoke stage for the first time EVER, Mr. Jensen Ackles!” Rich stepped away, letting Jensen saunter on the stage. The crowd was deafening and could not believe that Jensen would not only attend the Karaoke party, but actually participate!
“Thanks buddy. Don’t make me make you regret this,” he chuckled as the music started and he shook his head. He looked to the side and made eye contact with Briana, a knowing grin on her face. 
“Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to her howlin’ roar
Metal under tension
Beggin’ you to touch and go
Highway to the danger zone
Ride into the danger zone
Headin’ into twilight
Spreadin’ out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin’ off the track
And shovin’ into overdrive…”
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Jensen was never one for karaoke, but loved to sing and did so with everything he had. The song, while not special to him in any way, held a new meaning after tonight. He looked out among the crowd and was energized by them. 
“Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity…”
Jensen closed out his song with vigor, feeding off the fans, much like he does at a Saturday Night Special Concert. He tossed Rich his microphone and practically bounced off backstage. 
“Robby, I think you know what I’m going to say,” Rich paused for dramatic effect. 
“Rich, I might play God on television, but I don’t know what you’re going to say. I might actually be afraid of what you’re going to say,” Rob turned to face the audience, a knowing look on his face. 
“Well Bobbo, we’re gonna turn it up a notch. Please put your dirty little hands together for the one, the only, Miss Kim Rhodes!” Rich roared and the crowd went nuts. Kim ran out onto the stage, a smile splitting her face from ear to ear. She was always a fan favorite at karaoke and Rich knew with the song he picked, this would be no different. 
As soon as the music started, Kim threw her arms in the air and started stomping her feet along with the beat. 
“County road two thirty-three under my feet
Nothin’ on this white rock but little ol’ me
I’ve got two miles till he makes bail
And if I’m right, we’re headed straight for hell
I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
“Come on! I can’t hear you!” Kim screamed. “Let’s make sure everyone knows we’re having a fucking good time tonight!” 
“Well, it’s half past ten, another six-pack in
And I can feel the rumble like the cold black wind
He pulls in the drive, the gravel flies
He don’t know what’s waiting here this time
 I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
The decibels were so high, it was a miracle anyone could hear anything after Kim finished, whipping the crowd into an even higher gear. 
“Well, Kim really knows how to put on a show doesn’t she? You think she gets that from Zach and Cody?” Rich turned to Rob, who could only shake his head at his friend. 
“I will end you Speight,” Kim’s voice carried through the PA system. 
“Well Bobbo, I guess it’s your turn!” Rich quickly got back to business. 
“Well this should be fun,” Rob commented, waiting somewhat awkwardly for the music to queue.
Now, the Black Crowes were a good band, a great band, but Rob wasn’t sure if this was the kind of message he wanted to send. But he undoubtedly knew it was exactly the message Rich wanted him to send. 
“Baby here I am
I’m the man on the scene
I can give you what you want
But you gotta’ come home with me
“Girl, you have no idea how into you he is,” Briana cooed, her red lips just inches from Y/N’s flushed cheeks. “I couldn’t have picked a better song myself.” She just smiled, throwing her arm over her friend’s shoulders as she watched Rob work his magic on the crowd, and Y/N.
I have got some good old lovin’
And I got some more in store
When I get through throwin’ it on
You gotta’ come back for more
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
‘Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am
Action speaks louder than words
And I’m a man of great experience
I know you’ve got another man
But I can love you better than him
At first Rob felt dirty singing this, knowing Richard’s intent behind it, but by the end, stealing glances at Y/N throughout the song, Rob threw caution to the wind. He ran to the side of the stage and sang directly to her. It was no secret to everyone that Rob had a giant crush on her. It was only lost on her. Maybe he could get her to notice. 
Take my hand don’t be afraid
I’m gonna prove every word I say
I’m advertising love for free
So you can place your ad with me
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
'Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am…”
Y/N was blushing furiously, her mouth agape as Kim and Bri led her backstage for her next song. She looked like she could use a stiff drink. Or two. Ruthie was headed out just as they walked in. She winked at Y/N and skipped behind the curtain as Rich called her name. 
Ruth was a great entertainer and sang a fun filled rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, getting the whole crowd involved, even pulling a few fans up on the stage. Mike Borja even joined the fun, then followed it up with ZZ Top’s Sharp Dressed Man. The crowd went wild for Matt Cohen as usual when he came out rapping Macklemore’s Can’t Hold Us like a beast and Jason slowed it down a bit with Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down. 
“We’ve got a few more songs for you good people tonight and I know I appreciate you letting these fools take over your karaoke party. Whaddya say we get Jensen back out here?” Rich addressed the screaming fans and it got even louder when Jensen made his way back through the curtain. “Oh Ackles, you’re gonna love this one!”
Jensen gave everybody the most epic bitch face that ever bitched when he realized what song was playing. But, ever the consummate performer, he rolled with it and knocked it out of the park in a way that only Jensen can do. 
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one for them hood girls
Them good girls straight masterpieces
Stylin’, wilin’, livin’ it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire man
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Say my name you know who I am
I’m too hot (hot damn)
And my band 'bout that money, break it down
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch (come on)
Briana watched from the wings, her skin heating up as she watched Jensen dance his dorky self across the stage, high-fiving fans, slapping Rich on the ass and stealing Borja’s hat. He could never pretend to be grumpy for long, and she got the feeling he was loving the whole experience and getting closer to the fans that the normal concert allows. 
Before we leave
Lemme tell y'all a lil’ something
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up uh
I said uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
“You better go jump on that!” Kim pushed her out onto the stage just as Jensen made his way over to where they were standing. Briana stumbled right into Jensen, but he easily caught her with one strong arm and pulled her with him to center stage. Briana was never a shy one and she wasted no time doing her worst as Jensen finished the song out, his eyes never leaving her  grinding body on the stage next to him. 
Come on, dance, jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
If you freaky then own it
Don’t brag about it, come show me
Come on, dance
Jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
Well it’s Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch come on!
“Well that was incredible wasn’t it? Watching two of the world’s most beautiful people get their freak on in front of a couple hundred people? But damn if it wasn’t a good time!” Rich laughed, his body rolling forward as Jensen and Briana made their way off stage. “Oh no Miss Buckmaster! You get that fine ass back here! Might as well bring him with.” 
“Richie, can I at least pick?” Briana pouted, standing close enough so only RIch could hear her. 
“Oh no sweet cheeks! The whole idea was for me to pick the songs!” Rich reminded her. “Besides, the ladies are totally killing it!” 
“Yeah, we are!” she smiled. “Fine. Let’s do this.” 
Briana killed Whitney’s I’m Every Woman, all the ladies coming out to join her, as they tormented the men, Jason even pulling Jared on stage, so he could see how they were getting beat down by a bunch of girls. 
“Brother, it doesn’t matter the competition, women will win every day of the week and twice on Sundays,” Jason slapped him on the shoulder as he headed off stage. “I need a drink.” 
“So Rich tells me I’m up for another one. Hit it Maestro,” Y/N smiled. The music started and she knew she had Rich to thank. This song had become her anthem. He had been a good friend and better listener over the last several months and she was grateful for him, grateful for all of them. She could never picture her life without the crazy family she had found. 
“This is for every single one of you that has been through hell and came out the other side…like a Winchester,” she grabbed the microphone and readied herself. 
“You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I’d come running back
Baby you don’t know me, 'cause you’re dead wrong
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over 'cause you’re gone…”
Y/N laughed as she danced around the stage, much like she did alone in her apartment or trailer. She finally felt like herself again. 
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I’m not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I’m finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning
In the end
Bouncing around the stage, Y/N closed out the song to a standing ovation and ringing ears. She had never felt lighter. She hugged Rich, giving back the microphone. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, but I ain’t done yet,” he winked at her. “Robbie, you’re up buddy!” 
As soon as the title card hit the screen on stage, Rob groaned internally. The audience picked up the whistling for the first 45 seconds as Rob gave his best friend a piece of his mind, a smile on his face all the while. 
“Rich! What are you doing? You totally set me up for this. I’m going to kill you in your sleep, just so you know!” 
“Ohhh Bobbo, you’ll thank me in the morning and we both know it. Everyone knows it. Now focus and sing Axl!” Rich slapped Rob’s ass before ducking off stage. Rob looked around and caught Ruth and Y/N off to the side, slowly swaying to the tune. 
“Shed a tear 'cause I’m missin’ you
I’m still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn’t sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you’re in my heart now
Said “woman take it slow, and it’ll work itself out fine”
All we need is just a little patience
Said “sugar make it slow and we’ll come together fine”
All we need is just a little patience (Patience)
Mm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I’d rather be alone
If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear
Sometimes I get so tense but I can’t speed up the time
But you know love there’s one more thing to consider
Said “woman take it slow and things will be just fine”
You and I’ll just use a little patience
Said “sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright”
You and I’ve got what it takes to make it
We won’t fake it, I’ll never break it
'Cause I can’t take it…”
Y/N left Ruth’s side and strolled to where Rob stood center stage, his hand wrapped tightly around the microphone, his eyes closed as he whistled the quick few notes. When he opened his eyes, he found her right beside him. 
Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah 
I’ve been walking the streets at night
Just trying to get it right
It’s hard to see with so many around
You know I don’t like being stuck in the crowd 
And the streets don’t change but maybe the names
I ain’t got time for the game 'cause I need you 
Yeah, yeah, yeah but I need you
Oh, I need you 
Oh, I need you 
Ooh this time 
Rob looked down at the end of the song, the ballroom booming with cheers and applause, to find Y/N’s hand clasped tightly in his. 
“All you needed was a little patience,” she smiled up at him. 
“If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear,” Rob admitted, a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“Take it slow and things will be just fine,” she squeezed his hand and they rushed off the stage, only to be besieged by their friends. 
“I knew it!” Kim threw her hands up in victory. 
“Well that took longer than it should have,” Ruth giggled, sashaying back to the refreshments. 
Y/N watched as Jared and Matt both slapped twenties in Jason’s hand. 
“You bet on us?” Y/N asked, a mix of outrage and amusement as she looked among her friends, her hand still in Rob’s. His face was somewhere between pride, joy and shame. 
“Hell yeah we did,” Jensen chimed in. “Now pay up Buckmaster!” 
“I’m fresh out of cash, Ackles. Sorry,” she swayed towards him. 
He grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her to him. “ I can think of plenty of ways you can work it off.” His deep timbre practically a growl before he kissed her. 
Catcalls could be heard out on the stage no doubt. Rich poked his head through the curtain. “I missed it?” 
“Told ya you would!” Kim hollered, holding out her hand. Rich, Mike, Y/N and Ruth all slipped her their payment. “Jas and I cleaned up. Come on folks, first rounds on us!” 
“I guess it was a wager in more ways than one tonight, huh?” Rob chuckled, turning to face Y/N, a smile lighting up his face. 
“Our friends may have bet on us, but I’m still a winner,” she grinned, lifting her chin to meet his baby blues. 
“Yeah? How so?” he asked.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I got the guy, but I am still missing my winnings,” she stepped closer, mere inches separated them and she could feel the heat emanating from his lean body. 
“What winnings are those?” he whispered, closing the distance even more.
“I still need your payment on the Buckles bet,” she reminded him. 
“Oh yeah, what do I owe you again?” he feigned innocence. 
“Let me think,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his in a sweet and slightly heated first kiss. “I think about a thousand more of those would be a good start.” 
“Seems like a steep wager, Miss Y/L/N,” Rob quipped. “But I think I’d like to up the ante.” 
“You’re on. Just remember, anything you can do, I can do better,” she giggled under his steady gaze. 
“It’s going to be a fun weekend,.” Rob mumbled, grabbing her by the neck and kissed her harder this time, leaving her breathless and wanting more. He pulled away, her lips chasing his. “Patience, my dear. Just a little patience.” 
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sparda3g · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 696 Review
The final chapter is almost here. After this chapter, there’s only two more to go. What does this chapter cover? Is it Yorozuya’s reunion? Joui Three versus Tendoshu? It’s neither of them, though there were a little build to them. Instead, it covered the greatest hero of the universe: Madao! If you believe the countdown is a lie, I wouldn’t blame you at all. For now, let’s throw the countdown away and enjoy this chapter as it is, because it was pretty humorous all in all.
While the chapter largely focuses on Madao and his “newly discovered power,” there were other moments that builds up the anticipation of the climax. The final stage is set with Tendoshu landed on Earth as their cult battle against Edo. Despite Kuyou crashing on top of the Altana Terminal, they can still execute their plan as usual. What’s worse is that they can also deploy smaller ships to send reinforcements. Essentially, it becomes a new warfare. It might end up as the shortest war ever if there’s only two chapters left.
What Tendoshu wants is to spread immortality across the universe. On the surface, that sounds fantastic; clearly, they’re the true heroes. In context, it is madness, even if one wants to live forever. We already saw what happened with Utsuro, so you can expect everyone to experience the same outburst. Plus the population growth will be maddening.
Sakamoto continues to be the star of attraction with his words of wisdom. I’m seriously glad Sorachi didn’t leave him behind just because he’s not part of Shouyo’s disciples. He still can offer something for his friends and that is inspiring speeches. The one troubling feeling they faced is choosing the path and instead of leaving them to decide alone, he assures them that their friends will be behind them all the way. Whether they choose to kill or save Shouyo, they will be there to see it through, because this is their fight. His words benefits greatly to the theme of not just the arc, but the series itself.
When there’s a war going on, you can expect Shinseigumi to be fighting. It’s funny that Kondo does have a valid reason to not understand what they’re doing since he’s been with the gorillas for so long. So long that he remixes his words with his native and gorilla’s language. Oh wait, did I say something redundant? Sougo is savage as usual and happy to know that Kondo still has his human mentality left. Like I said, living with gorillas for too long.
It’s always a good feel moment with Shinseigumi; fighting like they are made to do. It’s like what Kondo said in the flashback: Shinseigumi will never disband. All this nostalgia talk reeks the series is ending feel, but it won’t be complete until Yorozuya finally returns. Shinpachi and Kagura already left, so it’s only matter of time for the actual reunion that fans will be satisfied. Unless we get trolled. That’s all for the buildup to the ending side; now, let’s focus on the main superstar, Madao.
From the beginning of the chapter, the news broadcast is recording the war as they are left bewildered if this is all related to the staged Zurump’s assassination. At least we know Katsura’s plan has worked. With that said, they need a hero to stop this madness. It’s been while that we’ve last seen Hanano Ana, but before the series’ end, there she is reporting live. Last time I get to read that punned name. The citizens are now safe from danger, because here comes our greatest hero of all time. Madao has entered the stage and don’t worry, he’s only sweating due to warm temperature.
Joking aside, this is all around hilarious. Not going to lie, he got what’s coming for pulling off the lie he has been living under. That said I’m glad Sorachi didn’t leave him with a false ending. The amount of pressure was getting to him pretty bad, so he begins to stumble. That crummy sword of his is called Unemployecalibur, which is goofy but so like him, and yet he later calls it Neetcalibur. He’s not even trying to hide his false identity. I’ll bet he has plagiarized.
It’s a Gintama fashion with Madao acting like he’s about to kick ass and chew bubble gum, only to be down-struck by a cursed flame; whatever that means. All the lies he’s spouting is so ridiculous, but that’s how he works things out. Too bad it gets worse for him with Samurai arriving to the scene. At first, he play along and act like a citizen, so he must evacuate the area, but then one of the group recognizes him. What should he do now?
He has the nerve to upturned his chin and break his crappy sword like a stick. That certainly feels nostalgic. That sword was made out of Styrofoam. Hey, you don’t know the power of the Styrofoam! It’s stupid enough that he pulled this off, but it actually works on the Samurai. Wow. It almost went well, until another group shows up and basically reset the dilemma. They’re the good guys and they too want Madao to come for their aid. What should he do now?
He hyped up the moment of his dynamic entry to the battlefield; preparing to restore peace in Edo. But before he could do that, he has to tie his shoe laces, even though they’re sandals. This guy is amazing. I can’t say it was working, but they were waiting for him. That is until the army from one of those small ships arrive. Not only Madao is screwed, but his laces broke off. What should he do now?
It’s at this point where the chapter breaks away from Madao and shows what’s happening elsewhere. I already gone over the moments, so it’s no need to repeat it here. After courageous and inspiring movements from the Samurai, the scene shifts back to the news broadcast, declaring Madao has passed away. Even when famous, he still gets “killed off.” The man can’t escape death. Of course, it’s not true, though pretty messed up to jump to that conclusion. Hell, they even killed off Ana. Even when she responded back, they believe she’s on a verge of death, so might as well declare her deceased. Savage news.
How can Madao explain on why he doesn’t fight back? His reason is his go-mode is so dangerous, when he fights, he kills everyone in sight. That includes Ana, and that’s why he won’t fight. I don’t know how much Madao can run his lies, but he’s pretty damn amazing at it. Finally, he hits the tipping point when he’s surrounded by troops. What should he do now? It’s only one way. He does an epic setup for a grand attack. I was a bit hyped honestly. He jumps high in the air and lands hard on the ground in a bowing positon. It’s his ultimate attack: begging for mercy! The best part is it works! I think?
What happens after he apologizes, a random explosion happens, taking out all of his enemies. He does a different pose, apologizes again, and another explosion occurs. This is just plain BS. Hilariously, he comes up with an explanation of his awakening power. Because of the cursed flame or mouth ulcers, it unlocks an explosive power. That’s very logical. Also, Madao isn’t the one that was apologizing; it was the incantation, “Aym Sah Ri.” He’s a national treasure of lies all right.
But the weird part is Ana also unlocked the power when the explosion in front of her happens. That means she too is special, right? Madao devalues her by inserting a new explanation. Apparently, she was able to do one because of his mouth ulcers spreading out its germ to hers. That’s one unnecessary explanation. All in all, Madao is one lucky S.O.B.; escaping with the lie that everyone believes. That doesn’t paint him the right color; it makes him look absolutely disgusting. Fortunately, Sorachi knows how to balance and eventually, redeems his character at the right time.
Despite all the luck he has, he doesn’t want to keep the hero title. Although I disagree with him on not doing anything special in the war, I understand what he meant. What bothered him is he was given all the achievements that Gintoki achieved; thus, giving him the main spotlight. Sure, he gained fame, fortune, ladies, and gourmets, but he wasn’t happy. All he wants is to spend drinking time with his drinking buddy. That’s why he’s still there; waiting to revisit the good old time. Dammit, Sorachi. Stop making them likeable.
Madao finally makes a proper apology because this time he means it. I was so touched that the next explosion will be epic. Well, it does happen, only it takes Madao out as well. Yeah, that’s karma at its finest. This begs the question. Who the hell was causing it? It’s freaking Prince Hata and his servant. What a full circle. To top it all off, they said the phrase of the chapter, “I’m sorry.” This is definitely Gintama all right.
This was a pretty fun chapter. I know a lot of fans are confused or wondering why the pacing remains the same as if the series isn’t ending yet. While putting that aside, the chapter does leave a really good setup for the most anticipated reunion. It’s all around non-sense with Madao pretending to be a hero that everyone wants, but not the one they should have. As comical it was, it also has charms when it reached the ending. Of course, Madao will be Madao when it comes to downfall, but that’s karma for you. Two chapters to go. What exactly is happening?
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bearb0nes · 7 years
What’s New Pussycat - A Derek Hale Imagine
(A/N) Hey hey hey, guys! It’s been forever since I said that this was going to be posted but last night I had finally found the time and inspiration to actually sit and continue writing this out. The format and plot of this imagine has changed so many times that even trying to remember the way it was when I first wrote it gives me a massive headache. It just seems that within this fandom even the small innocuous details need to be expanded on in order to fit in the universe. I know that these imagines don’t need to be filled to the brim with back story to make them plausible, but that’s something I’ll need to work with myself on in order to grow out of that way of thinking. 
ANYway, the inspiration for this imagine comes from one of my brother’s vehement dislike for my fur baby and said fur baby’s clingy habits. The whole thing is meant to be more on the humorous side versus any actual emotional substance but I hope you guys enjoy it all the same!
Words: 2036
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: N/A 
There were a few things in this life that Derek Hale knew with absolute certainty: Life in Beacon Hills often liked to throw you curveballs to keep you on your toes, Stiles Stilinski was a raging idiot, and he hated cats. The first two unfortunately intermingled quite often, though if he was honest with himself (which he wasn’t) he had actually grown accustomed to the sarcastic spaz, not that he’d ever admit that out loud. However, through whatever minimal luck he had (and lots of careful avoidance on his part), cats had not been an issue that he had to deal with since childhood when he first discovered that cats and werewolves definitely do not mix. Thus, Derek was wholly unprepared to come face to face with a wild, hissing she-beast when he entered the Stilinski household with Stiles to look at the latest research he and Lydia had dug up. It was in that moment that all three of his known truths crashed together to form one big ball of fucked up very, very quickly.
Stiles lets out a short high pitched yelp and flings his arms up to shield his face in abject terror, his left elbow ramming into the center of Derek’s back. The force sends Derek stumbling forward towards the yowling ball of hatred resulting in the beast launching into attack mode and scratching the ever loving shit out of his arms earning a pained growl and flashing blue eyes that send it scampering up the stairs. A large squealing mass then comes charging out of the kitchen and slams into Stiles causing the boy to nearly lose his footing.
Derek huffs and looks up from his rapidly healing arms visible through the significant tears in his leather jacket (the amount of jackets he goes through living in this damn town probably pays to keep the shop open by itself), and his world momentarily freezes, his brain trying to process what it is that he’s seeing. Hello, curveball. She is without a doubt the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen…and she’s hugging Stiles’ face tightly against her chest and ardently rocking side to side while he squirms and sputters. “Y/N?! What, what are you doing here?!When did you get back?!Have you been to the station?!Wh-”
She pushes him back by his shoulders and pats his cheek lovingly before spinning on her heel to face Derek with a bright smile and her hand held out, “Y/N Stilinski, it’s a pleasure to meet you! And you are?” Derek isn’t sure what it is he actually says since the only thing he can think about is how the pale golden sunlight streaming in from the open front door is casting a warm hazy glow around her form that makes her seem almost angelic (he even sees sparkles, which is probably just an inordinately large cloud of dust but hey, at least he’s not hearing angels sing), but he’s pretty sure it’s his name since her smile widens and she nods at him before she turns away and links arms with Stiles.
“C’mon Meechy. You can sit in the kitchen while I finish making lunch and tell me all about how you’ve fallen in with tall, dark, and wolfy over there.” She shoots him a wink over her shoulder as she tugs the still sputtering mess along. “You coming handsome?” Derek’s feet start moving of their own volition and he is suddenly keenly aware of another truth of his life, he is an absolute sucker for Y/N Stilinski. Fuck.  
As it turns out Stiles had an older sister that had been studying archeology and anthology abroad in Europe. She had never come up in conversation when Derek was around because that was usually when they were dealing with a new baddie and not playing “get to know your pack mates”, and she hadn’t been home to visit in years due to her rigorous course/field work and lack of funds to afford a ticket both home and back on holidays. Now that she had finished the application aspects of her degree she was free to complete the last of her schooling back stateside and was moving back in with her father and brother. As for her supernatural knowledge, she explained that when you study artifacts, and people, and their cultures year round for nearly three years you’re bound to stumble upon a secret or two. Though the pack was surprised to find out that most smaller eastern european communities considered knowledge of the supernatural to be common, it was the more modernized communities that skewed the information as myth rather than fact.
5 months later saw Y/N fitting seamlessly into the pack’s routine, forming fast relationships with everyone and becoming a pack mother of sorts (though she’d never outwardly claim such a title, stating that she was “-way too young to be anyone’s momma!”), not to mention her extensive knowledge on any and all things supernatural aided the pack in the defense of the community against old and new threats. Life was good for the pack, things finally seeming to go smoothly, or as smoothly as life can go Beacon Hills anyway.
So where did that leave Derek? The answer to that question, is absolutely nowhere. Because Y/N wouldn’t go on a date with him. That’s not to say that his attraction was unrequited however, quite the opposite actually. Derek had never been closer to anyone. He knew that what he felt for her ran far deeper than what he had previously thought he had felt for anyone else, and what’s worse is that he knew she felt the same. It was in the way she’d scan the room when she first entered until her eyes found his. In the way she’d toss her head back and laugh while holding herself up on his shoulder when someone told a joke she found particularly funny. In the way she’d unconsciously reach out and grip his hand while they were walking around town. In the way she’d quickly press a kiss on the very corner of his mouth when he walked her to her door before furiously blushing and darting inside with rushed “See yah!”. So why hadn’t Derek been able to take her out yet? Because of her fucking cat that’s why.
He was never one for pedestals, or rose colored glasses, but he very quickly decided that Y/N was as perfect as a person could get. In fact, if it weren’t for her complete devotion to her hell spawn he’d be hard pressed to find a single flaw. As it were, 95% of the time if you were looking for Y/N, you’d also find Ylva. The cat could be found twirling around her ankles while she stood, stretched out along her side if Y/N was laying down, perched on the back of whatever she was sitting on, or waiting at the door for her owner to return. Therefore the cat was in Derek’s orbit far more often than not, and both were very vocal about their displeasure at the other’s presence.
What does that have to do with taking her out on a date? When Derek had first asked her out he had been nervous of course, who wouldn’t be, but he never actually thought she’d say no. And to be perfectly fair she didn’t, instead a mischievous glint had entered her eyes and the likeness to the look he often saw on Stiles’ face had sent an involuntary shiver down his spine. “Of course I’d love to go on a date with you Der, if you can get Ylva to let you pet her.” At first he was convinced she was joking but when she adamantly stuck to her guns he had given in and decided to tackle the situation head on, surely it wouldn’t be that hard.
That was three weeks ago.
Every day for the last three weeks Derek had put aside his ingrained hatred for cats and gone over to the Stilinski household in an attempt to coax the demonic fur ball into letting him pet her, one hand is all he needed. Hell, he’d settle for a finger. He’s ashamed to say that he couldn’t even find her the first four days, werewolf senses be damned. He had pulled out all the stops, catnip, feathers, cooing at her like a baby (though the intense scowl he wore while doing it probably warded her off on that one), he had even brought her live mice. Nothing seemed to work, werewolf or not, surely any sane cat would have taken the bait. Most recently, he was resorting to sneak attacks, lurking around corners and crouching behind couches hoping to get the drop on her, so far no dice. Until today that is.
Derek walked into the Stilinski household with air of begrudging defeat about him, today was the last time he would attempt to get ahold of Ylva, if he couldn’t pull it off he’d have to admit defeat and hope Y/N would have mercy on him regardless. He walked through the front door, sweeping a cursory glance about the entryway, tilting his head slightly at the sound of Scott and Stiles talking upstairs, before looking into the living room. He froze, eyes widening. There, dozing in a patch of sun on the couch was the very source of his problems. Her ears had miraculously not picked up the sound of his entry and he glanced upward, sending a plea out into the universe for this to work, and began to painstakingly inch his way toward the couch. The room was silent, no sound but the soft whistle of Ylva’s snores, but the pounding of his heart filled his ears. He crept around the couch and slowly raised his hand, eyes laser-focused on the sleeping feline, and softly lowered his hand to just barely rest upon her back. Careful to not jostle his arm in any way Derek reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out his phone, fumbling with it for a moment to get it into the right orientation, and quickly snaps a photo of his hand on the cat. He rears back, letting out a whoop of victory and throws his arms into the air before turning heel and running out of the house. He was off to snag his girl, and she was his girl for he had completed her task and had picture evidence, from her meeting with Deaton. He had had months to plan and she was about to have the best first date of her entire life.
*****************************************************************************************************Scott jogged down the stairs and snagged a bottle of water out of the fridge, glancing at the cat on his way back up the stairs. “Dude, do you think we should take Y/N’s cat to Deaton? She hasn’t moved from the couch at all the whole day.” Stiles lets out a disinterested hum and continues to focus on the textbook laying on the bed in front of him, reaching for something in his pocket and tossing it towards him. Scott catches and reads the label, “You gave her a sedative!? Why? I thought you were enjoying watching Derek flounder.” Stiles looks up at Scott with a deadpan expression. “I got up to use the bathroom last night and almost pissed myself when I found Derek standing in the hallway in the dark. And last week I found a live mouse hiding in my sock drawer. An actual live mouse, Scott.”
Scott quickly nods and shudders at the thought of his reaction if he found a mouse in his own room. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best. What’d you do with the mouse?” The blank expression on Stiles’ face falters and a grimace takes it’s place. “I went to grab a cup and when I came back it was gone, Ylva hasn’t gotten it yet though because I can hear it running around my room at night.”
It was then for a second time that day that a werewolf came sprinting out of the Stilinski household shouting, albeit for very different reasons.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
resident evil 5 xbox 360
resident evil 5 xbox 360
Resident Evil 5 cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
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Genre: Action, Survival Horror
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: March 13, 2009
Mercenaries Mode Bonus Characters
Once you get mercenaries mode, you get a bonus characters by getting at least an A on the mission. The bonus characters are:
Chris (Safari): "The Village" mission Chris (S.T.A.R.S.): "Experimental Facility" mission Jill (Battle Suit): "Ship Deck" mission Jill (B.S.A.A.): "Public Assembly" mission Sheva (Clubbin): "Ancient Ruins" mission Sheva (Tribal): "Missile Area" mission Wesker (Midnight): "The Mines" mission Wesker (S.T.A.R.S.): "The Prison" mission
Hidden Amo Room/guns
In level 1 there is a door that can’t be unlocked. When you first see the dead dog on the floor, go to the door and shoot it 5 times then back up n throw a grenade. Wait 5 seconds then shoot it again. Then 5 more seconds later it will be unlocked then bust open it quick and kill the 10 zombies that are there to get the gun/ammo room. THROW A GRENADE TO ALMOST KILL THEM ALL.
Easy Way To Get Money And Medallions
Choose the mission where you start off at by army jeeps go forward and there is case get the gun then on the wall is a medallion then save and quit then go the mission again then sell the gun in the case.
Bsaa Emblems
First in chapter 1-2, in the part where the door is locked when you try to get to the house, go under the stairs and go in to the second floor. There in the balcony, on your right, you will see the the emblem.Next, on the same chapter, you will come to a house with no roof. When you look up you’ll see the other emblem sitting on the water tower. Also on the same chapter, after you have beat the uroburos monster (the one that killed all of delta team)you will come across a silver case with pistol ammo in it. Walk a little ways and you will see it behind the black fence. In chapter 2-1 it is near the exit door in the very room where you started the mission. You will see it hanging on the wall on your upper right area.
Ammo for Free
If you go into co-op and one player gives theother ammo and then you quit the game, the personwho gave the ammo says no to over write and theperson receiving says yes. When you go back intothe game the person that gave the ammo still hasall that they gave and the person that they gaveit to also has it. This only works with ammo notguns. Grenades are a good one to do this with tobuild up and sell for fast cash.
HEART Stopper
If you shoot a licker in the leg an go up to it it will say stab an when you do you will gain heart stopper.
Need Ammo
For all the people that always need ammo constanly here is what you do, upgrade the M92f an then you will unlock the M93r, Next go to bonus features menu, an buy infinite ammo for m92f then go through the chapters all over again, save all the ammo you come by on any difficulty.
Best Way To Get RPG Infinite Ammo
Keep playing amateur mode till you get extremely good at the game. It also helps to have a couple of weapons with infinite ammo.
Veteran Trick
The best way to start Veteran difficulty: Have a ton of weapons with infinite ammo. I know it will take forever, but it will save your life.
Need Ammo?
If you ever run low of ammo just go back and play previous chapters (chapter one works the best) of the game on amateur. Have Chris take all the ammo and only let Sheva use the MG or something like that. And only use the rifle because it can kill most zombies with one shot. Do that enough and you’ll have more ammo then you know what to do with.
Wesker’s Teleportation On Mercenaries And Versus
When you choose any of the two weskers on versus or mercenaries you can use his teleportation ability by clicking down the right thumbstick. Also while you are in teleportation mode and targeting at an enemy you can unleash a powerful kick if you press the right thumbstick, and it takes major damage to bosses, but I wouldn’t considering doing to the chainsaw majini because he will not move and you’ll stop right in front of him after you kicking, causing your chances to get head cut off at a high rate. (warning teleportation will drop your health by a small amount).
Easy Kill For Duvalia
An easy kill for this almost impossible sub boss is shoot its legs and wait for its shell to open and go in for the kill.
Easy Giant Majimi Kill
As I’m sure you’ve had trouble with the giant majini, here’s an easy kill-first you have to have a magnum, upgrade the firepower twice (required) and upgrade the capacity -then you go on any stage with giant majini and have an easy kill. Note: this trick works only with the s&w m29.
Chainsaw Majini Weakness
When you face a chainsaw majini all you have to do is aim a shotgun at the majinis face and melee him and shoot him again.
Massive Money
If you are some-what good with the game, run through chapter 4-1 and get all the treasure you can find. When it comes to the end of the chapter where you have to fight the giant bat, using the grenade launcher you find earlier will kill it straight away (just get trigger happy) and he’ll drop the Heart Gem which by itself sells for 10k. Overall after the mission and after selling everything in Item Management you’ll be 50k richer. And if you’re VERY proficient, you can do this on professional mode which makes all money you find double what its originally worth when playing in other modes.
Fast Way To Kill Wesker W/O Rocket Launcher
Fast way to kill wesker is to fully upgrade your S&W M500 and shoot his weak spot (the orange spots). This should cause him to instantly go to the next few steps. Keep shooting him with the S&W M500 and you should be able to defeat him.
Fast Wesker Kill
For those of you who are playing re5 on two player and have trouble with weskers final form then here’s the fastest way to beat him. Ok when you first start off in the volcano and your separated (note:only works for two players). Equip sheva with the sl something and keep shooting wesker then while hes chasing chris don’t hit the weak spot but once Chris jumps down wesker will follow him around and when hes on the slope shoot him in the chest with a rocket launcher. If done correctly then wesker will die.
Faster Reload
There’s a faster way to load your guns just quickly press y press x on the required ammo (this is faster when your gun and ammo are closer to the top of the menu) then press x again on the gun. Please note you wont be able to do this instantly it may take time to master but it is a great skill to have and you can save a little bit of money because you wont have to upgrade reload speed, although this will work better for guns with slow reload speeds like shotguns, the grenade launcher, magnums, etc.
How To Get The Infinite Rocket Launcher
This is what I did to get the infinite rocket launcheri did the whole game until I got to chapter 5-2 and gotto the boss. Now all you have to do is beat the boss and when you are in the marshlands go to that ship reck is atyou get a brown beetle and you will see a pot now go upthe ramp and you will see a chase its the rocket launcherput that up in the bigger inventory and save it. The rocketlauncher is in the marshlands now when you beat the B. O . W at the end of chapter 5-2 you will get the infinite rocket launcher unlocked people say that you have to beat the whole game in order to do this but you don’t have to beatthe whole game just get to chapter 5-3 on any mode.
Easiest Way To Kill Duvalia
The easiest way I found to kill these armored balls is to throw a Flash grenade at them and in One hit they’re dead.
Killing Wesker Final Battle Easy
At the end of chapter 6-3 if you don’t want to waste time on this level, it’ll cost you 10, 000 dollars. Keep a rocket launcher for the final fight with wesker this is best done with sheva, when the bridge collapses pull out the rocket wait for the weak spot on his back to appear, shoot that with the rocket and you will end the fight.
Hidden Cutscene
At the beginning of chapter 1-1 if you go to the right past the building to the right go that way you will see a guy getting carried away by 2 guys if you run towards them it will activate the cutscene.
Sniper Rifle
In the mission where you first encounter the lickers after you pass the door where you see the lickers tail pass through that door and you should soon find another one on your left enter there and there will be computers look to your right and you will find a silver case open it and you will find a sniper rifle.
Easy Way To Beat Wesker And Jill
When you face albert wesker and jill together run north east to the blue door and hit the button it tells you. Then you`ll activate a cut scene. Then run and hide. Some where in the back is a coffin with gems and a lighting hawk. Any way hide against a wall and wait for wesker and when you have him in site shot him with your strongest gun. If you use a rocket launcher he`ll catch it and you have to shot it. It may sound hard but if you do it it`s a 1 shot kill. Plus you`ll unlock the bad blood achievement and you can get the heart of Africa gem. After that you have to face jill. But you can’t kill her or game over. You have to get the devise off her chest. But you can shot her all you want with you grenade launcher with FLASH, NITROGEN, and ELECTRIC, ROUNDS. But be careful with electric rounds because they CAN kill her. When you stun her run up and hit the buttons it tells you. If you hold her back and sheva rips the thing off or visa versa you`ll unlock master of removing achievement.
Quick And Easy Money & Ammo
Tired of having to redo levels that take forever when you want money quickly? Here’s how! NOTE: If on XboxLive, you must decide who’s either recieving or givng the items and who’s makig the party. If w/o XboxLive, make sure you have 2 profiles. First, start collecting the ammo or item you want (Machine gun ammo, etc. ) For easy ammo or money, make sure you FIRST store enough in your storage to fill ALL the boxes in your inventory. NOTE: For easy money, use rotten eggs. They’re 2, 000 a piece. Since you can carry 5 per bundle times 9 slots = 45 eggs times 2, 000N = 90, 000! Once finished, start a new campaign (None specified) with your inventory fill with your duplicated item. Quit and save the game. Then start it up and let your friend join or sign your second profile in. Now start trading the item to the giver. Once they have the items, both save games. Now start back up the campaign again. Now trade the items back to the receiver. BUT! This time, only the receiver saves their game. THE GIVER MUST NOT SAVE THE GAME OR ELSE IT WILL RUIN THE ENTIRE PROCESS! Now quit and start the campaign once more. Let the other profile of friend join and tadah! They should still have their inventory filled with the items or ammo you gave them. Trade the items to the receiver, receiver saves while giver does not and repeat. Best suggested in local. It takes about 2-3mins. TOPS! If you are confused with any part of this, message Emoonal5car on XboxLive.
Easy Points
If you don’t wanna have to play though the story line over and over but just kill zombies, try Mercenaries Mode! You must survive endless zombies for 2mins. Look around for time bonuses to increase time. The more kills you get, the better your score. The better the score, the better the points. On XboxLive, you can play Duo and get loads of points and Both players benifit! Have fun pwning zombies! :D.
Snipers Wanted
In Re5 if you own a sniper rifle here are a few tips to keep you alive in the game: Aiming and shooting at the head isn’t always a good idea because those pesky granados might pop out and waste your ammo so aim for the chest area its alot easier, also when up against a horde of zombies (majinis)run to a safe distance buildings, cars, etc. Then pick them of one by one. Be warned your cover maybe compromised to stay alive kill 2 then move kill 2 then run use this strategy and save a lot of herbs and ammo.
Easy Reaper Kill
If you’re getting annoyed by the reapers (big bugs) killing you then here’s a tip for you. When it stands up (this is when its dangerous so don’t let it get too close) its chest will open revealing a white bubble (i don’t really know what it is I think it might be it heart or something) shoot that bubble w/ a magnum or a grenade launcher (exp, flame, or ice’ll work) or if you want to do it the expensive way and shoot it w/ an RPG and it will fall on the ground and start squirming and finally die.
Reviving Enemy
Just a little hint for you people when you encounter a chainsaw, there’s a chance he’ll come back to life. There is a way to tell if he’s going to revive. After you kill (or supposedly) him if he rolls on his back get ready because he’ll be even more dangerous than before. If he falls on his chest then its hes dead for good.
Easy Pts
The best way that I found to get PTS (the stuff you trade with in the bonus menu) is to repeat the section that you found the easiest. When you beat it it tells you how you did.
Ultimate Weapons
You must fully upgrade these guns to unlock their stronger versions.
M92F PISTOL= M93R PISTOL (3 round fire capability)
S&W M29 MAGNUM= S&W M500 (hand cannon)If you get unlimited ammo for these gun you will be unstoppable.
The Treasure Box
In case any one is wondering how to get the treasure box in the center of the fruit stands in chapter 2-2 (may be the wrong chapter) you need to use a grenade or a grenade launcher to destroy one of the stands. The box only contains a ruby worth about 3, 000 but that still a lot of cash for the beginning of the game.
The Perfect Gun
After beating the game you can go to the bonus features and buy unlimited ammo for guns you have maxed out. The magnums have the best firepower on the game and you can kill bosses with five shots or less. The best part is you don’t even have to reload.
Better Weapons
This is how to make a regular magnum hand gun and regular shot gun into a better gun- first you need to have the s&w m29 ithaca m37 and the m92fand to get their better versions you need to upgrade them to the max in everything and be rewarded with a s&w m500 hydra and the m93r.
Wheres My Money
So far as you play, you pick things up and sell them or you come across money or large gold.If your just starting and do not know yet in order to do more damage you will have to upgrade your weapons. In order to do this you will have to spend money. Where do you get the money you ask. Well you can either save up and take forever, or you can do it vary simple. And again this is for people just starting. Find someone who is playing level 4-1 and beat it with them, then go back and start it over either with someone else or by yourself, I would recommend it the first time by yourself. As you start it off you come to the dock in the cave and get off and say your good bye’s to the driver. Go through and as you go through put out all the fire’s you can, once you put the flame out you will be able to pick up gems worth about 1,000 to 2,000. Look for anything shiny over head or encased in bone heads. There will be a brief case with a grenade launcher in it. Also there will be three boxes made out of stone, 2 of the 3 will give up 900 for the first one and 700 for the second and the third will be a tiggger for the floor to the next area. When you and your partner pull on the chains attached to the idols they give up a gem each. Defeating the boss before you leave will give you a Soul Gem worth 10, 000.
So when all said and done and you finish the level you should leave with 20,000 to 40,000 each time and a grenade launcher. Do this as many times as needed to get the dough and up grade your weapons.
Also if you play with people that have better weapons then you play a round with them and the next time you go shopping you will find that same item for sale, but just know that all those items you will come across them in the game.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Resident Evil 5 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Weapon Unlocks
MF92–M39R[Weskers Pistol]
S75–Longbow[Sheva Only]
VZ61–Gatling Gun[Chris Only]
Ithica–Hydra[Triple Barrel]
Beat Game In Under 5 Hours–RPG[OWNS]
Upgrade 2 max to unlockAdd More Soon.
Chain Gun
Fully upgrade the VZ61 and the chain gun should be available for purchase for 50,000.
Hidden Weapons
Gatling Gun (Chris Only) Fully upgrade the VZ61 Machine Gun
Hydra Triple Barrel Shotgun Fully upgrade the Ithaca M93 Shotgun
Longbow (Sheva Only) Fully upgrade the S75 Rifle
M93R Pistol (Samurai Edge Custom) Fully upgrade the M92F Pistol
S&W M500 (Handcannon).
Topaz Marquis
To get the topaz marquis you need start the first mission. Play through till you jump out the window. This works best if you have unlimited ammo for one of your guns (magnum works best). Stay and fight the mob, when you see a guy with dynamite kill him and he will drop the topaz marquis.
Heart Stopper Achievement
When you face the horde of lickers you shoot one until it rolls over (plays dead or something) go up to it and stab it.
Infinite Ammo RPG
To get the infinite ammo rocket launcher you mustbeat the game in under 5 hours in any difficulty. Afterwards you must then buy a RPG.
How To Unlock All Graphic Filters
Classic Horror (Black & White) Beat the game on Amateur difficulty.
Noise (Grain effect) Beat the game on Veteran difficulty.
Retro (Sephia) Beat the game on Normal difficulty.
Mercenary Characters
Chris (Safari) Get an A Rank or higher in The Village Chris (Stars) Get an A Rank or higher in Experimental Facility Jill (Battle Suit) Get an A Rank or higher in Ship Deck Jill (BSAA) Get an A Rank or higher in Public Assembly Sheva (Clubin) Get an A Rank or higher in Ancient Ruins Sheva (Tribal) Get an A Rank or higher in Missile Area Wesker (Midnight) Get an A Rank or higher in The Mines Wesker (STARS) Get an A Rank or higher in The Prison.
History of Resident Evil – Beat the game on any difficulty.
Mercenaries Mode – Finish the game in any difficulty.
New Game+ – Finish the game in any difficulty.
Playing with Sheva – Finish the game in any difficulty.
Professional Difficulty – Beat every chapter on Veteran.
Unlimited ammuntion for a weapon – Finish the game then max out the upgrades for that gun.
Chris (S. T . A . R . S . ) Complete Chapters 1 – 6 and find 25 BSAA Emblems Chris (Safari) Complete Chapters 1 – 6 Sheva (Clubbin’) Complete Chapters 1 – 6 Sheva (Tribal) Complete Chapters 1 – 6 and find 30 BSAA Emblems.
Easter eggs
Get All The Eggs
Whilst playing marshlands you will find a little island (north-east of where you start) there is a bunch of chickens there that will lay eggs. When you get there are 2 white eggs on a shelf behind the tower. After this wait for about 5-10mins for the chickens to layeggs, you should get 1) A golden egg. 2) A brown egg. 3) A white egg 4)A rotten egg (the rotten egg is harder to come by tho and might take you a while to get using this method so I suggest looking around on the other chapters, there are no specific chapters that have rotten eggs on them no matter what you read. (The above is variable, and the times are an estimation).
You go through the campian and collect all the rotten eggsthen you put them in your inventory, then save and quit. Next, go to the public assembly and sign in on a second profilethen the first player gives all the easter eggs to the second player and start the game then player two gives all the eggs the player one and the player one quits and saves.Then player two does (NOT)save then you both will have rotten eggs P. S [if you do that for about 10 min you’ll have 1,000,000 dollars].
Rotten Egg Cheat Or Glitch
The Rotten egg cheat is you can have 1 rotten egg and get to 45. First you have a second controller when you get in a game in season mode you press start then you have nothing in both boxes then chris redfield take out 1 or how many rotten eggs you have to the desktop then he gives it to Sheva then press ready on both controllers then Sheva keeps giving the eggs to chris when she is done you press start this is the important part ever you press (Quit)then you press (YES) for Chris redfeild or know as First controller and (NO)for Sheva know as second controller then go back to the game you were in and do samething But when you press start for second controller you both should have the same amount of rotten eggs on your desk top and you keep doing it until you get 45 rotten eggs then if you sell 45 you get $90, 000 P. S . It works with any kind of egg.
Currently we have no glitches for Resident Evil 5 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Resident Evil 5 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
0 notes
megairishrose · 7 years
Flaws Stitched Together With Good Intentions chapter 27: What she had to do
They were within the town line; the army was inside Storybrooke. The army of the Caldron Born seemed to stretch the entire length of the town. And the heroes stood a few miles away, facing down the enemy. There were so many of them, more than anyone had imagined. A sick feeling settled in Amelia's stomach. Neal noticed and took her hand into his. It gave off a little comfort.
Their army was better than she had hoped for. They had magic mixed with raw skill. This had to be the way to win a war, right?
The Horned King stood right in the center and on his right side was Sir Kay.
Neal leaned over to Amelia. "Now I understand why my father never scared you." He meant the Horned King. She nodded. "And I am taking him down." Now he meant Sir Kay.
"Well, here we are, about to go to battle. Amelia, you want to say a few words?" David asked.
Say a few words? Was Prince Charming asking for an inspiration speech from her? She wasn't one for fancy words, her words usually were harsh and full of sass. But maybe, this once she could be the light in the dark.
Amelia Hunter stepped up on a bench and looked out over her army, her friends. "I want to thank you all for coming out, I know how lame that sounds. So here's something better. I never liked to consider myself a survivor, I always preferred the term warrior. That's what we all are. We're all broken and damaged and we aren't quite fixed yet. A lot of us have gone through hell, but you know what? We came back. We came back stronger. You know why? Because we are warrior and warriors fight! To be heroic does not have to mean possessing the ability to stand against the evils of the world, either well or successfully, but just that one is willing to stand!"
Her words were meant with cheers, they almost brought joy to her heart. Almost. Neal clutched her hand and helped her down back to the ground.
"Regina, remember back in the Enchanted Forest, when I said that when he took over I would make sure you suffered. This is what I meant." Amelia felt she had to clear the air.
Regina gave the army a brief glance. "So in other words, I'm lucky you like me now?"
"Very lucky."
Storybrooke's and the Enchanted Forest's mightiest heroes stood against the legendry and unstoppable army of the undead. Amelia hoped no one ever told her the odds.
It was a face-off, who was going to make the first move?
A Cauldron Born threw an ax at them, it flew at them fast but it was Regina who sent up a protective shield.
"They started it, now we finish it. Who's going out first?" Regina asked, a magic fireball swirling around her hands.
"Not us, them." Amelia waved a hand over her head, the universal sign for 'roll out'. The trained assassins ran out of their formation and towards the Cauldron Born. "Always sent out the pawns first." Amelia asked, shooting David and Regina a tiny grin. "What, they didn't teach you that in battle school?"
They let the clash go a few moments before Amelia herself went into battle. And every one followed her lead.
That was the only logical way to describe the battle. If logical was even the right word.
Magic and might versus numbers. One to go down in the history books, provided there would be history books when this was all over. It was silent at first, then suddenly, noise like Amelia had never heard before. It was power and strength and cruelness all wrapped into one.
She was alone, that's how she preferred to work. Neal would be safe, her magical mark would save him, keep him safe. Even when she couldn't, forever, no matter what.
Amelia stood her ground, she thanked her lucky stars she had put a spell on her quiver and Robin's also so neither of them would run out of arrows. One arrow after another went into a Cauldron Born's neck or chest. But as soon as one fell, two more took its place. It was almost like Hydra.
Arrows stopped and Amelia switched to fists, her first and best weapon. She was trying to avoid using magic. She had no idea if it would work. Her magic was like her, temperamental.
She bit back cries of pain and used her healing on her wounds. She couldn't afford to be hinged by minor and simple cuts and blood.
Then there was a blur and the ten soldiers surrounding her went down at once. Was that …? Amelia saw something brush past her legs and she looked down and to her astonishment, saw her Luna.
Amelia threw up a magical dome. She got down on her knees gratefully. "How did you find me? Is this Derek's way of protecting me?" Luna leaned her head against Amelia's, not trying to avoid its bloody teeth.
She was thrilled, beyond belief in fact. But Amelia was not the one who needed the protection on the battlefield.
"I need you to go protect Henry." Luna looked confused. "The kid, he's my step-son. I can handle myself. Now go." Her head got bonked lightly but Luna took off in a hurry.
Amelia grinned, now it was no more miss nice guy. She was now ready to go into full bounty hunter mode, well magical bounty hunter. Which was more dangerous and fun for her, but very dangerous for anyone and everyone she was going to be up against.
Amelia's magic was on point during the battle, more than on point. She could feel the powers of heaven and earth coursing through her veins. She felt unstoppable. The ground obeyed her command and acted like a shield against the army. Amelia sent waves of power to the nearest soldiers, making them topple to the ground like wheat. Did the Horned King have any idea who he was dealing with?
She was Bernadette, bounty hunter of the Enchanted Forest, sorceress of ancient magic of Prydain, she had legions of heroes and creatures at her back. She was a force to be reckoned with.
Fire and electricity poured out of her hands, turning everything it touched to dust. For the first time since the mark appeared on her palm, Amelia felt in control, like she could take on the world and win.
Then she sensed trouble behind her. She focused her mind and saw Marian was losing ground against a Cauldron Born soldier. Time for Amelia to step in. She whistled loudly and held a hand high above her head. Suddenly something large tightened around her wrist and lifted her off the ground.
"Thanks for the lift, Bucky. A bird's eye view definitely changes one's assessment of a siltation." Amelia called up to the large griffin. "Now get as close to Marian as you can. If you feel the need to take out some soldiers along the way, be my guest."
From her new angle, Amelia saw everything. David and Mary Margaret hadn't left each other's sides. What did Amelia really expect from them? Emma and Killian seemed to take a page from their book as well. Regina and Gold used magic while Robin and Belle used weapons. They were playing to each other's strengths. Henry was back to back with Neal. Everyone seemed to be holding their own. It was a comforting thought.
Then Bucky's grip on her wrist was gone and Amelia was falling to the ground. She could control it and when she landed, the earth moved, causing a cloud of dust to rise around her.
"What did I miss?" She yelled over to Marian.
"You're messing up my rhythm. I have him right where I want him." Marian scolded, pulled an arrow out of the chest of a solider.
"Lending a hand never hurt anyone." Amelia said with a grin. She blasted an oncoming solider away.
"Whatever happened to the old fashion way of fighting? Yes, it's a little messy, but it gets the job done. I think using magic is cheating."
Amelia whirled on her friend, speechless. But she noticed the joke in her voice. "Cheating? I would never cheat. It's not in my nature." And to prove her point, she whipped out her dagger and flung it into the face of a Cauldron Born. It went down with a scream.
"Messy but effective." Marian nodded, impressed.
"No time for more chatting, keep up the good work." Amelia said before finding herself surrounded by six soldiers. "I like these odds. Come on; give it your best shot." She yelled.
They came at her, but her daggers were ready. She slashed and kicked with everything she had. They fought back but one by one they failed, as was expected. Then one of them got the upper hand and his blade hit Amelia in the stomach. She wasn't ready for the force of that blow and was forced to the ground.
Her back hit something hard and pain shot up her spine. The soldier's blade was high above her head, ready to deliver the final blow.
But instead, he was blasted away by a beam of purple light. Amelia looked up and saw Gold walking towards her. She actually accepted his hand to help her to her feet.
"Nice timing. Not sure what would have happened to me if you didn't show up when you did."
"You would have found a way out of it. You always do, dearie." Gold said.
Amelia opened her mouth to respond but an incoming blast of power stopped her. Gold threw up a barrier at the last minute. A few yards away stood Mim.
So Mim's magical skills were better, Amelia had to give her that much. But would they continue to hold up?
Gold took a step forward, ready to engage Mim in battle one on one. But a firm hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"No, the witch is mine." Amelia calmly stated. She was done with Mim, all of this started because of her. Now she was going to pay.
Amelia raised a hand over her head and spun her fingers twice. Instantly she appeared right in front of Mim's face.
She wasted no time grabbing the witch's neck.
"What are you doing, really? You think you can stand toe to toe with anyone on this battlefield?" Amelia growled. She finally had the upper hand when it came to Mim. Pulling out her heart seemed like a very good option.
"Of course darling, I have a few tricks up my sleeves. You want to start a wizard's duel?" Mim said with a grin that Amelia wasn't sure how she was pulling off with an almost closed windpipe.
"Not with the likes of you." Amelia threw Mim to the ground and yellow power appeared between her hands.
"I won't cheat, no pink dragons from me, I swear." Mim got to her feet. And her grin hadn't faded. Was all this a joke to her? Did life and death mean nothing to the purple haired sorceress?
Amelia didn't answer, instead she sent ice crystals at Mim, freezing the woman in place.
She was stuck for only two seconds, the ice that had trapped her broke off into a million pieces, spraying everything that was close. Amelia threw up a barrier to protect herself.
"Yes, I think, no correction, I know I can stand toe to toe with the warriors on this battlefield. You want to know why, darling? Because I am the marvelous mad Madam Mim!" At that, the woman transformed into a huge purple dragon.
Amelia had to cram her neck to be able to look the creature in the eye. She pulled an arrow from her quiver and shot. Her aim was flawless. Right in between the eyes.
The dragon roared in pain and began to shrink back to the ground in a cloud of purple smoke. When it cleared, Mim was back to her normal form, hand held to her face. "Ouch, was that necessary? Did that even scare you?" She pulled her hand away and there was a murderous look in her eyes. "I know how to scare you…" Suddenly the two women were transported to a different area of the battle, within eye shot of Neal. "The former Dark One's son, you certainly know how to pick them, don't you Bernadette. You're not going to last much longer; you know that right? You can't possibly win against the Cauldron Born. But don't worry, I'll take good care of him, back in my castle. The Horned King isn't the most pleasant company and it gets so lonely…" She would have continued her statement but Amelia acted fasted. A wall of stone appeared behind Mim and she was thrown hard into it.
Amelia's yellow murderous eyes were trained on Mim. "You can break my soul, beat me, hurt me, even kill me, but. Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Him." She didn't yell, didn't raise her voice, she growled and the words echoed through Mim's whole being. Mim raised her hand to push Amelia away but her wrists were held back by stone handcuffs that appeared from the wall.
Amelia's hand lightly touched Mim's chest then her neck. Take her voice or take her throat? Which one, which one? Well, she could always do both…
And she did. One hand wretched out Mim's heart while the other tore out her voice. The combination of magic crackled in her hands… it was almost more than Amelia could bear. She struggled to stay on her feet but her attempts were useless.
Mim seized the opportunity and broke her bounds. She ripped her heart and voice back from the fallen bounty hunter. They were put back in their correct place and Mim stared down at Amelia, rage written in her eyes.
Amelia stood her head, trying to clear her mind. She looked up to see Mim's finger trained on her forehead. No, she couldn't lose her memory of anyone else. Losing her memory was worse than death. She would be nothing, nobody. But she was helpless to stop it.
Mim's finger lightly touched Amelia's forehead and the pain sent Amelia over the edge. The sudden magic burst of magic blasted Mim away.
She sat there alone, her protective dome flickering uselessly around her, she didn't feel confused, she remembered everything. So what had Mim done to her this time? Amelia slowly got to her feet and a shadow fell over her. The scent of sea air and stale ale engulfed her. She closed her eyes; she knew exactly who was standing behind her even before the sword tip touched the middle of her back. Mim hadn't taken her memory of someone this time; she had pulled someone out of her mind.
"So we meet again, bounty hunter." The guff voice said.
Amelia heaved a heavy sigh and noticed Dyrnwyn lying within arm's reach. That was a very convenient sword.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Captain?" She meant no respect with his title. Part of her didn't want to be bothered with him; she had enough on her plate but the bigger part of her wanted to put him in his place.
"Yes, darling, I do."
Really, pet names? "Your funeral." Amelia held out her hand, Dyrnwyn flew into her grip. She spun around and her blade met Black Beard's.
"Your skills have improved; my compliments to Jones." He swung at her at and she blocked it perfectly. Honestly, it was the sword doing most of the work. Amelia was grateful.
"He's not my teacher anymore."
"Are you looking for a new teacher? I would never say no to a beautiful woman, especially when she needed it." He leered at her.
"Be careful, I picked up some new tricks since the last time we met." So many new tricks.
"So you aren't going to use your signature move on me?" He asked, she only responded with a confused look. "Shooting me in the stomach and stabbing me in the heart?"
"Remember my response last time? That you need a heart for that." Then a cruel smile grew on her face. "Let's test a theory, shall we?" Without another word, Amelia plunged her hand into Black Beard's chest and tore out his heart. She held the sad sorry excuse for a heart. And she thought Gold's heart was black.
"Well, would you look at that? You do have one." Black Beard had pure fear in his eyes and he actually prayed to every Higher Power that Bernadette wouldn't do what she was considering.
"And. Now. You. Don't." Each word was punctuated with a squeeze of her hand. The last word was accompanied with the final squeeze and dust slipped through her fingers. Black Beard crumpled to the ground.
"Pirates are such pathetic opponents." Amelia observed, wiping her hands on her pants.
"If I didn't know you better, lass I would be highly insulted by that observation." Killian was suddenly by her side. There were cuts on his face and arms.
"You weren't pathetic, you were easy." She told him with a silly smile.
A loud horn sounded through the entire battlefield. Both Amelia and Killian were forced to throw their hands over their ears.
"Send in the second wave." The Horned King's calm voice traveled over the field.
Second wave? This wasn't everything he had? There was more? Were these his pawns? Amelia looked over at Killian, panic written all over her face.
"Go, find Emma. Be safe." She pushed him in the direction she knew Emma was. Killian was slightly reluctant but he did listen.
Amelia stood there alone for a moment, she looked around and saw the one object that could stop it all. The Black Cauldron itself was about a mile away, a green mist slowly pouring out of it. That's what gave the warriors their power, their life.
Suddenly the noise of the battle got a hundred times louder. All of her senses were on overload and her mind went back to her very first traumatic experience. The massacre that killed her family. The murders that forced her into a shell and built walls so high only a miracle could get through to save her.
Amelia couldn't collect her thoughts with all that was going on. She needed silence and one person to talk to.
It might have seen cowardly, kneeing in the middle of a life or death battle under a protective dome. Then Blinky joined her and sat in her cupped palms. Amelia needed to silence the inner demons. She heard nothing of the battle.
She and Blinky had a conversation. It didn't last as long as she thought it would have.
Something important clicked in Amelia's mind. She knew what she had to do. Amelia Hunter had to be like her mother. It was the only way to ensure everyone's survival.
She had to do it, no, she wanted to do it. She had started this mess, she would finish it once and for all.
The barrier fell and suddenly Neal was next to her. He was battered and bloody but somehow in decent spirits. "Babe, I know I look bad, but you should see the other guy..."
He stopped mid-sentence when Amelia grabbed his face and kissed him hard. It was everything their relationship was: gentle, passionate, everlasting, impossible, soul-searching, recovery, repairing.
He responded even though he was confused by her actions. Making out in the middle of the battlefield? What was she thinking?
Amelia pulled back and rested her forehead against his. "I love you, Neal Cassidy, more than words can ever say. And I will love you until the end of the time."
What was she talking about? What did she mean by that?
Then Neal Cassidy realized what was happening. His hand moved to grab her, to stop her. Something, anything to make her change her mind. But she was faster and smarter, his wrist had a vine wrapped around it, rooting him to the ground. "Amelia, no… don't! There has to be another way! Please don't do it!" Neal screamed as he desperately watched Amelia back away from him and then run at full speed towards the cauldron. No words were needed, not even her usual 'I'm sorry'.
She blasted anything that stood in her way. Her mind was clear, free and light, for the first time in her life.
Amelia Hunter took a running leap and threw herself into the Black Cauldron, sacrificing herself to save the ones she loved.
When the willingly body entered the cauldron, there was an earth-shattering explosion and a blinding light. The green mist that had been slowly pouring out of the cauldron now reversed its path
The vine around Neal's wrist fell and now he could do something. He just wasn't sure what.
His purpose suddenly stood in front of him. Sir Kay had his sword ready but his skin was being torn away by the pull of the cauldron.
"Not so fast. My time might be over, no thanks to your woman, but I will make sure you join her!" Kay swung his sword; Neal was ready and met his with his own blade. Kay stumbled to his knees, his strength quickly fading.
Neal plunged his sword into Kay's face. "Not by your hand."
The knight turned to dust while all around him, the Cauldron Born were forced back in to the cauldron. None of them were safe, including the Horned King himself. He tried to grab anything to stop his final destination. Emma, Regina and Gold helped him on his path to enteral imprisonment.
The Horned King, the current Dark One, entered the Black Cauldron. His power and evil forever trapped.
The dust settled and the residents of Storybrooke looked around. They were alive, they won but they were confused. They knew the only way the Cauldron Born could be stopped, but who had done it?
Neal franticly searched the battlefield and saw the one body he needed. Amelia Hunter was lying cold on the ground, free of any cuts she suffered from the battle. Next to her was the powerless cauldron.
Neal ran to her and pulled her into his arms. "No… no… Amelia. Don't be gone. I still need you. You said you weren't going anywhere. I love you." He pressed a desperate kiss to her lips.
Amelia Hunter woke up slowly and peacefully. She felt well rested. She sat up and realized she was in the middle of a forest.
"Bernadette?" A soft gentle voice touched her ears. It was a voice that she barely remembered. She twisted her body in the direction of the voice and the sight made her heart leap for joy.
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