#it takes several controlled ‘introductions’ before she stops chasing them with her hammer every time she sees them
dragonanon · 2 years
Scenario: Desperately chasing after your Tinkaton through Gear Station with Ingo and Emmet because because she just so happened to see one of their Steel type Pokémon and went “absolutely fucking not!!”, and started trying to beat the snot out of it with her bigass hammer. Passengers get to watch a normally formidable Steel type Pokémon, running for its very life from a cutesy pink Pokémon trying to hit it with a giant hammer. All while the two Subway bosses and a young woman try, in vain, to stop it.
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mizukabehana · 7 years
Get ready to meet one of your nominee’s for the 2017 Worst Mother of All Time Award!! 
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NAME: Naida Yana Vodnaya NICKNAME: Tsunaritsa  ( Tsunami Queen )  AGE: 46  HAIR: Blue EYES: Light Blue HEIGHT: 5′3  BUILD: Toned  STATUS: Alive  OCCUPATION: General in the Imperial Army of Sin MAGIC: Water Magic  RESIDENCE: Alemna, Sin ( the capital )   CLASS: high upper class.  FAMILY: Rurick Lytvyn ( ex-husband ) Juvia Lockser ( estranged daughter ) Erik Vodnaya ( father )  Adeliya Vodnaya ( mother )  Illya Vodnaya ( sister )  Liliya Vodnaya ( sister )  Artur Vodnaya ( brother )
ONE LINE INTRODUCTION: Naida Vodnaya is often liked to the frozen oceans near her home-town; ruthless, unforgiving & frigid. 
WARNING: the contestant’s personal essay, biography && evidence she should win, contains some content viewers may find disturbing, cruel, &&& possibly triggering. Read at your own risk if you are sensitive to any of the following; parental abuse/neglect, graphic violence, illogical choices rooted in the desire for power, abuse of said power & emotional manipulation. 
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Naida Vodnaya was born in Lyrga, Sin. A large town with a small population, nestled in between a vast mountain range & the most frozen parts of the ocean. Lyrga was known mostly for ice-fishing, if it was known for anything at all. Despite the rough conditions, it was a place of peace. 
Her father, Erik, was perhaps the most respected & feared man in not only the town, but in any town nearby as well. For the Vodnaya family was widely known to possess magic. A trait that while no longer outlawed in the country, was still a thing that inspired terror in those who did not have it. The Vodnaya family had survived generations upon generations of magical persecution without befalling any harm && no one was interested in finding out what powers the family possessed to have done so. No one, that is, except Adeliya Ikanova, who was a travelling huntress known to pursue even the most deadly beasts. She captured Erik’s heart, at least enough to secure a marriage with him &&& the two had Naida. 
Their parenting styles aligned well, as they both believed in forging a child made of ice & steel rather than flesh && blood. Erik, who had trained under his father, ensured that Naida learned what it meant to survive. He taught Naida to harness the gift of the Vodnaya name, Water Magic. While Adeliya taught her how to hunt, how to kill. The two would often leave Naida alone in the mountains for nights, weeks, even months at a time in order to raise her as something vicious. 
Of course, as the years drew on, there were other siblings, but Naida was the first. 
Adeliya was blunt with her daughter, scolding her if she did anything ‘wrong’ but praising her for doing things ‘right’. What this often meant is Naida was met with disapproval every time she displayed tendencies towards ‘softness’ &&& cruelty was met with rewards. Erik did his best to hammer in self-preservation, after the generations of survival despite magic being illegal, this was a trait Erik felt was essential to living. 
When Naida was nineteen, she wasn’t what her parents intended. While they’d given her all the tools to survive, they hadn’t accounted on her ambition. She didn’t crave the same thrill of a chase the way her mother did & she didn’t want the peaceful life her father was desperate for. Naida wanted power. After a blow out argument with her parents, who told her that should she put the family at risk like this, they would sever all ties with her. She packed her things, of which there were not many && headed towards the capital. Determined to join the military there as one of the first mages &&& rise through the ranks.   
However, on her way there, she met a man named Rurick. He allowed her to stay with him while she rested in her travels & ultimately the two fell into bed together. Naida ending up with child, while Rurick fancied himself in love with her. The two married && Naida convinced herself that she would still be able to pursue her dreams of power with a family at her side. 
It wasn’t until the child, which she named Juvia, was born that Naida’s idea began to crumble. The girl was born with magic. Magic like Naida had never seen, not in any of her siblings. Juvia couldn’t control it. The weather was linked to her emotions &&& a rainstorm was ever-present when she cried. At first, Naida & Rurick did their best to keep their daughter happy. But as time passed, they both grew impatient with the task. 
The worse they snapped at the now toddler, the worse the weather became && the worse their moods grew. It was a horrible cycle that led to aggressive fights &&& resentment hanging heavier in the air than the rain. Eventually, when the rain storm grew so large it encompassed the land for as far as the eye could see, Rurick slammed the door shut & left. 
Naida was left alone with the daughter, now six, who had been the beginning of the end. She was sharper now, colder than she’d been before. Whatever heart she’d had when she left her parents was dead or decaying && Naida wanted was that place in the army she’d wanted in the first place. 
She may have been able to do it with a husband &&& a daughter, but as a single mother? Surely not. 
So Naida came up with a plan. She’d leave Juvia somewhere she’d never return from. She decided on Fiore, a country with a drastically different culture, a different language & as far away as possible. It took weeks of research, planning && travel, but Naida was able to ditch Juvia in a shopping square. 
Back in Sin, Naida made a b-line for the capital &&& really truly began to pursue her dreams. Knocking over prejudice & limitations put on her because of her magic. It took years, but through countless battles won, Naida rises to general status. She has her own squadron && no one knows about the daughter she once had.  Naida is considered a mage-rights hero &&& there are young mages all over the country who look at her with fierce admiration. 
It’s not until years later, when Naida is grappling with her newest obstacle of obtaining political power ( you can only fight for so long before your body begins to regret it ), that she hears about a water-mage out of Fiore who’d supposedly died in a great war against Alvarez. Naida doesn’t care much, until it’s mentioned that the water mages name was Juvia.  
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Fun Facts: 
As of the beginning of her military career, Naida an official win/loss ratio of 43/5 in registered duels against other officers. She currently holds the record for most challenges. 
Naida’s favorite color is the blood of those in her way. 
She is so blinded by her desire for power, she often missteps & winds up moving backwards. 
The tattoo on her chest is the equivalent of a guild mark. In that it is meant to display her allegiance to the Imperial Army. 
Sinean government officals are keeping a very close eye on her, because they struggle to trust her. Though they keep her on board due to her unquestionable value as a soilder. They have no intention of granting her any higher privileges. 
Naida often wears blue lipstick. 
Her family is aware of the name she’s made for herself, but remain as clueless as everyone else that she has a daughter. 
There are multiple serious journalistic articles on her, the impact she’s had on mage rights && still no one managed to find out about Juvia. 
Rurick is re-married, with new children &&& is part of an anti-mage activist group due to his experience with Naida & Juvia. Though he does not share this, because while it would look bad on Naida, it would also look bad for him. The two are currently pretending as if they’ve never met prior to the political circumstances. 
Rurick does not know what actually happened to Juvia. In fact, he assumes that Naida handed her off to her mysterious family. 
As she is a general, there is a certain amount of implied skill to be at that level, of which Naida has. She is a water-mage && has mastered a lot of techniques along those lines. She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but relies a lot on her magic. Whereas Juvia can turn herself into water, Naida pulls the water out of other sources &&& can do so incredible quickly. 
As stated above, Naida is generally looked upon as a hero in mage rights. Though many people dislike her personally, no one disputes her role in the progress of  the sinean mage movement. Opinions on this vary based on political views. People in favor of mage rights view her as a hero, while people against it target her with hatred & even violence at times. 
Her most notable feat however, was during a battle against a rebel group aiming to over throw the government. They’d managed to take over several large cities in the country && Naida was sent along with a large troop to stop them. While the initial goal was just to keep them from gaining any more ground until more backup could come, Naida changed the game pretty early on. As the cities happened to be on the coast. Using the ocean, Naida completely decimated several of their camps. The aftermath was so destructive, it earned her the nickname Tsunaritsa ( Tsunami Queen ).
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So, let’s go over why you should vote for Naida to win this years award. 
Abandoning her six-year-old daughter.
Choosing a foreign country, with the biggest possible cultural, geographical & language distance possible to do so.
Before this abandonment, Naida was sure to dish out psychological && emotional abuse guaranteed to last a lifetime. 
Upon discovering her daughters ‘death’ as a “Fiorean War Hero” Naida decides to pursue a plan to achieve better political sway by carving out an “in” for herself with Fiore’s leaders by playing up the grieving mother part. 
She still hasn’t had to face any consequences for abandoning said daughter.
What do you think? Does Naida make the cut? Is she a contestant worth your vote, or simply a ‘bad mom’ who’s bitten off more than she can chew with the rest of the competition? Let us know in the comments down below! To find out the results, follow us on twitter, instagram, tumblr or facebook @badmomsquad 
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