#it was a “WHAT KIND OF SUPERHUMAN BULLSHIT ARE YOU” thing because they didnt even flinch at being stabbed and then promptly beat her ass
itty-bitty-sunshine · 6 months
So, how would Vanny react seeing Perky alive and well, Right after stabbing them the other night.
Perkeo's been veeeeeeery careful about not getting badly hurt in front of people while working in the pizzaplex, that includes the weird furry that is not sneaky at all and bluntly carries a knife around (note: that does not equals to them not being one reckless stupid mf)
That said, when they found out about the correlation between Vanny and Vanessa, boy were they mad and wanted to mess with her
They let her land a hit — not a vital one, that would be annoying, just a scratch to their cheek or somewhere visible (then dipping right after because no, they are not dealing with this rn without a least a whole bag of sundrops on their system. Running was usually their go-to with her)
The next day Vanessa looked like she was about to lose her goddamn mind when she saw the skin perfectly healed and couldn't even find any video proof that anything happened (There was a signal blocker or whatever the name being used)
One time Vanessa did manage to hurt them more badly and they gaslit the shit out of her the day after
Either way my girlie was NOT having a good time while dealing with that blue haired twink, if glitchtrap didn't drive her insane dealing with Perkeo would for sure
Especially because that little menace was ruining all her plans somehow when it came to Moon and she had NO CLUE how because she ordered that bot to kill them like 50 different times and yet the next day they would offer her a coffee and the one time she went to look they were just throwing a virus-controlled Moon over their shoulder into a pile of pillows like he weighted nothing and that was one of the most disturbing views she had all day
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yardsards · 3 years
how the FUCK do some ppl just be walkin around w their phones just fuckin naked no case no screen protector no nothing??? do you have THAT MUCH trust in your own motor control??? or are you just so rich and/or careless with money that the thought of replacing a shattered screen doesnt even faze you???
like i got a new (or. technically used but new to me) phone today and the case hasn't come in the mail yet and i am TERRIFIED. i feel like if i so much as breathe on it wrong it'll shatter into a billion pieces like the breakaway glass of a window of some poor unsuspecting office worker in an action movie that's supposed to look cool but really just leaves me concerned about how the hell you replace windows on a skyscraper like it's gotta be difficult right???
i feel like there's probably not much equipment built for that purpose because you don't reasonably expect a window on the goddamned 20th floor to get broken cuz it's not like little timmy from next door can accidentally lob a baseball through it like with a normal window. do you gotta rebuild the scaffolding that was there during construction? do you do some jerry rigged version of that weird harness thing that window washers use (do window washers even exist in real life in the modern day??? and if so is there a limit on how tall of buildings they clean?) but beefed up to support a fuckhuge pane of glass and at least 2 people to install it?
at that point it's probably easier to just track down the flying neon tights-clad asshole who decided that your window was an acceptable place to slam the evil dr. spiderfucker and demand he fly up there and fix it for you.
actually, do you think there are any superhumans who decided "nah, the whole hero thing just aint for me". and just used their powers to handle tasks that would be difficult for normal humans to do
like some lady with lightning powers just sayin "you expect me to bust my fuckin ass saving this city -for fucking FREE, i might add-" (sidenote, do you think any superheroes have a patreon??? like might be tricky if they got the whole secret identity thing goin on but you could prolly make bank) "and constantly getting injured because NO i'm not impervious or anything my powers are literally JUST lightning -and, y'know, medical bills arent fucking CHEAP and heroism aint got no insurance plan and the american healthcare system is a fuckin JOKE."
"and the whole time making some dickhead villain who calls himself some shit like roboclown form a personal vendetta against me. that he tries to make into a gross heteroerotic rivalry and he gets fixated on me and tries to figure out my secret identity- yeah, i'd have to make up some alter ego like a high stakes version of hannah montana, probably someth cliche like 'electra' (but not electra bc that just reminds me of sigmund freud and his idea of an electra complex. god. what a creep.)- so that he could hold my family hostage."
(edit: looked it up and apparently electra complex was made up by jung, not freud. freud rejected it, not because it's fucking creepy bullshit (which it is) but because he felt like the idea would make boys and girls sound too similar and we can't have that, now can we?)
"and i mean okay i don't technically have family cuz my parents died in some kind of obligatory backstory bullshit probably involving a laboratory accident that led to me getting my powers. and like, fuck marriage and kids. but roboclown or whatever could still hurt my dogs."
"you expect me to be a fucking hero and put up with that shit??? are you out of your fucking MIND? have you gone off your rocker, flew over the handle, or simply fell off the waggon? no. no. FUCK that. i don't care if you think it's my responsibility to be a hero i didnt ASK for this bullshit."
"i just use my lightning to generate electricity for the local power plant. only gotta work a couple hours a day and i make a FORTUNE. i have health insurance with dental and a 401k. no one forming grudges against me except oil tycoons. but like they could just bribe me to stop, it'd be much cheaper for them to bribe me than to hire an assassin ballsy and skilled enough to kill a bitch with electric hands so like. i'm not worried."
...anyway. if you don't have a phone case i don't fucking trust you.
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semiconducting · 7 years
here we go.
dude i am so fucking tired of this whole college bullshit.
you would’ve thought i had everything going for me right? 15 year old high school graduate. didn’t even get an A- in high school, valedictorian, 34 on my ACT and 1510 on my SAT. was in like 8 different clubs/organizations actively, and held officer positions in ~5 including being captain of the mock trial team. like, damn, right?
applied to six schools. only one accepted me. which was fine, yknow i kind of expected it. im not as impressive as i thought i was. im not superhuman and capable of anything like people think i am. 
but i got accepted to my second choice. cool, right? i really wanted to go there. felt like there was no better place for me, considering everything.
but then there’s my father.
“you’re too young” “i’m not paying for that” “you’re not going that far on your own” shit
which i understand can be valid concerns. but why wasnt this shit brought up long before we took the graduating early route. why didnt anyone consider that i didnt want to go to community college, and that i wanted to do more than that.
its not like going to a community college or a public, state college is a bad thing. its not like its not a great achievement.
but i expected more for myself. i was set up to be more.
the maturity thing is honestly the most bullshit of all of this considering that im pretty much on par with the other people of my class. hell, in some cases im a lot more ambitious and daring on the college front, and ive gotten praise for being sure of myself and knowing what i want
which isnt entirely true but, if thats the vibe im giving off, that’s something.
i’m just. what my dad says is his problem isnt really his problem and i know its not. i know it is not. but i cant for the life of me figure out what is and it pisses me off.
im sick and tired of being my parents’ little puppet, i’m tired of them dictating my life and everything i do, and making me scared to do otherwise. like fuck i cant even leave the house for something that isnt school related without giving them Every Single Possible Detail at least two weeks in advance. and if they say no, they say no and i have no say.
i’m so angry that i can’t even make this choice, which will affect probably the rest of my life by the way, for myself and with my interests.
i know college doesnt have to be, and most of the times isnt, the defining point in someones life but fuck. it really is for me. this is what ive been working for my entire life and what does anything matter if i dont do it to its fullest extent
ive already disappointed myself so much. ive already ruined half the shit in my life. and ive already gotten to the point where i need to make big decisions for myself, because if im not living for myself then i dont want to exist.
this isnt a damn suicide threat or anything but i need. need things to go at least a little bit my way with this or i wont be satisfied with my life like, ever
and i feel like i deserve a say in how things are going. its my life, my future, i dont care if its not what my parents want for me. i dont care if they wont support me at all. but why cant they let me even TRY. why cant i take the chance and potentially fuck up my future. they dont give me room to fuck up anything. how the hell am i supposed to learn, what experience am i supposed to look back on and be satisfied with
my biggest damn problem is that im so fucking isolated and detached from everyone else
and i keep perpetuating my problem!!!!
and if i dont turn things around, if i stay in this godawful environment, im never going to get better
im going to live a miserable fucking existence and my life isnt going to mean anything. im not going to be anything. just a bunch of wasted potential.
ill be damned if im going to end up not doing anything with my life. if i end up like either of my parents.
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