#it was also partially because i forgot how the dialog was gonna go and i forgot to actually think about the drawing part for the later
trashcreatyre · 9 months
My favorite activity as an artist is to draw MOST of a comic, and then lose all motivation and momentum and then not posting it at all bc its lacking a lot of the important panels so it just rots in ur sketchbook or whatever for ever lol
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theresalwaysaway · 7 years
Follow up to Expectations for Season 4
original post  by @mypretzels
I stumbled on this post from September 2016 on what the author expected from Season 4.  I love follow ups to prediction-type posts, so I thought I would make one.  The original poster’s words will be in italics. 
First the bad news:  Here’s what we didn’t get. At. All.
Mentions of Bobbi and Hunter. It’d be perfect if they show up for a few episodes also.
Radio Silence. Not even in the framework! :-(
Daisy putting Lincoln’s name in the Wall of Valor.
This could still happen, but they won’t include something like that unless it moves the plot. It could come into play if her relationship with Robbie should be more of a thing, providing closure and a meaningful “moving on” moment.  
May collecting the money of Hunter’s pool in FitzSimmons getting together. OF COURSE MAY WON.
No Hunter, no pool.  Do not pass Go.  Do not collect $200. -_-
Kissy times of FitzSimmons that last longer than 30 seconds. PLEASE.
Nope.  Only brief (yet meaningful) on-screen kisses allowed.  
FitzSimmons trying to hide their relationship from other, but failing terribly.which won’t be happening because this upsetting time jump.
Yeah.  There was no hiding it.  On the contrary, everyone made sure Mace understood just how important they were to each other.
Mack and Elena chatting around the base in SPANISH, because yeah, that’s cool and sounds so nice.
Elena came up to speed in English and even though it’s not a romance language, it worked out fine for them!
Now onto some things that sort of, partially, maybe somewhat, came to pass:
FitzSimmons in lab coats, both of them, in the lab. Goggles would be a nice addition.
Does a Virtual Reality headset count as goggles?  They were in the lab plenty, but it seemed everyone BUT Fitz and Simmons complied with the lab coat requirement.
FitzSimmons shipping MackElena/YoyoMack around the base and bickering between them about who’s gonna ask the other one out first.
“You been seeing Yoyo?” -Fitz to Mack in 4x02   We had one half of the shipping duo weighing in!
Daisy using her time apart to help another inhumans, the ones still popping out because the fish oil pills, helping them accept their powers and everything.
Daisy did investigate a non-inhuman named Robbie Reyes, but it’s Jemma who ended up helping a newly emerging inhuman, Vijay Nadeer.
Fitz or Simmons being in contact with Daisy secretly and covering her tracks when they’re out in a mission for Director Who, who probably also wants to capture her back.
Good call! There was a secret contact but it was Yoyo, not Fitz or Simmons.
If it’s Simmons, please, let her try to lie about her secret and being all weird while doing it. The manscaping thing again hahahah
Simmons was worried about secrets she knew getting out, but instead of being all weird, she found a way to get out of the lie detector tests altogether, like a BOSS!
Mack and Fitz playing video games and Simmons sitting in an armchair near them, drinking tea and grimacing to their gaming choice.
After they save the world from Morrow, we did get a nice scene of Fitz and Jemma on the couch relaxing and Mack and Daisy nearby.  Tea has been replaced with beer.  That’s as close as it got.
Jemma making Fitz blush by awkward flirting in the lab. NO CHILLS JEMMA
We did get a little bit of flirting.  But it wasn’t really awkward.  “Cue Jemma gasping” was a cute moment. “I know that look” and “Is it weird if I find that attractive?” All smiles, no blushing.
Things we definitely got!
FitzSimmons discussing their sleeping arrangements. which won’t be happening because this upsetting time jump.
“We’re supposed to share everything. We share a bed...” -Jemma Simmons in 04x05
It wasn’t a long discussion, but….. Check!
More cool gadgets in Coulson’s super arm.
Ding, Ding, Ding! X-ray capability, more super strength, built in comms.  The insta-shield is still the coolest thing ever.  
Longer scenes of FitzSimmons would be nice in general. Please, let us have more of them.
In the be-careful-what-you-wish-for department, one of the longer FitzSimmons scenes is also four of the tensest minutes in television!  “It’s not me, Jemma!” “Well, it’s one of us!” (04x15)  Eeeeeep!
FitzSimmons did have some moderately long scenes that were more pleasant: the phone call in which they talked about the apartment, helping the team figure out Eli Morrow’s plot, “genius of your mind and the goodness of your heart”, “You can talk to me about anything” and “It’s why I fell in love with you.”  There was actually quite a bit of FitzSimmoning in the LMD pod. We just didn’t realize that was the last we’d see of them together for awhile.
And of course, we had the various reunion hugs. Even when they were dialog-free, they conveyed so much emotion.  
This was a fun trip through Season 4.  Feel free to append any additional scenes I forgot about if you think of any.  
Here’s hoping the FitzSimmons-centric arc in Season 5 requires them to have lots of screen time!
Iain and Elizabeth are so good.  We’re lucky to have them.
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