#it was cats. housecats. but they were a hyper intelligent alien race
coelakanths · 2 years
bookcase & library card?
bookcase: out of all your wips, which do you think would sell the best?
ohhh probably werevamps. it gets ppl most excited when i talk abt it. it’s about a werewolf and a vampire who accidentally turn each other so they’re both hybrids now and both kinda furious about it but they end up falling in weird love a little and they’re also being hunted at the same time so they kinda have to work together. i don’t have all the details fleshed out because it’s a newer idea but it’s a really fun one :-) the main characters are hawkins (a sexy sexy vampire, she loves women and eating them yes all ways) and sydney (a werewolf whos kinda ashamed of the fact she’s a werewolf)!!
library card: what’s the first genre you wrote?
ok i was a very avid writer as a kid so i had to think hard about a definite first genre. most of it was modern fantasy— i remember one about a guy named silas and his magical wolf indigo living in the woods, one about four kids in a music-less world discovering these instruments but they’re also weapons, one abt some teenagers who have to save their small town from a beast that’s been systematically killing everyone for thousands of years, etc etc etc. that last one, aka crooked star (the earliest story with a name!), is technically my longest wip clocking in at like 60k. there are a lot of drafts. ones on wattpad (the first) while the rest are in my google docs. i wrote a lot abt it for nanowrimo when i was like…. thirteen? it’s a little crazy lol but ive recently scrapped the whole idea because there was a lot i needed to work out and the concept just doesn’t rlly appeal to me anymore it kinda lacks substance
it would be uncouth of me not to mention the great story writing contest from when i was eight between me and my two older siblings who would’ve been twelve and fourteen at the time— we had a month to write a story about a prompt picked by someone else. my sister wrote a post apocalyptic story, my brother a romance (i picked that LOL), and i had to write sci fi. i wrote about this kid on mars getting kidnapped or something. he eventually went to earth with his two friends i think? they were all named after planets. it was really bad and nobody voted for it iirc. absolutely devastating. but i moved on very quickly because i always had another story to write— preferably in genres i was more familiar with !
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