#it was handwritten and probably is disintegrating in my parents' basement
asleepinawell · 6 years
have you ever considered writing a book? or like, an original story? you're so damn talented, i'd read your stuff all day everyday. (i kinda do already.)
hah, yes. i started writing when i was smol and attempted my first novel when i was…hmmm…somewhere between 10-12. it was about a badass princess whose family and friends were shitty to her all the time but she could turn into a dragon and incinerate them (she didn’t but she could have). it was 100% a self-insert character and honestly not a bad childhood coping mechanism. i never came close to finishing it. after that i’ve had a steady stream of novels-i-never-finish and a bunch of short stories i never did anything with. way less in the last few years (since i started writing fics full time), but i did start yet another one shortly before i started stc (it was abandoned).
one of the hurdles i run into is that the more world building i do before i start writing something, the harder i find it to write and the faster i lose interest. which makes no sense, but here we are. i’m not completely sure why, but it’s a steady pattern. it’s harder to start cold on original stuff because, unlike fics, there’s nothing to build off of. even for a complete au fic i’ve still got a grasp of the characters and plot elements from the source material, which is enough to give me something to riff on.
there’s also something uniquely nice about fic writing that doesn’t exist in original writing…the fic fandom audience. i enjoy writing in chapter installments and getting positive feedback after each chapter motivates me to keep writing. also there’s the fandom meta discussions which are great to read and sometimes help give me a new perspective on characters or plot elements. that stuff is just so nice?
and so far i’ve found it impossible to write fics and original stuff simultaneously. partly because time, but mostly because i obsessively focus on stuff when i write and i can only do that for one thing at a time. and at the moment i’m just really enjoying writing shoot fics.
thank you so much for the lovely ask. i’ve been in a Mood about my writing recently (not for any real reason…it’s just a writer’s thing that happens…it’ll go away on its own) so this was a great message to get. and sorry i rambled.
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