#it was nice knowing you https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png Who
christopheraoneal · 5 years
Best of /r/BlackPeopleTwitter 2018 Winners
Thanks again to everyone who nominated and voted on our /r/blackpeopletwitter Best of 2018 Awards. Also, my bad for being a little delayed in getting this out, sorry about that.
Anyway, here are the winners of the 2018 Best of categories.
Best Meme of 2018 (2017 examples salt bae, conceited, roll safe, etc.)
Best example: This coloniser doesn’t even provide lunch
Nomination by /u/siouxsie_siouxv2
Best Title of 2018
“Do you know how black you were going?” by /u/ShakaZuluYourMom
Best Comment of 2018
/u/foreverwasted - see below for full text
Post of the Year 2018
Black man yells at son after seeing his report card by /u/MGLLN
Full text of Best Comment 2018
This whole story is unfolding like it’s satirical. Like I would expect a South Park episode to unfold. First off, a police officer illegally breaks into a black guy’s house and kills him. Then the comments start pouring in - “Give her a break, it’s not like she intentionally did this. It’s not cold blooded murder.”
Yes, it is cold blooded murder. If she took long enough to give him orders and watched him ignore her orders, surely she had enough time to look around and realize it’s not her house. If you’re someone that gets startled and trigger-happy that easily, maybe being a cop isn’t for you. Simply pointing the gun at him while trying to determine whether he’s armed would have ensured her safety.
And then she gets charged with just manslaughter. How do you even manslaughter someone in a stranger’s house you just broke into? That has to be a first, if anyone knows of another time someone broke into another persons house and shot them dead and only got charged with manslaughter, please let me know.
And now it’s supposed to be BREAKING NEWS that the guy ignored orders from someone that broke into his house, like he did something wrong? Bitch, please.
And then people call us biased or close minded. They say things like “well, you don’t see the nice cops because they don’t show that on TV.” Like just because all cops aren’t racist we’re not supposed to see it as a problem.
Dave Chappelle always sprinkles a good chunk of crack reality in his comedy:
“Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this once when I was a rookie. Apparently this nigga broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere. Nah, no paperwork. Let’s just sprinkle some crack on him and get out of here”
And finally when black people in a position of power protest peacefully, "you hate your country and you’re unpatriotic.” But when you protest violently and end up killing an innocent woman, “there were good people on both sides.”
This is America.
Edit: I referred to the cop as “someone” because the fact that she’s a cop is irrelevant since she was off duty. Stop telling me it’s not first degree murder - I was implying second degree. There have been allegations that she was drunk and therefore may have been operating the firearm illegally. And to everyone PMing me with threats, keep them coming. Knowing pathetic losers like you exist only makes me feel better about myself.
submitted by /u/DubTeeDub [link] [comments] from Black Twitter https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/aowd7o/best_of_rblackpeopletwitter_2018_winners/ http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png from OhsoLosoo https://ohsolosoousa.tumblr.com/post/182689284405
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ohsolosoousa · 5 years
Best of /r/BlackPeopleTwitter 2018 Winners
Thanks again to everyone who nominated and voted on our /r/blackpeopletwitter Best of 2018 Awards. Also, my bad for being a little delayed in getting this out, sorry about that.
Anyway, here are the winners of the 2018 Best of categories.
Best Meme of 2018 (2017 examples salt bae, conceited, roll safe, etc.)
Best example: This coloniser doesn’t even provide lunch
Nomination by /u/siouxsie_siouxv2
Best Title of 2018
"Do you know how black you were going?" by /u/ShakaZuluYourMom
Best Comment of 2018
/u/foreverwasted - see below for full text
Post of the Year 2018
Black man yells at son after seeing his report card by /u/MGLLN
Full text of Best Comment 2018
This whole story is unfolding like it's satirical. Like I would expect a South Park episode to unfold. First off, a police officer illegally breaks into a black guy's house and kills him. Then the comments start pouring in - "Give her a break, it's not like she intentionally did this. It's not cold blooded murder."
Yes, it is cold blooded murder. If she took long enough to give him orders and watched him ignore her orders, surely she had enough time to look around and realize it's not her house. If you're someone that gets startled and trigger-happy that easily, maybe being a cop isn't for you. Simply pointing the gun at him while trying to determine whether he's armed would have ensured her safety.
And then she gets charged with just manslaughter. How do you even manslaughter someone in a stranger's house you just broke into? That has to be a first, if anyone knows of another time someone broke into another persons house and shot them dead and only got charged with manslaughter, please let me know.
And now it's supposed to be BREAKING NEWS that the guy ignored orders from someone that broke into his house, like he did something wrong? Bitch, please.
And then people call us biased or close minded. They say things like "well, you don't see the nice cops because they don't show that on TV." Like just because all cops aren't racist we're not supposed to see it as a problem.
Dave Chappelle always sprinkles a good chunk of crack reality in his comedy:
"Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this once when I was a rookie. Apparently this nigga broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere. Nah, no paperwork. Let’s just sprinkle some crack on him and get out of here”
And finally when black people in a position of power protest peacefully, "you hate your country and you're unpatriotic." But when you protest violently and end up killing an innocent woman, "there were good people on both sides."
This is America.
Edit: I referred to the cop as "someone" because the fact that she's a cop is irrelevant since she was off duty. Stop telling me it's not first degree murder - I was implying second degree. There have been allegations that she was drunk and therefore may have been operating the firearm illegally. And to everyone PMing me with threats, keep them coming. Knowing pathetic losers like you exist only makes me feel better about myself.
submitted by /u/DubTeeDub [link] [comments] from Black Twitter https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/aowd7o/best_of_rblackpeopletwitter_2018_winners/ http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png
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Exclusive Interview: Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop
Health Fitness Revolution and its founder Samir Becic have been on the hunt for finding the Top 10 Fittest Mayors 2018. Since 2013, HFR has been creating lists of the fittest politicians in various branches of government in order to motivate Americans to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
Our next featured mayor is someone who is not afraid of challenges, and he enjoys them. Jersey City, New Jersey Mayor Steven Fulop has completed an Ironman, ran in the 2012 NYC Marathon, and is the mayor of one of the largest cities in America at only 41 years old. Mayor Fulop is not only an excellent mayor but an accomplished triathlete who applies his hard-working attitude into his civic duties.
Samir: Your biography is very impressive.
Fulop: Oh, thank you.
Besides being only 41 and leading one of the largest cities in America,  you did an Ironman. That’s extremely impressive. I actually called some of my friends from New Jersey to get more information about you and everyone I spoke with was very impressed with you, mayor.
Well I appreciate that, thank you, we work hard so it’s nice to hear that and thank you for the recognition, I appreciate that.
  View this post on Instagram
  Picked up my bike today from @jcbicycleco located at Montgomery/Jordan. A great small business started with the EDC here in Jersey City. My bike is tuned up and I’m ready to start riding for 2018. I’m excited! @bikejcgram @citibikejc
A post shared by Steven Fulop (@stevenfulopjc) on Feb 15, 2018 at 1:05pm PST
Well I would not give you the recognition if you didn’t deserve it. I do have a couple questions for you, mayor. John F. Kennedy once said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body. It is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” What is your stance on this?
Well I think it’s true. I think that since the ’60s and ’70s, one of the things we realized is that it’s not only being active but it’s also eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. It’s about meditation, yoga, diet and physical fitness plus those other things. And in Jersey City, we try to encourage a healthy lifestyle in its entirety.
Yes, I agree. You’re only 41 years old and you’re already a mayor of one of the largest cities in the world. Do you think that a healthier lifestyle helps you accomplish this?
Yes, because I think that being healthy and active can teach extreme discipline and I think that it’s needed in order to be successful in anything you do. Whether it’s being a mayor, or running a company, or working at a company, discipline is important. With that trait, you show up on time, you work hard through the process, and you’re reliable, and I think being active promotes all those characteristics.
  View this post on Instagram
  Starting soon a morning hike w/ @jaclynfulop at Runyon.
A post shared by Steven Fulop (@stevenfulopjc) on Feb 4, 2018 at 7:08am PST
I agree with you. Now how did you feel after finishing that Ironman?
Oh, my god. It took a little less than 12 hours, which I think most people would say is a good time.
That’s an excellent time.
Yeah. So, I did one full ironman and two half Ironmans and I’ve been running in the New York marathon. I’m going to start again next year with some triathlons. I think that the Ironman was probably the hardest single task I was a part of because it really requires not only physical endurance but mental endurance. So it was a challenge to see what my limitations are physically and mentally. I wanted to push that threshold as far as I can, to the highest levels that I could, and that’s where that came from, and the end result is you often realize your mind thinks about quitting and giving up before your body is giving up, and so it relates both your mental toughness and physical toughness and you’ve got to push them both simultaneously. The Ironman was a good process for that.
Mayor we definitely think and feel the same way. I just finished 7 marathons in eight weeks with a 73.5-pound weighted vest on my body and it pushed me mentally and physically. Like you just explained. And now I am preparing myself for next October to run an Ironman with a 73.5-pound weighted vest on me. So do you have any suggestions for me for the Ironman?
(Laughs) First of all I got to tell you that’s crazy that you’re doing that.
If we want to be the best of the best in everything we do, we’ve got to push ourselves.
You got to push yourself absolutely, you have to say okay how can I push a little bit further? And how can I get that extra edge? And where is that boundary? And you really got to find that boundary and the only way to find that boundary is by pushing yourself. So if your boundary is a 5K, that’s okay, but you’ve got to start there and say how can I get to a 10K? Let me push myself. So I can appreciate you doing that, but you’re crazy.
I know I am a nutcase because I literally want to see what the human body is capable of achieving. Because when I finished the marathon in The Woodlands here in Texas, it was 85 degrees outside and the vest was 20 degrees more so it’s like 105 degrees. So, when I finished the marathon I felt like I achieved the maximum that my brain can cope with, but mayor you’re doing an amazing job. I am definitely putting you in the list of top 10 fittest mayors in America. I’m also telling you right now that you are one of the best fittest politicians of 2018.
Thank you Samir! You’re the best.
      View this post on Instagram
  ‪I was recruited and played soccer in college for @binghamtonu – so tonight I had no community meetings so I joined the men’s over 30 recent state champions The JC Football Club for their Wed pick up game. Either these guys are really good or I have become really really bad ‬- either way I’m depressed now. All joking aside thank you to a great group of guys for inviting me. #jerseycity
A post shared by Steven Fulop (@stevenfulopjc) on May 2, 2018 at 6:24pm PDT
[Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/exclusive-interview-jersey-city-mayor-steven-fulop/
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fitnessbags · 6 years
Askfitmark LIVE 11/3/16
hey everyone today's Wednesday November second we're doing impromptu ask fit mark live right now so go ahead that's him even be dinging saying that we're live go ahead right now and start asking questions yes start asking questions in the comments below because in a few minutes I'm going to answer a few of them if your question gets chosen you're going to win a free bag what bag we're going to give that to you to decide because it's about to be holiday time so there's no better time than to let you choose which bag you want is that cool after we do that you gotta pay you and Tori we have but yeah they can go do it we're doing it Hector approved the game is on so go ahead ask questions below hashtag ask fit mark I'm going to answer a couple of them in a couple minutes if your question gets answered you win a free bag also just for sharing the video literally click Share and then send it to all your buddies right now we're gonna choose one person who simply shared you can ask a question which will give you a double entry but if you just shared the video right now let all your friends know we're live and it's going down at HQ fit mark Burlingame California you're going to be chosen to possibly win a free back couple updates we launched it this morning can you see that can you see that you fit mark bags dot-com backslash perfect fit giveaway is on and poppin at that link we teamed up with our friends from perfect shaker they've got the Marvel shaker cups you can win the entire collection of Marvel shaker cups along with for back are we doing for bags we're doing for bags for bags we're giving away for bags for this November giveaway fit more bags dot com backslash perfect fit giveaway get over there I don't believe that's a DC not marvel d yeah Marvel DC it's a Batman Superman that's we got it all see comics we got it all you know just in case you some people like hey that's not marvel you know it's nothing sometimes I need to be taught if you think that about that world so DC Comics the entire collection from our friends a perfect shaker along with what we're giving away which will be four bags so keep asking the question in the comments below I'm going to get to him in a second but just for fun what were these questions from that was from the previous as live as fig morning oh nice so the last asked fit mark which is last week that's why this is impromptu we're going to probably do this maybe once a week now going into the holidays because we just want to give away a ton of bags to hook you up for november and december a merry tori asked when is there going to be a sale good timing November's here so you know Black Friday is at the tail end of the month it's about to be on we've got a lot of things lined up but we're going to be doing a bunch of those even leading up to it so you might even want to check out our site today because we've got stuff going on even today with regards to free gifts up being dropped into every single shipment so you'll want to check out our site today because you may want to get on that now good question how do the bags holed up in a wet environment you know that's that's a good question most of our bags are made with a water-repellent material so we don't say to stand in the rain all day long with it but we will say if you're breezing through the rain you're walking through the rain especially because it's winter time you can be rest assured that the bags will hold up and repel most of the water again and in that light drizzle that you're running maybe from your car to your office to the job to the gym definitely a good question there Wendy Holly does say that was which was Mitch Freitas doesn't miss Freitas great question makes we appreciate Wendy Holly how is your bag better than six pack that's another brand in the meal prep category we know them more power to them being Fitmark we believe that we stand alone in the meal prep category highest quality best customer experience most offerings the only one with a patent issued on our utility with our removable meal prep system bags that you've noticed that we've been developing for the last few years this is the Envoy which also we'll talk about in a second has a removable meal prep bag at the bottom the cruiser our newest innovation which is a roller bag perfect for travel perfect for flights has also our removable meal prep bag so main differences are always going to be those that everybody knows is for greatest quality greatest customer experience greatest guarantee most offerings and we'll leave it at that Thank You Wendy Holly great question we'll get into some stuff I'm just going to do this now just for fun because you're going to see this will be on pre-order next month but the last few months we've been developing these bad boys you ready bento time the only in our space in our category why because we're first at everything and we love to be because we want to answer to you and what it is that you're asking us to do in the meal prep space so we developed the bento box that's going to be arriving next month one option is this and a second one bow Yao with of course are for lock system which of course is also the best in the industry here we go if you like that I'll give you a little extra treat there this is removable why because it's dope I love it put some soup for the winter put your salad dressing put some nuts either way to bento box offerings coming next month the first to do it we love being able to innovate the meal prep category we do it for you of course our latest 16 ounce which we added to our existing 32 ounce containers are on the site now let's go into a question real quick again don't forget to share this video right now share with your friends let them know we're live and also don't forget even if your question doesn't get answered today I may answer it on the next show in fact I usually choose three questions from the previous show like I just did and then we're going to give away bags to those questions that were asked so go ahead and ask now I'm going to let this thing refresh for me in the meantime let me get here let me see myself live while we're doing this beautiful already see a bunch of questions that's great we turn this off let's just go right into it we love yo what's up Julie Matt Patricia Abby Tim Miley what's up Kimberly thank you so much for asking uh let's just do fun stuff Katrice shot yet oh how was your halloween it was good I have two kids little man Mason was Batman little baby was Batgirl it was fun we did a little trick or treating it started to rain a little bit I hope your holiday was phenomenal hope you had some fun passed out some candy maybe dropped a couple protein bars in that in the end in the basket instead but I hope it was fun just for that question you get hooked up with the free bag again everybody don't forget share the video now with your friends because we're about to choose one person who shared to win Cubs or Indians Sean Olsen good question if you're not watching the World Series it doesn't matter that we are San Francisco Giants fans and we got our stomach turned on us in the ninth inning ah that doesn't matter because we got love for everybody and we love great sports like baseball and all we could do is now be a fan of I won't say either one of those two teams I will say that I hope one of them wins it what is it tonight is tonight good night game 7 last night was a phenomenal game for Chicago more power to them more props to them that was definitely a fun fun game to watch what's the weather like there weren't Burlingame California which is right outside of San Francisco and that is Tabatha blakeslee how are you Tabitha it's sunny cold a little cold probably about 60 but it's sunny out today we just got over a little bit of rain Matt may know says he's all about the Giants what's up math a lot of let's go cubs I love it um little little housekeeping the shield and the Envoy backpack both from the meal prep bag category they're offered now in this exclusive midnight colorway go ahead and check that out on our website as you know this has a removable meal prep bad and this is our go to shield our number one selling meal prep bag both of them on the site they're probably just going to be for a short period of time probably through the holidays but there are only a number of them so if you were considering getting one or getting one yo marcello sky squats for 75 no problem got that right pal props to you buddy happy birthday um Marcel is my buddy since we were little kids uh thank you for keeping the questions coming up let's get into one more um this is a good one um what vitamins do you recommend for a mom you know that's a really good question who is that Melissa Johnson you know I'm big on uh I'm being unnatural unnatural vitamins food grade type vitamin so I don't have a specific one to say I get mine at Whole Foods there's so many different vitamin options as you know but I'm big on food grade real vitamins there's other really cool brands innovative brands there's a new brand called ollie that's out there some people that I know from Rin that's a great fun new brand that you can find out there but definitely talk to those at some trusted vitamin Shoppes and/or grocers natural grocers that you go to them sure they have a great option for you but congratulations again we'd love to take all types of questions it could be about our bags it could be about lifestyle to be about fitness it could be fun open-ended questions that you just want to ask us we hope you enjoyed this impromptu ask fit mark don't worry keep the questions coming I'm going to choose three more on the next episode which I am committed to give you next week I'm going to do it every week leading through the holidays because the plan is to give away a ton of bags for the next 8 weeks we hope you are enjoying your Wednesday I hope you enjoy the rest of your week go ahead click the share button one more time right now why because we're about to go and check who shared the video during this time and Hector hmm is going to choose one lucky winner got inator going crazy with all the likes and well emojis are uh yeah I'll see you next time have a great day
For The Best Fitness Meal Prep Bag Visit:  https://fitnessbags.ca/innovative-fitmark-bags/
Askfitmark LIVE 11/3/16 Read more on: https://fitnessbags.ca/
from Fitness Bags Canada - Feed https://fitnessbags.ca/askfitmark-live-11-3-16/
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sublimotion · 6 years
Meet the Oil Changing Wellness: CBD Oil
Meet the wellness industry’s newest obsession: CBD Oil. If you pay attention to skincare, spa, and beauty news (or if you just read about our fabulous Spa Week treatments), you know about the newest ingredient sweeping the wellness industry. But even if you’ve kept up with the trend, you may have some questions about CBD oil and how you can use it. We’re here to help.
  What is it?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is an oil that comes from resin glands on cannabis buds and flowers. It can also be extracted from hemp or THC.
  What are the benefits?
CBD is a strong pain reliever and a great anti-inflammatory ingredient, which is why it’s so popular in skincare products, especially for sensitive skin or redness-prone skin. It can also reduce anxiety, depression and control acne.
  Is it safe?
Yes. CBD won’t get you high – no matter how you use it. THC is the part of cannabis that has psychological effects – so CBD by itself can’t get you stoned.
  Is it legal?
It depends where you live. In the 29 states where medicinal or recreational marijuana is legal, CBD is legal. In 17 other states, there are specific laws about what CBD products can be used by who and for what. Check your local laws before making any purchases (most companies making CBD products will only ship to areas where their products is legal.)
  What products should I try?
We’re so glad you asked! Right now, we’re loving:
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Eye Serum $32: Eyes need some extra TLC? Treat them with CBD! This magical ingredient is perfect for the sensitive area near your eyes. This formula is gentle and super moisturizing.
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Hand and Body Massage Lotion $22: In our office, hand cream is key. All day long we’re reapplying and moisturizing our dry hands. That’s why we absolutely love this lotion from CBD for life. It’s moisturizing and has a nice, subtle scent–perfect for everyday use.
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Face & Body Cleanser $17: This cleanser is gentle, effective, and delightful. We love the way it’s a multi-use option that we can keep in the shower for a great all-around cleanse.
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Foot Cream $20: This foot cream might be our new favorite product. The CBD feels perfect on our feet after long walks– especially when our feet are sore. The product smells wonderful and is a great moisturizer!
  Have you tried any CBD products? Which were your favorites? Let us know in the comments below.
[Read More ...] http://blog.spaweek.com/2018/06/15/meet-oil-changing-wellness-cbd-oil/
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artsoccupychi · 6 years
Meet the Oil Changing Wellness: CBD Oil
Meet the wellness industry’s newest obsession: CBD Oil. If you pay attention to skincare, spa, and beauty news (or if you just read about our fabulous Spa Week treatments), you know about the newest ingredient sweeping the wellness industry. But even if you’ve kept up with the trend, you may have some questions about CBD oil and how you can use it. We’re here to help.
  What is it?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is an oil that comes from resin glands on cannabis buds and flowers. It can also be extracted from hemp or THC.
  What are the benefits?
CBD is a strong pain reliever and a great anti-inflammatory ingredient, which is why it’s so popular in skincare products, especially for sensitive skin or redness-prone skin. It can also reduce anxiety, depression and control acne.
  Is it safe?
Yes. CBD won’t get you high – no matter how you use it. THC is the part of cannabis that has psychological effects – so CBD by itself can’t get you stoned.
  Is it legal?
It depends where you live. In the 29 states where medicinal or recreational marijuana is legal, CBD is legal. In 17 other states, there are specific laws about what CBD products can be used by who and for what. Check your local laws before making any purchases (most companies making CBD products will only ship to areas where their products is legal.)
  What products should I try?
We’re so glad you asked! Right now, we’re loving:
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Eye Serum $32: Eyes need some extra TLC? Treat them with CBD! This magical ingredient is perfect for the sensitive area near your eyes. This formula is gentle and super moisturizing.
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Hand and Body Massage Lotion $22: In our office, hand cream is key. All day long we’re reapplying and moisturizing our dry hands. That’s why we absolutely love this lotion from CBD for life. It’s moisturizing and has a nice, subtle scent–perfect for everyday use.
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Face & Body Cleanser $17: This cleanser is gentle, effective, and delightful. We love the way it’s a multi-use option that we can keep in the shower for a great all-around cleanse.
  CBD for Life Pure CBD Foot Cream $20: This foot cream might be our new favorite product. The CBD feels perfect on our feet after long walks– especially when our feet are sore. The product smells wonderful and is a great moisturizer!
  Have you tried any CBD products? Which were your favorites? Let us know in the comments below.
[Read More ...] http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png http://blog.spaweek.com/2018/06/15/meet-oil-changing-wellness-cbd-oil/
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cutecats2017 · 7 years
So I have a two year old cat, named Cyrus.. I really love my cat. He was gifted to me as an early surprise present by my mom for my 19th birthday in January of 2016. I was happy but also kind of like "why get an expensive show-level persian instead of just adopting one of the 3495245 homeless Spanish cats" you know, but still, he's a cutie and a good cat. He grew up in a Spanish apartment a town over from ours and was fed nicely and had never been out (except for on the balcony) of the flat before we got him. When we got him he was a kitten and we have continued to keep him as a indoors-only cat fed with only royal canin with daily brushings and 2x day water bowl cleaning (he only likes fresh, cold water.)In January of 2017 he suddenly started exhibiting stressed behaviors (though we didn't know what was wrong at first.) He began meowing uncontrollably at night, scratching at doors, was lethargic and never really played with anyone anymore. Started sleeping more and losing a significant amount of weight until he looked anorexic and grooming less until his fur was all matted. It was a slow downward spiral and after a few vet visits, two blood tests, some shots, etc. all coming up normal for no sicknesses we finally decided to switch to a new vet a few months ago who was excellent. She said he was stressed and gave him a pheromone plugin, food vitamins, and suggested we castrate (night meowing was a sign of horniness apparently) and shave him so he starts off anew. We did just that and post-surgery he's doing great. His hair is growing and he's gained almost all the weight back and all of his energy, doesn't night meow and is just completely different. Still, he is VERY peculiar and prone to stress to the point of severe health deterioration.All of that being said, the reason I ask is because I just found out that we're moving from Spain to London. The climate will be completely different for him. Snub-nosed pets should never go on planes really and I'm not sure if I'll be able to take him as a carry-on as the flights are picked out by my mom's employer and only a short time in advance. He would be totally stressed and freaking out, heavily breathing, sniffing, sneezing, angry in the carry-on thing and I am afraid he won't breathe well in a plane. Additionally I am anxious on planes as is my entire family and I'm afraid he'll sense that anxiety and feel worse. He also cannot stand being held and will scratch and writhe to get away. Loud noise bothers him, I can't imagine him handling a plane ride well. I don't know how he'll handle the change in environment and also the water differences- we get our water delivered and he only ever has that water, also I don't know if Royal Canin has a formula difference between the country (I know from USA -> Spain things have the same brand/name but with different formulas, such as M&Ms for example, the difference is tasteable.)I love him but I also don't want him to get sick again with stress. It was horrible, he was so skinny and miserable and unhappy and I don't know if London will trigger him in such a way (with the climate, the differences in water, the differences in the air and just everything) that he will be extra stressed. I also am terrified that he won't make the plane ride because I hear horror storries of pets dying all the time, especially if he has to go to Cargo hold. I've never travelled with a pet on a plane personally myself but that's what I've heard. I don't want to put my cat on a plane if it's a possible death sentence. :( I'd rather him be happy with a new Spanish family than possibly dead or perma-stressed...I just don't know what the right thing for Cyrus would be. Can anyone give me any insight? via /r/cats
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gandecontractors · 7 years
Creating an Impressive Look with Your Sink
Creating an Impressive Look with Your Sink http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png
The counter top basin is a very important part of the kitchen. Its location in the kitchen does two things; it either improves efficiency or it could make maneuvering around the kitchen more difficult. Due to the fact that it’s a frequently used appliance in the kitchen, getting the perfect counter top basin is important.
There are a lot of counter top basins to choose from. Make sure you carefully select the one you want based on the features it has. The type of material will influence pricing but you need to make sure you get something that won’t easily be scratched or damaged. You want it to hold up well for daily use and for years to come.
You also have to be careful not to purchase a sink made of cheap, imitation materials. They may look nice but these sinks will not hold up well on their own. In a short span of time, they will manifest dings, scratches, and more. You will be disappointed with cheap sinks, so make sure you purchase one of high quality.
Counter top basins come in just about any color you can think. You can go with traditional white or tan if you so need. You can also choose deep and unique colors of blue shades or a purple hue. There also pink and browns you may be interested in as well. It can be fun to look around at the various colors before you make a final decision.
You will be pleased to know that counter top basins allow you the freedom to choose them in any shape or dimension you want. They come in round, square, and rectangular shapes. The shape is only one part of the dimensions though. You can also select how deep you want the sink to be. Be sure to thoroughly look around and make comparisons so you can get results you are most happy with.
Overall Size
The overall size of counter top basins depends on what your needs are, the style you like the most, and how much counter space you have. You can even go with two sinks and have a double set. This is perfect if you and your spouse share the same bathroom space to get ready in the morning, or if the kids share a bathroom. A double sink means less stress when everyone is getting ready for their day.
The overall size also depends on how you will use it. For example, those used in the kitchen are typically deeper than those used in a bathroom, allowing you to prepare food and wash dishes and other kitchenware with relative ease.
Add Unique Styles
You have the freedom to express yourself to go with a unique style. Give your home something you will not find anywhere else. It will add a nice touch to make your bathroom and make your bathroom chic and stylish. Such a look can be paired with other decorative items to make it look great and fully functional at the same time.
Search thoroughly, have your questions answered, and narrow down the look you want to have. Compare prices on quality items. Make sure you are selective about where you buy the sink and who you’re buying it from. This will make a difference in how much you spend, what you’ll spend it on, and the quality and durability of the sink you eventually purchase. Buy just the right one, and it might be years before you’ll need to replace it!
Use Epoxy
Another way to secure the sink is to use epoxy. A bead of epoxy is placed on the underside of the sink’s lip. You can place a bead of epoxy around the edge of the sinkhole. Drop the sink into the hole and make sure you have a flush seam all the way around. If part of the sink does not flush, use the brackets under the counter to pull it down and secure it. If you do have a flush seam, it means you have a very smooth and level counter surface. If this is the case, you can use epoxy to mount the sink. Be sure to allow the epoxy to dry for the amount of time shown on the packaging. Do not touch the sink during this period.
Maximizing efficiency in small spaces can be a daunting task, especially since space becomes more precious the smaller it is. It is the biggest challenge for homeowners/ homemakers. Decorating a corner space is usually a complicated affair. A delicate balance between functionality and form must be carefully established and consistently maintained. However, a corner kitchen sink is the perfect idea if you are looking to make the most of the small space in your kitchen.
The post Creating an Impressive Look with Your Sink appeared first on G&E Contractors.
http://ift.tt/2sTxRAP First posted on: G & E Contractors http://g-econtractors.blogspot.com/2017/06/creating-impressive-look-with-your-sink.html
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hbnewsnetworkblog · 7 years
The Secrets of Essential Oils That You Should Know
These days essential oils are sold everywhere- some people buy them for health reasons, others buy them for their rich aromatic fragrances and yet others buy these oils to keep the home smelling nice. But what many people may not know is that these essential oils do not contain fatty acids but aromatic compounds that are extracted from plants.
  The Secrets of Essential Oils
  Today essentials oils have been extracted from a variety of tropical flowers, seeds, roots, and stems. The one key feature of all these essential oils is their powerful aromatic fragrance. In addition to enhancing pollination in plants, these essential oils have been used for centuries as flavoring agents in food, and to enhance cosmetics and improve health.
  Where To Find Them
The majority of essentials are sold in small vials. As soon as the cap is opened, the volatile aromatic gasses quickly mix with the surrounding atmosphere and produces a distinct sweet smell. Depending on the type of essential oil, some induce a calming sensation and other are uplifting. You can find essential oils online, or sometimes at your local spice & tea shop.
  Popular Essential Oils
Some of the most popular essential oils are:
This oil is extracted from different trees and is well known for its minty, earthly aroma. It is also well known for being used in massages and providing pain relief. Eucalyptus is also a powerful anti-microbial agent and insect repellent!
This particular oil gets lots of love for its lovely flowery aroma. It has a sweet floral smell just like lavender flowers – which is where it is extracted from. Lavender essential oil is best known for its calming and sleep inducing properties. Similar to eucalyptus, this oil also is an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. It is great for healing ringworm, eczema, and other skin conditions!
  Tea Tree
Have you ever bought shampoo with tea tree oil in it?! Well, there’s a reason that shampoo and conditioners are starting to use this oil in their formulas. Tea tree essential oil is well known for clearing up dandruff and other scalp conditions. This oil has lots of other benefits such as cleansing wounds and treating fungal infections. You can also apply tea tree oil to insect bites to reduce inflammation and reduce itching.
This oil is extracted from a tree native to the Arabian Peninsula. Frankincense resin is well known for its traditional usage as incense. It has a woody, balsam, and citrus smell. And it is well used as a benefit to reduce stress, reduce inflammation, and also as an aid in digestion. Frankincense is also useful with healing wounds and fading scars more quickly.
This last oil on the list and far from being least useful. Peppermint essential oil is derived from leaves of the peppermint plant. With a wonderful minty aroma, this oil has some of the most diverse uses than any of the others. Some benefits worth mentioning are cold and flu prevention, joint and muscle relief, alleviation of headaches and relief from nausea and bloating. You can even use peppermint oil to cool you off in the summer time. Save on your electricity bill this summer!
  Also Read: Making Sense Of Scents
  What Are They Used For
Many of these oils have been found to contain hundreds of aromatic compounds but the composition does vary between the different essential oils. For the most part, the majority of people use essential oils for physical and emotional well-being. They can either be used solo or in combination with other oils to obtain the desired benefit.
However, as more people are showing interest in essential oils it is important to know how to use them safely and what to be aware of.
  How To Use Essential Oils Safely
To use essential oils one doesn’t need any special equipment. The most important thing is to limit the amount used as they are heavily concentrated liquids. Essential oils for health applications can be used by applying them on the skin, inhaling or ingesting them.
Gently heat up a few drops of essential oils to generate fumes that can be inhaled. Although heat is not always necessary. The simplest way to inhale essential oils is to rub a drop between the palms of your hands and place them over the nose and take a deep breath.  This produces a quick soothing effect.
  Skin application
Essential oils can be applied to the skin by first dabbing a little bit of the oil on the skin and gently massaging the area. This increases absorption of the aromatic compounds inside the body. Some people mix the essential oil with a carrier oil such as olive, argan, or coconut oil. Then massage the mixture into the skin. The use of a carrier oil increases the speed of absorption and also ensures that most of the aromatic compounds will penetrate the skin. The carrier oil will also ensure that the aromatic compounds simply will not evaporate from the skin. One other benefit is that the carrier oil will ensure that your skin remains moisturized.
  Allergy test
For people who have fair skin and prone to allergies, always do a test first. Dilute the essential oil in olive oil or baby oil and apply a small amount to the forearm; wait for 24-48 hours and if you have no reaction, you can use the essential oil safely. For those who develop a reaction, it is important not to use any more of that particular essential oil for fear of developing a full blown allergic reaction.
One can use essential oils on the skin 2-3 times a day or every 6-8 hours. In general, more is not better as you may develop adverse effects.
  Where on the body can I apply essential oils?
Essential oils can be applied on the following areas:
Forehead and temples
Neck area
Upper arm & shoulder
Chest and abdomen (both front and back)
Arms, legs, feet and hands
  Other Applications
Essential oils can even be applied to warm water during a bath. Add several drops to the tub of water and you can sit in the water bath for 15-20 minutes to derive the maximum benefit.
You can even apply a hot or cold compress by soaking a towel with water and then adding a drop or two of essential oil.
Some women regular apply essential oil with their regular moisturizer either in the morning or just before bedtime.
Essential oils should not be inserted into the nose, ear, eyes and especially any area where the skin is broken red or infected.
  Internal use
Essential Oils in small amounts have been ingested to treat a variety of health disorders. You may sprinkle a few drops of the oil on your salad, add it as a flavoring agent to almost any type of food or mix it with tea or any type of beverage. It is important not add too much essential oil as this can lead to stomach upset and nausea.
In general small amounts (1-2 drops) of essentials oils are safe for oral consumption. The aromatic compounds once in the blood stream are transported to almost every organ in the body, including the brain. In fact, because of their soothing effects, some people add a drop of essential oil to their favorite beverage just before bedtime.
  Final note
Because there are many types of essential oils and manufacturers, it is important to read the labels. Always buy your essential oil from a reputable dealer because scams and counterfeit products are common. Always start with the dilute form of essential oil first to make sure you have no allergies and can tolerate it. Remember essential oils are a supplement to good health and not a substitute for your prescribed medications.
The post The Secrets of Essential Oils That You Should Know appeared first on HB News Network.
from WordPress https://hbnewsnetwork.wordpress.com/2017/04/13/the-secrets-of-essential-oils-that-you-should-know/
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fitnessbags · 6 years
Askfitmark LIVE 11/17/16
yes we're doing another show just like we did last week we said that we're going to go super strong this month as well as next month why because we got a ton of holidays coming up not just black friday at the end of this month yeah thanksgiving but we also go into december which we know is holiday time lots of shopping happening our site gets blown up uh like it does now but almost on triple time for november december yesterday shoutout to everybody who was on the site yesterday had an unbelievable day lots and lots of bags were being sold to our fans and customers we love you for that possibly because we were hooking everybody up and still are today we're throwing in one of our dispensers with all of the orders today so let's get started with the show so you get a little idea what's happening ask any question in the comments below hashtag ask fit mark if your question gets answered you win a free bag we'll get a hold of you after this show like we always do will tell you which bag you're going to get hooked up with we got a lot going on in here uh let's also make sure you go ahead and share this video last week we had I don't know 400 500 shares alone why because it's an easy way for you to possibly get chosen to be able to pick a bag of your choice yes if you share the video while we're going live you are going to get automatically entered you don't even have to ask a question you just get automatically entered to possibly win a free bag and that one of your choice so go ahead and share this live video now we're going to get into few questions from the past show which again was last week we're going to answer those and then we're going to go directly into the questions that are being asked right now now don't forget that if you ask questions right now and your question doesn't get picked don't worry why it's simple because next week we're going to go ahead and do another show and we're going to choose three of those questions three of the questions from today's show so you may just be a winner so go ahead keep asking those questions don't worry if it doesn't get picked today we might have some love for you on the next show Marjorie Lucas oh my god those bento boxes are sick are they going to be stackable and easy to fit in other meal prep bags like the box and the shield phenomenal question she is referencing the bento boxes that we are coming out with and they'll be available for pre-order in a couple weeks and start shipping by the middle of next month yes we're first to do a lot of things in the meal prep bag category one of which is our accessories which were known for the high quality and durability of our accessories specifically our meal containers which many of you know we offer our 16-ounce all for lock system bpa-free dishwasher safe microwave safe but they're the toughest meal prep containers on the market all bags and our meal prep bad category of course come with the 32 ounce these are the bad boys but we definitely added our 16 ounce which are on the site and then coming to you with the phenomenal bento boxes two different designs here's one has three sections one of which is a removable bull type for salad dressings you can put some soups in here and then of course we have a second bento a design that is a little bit different it's got five sections within it same quality nothing like it on the market and of course we are first to offer this in the meal prep bag category going into whether or not they are stackable the answer is absolutely so I'm going to take the shield as a for instance and i'm going to move our center divider out of the way and i'm going to show you that this now goes in like so i've got the second one close this bad boy up like so so great question glad you asked they'll be available in a couple weeks and we will get into the second question Jennifer Cap'n what's the best time of day to work out any time any time I'm a believer that you should get your workout in morning afternoon night whatever suits you we all have things that we're going to be doing during the day could be work could be family you got to organize the schedule to make sure you fit in the most important piece of the day which is your work out what kind of work out any work out see the theme there any time any work out I don't care if you do CrossFit you pump iron you do Zumba you go to Barry's bootcamp whatever you like is what you should be doing because a fit body is a fit mind so good question Stacey Bauer is there free shipping if you order over a hundred dollars worth of bags at the same time no why because it's free shipping for $75 or more so we hope that you're excited that we won up that point and that is that us uh- what is in Hawaii and Alaska yeah okay free shipping $75 or more many of you take advantage of that and even if you did again for us the flat rate is only six dollars so let's do some housekeeping before we get your questions right now again keep asking questions in the comments below they can be about anything hashtag ask fit mark i'm gonna choose a few of them shortly also don't forget to share the video right now if you share the video one lucky winner is going to get chosen just for sharing so go ahead and share the video don't forget that we're doing our November giveaway at our site at fit more bags dot-com backslash perfect giveaway can you see that yep we hooked up with our friends at perfect shaker to not only give away four of our bags but the whole roster of shakers that they have uh with the weather they got Batman and Hulk and Superman the whole plethora of shakers from perfect shaker linked up with our four bags is going to go to a lucky winner maybe even a lucky winner to go to fit more bags dot-com backslash perfect fit giveaway let's get into some questions from today's show let's get this thing going here sure Hector do we have some stuff coming in this thing riled up here we gotta marry Hargrove with veterans day this week are you going to do something for our military that's a good question uh veterans day is Friday I will make sure that something is done we already have a discount of life a lot we do get questions about military armed forces fire police EMTs we have a specific code for anyone who is up who is active or was active in any of those so please email us at info at fit mark bags calm we will make sure to give you that exclusive code Brian Dillingham how would you stack up these bags against the competitors I have been through three six pack and the liner's always rip and I think these look superior well that's simple you're right we are known for the quality and durability of our bags our complete line behind that of course is the fact that we stand behind our bag so our guarantee it is is above and beyond any other guarantee that's in the meal prep pad category you can check out our site you can check out our Facebook page please go ahead and take a look at the comments and and and points made from customers and and fans of hours that have our bags and the experiences that they have with our customer experience team so it's a good question there's nothing like ours on the on the planet and we don't believe that there's anybody even close to us so great question hey Audrey hey Kim hey Karen a curse da Jennifer a Justin keep them all coming um Luke pounder bless you gut says it might be a cold going on in here okay we got a lot of water we're gonna have to get get going in here Luke powder what are you most thankful for it's a good question Luke I'm thankful that I'm standing right here delivering the ask fitmark live show to you because I'm here I'm right here Mike should not be thankful for that so I hope you understand my sentiment and I hope you ride with that as well thank you for the question congratulations these are way better than yes they are thank you what are your favorite of the James Marjorie we love these questions keep them coming and don't forget I'm just going to ask answer another one right now but please go ahead not only and share this video while we're going right now but keep asking the questions when I'm done with the show because I'm going to choose another three on next week's show um lots of good stuff in here Michelle Ronnie what's up Ronnie mewborn maybe maybe maybe thanks for liking and sharing you make any camo bags we do actually the shield comes in camo is LG or is it just regular later regular that the shield which as you know comes with three 32 ounce meal meal containers comes with the two ice packs and it comes with your dispenser which has three sections for dispenser lgo smexy v2 no no algae algae comes a both they both cambria thought who's this guy in here who is this guy hey buddy LG the shield has the LGI in camo as well so well good question we appreciate it very much go ahead and check that out on our website again we really appreciate nice you're what you're welcome running stay out buddy go ahead and keep asking questions go ahead and keep sharing the video I'm going to see you next week hopefully you love what we're doing here again we're trying to really push these as many times as possible as we go into the holidays because we know there's nothing like giving uh during these couple months and that's what we love to do so I hope you have a foot in a week I hope you are at the gym or at your place of fitness I hope you're eating healthy I hope you are loving life until then see you soon.
  For more information about the best cheap meal prep bags in Canada visit:  https://fitnessbags.ca/innovative-fitmark-bags/meal-management-bags/
Askfitmark LIVE 11/17/16 Read more on: Fitmark Bags Canada Service Blog
from Fitness Bags Canada - Feed https://fitnessbags.ca/askfitmark-live-11-17-16/
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fitnessbags · 6 years
Askfitmark LIVE 11/22/16
Welcome we got a lot of cool stuff happening today the first being that we're running this right now on Instagram so if you see this on Instagram come on over to our facebook page but go ahead and ask a question in the comments below if your question gets picked you win a free bag and also don't forget you can keep asking the questions just like you are on facebook right now if your question doesn't get answered today will still choose some of the questions on next week's show so you could possibly win today and if you don't you could possibly win next week instagram come see us over on our facebook page i look forward to it facebook let's get into it now uh our first a thing to talk about is going to be this backpack the sport backpack is on the site right now why is it on the site because it's free I'm not joking it's absolutely free with purchase today why because it's Black Friday week we're running a deal every single day this week started yesterday yesterday we had a phenomenal deal today we have a phenomenal deal tomorrow we have a phenomenal deal all leading up to the big day black friday and through the weekend and then of course topping it off cyber monday next week so definitely get over to the site if you have it already but let's start talking a little bit about how you're about to win a free bag if you haven't been to ask fit mark live before or any one of our shows that we've been doing for how long would be no this year I've been the line has been just a few months but we've been doing a spit mark for over a year ask him mark we've been doing for over a year it's been fun we're going to continue to do it because we love giving away free bags we love seeing the questions we have a plethora of questions that come to us and we want to start asking them now in the comments below a hashtag ask fit mark you can ask about our bags you can ask about what's happening in the future with fit mark you can ask about lifestyle sports fitness health anything that your heart desires you get personal if you really want to those are sometimes the fun ones but right now we're going to ask some questions you're going to answer some questions from a from last week's show in the meantime again go ahead and I tagged a couple friends this is a new one I actually wanted to do it this morning I want you to tag two of your friends two of the homies tagum right now in the comments let them know we're doing this show why because I want to do extra extra extra love today I'm going to give it I want to give it in in many forms a sprinkling bags on everybody different ways one is if your question gets answer to is by sharing the video right now if you share the video you're going to get put into the pool of those that we choose for just sharing and then the third one this is the big one why not because it is Black Friday week so let's take it to the house we are going to choose one winner from those who tagged two of the friends and all three of those friends are going to win a free back it's that simple so tag two of your friends let them know that asked fit mark is live right now even if they see this later it's very possible that they could be chosen along with yourself but right now let's get into last week's question and then we will get into today's questions Angela Velasco what bag does your wife use good question she still rocks the 2012 sport tote Nader's isn't that's like one of your favorite that's that's the sports out the original Sporto hands down he says he says hands down hands down original sport toe you had two leather every word with the leather touches I mean nobody was doing that nobody was doing that it was a beautiful bag and we've done the iterations on it we have horse have our current current sport tote but she has the original from 2012 phenomena question thank you you have won a free bag Hunter Polly where do you find your clothing style I know sometimes I make fun of it myself I don't really have one I go to a few stores that I appreciate and enjoy going to keep it simple like I try to do with the rest of my life maybe you do the same I keep it to one to three stores I kind of know the people I know what I'm going in to get I'm sure you understand that sentiment so thanks hunter uh I appreciate the question Nicole Willis what's your favorite superhero that's a good one uh you know I don't think you could go wrong with Superman Superman is my answer for you Nicole thank you so much you three have one free bag and now we're going to be given away bags to everybody who's watching who's going to ask a question if your question gets picked you win a free bag don't forget also i'm going to log in here and see who's out there don't forget also share the video right now share with your friends so that you can get entered in to win a free bag as well because Hector goes ahead and and chooses one person who just shares the video while we're live again some comments that people can't tag until after the video so that's fine if you can tag them after video we'll pick a winner that's a good one didn't know that if you can't tag right now while it's live that's a good one uh you'll be able to as soon as we are done here so go ahead and tag a couple friends uh when this video is done and we'll go ahead and choose one lucky winner which of course means all three of you yourself and the two people that you tagged will be a winner if you are chosen and we'll let them know through the comments right which we can post post the show so i'll let you know in the comments section a Hector goes ahead and he notifies you hopefully it's going to be you and your two friends so let me get into maybe you have one while I log in here oh let's see let me go back to me okay some people I didn't want to know what thank you aren't you just gonna log in on about the bags behind you it's a gin hide what bags are those behind you alright gang here shared was it as bad you know Thomas thanks everybody for coming in I love it just got i just logged in how many books have fit in there steven scott Lindsey Daniel the bags you have the shield in midnight just they have the Envoy backpack in midnight these are two exclusive colorways we only have a limited number of them for the holiday so you'll want to check that out and then at the cruiser that is your roller bag it has our movable meal prep system inside there's nothing like it on the market why because we innovate we're first to do most everything Justin Ribeiro will you be incorporating licensed superheroes into future designs it's a really good question Justin I will just say that we have a lot of great things to come 2017 is going to be a big big time and that may include some opportunities to wow you even more so than hopefully we've been able to do the last few years so great question appreciate it very much congratulations you want a free bag we got a question here from Instagram got some Instagram questions coming in from sa marshmallow any thoughts on baby bags for all the fit moms out there what was it from sa marshmallow sa marshmallow I like it I do it but what was it any thoughts on baby bags for all the fit moms out there baby bags you could check out the Masons bag it's the first of from what we know also that we innovated a diaper bag has a an actual fold fold folding cushion for the baby I that you that is removable it also of course has our patented meal prep system that is removable so check that out there may be some more styles to come some really good questions go ahead um Christina Johnson what type of ice packs do you insulate the bags I've had a bad experience not once but twice with another brand dice pack busted soaked in my bag leaving them leaving a bad smell we get that question every so often because we get people who come to us all the time uh because they're looking for a better option when it comes to not just sport bags but of course our biggest category which our meal prep bags and of course with our meal prep bags as you may know they do come with ice packs we have the highest quality ice packs on the market how do we know that because we don't have any returns for our ice packs I would say what less than 0.01 percent we've had an issue um that's because we know that it's not necessarily just about the bags that we designed and and we manufacture but it's also the accessories I mean we're big we're begging our accessories you know we just expanded our line but everything from the the ice packs to the meal containers or even to our dispensers they got to be of high quality because you use those just as much as you use the bags so I'm glad you asked the question congratulations now you're going to get hooked up with not just some sick ice packs but also great bad um so Susanna is about Willie Oh Lindsay Jen thank you for all coming Doug I see everybody go ahead and share this video don't forget you'll get grouped in to some people who might be chosen to win a free bag just for sharing the video it is Black Friday as i mentioned day two we have our sport backpack on the website it's free I'm not joking it's free with purchase today check out the details at fit more bags com if you haven't already we see a ton of orders of course already come in since we announced that this morning but it expires we show the black it expires and at midnight tonight so if you didn't already see this on the site it's free today with purchase for day 2 of black friday it expires tonight at midnight uh gia Patricia do you have your phone case for sale with the fitmark bags canada logo I actually I'm lucky enough somebody from the office got it for me um I probably I probably would have had the same generic went on there but they're they're nice enough to get me a phone case but no we don't sell those maybe we'll think about that in the future that is a great question so uh a lot going on I noted before about tagging to friends it looks like you can only tag once this live video is over so as soon as it's over go ahead and tag two friends because we're going to choose that one lucky winner just for doing so which means all three of those people will win a free bag including those that we have already chosen today as well as those who have shared this video we will also choose one lucky winner keep asking questions we will get to those or some of them on the next show which I promise you will be within one week uh I want you to have a phenomenal week it's only Tuesday get in the gym eat healthy kiss a loved one smile and if I don't talk to you have a phenomenal thanksgiving I'll see you next time
The post Askfitmark LIVE 11/22/16 was originally published to https://fitnessbags.ca/
from Fitness Bags Canada - Feed https://fitnessbags.ca/askfitmark-live-11-22-16/
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Top 10 Health Benefits of Journaling
We tend to think of journaling as an activity for famous politicians, angsty teenagers, and people who lived in the 19th century. But don’t let this prejudice prevent you from taking up this habit. Keeping a log of your thoughts and activities is an excellent organizational tool that will have a positive impact on your life. In fact, writing in a diary or journal every day is great for your health. We’ve listed the top health benefits of journaling to convince you to pick up the pen.
Help You Lose Weight
Keep track of your diet with a food journal. There’s a few approaches you can take. Some meticulously log every bite they eat and the macronutrients of their meals. But if you want something a little less intense, just keep a general record of whether you ate clean or indulged in junk foods. Try to recall and write down your emotions and mood before your decision. If you know what triggers you into reaching for the donut, you have power over that response and can control it in the future.
Relieves Stress
Anxious and stressful thoughts can stay pent-up in your head if you have nowhere to release them. Some choose to share their stresses with a friend or therapist. But journaling also provides an outlet to relieve anxiety.
Improves Memory
Time starts blending together as you age. While you remember major events, little details start to blend together or slip away altogether. How do you reverse the flow of time and improve your memory? Journaling can help.
First, you have a physical log of daily details that tend to slip away. But findings in the APA’s Journal of Experimental Psychology indicate that journaling can improve working memory, a huge help in day-to-day life. Researchers believe that journaling reduces negative thoughts about life events by committing them to paper. This prevents your brain from ruminating on them all day and frees up working memory to commit details down.
Healthier Personal Relationships
As we get older and take on more responsibility, it can be tough to maintain the personal bonds that are so important to our lives. Work through your problems on paper and you’ll find helpful patterns and emotional honesty that might not otherwise have come to you. Also, you can identify toxic people in your life and then think long and hard whether they are worth your time in the first place.
Boost Self-Esteem
Life can be tough for those suffering from low self-esteem. Confidence helps us take leaps of faith to overcome new challenges and old habits. But if you have low self-esteem, chances are you undermine your own ability to improve.
That’s where journaling comes in. Just as people trying to lose weight should focus on food in their journal, those lacking in confidence should focus on their daily accomplishments! Write down a few positive things about yourself every day. Did your teacher says something nice about your work? Did you choose to read over watching TV? By keeping track of positive experiences, you are building yourself up and reinforcing the good.
Teaches dedication to get in shape
Struggling to slip into a regular workout routine? You’re not alone. Many people find it difficult to consistently set aside exercise time when they’re trying to get in shape. Get a jump-start by establishing a journaling routine. Setting aside 10-20 minutes a day takes dedication. But if you manage to do it, you’ll find it easier to keep up with workout routines. Once you start working out you will have an outlet to monitor your successes and write about how good you feel! Translating the positive emotions that come from a workout onto paper will encourage you to keep at it.
Improved Mental Clarity
All of your thoughts, dreams, and worries swirl around in your head. It’s good to sometimes sit still and think things through, but other times you need to focus. Journaling lets you channel the background noise onto paper so that your brain can problem-solve the here and now issues. This helps at work, in personal relationships, or just about anything else.
Mimics Meditation
Meditation is the skill of focusing on one thing and tuning out everything else in the world. Doctors at the University of Rochester Medical Center say that journaling, like meditation, has a positive impact on mental health. It can manage anxiety and help you cope with depression. For best results, journal every day in a calm and soothing environment. Drink a mug of chamomile tea and light a candle. Maybe diffuse some essential oils to combine it with aromatherapy. Carve out some time for yourself to collect and reflect.
Lower Blood Pressure
Because journaling lowers stress and anxiety, it can help manage high blood pressure. Dr. James Pennebaker claims that journaling strengthens T-lymphocytes, immune cells that fluctuate with stress and anxiety. Strengthening them boosts your immune system and helps keep your blood pressure low.
Strengthens Communication Skills
Some people are natural communicators. They have a knack for saying the witty or insightful comment, and can spruce up a boring report to make it shine. But not everyone has that talent. Journaling teaches you how to express yourself clearly and confidently. It gives practice writing everyday. After a few months of journaling, you might find it less stressful to send emails or to articulate your ideas at a meeting. This can have professional and personal benefits that benefit you in all areas of life.
[Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/top-10-health-benefits-journaling/
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Top 10 Health Benefits of Journaling
We tend to think of journaling as an activity for famous politicians, angsty teenagers, and people who lived in the 19th century. But don’t let this prejudice prevent you from taking up this habit. Keeping a log of your thoughts and activities is an excellent organizational tool that will have a positive impact on your life. In fact, writing in a diary or journal every day is great for your health. We’ve listed the top health benefits of journaling to convince you to pick up the pen.
Help You Lose Weight
Keep track of your diet with a food journal. There’s a few approaches you can take. Some meticulously log every bite they eat and the macronutrients of their meals. But if you want something a little less intense, just keep a general record of whether you ate clean or indulged in junk foods. Try to recall and write down your emotions and mood before your decision. If you know what triggers you into reaching for the donut, you have power over that response and can control it in the future.
Relieves Stress
Anxious and stressful thoughts can stay pent-up in your head if you have nowhere to release them. Some choose to share their stresses with a friend or therapist. But journaling also provides an outlet to relieve anxiety.
Improves Memory
Time starts blending together as you age. While you remember major events, little details start to blend together or slip away altogether. How do you reverse the flow of time and improve your memory? Journaling can help.
First, you have a physical log of daily details that tend to slip away. But findings in the APA’s Journal of Experimental Psychology indicate that journaling can improve working memory, a huge help in day-to-day life. Researchers believe that journaling reduces negative thoughts about life events by committing them to paper. This prevents your brain from ruminating on them all day and frees up working memory to commit details down.
Healthier Personal Relationships
As we get older and take on more responsibility, it can be tough to maintain the personal bonds that are so important to our lives. Work through your problems on paper and you’ll find helpful patterns and emotional honesty that might not otherwise have come to you. Also, you can identify toxic people in your life and then think long and hard whether they are worth your time in the first place.
Boost Self-Esteem
Life can be tough for those suffering from low self-esteem. Confidence helps us take leaps of faith to overcome new challenges and old habits. But if you have low self-esteem, chances are you undermine your own ability to improve.
That’s where journaling comes in. Just as people trying to lose weight should focus on food in their journal, those lacking in confidence should focus on their daily accomplishments! Write down a few positive things about yourself every day. Did your teacher says something nice about your work? Did you choose to read over watching TV? By keeping track of positive experiences, you are building yourself up and reinforcing the good.
Teaches dedication to get in shape
Struggling to slip into a regular workout routine? You’re not alone. Many people find it difficult to consistently set aside exercise time when they’re trying to get in shape. Get a jump-start by establishing a journaling routine. Setting aside 10-20 minutes a day takes dedication. But if you manage to do it, you’ll find it easier to keep up with workout routines. Once you start working out you will have an outlet to monitor your successes and write about how good you feel! Translating the positive emotions that come from a workout onto paper will encourage you to keep at it.
Improved Mental Clarity
All of your thoughts, dreams, and worries swirl around in your head. It’s good to sometimes sit still and think things through, but other times you need to focus. Journaling lets you channel the background noise onto paper so that your brain can problem-solve the here and now issues. This helps at work, in personal relationships, or just about anything else.
Mimics Meditation
Meditation is the skill of focusing on one thing and tuning out everything else in the world. Doctors at the University of Rochester Medical Center say that journaling, like meditation, has a positive impact on mental health. It can manage anxiety and help you cope with depression. For best results, journal every day in a calm and soothing environment. Drink a mug of chamomile tea and light a candle. Maybe diffuse some essential oils to combine it with aromatherapy. Carve out some time for yourself to collect and reflect.
Lower Blood Pressure
Because journaling lowers stress and anxiety, it can help manage high blood pressure. Dr. James Pennebaker claims that journaling strengthens T-lymphocytes, immune cells that fluctuate with stress and anxiety. Strengthening them boosts your immune system and helps keep your blood pressure low.
Strengthens Communication Skills
Some people are natural communicators. They have a knack for saying the witty or insightful comment, and can spruce up a boring report to make it shine. But not everyone has that talent. Journaling teaches you how to express yourself clearly and confidently. It gives practice writing everyday. After a few months of journaling, you might find it less stressful to send emails or to articulate your ideas at a meeting. This can have professional and personal benefits that benefit you in all areas of life.
[Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/top-10-health-benefits-journaling/
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6 Necessary Movements That Your Workout Might Be Missing
When you hit the gym, how do you decide what to do?
Do you have a specific routine your follow, or do you do whatever you feel like doing that day?
If you’re like many people, there is a tendency to work on your “mirror muscles” more than anything else. Mirror muscles are pretty much what they sound like – they are the muscles you see when you look in the mirror. We tend to want nice arms, a flat stomach, and toned thighs because that’s what we see every day.
But how much attention do you pay to the muscles that you don’t see in the mirror?
If you want to be sure that you’re strengthening your entire body, not just your mirror muscles, it’s time to train using the 6 primal movement patterns.
These 6 movements will help you look good in the mirror, but more than that, they will balance your strength, help you prevent injury, and improve your performance in every activity you do.
The 6 Movements Necessary for a Complete Workout
Before we dive into the movements, it’s important to know that you don’t necessarily have to do all 6 of these in each workout. Instead, aim to include each of these at some point in your weekly exercise, maybe emphasizing those that you’ve skipped over in the past.
1. Pushing
Pushing is likely the one movement people do too much of. Push-ups, shoulder presses, chest presses – all of these moves are great for strengthening your chest, arms, and shoulders (yes, all mirror muscles).
Are these exercises important? Definitely. Just be sure to balance them with some of the less-common movements coming up.
2. Pulling
Almost everyone needs to pull more. Rows, pull-ups and pull-downs are a few examples of pulling exercises that will strengthen what’s called your “posterior chain (i.e. the muscles that connect all down the backside of your body).
Unlike pushing, which causes your shoulders to slump inwards, pulling can dramatically improve your posture by opening up your shoulders and eliminating any forward hunching. A side benefit: better posture will make you look leaner.
Start pulling more often!
3. Squatting
Squatting might be the most “functional” exercise you can do in the gym because it’s great practice for so many things you do in real life. You squat to pick up your cat. You squat to sit down for dinner. You squat to go to the washroom.
Life is full of squats, and by practicing squats with good form in the gym, you’ll be able to squat with good form in daily life activities and chores for years to come.
4. Lunging
I’ve had many people ask why they should bother with lunges at all. “I already do lots of squats to strengthen my legs. Why do I need to lunge too?”
While squats are great, lunges provide something that squats don’t: instability. When you take a long lunge, your body is forced to engage many muscles in your legs, hips, and core that prevent you from falling over sideways.
These stabilizer muscles aren’t “look good” muscles like your mirror muscles, but they are the ones that protect you from injury and help your body perform better in any athletic or complex movement. If you have a performance goal in mind such as running a race, playing a sport or mastering new yoga poses, lunges need to be a priority in the gym.
5. Bending
No injury can put you out of commission as quickly as a back injury. Maybe that’s why so many people avoid bending in the gym? Could bending over too much lead to back problems?
Quite the opposite, actually.
Just like practicing squats in the gym will help you squat more safely in daily life, bending exercises like deadlifts, back extensions, and bird-dogs will strengthen and protect your back 24/7.
If you’ve been doing 50-pound kettlebell deadlifts in the gym each week, you’re unlikely to throw out your back when you bend over to pick up the newspaper.
6. Twisting
Twisting is another motion you likely do on a daily basis without even realizing it. You twist to get out of bed in the morning. You twist every time you get in and out of your car. You twist to check your blind spot when driving.
As you know by now, practicing a movement in the gym will prevent injuries when doing that movement outside the gym. But, twisting offers benefits beyond injury-prevention: If you’re an athlete who throws or shoots, twisting in the gym will give you more power. Twisting also tightens your waistline by strengthening your oblique muscles. Twist and you will look slimmer.
Try some Russian twists, oblique cable twists, or standing twists while holding a medicine ball.
You may not need to overhaul your workout routine in order to make it a truly full-body practice. Just be conscious of the movements you’re doing each week. Are you including all 6 we looked at here?
If not, choose a few exercises for each movement you’ve missed out on and emphasize those while giving your body a break from the movements you’ve always trained. Soon, you’ll be stronger, more balanced, and you’ll look your best. Make it happen!
[Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/6-necessary-movements-workout-might-missing/
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cutecats2017 · 7 years
My Loved Purrbuddy Passed at the age of 17. http://ift.tt/2x8u95E Fat Snuggletiger stayed with me since i was nine. Back then he was quite lean(But i have no pictures from back then) Sadly he always was a little Glutton http://ift.tt/2yAg2aX tomcat was so relaxed, he never fought with anybody. Strangers, Cats, Dogs, everybody was his friend.He leaves behind a loving Family Family. First his "Wife" Lila, like an old married Couple they often fought but they always reconciled. Also the slightly bigger friend Nala who he helped to raise up.He had a wonderful Life in the last 8 years. From a Flat in hamburg he moved to a nice House in the countryside in the "bergisches land" area in the vicinity of cologne. There he had a nice garden to roam around in, with Chickens, bees and Flowers.And he always made sure to do potty in the neighbours garden :'). http://ift.tt/2x8CqGF strange Visiting Dogs where no Problem for him. he was just so relaxed that they did not bother him. http://ift.tt/2yBoIxP Tomcat was the chillest, coolest, kindest and just best Cat ever. During my puberty, when i was Lovesick, or in my darkest hours this wobblebuddy was always there for me. His passing hits me Hard, even though i knew it was going to happen. (a Tumor grew on his chest) And it hurts to know that i wasnt there when he passed.I Upload this stuff here, to share my sorrow and so that others might know this Awesome being that gave me so much joy and solace.Furthermore the Internet doesnt forget and you my friend shall not be forgotten!Wutzibu, my Wobblybuddy, my Cuddlecat, my masterchiller, Rest in Peace. honestly sometimes i was even Jealous how amazingly chilled and relaxed your life has been.P.S. I am Sorry buddy that we had to pay someone to Cut your balls off, you probably had to miss some amazing aspects of life.Full Album: http://ift.tt/2x90bP6 via /r/cats
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cutecats2017 · 7 years
I need help getting two cats to play nice with each other. We got a new cat a couple weeks ago and she is currently sectioned off in about 1/3rd of the house. She is about 6 months to a year old (were not sure exactly how old) and her name is Neko. Neko is a rescue cat who was left behind in a house when the owners moved. That's all we know, we don't know whether or not she was abused or not.We have an older cat who's name is Calvin and he's about 9 years old.Whenever we try to put them in the same room, they usually just sit there and growl at each other. Sometimes Calvin will literally attack Neko.We've tried putting down two plates of food and see if they will tolerate each other if it means getting some treats. Calvin will eat the food, but Neko won't even go near it if Calvin is there, so she's definitely scared of him.We got a male cat about two years ago who Calvin got along nicely with, (he was run over unfortunately). I dont know if the fact that Neko is a girl has any effect.Does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to keep Neko sectioned off much longer. Thank you! via /r/cats
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