#it was on the club committee meeting night so i had maximum people coming through like 'oh that's great! how good!' which is nice for ego
rowenabean · 1 year
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Look how cool this kiln load! Literally every piece is my new favorite, even the two that are only glaze tests (good ones! I will do that again!)
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fall2019kulife · 5 years
Activism on Campus
At Kutztown there are many services available for students and non students. However, many students do not know about these services. The Kutztown food pantry is one thing that everyone in town should know about. Everybody enters a time in their life where it is hard to provide for themselves financially. Before Nick ever went to the food pantry he would struggle and use up every last cent to buy food. He would budget and still end up not having enough, or he would realize he would need that money for personal care items. When he had heard about the food pantry he thought it sounded like something for him. When he went there, he was able to get food and other items for free. Nick started going to the food pantry weekly after that first visit and has been able to provide for himself and not worry about providing those things for himself anymore because of the help from the food pantry.
Many of these services, clubs and organizations are posted all over campus, but that doesn’t always mean students read them. If students paid attention to the posters they would find that some clubs are for enjoyment and making friends, other clubs are based around a major, then there are organizations that aim to help students. The organizations on campus that exist to help students are part of what makes Kutztown University’s community great. Activism on our campus makes the most impact on student life. Kutztown University needs organizations like the Student Government Board and the Food Pantry on campus to make student life better.
Each of these acts will emphasize an organization on campus that helps students daily on our campus. First, act one “SGB Influence at KU” will address the Student Government Board and how they represent student opinions and oversee various KU activities on campus. Second, “ “
                                    Act 1: SGB Influence at KU
The first time I went to a Student Government Board meeting at Kutztown University, I assumed that it would be a group of students in a classroom talking. What they would discuss, I had no idea, but I was required to go to a meeting by my internship so I went to the Academic Forum one Tuesday night and opened the door to much more than I ever imagined.  The room was full of students and every seat had a name card in front of it for various representatives. They opened with allowing the public to take the floor where a nice pastor and his wife talked about their church and gave everyone pizza. Then the committees began talking about various initiatives around campus that SGB was involved in. The next student government meeting I went to featured a woman who was trying to develop a better relationship between the college and the rest of the Kutztown community. Every meeting I have been to since always features interesting commentary from individuals that are not only from our campus but also our community.    
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This is part of what makes SGB easily one of the most influential forms of activism on campus. The SGB is a council of students who are elected as representatives of their major program (Business, Education, Liberal Arts, etc) who participate and provide input into the university’s decision-making process. Students who are elected to the SGB also participate and help organize university events like homecoming. Currently, there are 30 student representatives on the SGB. The maximum amount of representatives the SGB can have at any time is 33. The SGB meets weekly every term usually on Tuesdays evenings. In order to be nominated for the SGB, students have to meet a few requirements first. Students who wish to be elected to the SGB must be full-time students and have a GPA of 2.3 or higher. If elected, all SGB members must attend weekly meetings as well as college meetings, join a governance committee, a subcommittee, and attend the spring retreat. The Student Government Board website states the benefits of joining as, “the ability to have your voice heard, the ability to make a difference on campus, you can meet new people as well as multiple networking opportunities when you join the SGB.”
One of the College of Business SGB representatives Pietra Hernandez says that being a part of the SGB has helped her through her college experience by allowing her to meet and interact with students from all over campus. She loves participating in the events and committees and believes that the experiences she has gained from being a part of SGB will positively impact her in her future career. “Anyone who wants to make a difference at our school should consider joining the SGB,” Hernandez says, “Not only does it look great on a resume, you really do impact and engage with our campus in a way that only SGB representatives can.” The most visible way SGB members are involved on our campus is through the events they host. The biggest annual event SGB members are involved in is homecoming. Not only does SGB participate and help organize the spirit rally, but they also work with the Office of Student Involvement (OSI) to set up Spirit Stations where students can grab some free KU gear (while supplies last). Along with event responsibilities, the SGB oversees the administration of the student activity fee and they promote “Golden Bear of the Week” awards on Instagram to members who are actively involved in helping students on our campus. These are only a few examples of how the SGB influences Kutztown University for the better. The SGB is also a part of a campus-wide initiative called “ENGAGE @ KU” which aims to get students involved in activities on campus. For more information, visit the official Student Government Board website here or search for @kusgb on Instagram.
~ Samantha Tice
                                Act 2: Political Activism On Campus
Kutztown has a lot of diversity and a lot of different people Which means there is a lot of diversity of thought on the campus especially when it comes to political thought on campus. 2019 is a very divided time in terms of politics and there is no better example of this than college campuses in America. Kutztown is no different politics do play a role on campus. But Kutztown does give you a chance to voice opinion. 
All the time there are people who come on campus to inform you about things going on in politics. For example not too long ago I was walking to class and I saw a group of people handing out flyers. But when I walked past them a lady with a megaphone ran up to me and handed me a flyer and behind followed a person dressed as baby Donald Trump. I took the flyer and proceeded to go about my day but when I looked at the flyer it was for the local election. What this showed me was that political activism is a thing on campus. 
This is a good thing for incoming freshman with an interest in politics and getting involved. There are many different clubs for people of differing opinions. For example, there is a Democratic club and a Republican club on campus. This is good because having these different clubs does not single out any one opinion and it allows students to express themselves without being judged based on their beliefs. Kutztown is a great place for getting involved and just spreading the word about politics.
the Democrats club statement says its to advocate for and promote the principles of the democratic party of the united states and to help aid and promote Democratic candidates. An incoming freshman with democratic beliefs can join this club and try to promote democratic ideals. The Republican club’s statement is The Kutztown University College Republicans is a recognized campus affiliate of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans, and of the College Republican National Committee. Our purpose is to make known and promote the principles of the Republican Party among members of the Kutztown University campus and community.
If political parties do not interest you there are different activist clubs like the feminist majority leadership alliance and the black student union who also contribute to political activism on campus. I talked to a friend who is in the black student union and I asked her a couple questions. I asked why she joined the BSU. “I joined the BSU because I wanted to get involved on campus”. Then I asked her what are somethings the BSU does, “The BSU just does events and holds educated conversations to promote equality and togetherness for students of color”. So if a person does not feel comfortable with choosing a political party just yet there are other ways for people to contribute to activism on campus. 
~ Stephen Dicicco
                      ACT 3: KU Food Pantry for Anyone and Everyone
            As a student myself, I learned about the food pantry from friends who had started here before me. I would see signs from time to time, however I never got full information about it. The first time I went to the food pantry was my second year of school. The first time I went to the food pantry I honestly did not have high expectations because how good can free food be? I quickly learned how wrong I was because the products they offered were actually good quality. I was able to pick up large boxes of cereal and even fresh produce. They even offer stuff like toothbrushes and tampons for those who struggle to provide toiletries for themselves or others. I thought it was really great that they offered feminine hygiene products, for free especially, because even in public bathrooms on campus they cost money. I now go to the food pantry pretty frequently because I am never disappointed with the products I end up getting. I also tell as many people as I can about it because it helped me so much as a student so I always think that it can help anyone.        
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            Here at Kutztown, there are many groups and organizations the community doesn’t know about; especially students. Everybody struggles at some point in time financially and it can be hard to provide for themselves and others. Because of this, the Food Pantry, a satellite of Friend inc., is available to students and community residents. It is a free service for those who need food and other personal care items. The food pantry as a variety of foods; including fresh produce and baked goods, but it does more than that. The food pantry really does help not only students, but people who live off-campus in the community as well. The food pantry is also open to volunteers from time to time so if anybody wanted to help out make sure to check in every once in a while to see if there are any spots available.
            I decided to interview a student here at Kutztown to see what they had to say about the food pantry. I had asked them just a simple question “Do you know what the food pantry is?” and with that they responded, “I have heard of it from a few people but honestly I never went because I feel like they wouldn't have anything good.”. After hearing this It made me think that so many people do not know what the food pantry about and that they offer great things.
            The food pantry is a service for anyone and everyone. Some people think that this is just free cans of food for people who are poor. That is the complete opposite of what they provide. Everybody struggles at one point or another to provide food for themselves and that is ok. The food pantry offers a selection of different foods and personal care items. Overall the food pantry is here for a reason and it is something everyone should know about.
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         If anyone would like to look into the food pantry more or get in contact with anyone they can stop by or email at [email protected] .
Hannah Corson
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golflakeridgegc · 6 years
Weekly Newsletter Mar 4, 2019
Would like to thank the Conestoga Booster Club for having their annual auction at Lake Ridge Saturday night. They raised over $10,000 for Conestoga Athletics. Special thanks to Liz Thompson, Tracey Priefert, Tracy Andersen, Samantha and Jeff Barnhart, Jen Gansemer, Sheri Widler and Bobby Hogue for all their hard work and effort in organizing this great event. Also, thanks to everyone who donated all the auction items and also everyone else who made this such a great evening. Look forward to hosting this event again next year.
Would also like to thank Stacy Plevel for choosing Lake Ridge to host her mother Sandra’s surprise birthday bash on Sunday. That was a “berry nice” surprise. It was a great turnout and everyone had a great time.
We are pleased to announce we will be running our annual March Madness Membership drive starting 1 March and running the entire month. Any new members receive a 20% discount  on a first time membership. We offer annual memberships for individuals, couples, families, juniors and seniors. Our membership program is designed to provide golfers a means to utilize our facilities and enjoy numerous benefits without the large upfront initiation fee and monthly dues that private clubs require. Membership has its privileges. Members enjoy discounted golf apparel in the pro shop as well discounts on food orders. So what are you waiting on, come join the Lake Ridge family and start making memories to last a life time. Please call the pro shop on 402-235-4653  for more details or stop by and become a member.
League sign-up sheets have been posted in the pro shop for this year’s upcoming golf season. Leagues fill up fast and with room for a limited amount of teams per league,  please sign-up early to ensure your spot. Having said that if you played on a league last year your spot is reserved. New teams will be placed on a waiting list if the league is full. Please sign-up early to better assist us in planning the upcoming 2019 league season. Thanks. Please note the Wednesday Men’s League is full. With all 23 teams returning from last year’s season, unfortunately there is no room for any new teams. We do however always need subs, so if you did not make the league we can always use you as a sub. The Monday Men’s League is also full with 22 teams.
We will open to accommodate any golfers, weather permitting, so please call in advance to book a tee time. As usual Caddies Lounge opens every day at 4:00 and Fairways Restaurant is open from 5 to 9 seven days a week. Please note:  Caddies Lounge will close no earlier than 10:30 Sunday – Thursday and 11:30 on Friday and Saturday. However if we have customers, we will stay open until 1:00 am. So come early, leave late. Please call us on 402-235-4653 if your running late and want to have a few drinks. We are here to accommodate you.
Play Texas HoldEm every Tuesday starting at 7:30. Enjoy Happy Hour rates while playing and the chance at winning prizes. Did I also mention it’s Taco Tuesday with $2 Margarita’s.  So if you  like poker, tacos and margaritas, Lake Ridge is the place to be on Tuesday nights.
The annual Men’s League meeting will be held this Wednesday March 6 at 7:00 in Caddies Lounge.  This is our annual meeting to discuss any changes to current rules and formats and to appoint members to our League Committee. This is YOUR league and any changes to the rules or format must be voted on by league members, so maximum attendance is requested. The Wednesday night Men’s League kicks off on Apr 10 at 5:30 and the Monday night Men’s League kicks off Apr 15 at 5:30.
Come join us  this Thursday Mar 7 from 7:00 – 9:00 for BINGO Night at the Ridge. Have some dinner or some cocktails and test your luck and win big playing Bingo. Enjoy Happy Hour rates while playing. Hope to see you at the Ridge. Please note we will have BINGO every other Thursday through March. The next scheduled BINGO will be Mar 7 and Mar 21.
Come join us this Thursday Mar 14 at 7:00 for BUNCO night at the Ridge. Have some dinner or have some cocktails and test your luck and win big playing BUNCO. Enjoy Happy Hour rates while playing. Hope to see you at the Ridge.
It’s time to start making plans for St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday March 17.  So get your Irish on,  put on your green and come celebrate St Patrick’s Day with us in Caddies Lounge. We will have food and drink specials throughout the night along with Karaoke.
The annual Women’s League meeting will be held Thursday Mar 28 at 7:00 in Caddies Lounge.  This is the annual meeting to discuss any changes to current rules and formats and to appoint members to the League Committee. This is YOUR league and any changes to the rules or format must be voted on by league members, so maximum attendance is requested. The Tuesday Ladies League kicks off on May 7 at 5:30 and the Thursday Ladies League kicks off May 2 at 5:30.
Come join us for our last Indoor Cornhole Tournament on Sunday Apr 15 at 3:00.  Entry fee is $10 per person with the winners taking 60% of the pot and the runner up taking 30% and 3rd place 10%. Please note that due to limited amount of space we are limiting this event to the first 16 teams to sign-up. This will be a double elimination tournament. So please call us on 402-235-4653 to  sign-up today to ensure your spot. This will be our last indoor tournament of this wonderful winter. We plan on having an outdoor tournament this summer so please keep an eye out for the date.
The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce will be having their annual Amazing Race on Friday May 3. Cost is $85 for a team of up to 6 people. Winning team wins $500 cash. Teams will start at the Plattsmouth Community Center at 5:00 and finish at Lake Ridge Golf Course. Please contact Cindy Cruse at the Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce to enter a team. https://www.facebook.com/plattsmouthchamber/
Need to plan an event? Well look no further. Whether it’s a golf outing, retirement party, birthday party, class reunion or any social event, we look forward to working  with you to plan and host your event and make it an enjoyable and memorable experience for all. An up-to-date schedule has been posted on our website at http://golflakeridge.com and has also been posted to our Facebook Page.
And speaking of Facebook, feel free to “like” and follow us on the  Lake Ridge Country Club’s Facebook Page. Keep up-to-date with all the events and daily specials Lake Ridge has to offer.  Please click on the link fb.me/BeaverLakeRidgeGolf. If the link does not work, simply cut and paste the link into your address bar on your web browser. Please feel free to rate us and give us any feedback that would allow us to better serve you.
We are open for dinner from 5 – 9 seven nights a week and now open for lunch from 11 – 2 Friday’s, Saturdays and Sundays. Whether you want to dine in the restaurant, Caddies Lounge or out on the deck, we are committed to providing quality food at a great price in a very comfortable setting. In a hurry or don’t feel like cooking, call us in advance for takeout orders.
Enjoy discounted prices on beer, wine and spirits in Caddies Lounge.
Sundays are Members Appreciation night. All members get 20% off their food order. So come on out and take advantage of your membership for some great food at a great price.
Enjoy some dinner and drinks and play some Keno. Pick the winning numbers and win big $$$.
Darts anyone? Come on up and enjoy a few beers, play some darts in Caddy’s Shack and listen to some of your favorite songs on the Jukebox. You can also download  the AMI Jukebox app to your phone and play the jukebox from your phone. Just do a search for AMI Jukebox under your APPS store and download the app. Once you have downloaded the app, select Caddy’s Lounge as your location. It’s quick and easy to setup.
We have Karaoke every Friday and Saturday starting at 9:00.
  Todd Berry
Director of Golf
Lake Ridge Golf Course
Phone: 402-235-4653
The post Weekly Newsletter Mar 4, 2019 appeared first on Lake Ridge Golf Course.
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mrrolandtfranco · 8 years
Community Bulletin January 12
School News
» A Safety Message from the Head of School's Office
It has been brought to our attention that there was an incident in Dong Jiao Guest Villas this week where four houses were broken into and money and valuables were taken. Please be aware that there is often an up-tick in burglaries over the holiday season (now through Chinese New Year) so we would encourage you to be extra vigilant, locking your bikes and scooters and securing your homes. If you should experience any sort of burglary, please call 110 immediately to report the incident.
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11. Tickets on sale February 13 - March 3. Tickets cost 850 RMB each.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Phoenix Shop
Looking for a great Holiday Gift? Please swing by the Phoenix Shop! Holiday sale on our "Levi" inspired Denim Jacket. 2 washes and sizes run Small to XXLarge. It has the "Xie He" tag and Shanghai buttons. Regular price was 300 RMB and now it is reduced to 100 RMB! Also, our Men's and Women's Polar Fleece is on Sale. Regular price 200 RMB, now 100RMB. We also have some new items. "Ayi in Training" laundry bags, Shanghai Tai Tai aprons, Phoenix Strong t-shirts and long sleeve dry weave shirts. New charity items include Wooden Tree trivets, Wooden Christmas Trees and batik notebooks. Great small items to take home for the holidays. The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great break. This weekend our high school basketball teams will compete in the city SISAC basketball tournaments. The Varsity teams will be at SAS PD and the JV teams are in Suzhou. The high school swim team will be at SAS PX competing in the China Cup swim meet on Friday night and all day on Saturday. We are one short week away from our APAC teams traveling to their season ending tournaments. Good luck to all of our teams, athletes and coaches.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are currently in the midst of hiring for next year. We have already talked with some outstanding educators. If you know of any exceptional candidates who are both outstanding teachers and models of Christian faith, please either encourage them to go to our website to learn more http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw or contact Steven Nurre at [email protected]
Faculty opening:
Administrator: HS Assistant Principal
Director of Marketing
Primary (Gr. 1-4) Classroom Teacher--currently Grade 1 and 2
Early Childhood Classroom Teacher--currently Kindergarten
MS Math/Science Teacher
ES Physical Education Teacher
MS Humanities (Gr 5-8) Classroom Teacher-this position is now confirmed internal candidates should let me know ASAP.
Potential HS Social Studies
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach --will be filled only if the Bridge class does not attract enough students
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
» Charity Gym Day to Help One of Our Own
As we all know the gift of giving is the greatest gift of all. We recently found out that one of our Shanghai Gymnastics families has been going through tough times and we will be hosting a Charity Gym Day on January 22nd in the hopes that our amazing community can pull together and make a difference in the lives of these people.
Who are we helping? Matt and Kari Alligier have been friends since 11 years old and eventually married in 2010. They have 2 beautiful children, MJ and Harlyn. MJ was born with profound hearing loss at birth and has had surgery to get 2 cochlear implants, which have changed his life. Recently, baby Harlyn has also been diagnosed with profound hearing loss. In order to give her the best chance of hearing, she will also need to undergo surgery for 3 cochlear implants. Unfortunately, the surgery is extremely expensive. It is going to cost the family close to 20K USD with further costs for follow up treatments. This has caused much hardship and financial stress to the family.
A message from Kari: "Our lives have been blessed with two beautiful children, MJ and Harlyn. Though it has been quite a rough road, cochlear implants have completely changed our son's life. The fact that we can look at him and say "we love you" and for him to hear his favorite songs or read him a book, it's a miracle and the most indescribable feeling. We want our daughter to have this same advantage and be just as blessed as her brother. MJ is currently in pre-K and is reading and doing amazing in school! We know that with the help from these doctors, this will be Harlyn in 4 years too. It's a long road ahead, but nothing will stop us from getting there for our baby girl!"
The Charity Gym Day is for children of all ages and skill levels to come into the gym for a 1 hour session. All proceeds from this event will be going to the Alligier family to help pay for the medical bills for little Harlyn. We sincerely hope that we can all open up our hearts and give Harlyn a chance at a healthy life.
Date: Sunday, January 22nd
1 - 2PM (First session)
2:15 - 3:15PM (Second session)
3:30 - 4:30PM (Third session)
Cost: Each session is 150 RMB Location: Shanghai Gymnastics Jinqiao (2622 Jinqiao road, #59, building #1) 40 children per session maximum so please send RSVP to [email protected]
100% of proceeds will go to the Alligier family!
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Saturday January 14, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Thursday January 19th 3:20 (Friday NO SCHOOL) until Saturday morning 10 AM 2 nights
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
» Community Center Events
Community Center is having a Shanghai 123 session on Friday the 20th of January and I would kindly like to ask your help to invite new parents/families to this orientation.
To all new families and newcomers in Shanghai, Community Center Shanghai is inviting you to Shanghai 123 on Friday January 20th from 9 AM to 12:30 PM.
It's an orientation that gives you the resources to navigate your first year in Shanghai. Click Here for Registration
It's free, including breakfast, lunch and childcare. It's also a great chance to meet others that arrived around the same time in Shanghai.
Location: Community Center Shanghai, 1146 Biyun Road, Pudong, Shanghai (http://ift.tt/2jluETd)
Check more information at http://ift.tt/2dWsQyq
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Please check next week!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2jlCMDq
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mrandyzavala · 8 years
Community Bulletin January 12
School News
» A Safety Message from the Head of School's Office
It has been brought to our attention that there was an incident in Dong Jiao Guest Villas this week where four houses were broken into and money and valuables were taken. Please be aware that there is often an up-tick in burglaries over the holiday season (now through Chinese New Year) so we would encourage you to be extra vigilant, locking your bikes and scooters and securing your homes. If you should experience any sort of burglary, please call 110 immediately to report the incident.
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11. Tickets on sale February 13 - March 3. Tickets cost 850 RMB each.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Phoenix Shop
Looking for a great Holiday Gift? Please swing by the Phoenix Shop! Holiday sale on our "Levi" inspired Denim Jacket. 2 washes and sizes run Small to XXLarge. It has the "Xie He" tag and Shanghai buttons. Regular price was 300 RMB and now it is reduced to 100 RMB! Also, our Men's and Women's Polar Fleece is on Sale. Regular price 200 RMB, now 100RMB. We also have some new items. "Ayi in Training" laundry bags, Shanghai Tai Tai aprons, Phoenix Strong t-shirts and long sleeve dry weave shirts. New charity items include Wooden Tree trivets, Wooden Christmas Trees and batik notebooks. Great small items to take home for the holidays. The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great break. This weekend our high school basketball teams will compete in the city SISAC basketball tournaments. The Varsity teams will be at SAS PD and the JV teams are in Suzhou. The high school swim team will be at SAS PX competing in the China Cup swim meet on Friday night and all day on Saturday. We are one short week away from our APAC teams traveling to their season ending tournaments. Good luck to all of our teams, athletes and coaches.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are currently in the midst of hiring for next year. We have already talked with some outstanding educators. If you know of any exceptional candidates who are both outstanding teachers and models of Christian faith, please either encourage them to go to our website to learn more http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw or contact Steven Nurre at [email protected]
Faculty opening:
Administrator: HS Assistant Principal
Director of Marketing
Primary (Gr. 1-4) Classroom Teacher--currently Grade 1 and 2
Early Childhood Classroom Teacher--currently Kindergarten
MS Math/Science Teacher
ES Physical Education Teacher
MS Humanities (Gr 5-8) Classroom Teacher-this position is now confirmed internal candidates should let me know ASAP.
Potential HS Social Studies
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach --will be filled only if the Bridge class does not attract enough students
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
» Charity Gym Day to Help One of Our Own
As we all know the gift of giving is the greatest gift of all. We recently found out that one of our Shanghai Gymnastics families has been going through tough times and we will be hosting a Charity Gym Day on January 22nd in the hopes that our amazing community can pull together and make a difference in the lives of these people.
Who are we helping? Matt and Kari Alligier have been friends since 11 years old and eventually married in 2010. They have 2 beautiful children, MJ and Harlyn. MJ was born with profound hearing loss at birth and has had surgery to get 2 cochlear implants, which have changed his life. Recently, baby Harlyn has also been diagnosed with profound hearing loss. In order to give her the best chance of hearing, she will also need to undergo surgery for 3 cochlear implants. Unfortunately, the surgery is extremely expensive. It is going to cost the family close to 20K USD with further costs for follow up treatments. This has caused much hardship and financial stress to the family.
A message from Kari: "Our lives have been blessed with two beautiful children, MJ and Harlyn. Though it has been quite a rough road, cochlear implants have completely changed our son's life. The fact that we can look at him and say "we love you" and for him to hear his favorite songs or read him a book, it's a miracle and the most indescribable feeling. We want our daughter to have this same advantage and be just as blessed as her brother. MJ is currently in pre-K and is reading and doing amazing in school! We know that with the help from these doctors, this will be Harlyn in 4 years too. It's a long road ahead, but nothing will stop us from getting there for our baby girl!"
The Charity Gym Day is for children of all ages and skill levels to come into the gym for a 1 hour session. All proceeds from this event will be going to the Alligier family to help pay for the medical bills for little Harlyn. We sincerely hope that we can all open up our hearts and give Harlyn a chance at a healthy life.
Date: Sunday, January 22nd
1 - 2PM (First session)
2:15 - 3:15PM (Second session)
3:30 - 4:30PM (Third session)
Cost: Each session is 150 RMB Location: Shanghai Gymnastics Jinqiao (2622 Jinqiao road, #59, building #1) 40 children per session maximum so please send RSVP to [email protected]
100% of proceeds will go to the Alligier family!
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Saturday January 14, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Thursday January 19th 3:20 (Friday NO SCHOOL) until Saturday morning 10 AM 2 nights
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
» Community Center Events
Community Center is having a Shanghai 123 session on Friday the 20th of January and I would kindly like to ask your help to invite new parents/families to this orientation.
To all new families and newcomers in Shanghai, Community Center Shanghai is inviting you to Shanghai 123 on Friday January 20th from 9 AM to 12:30 PM.
It's an orientation that gives you the resources to navigate your first year in Shanghai. Click Here for Registration
It's free, including breakfast, lunch and childcare. It's also a great chance to meet others that arrived around the same time in Shanghai.
Location: Community Center Shanghai, 1146 Biyun Road, Pudong, Shanghai (http://ift.tt/2jluETd)
Check more information at http://ift.tt/2dWsQyq
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Please check next week!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2jlCMDq
0 notes
mrmarknewman · 8 years
Community Bulletin January 12
School News
» A Safety Message from the Head of School's Office
It has been brought to our attention that there was an incident in Dong Jiao Guest Villas this week where four houses were broken into and money and valuables were taken. Please be aware that there is often an up-tick in burglaries over the holiday season (now through Chinese New Year) so we would encourage you to be extra vigilant, locking your bikes and scooters and securing your homes. If you should experience any sort of burglary, please call 110 immediately to report the incident.
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11. Tickets on sale February 13 - March 3. Tickets cost 850 RMB each.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Phoenix Shop
Looking for a great Holiday Gift? Please swing by the Phoenix Shop! Holiday sale on our "Levi" inspired Denim Jacket. 2 washes and sizes run Small to XXLarge. It has the "Xie He" tag and Shanghai buttons. Regular price was 300 RMB and now it is reduced to 100 RMB! Also, our Men's and Women's Polar Fleece is on Sale. Regular price 200 RMB, now 100RMB. We also have some new items. "Ayi in Training" laundry bags, Shanghai Tai Tai aprons, Phoenix Strong t-shirts and long sleeve dry weave shirts. New charity items include Wooden Tree trivets, Wooden Christmas Trees and batik notebooks. Great small items to take home for the holidays. The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great break. This weekend our high school basketball teams will compete in the city SISAC basketball tournaments. The Varsity teams will be at SAS PD and the JV teams are in Suzhou. The high school swim team will be at SAS PX competing in the China Cup swim meet on Friday night and all day on Saturday. We are one short week away from our APAC teams traveling to their season ending tournaments. Good luck to all of our teams, athletes and coaches.
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO. Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are currently in the midst of hiring for next year. We have already talked with some outstanding educators. If you know of any exceptional candidates who are both outstanding teachers and models of Christian faith, please either encourage them to go to our website to learn more http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw or contact Steven Nurre at [email protected]
Faculty opening:
Administrator: HS Assistant Principal
Director of Marketing
Primary (Gr. 1-4) Classroom Teacher--currently Grade 1 and 2
Early Childhood Classroom Teacher--currently Kindergarten
MS Math/Science Teacher
ES Physical Education Teacher
MS Humanities (Gr 5-8) Classroom Teacher-this position is now confirmed internal candidates should let me know ASAP.
Potential HS Social Studies
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach --will be filled only if the Bridge class does not attract enough students
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
» Charity Gym Day to Help One of Our Own
As we all know the gift of giving is the greatest gift of all. We recently found out that one of our Shanghai Gymnastics families has been going through tough times and we will be hosting a Charity Gym Day on January 22nd in the hopes that our amazing community can pull together and make a difference in the lives of these people.
Who are we helping? Matt and Kari Alligier have been friends since 11 years old and eventually married in 2010. They have 2 beautiful children, MJ and Harlyn. MJ was born with profound hearing loss at birth and has had surgery to get 2 cochlear implants, which have changed his life. Recently, baby Harlyn has also been diagnosed with profound hearing loss. In order to give her the best chance of hearing, she will also need to undergo surgery for 3 cochlear implants. Unfortunately, the surgery is extremely expensive. It is going to cost the family close to 20K USD with further costs for follow up treatments. This has caused much hardship and financial stress to the family.
A message from Kari: "Our lives have been blessed with two beautiful children, MJ and Harlyn. Though it has been quite a rough road, cochlear implants have completely changed our son's life. The fact that we can look at him and say "we love you" and for him to hear his favorite songs or read him a book, it's a miracle and the most indescribable feeling. We want our daughter to have this same advantage and be just as blessed as her brother. MJ is currently in pre-K and is reading and doing amazing in school! We know that with the help from these doctors, this will be Harlyn in 4 years too. It's a long road ahead, but nothing will stop us from getting there for our baby girl!"
The Charity Gym Day is for children of all ages and skill levels to come into the gym for a 1 hour session. All proceeds from this event will be going to the Alligier family to help pay for the medical bills for little Harlyn. We sincerely hope that we can all open up our hearts and give Harlyn a chance at a healthy life.
Date: Sunday, January 22nd
1 - 2PM (First session)
2:15 - 3:15PM (Second session)
3:30 - 4:30PM (Third session)
Cost: Each session is 150 RMB Location: Shanghai Gymnastics Jinqiao (2622 Jinqiao road, #59, building #1) 40 children per session maximum so please send RSVP to [email protected]
100% of proceeds will go to the Alligier family!
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Saturday January 14, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Thursday January 19th 3:20 (Friday NO SCHOOL) until Saturday morning 10 AM 2 nights
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
» Community Center Events
Community Center is having a Shanghai 123 session on Friday the 20th of January and I would kindly like to ask your help to invite new parents/families to this orientation.
To all new families and newcomers in Shanghai, Community Center Shanghai is inviting you to Shanghai 123 on Friday January 20th from 9 AM to 12:30 PM.
It's an orientation that gives you the resources to navigate your first year in Shanghai. Click Here for Registration
It's free, including breakfast, lunch and childcare. It's also a great chance to meet others that arrived around the same time in Shanghai.
Location: Community Center Shanghai, 1146 Biyun Road, Pudong, Shanghai (http://ift.tt/2jluETd)
Check more information at http://ift.tt/2dWsQyq
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Please check next week!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2jlCMDq
0 notes
golflakeridgegc · 6 years
Lake Ridge Weekly Newsletter Apr 2, 2018
The kitchen will be open as usual this week, but the dining room will be closed while we install a new wood floor. The lounge will be open for dinner. Please bear with us as we strive to improve our facilities and make Lake Ridge an even better experience. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
The March Madness Membership Drive was a huge success. We picked up 13 new memberships. I would like to welcome all the new members to the Lake Ridge family. We look forward to making new friends and many more special memories  with our new members.  Again thanks for giving us this opportunity to grow our membership base  and I can assure you we will do our absolute best to take care of you and make your Lake Ridge experience a memorable one.
As some of you are already aware, we recently got new fleet of golf carts. Since we lease the carts, usually for 4 or 5 year period,  please drive carefully so we can keep them in tip top shape for their lease period. As is always the case, please keep golf carts at least 30 feet away from the greens and tee boxes. If you have any issues with a cart, please notify the pro shop. You must have a learners permit or driver’s license to drive a golf cart.
Starting Sun Apr 1, we will be open for lunch Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 – 2:00. We are also pleased to announce we will once again offer our terrific golf specials. Our UNLIMITED GOLF SPECIALS starts Monday Apr 2. The $24.50 golf package includes all your golf, cart rental and a cold sandwich with chips and will be available Monday – Friday. The $29.50 package that includes golf, cart rental  and a hot  lunch from Fairways Restaurant will only be available on Fridays.  Please note this golf does not include weekends or holidays and all golfers must stop playing at 4:00. This allow us time to get setup and ready for the evening leagues.
Need to book a tee time?  It’s so easy even a caveman can do it. Just go to our website at https://golflakeridge.com. Not only can you book your tee time online, but you can view all the upcoming events for the season in the events Club Calendar. You can view our menu, order gift certificate’s from our online shop and keep up-to-date with the latest golfing news with my online news blog. It even links you to our Facebook and Twitter pages.  So please take a few minutes to check it out and add to your favorites list.
The annual Women’s League meeting will be held this Thursday Apr 5 at 7:00 in Caddies Lounge.  This is the annual meeting to discuss any changes to current rules and formats and to appoint members to the League Committee. This is YOUR league and any changes to the rules or format must be voted on by league members, so maximum attendance is requested. The Tuesday Ladies League kicks off on May 1 at 5:30 and the Thursday Ladies League kicks off May 3 at 5:30.
Would like to thank everyone who has signed up for this years golf leagues. They continue to remain strong and we truly do appreciate all your support.
Mon Men’s Apr 23 at 5:30 / Tue Woman’s May 1 at 5:30 / Wed Men’s Apr 11 at 5:30 / Thurs Woman’s May 3 at 5:30 / Fri Couples 1 May 11 at 6:00 / Fri Couples 2 May 18 at 6:00
MASTERS WEEK          
All right golf fans, the first major of this year’s PGA season kicks off this week at Augusta National from Apr 5 – Apr 8. Why not watch all the action in Caddies Lounge or on the deck. Kick back, relax and watch the best of the best shoot it out at this year’s Masters.
Great news golf fans. We have scheduled a 2-Person Glow Ball Tournament for Friday May 4. Cost is $50 for a member team and $80 for a guest team. We will have a buffet before teeing off at DUSK. Please sign-up in the Pro Shop. Sign-up early as this tournament fills up fast.
Weather permitting, the Sky Divers will jump onto the course Friday May 4 at 10:00 followed by an 18 hole scramble. If you have no plans, come on up and enjoy some lunch and watch them jump. It’s not everyday you get to see people jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Really cool to watch.
All right poker fans, come and play some Texas HoldEm every Tuesday starting at 7:30. Poker players enjoy Happy Hour rates when playing and the chance at winning prizes. If you like poker, Lake Ridge is the place to be on Tuesday nights.
We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Big Red Golf Tour. For only $99.95 the 2018 Big Red Golf Tours Book features over 40 golf courses within 60 miles of Lincoln and Omaha. Please feel free to visit their website at www.bigredgolftours.com for more information and a list of all the other courses that are available through this program.
We have already begun scheduling events for the upcoming 2018 golf season so it’s time to start thinking about planning your event with us to ensure you get the day of your choice. Whether it’s a golf outing, retirement party, birthday party, class reunion or any social event, we look forward to working with you to plan and host your event and make it an enjoyable and memorable experience for all. An up-to-date schedule has been posted on our website, https://golflakeridge.com and has also been posted to our Facebook Page.
  And speaking of Facebook, feel free to “like” and follow us on the  Lake Ridge Country Club’s Facebook Page. Keep up-to-date with all the events and daily specials Lake Ridge has to offer.  Please click on the link fb.me/BeaverLakeRidgeGolf. If the link does not work, simply cut and paste the link into your address bar on your web browser. Please feel free to rate us and give us any feedback that would allow us to better serve you.
It may not feel like it but Spring has arrived and the golf course is now open, weather permitting. Please call in advance to book a tee time. We will open to accommodate any golfers, weather permitting, but no golfers will be allowed to play with frost on the greens. As usual Caddies  Lounge opens every day at 4:00 and Fairways Restaurant is open from 5:00 to 9:00 seven days a week. We are now open for lunch on Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s from 11:00 – 2:00.
We are open for dinner from 5 – 9 seven nights a week and now open for lunch from 11 – 2 Friday’s, Saturdays and Sundays. Whether you want to dine in the restaurant, Caddies Lounge or out on the deck, we are committed to providing quality food at a great price in a very comfortable setting. In a hurry or don’t feel like cooking, call us in advance for takeout orders.
Like breakfast? The Dormant Club meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 for breakfast in Fairways Restaurant. This is open to the public so why not treat yourself to a nice breakfast and get your day started off right. What a great way to start your day, sitting on the deck and enjoying the view of the golf course.  
Enjoy discounted prices on beer, wine and spirits in Caddies Lounge.
Sundays are Members Appreciation night. All members get 20% off their food order. So come on out and take advantage of your membership for some great food at a great price.
Enjoy some dinner and drinks and play some Keno. Pick the winning numbers and win big $$$. Just ask Brett Hahn how easy it is to win. He had a few big wins over the winter months. Now if only he knew how to play golf. Just kidding Mister “59”…
Darts anyone? Come on up and enjoy a few beers, play some darts in Caddy’s Shack and listen to some of your favorite songs on the Jukebox. You can also download  the AMI Jukebox app to your phone and play the jukebox from your phone. Just do a search for AMI Jukebox under your APPS store and download the app. Once you have downloaded the app, select Caddy’s Lounge as your location. It’s quick and easy to setup.
We have Karaoke every Friday and Saturday starting at 9:00. However, if you ever want to practice your skills, once the kitchen closes, we can fire up the Karaoke and let the singing begin.
     Todd Berry
Director of Golf
Lake Ridge Golf Course
Phone: 402-235-4653
The post Lake Ridge Weekly Newsletter Apr 2, 2018 appeared first on Lake Ridge Golf Course.
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