#it was only when then entirety of Germany was taken over by the west again by 1990 that people’s position changed
disco-cola · 8 months
the fact that there was an official UN-resolution „3379“ - declaring zionism as a form of racism and racist discrimination - in order from 1975-1991 should really tell you that this is not a new discussion at all. if you look at the world map from 1975 highlighting all the countries that were in favor and those against it is very obvious just how long this has been going on. it’s almost identical to those countries‘ positions even today. they should never have taken that resolution back tbh. could have saved tens of thousands of lives.
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beinglibertarian · 6 years
The Dangers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
It is fortunately not very often that a self-proclaimed socialist wins elections in the United States, but when such an event does happen, it is a terrible loss for the foundations of American society. Several weeks ago, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez victoriously nabbed New York state’s 14th congressional district in the Democratic primary against incumbent Joe Crowley. Since her surprising victory, Ocasio-Cortez has engaged in nationwide conversations about the benefits of socialist policies, including advocating for a single-payer healthcare system, job guarantees, and government-provided affordable housing. Her beliefs are not only wrong on the economics, which time and again has shown that free markets and capitalism do a better job of lifting populations out of poverty than a central planner ever has; her popularity is concerning and arguably dangerous, as many people of her generation support her and forget how socialist systems have historically led to famine, mass murder, and the devastation of countries.
We examine three of her policy proposals to show that not only are they incorrect, but also to remind everyone that capitalism has helped millions of people, and we should not be taken in by the socialist tendencies of politicians like Ocasio-Cortez.
Policy #1: Healthcare should be a basic right, and the government should pay for it
One of the cornerstones of the Democratic Party in the last few years has been this idea that America should follow in the footsteps of every other developed country in providing its citizens with universal healthcare.
Democrats and Ocasio-Cortez truly believe that single-payer healthcare systems are better than anything the free market could come up with, and point to the enormous costs of American medicine as proof. Yet universal healthcare is its own disaster, evidenced by the dramatic failure and runaway costs of Medicare in this country. Medicare arguably functions like a single-payer system, acting as a monopoly on health coverage for seniors. The result of Medicare’s low reimbursement policy is a decline in the quality of medicine, as there are simply not enough funds to pay for high-quality service and product. Seniors are held captive by Medicare, which not only dictates what services they can and cannot receive, but in some cases forbids them from using private insurance to pay for better-quality service.
In addition, since its inception, Medicare has seen a stratospheric rise in costs and the burdens it places on taxpayers. It accounts for 15 percent of annual federal spending, and its growth rate is the fastest out of any of the programs paid for by the federal government. By 2023, total spending on Medicare is forecasted to reach over a trillion dollars, double the spending of only six years ago, in 2012. In addition, the trust fund for Medicare Part A is forecasted to completely run out by 2026. Seniors, and the American population in general, literally cannot afford to continue on with this experiment in socialized medicine. It is time to let the markets attempt to fix the problem.
Policy #2: The federal government should provide everyone with high-quality employment that pays at least the minimum wage
According to Ocasio-Cortez, a Federal Jobs Guarantee should be set up to make sure that every American has a job that pays the minimum wage. The minimum wage approach to jobs has already been discussed and discounted in a separate article, and the jobs guarantee fails on similar terms. When a job is created simply to create a job, the economy suffers. Because those jobs will not be created in the private sector, which has to adhere to a cost-benefit analysis in employment to be profitable, these extra jobs necessarily have to come from the government.
We’ve seen what happens when the government tries to provide a job for everyone.
The entirety of the 20th century experiment in many socialist countries, including the Soviet Union, was an uncharacteristic failure. The devastation of countries that adopted planned economies has, to this day, still persisted. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a blessing for East Germany, residents of which were three times poorer than their neighbors in West Germany. But even today, the former East Germany is still significantly poorer than former West Germany, showing that even after several decades have passed in a market economy, a region still cannot successfully shed its central planning roots.  Ocasio-Cortez’s jobs guarantee has been tried, and historically has never succeeded, instead forcing the countries that adopt it into a state of low growth that appears to be permanent.
Policy #3: Moving beyond capitalism
In a now-infamous statement made by Ocasio-Cortez last week in an interview with PBS, she suggests that “capitalism has not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world” as an explanation for why American needs to move beyond capitalism.
While it is true that capitalism has not always existed, what should really terrify citizens is the last part of her statement: that capitalism will not always exist. The original liberal idea of free markets has performed the closest thing the world has ever seen to an economic miracle.
Over the past 25 years, since the fall of many communist and socialist regimes, the world has witnessed a significant fall in income inequality and poverty thanks to capitalism. Living standards have risen. Growth and innovation have been spurred. The American dream is alive and well because of the economic freedoms we enjoy in this country, which include the freedom to pursue our passions without the government telling us we cannot.
Ocasio-Cortez does not understand that it is because of capitalism that we can enjoy all the advantages we have, and the day that countries do away with capitalism is the day civilization itself will suffer. There are legitimate debates to be had about how to broaden capitalism to help even more people, but they all start with the idea that capitalism has done well for society. We should never forget that.
The primary win of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sets a dangerous precedent for politics and for society. Socialist policies have destroyed countries and people whenever they have been tried historically. We need to remember that our very way of life is a result of the success of capitalism, and we must elect a new generation of politicians that understand that. We cannot live under the regime Ocasio-Cortez and her hero Bernie Sanders have in mind for America.
The post The Dangers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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onesunandnight · 7 years
What separates myth from history? What is important in the distinction? Myth seems to be predicated on a lack of detail in context, specificity. No dates, no countries recognizable by legacies of peoples moved. Myth lends itself to a grand sense of narrative because it transcends time. What does that mean when shaping our own stories? Does it lend our personal histories virtue or positive judgment? Does it idealize? It would seem, at the very least, to elide the mundane and the complicated. A story begins this way. I become he. He is given a name and enters into the past. Nicholas wrote this passage and lost himself in the telling.
Acquired, Taken. 1898-1899, Aurora, The Philippines A small garrison, some fifty Spanish soldiers, barricade themselves inside a church in the municipality of Baler, Luzon. Rain pulls down from the clouds above. Rice, flour, beans, wine, sugar, more sit amongst them on the floor. They are a legacy, removed from the thread of long history, fulfilling orders down to the raw marrow. War is coming to an end. The garrison will not leave. Beyond, Mother Spain’s forces, in their proud attempt to save face amidst the prospect of ceding their colonial territory to the newly-found Filipino people they have held in contempt for some 300 years, strike a deal with the aroused American beast sitting on the islands’ shores. A battle between the Americans and the Spanish will be staged, the Spanish will acquiesce to the U.S., Spain will be allowed to withdraw with some measure of dignity. But the jungle separates the garrison in Baler, cut off as they are by thick tropical jungle and blocked on one side by the sea. Lieutenant Mota knows nothing of his country’s surrender. Filipino troops surround the church attempting to draw the Spanish out with letters written in the colonial tongue, with smoke and fire, with bullets, with testimonies from fellow Spanish countrymen there to facilitate Spain’s exit, and finally with Spanish newspapers that confirm what the garrison had always thought to be a ruse: the colony was no longer theirs, their resistance to the 11-month siege ultimately fruitless, the loss of some twenty men without justification. In 1904, Commander Martin-Cerezo publishes his memoirs. He was “without doubt influenced by the attractive illusion of glory and on account of the suffering and treasury of sacrifice and heroism and that by surrender, we would be putting an unworthy end to it all.”
Tracking family necessarily involves dusting the past. History comes underfoot, from west to east and the reverse, beneath Iberian conquest and American terror. The flesh seized in between has no trajectory, no guarantee of destination, except the ground. The question is only when and where it falls. Trade routes -between Manila and Mexico, between Africa and the Americas- saw millions perish and fewer return, setting down bodies displaced in homes not their own. Filipinos in Mexico, Africans in Louisiana, Chinese in Utah.  A summer self is a refraction of chains, of the dominance of genes, that flares in red flecks beneath the sun.
A Decision 1857-1870, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas The slaver man is set to leave it all behind. He has sold his pen, purchased land near port center New Orleans. The girl before him, fair and blue-eyed, just might be his last speculation as a trader. She is sold to him at the top of the year. It will be nine months before he sees her again, under the roof of a Jefferson Parish court, when the 15 year-old Jane Morrison files suit against James White for the wrongful sale of a white girl into the shackles of slavery. In the five years between first suit and final judgment, the legal battle of Morrison v. White will pass before multiple juries, the Louisiana Supreme Court, the general public, and the crusted annals of muddy history. The fact of complexion is a simple thing to remember. You know who was cultivated, who yanked the undergrowth. And yet, you do not know the cannibalization of a power’s own value. The people market, after all, is divvied up and stratified. Jane Morrison belongs to that prized and prettied-up class of light-skinned women who are more valuable in the master’s house than outside of it. Whiteness is closest to godliness. At the top of the year, James White didn’t want the darkness that was said to be so resilient to disease, that darkness which grew worker’s muscles and assembly line childbearing hips. All James White wanted was his namesake and the entirety of civilized manner that came with it, but invisibly tainted by that very darkness so as to be made available for sale. Jane Morrison understood this, requesting as she did, to be placed under her jailer’s protection so as to avoid capture. Though the outcome, which ultimately leans in Ms. Morrison’s favor, seems assured and liberating, the truth is that she will not be free from her cell for more than 19 months in the five years it takes for the trial to reach its end. Within that time, she will be scrutinized under the gaze of her adopted class, turned over, measured, examined and touched, so that her true nature may be ascertained. Once the trial ends, the official record will have no way to find Jane Morrison, now Alexina, or the daughter she gives birth to while in jail. In 1862, James White’s lawyers appeal the Supreme Court and are delayed due to the Union capture of New Orleans. In 1865, slavery is dead and the appeal is docketed again days after the American President Lincoln is assassinated. By 1870, the docket is further delayed, is never picked up again.
Where are you finding yourself? Who can say to what degree the desert is a better place to belong than the jungle, the mountains, by the sea, the island? Do you wish to take to the road? The spirit of a place has never spoken to you. The connections others find in quiet reverence to a specific location have always evaded you. No location is specific enough. Where do you find yourself? Have you responded “black” to the eternal zoological question? You can’t remember, probably not. Where do you find yourself? I think it may be that you look the way you do. Would you agree? Would you mind if you weren’t “anything”?
The Is The 20th Century, Everywhere Danilo Galura, father of five, is born on May 22, 1941, the same day Allied forces capture the Ethiopian town of Sodo from the Italians. David Russell, father of two, is born less than three months later on August 16, sharing his birthday with Theoneste Bagosora, later instrument of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Teresita Angeles, mother of three and eventual wife of Danilo, is born the following year on September 14, just as the unfortunate presence of eugenicist E.S. Gosney, whose life work was praised by friend and fellow unfortunate Charles Goethe as playing “a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals” shaping Nazi Germany’s sterilization programs, fades. Shirley Jean Clark, mother of one and eventual wife of David, is born three years later on December 27, 1945 when the International Monetary Fund is established. Maria Josefina Ezpeleta, mother of two and eventual second wife of Danilo, is born on June 7 the following year, the day BBC TV returns to the air for the first time since World War II began seven years earlier. The women’s names will change. All but one will survive into the next century. Everyone is dwarfed by the world. Shirley, who will give birth to a son, will find out that her father was not her father, Clark giving way to Brown. Danilo and Teresita, parents to a daughter and a son and a son, will emigrate to the United States amidst the turmoil of Vietnam. Shirley and David’s families will have existed in America for decades, maybe centuries. Danilo’s daughter and Shirley’s son will have their own son before the century is over. He will ask a series of questions. None of this is history, none of this is myth.
Lately, I’ve been deconstructing names. I take a string, put it in alphabetical order, and pull. There’s no reason for this other than curiosity. I end up with words like “sunrise” and “sunset”, “ensnare” and “license”, by rearranging the letters of my name. I suppose one could make a tenuous connection to how this is reflective of the way we are made up, of different parts that give way to others, but that’s true of anything.
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retro-scorpio · 4 years
Get To Know Me, Part Three
The following questions are taken from a website called http://gettoknowu.com/. They have over a thousand questions on there, and I will be answering some of them.
If I had it to do over again, what would you study in school: Maybe art history or just history in general.
What is my idea of heaven: A place where you’re able to chill and be yourself without people being rude about it.
What musical interments do I wish I could play: The piano would be nice. I think I have the fingers for it.
What music do my father and I have in common: I’ve come to appreciate classical music and music from the 20s-40s.
If I did not need the money, what would I do for work: Honestly, I would want to be a social media influencer, but I would donate a lot of the money I earn to different charities and people that genuinely need the money more than I do in that situation.
If I had an extra room in my house, what would I use it for: A library.
What music do I hate: I can only take small amounts of rap and even smaller amounts of the type of rap Post Malone does.
What do I believe will last forever: Cockroaches and poverty.
What do I want to do with my retirement: Travel the world, and not just Europe.
What is the furthest north I have traveled: Cleveland, Ohio, which is about four hours from where I currently live.
Where was I in life 10 years ago: I was a 10 year old who butted heads with my fourth grade teacher a lot. I still managed to get good grades; I just did not like the type of person she was.
Would I ever live in Los Angeles: Unless I absolutely had to for my job, no.
Favorite condiment: Barbeque sauce.
If I was in a rock n' roll band, what would my job be: Probably a songwriter. 
Best costume I have worn: My dad made me dress up as a old-timey can of food, but the twist was that I was the product, and I had a t-shirt that advertised me.
Do I have any brothers or sisters: No
What was the first concert I went to see: I saw Corbin Bleu and Vanessa Hudgens back when I was into High School Musical.
What do I think about when there is nothing I have to think about: I think about different story ideas, some revolving around Harry Styles, some revolving around other things.
What job did I have that I would never want to work again: I worked at a burger joint where most of the staff was lazy and all the work fell on one or two people. I was one of the one or two people.
How would I explain love to somebody who had never heard of it before: It’s a drug that can either make life better for you or destroy everything you have.
How many e-mails are sitting in your inbox: 242 in my primary inbox
If I could go on a vacation anywhere in the US, where would it be: New York, Washington DC, and West Virginia.
If I could go on a vacation anywhere in Europe, where would it be: Ireland, Poland, Germany, and France.
What was the first thing I learned to cook: Probably macaroni and cheese.
What comic strip do I like to read: Garfield
What was my most embarrassing hair style: For the entirety of my freshman year, I had a hairstyle that made me look like Bozo the Clown due to how poofy my hair was.
What is the worst physical pain I have ever been in: I fell down the stairs in my house mere hours before my shift at work, and I went in to work with an aching back.
Where was I in life 5 years ago: I was 15 years old and coming into contact with depression.
What do I love the sound of: Jazz
What is the stupidest thing for a couple to fight about: Material things
What makes a house a home: Dust
What habit would I like to be able to break: Nail biting
What small business would I like to start: either an online thrift store or an independent book store.
Is there such a thing as too much chocolate: Yes
What slang word or phrase do I love to use: Gnarly or Sucks To Be You
What makes me lose hope for humanity: When we fight over and complain about things other people would dream to have.
What gives me hope for humanity: When we come together to help someone in need not to get attention, but because it’s the right thing to do.
What restaurant do I love even though I know I shouldn't: I know this might not count as a proper restaurant, but Chic-Fil-A.
What is my favorite song from a Disney movie: Be Prepared from the animated version of The Lion King
Am I annoyed when other people do not follow the rules even if it does not affect me: Yes
If I could hire out one household chore, what would it be: Washing dishes
What do I hate the sound of: A crying/screaming baby or toddler
If I could see any deceased musician perform, who would I choose: Freddie Mercury
If I could live at any time in history, when would it be: Probably the 1980s
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fatrat66 · 7 years
Full Train Log - Toronto to Vancouver
- For the first 12 hours of my train ride, I moved between my seat downstairs and the 'Dome' car, a viewing carriage that offers a 360 degree view of the surroundings, which juts out higher than the train's roof. I read some of my book (an indie title called The Arena Mode saga, which I picked up for cheap on Amazon kindle), and I ate some frankly terrible ready meals from the on-board cafe. I also stared out of the window for many hours, enjoying the views. That's why I opted for the train in the first place, after all. It was beautiful, we wound our way at a steady pace, passing green farms, and fiery orange trees still showing off their autumn colours. There were lakes, hills, and many small towns with railway crossings that ding and beep as we crossed in front of the waiting traffic. Once the sun went down and I could no longer see much outside, I watched 4 episodes of The Expanse on my laptop, and at around 10.30pm, I curled up in my chair under a blanket to get some sleep.
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- It's now about 6.30am on Thursday, and I'm at Nakina, wherever that is. That's what the sign outside says. We will cross our first time zone soon and gain 1 hour.  We must have just stopped. A freight train is going past, its wheels howling their ghostly noises as they pass by my window, a sound that has haunted some of my dreams this past night as I slept here in my chair. THERE IS SNOW OUTSIDE! A fair bit of it too. We're on the move again, and the trees are dusted with it, thick clumps of powder cling to their branches. We're still in Ontario but Winter is suddenly here.
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- The views outside now remind me of an episode of Planet Earth where David Attenborough describes the 'Tiger Forest'. These trees look similar to that, tall and thin with evergreen needles and snow hanging off their branches.
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- It's now 1pm (although my watch says 2 because I haven't changed it yet), which means I've been on board for 26 hours. We just stopped for another 10 minute break at some place called Sioux Lookout, a typically small northern Canadian town covered in a layer of snow. I ran to a nearby store and bought a box of 90 chocolate bars. Yes, 90. They are bite-size, admittedly. But this'll keep me going for the next 3 days.
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- At 4.40pm on Thursday 26th October, I have crossed into the province of Manitoba. My views outside the train look frosty. We are cruising through a winter wonderland, although the lakes are still liquid. Ever since setting out from Toronto, starting just outside the city, I have seen powerlines following the train tracks just off to the right. But many of the posts are broken, bent and leaning over ready to topple. Sometimes, the cables themselves droop low, touching the ground, or support fallen trees. These lines probably used to provide phone or some other form of communication, but are now clearly abandoned. I wonder how long they have been like that. There's something sad about the way they still remain, dipping and snaking through the trees, an endless line of broken sentinals, now standing in snow upto their midpoint. Sad, but strangely mesmerising, my eyes are always drawn to them as they zip past my window one after the other in a seemingly endless array.
- The land is flattening now. This must be the start of what they call the 'prairies'. I've been told to expect a vast flat plain of farmland that seems to go on forever.
- We have stopped just outside Winnipeg, and are apparently blocked in by a freight train that cannot move yet. We're going to be stuck here for 2 hours, unable to move forwards. This must especially suck for the crew on board, who are due to get off and switch out with another crew at Winnipeg station. I feel sorry for them, as they've been working for 4 days straight now, doing very long shifts with hardly any sleep. Lucky for me, I'm in no rush to get to Vancouver and any delays are simply part of the experience of travelling by train.
- We finally left Winnipeg at about 2am last night. As the train's crew tagged in and out, we had 1 hour to kill in the city, so me and my seat buddy went for a run in search of a Tim Horton's for a late night snack. We finally introduced each other after already having a bunch of conversations, his name is Michael and he's from Germany. Luckily, he spends most of his time either in the Dome or the cafe, so I tend to have these double seats to myself, even during the night, which is especially handy because i can stretch out a little bit. Out midnight jog proved fruitless, as everywhere was closed. We had only 45 minutes to find something and get back to the train for re-boarding. After giving up, we ran back towards the station and found a pub right across the street serving until 4am. I got myself a steak poutine and devoured it back in my seat on the train.
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- 8.30am on Friday 27th October. I wake to my first real glimpse of the prairies. A thin fog covers the expansive field on either sides of the train right now as we wait for more freight trains to clear a path ahead of us. I just counted 147 carriages on the last one that went by, and that actually felt like a smaller one than others I've seen. These trains are enormous. I'm not expecting much of a view between here, right through Saskatchewan and partway into Alberta, but I still hope the fog clears.
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- At 1pm, the sun has come out and its a beautiful bright day. We are cruising through Saskatchewan. I just watched Snowpiercer (a movie set entirely on a train, in case you didn't know) which I found very immersive, given my circumstances. Our train is now running 17 hours behind schedule, apparently. Our new head-host is a guy called Fabian who has been working on these trains for over 30 years. He gave a passionate speech last night at 1am, after taking over from the previous guy, and told us how the government sold off the train lines to private businesses. This is what causes the trains to frequently become late now, because whenever a freight train approaches a junction ahead of us, we MUST give way to it. The freight trains always take priority, and that leads to moments such as last night where we had to wait 2 hours for the freight train ahead of us to move out of the way. 
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- The current view from the train is brown and flat, though there are at least some undulating hills and lots of little blue ponds. There are shiny metal grain silos in the distance, and each settlement we pass by is obviously home to farmers. This is an enormous region of agriculture, farmland as far as the eye can see.
- 9.45am on Saturday morning. I got my first glimpse of the rockies when I awoke this morning. And now, on the south western edge of Alberta, the mountains loom in the near distance, filling the horizon. We are travelling straight towards them, like a gigantic natural snowy wall. I can physically feel my spirits lifting the closer we get to them. Next stop, Jasper.
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- Jasper was nice. I would like to go back one day. I only had time to run to a cafe and eat a delicious toasted sandwich, then we had to get back on the train.
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- It's now 6.45 (the clocks went back another hour as we crossed the final time zone into West Coast Time or whatever its called). Holeeee-crap, I knew the views would be good as we entered British Columbia, but it still was utterly breathtaking to finally see. I have spent the majority of the daytime sitting up in the dome, admiring the views. The sun has now set so I've returned to my little seat-camp to watch some more movies as its too dark to see much outside any more. Throughout the day, I've been treated to stunning views of forests, rivers, forests, rolling hills, hills covered in forests, snow capped mountains, forests, and the occasional forest. Did anyone ever tell you that Canada has a lot of trees? Because it does. Riding in comfort on a lazy train across the entirety of Canada has been a truly unique experience. I don't think a ride on any train will ever feel long again, after this. I've now been on board for over 50 hours, and there's still another 12 to go before we reach Vancouver. The sheer quantity of freight trains that we are sharing the tracks with has meant that we've managed to add another 10 hours onto our already 13 hour delay. So, we will be getting into Vancouver almost a full day late. Any extra delays during tonight will guarantee we break the 24 hour late barrier. I'm still not bothered by this in the slightest though. To compensate us, we've been given free food for today, which is nice. I have 3 nights booked at a hostel, before getting on a bus to Fernie where I will be spending my winter. 
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- I wish it was daytime!!! This is the final stage of this truly epic journey across Canada, and somewhere outside my window is the last of the Rocky Mountains but its too dark for me to see them! The train rumbles on through the darkness and I am nearly arrived at my destination.
- And we made it!
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Some final thoughts: 
- VIA Rail staff are excellent. I have nothing but admiration for the people who work on that train. They were entertaining, helpful and patient with us all. They are all fighting a losing battle against the private corporations who throttle their service and force them to become late. 
- 4 days on a train is very uncomfortable for your legs. I recommend stretching regularly... I did not do this enough.
- The food was good after Winnipeg when a chef joined us. Before this, I was living on terrible microwavable ready meals. The chef cooked us some roast beef, pasta and made good cheese and ham toasties.
- I really, really stink... The first thing I do when I get to my hostel is have a shower and change my clothes...
- The train beats the plane every time. It may have taken 4 days, compared to 6 hours. But the views were amazing, and it was such a rewarding experience to connect with the journey by being on the ground for the diration of this truly epic voyage. I've said it before, but it seems relevant to say again - CANADA IS ENORMOUS!
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/best-things-to-do-in-hamburg-including-beatles-tour-and-the-world/
Best things to do in Hamburg including Beatles tour and the world
Germany’s second largest metropolis Hamburg is an incredible destination with masses to offer.
At the same time as possibly now not as mentioned or reducing facet as Berlin, it is a numerous location with something for each person to revel in.
All through the day you may marvel at the workings of the still lively port and take boat tours at the River Elbe.
The Speicherstadt warehouse district has seen implementing crimson brick buildings transformed into museums and points of interest, all linked by using a number of the metropolis’s awesome 2,500 bridges.
At night time the St Pauli location gives cutting-edge bars and restaurants While the racier Reeperbahn avenue offers the kind of crimson mild environment you would associate with Amsterdam.
The query is, where to begin? Right here we suggest five of the excellent matters you can do while you’re on the town.
It would be the borderline crook to return to Germany and now not pattern some of their incredible beers
And in which better to start than on a brewery excursion?
Ratsherrn has been working inside the center of the Hamburg Schanzen-Höfe considering that 2012, creating a variety of craft beers that celebrate the metropolis’s long history of creating booze.
Maximum tours are in German – now not that alcohol doesn’t cross the language barrier – but they’re available in English too furnished there are more than 10 human beings concerned.
Regardless of your native tongue, you may get to revel in a wide range of samples created on the web page from dark beer to white beer and the entirety in between.
And possibly unsurprisingly, you may come upon the occasional stag organization…
Each band learns the ropes someplace, and with the Beatles, it was in Hamburg.
A Short Hiking Route in Hamburg, Germany, From the Old Swede to the Stairs Quarter
A quick experience to Hamburg is commonly a go to at the commonplace attractions which includes Lake Alster, the port, St. Michaelis Church, the buying streets and within the night – the red-light district. The fact that an excellent river, the Elbe, crosses Hamburg normally does no longer inspire a unique impression.
But, if we decide to stay longer than someday in the city, hiking alongside the river financial institution need to be taken into consideration. A stunning 14-mile length hiking trail referred to as “the Elbe course” begins at the neighborhood Oevelgoenne, and continues west along the north bank of the river, ending at the suburb of Wedel in the west.
It’s advocated to reach Oevelgoenne aboard a ferry boat. A ferry line starts at the Landungsbruecken, the famous floating docks of the St. Pauli neighborhood. They’re placed in the Port of Hamburg, near the doorway to the vintage Elbe Tunnel.
Unique pure sands
The ferry passes on its way north near the dock 17 of the giant shipyard Blohm & Voss, founded in 1877. It manufactures all forms of boats – from yachts to warships.
Later we pass through the seashore of Hamburg, called the”Elbe seashore.” Waves crashing softly to the sand remind us unusual beaches shown in the films. Staying here on a clean day of the summer season isn’t always a terrible idea.
The seashore was open to the public 1973 in Oevelgoenne. The sand isn’t always of the sort imported, like in Berlin, for example, however a pure herbal sand which was carried by the tides of the river Elbe from the North Sea, sixty-two miles away.
At the primary prevent, we get down. The region is close to the fish market in Altona, west of St. Pauli. Mass of citizens and tourists come every Sunday to see the fish auctions, which take area at 5 AM. There’s no factor going there at some stage in the relaxation of the week.
The person in black pants
We begin making our way taking walks, on the seashore. As referred to, we start in Oevelgoenne. Previously more often than not sailors and fishermen lived in the neighborhood. Numerous houses, which had been constructed within the 18th and 19th century, are nevertheless seen right here. These are a small circle of relatives houses, with gardens of roses and lilac, and here and there with a boat anchorage.
On weekends many tourists come here. The width of the river close to Oevelgoenne is 0.three mile. The sandy seashore here is wider than before, and lots of residents arrive at the location during the summer weekends for a picnic or barbecue, or simply to loosen up.
Including Walnuts in Their Diet May Help Young Men Improve Their Mood
“The nutcracker sits underneath the vacation tree, a dad or mom of adolescence memories. Feed him walnuts and he’ll crack open a tale…,” writes author Vera Nazarian in her e-book “The Perpetual Calendar of Concept.”
The benefits of consuming walnuts, regularly regarded as a marvel food, are lots. Walnuts are right not only for bodily fitness but additionally for mental fitness of young adults, especially guys, says a current look at by means of the College of recent Mexico (UNM).
For college students, walnuts can be a key to a happier kingdom of thoughts
According to UNM Nutrition Professor Peter Pribis. Walnuts incorporate several nutrients, inclusive of alpha-Linolenic acid, nutrition E, folate, polyphenols or melatonin, that help in enhancing temper in humans.
The effort by Pribis and his team is the first observe in humans to measure the impact of walnut on mood. college existence is complete of strain whilst college students should juggle among numerous sports, like paintings, have a look at and play. And the maximum common recommendation those young adults get hold of is to consume well, do lots of sporting events and get ok sleep to conquer strain. And some other addition to the listing is walnut, because it enables kids in dealing with stress, as according to the have a look at.
Within the beyond, studies on walnuts have shown beneficial effects on many health outcomes like heart sickness
Diabetes, and obesity. Our take a look at turned into one-of-a-kind because we focused on cognition, and in this controlled randomized trial (CRT) we measured mood results in males and females,” said Pribis.
The participants protected sixty-four college students among a long time of 18 and 25 and belonged to diverse ethnic corporations like Caucasian, African American, Hispanic and Asian.
The researchers conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, move-over feeding trial with walnuts on the scholars for eight weeks. the scholars have been given three slices of banana bread every day for sixteen weeks, 8 weeks of banana bread with walnuts and 8 weeks of banana bread without walnuts. the scholars weren’t able to differentiate between the tastes because the nuts have been finely floor into the dough, making the banana bread come to be similar in taste and appearance. the scholars had been given half of a cup of walnuts daily even as ingesting banana bread with walnuts.
when the mood of the students was measured on the quit of every eight-week duration, Pribis noticed a full-size development In the mood of younger, healthful adults.
The World’s Most Impressive Ancient Ruins
Some humans might scratch their heads on this; I mean how can ruins be brilliant? But we’re right here to offer you all the motives why ruins are surprising and ought to be visited. First of all, they inform you approximately the honor of all of the preceding civilizations. These items are virtually architectural phenomena that need to be witnessed and awed at. They also display us how the preceding generations reached their doom and final locations. They make us consider our lifestyles and how we can use it to assist others earlier than it’s too late. If you’re making plans a ride, then those are the ruins we advocate you go to. Additionally make certain each time you tour, inspect getting A few reasonably-priced airline tickets.
1. Machu Picchu, Peru
These ruins located in the Cusco Region of Peru are said to be dated again up to the fifteenth Century. This region is said to be constructed on a property for the Inca dynasty emperor of the time. Maximum of the locals Also realize it by means of the name of the ‘Misplaced town of the Incas’. This property was abandoned a century after its creation due to the Spanish conquest that took place here at that point. those ruins had been re-determined once more inside the 20th Century by way of the yank historian Hiram Bingham. It has 3 most important systems – The Room of the three Home windows, The Temple of the Solar and the Inti Watana. Healing of these ruins has been carried at some stage in history and still maintains until these days.
2. Chichen Itza, Mexico
A representative of the Maya Civilization, this set of ruins is stated to be in existence because of the early 6th Century. Going here, you can see unique forms of production and architecture merged collectively to form this historic website. This metropolis is likewise known as considered one of the largest centers for the Maya network and has many legendary legends connected to it as properly. It’s also believed that this town was home to a variety of people from many unique cultures which led to it having such a numerous outlook.
3. Stonehenge
This prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England is a famous global and has located questions inside the mind of many humans around the sector. those ruins are said to be constructed between 2000 BC to 3000 BC. Originally a metropolis, this region turned into later transformed right into a burial ground and remained as that for many years. Archeologists, who studied this site, found many human stays here giving proof to the claims of it being a burial ground.
Going to these stays is eye opening and on occasion fresh for the soul as properly. You might get to study lifestyles with a whole new perspective. In case you plan on going on a vacation and are partial to records, then those locations are a sight to peer for all. Clutch yourself Some reasonably-priced Airline Tickets and plan an extraordinary ride starting nowadays.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Przemek Karnowski is the 300-pound comeback kid fueling Gonzaga in March Madness
Back from a career-threatening injury, Gonzaga’s fifth-year senior is looking to take the program to where it’s never been.
From the moment he picked up the game, basketball came easy for Przemek Karnowski. How could it not? This is the sport played by giants, and Karnowski was a giant even among them. He was always the biggest player on the court during his adolescence in Toruń, Poland, and when he grew into an adult at Gonzaga he was all of 7’1 and 300 pounds.
Size was the bedrock of Karnowski’s game, but it was far from the entirety of it. He displayed a rare grace for a man so large, proving his success could be the byproduct of touch as much as power. He learned to use his big, soft hands to hit hook shots over his right shoulder and rifle passes to open teammates when the double-teams crashed down.
Karnowski’s steady post game became the foundation for some great Gonzaga teams. As a junior, he helped power a run to the Elite Eight that was only halted by eventual champion Duke. The ‘Zags looked just as promising the next season in what was to be Karnowski’s senior year before a freak fall robbed him of the game and suddenly made even the smallest tasks incredibly difficult.
It was Dec. 1, 2015 and Gonzaga was practicing before a game against Washington State. Karnowski jumped to contest a shot and landed on his back with nothing to brace the impact. He got up and finished the rest of practice, but the coming weeks confirmed he was far from all right.
The pain was concentrated in his back, but it shot all the way down to his leg. The fall had caused a bulging disc in his back and that triggered a staph infection. In the 30 days from the accident in practice to his surgery on New Year’s Eve, Karnowski had dropped 60 pounds.
“I didn’t know exactly what was going on,” Karnowski told SB Nation about those tense weeks after the fall. “I was just hoping to be able to walk around again. I wasn’t thinking about basketball at that time.”
On Thursday when Gonzaga faces West Virginia in the Sweet 16, Karnowski will be the man in the middle just as he’s been all season long. He’s healthy, he’s happy, and he’s playing as well as he ever has.
Now he’s ready to finish what he set out to accomplish when he arrived at Spokane five years ago. That means taking Gonzaga to where it’s never been: the Final Four. It’s only two wins away.
Stan Szeto-USA TODAY Sports
If head coach Mark Few is the most important man to Gonzaga basketball, assistant Tommy Lloyd is a close second. It’s Lloyd who has given the ‘Zags their international flair and discovered some of the program’s greatest players. Karnowski will go down as one of his all-time gems.
Lloyd was at the U17 World Championships in Germany in 2010 to watch a Canadian point guard named Kevin Pangos. While he was there, it was a big kid from Poland who caught his eye. College wasn’t Karnowski’s only option; he could have turned pro as a teenager, too. But if he wanted to come to the United States and go to school, Few and Lloyd knew Gonzaga was an easy sell.
The ‘Zags had staked a reputation on two things: welcoming international talent and valuing the big man. It’s what led Gonzaga to France’s Ronny Turiaf, Germany’s Elias Harris, Canada’s Robert Sacre and Kelly Olynyk, and later Lithuania’s Domantas Sabonis. Karnowski saw a pattern of success that he knew he could follow.
“I could see the transition from Europe to the U.S. wouldn’t be that hard here,” Karnowski said. It helped that he may have joined the most successful team in program history upon his arrival.
“I was just hoping to be able to walk around again. I wasn’t thinking about basketball at that time.”
Karnowski played only 10 minutes per game as a freshman, averaging 5.4 points. But he got to practice every day with one of the country’s best teams. Olynyk, Harris, and Pangos, all three international recruits, led the way. The ‘Zags entered the NCAA tournament as a No. 1 seed at 31-2 and sat atop the final AP Poll of the season.
Then, in the round of 32, they ran into an upstart from the Missouri Valley, the Wichita State Shockers. Wichita State won by six and went all the way to the Final Four as a No. 9 seed before losing to eventual champion Louisville.
For Karnowski, it was an immediate introduction into everything that makes Gonzaga college basketball’s most polarizing program. The ‘Zags were a powerhouse, but they wouldn’t get the respect they were looking for until they made a Final Four run of their own.
Gonzaga would get close but ultimately fall short over the next few seasons. A trip to the Elite Eight. Another to the Sweet 16. They just couldn’t break through.
Is this the year? If nothing else, it might be the ‘Zags best chance. They started 29-0 before suffering their only loss of the year, an eight-point defeat to BYU. The offense ranks No. 12 in the country in efficiency and the defense ranks No. 1. The rotation has been bolstered by three high-major transfers who make this team look nothing like a mid-major.
Amid so much turnover this season, Karnowski has been a constant presence. You get the sense that Gonzaga wants to do this for Karnowski as badly as Karnowski wants to do it for his school.
Kelvin Kuo-USA TODAY Sports
During a time when every team at every level of the game wants to trade size for speed and downsize accordingly, Gonzaga has stayed big. The ‘Zags still play through the post and it starts with Karnowski. Having a 300-pounder who can score with his back to the basket and spot open shooters is a luxury few teams enjoy.
Still, the ‘Zags are excelling this year, in part because Karnowski is a piece of the puzzle, not the totality of it. Point guard Nigel Williams-Goss, a Washington transfer, has been Gonzaga’s best player. Add in the other two marquee transfers — guard Jordan Mathews (Cal) and big Jonathan Williams (Missouri) — and the ‘Zags have few holes in their lineup.
Amid so much turnover this season, Karnowski has been a constant presence.
Gonzaga also has a budding star in freshman center Zach Collins, who serves as Karnowski’s primary backup. He’s allowed Few to cut Karnowski’s minutes back to keep him fresh for this tournament run. Even still, Karnowski is second on the team in scoring at 12.4 points per game and is shooting nearly 60 percent from the field.
As this magical Gonzaga season has unfolded, it’s given Karnowski the best measure of his impact: When the ‘Zags beat conference rival St. Mary’s for the third time this season, Karnowski passed Shane Battier as the all-time wins leader in college basketball.
It was only one year ago that Przemek Karnowski’s future as an athlete was in real peril. The thing that had come so easy to him had been taken away, and he didn’t know when or if he would get it back.
Now that he’s here, he’s not ready to let go of his college career just yet.
0 notes
webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/best-things-to-do-in-hamburg-including-beatles-tour-and-the-world/
Best things to do in Hamburg including Beatles tour and the world
Germany’s second largest metropolis Hamburg is an incredible destination with masses to offer.
At the same time as possibly now not as mentioned or reducing facet as Berlin, it is a numerous location with something for each person to revel in.
All through the day you may marvel at the workings of the still lively port and take boat tours at the River Elbe.
The Speicherstadt warehouse district has seen implementing crimson brick buildings transformed into museums and points of interest, all linked by using a number of the metropolis’s awesome 2,500 bridges.
At night time the St Pauli location gives cutting-edge bars and restaurants While the racier Reeperbahn avenue offers the kind of crimson mild environment you would associate with Amsterdam.
The query is, where to begin? Right here we suggest five of the excellent matters you can do while you’re on the town.
It would be the borderline crook to return to Germany and now not pattern some of their incredible beers
And in which better to start than on a brewery excursion?
Ratsherrn has been working inside the center of the Hamburg Schanzen-Höfe considering that 2012, creating a variety of craft beers that celebrate the metropolis’s long history of creating booze.
Maximum tours are in German – now not that alcohol doesn’t cross the language barrier – but they’re available in English too furnished there are more than 10 human beings concerned.
Regardless of your native tongue, you may get to revel in a wide range of samples created on the web page from dark beer to white beer and the entirety in between.
And possibly unsurprisingly, you may come upon the occasional stag organization…
Each band learns the ropes someplace, and with the Beatles, it was in Hamburg.
A Short Hiking Route in Hamburg, Germany, From the Old Swede to the Stairs Quarter
A quick experience to Hamburg is commonly a go to at the commonplace attractions which includes Lake Alster, the port, St. Michaelis Church, the buying streets and within the night – the red-light district. The fact that an excellent river, the Elbe, crosses Hamburg normally does no longer inspire a unique impression.
But, if we decide to stay longer than someday in the city, hiking alongside the river financial institution need to be taken into consideration. A stunning 14-mile length hiking trail referred to as “the Elbe course” begins at the neighborhood Oevelgoenne, and continues west along the north bank of the river, ending at the suburb of Wedel in the west.
It’s advocated to reach Oevelgoenne aboard a ferry boat. A ferry line starts at the Landungsbruecken, the famous floating docks of the St. Pauli neighborhood. They’re placed in the Port of Hamburg, near the doorway to the vintage Elbe Tunnel.
Unique pure sands
The ferry passes on its way north near the dock 17 of the giant shipyard Blohm & Voss, founded in 1877. It manufactures all forms of boats – from yachts to warships.
Later we pass through the seashore of Hamburg, called the”Elbe seashore.” Waves crashing softly to the sand remind us unusual beaches shown in the films. Staying here on a clean day of the summer season isn’t always a terrible idea.
The seashore was open to the public 1973 in Oevelgoenne. The sand isn’t always of the sort imported, like in Berlin, for example, however a pure herbal sand which was carried by the tides of the river Elbe from the North Sea, sixty-two miles away.
At the primary prevent, we get down. The region is close to the fish market in Altona, west of St. Pauli. Mass of citizens and tourists come every Sunday to see the fish auctions, which take area at 5 AM. There’s no factor going there at some stage in the relaxation of the week.
The person in black pants
We begin making our way taking walks, on the seashore. As referred to, we start in Oevelgoenne. Previously more often than not sailors and fishermen lived in the neighborhood. Numerous houses, which had been constructed within the 18th and 19th century, are nevertheless seen right here. These are a small circle of relatives houses, with gardens of roses and lilac, and here and there with a boat anchorage.
On weekends many tourists come here. The width of the river close to Oevelgoenne is 0.three mile. The sandy seashore here is wider than before, and lots of residents arrive at the location during the summer weekends for a picnic or barbecue, or simply to loosen up.
Including Walnuts in Their Diet May Help Young Men Improve Their Mood
“The nutcracker sits underneath the vacation tree, a dad or mom of adolescence memories. Feed him walnuts and he’ll crack open a tale…,” writes author Vera Nazarian in her e-book “The Perpetual Calendar of Concept.”
The benefits of consuming walnuts, regularly regarded as a marvel food, are lots. Walnuts are right not only for bodily fitness but additionally for mental fitness of young adults, especially guys, says a current look at by means of the College of recent Mexico (UNM).
For college students, walnuts can be a key to a happier kingdom of thoughts
According to UNM Nutrition Professor Peter Pribis. Walnuts incorporate several nutrients, inclusive of alpha-Linolenic acid, nutrition E, folate, polyphenols or melatonin, that help in enhancing temper in humans.
The effort by Pribis and his team is the first observe in humans to measure the impact of walnut on mood. college existence is complete of strain whilst college students should juggle among numerous sports, like paintings, have a look at and play. And the maximum common recommendation those young adults get hold of is to consume well, do lots of sporting events and get ok sleep to conquer strain. And some other addition to the listing is walnut, because it enables kids in dealing with stress, as according to the have a look at.
Within the beyond, studies on walnuts have shown beneficial effects on many health outcomes like heart sickness
Diabetes, and obesity. Our take a look at turned into one-of-a-kind because we focused on cognition, and in this controlled randomized trial (CRT) we measured mood results in males and females,” said Pribis.
The participants protected sixty-four college students among a long time of 18 and 25 and belonged to diverse ethnic corporations like Caucasian, African American, Hispanic and Asian.
The researchers conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, move-over feeding trial with walnuts on the scholars for eight weeks. the scholars have been given three slices of banana bread every day for sixteen weeks, 8 weeks of banana bread with walnuts and 8 weeks of banana bread without walnuts. the scholars weren’t able to differentiate between the tastes because the nuts have been finely floor into the dough, making the banana bread come to be similar in taste and appearance. the scholars had been given half of a cup of walnuts daily even as ingesting banana bread with walnuts.
when the mood of the students was measured on the quit of every eight-week duration, Pribis noticed a full-size development In the mood of younger, healthful adults.
The World’s Most Impressive Ancient Ruins
Some humans might scratch their heads on this; I mean how can ruins be brilliant? But we’re right here to offer you all the motives why ruins are surprising and ought to be visited. First of all, they inform you approximately the honor of all of the preceding civilizations. These items are virtually architectural phenomena that need to be witnessed and awed at. They also display us how the preceding generations reached their doom and final locations. They make us consider our lifestyles and how we can use it to assist others earlier than it’s too late. If you’re making plans a ride, then those are the ruins we advocate you go to. Additionally make certain each time you tour, inspect getting A few reasonably-priced airline tickets.
1. Machu Picchu, Peru
These ruins located in the Cusco Region of Peru are said to be dated again up to the fifteenth Century. This region is said to be constructed on a property for the Inca dynasty emperor of the time. Maximum of the locals Also realize it by means of the name of the ‘Misplaced town of the Incas’. This property was abandoned a century after its creation due to the Spanish conquest that took place here at that point. those ruins had been re-determined once more inside the 20th Century by way of the yank historian Hiram Bingham. It has 3 most important systems – The Room of the three Home windows, The Temple of the Solar and the Inti Watana. Healing of these ruins has been carried at some stage in history and still maintains until these days.
2. Chichen Itza, Mexico
A representative of the Maya Civilization, this set of ruins is stated to be in existence because of the early 6th Century. Going here, you can see unique forms of production and architecture merged collectively to form this historic website. This metropolis is likewise known as considered one of the largest centers for the Maya network and has many legendary legends connected to it as properly. It’s also believed that this town was home to a variety of people from many unique cultures which led to it having such a numerous outlook.
3. Stonehenge
This prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England is a famous global and has located questions inside the mind of many humans around the sector. those ruins are said to be constructed between 2000 BC to 3000 BC. Originally a metropolis, this region turned into later transformed right into a burial ground and remained as that for many years. Archeologists, who studied this site, found many human stays here giving proof to the claims of it being a burial ground.
Going to these stays is eye opening and on occasion fresh for the soul as properly. You might get to study lifestyles with a whole new perspective. In case you plan on going on a vacation and are partial to records, then those locations are a sight to peer for all. Clutch yourself Some reasonably-priced Airline Tickets and plan an extraordinary ride starting nowadays.
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years
Przemek Karnowski is the 300-pound comeback kid fueling Gonzaga in March Madness
Back from a career-threatening injury, Gonzaga’s fifth-year senior is looking to take the program to where it’s never been.
From the moment he picked up the game, basketball came easy for Przemek Karnowski. How could it not? This is the sport played by giants, and Karnowski was a giant even among them. He was always the biggest player on the court during his adolescence in Toruń, Poland, and when he grew into an adult at Gonzaga he was all of 7’1 and 300 pounds.
Size was the bedrock of Karnowski’s game, but it was far from the entirety of it. He displayed a rare grace for a man so large, proving his success could be the byproduct of touch as much as power. He learned to use his big, soft hands to hit hook shots over his right shoulder and rifle passes to open teammates when the double-teams crashed down.
Karnowski’s steady post game became the foundation for some great Gonzaga teams. As a junior, he helped power a run to the Elite Eight that was only halted by eventual champion Duke. The ‘Zags looked just as promising the next season in what was to be Karnowski’s senior year before a freak fall robbed him of the game and suddenly made even the smallest tasks incredibly difficult.
It was Dec. 1, 2015 and Gonzaga was practicing before a game against Washington State. Karnowski jumped to contest a shot and landed on his back with nothing to brace the impact. He got up and finished the rest of practice, but the coming weeks confirmed he was far from all right.
The pain was concentrated in his back, but it shot all the way down to his leg. The fall had caused a bulging disc in his back and that triggered a staph infection. In the 30 days from the accident in practice to his surgery on New Year’s Eve, Karnowski had dropped 60 pounds.
“I didn’t know exactly what was going on,” Karnowski told SB Nation about those tense weeks after the fall. “I was just hoping to be able to walk around again. I wasn’t thinking about basketball at that time.”
On Thursday when Gonzaga faces West Virginia in the Sweet 16, Karnowski will be the man in the middle just as he’s been all season long. He’s healthy, he’s happy, and he’s playing as well as he ever has.
Now he’s ready to finish what he set out to accomplish when he arrived at Spokane five years ago. That means taking Gonzaga to where it’s never been: the Final Four. It’s only two wins away.
Stan Szeto-USA TODAY Sports
If head coach Mark Few is the most important man to Gonzaga basketball, assistant Tommy Lloyd is a close second. It’s Lloyd who has given the ‘Zags their international flair and discovered some of the program’s greatest players. Karnowski will go down as one of his all-time gems.
Lloyd was at the U17 World Championships in Germany in 2010 to watch a Canadian point guard named Kevin Pangos. While he was there, it was a big kid from Poland who caught his eye. College wasn’t Karnowski’s only option; he could have turned pro as a teenager, too. But if he wanted to come to the United States and go to school, Few and Lloyd knew Gonzaga was an easy sell.
The ‘Zags had staked a reputation on two things: welcoming international talent and valuing the big man. It’s what led Gonzaga to France’s Ronny Turiaf, Germany’s Elias Harris, Canada’s Robert Sacre and Kelly Olynyk, and later Lithuania’s Domantas Sabonis. Karnowski saw a pattern of success that he knew he could follow.
“I could see the transition from Europe to the U.S. wouldn’t be that hard here,” Karnowski said. It helped that he may have joined the most successful team in program history upon his arrival.
“I was just hoping to be able to walk around again. I wasn’t thinking about basketball at that time.”
Karnowski played only 10 minutes per game as a freshman, averaging 5.4 points. But he got to practice every day with one of the country’s best teams. Olynyk, Harris, and Pangos, all three international recruits, led the way. The ‘Zags entered the NCAA tournament as a No. 1 seed at 31-2 and sat atop the final AP Poll of the season.
Then, in the round of 32, they ran into an upstart from the Missouri Valley, the Wichita State Shockers. Wichita State won by six and went all the way to the Final Four as a No. 9 seed before losing to eventual champion Louisville.
For Karnowski, it was an immediate introduction into everything that makes Gonzaga college basketball’s most polarizing program. The ‘Zags were a powerhouse, but they wouldn’t get the respect they were looking for until they made a Final Four run of their own.
Gonzaga would get close but ultimately fall short over the next few seasons. A trip to the Elite Eight. Another to the Sweet 16. They just couldn’t break through.
Is this the year? If nothing else, it might be the ‘Zags best chance. They started 29-0 before suffering their only loss of the year, an eight-point defeat to BYU. The offense ranks No. 12 in the country in efficiency and the defense ranks No. 1. The rotation has been bolstered by three high-major transfers who make this team look nothing like a mid-major.
Amid so much turnover this season, Karnowski has been a constant presence. You get the sense that Gonzaga wants to do this for Karnowski as badly as Karnowski wants to do it for his school.
Kelvin Kuo-USA TODAY Sports
During a time when every team at every level of the game wants to trade size for speed and downsize accordingly, Gonzaga has stayed big. The ‘Zags still play through the post and it starts with Karnowski. Having a 300-pounder who can score with his back to the basket and spot open shooters is a luxury few teams enjoy.
Still, the ‘Zags are excelling this year, in part because Karnowski is a piece of the puzzle, not the totality of it. Point guard Nigel Williams-Goss, a Washington transfer, has been Gonzaga’s best player. Add in the other two marquee transfers — guard Jordan Mathews (Cal) and big Jonathan Williams (Missouri) — and the ‘Zags have few holes in their lineup.
Amid so much turnover this season, Karnowski has been a constant presence.
Gonzaga also has a budding star in freshman center Zach Collins, who serves as Karnowski’s primary backup. He’s allowed Few to cut Karnowski’s minutes back to keep him fresh for this tournament run. Even still, Karnowski is second on the team in scoring at 12.4 points per game and is shooting nearly 60 percent from the field.
As this magical Gonzaga season has unfolded, it’s given Karnowski the best measure of his impact: When the ‘Zags beat conference rival St. Mary’s for the third time this season, Karnowski passed Shane Battier as the all-time wins leader in college basketball.
It was only one year ago that Przemek Karnowski’s future as an athlete was in real peril. The thing that had come so easy to him had been taken away, and he didn’t know when or if he would get it back.
Now that he’s here, he’s not ready to let go of his college career just yet.
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years
Przemek Karnowski is the 300-pound comeback kid fueling Gonzaga in March Madness
Back from a career-threatening injury, Gonzaga’s fifth-year is looking to take the program to where it’s never been.
From the moment he picked up the game, basketball came easy for Przemek Karnowski. How could it not? This is the sport played by giants, and Karnowski was a giant even among them. He was always the biggest player on the court during his adolescence in Toruń, Poland, and when he grew into an adult at Gonzaga he was all of 7’1 and 300 pounds.
Size was the bedrock of Karnowski’s game, but it was far from the entirety of it. He displayed a rare grace for a man so large, proving his success could be the byproduct of touch as much as power. He learned to use his big, soft hands to hit hook shots over his right shoulder and rifle passes to open teammates when the double-teams crashed down.
Karnowski’s steady post game became the foundation for some great Gonzaga teams. As a junior, he helped power a run to the Elite Eight that was only halted by eventual champion Duke. The ‘Zags looked just as promising the next season in what was to be Karnowski’s senior year before a freak fall robbed him of the game and suddenly made even the smallest tasks incredibly difficult.
It was Dec. 1, 2015 and Gonzaga was practicing before a game against Washington State. Karnowski jumped to contest a shot and landed on his back with nothing to brace the impact. He got up and finished the rest of practice, but the coming weeks confirmed he was far from all right.
The pain was concentrated in his back but it shot all the way down to his leg. The fall had caused a bulging disc in his back and that triggered a staph infection. In the 30 days from the accident in practice to his surgery on New Years Eve, Karnowski had dropped 60 pounds.
“I didn’t know exactly what was going on,” Karnowski told SB Nation about those tense weeks after the fall. “I was just hoping to be able to walk around again. I wasn’t thinking about basketball at that time.”
On Thursday, when Gonzaga faces West Virginia in the Sweet 16, Karnowski will be the man in the middle just as he’s been all season long. He’s healthy, he’s happy and he’s playing as well as he ever has.
Now he’s ready to finish what he set out to accomplish when he arrived at Spokane five years ago. That means taking Gonzaga to where its never been: the Final Four. It’s only two wins away.
Stan Szeto-USA TODAY Sports
If head coach Mark Few is the most important man to Gonzaga basketball, assistant Tommy Lloyd is a close second. It’s Lloyd who has given the ‘Zags their international flair and discovered some of the program’s greatest players. Karnowski will go down as one of his all-time gems.
Lloyd was at the U17 World Championships in Germany in 2010 to watch a Canadian point guard named Kevin Pangos. While he was there, it was a big kid from Poland who caught his eye. College wasn’t Karnowski’s only option; he could have turned pro as a teenager, too. But if he wanted to come to the United States and go to school, Few and Lloyd knew Gonzaga was an easy sell.
The ‘Zags had staked a reputation on two things: welcoming international talent and valuing the big man. It’s is what led Gonzaga to France’s Ronny Turiaf, Germany’s Elias Harris, Canada’s Robert Sacre and Kelly Olynyk, and later Lithuania’s Domantas Sabonis. Karnowski saw a pattern of success that he knew he could follow.
“I could see the transition from Europe to the U.S. wouldn’t be that hard here,” Karnowski said. It helped that he may have joined the most successful team in program history upon his arrival.
“I was just hoping to be able to walk around again. I wasn’t thinking about basketball at that time.”
Karnowski played only 10 minutes per game a freshman, averaging 5.4 points, but he got to practice every day with one of the country’s best teams. Olynyk, Harris and Pangos, all three international recruits, led the way. The ‘Zags entered the NCAA tournament as a No. 1 seed at 31-2 and sat atop the final AP Poll of the season.
Then, in the round of 32, they ran into an upstart from the Missouri Valley, the Wichita State Shockers. Wichita State won by six and they went all the way to the Final Four as a No. 9 seed before losing to eventual champion Louisville.
For Karnowski, it was an immediate introduction into everything that makes Gonzaga college basketball’s most polarizing program. The ‘Zags were a powerhouse, but they wouldn’t get the respect they were looking for until they made a Final Four run of their own.
Gonzaga would get close but ultimately fall short over the next few seasons. A trip to the Elite Eight. Another to the Sweet 16. They just couldn’t breakthrough.
Is this the year? If nothing else, it might be the ‘Zags best chance. They started 29-0 before suffering their only loss of the year, an eight-point defeat to BYU. The offense ranks No. 12 in the country in efficiency and the defense ranks No. 1. The rotation has been bolstered by three high-major transfers that make this team look nothing like a mid-major.
Amid so much turnover this season, Karnowski has been a constant presence. You get the sense that Gonzaga wants to do this for Karnowski as badly as Karnowski wants to do it for his school.
Kelvin Kuo-USA TODAY Sports
During a time when every team at every level of the game wants to trade size for speed and downsize accordingly, Gonzaga has stayed big. The ‘Zags still play through the post and it starts with Karnowski. Having a 300-pounder who can score with his back to the basket and spot open shooters is a luxury few teams enjoy.
Still, the ‘Zags are excelling this year in part because Karnowski is a piece of the puzzle, not the totality of it. Point guard Nigel Williams-Goss, a Washington transfer, has been Gonzaga’s best player. Add in the other two marquee transfers - guard Jordan Mathews (Cal) and big Jonathan Williams (Missouri) - and the ‘Zags have few holes in their lineup.
Amid so much turnover this season, Karnowski has been a constant presence.
Gonzaga also has a budding star in freshman center Zach Collins, who serves as Karnowski’s primary backup. He’s allowed Few to cut Karnowski’s minutes back to keep him fresh for this tournament run. Even still, Karnowski is second on the team in scoring at 12.4 points per game and is shooting nearly 60 percent from the field.
As this magical Gonzaga season has unfolded, it’s given Karnowski the best measure of his impact: when the ‘Zags beat conference rival St. Mary’s for the third time this season, Karnowski passed Shane Battier as the all-time wins leader in college basketball.
It was only one year ago that Przemek Karnowski’s future as an athlete was in real peril. The thing that had come so easy to him had been taken away, and he didn’t know when or if he would get it back.
Now that he’s here, he’s not ready to let go of his college career just yet.
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