#it was so deep infact i genuinely thought it was 1 am until i picked up my phone
gigamuffin · 9 months
I think... I just like, had an entire day while in dream world. one of you drew like REALLY good fanart of Planet 51 for some reason??
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Kiss From a Rose
Royal Court au
Prince!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, King’s Advisor!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader, Prince!Bucky Barnes x Princess!OFC
A/N 1: I would like to say a very Happy Birthday to an amazing writer who has inspired me many a time to start writing. I hope you have an amazing day @cockslut-padalecki sending you love, hugs and this (amazing??) story.
A/N 2: Hi my very lovely and loyal peeps. I am sorry for being away so long but University during COVID has really taken a toll on me and so writing hasn’t been the escape it normally is, and I’ve had the most giant writer’s block in the world. In some good news I have returned briefly to create what is hopefully a masterpiece for @cockslut-padalecki’s Not My Ninth writing Challenge. This is a Royal Court AU and is based on the song Kiss From a Rose by SEAL. I’m using lines from the song as inspiration and that the song playing when the reader dances is an instrumental version of Kiss from a Rose. I hope you all enjoy it. If you would like to be added to a taglist I can make it happen just drop me an ask, DM me or pop it on a comment.
Word Count: 1,621
Warnings: Angst. Pure tear inducing angst.
Reader’s POV
Many years ago, I fell in love with a Prince. He has the most beautiful chocolate brown hair that always falls in wild waves at his shoulders, whilst piercing blue eyes can convince you he can read into the deepest parts of your soul. That young Prince saved me in one of the darkest times of my life and convinced his father to allow me to remain at court with him and our best friend Steve.
His name? Prince James Buchanan Barnes.
Who am I to love a prince you ask?
That is something even I ask myself. I am a lowly court lady who is only there from his prince’s kindness. There is no way he could ever love me, let alone be the one to save me from my now nightmare of being taken away from my home to marry my unknown fiancé.
Tonight, as I took centre stage at court, I knew it was different. Tonight, I needed to express every raw emotion, through the song a Kiss From a Rose, in hopes that my eternal love might be able to read all that is written in my soul.
Bucky’s POV
I couldn’t do anything but stare at her. The shimmering gold and deep burgundy of her tutu glistened in the light of the ballroom. The way she danced with such fluid grace, letting every emotion flood through her in time with the music, pouring everything she wanted to express into the movements. Every leap and turn setting free her truth. She’d danced in this court hundreds of times before, but tonight, with the bittersweet notion of my engagement on my tongue, I watched enraptured as my beautiful rose danced as if she would never dance again. I fell in love with her when we were children and when I found out about my betrothal to another, I begged my father to let me marry her, the one true love of my life. I was met with solid resistance and firmly told that, should I refuse to marry the unknown woman I was now engaged to, I would be disowned.
“Steve, what am I going to do? I have to tell her how I feel even though I’m losing her forever. I feel as though she has to know the truth.” My voice wavered as I turned to my best friend and my father’s new advisor.
“Bucky, she doesn’t want to leave as it is to marry her fiancé, please don’t make this harder for the both of you. You’ve known for years that the day would come when we three would be separated. It’s time for you to grow up and be ready to take your true place in the court, with a wife to guide you and love you.”
My gaze fell to the half empty plate in front of me before returning to briefly meet her eyes. I could see the tears threatening to fall, no doubt misting up her vision. It broke me to see her this upset, infact, if I recall correctly, the last time I saw her cry was at her father’s funeral. I vividly remember holding her close to me that day as she sobbed into my chest, fearing that she would no longer hold a place in the court, and that she would be taken away from Steve and I. Now that fear was becoming a reality.
Steve’s POV
I knew watching her dance that this would be the last of y/n’s genuinely happy moments. The king had confided in me his plan and asked for my opinion. I had known from the second the words left his mouth that all three of our lives would be changed. The king insisted that Bucky marry a princess, and that it was the only way to save the kingdom from a war in the future. The King also realised that Y/N would pose as a threat to that, as he knew of his son’s feelings for the girl, he had grown to consider a daughter.
Unknown’s POV
My plan was coming along nicely. With the only person standing in my way taken care of I could now settle into the final stretch. Another small victory in the path of achieving the one thing I’ve always dreamed of.
Reader’s POV
The orchestra ended the song as I finished my turn sequence, before landing in a final, graceful arabesque. Hearing my heart in my ears a sudden feeling of dread came over me as the king beckoned me to the table, handing me a glass and preparing to address the court. I took my seat next to Steve who sat on the right-hand side of the King. Over the years the King has come to care for me as his own daughter, and I know that, whoever he has me engaged to, it is for what he sees as my benefit.
I glance over and smile at Bucky. We all knew what announcement would be made by the king, and we three knew our lives were about to be turned upside down.
“Lords and Ladies. This evening I gathered you all to celebrate. We are celebrating the engagement of my son, Prince James, to the beautiful Princess Maia. This union will ensure the survival of both kingdoms and end a centuries long warpath that we have been on. I would like to formally welcome the Princess and have her join our table at the seat next to my son.”
As she made her way up to join us the tears spilled, and I ran from the room. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Steve holding James back, before seating the prince once again and then following me from the room.
Bucky’s POV
As Maia came to sit in the open seat next to me, I watched as my rose ran from the room, tears freely falling down her now reddened cheeks. I rose to chase after her only to find Steve blocking my path. He pushed me back into my seat before lowering his head to whisper to me.
“Buck, I know you love her, but you can’t. For the sake of the Kingdom, you need to stay here and at least pretend that you are happy to be engaged to Maia. I will go and see her and make sure she is alright, for now please don’t upset your father by making fools of us all.”
I sat back and glared at Steve as he spoke to my father before leaving the hall. A glance to my left and I saw the pained look in Maia’s eyes. Just from my reaction she could tell how I feel about Y/N and my heart broke a little knowing I’d hurt someone who held an innocent part of this situation.
My father rose to speak again as a clamour ran through the court.
“If I could keep your attention my Lords and Ladies. I was also going to announce to you all about the betrothal of one whom I consider my family but, as you can see, she has departed the room. However, I am happy to announce that Lady Y/N is engaged to….”
Steve’s POV
I held Y/N close as she broke down in my arms. Sobs wracked her body, and I couldn’t help but feel down at the news that I soon had to break to her. Tomorrow morning, we would begin our travels to take her to her fiancé as per the King’s decree. I coached her up out of my lap, and guided her to her room where we sat staring at the fire, until she had cried herself to sleep. 
She looks so graceful as she sleeps, the firelight picking out the dimples and freckles on her face. I also traced the line of furrowed brows as her worries plagued her dreams. She is about to be taken away from the only home she has ever known, and my heart is weeping at the thought.
“Sweet dreams my petal, for we have a long journey ahead of us.”
I kissed her forehead as I left her to sleep needing a little shut eye of my own before embarking on the road that would change our lives.
                         ------- Time Skip to two days later -------
Reader’s POV
I’m in the far reaches of the kingdom now. Farther than I’ve ever travelled before, in an unknown Lord’s castle. I haven’t seen Steve since last night and I’m growing worried as the lady’s maid busies herself with getting me into my wedding gown.
The dress itself is stunning. An ivory lace bodice joins with a large satin skirt edged with beading, lace and detailed hand embroidery. To say I feel like a princess is an understatement. My hair is gracefully curled and pinned up and accessorised with a flower garland of my favourite blooms.
I make my way to the church expecting to see Steve there to walk me down the aisle, but instead I am greeted with the warm smile of our coachman Anthony.
“Milady, are you ready?”
“As ready as I will ever be Anthony, thank you.”
The grand doors open before me and a familiar face is stood at the altar. No. It can’t be. This doesn’t make any sense. As I draw closer my eyes have not deceived me. He is stood there, a beaming smile on his face as Anthony passes my hand over to his.
“Hello there my beautiful petal.” He whispers as he places a chaste kiss on my hand before turning to face the Priest.
This was really happening. I was being married off to the King’s Advisor and my best friend, Steve.
Taglist: (my humble peeps)
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