#it was such a validating moment of relief to know that . i wouldnt be bothering her . especially since shes the one who offered
yutadori · 2 years
woah... my friends care about me and love me? AND they believe in me and think i have potential?????
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hpanddisney · 4 years
Ok, so, nobody asked for this, but I wanna write it anyway. I feel like this is super underrated but in important part of the book, and I’ve always wondered how Ginny reacted to it. So here goes nothing.
She grabbed her stuff and started shoving it into her bag. Nothing exciting has happened in particular during this class, just a lot of confusion. Lately, she’d been feeling quite conflicted. She was with Dean, and there’s nothing wrong about him, but something felt weird, not right. She thought she had gotten over Harry ages ago but apparently not because he starting to pop up at her thoughts and dreams more often then she’d like to admit. She’d gotten over her fan girl crush on him, but now she developed a different kind of crush. A crush on to the person that he actually was. The sweet, dorky, awkward Harry.
Of course, he’s been more on edge in the last two years because of everything that was going on but it didn’t change the way she felt toward him. Every time someone brought him up it angered her. They didn’t know, obviously, but it just ticked her off because she was annoyed at herself. This wasn’t fair to Dean but she didn’t know how to break it to him and she didn’t want to break up with him because she didn’t think Harry would ever like her back and Dean, most of the time, made her feel loved and appreciated. He made her feel like someone you would actually want to date and not someone you could just continue to ignore and only think of them as your best friend sister
As she walked out of class she was surprised to see Luna standing out there with one of the biggest smiles she’d ever seen. She assumed it was because some kind of creature that she found, but Luna was rarely ever this excited about anything. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a happy person, she was, but never THIS happy.
“Ginny! Oh Ginny! You’re never going to believe what happened!” said Luna more excited than she had ever seen her
“What is it Luna?” She said ignoring all of the stares she was getting for talking to her, she had never minded it. Luna was a great person even though most people couldn’t see it. Ginny enjoyed having her around and would Bat Bogey Hex anyone that insulted her.
“I was invited to a party! As a friend, of course, but I’ve never been invited to one as a friend! I’m so excited!”
Ginny couldn’t help but smile. She’d never seen Luna quite so happy, she had no idea who would ask her to a party but she was so excited that somebody did. She assumed it must’ve been Slughorn’s party, because she couldn’t think of any other ones that were going on. She started to think of who would be inviting her, who wouldn’t have a date, and who would like her enough to bring her along and not go alone. Then, it hit her. Although she was pretty sure who had asked Luna she still decided to ask, hoping that it wasn’t him.
Putting on her best excited voice trying to hide really bothered her she said “Who invited you?” 
”Harry. Although I don’t know why, I’ve always liked him though. He’s a nice person, and I’m glad I’m going with him.”
Of course it was him, stupid, noble, kindest person she’d ever met, Harry Potter. She wouldn’t have expected less of him. It was one of the reasons that she liked him so much. He probably could’ve asked anybody in the school and they would’ve gone with him but no, he asked Luna. Someone that no one would take to go to the party with. She couldn’t help but smile at her thoughts of how kind he was to ask her instead of anybody else. But still, as happy as she wants for her best friend, there was a small part of her that was jealous.
She got a little bit of déjà vu from back in her third year when Ron had suggested that Harry take Ginny to the Yule Ball and he never openly objected the idea. Unfortunately, Ginny already had plans at that point. Yet another missed opportunity was occurring before her. She tried really hard to be happy for her best friend a part of her really wanted to be Luna in that moment.
‘ You’re being stupid’ she thought to herself. ‘You’re dating Dean. You’re going with him. You shouldn’t even be considering going with anyone else. What is wrong with you?’ All is these were valid points. She has had internal battle going on for the past couple of months when she realize she liked Harry still. How could you not? He was an amazing person. But, she didn’t think he would ever notice her so she gave up. But now that she thought about it, she wasn’t sure if she ever did. He was always there, in the back of her thoughts, no matter what she did to try to stop it, she didn’t think she would ever get over him. And now she felt guilty about dating Dean when she still kind of liked a different guy. She didn’t hate Dean, she kind of liked him, at least she thought. She quickly ecsaped her thoughts after realizing that Luna needed a response
“Well that was nice of him, I’m glad your excited” she smiled at Luna, hiding her true feelings
“Yes I am so excited. But you don’t seem to be, is something troubling you?” Luna said concernedly. She’d always been good at reading people’s emotions but Ginny wasn’t sure she was ready to reveal that particular secret yet.
“Oh nothing, just tired” she smiled at Luna even though she knew that Luna knew she was lying. Luna didn’t take the point further, clearly getting the hint that Ginny didn’t want to talk about it anymore. They walked down the corridor together to dinner while Luna explained in detail how Harry had asked her. It wasn’t exactly romantic, but it was better than Ginny had ever gotten. Dean and her just knew they were going together so he didn’t even bother saying anything about it.
The more she listened to Luna, the more she thought it was sweet that he had done it. She didn’t even think her own brother would’ve asked Luna even if she was the last girl on earth. Most people wouldn’t, but Harry wasn’t like most people. Despite all the horrible things that happened to him in his life he was still super kind, and never criticize Luna for anything. He treated her just like anybody else which was amazing because he was one of the few people that did it. Nobody asked him to, nobody even expected him to, he just did it, he just treated her like anybody else, if anything he treated her better than just anybody else. She had even heard from Luna about him telling off group of girls on the train because he wanted to sit with her and Neville.
As they enter the Great Hall Ginny immediately tuned Luna out and stared down at the boy with the messy black hair sitting next to her brother. He didn’t notice that she would come in and was in a deep conversation with Ron who looked flabbergasted at something that Harry had said. She assumed that he had probably told Ron that he was going with Luna. It hurt slightly to see that Hermione wasn’t with the two of them because of the whole thing going on between her and Ron. She never did get to ask Harry about how he felt about that but she was sure that it wasn’t great. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor dude. He was going through enough right now without having to worry about his two best friends hating each other. And from what she heard from Luna, they had another row today. Leaving Harry most likely another bad mood. As she passed she heard part of the conversation.
“You could’ve taken anyone! Anyone! And you chose Loony Lovegood” Ron shouted in disbelief at Harry. She wasn’t sure how he found out, either Harry had told him or he had heard it since it seems like the whole school had heard the hot gossip of Harry and Luna and was also in disbelief.
Ginny looked to her side I see that Luna had left and joined the Ravenclaw table. She paused behind Harry leaned over and snapped “Don’t call her that Ron! Im really glad you’re taking her, Harry, she’s so excited”
And with that she went off down the table to go sit with Dean and the rest of her friends. It was all she could say to him, she couldn’t bear to think more about the fact that Harry was going with her friend instead of her.
She knew she had no reason to be mad, and she wasn’t mad at Luna, she was genuinely happy that he had asked her because she knew how happy it made her. She just couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy hidden deep within her about the fact that she wouldnt be going with him to the party.
She sat on the table and began to eat stealing glanced at Harry whenever she dared. Harrys relief when she had defended him and his silent thankfulness had not gone unnoticed. If there’s anything positive she could take from this besides Lunas happiness it was that Harry seems to be quite appreciative of what she had said and maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t just Ron’s little sister anymore.
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