#it was supposed to be a fluffy cooking fic where papyrus was your cooking bff
boneoftheteeth · 5 years
Ch. 60 Teaser
Since y’all’s been waiting a long ass time, it’s only fair I throw you a bone. This is the beginning segment of the next chapter, short and sweet for your reading pleasure. Enjoy~ <33
Chapter 60: [Unnamed Chapter ATM]
The feeling of your heart jumping up to your throat is all you can register at first when the ground suddenly disappears beneath you. Your vision is fuzzy, hands clinging to a blue fabric and the bony arms beneath the sleeves of a jacket. The air in your lungs is gone and there's a block in your throat, one that you can't swallow down no matter your efforts to rid yourself of the pain.
You were falling, weren't you? But...there's no air whipping past you right now. There's no sensation of flipping nor the pull of gravity in any direction. It's just you somewhere you shouldn't be.
With Sans.
With Sans?                                                                                                          
You make an effort to try and open your eyes, until you can somewhat make out the face of Sans, who's panicked and trying to get your attention.
There's no sound...what a strange place. You don't like it one bit. It reminds you of that place in your nightmares where you see the creature you're not supposed to look at.
Yep, he's right here with you, and you can't help but look away at the void around you as you try to get your bearings. You can see other people...falling. Monsters and the few humans that were in Grillbyz with you and Sans are near and far, but as you stare, you notice something that makes the contents in your stomach churn.
The humans are fine other than that they're falling. You're fine.
As you watch the monster's fall though, you feel fear creep up your spine when you notice there's something trailing behind them.
What is that? It's getting hard to see...
You look up to try and find the light that's starting to get farther and farther away, only to see the blue glow of Sans' magic when your eyes end up stopping on him instead. Something is off about his appearance, and it's putting you on edge- a nagging feeling that there's something wrong based just on the panic still on his face.
And then you see it.
You reach out and touch the side of his face, panicking when the finest of dust transfers to your hand as a result. Looking at his face, you see he's building up his magic, and you open your mouth to say something.
There's no sound.
Sans is deteriorating and you can't even say anything to him, even though you're sure he notices his state.
Teleport! Hurry! You'll be okay! You're not sure he can hear you, and you definitely can't hear yourself speaking. It's starting to get darker around the two of you, leaving only the space around you and Sans glowing blue with the light of his magic.
You're scared for him, but you cling tightly to his hands and hope. You hope everything will be okay. You hope there's a way out. You hope you're able to leave with Sans and stop whatever's happening to him.
You can feel your heart pounding hard inside of you, followed by the hum of Sans magic as you feel it wrap around you, twisting reality in the usual way his teleportation jumps work.
Everything flips upside down.
Sans hand crumbles in yours.
And suddenly you're blacking out, landing hard in water.
End of Ch. 60 Teaser
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