#it will be good potiential for angst tho
the-angst-lord · 3 years
If they reveal Jason Todd and everyone assumes he’s just a clone of the original, it will be very heart wrenching
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sofibeth · 2 years
I randomly share my Sonic Shipping preferences
Cause despite how predictable my OTPs its fun to talk bout dyanimcs and expose my shipping types lol.
Sonamy: top of the list, my ride and die pairing. Fun teasing dynamic both romantic and platonic sense, one of slow burn kind of relationship that really works for me. Have my specific tics for how they would act but I’m flexiable and cute fanart is cute. The one pairing that I feel Sonic can settle with while still staying true to his lifestyle.
Knuxouge: the funny back and forth tension one which I feel can go in many direction. It strange on the outset I feel they wouldn’t work long term but trying to see how they can is pretty fun. I feel its self explanatory for a cat thief type of pair its surpirsely wholesome.
Tailsmo: the one Tails pairing I will vibe with as I cry. Also only one in a canon that has good euongh screentime for us to grow attach too. (I dunno why Tails gets shipped alot in alternate canons) Some childhood biased since I wish Cosmo was better utilized than she was but I won’t deny their cute moments were one of the most mermorable parts of that anime. I’m also conflicted in I do want them to be happy but the tragic end in the anime and the angst is iconic euongh to not deny it. The idea of single dad Tails is good tho.
Whispangle: classic opposites attract pairing and I can take in either planotic or romantic. not much else to say.
The Fun ones:
Sonknux: The superior male pairing for Sonic. Don’t share this one as much on main since I do see it as a bromance first and foremost but I think bout any other day. The chocolate to my Sonamy’s vanilla in having silmilar fun dynamic vibes and Sonic bring Knuckles out of his shell. Shame not alot more serious art of this one but Sonic Movie 2 helped in the cute fanart department.
Sonaze: Alot this comes from teenage nostagia since i was really into this pairing as a young teen. Nowadays I lean more torwards platonic with the pair but I will still enjoy the occassionial cute fanart. The fighting equals and badass teamup is the appeal for me as well as Sonic Rush being my first sonic game. Can be jarring if art is lovey doey cause I don’t see them like that at all.
Sallicole: Putting this one here as special mention cause I do enjoy them even if its now in a dead canon. (add Buntonie around same I guess) The Stargazing and Spark of Life storyline is mermorable and what makes them stick for me and I think I do slightly prefer them over Whispangle at times. Funny how they work so much in a smaller timespan compare the many years they keep trying to make Sonally work.
Sliaze: This one unfortunatly falls down the hardest when the game that somewhat establishes a bond is quickly retconned. Aside from the whole “hey we’re from different times let’s bond” the garden story from IDW annual like the only other time I feel something. More so this paring is fueled by just pairing cause 06 was a thing but nevertheless I won’t deny the cute fanart and fan interpretations.
Stobotnik: this pairing I don’t search for really but something wrong with you if your not “there is no heterosexual explationation for this”. I find it funny how the staregg ships dies as soon as Agent Stone got more traction.
Somina: Putting this rarepair one out of spite cause as OC-ness at it is to make a love interest with the same power as Sonic it had chemistry potiential. Mina kinda a fave for him and the idea of Sonic with a popstar I feel can vibe with him alot. Just a shame this was just made for a love triangle for Sonally and Mina was quickly discarded and put with an asshole boyfriend.
Shadamy: Do enjoy the classic bubbly girl and jerk with a heart of gold type for this one and SA2 was a good foundation if you wanna go that route. A bit soiled thanks to stupid love triangles and sonic mischaracterization in early years while not really vibing for shadow charactization is most of these fanarts. Still I can enjoy it once and awhile. 
Sonadow: this one barely made this tier as I can vibe with it on a SPECIFIC type of intepretation. I like it when its not as lovey doey and Shadow is alot more subtle in his affections, I can appreciate that. Unfortunately this one been spoils for me with overexposure and popular interpretation I don’t jive with. A point of feeling apathy over a popular ship 90% of the time.
usually neutral but have thoughts:
Vectilla: Sometimes can fall into the fun tier. the crush is cute and its nice for a good adult relationship in this series. Go back and forth whether if it can even work in long run but I dont have as strong feelings to care as much.
Blazamy: I nearly forgot to put this one here which I feel disquailfies it from fun tier but I do like the Madoka and Homura asetheic in the fanart. The female pairing I would vibe with but more of a fluff over substance ship.
Vecispo: I can see why but I’m more in planoic life partners vibe, I do enjoy the two dads ans a kid jokes tho.
Silvamy: only Plantonic for me, the shippers seen nice tho.
Sonally: too much pro and cons revolving around this one that just shrug. I can understand the appeal of the dynamic but satam and espcially Archie nonsense really test you if you actually enjoy it. Uilmately agree with not liking the idea of Sally anchoring Sonic down so I just stick with friends. Can enjoy it if I’m in the mood sometimes tho.
Shadouge: remembering enjoying this one when I was younger but doesn’t have the nostagic power like Sonaze to make me care as much. shippers are chill tho.
Tailsream: funny thing is I feel I can think of a dynamic that may work for them, but lack of canon interaction and not finding a good fanon interpretation makes this a boring pair the spares ship.
Surgamy: this should never work in canon but the “steal yo girl” energy from this ship that I accept one guilty pleasure. 
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