#it will continue to upset me that you cant have every pokemon in it. whats the point if playing pokemon if there is literally no possiblity
be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
i miss the 3ds pokemon games
#the bin#playing sword bc my sister owns it. personally i would not pay for this garbage. im gonna play scarlet too bc she owns that aswell#it will continue to upset me that you cant have every pokemon in it. whats the point if playing pokemon if there is literally no possiblity#of having your fav in it? even popular ones like Greninja are left out. skitty is my fav and skitty isnt in it which sucks. im so sad#at least sv added my new second fav. the ponk one with the hammer is wonderful and immediately jumped to second place#apparently maractus is ih swsh but not sv but maybe an update will change it. even ignoring the missing pokemon tho sword still sucks#its annoying how they hold your hand constantly. also i hate leon. why do they insist on reminding you hes the 'unbeatable champion'#every time he is on screen. like his brother talks about it constantly. its super weird i hate it so much#i watched a playthrough already but its so much worse while you play. also im struggling with looking at the other rival who looks like an#old lady. because the clothes they wear have these circles on them but they feel too much like holes to me and i have to cover them with#my hand whenever they are on screen. watching a playthrough of this was genuinely harder than watching someone play bloodborne#ill probably use an emulator and play the 3ds ones. i have a 2ds and x and moon but i agreed to give them to my siblings#i dont really care much tho so whatever. and ill move simmy to sword so i can keep him
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projecthalemaw · 4 years
As Alexis walked into Vannifar town, she got knocked over by a teenage boy not looking where he was going. "Oww! Watch it!" He spoke, grumbling a bit.
"I was watching it. You werent." Alexis muttered, as she stood up, and cleaned off her leggings. "...Where am I?" She asked.
"Vannifar town! My hometown. I uh. I assume you're lost?" The boy asked.
"Let's uh, go with that." Alexis spoke dismissively.
"My name is Lucius." He spoke, Introducing himself, as he stood up. "Who are you?"
"Alexis." She spoke, putting her hands in her pockets. "Can we get out of the rain?" She asked, shivering a little.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's get to the town hall. My mom is there, and I was just getting back from doing something for her. She had lent me a pokemon so I can go do said thing." Lucius spoke as he dusted off his own Jacket, and gestured for her to follow him.
"So, Alexis. Where are you from?" He asked as they walked.
She didnt answer, as she didn't have an answer for that.
"Ah, not the talkative type." Lucius noted as they walked, and he opened the door to the town hall.
"Wanna get out of your Jacket, Alexis?" He asked, taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack near the door.
Alexis shook her head no. She'd rather have her Alakazam with her in case she runs into trouble here. At the moment, she had no idea if she could even trust this Boy.
"Lucius! Did you get the Items I ordered from the Mart in Nightvale City?" A woman called from the other end of the town hall.
"Yeah Mom!" Lucius called back, as he pulled a box from the backpack he had on under the jacket. "C'mon Alexis. Come meet my Mom. Shes the sweetest lady you'll ever meet."
Alexis nodded hesitantly, as she trailed behind lucius. She felt exposed, and every instinct in her body was screaming to go somewhere else.
"Honey, go mop up the mud for me, please." Lucius's Mom spoke as she noticed Alexis's footsteps trailing Mud.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. My shoes suddenly tore while I was out earlier, just before the rain started!" Alexis apologized, hoping the lie had sounded convincing enough.
"Its fine darling, bad things happen at the worst of times. Lucius, go get her a blanket and some Hot chocolate. She looks like shes about to freeze to death." His mother spoke, as he handed her the package.
"Alright Mom." Lucius spoke.
His mom smiled. "Its nice to have a teenage son who's still willing to help clean up, and take care of people." She murmured a bit. "So, what's your name, dearie?" His Mother asked as she Was passed a wet black rag, and a dry one, and bucket from her husband. "Also, clean off your feet please. The Mud will start to cake after a few minutes. The halemaw regions sudden storms are always the result of fast acting mud." She spoke as she handed Alexis the rags and bucket.
"Thank you." Alexis spoke, trying to be polite. "My name is Alexis." She answered the question.
"Simply delightful name." His mother spoke. "You already met Lucius, I presume. That's my Husband Mark, and I'm Ava, the Mayor of this lovely little town. Despite our... professor, we do try to be welcoming to newcomers." Ava spoke as Lucius came back with a mug of Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, and a warm blanket.
"Here you go." He spoke, a small smile on his face as he set the items down on the table next to her.
Alexis finished cleaning her feet, and simply smiled. "Ah, that feels so much better." She spoke.
"Ah, I feel the same way about mud. I cant stand feeling it on my feet." Ava spoke. "Lucius, dear. Go check on the Professor. Make sure her little... experiment, hasn't gotten out of hand." Ava spoke to lucius.
Lucius simply nodded without another word, and ran off.
Alexis had a slightly curious look in her eyes. "What's up with the professor?" She asked.
"Professor Morgan? Shes um... a bit of a character. Rather... unstable, if you know what I mean." Ava explained.
"I dont know what you mean, but I'm just going to pretend like I do." Alexis spoke, unfolding the warm blanket, and wrapping it around her legs, as she took the cup of hot chocolate, and sipped at it.
"She has... psychotic episodes. She also mostly keeps to herself, only really making an appearance when she has to give out pokemon to new trainers. I hear this year is a special year, because she's giving out six pokemon, two each, to three trainers." Ava elaborated, keeping the discussion about the Professor's tendencies to a minimum.
"Note to self, don't upset the professor, I guess?" Alexis thought as she sipped in silence. "I assume Lucius is one of the three trainers?" She asked after a few minutes.
"Yep, he's finally old enough to take on the league challenge. Or at least try to, that is. We havent had an eighth gym leader since Minerva disappeared around the same time the Champion died." She explained. "The second was supposed to be some hotshot kid that ended up going missing. And the Third is this girl Hera, from Nightvale City. Who should be arriving any moment now." Ava spoke, and as though on Cue, a Blonde girl in a Sundress, Jacket, leggings, and black boots came bursting through the door.
"I'm not late, am i?" Hera asked as she kicked off her boots and hung up her jacket.
"No! Not at all Hera, in fact I was just talking about you to a guest that Lucius found just at the entrance to Town." Ava spoke. "Come sit, please."
Hera nodded, meekishly sitting down. She adjusted her ponytail as she sat.
All that was going through Alexis's brain was one sentence. "Pretty sunshine girl." She must have been staring, as the next thing she knew, Hera's hand was waving in front of her face.
"Earth to Alexis." Hera spoke, as the door burst open again.
"Oh good, everyone is here." The tall figure of Professor Morgan spoke, as she lumbered forward to the table at the front of the room. "So, it's that time of year. Three trainer's get to choose themselves a starter and begin their journey as pokemon trainer's." Professor Morgan spoke, leaning against the table. "Except this year, there's a twist. I'll be giving two pokemon to each trainer. A regional variant of the Johto region's starters, and a Random pokemon from three random regions." Professor Morgan spoke, a hazey look in her eyes.
"Now. Let's introduce the starters I'll be giving out." Morgan spoke, as she set six pokeballs out on the table.
Morgan hit the first button on the first row, and a Black Totodile with Pink eyes, Pink Frills on it's back as well. The Pokemon's Jaw had some Pink face markings on the side of their Jaw. "The Halemaw Region's Variant of Totodile. I know not everyone here is from Our... lovely region. But this Bad Boy's A Dark and Fairy type. He May look cute now, but his later forms are Fiercesome foes." Professor Morgan explained. She moved to the pokeball in behind the Totodile, and revealed a Gible. "Gible, Land shark pokemon. I'm sure most of you recognize this one because of the Sinnoh region's Former champion, Cynthia." She spoke. "Any questions so far?" She asked, pausing.
"Uh yes." Alexis spoke, raising her hand. "Hi, sorry. New to town. Uhm... What typing is it? Sorry.. I've never seen it before." She elaborated.
"It's a Ground Dragon type, if I remember my notes correctly." Professor morgan explained. "And don't worry about having not seen it before. Gible's rare in our region."
"Ah, okay." Alexis answered. She went quiet again, and started sipping the drink in her hands.
"Now. Onto the next regional variant, Cyndaquil." Professor Morgan spoke, as she hit the second pokeballs button. Out came a Light blue Cyndaquil with Spikes made of Ice sticking out of it's back. "Halemaw's Cyndaquil species live in the Heavy snow island of the Region. The Pokemon cannot see very well, and often uses its spikes to attack anything that bumps into it. Either that or its bites the the pokemon or object it runs into." She explained.
Professor Morgan walked behind the table again, and released the pokemon from the pokeball behind it. "Now this bad boy. It's a beldum, one of the sturdiest pokemon to ever exist. A trainer passed it onto me, before leaving the region, back when it was still an egg. So now I'm giving it to the trainer who chooses it." She explained. "It's a psychic and steel type, for those of you curious." She elaborated. "Now... onto the last regional pokemon." She spoke, as she walked to the right side of the table, and pressed the ball. A Piplup emerged from the ball.
The Piplup was Predominantly Grey and White, with an odd Black fur coat around its neck. Its beak was Silver, and appeared to be rather sharp. "Piplup. Wait... That's not right. Oh well. Chikorita can be found pretty much everywhere in the waters." Professor Morgan muttered to herself. "Now. As I was saying. Piplup. Halemaw's Variant of them and their later forms are often found in abandoned Theaters, acting out old Play's with the spirits of their former trainers. The pokemon originates from the Sinnoh Region, for those of you curious." Professor Morgan explained. "Halemaw piplup's are also incredibly protective of their trainers." She continued as she reached for the last closed pokeball.
She pressed the button, and with a mild thunk, a larvitar appeared on the table next to the Piplup. "The final pokemon I'll be giving away with these pokemon is larvitar. It's predominantly found in the mountain  at the center of the region. Small hordes of them are rumored to be able to eat enough dirt to form a new path inside the mountain. In recent years, it's part of the reason victory road is so treacherous to traverse." Professor Morgan spoke, then glanced to Ava. "Now. Who am I giving pokemon to this time, Ava?" She asked.
"Lucius, and Hera. Alexis, too, if she wants to take a couple." Ava spoke.
All eyes were on Alexis for a moment, waiting for an answer from her, as she tried to communicate with the Alakazam mentally. "Alakazam. You there?"
"Yes, I'm here. You should definitely take the offer. I won't always be able to protect you, little one."
Alexis nodded simply. "Took me a minute to decide, apologies. But yes, I'll uhm... take a couple of pokemon." She spoke after a moment.
"Good, Good. Since you're the one getting them instead of the last one, who left the region, would you like to pick first?" Professor Morgan asked.
"If they're okay with it, of course." Alexis answered.
"Yeah, you can go first." Hera and Lucius answered at the same time.
Alexis nodded, as she stood up, and walked toward the table. "Alakazam. Any suggestions as to which pair I should pick?"
No response from the pokemon.
"Alright then." She thought. She mustered up a memory from when she was walking out of the base, to see if she could best prepare for potentially fighting back against the organization that held her prisoner. She remembered seeing a lot of dark types asleep next to their trainers that had been passed out on the ground. "I'll choose..." Alexis trailed off, going with her gut. "Totodile and Gible." She spoke.
"Interesting choice. Hera, you're up Next." Professor Morgan spoke, gesturing to the taller girl to come pick her starters.
"I'll choose these two. Larvitar and Piplup, was it?" Hera asked.
"Yep. And that leaves Lucius with Cyndaquil and Beldum." Professor Morgan spoke as Lucius walked up to the table. "Meet me at the Lab, and I'll get you three hooked up with pokeballs, potions, and pokedexes. I'll give you three time to decide on Nicknames for your pokemon, if you're into that sort of thing. Meet me there after the storm let's up, that's all I ask of you." Professor Morgan spoke as she took her umbrella and walked out.
Hera Picked up her two pokeballs, and pressed the buttons to return them to their balls. Alexis did the same.
Lucius did the same, after deciding to call Cyndaquil, Frostbite. The three teens sat back down, and Hera let out a soft sigh. "Just Glad that's over with. How long do you guys think the storm will last?" She asked.
"Probably about another Five minutes or so." Lucius spoke. "The storms here may be sudden, but they go away within the hour, or so, most days." Lucius elaborated.
"Good point. I grew up over on Hyperius Island, which is predominantly desert. After my parents sent me here to live with my Gran, I had to get adjusted to spontaneous rain rather quickly." Hera spoke, looking at her pokeballs sat on her belt. "Do either of you know where the first gym is?"
"I have no idea where anything is." Alexis admitted. "I just arrived a few days earlier." She lied, hoping it was convincing.
"Ah." Hera spoke. "How about you, Lucius?" She asked.
"According to a book I read the other day, our first gym to challenge would be Jupiter, the Roaring thunder." Lucius spoke.
"Get going you three. The professor doesnt like being kept waiting." Ava spoke as she folded up one of the tables at the front of the room.
"Uh, question. And this will probably sound really weird. But. Is there somewhere here where I can get a pair of socks and shoes? I didnt exactly pack well." She spoke, as she stood up.
"Oh yeah! Lucius, dear. Run to the house, and in my room there should be two pairs of sneakers. One is for you, the other pair is for Alexis. And grab a pair of socks while you're at it." Ava spoke. "The other pair was originally for the trainer who was supposed to show up, but vanished. And Hera mentioned to me when I last talked to her that she didn't need a pair of sneakers." Ava explained as she started on another table.
Lucius nodded and ran out of the building, to do as was asked of him.
"Correct." Hera nodded. "So uh, Alexis." Hera spoke. "How are you enjoying the region so far?"
"I like it. The forest is nice, but I do not like the spontaneous Thunderstorms." Alexis answered honestly.
"Trust me, neither does anyone else. We still haven't really figured out why the thunderstorms happen. Jupiter, the Gym leader of Miranth City, works nonstop to figure out why they happen, but has mostly resorted to being the head of the team who alerts residents on the island to weather pattern changes, and such." Ava explained, as she poured herself a cup of tea from the nearby drink table.
Lucius returned, carrying a box. "Found the shoes. Took a little digging, but I found them." He spoke inbetween breaths. "Here ya go Alexis." Lucius spoke as he handed her the box.
Alexis opened the box, revealing a pair of sleek black sneakers, and a pair of pink socks sitting on top of them.
"I just grabbed a random pair. Sorry if they're not your type of socks." Lucius spoke sheepishly.
"They feel alright." Alexis spoke quietly, as she slipped them on, followed up with the shoes. "Also. On our way out of town, I think we should maybe stock up on supplies or something like that, just to be on the safe side." She stood up, and adjusted her belt.
"Good Idea, Alexis." Hera spoke as she walked over to the Coat rack, and grabbed her jacket and hat. She put on the hat, and slipped her pokeballs into her inner jacket pocket. "My gran gave me roughly 3,000 Halemaw Dollars, which translates to about 400,000 kantonian dollars? I forget the exact translation. Math never was my strong suit." She admitted, a small chuckle in her voice, as she waited by the door. "We can also stay in pokemon centers when it comes nightfall, if you guys would rather not stay in the middle of the woods at night." Hera spoke. "My older sister gave me a decent amount of Info, as she knew I was starting my journey soon." She explained, rubbing the back of her neck a bit.
Lucius nodded. "Umbrellas will also be good to invest in." He spoke, as he headed for the door.
Alexis nodded in agreement as she followed the two. "Agreed." She spoke as they walked to the lab.
Once the three got to the lab, Hera knocked on the door. "Professor Morgan?" She questioned.
"Just a moment. Gotta get something of mine under control!" Professor Morgan called from the inside of the lab. After a few moments, the door opened. "Come in, please." She spoke.
The three teens stepped into the building, making sure to not touch anything.
"Now. Let's make this quick. You won't only be traveling to attempt to take on the league. We all know that will be Impossible, after the disappearance of Minerva. While you're traveling, I want you all to fill pages of the pokemon index, or Pokedex for short. I tweaked it to specifications for The region. And if you happen upon an Infected pokemon, tread lightly. They're easily angered, and appear to have heightened abilities." Professor morgan spoke. "They also don't willingly approach people unless they're starving, from what we've managed to record. Any data you all can collect on these pokemon, will be grateful." She spoke, as she handed the teens each three small bags. The small bags contained identical contents. Thirty Pokéballs, ten Potions, and town maps for the three of them. "Stop at the Pokemon center on your way out of town. Theres three packages, one for each of you there. I explained in the time it took for the storm to stop, that Alexis would be taking the place of the previous trainer." Professor Morgan spoke. "Now, Skedaddle. I have my personal project to work on, you can call me from any pokemon center if you need advice on where to go next, or need to access the storage system that's linked back to my lab. I will look after the pokemon you catch on your adventure." She spoke, shooing them out.
Once the door shut behind the teens, Hera blinked slightly. "We didnt even get a chance to ask what "Infected Pokemon," looked like." She spoke as she headed for the pokemon center.
"According to some science articles my dad had been reading the other day, Infected pokemon look similar to their normal selves, except there is a color scheme change, and a typing change. The example the Article gave, was an Infected Ralts. According to the scan they had done, it was a Ghost/Fairy type. You know what a normal Ralts looks like, right?" Lucius questioned.
"No." Alexis thought as she walked alongside the two.
Hera nodded. "Yep. Little red spike coming out of its head, and it gives the impression that it can't see, because it has presumably hair covering its eyes, right?" She asked. "Oh and, a white body."
Lucius nodded. "Yeah. Take that idea, but make the spike white, and much sharper, almost like a sharpened bone. Its body is black, and it has a pink glow to it. The only thing still similar is the green almost hair-like thing that covers its eyes." Lucius explained as the three entered the pokemon center, and were greeted by a Shop attendant that had been sorting out boxes.
"Hi! Welcome to the pokemon center and mart. You three wouldn't happen to be the ones Professor morgan let us know had packages ship in for you, would you?" The girl asked, as she stepped out from behind the counter.
"Yep! That would be us." Hera nodded.
Alexis nodded as well. She walked, seemingly taking in the sight. The place was big.
"Alrighty! Give me a moment to get your packages from the back. Feel free to browse, or heal your new partners while you wait." The girl smiled as she walked to the back room.
"Alexis, everything good?" Lucius questioned, looking over at Alexis.
Alexis was in fact, not great. She had a major headache, as all of the sights and sounds were rather overwhelming. She had leaned against the counter. "I need to go Outside, for a moment. I'll be fine. Don't follow me out, Ill be back in, in a few minutes." Alexis spoke, as she stumbled toward the door, her hand reaching for her interior pocket.
"Okay..?" Lucius questioned as he and Hera watched her quietly. "We'll let the shop attendant know where she went." He spoke to Hera as the two waited inside.
Alexis leaned against the outer wall of the pokemon center, pulling her hood up, as she slipped to an area where she figured nobody would see her. She knew she shouldn't get Alakazam out right now, but she was experiencing similar feelings to when she first woke up. Eye pain, noise sensitivity, and an inability to focus.
"Alakazam, come on out, please." Alexis spoke as she leaned against the wall, and pushed the button on the Ultra ball in her hand.
The Alakazam appeared, and popped an eye open. "Everything okay?" It asked her.
"No, I'm... I went in there and suddenly was feeling like I was back where we first met. My eyes hurt, I'm hearing things that I dont think normal people can hear. Such as the Hum of the machinery in there. The lights were incredibly bright, and it was making it extremely difficult for me to focus. Any advice?" She asked.
"Keep your hood up, and your head down. If the other two ask, just tell them you'll explain once you're out of town, and on your way to Nightvale city. Buy a pair of sunglasses, when you go back in too. Your benefactor told me you would likely be experiencing more issues then normal. You've been in a dark room for a long time."
"Thanks." Alexis murmured, hitting the button to return Alakazam to its ball, and she walked back in.
Alexis walked into the pokemon center, again. She kept her hood up, and looked down to the ground.
"Everything Okay with your friend there?" The shop attendant asked Lucius as she scanned the items.
"Yeah. Alexis, do you want anything, while shes scanning items?" Lucius asked.
"Pair of sunglasses, that's it." Alexis answered.
"Alright. Does the style matter?" The attendant asked.
"No." Alexis spoke.
The attendant nodded, and stuck the extra supplies in each of their backpacks, and passed them to the teens after Hera paid for the items.
"Here ya go, have a nice day." The shop attendant spoke.
Hera picked up Alexis's backpack, and passed it to her. She then put on her own backpack, and then her own backpack.
Lucius grabbed his backpack and slipped it on, sticking his pokeballs in the left side pocket.
Alexis reached into the side pocket of her backpack, and pulled out the sunglasses. She tapped the edges of the frames against each other, and then slipped them on.
"Alright. Let's get going." Hera spoke, as she headed for the door.
Alexis and Lucius followed her out, and into the forest just outside of Vannifar Town.
A/N time!
Sorry about how long this chapter was. Would have been shorter, but hey. Alexis needed a moment after how intensely bright all of the noises and sounds in the pokemon center were. Now! Onto the Pokedex Entries for Regional Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Piplup. Which will be on the asks blog, for seamless reading from here on out! Same with other end of chapter stuff. There will also be an in-depth explanation of the "infected" pokemon over there. ( @project-halemaw-asks is the asks blog.)💖
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2a2n · 5 years
I feel like I need to voice this because the complaining is absolutely EXHAUSTING.
Why the fuck are people STILL complaining about pokemon???
Dude I was part of the people who complained about dexit when it happen, yeah. I'll admit to that. But I still bought the game and enjoyed it IMMENSELY. It's a good fucking game, are you kidding me? You people have no idea how something as small as being able to move the camera blew my fucking mind.
But now people are still complaining about hAvInG tO pAy MoNeY for stuff that was SuPpOsEd To Be In ThE gAmE. You guys do realize they could have made all the new wave of pokemon locked behind a paywall right? Except they're not. You DONT have to pay for it. What you're paying for is half the price of the game to get a shit ton of new content and a continuation to the story, verses waiting a full year to pay for the exact same with with a little more shit at full price.
There's gonna be a FREE update to let you get your damn pokemon back.
Oh no but I still need to find someone to trade the pokemon with me. What a hassle.
DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG AND HELPFUL THE FUCKING COMMUNITY IS??? I could fucking make a post on tumblr looking for a perfect IV ditto with some trait and someone from the other side of the world would just appear and go "yeah dude lemme just turn on my game"
Like damn guys, we're not in competition here. Everyone's so nice to everyone. But so horrible to the developers.
I'm sorry but you little shits dont even realize how privileged some of you are. I had to buy a AR device back in the day just so my third world ass can get to experience what people who have access to nintendo event exclusive items can get so easily. I literally have to beg my cousin to get me gamestop codes because we don't have that shit here.
Ok getting derailed a sec here, going back.
"They should have just made a full game and sell it for $90"
Honk your fucking clown nose, fool. Where and it what universe have you seen a fucking 90 dollar video that isnt some kind of super rare high value vintage limited edition collector's wet dream, or a game that came with special accessories or is limited edition with an art book, OST, and other shit. Where? Show me.
"We still need to pay for pokemon home to transfer our pokemon"
That, I'll accept. But only because people are saying there's a price to it. Though, till we have the full info on it yet I can't really be upset about it
"Its 30 dollars PER dlc"
Learn to read you fucking moron. Its for both. See, this specific complaint I cant seem to understand because it takes 3 seconds to fact check this or just turn your switch on and check the eshop.
"How dare they sell us an incomplete game, it's a marketing ploy, we deserve better"
You being the people who resort to intense cyber bullying, faking news, and death threats to get what you want. YOU guys deserve better??
Man, I saw this and just got so fucking heated man.
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People would complain about every little thing and I'm just convinced that all these people need to shut the fuck up and go get some fresh air. Theres no pleasing everyone, but these people need to honestly HONESTLY shut the fuck up and get over themselves.
And dont bother responding to this shit with "but we deserve better, they are evil buh buh buh you just lost to the marketing of the big evil corporation"
I wont respond to shit. I don't need the extra negativity. I'm gonna open my fucking game and go make curry for my gyarados named mango, and you angry little shit heels can go cry on twitter.
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hidetothink · 5 years
wait what happened with pokemon?? i haven't been keeping up with the news cause i dont have a switch and therefor cant even play
Oof, alright here we go *snaps neck and fingers*
So for the past many years, since Generation 3, Game Freak has created their mainline Pokemon games with the ability to transfer up after each gen. Meaning when I played Emerald (Gen III) and trained a Volbeat, I can later send it to the next series of games (Gen IV).
Game Freak has used this "continue your journey with your Pokemon" concept to sell products like Pokemon Bank, an online service through Nintendo that lets you transfer from Gen V to VI & VII.
This has been the pattern for a very long time, following after Gen II where you could NOT transfer into Gen III.
Fast forward to recently when Game Freak/Nintendo announced Pokemon Home. This service was hyped as a way to bring all your Pokemon from past games into a home where they can all remain friends with you. Lots of cheese and nonsense, I loved it.
This would coincide with the newest games: Gen VIII (Sword and Sheild/SWSH). You could transfer your Pokemon from Bank (meaning Pokemon from Gens 3-7), Pokemon Go, and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu. However, from the start, they told us we could ONLY take Pokemon OUT of Home when we transferred them into Pokemon SWSH. This was not a surprise, and people, like myself, were pumped.
Fast forward to E3
GameFreak shows a demo copy of SWSH and talks about the game in a segment called Treehouse. While there, it's announced, somewhat offhand rather than directly, that Pokemon Sword and Sheild will not have every Pokemon species coded into the games. This means only those Pokemon which DO appear in the games can be traded out of Home.
This...did not go over well
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And here's why I'm concerned and upset
Currently, based on what we know for certain (not extrapolating or hoping) we know that many of the Pokemon we've collected as fans throughout the series will be placed in a glass case and cannot be removed to play with. This could last for a while depending on how long it takes for particular Pokemon to get placed in a certain game. For instance, I may have to wait for years until I can move my Volbeat into the next games.
But there's more. Home, as a sequel to bank, has a high likelihood to be a paid server. This is concerning on two levels. One, what happens if I can't afford to keep paying for my glass case? Before, I could put my collection into a physical game before the subscription ends. Now, only some of them can leave the case. If they stay, and I don't pay, there is no guarantee they won't be deleted
Meanwhile lets say you pay routinely. What happens if the servers crash. Suddenly you lose all your Pokemon with no control over the situation. Before, you could CHOOSE to run that gambit. Now you have no choice. You will have some Pokemon, if transferred, at risk of deletion based NOT on your ability to keep a game card or system safe but on someone else keeping servers running
What's more, perhaps you argue we can wait for a combination of games that eventually allow us to move all our Pokemon onto the next gen of cartridges. Depending on how long that takes, Bank may close. This will make all games and Pokemon caught from Gen 3-7 inaccessible to Home. Now you have to choose. Dangerous glass case Home or FOREVER kept in the lower level games
For me, I have a wide collection of Pokemon that I've put a lot of work into. A nearly living pokedex. It's a huge issue to me that I won't be able to keep moving those Pokemon into the next generation with better graphics, new moves, and more chances to interact with things like Pokemon Ami
This doesn't even begin to take into account some of the graphical issues I've seen since following several social media accounts talking about the Pokedex issue
Refusing to buy the game is both an attempt to send a message to GameFreak (no matter how useless) and saving money in hopes to buy a better version they'll release...eventually...I hope...
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My Trans Story
Story of my social and medical transition under the cut, I know its not trans day of visibility anymore but consider this a belated contribution. I hope it helps anyone who’s questioning, or even anyone whos curious about the experience. This is very long and has some mention of dysphoria, abuse, bullying but also has a happy ending so thats your warning:
The earliest I remember giving any indication of being trans was at five or six years old on my way to primary school with my mother (who I will mention was a fairly good mother at the time - this will be relevant later). I turned to her in my little green and white uniform dress and said “I’m a boy, aren’t I mum?” I’m not sure what prompted the question really curiosity maybe but my mother laughed it off - something I dont blame her for, kids say silly things all the time. I wouldn’t say I was a super boyish kid. Yeah I liked a bit of rough and tumble play, I was into pokemon cards, then yu-gi-oh, beyblades - which were all considered “boy” things when I was at school. I liked to play british bulldog and tag, and as I got older I’d get into Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons, The elder scrolls and other nerdy things which are seen as more unisex now but again in the time were considered “boy” interests. But I liked having long blond hair, and I was curious about make-up. I liked to bake and sew and weave, and as a child I even enjoyed knitting. I cried easily and got hurt often - I was accused of attention seeking through most of my childhood though even looking at myself critically I can only ever remember wanting validation. When I was hurt, when I’d achieved something I was proud of - my motivations were called into question when I sought out help or interest. I remember being heartbroken when art I’d worked on was dismissed or I was told the bad bruise I’d gotten was nothing to be upset over and to stop seeking attention. It set me on a path of questioning everything I did and why I did it.
Unfortunately I have a lot of memory gaps in the lead up to high school and through much of school.
Fairly early on in school though I came out as bisexual. Honestly I think a part of me was threatened by cis guys masculinity and that drove me to women. I had a fairly even number of girlfriends and boyfriends. One relationship the boy I was with implied being ready to try sex and we ended up breaking up not long after when I distanced myself. I didn’t know how to explain the discomfort with my own body that I didnt even understand. How I didn’t want to be touched in certain places or do certain things. I felt like a freak.
It didn’t help that I was already bullied pretty much from the get go in highschool, from age 11 I did have many friends and there were periods where I had none. I was bullied for my hair, for not having friends, for being gay, for being depressed. Hell sometimes I was bullied for being bullied - high school is weird. 
I was also... “bullied” by a “friend” who would hit me, talk down to me, at times wouldn’t let me sit on furniture. Once she choked me to the point of passing out among other things. Somehow I was still convinced she must like me on some level - why else would she hang out with me? I wish I’d known better. She introduced me to the concept of being transgender but not in a way I identified with. She told me about a documentary of “Boy becoming girls and girls becoming boys.” she told me “The girls that become boys are always still pretty, you can tell they were girls. But the boys that become girls, you cant tell they were boys they just look like ugly girls.” I imagine shes less ignorant now but its stuck with me.
Eventually around age 16 Two trans people spoke at my school. They talked about how they always felt different, things they’d disliked about themselves - the relief of coming out. I understood completely but my brief excitement was dashed by their talking about harassment and fear. I wrote my email address on a slip of paper and ‘please help’ which I put in the box they were collecting at the back of the room for any questioning youth. They never emailed me. I made an appointment with my doctor.
I actually begged my doctor to fix me, and he referred me to a GIC (Gender Identity Clinic) in Edinburgh. It took a full year to actually be seen there. I told some of my close friends about my concerns and confusion, and came out as genderfluid. I used a random R based male name to try and settle - knowing that as it was fandom related I’d change it later. When I spoke to the specialist at the GIC, I came out as a Trans Man, I felt validated. I came out to my family not long after and it was not well received. My cousin (who had spent every summer with us for as long as I could remember and I viewed like a sibling) died when I was 14. My godmother (his mother) died a year after. Within the ten years since my cousins death, he, my uncle on my mothers side, my great grandfather, my godmother, my gran and my grandad have all passed away. When I came out to my dad he begged me not to put more strain on our family. My mother turned to drink when I was only 14 and had worsened becoming more and more abusive as time went on. I’d had mental and physical health issues since the age of 8 and my experiences were being written off. My mother got worse, and I ended up being her full time carer for a few years. She was abusive, she hit me, she destroyed my things, she wrote on the walls and threatened me with knives. When a letter for my third GIC appointment came, (the appointment that would have gotten me hormones) I highly suspect it was my mother that destroyed it. I didn’t even know I’d been dropped from the list until six months later when I called to ask when my next appointment would be. I’d apparently missed it and for that reason they’d silently, without fuss, taken me off their active patients list. I was upset but handling my mother was enough strain for me not to fight my case for another few years. I went to attempt college for a second time in 2015 - nearly six years after I first came out, and four after my first GIC appointment. I called my best friend over to my house, and together we sighed 15 deedpolls changing my name and title legally. I contacted the clinic and got another appointment for that September. The doctor wanted longer - more appointments to get to know me, but after hearing I’d already had two with another doctor, had waited four years, had told the story I’ve told you now - she told me she wanted to get me on hormones for christmas. She rearranged her schedule and had me come in on december 9th, four days later I had my first doze of testosterone. I didn’t tell my father that I’d started hormones but I had told him prior that I was going to soon. My dad continued not to accept me, as did one of my tutors at college. I kept my head down and muscled through. I’d become so used to not passing that only 4 years later, when Im passing easily and consistently, its both a shock and yet somehow feels like its always been the case. I had top surgery on October 23rd 2017. To my surprise, my father came to the hospital. He’d said he wouldnt visit, but made the 4 hour drive anyway. Last summer, he started introducing my as his son to strangers. He started inviting me out for drinks with him and my brother. He treated me how I had always wanted. Sure he still drops the feminine endearments in - but I’m not going to fault him that. Everyone I meet assumes Im cis until I tell them otherwise. I was finally comfortable enough in 2017 to come out as gay, and I’m now engaged to my wonderful Fiance who is just beginning his own transition journey. My point? It gets better is a tired phrase that feels worn out by use. And no my life isn’t perfect but dysphoria and lack of love is definitely not the problem. Years ago I felt I’d never pass, I told people as much. I thought I was ugly, and unlovable. Now I like how I look, I Know i pass because people call me “sir” “Mr” ect. One of the tutors for the university I applied to was excited to “finally have a man in the class.” 
The journey is long, and at no point can you see the end of it. Eventually you just look back and see how far you’ve come. Stay strong. 
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skull-grunt-judi · 7 years
Dear mom or dad,
What were you like? I never had the pleasure of meeting you but... I like to think you're a wonder full person. Were a wonderful person. Did you like water pokemon? Did you have any pokemon? 
I miss you. Sometimes people who knew you say I look just like you, I have your hair and your smile, your eyes and the same freckles. Sometimes I look in the mirror and imagine myself older, maybe with a few wrinkles near my eyes. 
I like to think you smiled a lot, maybe you sang a bit? I really wish I could know you. I hope everything is okay up there, I hope your happy. I don’t know if you watch over me, but I know you probably upset at dad. 
I love you mom. 
Your daughter, Ari
[ Under the cut is a NSFW letter for Judi’s dad ]
If I should even be calling you that. You don’t deserve to be a dad. You don’t deserve anything. I hope life tears you apart, I hope you have every little thing taken away from you. I hope you suffer. 
What monster rapes their daughter? It makes me sick thinking you still give people pokemon, You can only hope I never show up again. 
Because if I come back I’m going to make your life a living nightmare.
You’ll know the meaning of fear, you’ll know what its like to look over your shoulder hoping someone isn't there, I will be your fear. 
I’ll watch as it wears you down, I’ll watch as you break slowly from it, as you fall into the mad spiral until you cant take it anymore. And maybe when you fear the fear I’ve lived with for 21 long years... you’ll give up. 
Abandon your life, and as you fade from this earth I’ll be able to watch the fear stick to your expression. I’ll be able to stand and watch your pathetic flame finally get snuffed out, while I will continue to burn wild and strong. 
Fuck you dad.
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tumblunni · 7 years
For the salty ask meme: 16) -If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?and 17) -Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… (feel free to choose a fandom lol)
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? 
Sinnoh: TEAM GALACTIC REDEMPTION ARC, TEAM GALACTIC REDEMPTION ARC *banging fists on the table*Also either give the main rival more of an actual role or just remove them. There’s a reason nobody ever remembers npc lucas/dawn and we all just classify barry as the main one instead! Npc lucas/dawn was like all the worst parts of npc brendan/may and none of the good. its been all these years and i still cant pin down a single personality trait for them!
Uhhhhmmm Steven Universe?: BISMUTH REDEMPTION ARC BISMUTH REDEMPTION ARCI just felt REALLy uncomfortable with how she was treated so unsympathetically after the reveal of her mistakes, even though steven’s talked down two other gems already who were misguided evilness. And I felt bismuth’s misguided evilness was way more complex and debateable if its even evil, it was a topic people still dont have an answer to in real life; what is ‘going too far’ when it comes to fighting against oppression?And like.. people say that she was handled sympathetically cos of the rest of the episode, but I say she wasnt handled AS sympathetically as the others. Like.. I don’t know how to explain it. She was introduced as a nice guy and then it was meant to be a twist that she’s ‘evil’ and then you’re meant to be SCARED of her! And it was just really unfortunate that they decided to do this plot with a character who’s heavily coded as black, yknow? And until Topaz we hadnt had ANY butch supporting gems who weren’t super evil and scary and violent. Like seriously its just an unfortunate THING that bismuth’s particular form of evil was the ‘oh she’s too violent and cant control her emotions’ kind of plot. I dont think they intentionally did any of this though, i just think they didnt think about how it’d come across in the wider context of what the show had already done. Like, it VERY MUCH would have not hit the same sort of nerve if this plot happened with any other kind of character design.Also i just FUCKIN LOVE BISMUTH and i DO NOT AGREE that she was 100% morally wrong here. There are situations where ‘kill the enemy to save the lives of innocents’ is a tough choice that actually has to be made. And even if I agree that she took it way too far, i dont think she was evil. i think she was just fuckin feeling the mental impact of war, and its hard to keep steven’s more rational ‘even some of the enemies might be redeemable’ mindset when ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE DYING AT THE HANDS OF THOSE PEOPLE. And she just woke up and found out even more of her friends died! And all she has left is our heroes! And her last memory is of one of her best friends and mentor figures NOT EVEN HEARING HER OUT, and bubbling her cos she’s apparantly too dangerous to live! And then steven just bubbles her again! Nobody even tries to show her that she’s wrong or anything! Seriously, give me a plot of her coming back and getting to meet lapis and peridot and it leading to redemption.And.. like.. seriously...Can we go back to the fact that she’s VERY HEAVILY CODED AS A BLACK WOMAN? She’s a gem but she’s a gem with a black voiceactress and dreadlocks, yknow! And the whole damn SUBJECT of this episode is something that would have been very personal to black fans at the time. Its basically the whole ‘policeman preemptively shoots a black child over a gun he didnt have’ thing but framed with a black woman proposing that policy. Its so.. unfortunate. I dont think they did it on purpose but it REALLY dropped during a bad time, seriously! Its like how Gem Harvest upset a lot of people cos it happened RIGHT AFTER trump got elected, and people thought the uncle character was meant to be like ‘republicans arent so bad!’ even though episodes are made months in advance and it was just a coincidence. This is why you need to be more clear about stuff just in case, yknow? I mean, black people facing ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ was already a problem even before these high profile news cases about so many shootings, and people having a racist, sexist republican uncle who uses ‘family values’ and ‘i hate change’ as an excuse was also a thing before trump was even born. Its not impossible to predict audience reactions, yknow!Anyway, I just miss Bismuth a lot. And I’m glad later episodes at least showed that steven is guilty about it and is continuing to think about it, so she might someday come back and continue her plotline. It just raised so much salt at the time cos the framing of the episode made it seem like this was thefirst and last time we’d ever see bismuth, and a redemption was absolutely impossible when every other villain so far had either got a redemption or had a big chance of getting one soon. Nowdays we have more irredeemable baddies too, so at least its not as big of a disparity anymore!
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… 
Sinnoh: TEAM GALACTIC REDEMPTION ARC instead of NOT TEAM GALACTIC REDEMPTION ARCAlso: more actual something happening with the Charon backstory. Instead of it being in a weirdass wifi event, put it in the actual plot. Instead of no redemption arc and no rotom hugs, give sidequest of rotom hugs.FEED MY ADDICTION TO REDEMPTION ARCS, NINTENDO!
Hoenn: Instead of no character customization, character customization. I really hope if we get sinnoh remakes they keep character customization! Even if its just dressing up the preset character design!
Alola: Please remove any hints that Lillie is gonna forgive her mom without lusamine doing anything to deserve it yet, geez. Also I really REALLY hope the theory of ‘lusamine used to be nice and was just brainwashed by nihilego’ was never intended to be canon. Seriously it is SO RARE to see a plot of someone calling out their abusive mom and escaping their abusive mom, can we not pull any bullshit to lower the impact of that. ‘She wasnt really abusive, she was just mind controlled’ is THE single worst pokemon theory I’ve heard in a million years of shitty pokemon theory.I have no chill for the topic of abusive moms.ALSO: give plumeria more screentime, I love plumeria. Instead of no plumeria: plumeria.
Persona 5: Instead of dating your fuckin 30 year old teacher at age 16, let us have a gay option. Seriously atlus you’re clearly fine with putting ‘taboos’ into your games, why did you go with one that actually has a friggin MORAL REASON to not be in games??? Its so hypocritical of them to have a bunch of ‘lol gay men are so gross’ jokes when they’re having actual gross shit in the damn game...Also kawakami was a really good character once you got past the cringe factor of her horrible plot. Rescue her from the plot! She could have been a perfectly fine heartwarming friendship route! Even if you only go friends with her, she still has to be part of this gross demeaning maid service plot and say a bunch of suggestive nonsense and then if i wanna get all the social links i have to take advantage of her overpowered skill to give you extra time which TAKES THE FORM OF A CREEPY MASSAGE. Seriously, why???? IM SO SORRY KAWAKAMI IM SKIPPING THRU THE SCENE AS FAST AS I CAN
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galazarus · 6 years
Pokemon Au
Some background first! I think Professors giving kids a pokemon is apart of a research program that you can sign up for and have to be picked from a list of other kids. Pokedexs and the rare ‘starter’ are apart of the program. Normally people go on a journey with their own pokemon. Also! I like to think there’s a contest in every region. If I was a pokemon trainer I would be from the Unova Region born and raised. I wouldn't leave right away on a journey. My family’s not to well off so id work for a while and leave later on. I like to believe i would finally be able to get my own pet! A Poochyenna and i can go on my journey at 20 years of age. Id honestly have NO idea what I’m doing because my “research” is “how much do dog pokemon eat?” and “how does tent???” and giving up on anything other than that. I also SUCK at reading maps soooo thank god we live in an era of GPS. Id probably make plans to see friends and call them often but I’m not good at communicating at all! Since I’m alone I don’t eat to well and have to actively look for fruit and not buy candy every time i look up. Id love my tiny little dog I lovingly named Poochy and Id try my best to make her happy but I’m awkward when it comes to dogs. I’d like the idea of collecting all of the pokemon but realistically i cant take care of them! And an entire team would be hard as well but worth the effort. Id try to think about team balances but lets be real. I want cute ones! The Gym leaders would be hard and would probably force me to catch another pokemon for my team. A Pidove a happy name Coop! I keep walking forward until i encounter the desert and end up stumbling upon a Darumaka! I try really hard to catch it and i successfully do! And its a success! I name her DeeDee! Running into team plasma would be so annoying and for some reason they have very similar pokemon. I’d bother me what they were doing and id stand up for kids and other trainers. Id never be happy about it and id probably be very vocal about being against plasma. Hopefully i make some friends along the way. And i would be try a few contests! I’m nervous but hey, that’s how it is right before a public performance. As a theater kid id know. Id be a pretty average contestant but that’s totally okay with me! Id be happy participating and if i actually win one id be surprised but happy though its not needed!! Poochy would be my main contest pokemon and I’d try to make her look super cool. I’m not a fast person and I’m very relaxed go with the flow like. I imagine the journey would take a long time for me to complete. When winter comes around im upset and refusing to camp out in the forest so i dont make to many moves away from towns when its to cold.  I eventually feel like im doing to much lingering and ill try and go ahead anyway despite how cold it is. This is where i meet my Deerling i name her Blanche! I also meet a sweet heart Poliwhirl who i named Oakly. They turn out to be a sweet duo and get along really well! I love route 8. Its such a nice area, pretty with all the ponds and puddles. I spend a lot of time here training for battle and contests. One my way through route 14 I find a Cubone abandoned and i take him in and name him Cuball! I wont realize this until later but he is an Alolan Cubone.  I have an entire team and i continue training, contest training, and battling trainers until I’ve made my way to the league. I wasn’t sure how to get there but i wasn’t about to backdown due to nerves! I wanted to see exactly how far i could go! If i won that’s great but if i lose that’s fine because I’ve already made it farther than i thought i ever could! I don’t make it to far with the league (with my team fully evolved) and that’s totally okay!! I take down Shauntel’s team with great difficulty before moving on to Marshal’s before being brought to my knees. I knock out one of his pokemon before mine gets defeated and i smile, thank him, and leave. Its fine with me! Not everyone can be champion and i think my talents are best elsewhere! I make my way home slowly reflecting on my journey and everything i learned and the people i met. I hope to have helped some people and to have grown into a stronger person because of this. I imagine coming home and my family celebrates and that’s fun, but id move out soon afterwards.  Id find place to stay(hopefully a small house on route 8) and id often leave for contests and maybe a regular job in either Opelucid City or Icirrus City. Maybe if i save enough money i can visit some other regions, but for now? this seems like enough In short, my journey wouldn’t be a big deal. Id have struggles, most with confidence and quick thinking but learning to overcome that and move faster for me and my pokemon’s sake isn’t impossible. Id work the hardest i could on gym battles with a heavy interest in casual contesting and when i get to the Pokemon League id fail pretty early on never meeting the champion but I’d be happy with where i land, I’d go home with my team and live my life in peace.
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