#it wouldve been so funny if i kept the child for the lore xD
gaeulssims · 2 months
Ama Diaz(Levine)
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 1st, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 1st, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Littlelight Asylum by Julian Dominguez (Writer), Esther Pimentel (Artist), and Toben Racicot (Letterer).
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Littlelight Asylum by Julian Dominguez (Writer), Esther Pimentel (Artist), and Toben Racicot (Letterer)~! (http://littlelightasylum.spiderforest.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i think for me, my favorite scene is hands down when cthulhu shows up and lays the smack down. this might be biased from really liking to see cthulhu get around. but i also just kept being like "this squid kid reminds me of cthulhu" and then my assumptions were vindicated
Yup XD
I also liked seeing Eve get excited for the Crimson Archer
That was pretty cool. I also liked just earlier when Eternal Flame was still the dork.(edited)
Yup, gotta imagine Eve squee face.
yeah i liked the timing for it too. cause eve stonewalled for so long but then gotta have that little quieter squee when the actual hero showed up.
although i also liked when lilith was all squee but then immediately turned on the tsundere "its not like i like this at all" XD
I like her personality. Vaguely Spock-like. She's sensible.
Eve, that is.
Also, MASSIVE bonus points for "drum roll". That was too good.
On a more subtle note though, I also liked that Eve hid the video games, AND that her gaming stash had both of the other characters' favorite games. Sometimes you wonder why/how some characters get along, and it's subtle details like that that grounds the relationship for me, by showing that they have more in common than it may seem.
keii: That's an excellent point. She's a good friend.
Though how could you not get along with Hollow.
i liked that moment too because i think it demonstrates both eve's intelligence and that for monster kids, taking away their stuff is really not that easy. so it was a moment that kind of did some subtle and excellent world building as well.
I think Eve is the only one who can portal though.
the person who took the stuff wasn't expecting it at all
(And there's just this dude living in there, that was funny...)
true but i dont doubt the others could find a way to hide their games. like lilith seems like shes 100% use magic....that would ultimately mess up in some fashion. hollow might be screwed unless he decides to bury his games in the backyard.
granted i wouldve thought headmistress light wouldve realized eve kind of has some op powers for someone her age
Fair. I do think Light is happy so long as there's no destruction of property going on.
Though if the average monster kid is good at sneaking stuff around, I would think others would be more aware/skeptical
I'm still trying to figure out my feelings about Lilith. She seems pretty self-absorbed.
She kinda seems like the meanie who hangs out with the good kids because she does get lonely, and no one else will tolerate her
tbf tho their tolerance isnt the highest. since the first scenario they basically said "nope lilith has to clean up her own mess" until it wasnt possible for them to leave it alone
im interested in what shaped lilith's personality to be as it is
I found it interesting that she seemed to genuinely like Sona as a character, as opposed to just "I like her because her game is fun." Sona seemed like she had a decent personality (or maybe that's just my assumption based on "typical video game main characters" )
nah sona had a nice personality cause she was all positive in the brief moment we see her. very opposite of lilith. so it makes me wonder if lilith has had a bit of a troubled childhood. like i mean dont get me wrong, shes mean. but given shes also a kid you always have to wonder how genuine it is and how much of it is putting on airs and acting in a way she thinks is expected of her.
cause i know her profile even mentions shes half demon or something. so she could be thinking "no im a demon gotta do the evil"
Hey there, just popping in to say hello since I'm a bit occupied with something else atm
if I can make it later I'll jump into the chat proper
(I do want to say briefly that this story has some appealing character designs)
It could be something like, she doesn't get along with the Less Evil of her parents (could be the demon, could be the other one), so she's latching onto evil being desirable. But that's a total stab in the dark at this point in time
true. could be opposite in that the witch parent is more evil. or they could both be evil
QUESTION 2. The cast of the comic is colorful to say the least. Did any of the characters in particular strike you as interesting? If so, who and why? Why do you think Lilith is at the orphanage when she implies she has parents? Who are her parents and where are they? What about Eve and Hollow? Do you think they’re actually orphans or are there mitigating circumstances to why they’re at the orphanage? What do you think Eve’s implied connection to Cthulhu is? What about Hollow? Any theories that turn what we believe about Hollow on their head? Do you think the three main children will manage to stay friends despite their differences, or will one of them cause a rift?
I do think an "the friends have a fight, but realize it was silly and reunite to defeat a foe that they could not have defeated individually" episode is likely, though it's still early on and can't really say what might cause such a scenario
i could argue thats sort of their whole relationship tho. the whole friends fight but reunite
cause even the first issue basically kind of does this
But I mean something more... extreme
The first one seemed like a daily occurrence kinda thing
But like, something that makes them think, "great, I'll never talk to the other two again"
actually what i hope happens is that lilith is the great ill never talk to the other two again
has a solo adventure but comes back
and eve and hollow are were like "what do you mean our fight and friendship breakup? we thought you were just being you"
If that happens, I would like to see it contribute to Lilith's character growth long term, even if very subtle
Sorry, had to deal with little one here. Just to finish my earlier thought...
Lilith seems to have this need to prove herself to someone, so there's that, but she's not great at considering the consequences. Like even being forced to clean up the kitchen. It's an interesting counterpoint to Eve... and I guess since my personality's more like Eve, I have little issues.
I think Lilith was probably left at the orphanage by a relative who just couldn't deal any more... her parents were maybe going to come back to said relative's place at some time. Now Lil's trying to get their attention, maybe?
maybe. i feel like something deeper is going on. cause normally if you couldn't deal with a child youre watching you just ship them back to their parents. not send them to an orphanage.
not to mention lilith is a bag of trouble
and if i was the headmistress and knew lilith had parents who didnt abandon her forever, i wouldve been like "oh whoops back to your parents you go"
although nobody might know where the parents are
maybe lilith's witch parent is as bad as magic
are trapped in a video game
Yeah, I figured maybe it was a "no forwarding address" kind of thing. Possibly because one of them is wanted, and they don't want their ties to the kids to be an issue.
Heh, that'd be amusing, if Lilith's witch parent had the same trouble with spells. Came by it honestly.
As to parent/kid ties, I feel like Eve is maybe a reincarnation of Cthulu or something. Which is why she can channel subconsciously?
or the secret child. cause i mean of course cthulhu would abandon a kid. not out of evil but cthulhu has evil cthulhu stuff to do. no time to be raising kids. but ya know, can make time to show up and say "dont you tocuh my kid weird demon fellow"
but reincarnation works too
never considered that
or maybe eve just is cthulhu
the only one
and that was just an astral projection of her power or something fancy like that
Yeah, monster adults be busy and all. Speaking of, I wonder if the other beings are kind of in their own dimension somewhere? Or if there are pockets in the real world? I mean, seemed like a normal town not too far away.
Eve is a chibi-cthulhu.
it could just be both cause this seems like one of them tricky magic worlds where every answer is probably plausible O_O
i want to know why hollow can breathe fire on a side note. like is this werewolf lore i dont know about XD
They live in video games.
Hollow eats a lot of spicy peppers.
I'm not aware of fire-breathing werewolf lores, but now that I think about it, it'd be really cool(edited)
to see a howling wolf exhale a long stream of fire into the moon
Maybe it comes from the human side. Born of one of those fire eaters in the carnivals and a werewolf.
Unlikely but not impossible: could be a loose reference to the eclipse dog that tried to eat the sun (and failed)
Hm, not one I know of.
QUESTION 3. The world of the comic is interesting to say the least. How do you think Littlelight Asylum manages to stay under the radar given its unique composition of occupants? Do you think we’ll see Mel again? Further, do you think Mel will manage to expose Littlelight Asylum for what it is, or will Mel’s efforts wind up in vain? How abundant do you think monsters are compared to humans anyway? What do you think would happen if normal humans found out about the orphanage? Will it turn out okay, badly, or do you think they have safety nets in place? Lastly, why do you think Headmistress Light continues the orphanage when it causes her many headaches and risks a lot?
ive never heard of that one either but i dont mark it off as impossible either. it was just a weird detail that made me curious about hollow. granted tbf hes a wolf all the time so this def is a diff sort of werewolf
Different rules and all... demons live in hats.
I think calling the place an "Asylum" is a good way to keep random visitors from showing up. Just saying.
Monsters must be more prevalent than one thinks though, if they're having relationships with humans? And if Mel has enough data to identify them as such?
I'm not sure about safety nets, btw. The best solution they had seemed to be get on the bus.
well that orphanage alone was pretty populated from what it seemed. and having an orphanage implies that either 1) the population is large because generally you only have an orphanage that community raising isnt a viable option or 2) orphans in the monster world are extremely, extremely common and probably more orphans than kids with parents
thats a great point about asylum tho
that its used as a detterent
thats brilliant and i never considered that
True, about the implications. It could also be that it's the only place on the entire Earth for them.
I wonder if anyone tries to send an actual human orphan to the place. Are they listed in the yellow pages?
if they are actually using the asylum thing as a deterrent for humans, probably not
About Headmistress Light... she may have inherited the place? It is sort of named after her.
yeah her profile says as much
Probably not. Unless you get a tax writeoff or something.
that the place was her father's
Ahh, I didn't recall the profiles.
i assume she actually just cares about kids and knows that as monsters its not like they have anywhere else to go. cause you cant exactly send them to regular orphanages cause they might not understand the concept of not getting caught by a human lynch mob that well
Yeah, I kinda feel the same. She also checked out the costumes before going into the town.
i do think were inevitably going to see mel again. mel had too much potential as an antagonist
and i also think mel would be a good character way to show the human side of things
and how the humans might perceive monsters
and maybe actually show those preventitive measures
Yeah, that does seem likely. I wonder what her damage is? Like, just give the weird monsters a chocolate and they'll leave you alone. You can then do all your plotting in secret.
Mel has her own issues, basically. ^^
I liked the explanation for why they went to her house even though they knew she was annoyed with them, btw.
Also, very topical for this time of year.
yes. not even purposely timed XD
tbh tho i kind of also hope they turn mel into an ally
like show mel look we can go into the video games
and mel is like "ok this is cool i will help you now"
Help them what though? Hide out? They've been pretty good at that.
Though it could be funny if Mel can cast spells properly, so Lilith gets advice from her.
if not mel i do hope we get to see a more competent spell caster that can mentor lilith a bit. although i kind of hope all the kids get mentors. learn to become well-rounded ppl
QUESTION 4. The story is formatted in a way to offer lots of room for interesting scenarios. Are there any sorts of supernatural based scenarios you think might be interesting to see? Alternatively, is there something non-supernatural that you think it’d be interesting to watch the kids go through? Do you think we’ll see any of the antagonists from the previous scenarios again? If so, what do you think will happen? How many of the future scenarios do you think will be caused by Lilith’s magic going awry? Speaking of the supernatural though, what other sorts of cryptids or similar are you hoping to see character wise? Alternatively, is there a character you’ve seen already that you want to see more of based on their cryptid base?
to answer one of those questions, id really like to see monster schooling. cause that must be a crazy mess
I'm just trying to think of who'd be the mentors... might mix things up, have the wolves try to mentor Lilith...
I'm wondering if ghosts are a thing. Or contacting dead people. Particularly if parents are dead.
I hope the Lilith's magic going weird doesn't become a crutch... I liked how it was subverted a bit in the most recent one, where they were able to defeat the enemies.
yeah. i do hope to see some character and skill growth
cause i really want lilith's magic to be useful at points
and for her to learn to maybe read the whole thing
and not invoke curses
I feel like her learning might be a bit of a stretch. Could be interesting if they end up in classes though.
Like, are there spell casting classes?
oh you know what i could forsee as a scenario
another witch joining the orphanage
that is way better at magic
Ohh, that could be an interesting point.
Or even worse, like, gives Lilith a superiority complex.
yeah that could happen to
unless the orphanage has that already, another witch. tbf id really like to see more of the kids in general. cause there were a lot of interesting and great designs already(edited)
and it could add to the kid's dynamic as well. like seeing how they interact with the others. cause lilith might not be the only one who's kind of outcasted from the other groups
It's true. Maybe all three of the mains are kind of seen as the troublemakers by other kids too. So they end up by themselves.
Just looking at the character page again. It mentions that headmistress light has a power. Maybe she'll end up as a mentor?
Also, I wonder about Annabel there too.
yeah. annabel i hope we get to see of more too. cause she looks sort of puppet or frankenstein like perhaps? so i want to know what her story is
granted i also want to know about bel too
i especially want to know how eve and hollow feel about bel
cause i assume they know bel exists
Yeah, that would make sense.
Like, I would assume they figure he can't control Lilith any more than they can... so hmmm, what use is he?(edited)
on the opposite end they might feel hes a bad influence on lilith
Annabel could be a puppet, that might explain the pose after she fell off the ceiling, I hadn't considered that.
Maybe. Particularly if Bel's, like, reporting back to a witches council or something.
he might just be a bad influence via not always discouraging lilith's crazy. you could make that argument at least
Maybe he's really Lilith's dad in disguise.
before the chat closes out, i want to add that i agree with super in that the character designs are really fantastic. theres a real great balance of detail and simplicity and i feel like all the designs really match the character theyre for.
Dad's kind of a bumbling goof, doesn't want anyone to know. ^.^
Yeah, and I think the characters complement each other really well. Like, the more reserved sensible one, the off the wall random one, and the guy who's prone to excitement and is happy to be doing his best.
Even that second antagonist (if the ones at the start with the vines were the first), the Flame guy, he had some good motivations and things... and "eternal" wasn't just a catchphrase.
Btw, Hollow and Eve seem to share a room... does Lilith have a roommate, you think?
well bel could technically be considered her roommate
probably just bel
lilith might spell another roommate into accident death
i liked eternal flame guy. he had the kind of over the top personality that is really fun
There is always that danger.
and i also liked that until cthulhu showed up he was op and able to beat children
Extreme traits are interesting. Yeah, I liked the line "Oh, uh, are you with them" or whatever it was.
I suppose he could come back too, from the pocket dimension. Maybe he'll help to mentor them.
Anyway, should prove interesting to see what the next storyline is.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Julian Dominguez, Esther Pimentel, and Toben Racicot, as well, for making Littlelight Asylum. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Julian Dominguez, Esther Pimentel, and Toben Racicot’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://littlelightasylum.spiderforest.com/
Julian’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Boxboycomics
Esther’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gilly_thesilly
Toben’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/TobenRacicot
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Anacrine Complex by Sae. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, November 8th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://pigeoncomic.com/
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