#it’s EXHAUSTING when full grown people refuse to let petty internet drama die but that’s your right
deadlyanddelicate · 3 years
literally the most inane fandom wank that should have died DAYS ago (and WOULD have if people didn’t keep trying to start shit by pulling in random third parties) but i’ve just got to get this off my chest. everyone involved is hopefully blocked at this point, but since you guys seem to find ways to hate-stalk and vague people anyway, here’s some piping hot tea for you:
if you’re so terminally online that you think someone expressing dislike of your preferred fandom takes on their own blog, UNTAGGED, constitutes “relentless attacking”, “hate” (heavily implied to be homophobic despite the people you’re trash talking all being just as queer as you) and “harassment” then i literally cannot help you and i don’t care about anything you have to say. curate your fandom space. don’t police others’.
it isn’t even a smear campaign at this point, it’s straight up bullshit — and the people talking out their ass about this know that too, because they’re the ones showing up in my friends’ replies and askboxes demeaning them on a personal level. do not paint yourselves as victims of some kind of hate crime when there is solid proof of you directly belittling and shaming people to their face for literally having an opinion online.
harassment is a serious allegation, which entails legitimate malicious hurt being caused. it’s kind of gross to use it as a dogwhistle to yell at people who disagree with your fandom takes. you’re all adults. grow up and start acting like it. 🙄
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