#i know you know where the block button is so literally do you and we’ll keep doing us
hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumpril day 19
Content: Death mention
(Ice pack, muffled sobs, “I’m worried about you”)
"And then once you pathetic heroes are defeated, I’ll–...Okay pause. What happened to your face?" 
It wasn't a question Hero had expected to hear, especially not while they sat trapped in a villain’s base, power dampening cuffs binding their arms and legs. They especially didn’t expect to hear it while zoning out during one of said villain’s famously long rants.
"Your face." Villain repeated. "You've got a nasty bruise. When did that happen?"
Hero glared. "We were literally just fighting. I'm a hero now, where do you think I get–Hey!" Hero's response was cut off by Villain grabbing their face, turning it to get a clearer view of the bruise. With a thoughtful look, they licked their thumb and rubbed it against Hero's cheek.
Hero did their best to pull away. "Cut it out!"
"We'll, we know it's not just dirt now."
"You could've just asked instead of licking me!"
Villain finally let go of their face. "When you become a parent, you'll realize that spit is an effective tool of injury identification and quick face cleanup." They stepped away. "You’ve been taking on a lot of villains lately. Are they being too rough with you? I can straighten them out if you need; they should know to go easy on a kid."
"I am not a kid."
"I remember when you were some sixteen year old clinging to Other Hero's cape like a duckling. You are literally always going to be a kid to me. That's just how it works."
Villain dug into their pockets. After a minute of rummaging, they pulled out a remote and pointed it towards Hero. They pressed a button, and Hero felt something in their restraints pop. The cuffs still remained firmly clamped around their limbs, but Hero found that they’d detached entirely from the chair.
Villain started walking."Let's put this on pause and get you some ice on that, m'kay? You look like you could use a meal and a break anyway." 
With how unpredictable they could be, nothing Villain did should’ve surprised Hero anymore. And yet Hero found themself looking down in shock at their freed limbs.  "What are you even doing?"
Villain paused, turning. "Getting you ice?"
"No, I mean," Hero stood, "this. Why are you trying to help me? You’re a bad guy."
Villain looked away, almost pouting. "It's embarrassingly non- villainous to admit it, but I suppose I'm…worried about you." They grimaced at their own words, as if they hurt to speak. "You didn't get this promotion under the best of circumstances–"
Hero scowled, looking away. "They died."
Villain flinched. "Right. Other Hero…died. Is it so strange that I’d want to keep an eye on my old nemesis’ sidekick?”
It wasn’t actually. Villain had always been, at least comparatively, the nicest villain in Other Hero’s gallery. They never targeted civilians with anything more harmful than a monologue. Even when they fought, Villain rarely caused anyone serious harm. In all their time as a sidekick, Hero could count on a single had the times when Villain had actually targeted them, and of those times they’d never been seriously hurt. 
But they weren’t a sidekick anymore. They couldn’t rely on a villain’s pity to keep up. “I don’t need your help.” 
Villain started walking, not even bothering to look Hero’s way. “You have it anyway! Consider it my new evil scheme if it makes you feel better. Plus, those cuffs are still blocking your powers, so you’re still technically kidnapped.”
Hero sighed.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Green time :D I’m watching Oli
This is the most awake I’ve ever felt, Oli is magic, I swear
*Barks* “That’s a gecko sound” yup
Ok but I’m legit confused because he’s actually in the room but is he greenscreening a picture of the room onto himself in the actual room being videoed??? Y’know what, I’m not gonna question it
It would take at least two degrees to figure out Oli’s stream setup, I swear /pos
“It’s very unlikely that we’ll win” mhm yep no comment
“‘People have ads king they can’t see’ Oh I’m sorry, is that my problem??? They have the sub button don’t they?!?!!??” You guys don’t understand how much I love this man /p
“Obviously a great team: we got skill, we got passion, we got drive. What we don’t got is decision making” so real of them, honestly
Punz and Krinios are Oli antis, real and true
Oli what do you MEAN that is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen (pictured below because I can’t not)
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WHAT IS BEKYS STREAM??!??!???!!?!??
Team captain Oli o7
Ah yes Gene Ellie
Oli is the absolute silliest
Can’t believe Oli Orionsound bullied Jojo off the server /lh
Oli and Beky are having so much fun, their energy is unmatched
“‘What happened to Quig?’ Died. Sad. Actually he went to North Carolina, which I think is worse”
“I just want to talk tactics with the bois” “What, am I not allowed?” “No, you’re one of the bois, Bekyamon”
Can’t believe Punz has never met a British person before /j
Krinios gets to have depth perception for once, good for them
Them all cracking up and Krinios’s “That’s so stupid!!” while still laughing, that’s the Orionsound difference right there
“I’m usually bottom ten, if I suddenly up my game, we’re cracked” Where’s that dodgeball ‘gift of prophecy meme’
FINALLY SOME HYPE FOR BINGO (it’s only good with pvp imo but I love some positive energy)
Bingo but Fast
The absolute chaos of thinking they had to get 45 of every item 😭
My bingo bois <333
They’re killing it!!!!
Was Oli the only one to discover the veggie points in bingo? If so that’s so cool and quirky of him
“You really fell off king” “Thanks man” is it too soon to say I love Krinios? I haven’t watched much of his content but they’re funny and gnc and that’s enough for me
“Maybe I was built for scuffed” little does he know…
“Bingo but second?” BEKY 😭
I literally thought “maybe the real elevator is the friends we made along the way” a second and a half before Oli said that exact thing
Battle Box
This team is so strong actually
Them chanting to eat the carrots
Their fight against blue was so clean
Them running around frantically trying to break and eat blocks is so silly
Punz holding a grudge from MCC13 😂
“That’s a hot leaderboard if I’ve ever seen it” they’re all so cool
Why are they talking about fonts and why is Oli doing so in a sultry voice 😭
Hole in the Wall
This team is so good at communicating and adapting, they’re so epic
It sounded like Krinios just straight up told Oli to cut his hands off and then said “Why not?” Lmao
The floor just falling out from below Oli is so comical
“We keep muchin’” so true
“I’m switching to Punz mode” “Yeah!!” Punz being supportive my beloved
Survival Games
“You can’t place blocks” “Not usually, but this is scuffed Punz” so true Oli
Punz just freaking died L
“Punz it’s okay, don’t forget: I’m Punz now” Oli is absorbing his power as we speak
Something about the way Oli swoops is so satisfying
Oli is so “haha I’m in danger”core
Beky and Oli supremacy!!!! They popped off!!!
WHAT IS THIS HALFTIME SHOW??!!!?!!???! I’m down but what’s the backstory here??
Well now I have to watch red lmao
They all got top 10?!?!!??!! They popped off!!!
“First is good, I think” so true Oli
3 green in the top 4, they’re so cracked
“Guys I think the second eye is helping me” He’s just too powerful when they have depth perception
WHY ARE OLI’S PREDICTIONS SO ON POINT??? He legit was just like “you don’t think we’re gonna get blockle? Really?” He was so confident my goodness
Sands of Time
Oli sand daddy :D
He’s doing such a good job giving instructions and getting everyone settled
Beky calling the extra something after the portal immediately and she’s right
They actually handled the jumpscare so well what the heck
“Oh it’s just giving us anxiety?!??? Oh my god, that’s so mean!!!” So real Krin
Oli’s such a good sandkeeper I could cry (I have covid and my eyes are watering every 10 minutes don’t judge me)
I’m so unreasonably proud of Oli’s performance this MCC, he’s doing amazing
Their comms are so good 😭😭😭
“It’s a hard jump kinda” “No it’s not, we’re cracked”
Big Sales at Build Mart
These guys are having so much fun, it makes me so happy
I was so sure “team captain Oli” was Beky joking but he’s genuinely such a good igl
“That’s funny man” “Thanks man” “You practice that one?” “Yeah I did :)” oh my gosh them
“You can’t punch in the nether bit” “That would be togettotheothersidescore” it’s for the best but I kinda wanted them to be able to punch each other into the lava, it would be so silly and (dare I say) scuffed
Oli being self deprecating and Bek just agreeing with him 😂
Ah yes, the bickering phase of buildmart
Oh no, Oli being one block off on the check board means he got 0% :((
“There has to be crazy game for us to get out of dodgebolt right now” “Hey, you don’t know how hard I can throw” the way Oli’s proud of that is everything, actually
Why does Krinios think there’s friendly fire in skyblockle?? Who hurt them???? (Literally)
Oh did Bek’s internet die?
Beky’s back :D
Punz being shocked that he landed in the void and Oli’s little “I landed it :)”
“What’s that iron golem in the middle, what does he do?” “What doesn’t he do?” So true Oli
Gee thanks, no pressure Punz lol
Oli placing lava on himself, that’s my A tier <333
They were so ready to not make it lol
They’re so excited to team with yellow :))
Jimmy is so confused lmao
Jimmy and Oli my beloveds
“Blushi we’re sharing a brain” I love everything happening here actually
I love yellow so much I’m so excited to watch them
“You’ve never missed a shot, ever” … “I missed the shot!! D:”
“Hiding like a little mouse” “Like a rat, even” So true Bek
PUNZ 😭😭😭😭 “You have to hit one” *both miss*
Oli just standing still to stare at the frog for like five seconds is so adhdcore
Joel and Oli’s trade is so iconic
How are Krinios and Punz in such perfect sync lmao
“There is friendly fire, just to let you know” Thanks Jim
Oh whoops I was definitely wondering in previous pics what happens when pg and nonpg are thrown together in dodgebolt, guess we know lol
“Why would you start the anime betrayal arc?” Because he’s an anime protagonist, Phil, you know this, cmon
“If you hit both of these you’re the craziest guys… You’re the craziest guys!!!” You’d never guess what happened lol
This was so fun, I love them :))
“I’m actually pro-empires team, so” So true Oli
“Oli you popped off!!” “Aye YOU popped off!! No YOURE so hot, no YOURE so cute!!!” I love Joel and Oli so much
Empires popped off <333
Well I don’t feel bad anymore because I have zero clue who just called Oli “Grian” lmao, probably Sam??
Shoutout to Sam(?) for giving Oli good material to do an angsty outdo to lol
Nvm it’s motivational now, thanks Grian /ref
“If I can come second place, what can you do?”
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This ain’t a scene: Part 1.
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Dawn of the final day, 24 hours remain...
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Nice reference.
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Right, we just got here, and you two are already goofing around.
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How am I goofing around? I’m literally saying we only have 24 hours left to upload this virus and stop the Kerokuma Initiative.
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Please, just...take this seriously. We only get one shot.
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Yeah, I’m focused...sort of...
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What do you mean sort of?
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Well, I’m all for busting ass and plans, but I just wasn’t expecting the place we needed to go to be...well...
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Kuripa: HERE of all places...
Maya: At least it ain’t the White House.
Kuripa: Yeah, but still! The god damn Smithsonian Castle!? How the hell did Emilia have the budget for this!?
Oliver: Kuripa. Repeat that sentence, but really think for a moment about who my mother is and what she does.
Kuripa: ...
Oliver: ...
Kuripa: A’ight, you got me there.
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Still though, we’d better not trash this place up. As much as I crave destruction because I’m an angry gremlin, I don’t really wanna go bashing up a Washington national landmark.
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What happens happens. I don’t really wanna go destroying such an important place, but this is Feng’s primary communications hub. We need to get in there and upload this virus, by any means necessary.
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But there’s more security here than there is surrounding the President’s meth stash.
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Then what’s the plan?
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Well, first of all we gotta get up there. Then when we’re up there, we’ll disable their encryptors first.
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I see...And do you need to hack them?
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More like hack and slash them.
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Noted. Sounds like a job for me.
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Fang Inc. Guard: ...
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*Kuripa and Maya nod to each other, and then leap out of hiding.
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*They assault the guard and beat the shit out of him.
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Oliver? I know now seems like a dumb time to ask, but you’ve deactivated the alarms and security cams, right?
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That is a dumb time to ask. Of course I did.
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How? We’re nowhere near a security room.
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I don’t always need to be in a security room. I’ve got apps on my phone that can do the job just as well.
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I’ve taken over the camera footage, blocked off ground reinforcement communications, and I’m in the process of disabling the automated security measures.
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I thought this was supposed to be Feng’s primary communications hub. The security here is BS!
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*Oliver presses a few buttons on their phone.
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Alright. The encryptors are up these stairs. Destroy ‘em and be quick about it!
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*Maya and Kuripa nod to each other, and as soon as Oliver opens the door, they charge in.
Guard: What the-!? UAGH!
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Sleep in the dirt!
*Maya rushes up the stairs and shoves past a patrolling guard. Before he can process her presence, Kuripa leaps and tackles him to the ground.
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*Maya checks around for any other security guards, then picks up a brick on the floor and approaches the encryptor.
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*She smacks the device with the brick repeatedly.
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One down!
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I got this one!
*Kuripa slices the second encryptor apart with his sword.
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Ollie! It’s done!
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*Oliver and Kouji hurry up the stairs.
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Now what?
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Now, we find the central antenna, and upload the virus into the algorithm.
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You guys aren’t hurt of anything, right? I have my medkits with me should you need them.
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We’re good. Gotta say, I feel a bit more confident with a medical pro here.
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Uh, I wouldn’t be so confident in my if I were you.
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I’m not exactly a doctor. I’m basically just a pharmacist. I’m the kind of person who studies medicine instead of being the one who supplies it.
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Although, I am the closest thing to the medic on the Freedom Foundation, so don’t be afraid to rely on me.
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Will do.
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So where’s this central antenna bitch then?
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Should be relatively near the top of the castle.
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So...more stairs?
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More stairs...
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Jesus Christ...
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Ugh...I hate stairs...!
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Alright Kung-Fu Panda, quit bitching. We’re there now.
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Then hurry up. Get the virus in the system.
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Alright, chill. It should take a bit though.
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You two guard the entrance to the tower. If anyone comes up the stairs, kick them down again.
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You got it.
*Maya and Kuripa watch the stairs carefully.
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Let’s get busy...
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Here goes nothing.
*Oliver plugs several devices into the satellite.
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Hey...you ok?
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Kinda...Just...thinking about everything...
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If we do this right...this could be it, you know? This could be what we need to destroy Emilia Feng once and for all. To ruin Fang Inc. forever...
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I dunno, it doesn’t feel real. I’ve been fighting this battle for a long time, and I figured that it was a lost cause, but maybe...
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Hehe...I have you and your friends to thank for that.
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You kidding me? We would’ve been fish out of water if not for you guys.
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Maybe that’s true...but you’ve done so much for us, and look what’s happened to you in exchange.
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You lost two of your friends. Hiro got kidnapped and Hina abandoned you.
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Maya...That woman has taken 2 people from us, but SO many people from you. All your friends who died in her Killing Game, and Marisha Filliet too. What I’ve suffered, and what you’ve suffered are incomparable.
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And if you really feel guilty about it, then just help us rescue Hiro. When he comes back, I’m sure Hina will see the light.
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...I hope so...
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Listen to me...Over the short time that we’ve come to know each other, you’ve already become one of my best friends in the whole world.
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If it feel like nobodies got you? Know full well that I got you!
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And I hope you’ll have me too. 
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It’s...It’s not like I don’t think we can win though...it’s more like...
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I’m wondering what I’ll do after Emilia’s gone. It’s not like we can help with cleanup or something.
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We’re not exactly an official organization or anything, and we don’t have the budget to fix all of Fang Inc’s. problems.
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Honestly, after Emilia’s history gets brought out, it’ll be incredible if Fang Inc. even survives past this point.
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But in the case that someone else does take over the company, whoever it is ain’t gonna be as bad as Emilia, that’s for sure.
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Too true...
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Still, you get my point. What’ll happen to us after the fact? We’re still kinda wanted criminals wanted for property damage and the like.
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Then...I have an idea. I can run it by Boss and his wife when we meet up later if you want.
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Why don’t we induct the 6 of you into the Future Foundation?
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You’d really do that!?
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Why the hell not? You’re all so strong, cunning and talented! You’d be great!
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Of course, it’s ultimately up to you whether you wanna sign up, or fly solo. But we won’t restrict your freedom or give you oppressing tasks or anything. It’s actually pretty chill work.
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Which you wouldn’t expect for literally rebuilding all human society. Then again, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
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I...don’t know what to say...
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I’ll definitely think about it.
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*Kuripa pulls Maya in for a hug.
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Anytime bud.
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I don’t meant to interrupt, but we’ve got a bit of an issue.
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Oh boy...what is it?
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*Oliver throws his phone to Maya. She catches it and looks at the screen.
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I’m reading incoming enemies. Machines and drones primarily.
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Oh god...Please, don’t tell me it’s...
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Kerokuma robots!?
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Thankfully no. I was afraid that Mother would launch the robots early if she found we were sabotaging her mission.
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These aren’t the algorithmically driven assassin robots, just the regular machines and drones that also kill you.
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Oh, good!
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How is that good!? Sh-Should we run?
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We can’t! The virus hasn’t finished uploading yet. It’s only at 16%.
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16!? How slow is your fucking internet!?
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*A drone flies through the window and starts shooting machine gun fire at the four people inside. Kuripa leaps up and throws the drone to the ground, destroying it.
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This is bad. These are high military drones. We can’t take them with just the two of us.
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Then count yourself lucky...I’ll take them down by myself...!
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Are you crazy!?
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Yes? Kinda figured that was obvious.
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Kuripa, you’ll die!
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Kouji, I flipped a truck by punching it. I can take a few military drones.
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But if things go wrong, I’m counting on you guys to back me up.
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If you’re sure, then get up to the roof. You’ll have more space there.
*Kouji preps a weapon he brought.
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I’ll stay here with the gear. If any drones fly or attack from the window, I’ll have them taken care of.
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What should I do?
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I’ve got a very important mission for you. I foresaw something like this, so I came prepared.
*Kuripa hands Maya his phone with an app open.
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See that button? I need you to find the audio and radio system for the castle, plug my phone in, and play that audio.
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Trust me...
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It’s important...
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deadlyanddelicate · 3 years
literally the most inane fandom wank that should have died DAYS ago (and WOULD have if people didn’t keep trying to start shit by pulling in random third parties) but i’ve just got to get this off my chest. everyone involved is hopefully blocked at this point, but since you guys seem to find ways to hate-stalk and vague people anyway, here’s some piping hot tea for you:
if you’re so terminally online that you think someone expressing dislike of your preferred fandom takes on their own blog, UNTAGGED, constitutes “relentless attacking”, “hate” (heavily implied to be homophobic despite the people you’re trash talking all being just as queer as you) and “harassment” then i literally cannot help you and i don’t care about anything you have to say. curate your fandom space. don’t police others’.
it isn’t even a smear campaign at this point, it’s straight up bullshit — and the people talking out their ass about this know that too, because they’re the ones showing up in my friends’ replies and askboxes demeaning them on a personal level. do not paint yourselves as victims of some kind of hate crime when there is solid proof of you directly belittling and shaming people to their face for literally having an opinion online.
harassment is a serious allegation, which entails legitimate malicious hurt being caused. it’s kind of gross to use it as a dogwhistle to yell at people who disagree with your fandom takes. you’re all adults. grow up and start acting like it. 🙄
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
It’s Just Me (mini blurb)
if you enjoyed this fic - PLEASE reblog, rec, like, and come chat with me about the fic!
if you like my work and can donate as i do this for free - please consider donating to my ko-fi.
It was a terrible twos kind of day. The kind of day when YN can’t tote Ivy along to a charity organization brunch because she would meltdown.
Harry had her in his office with him, she was sitting on a blanket Harry had laid out, and was quietly playing with her stuffed animals (mostly seals.)
Occasionally, she would babble to herself and get pissed of at her inatimate playmates, ending in her tossing it to the side.
He caught himself just staring at her, smiling as he watches the little human he and his soulmate created right in front of him.
When his phone rings, he automatically picks it up, professionally stating, “Styles.”
“Hi, this is Dan from Payroll,” The guys voice was already shaking and Harry knew he was about to get really pissed off.
“How can I help you?” He asks in a tone that’s was definitely did not sound like he wanted to provide any assistance.
There is a pregnant pause before Dan nearly stutters, “Er, I accidentally missed reviewing the marketing departments hours and they did not receive their last paycheck.”
Harry takes a very deep breathe because he wants to do what he normally would - scream through the phone at this idiot.
However, he can’t because his curly haired little baby is playing with her toys in the middle of the office with a smile.
“Please come up to my office,” Harry replies curtly before hanging up.
He gets up, goes over to his daughter, and squats in front of her, “Ivy, baby.”
She looks up at him with a toothy grin before reaching over to hand him a stuffed seal, “Play, daddy.”
Harry thumbs over a stray curl on her forehead, “Daddy can’t, my love. I need y’to go with Granny Dor for a little.”
Ivy had been very clinging to both YN and Harry recently. She had a fit when YN dropped her off, despite how happy she was to see her dad.
Her brows furrow, lips purse, and Harry has to laugh because she looks like a carbon copy of him with the sour face.
“Oh, no mean looks t’daddy,” He hums with his own frown, “S’just for a moment, m’dove.”
“Ivy, y’need to listen.”
And Harry knows it coming, she sucks in a huge breathe and then just lets out a scream in protest of him.
“Ivy Elizabeth Styles, y’do not scream. Y’know better. Are we going to have to take a timeout or are you going to go sit nice with Dor?” Harry’s voice is still softer than he’d use with any of him employees but extremely firm to her.
“No timeout, daddy,” She mumbles, her volume decreasing significantly as she lowers her gaze from her father’s.
“Alright, then c’mon. Thank you for listening,” Harry praises, gathering up her toys for her and leading her into his waiting room where Dorothy is typing away on her computer.
“Dor, Dan is coming up and I need to have a private meaning. Will y’watch her for a little?”
Ivy is already clambering up into her lap, into the warmth of her arms, and nuzzling in - because Granny Dor spoiled her silly.
Harry rolls his eyes, muttering, “And you and YN say I spoil her too much. Bloody ridiculous.”
Dorothy just shoos him away, readjusting Ivy’s bow, and combing through her hair softly to simmer her down a little.
Dan trails in solemnly soon after to face his inevitable doom.
He sees his boss’ daughter perched on the secretary’s lap and he wonders how such a sweet little thing could be created from the demon of a man.
As Harry and Dan meet, Ivy gets wriggly and squirms off of Dorothy’s lap.
“Stay close,” She murmurs to the toddler as she picks up her phone to answer a call for Harry.
Of course, Ivy doesn’t listen, and she noticed that the door to her father’s office is cracked open just the littlest bit.
It’s enough for her to slip through the space between the heavy doors and toddles on, she’s blocked by the leather couches so Harry can’t see her.
“I have givin’ you so many fuckin’ chances!” Harry seethes angrily at his employee. His tone was more like a growl than anything else.
Ivy pauses, eyes widening in fear as she hears her dad speak in a frightening manner she’s never heard before.
“I…There was a coding error that I had been distracted with, it won’t happen again,” Dan insists, knowing he had actually committed a fireable offense.
“You are absolutely correct because you’re fucking fired,” Harry replies, no wavering in his raspy register.
“That’s bullshit and you know it!” Dan explodes, “It’s unfucking fair treatment! It was one mistake, you fuckin’ asshole!”
There’s a moment of silence.
“I can fuckin’ show you unfair treatment. Get the fuck out of my office and learn how to do your goddamn job,” Harry retorts, his voice rising as well.
Ivy is stuck in her spot, frozen in surprise at hearing the arguing and how mad her father sounded, voice echoing through the room.
“You listen to me-“
“Get the fuck out of my office!” Harry booms furiously, this employee managing to get a rise out of him.
“I was ju-“
Both the men pause when they hear a wail from behind the sofa and the sound of Ivy plopping herself on the ground.
Harry instantly is out from behind his desk and going to round the sofa in a flash with a rose of panic in his chest.
His heart drops when he sees his baby looking up at him with fear in her watery eyes and she’s literally shaking.
“Oh, baby. Did y’hear daddy bein’ loud?” Harry murmurs in his sweetest, comforting voice - uncaring of his employee hearing him.
Harry expects her to nod sadly and ask for a cuddle but she instead wriggles backwards when he goes to reach for her - out of his reach.
“Ivy, little dove, s’just y’daddy,” He tries again, sitting down in front of her - doesn’t even look up as Dan leaves quietly.
She’s scared though and has had never felt worse in his life as his daughter backs away from him until she’s getting to her wobbly feet.
He tries again, reaching his arms out, “Ivy Elizabeth, s’just daddy. M’sorry I scared you, bub.”
Ivy doesn’t budge, crying loudly with her face pinched up as hot tears run down her soft chubby cheeks.
Dorothy appears with a worried look, “I apologize, I thought she was by the table.”
“S’not your fault I’m a shitty father,” Harry mutters, standing back up and roughly brushing off his trousers.
“Oh Harry, she’s just a little frightened,” Dorothy hums, picking the girl up when she toddles quickly over to her.
Her dad trails over, “Ivy, m’love. Can you look at daddy?”
She refuses, digging her face into the woman’s shoulder, curls bouncing fiercely as she clings onto her.
Harry loved to be feared. Not like this though. Not by the child he’d literally jump in front of a train for without a second thought.
He would rather have her screaming, pitching fits, throwing toys rather than this. She was so scared that she wouldn’t even look at him.
“Let me take her on a little stroll, okay? See if I can calm her down a bit.”
Harry waits patiently for Dorothy to arrive back but he automatically hears his daughter’s steady stream of sniffles and whimpers.
He goes out to the waiting room to see her reentering the room, she sighs, “I think it’s time to call mummy.”
Harry had no idea how he was going to explain this to his wife. He was I trouble and he knew he deserved it.
“Hey H, is the bab okay?” YN greets warmly, chattering in the background.
“Er, she’s okay, just upset. Ivy accidentally walked in on me flipping out and firing an employee. Now she’s scared. Dor tried to calm her down and she doesn’t want to be near me right now.”
YN’s next words were calm, Harry however did not miss the sharp edge when she replies, “I’ll be there in fifteen.”
Then she hangs up on him.
Which she really never does unless she is really really upset.
When YN arrives, Ivy is sat on Dorothy’s lap with puffy eyes and her thumb tucked between her full lips, popping it out when she sees her mother.
“Mumma!” Ivy shrieks, tears beginning streaming down her face as she impatiently waits for her to cross the room and gives her a soft kiss to the forehead.
“Hi baby, give mummy one minute and then we’ll leave okay?” YN murmurs soothingly, thumbing of some of the tears.
Ivy nods but is standing next the secretary’s desk, waiting patiently with her thumb going right back between her lips again.
Harry’s sitting at his large oak table, looking like a guilty puppy as his wife comes in with a disapproving look on her face.
“Baby, m’sorr-“
“What the fuck, Harry? Why is our daughter out there terrified right now?” YN demands, crossing her arms to prove her anger.
“Some fuckin’ idiot messed somethin’ up and Ivy walked in while I cursed him out and fired him. She was hiding behind the couch. It was an accident,” He defends, bristling a bit.
“Even if the door was shut, she would have still heard you. You knew better than to act like that around our daughter.”
“I had to fire him,” Harry makes the lame excuse because he knows he’s in the wrong and he’s not always great at admitting he is.
“You were supposed to have Ivy for two hours and this happens. I have her all day everyday and I’ve need had an issue with controlling myself in front of others!” YN yells (quietly) at him.
“What the fuck is tha’ supposed to mean? Y’calling me a bad father? Y’have her all day with her because I work so that you can stay at home with her.”
YN rolls her eyes, “Well thank god for that, she’d be cursing and screaming at people all day everyday if she was with you all the time.”
Harry is thoroughly pissed at his wife and she is equally just as furious with him - it doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s bad.
“Y’got some fuckin’ nerve. Our baby is polite, well-mannered because of me too! Not just you, fuckin’ claiming all her good qualities,” He replies with a snarl.
“Don’t talk to me that way,” YN bites back, “I’m not one of your employees. Neither is Ivy despite you talking like that in front of her.”
Now she was just trying to push his buttons and it was well onto it’s way of working.
“Y’bein’ fuckin’ ridiculous! It was a accident and you’re acting like I did it on purpose! Fuckin’ hell!” He raises his voice in frustration.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are raising your voice at me but I’m leaving,” YN tells him, giving him one final glare before storming out of the office.
“Fuck!” He grunts, smacking cup of pens from his desk before slamming his fist on the desk.
Ivy was waiting patiently, whimpering when she sees her mum, and gesturing to be picked up, “It’s past your nap time, Vee.”
“Nap,” She lisps sadly, instantly curling into then familiarness that is her mother. Eyes instantly fluttering shut.
“Thank you, Dor,” YN whispers, blowing her a kiss, before trekking out of the office with the exhausted little girl.
Harry can’t handle the rest of the day, wants to go home, and make amends with his wife which leads him to heading out only an hour after them.
He finds YN in the den with the baby monitor propped on the coffee table, she’s watching a horror movie with a smoothie in hand.
“Hi, m’heart,” Harry murmurs cautiously, loosening up his tie until it falls limp around his neck.
She glances over at him, sarcasm lacing her tone,“So you do know how to talk without yelling at me, hmm?”
His face falls, frowning, “Hey, lovie - don’t be like tha’. Y’gonna let me apologize?”
“Come scratch my back and I’ll hear you out,” She hums, keeping a serious face.
“Y’drive a hard bargain, m’heart. Show me y’tits,” Harry begins to smile, striding over and getting her no time before he’s pulling off her shirt and sports bra.
He sits down then gently lays her down on her tummy and she rests her head in his lap, cheek pressed against his thigh.
“I shouldn’t have done that, I wasn’t thinkin’. Now I’m worried she’s gonna hate me forever,” Harry mumbles, using his blunt nails to trace up and down her back.
“You’re her favorite person. She’ll always love you more than anything,” YN tells him seriously, arching when he scratches an extra itchy spot.
“I hope so. I love her more than anythin’. A little mixture of how much we love each other. How much we worked to get her,” He sighs softly.
YN dozed off and Harry tucks a blanket around her bare chest.
When the baby monitor alerts that Ivy had woke up after quite a long nap, he takes a deep breath before walking up the staircase to his fate.
He’s preparing himself for her to scream and cry when she sees her monster of a father because he’d scared her so horribly.
But his mini just widens her green eyes and he looks at his world with bated breath, waiting for the scream or tears.
Instead, she just dimples happily at her father, and squeals with excitement, “Daddy! Hi Daddy, miss you!”
And just like that….
They’re best friends again.
Enjoy! Come talk to me!! 💕❣️💕❣️💕❣️
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ptergwen · 3 years
fluffy make out sesh w petey? <3
call it even
Tumblr media
w/c: 1,074
warnings: like two swears?
a/n: i don’t know why this ended up being so long but it did lmfhwjwhs i hope it’s everything u wanted and more :D
“god, how much time is left?” you complain, circling your index finger around peter’s chest.
peter refuses to expand his horizons beyond star wars, so you two are watching revenge of the sith yet again. you’re seated in his lap and doing everything you can to get his attention. it’s the only way you’ll be able to make it through the damn movie.
unfortunately for you, peter has a huge crush on anakin. that means his eyes are literally glued to the screen.
“we’re not even halfway through yet. get comfortable, babe,” peter smugly replies. he grabs your hips and squeezes, cocking his head to the side to see better. you tilt your own head so it’s blocking his line of vision. “i am comfortable… very. are you?” your voice drops an octave.
a smirk crossing his features, peter finally meets your eyes. “i know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not gonna work.” you gasp to feign innocence. “silly old me? what ever are you talking about, peter dearest?”
peter moves an arm so it’s around your lower back, you batting your lashes down at him. you yank on his flannel collar to keep him in place. he leans in closer to you until his lips brush the shell of your ear.
he’s all yours.
“i appreciate the effort. now, if you don’t mind…”
peter pulls away from you with a terrible wink that’s stupidly adorable, but you’re too annoyed to admit it.
you give up your facade, swapping it for whining and tugging on peter’s shirt. “no fair! all i want you to do is spend some time with me, petey.” gazing over your shoulder, you shoot the tv a death glare. “fuck george lucas.”
“woah, woah! don’t go that far!” peter defends, chuckling nevertheless. he does feel kind of bad because he has seen star wars more than anyone else on this earth. it wouldn’t kill him to focus on you for a bit.
although, he’d still like to finish the movie.
peter brings your body in closer to his, pecking your forehead softly. “let’s make a deal,” he prompts you. you eagerly nod and sit up straighter. “i’ll give you as many hugs and kisses as you’d like-“
“perfect! you and that big brain of yours, my smart boy.” puckering up, you go right in for a smooch. peter holds out a finger and presses it to your lips to stop you, beaming. “i’m not done,” he laughs out. “i’ll give you as many hugs and kisses as you’d like, after the movie is over.”
you scoff and shove both peter’s shoulders. “why can’t you just multitask? you’d be getting the best of both worlds!” peter does not consider it. “and risk missing the most intense lightsaber duel in cinematic history? i don’t think so.”
“whatever you say… loser,” you mutter under your breath. he coaxes you away from him, keeping his arms around your waist with a scowl. “do you want your kisses or not, y/n?” this time, your mouth stays shut. “exactly,” peter concludes. “new deal, i’ll level with you and cuddle for a while.”
he hugs you to his chest, chin resting lightly on your head. you instantly settle in his warm embrace and feel safe in his strong arms. this will do.
“love you, petey,” you mumble against the skin of his neck. smiling to himself, peter peeks back up at the tv. “love you too, angel. but, shhh,” he shushes, resuming his millionth star wars viewing.
just like that, you’ve been replaced by darth vader. you need to fix this, and fast.
it doesn’t take peter too long to lose himself in the movie, which plays out in your favor for once. he just mindlessly rocks you side to side while he watches. his obliviousness, more so than usual, gives you the opportunity to reach over on the cushion next to you and grab the remote.
you swiftly hit the power button, hiding it behind your back and eliciting a yelp from peter.
“y/n, what the hell? we had a compromise!” peter demands and lunges forward for the remote. grinning wickedly, you tuck it into your back pocket before he can. “we also had a deal, remember? movie’s over,” you elaborate. “kiss me, loser.”
peter can’t argue with that logic.
“sneaky,” he compliments, his forehead leaned against yours. his fingertips ghost over your chin. “i’m so impressed, i can’t even be mad. you win.” giggling, you place your hands on peter’s shoulders to balance yourself in his lap. “well, you’re the prize.”
“ugh, i love you so much,” peter sighs. he kisses your bottom lip gently, holding your chin between two fingers. “more than star wars?” you search for his hazel eyes. “more than star wars… all three trilogies,” he murmurs a sentence you never thought you’d hear.
your eyelashes tickle peter’s face, both of you sharing matching smiles.
“in that case…”
you close the small gap separating you two with your lips on his. peter reciprocates in a heartbeat, his own quickened as he melts into the kiss. one of your hands weaves its way to some fluffy curls at the nape of his neck. he cups your cheek tenderly, free hand on your side and a grin spreading across his face.
“i love you, too,” you whisper, your legs straddling his waist. “could tell,” peter acknowledges in a breathy laugh.
he uses the new position to his advantage and flips you so you’re laying down on the couch. him on top, you under and your legs still around him. the next kiss is initiated by peter, so soft it fills your whole body with butterflies. he continues to caress your cheek while his lips dance expertly with yours.
“you taste good,” you rasp, peter kissing up to the tip of your nose. “like what?” he wonders and punctuates his question with another kiss to the bridge. you’re sitting back and enjoying every second. “i dunno, something sweet… vanilla?”
“oh, yeah. i might’ve stolen your chapstick,” peter admits, his cheeks starting to feel hot. amused, you pinch one of them. “i was wondering where that went. i should’ve known ‘cuz you always ask me about it.” he dips down so his forehead falls on yours once again. “buy you a new one?”
your fingers thread through his locks, willing him to look at you.
“just kiss me, and we’ll call it even.”
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honeyabyss · 3 years
Phone calls after Mc returned to the human realm
this man is stubborn, calling you would be like admitting he's gone soft and his pride does not allow that!
so he refuses to call for the first few weeks, keeping himself busy with work of which he has enough anyway
due to all his student council work, a few other tasks of Diavolo and on top of that the usual shenanigans of his brothers, he quickly becomes very stressed
he's at his breaking point and needs someone to talk to so he can release some of his stress before he takes it out on someone else
so he goes to your old room and starts talking as soon as he enters it, only to stop confused when he doesn't see you in the room, remembering only now you left for the human realm
disappointed he sits down onto the bed and curls the blanket around himself
"Their scent is almost gone...Soon it'll be as if they were never here"
he closes his eyes, sighs softly and makes his decision
"Mc? I hope I didn't wake you. I simply thought a conversation would be nice, it's been a while..."
Lucifer's call is pretty casual, he talks about his day, work and his troublemaker brothers, it almost feels like any other day before just this time it is over phone
he does not want to admit he misses you, a) because he'd seem weak and b) he fears what admitting it will do to him, he might just miss you even more
BUT while saying goodbye he accidentally lets a "I miss you" slip, his breathing stops shortly realizing his mistake, he is about to apologize when you say it back
he smiles softly, genuinely relieved about your shared sentiment and whispers "I'll call you again soon then" before hanging up
from then on he calls you every evening and you better jump right away and pick up at the first ringing, because this man is lonely without you
"Congratulations! You're one of our lucky winners of our monthly Devil-Lottery. We'll have to confirm your bank account number with the one given to us when you agreed to participating in the lottery. Would you be so kind to slowly repeat the number-"
this greedy demon will quite literally try to scam you, only to absolutely panic when you hang up on him
he will instantly call you back, constantly adjusting his glasses, a nervous habit he acquired over the years
"H-hey...Mc...uhm, it's me your favourite demon!"
he is relieved you picked up, as it means you didn't block him right away, he stumbles over his words trying to find an excuse why he just tried to scam you
"Ah you know I only did that to test you, you've passed nobody scams my human! You're my amazing human after all! That's why I love you...u-uh I-i mean...nothing...that was a static you must have misheard..."
when you tell him you knew it was him as you recognized his voice, he'll be outraged, screaming into his D.D.D (and probably later getting punched by Lucifer for being so loud)
"What do you mean you already knew?! You dared to hang up on The Great Mammon?
He gets a bit sulky by your reaction, so how about playing into his obvious lie of testing you to make him feel better again
besides trying to scam you Mammon also called to (not so sneakily) check on your wellbeing
now that you're gone he constantly worries about you and he can't do much to help, but if you were actually in need of help due to whatever, trust me he'd fight Lucifer himself for permission to go to you
he'll call you as often as he can, sometimes with a few days of a break in between, asking you about your life and also letting you in on his upcoming money making schemes...please don't tell Lucifer about them
Mammon has learned his lesson though, he'll never try to scam you again, he couldn't bare it if you were to block or ignore his calls
phone calls? Why? You two can just talk about the in-game talk function of this new online game you play, but no real world talk while playing that ruins the immersion!
Levi will rarely call you as he just doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk with you about normie stuff for too long
he normally just spam writes you, ding, ding, ding, one message after another coming in without you being able to respond quick enough
so if gets too much and you decide to just call him so you can have an actual chance of responding, Levi just panics and almost drops his D.D.D
"Mc? D-did you accidentally hit the c-call button? N-no? I-i see no I love you too!!....AAAAAAAh I-i meant I l-l-love t-talking to you too...hehehe w-why would a yucky o-otaku like me say something like that"
poor boy is so nervous he'll say something stupid and will stutter a lot the first few times you call him, he is just not used to talking on the phone
he will laugh nervously over everything and sometimes there'll be a phase of awkward silence, but please don't point it out, Levi is already stressed enough as it is
once he gets used to calls, he'll surprisingly suggests to have a phone call while both of you are watching the new episode of an anime, so he'll be able to talk to you as if you're right next to him, which works out mediocre at first, you have to tell him to be a bit quieter a few times but besides that it's quiet nice
"Ooooooowhooooooah!!! Did you see that? That was amazing, I wish I had these superpowers, I'd save you of every danger like a real hero! W-what do you mean I'm already your hero?"
Yes, you saw and heard it, and your neighbours probably heard Levi...
on the rare occasions Levi calls you he'll often asks you for favours like to buy him this exclusively in the human realm sold limited edition game, of course he isn't like his scummy brother Mammon who'll constantly asks for things and he'll also make it up by sending you stuff you can only get on Akuzon
so calls don't happen very often, but neither if you really mind, you'll still be in contact through messages and games
Satan will be very proper about calling you, he'll check through messages if you're fine with him calling you, so he can be sure you have time and he doesn't bother you
Satan never jumps into a conversation right away (unless he is angry), he makes sure to show interest in you and hold a bit small talk, asking about your day, how you're doing and so on
you talk about many different things with him mostly about your shared interests, but Satan is willing to listen to you ramble about hobbies he doesn't have as well
one thing you two quickly come to do was have book club sessions over phone
"I wish you were still here Mc. I miss my book discussion partner, nobody here has as interesting opinions and views as you..."
back in Devildom you two would both read a book and afterwards discuss your thoughts, and you found a way too keep doing just that
you both write about books, decide on one to read for the week and would than have a phone call where you just talk for hours about the piece of literature you've read
now that you're back in the human realm, the book choices are even bigger as you can read human books as well, you just have to send a copy to Satan, sometimes Barbatos will be nice and pick a book up and deliver it to Satan, or to you if it's the other way around with a demon book
"Oh? No, you're right. I haven't thought about it like that yet...your thoughts are so fascinating!"
Satan will shower you in praise for every little detail that you noticed yet he missed. he genuinely enjoys your phone calls, and though he wouldn't admit it, sometimes he anticipates your call more than the actual book
even though there now is a bigger distance between you two he still feels as close to you as before, not much has changed for him and he knows he'll be able to see you again soon, he'll just have to be patient
"Next week, same time? I'm looking forward to talking to you again. Take care until then!"
"Oh my Lord! You won't believe what just happened!!!"
no greeting or alike, just straight into the discussion
whenever something gossip worthy happens, Asmo is already dialling your number to spill the tea and keep you updated on any Devildom related gossip, even if it won't help you much, it's a nice thought of him keep you in the loop
those are only the spontaneous call though, obviously you can't take these all the time...you still have a life of your own...
you two actually call each other every day at the same time, plus/minus a couple minutes, the water in the tub has to be filled first...yeah Asmo likes to talk you while he is taking his afternoon bath
"Hahh it's so relaxing, warm water caressing my beautiful skin, and the bath bomb today smells so good! I wish you could smell it, or even better I wish we could bathe together!"
*water sloshing noises intensified*
Asmo...no....yes...maybe...just stop, you'll fluster Mc!
"No really! I miss having you here, I'll pamper you all day the next time I'll get to see you. You must already be starved of my beauty, but don't worry my dear, I'm just as starved of seeing your lovely face!"
what to talk about while he is bathing? Anything really if it's about your day, any complains or whatever, just expect a few innuendos of him...that's nothing new though
seriously though Asmo is the guy to talk to about any of your problems, he will listen and try to come up with a solution for you, even if he seems a bit narcissistic sometimes he really cares about you, so use your phone calls as therapy from time to time
"Oh darling, don't worry it'll be okay! I'm here to help...now tell me every detail so I can come up with a plan! I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"
"*munch munch* This one is really good! Mc you should try some...oh"
now that you're back in the human realm, Beels snack times are very lonely, he has just gotten so used to your presence, even sharing his food is normal by now
and let's be honest Beels snack time is 24/7 so he misses you a lot
he feels the urge to call you every five minutes and sometimes even forgets to eat while phone is ringing and he is waiting for you to pick up
but you can't constantly talk with him over phone so the calls often end up on your voicemail where Beel tells you about all the different kind of foods he ate that day
when Belphie catches wind of his twin constantly pestering you, he hides Beels D.D.D so he can't call you all the time
when you're actually able to pick up on his call, Beel will be so happy you can quite literally hear his huge grin while he's excitedly talking about his current snack
"Have you ever tried spicy bat-wings? There opened a new restaurant in town and it's really good!! Next time you're here I'll invite you there. Oh but what if it closes before you're back...ah you'll just have to visit soon!"
though Beel is often disappointed when you don't pick up, he would never hold it against you, he knows he calls quite a lot, but he just misses you and tipping a message while he eats is harder than putting his D.D.D on speaker and talking to you
of course he doesn't only talk about food, he also tells you about how his brothers are doing and how his workout was, or what things he has planned to do at the weekend, all in all Beel is just super happy to share everything of his life with you
on rare occasions he'll call you and be untypically quiet, that happens when he had a fight with his twin, it's not often but sometimes it happens and his first instinct is to call you, because he feels like he can tell you everything so he is very comfortable and trusting with you
"I miss you a lot, you know...but I also know that you think about me daily, every time your stomach rumbles you'll be reminded of me and that makes me happy, I also think about you every time I'm hungry! Hm? But I'm always hungry? That's right! You're always on my mind!"
Listen, his sleeping schedule is very tight, you can't just expect him to call you!
he will call you so rarely and if you call him it might just happen that he is sleeping and has phone on silent...or he's just to lazy to walk to his phone, or he is just not in the mood to talk... he takes any excuse to not be on the phone
Belphie does like talking to you, but he is not the greatest at long conversations so he like messages more
sometimes when he can't seem to fall asleep, he will be the one to call you...in the middle of the night...and you better pick up or he gets annoyed
"What took you so long? I thought you wanted to talk more often and then you leave me hanging for a whole minute? Doesn't matter I would have waited longer with you...."
he is mostly silent through a phone call, his main reason to call you is because he like to listen to you talk, it's calming to him and if he calmer then he might be able to fall asleep again
so don't expect an amazingly deep conversation...
"Mhmmm...hm? Yeah I'm still there. I'm listening keep talking, I love your voice..."
he'll bring up a topic from time to time so you have an inspiration about what to talk about, but most of the times he just lazily hum or making acknowledging noises so you know he is still listening
he will to 100% fall asleep while being on the phone with you, that doesn't mean you're boring, but that he trusts you so much that he is comfortable enough to let his guard down
"Good afternoon! How was the week of my favourite human?...ah don't tell Solomon I said that hahaha"
as the future king of hell, he is a busy man, but he still manages to give you a call once a week, to the same time you two would have normally had your weekly afternoon tea meeting in the castle
with the exchange year over there is not much about your classes to talk about left, but Dia is just as excited about any other topic you decide to talk about, be it the most mundane thing he loves it!
"Oh so you went grocery shopping? That must be fun! Barbatos does it all the time, though I suppose you buy less things...I'd like to see a human market at some point, I wonder if they're very different from ours...oh but I wouldn't really able to tell I suppose, Barbatos and you would need to point out the differences!"
this man can talk without taking a break for hours...you think Asmo is bad? Prepare for Diavolo...
but seriously it never gets boring with him, because he somehow finds good and fun stuff in every activity, I swear give him a vacuum and watch him clean you're whole flat with the enthusiasm of a child getting presents on Christmas
the work of a future king consists of so much paperwork, Dia will have only few events of his week to tell you about, if there is something to talk about there is a high chance it has to do with the brothers
so he'd much rather just sip his tea and listen to you, he'll ask you loads of questions though about anything he doesn't know
sometimes you two forget the time and Barb sadly has to remind you to come to a stop for now
"Mc? Did I wake you? If so I'm terribly sorry...would you be up to talk for a little bit more? I'm not feeling too tired yet"
surprise night time calls from Dia where you'll have to speak silently or Barbatos might reprimand Diavolo for staying up all night and being tired the next day, Dia doesn't regret it ever though, he likes to talk you a lot!
Barbatos is always busy and his schedule can often suddenly change with a new whim of his master, so he can't exactly have a scheduled call with you
so you might not get to hear of him very often
BUT he made it a habit to call you when he is on duty to do the dishes, the chore is somewhat boring to him with no one to distract him
so he calls you and if you pick up, he'll put you on speaker and talk to you about whatever comes to mind while his hands wash one after another of the expensive porcelain of the royal household
"I've bought this new tea which is said to be really nice, it can even be enjoyed cold apparently. It seems to have to just the right amount of sweetness to not get bitter when drank cold...you can still add sugar for extra sweetness, though I believe you're already sweet enough as it is"
no matter what you decide to talk about Barbatos always has at least some knowledge about it, so it's beneficial for both of you, he can tell you the things he knows and you tell him your stuff
"I hope I'm not bothering you too much? There is quite a lot to do today... so it might take some more time..."
you will never get to know that Barb has actually already finished the dished a few minutes ago, but just isn't ready to say goodbye yet
the rest of the employees will be able handle the castle for a bit longer without him, meanwhile he can take a well deserved tea break and listen to you
he very much enjoys the fact he found a way to have some time with you while theoretically having to be at work, as long as he is able to finish all the tasks of his daily schedule, he doesn't feel too bad about his not so legal break
"I fear I'll have to get back to work now, but I loved talking to you today! I hope you enjoyed it as well. I'll talk to you again soon!"
Though Solomon returned to the human realm with you, you haven't heard much of him, being a wise old man sorcerer must be very time consuming
so calls of Solomon might be rare but that doesn't mean you don't write messages every now and then, when he calls you though it's always about something interesting or important to share, he talks about those things rather verbally, the best option for him would be in person, but that doesn't always work so a phone call is the second best option
"My lovely apprentice, how is your studying going? I've found the tome we were talking about last time you were interested in...it took some research to find which sorcerer had it but I brought it back for you. How about I'll drop by you next week? I can help you with your studying then, the tome is written in an older version of the language it might be easier if we do it together!"
Solomon can simply not sit still, so while you're on the phone, he is always tinkering at something and the background noises are sometimes quite peculiar...
Was that a pig squeaking? Are you sure you should be brewing a potion while being on the phone? Isn't it distracting?
Oh Lord was that an explosion?!
"Hmm? Oh yeah...I`m cooking dinner right now! It was just a small explosion though, you know the ones that are regularly happen in the kitchen. Why? Was my cute student worried about me?~ heheh alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you...for now!"
no matter how chaotic, teasing or busy Solomon is though, if you call him and are in need of help, he'll drop everything and run to you
he knows how hard it can be when studying magic, not to mention that the studies are difficult, the constant hiding of any magic in front of other humans is also very nerve wrecking, sometimes you feel like giving up and going back to your normal life, back to your non-magical very human friends that are blissfully unaware of everything happening around them, but you know you could never forget and act as if nothing happened, you'd also miss your new not so normal friends, so when times get hard Solomon will rush to you and comfort you in person or at least calm you down on phone until he is able to go to you
if that happens he is more likely to call you every two to three days just to check in on you
"Hey how is my strong and beautiful fellow human doing? Feeling better yet? Need a shoulder to lean on? I'm at your flat in 10 minutes..."
Simeon is a daily caller as well, he's gotten so used to seeing you every day that he feels quite restless if he doesn't get to hear your voice at least once a day
he asked you to recommend at what time he should call, he doesn't want to restrict you in your daily life, so you both came to the conclusion after dinner would be perfect, as both of you are free for the rest of the day then
He will often write a bit on his TSL scripts, just some notes and inspirations he comes up while talking to you
"How was your day my little lamb? You haven't overworked yourself right? Tell me if you ever need help!"
though Simeon would definitely have things to complain about with how Michael is working him to the bone, he'd rather not worry you so instead he tells you about how Luke is doing and evasively answers you questions about himself
"Oh me? Ah yes, I'm doing fine, just doing the usual archangel stuff you know...Ah please do not worry Mc, my dear! Nothing dangerous!"
over the time his TSL notes turn into random scribbles, rhymes and poems and every now and then something that looks suspiciously like your name
Sometimes Luke crashes the call and wants to speak with you as well so Simeon tries to put the phone on speaker only to end up ending the call and Luke getting frustrated with Simeon and doing it himself
then again Simeon also just accidentally hangs up on you mid conversation, because his fingers hit the button without him noticing, he'll get so confused when you cut off in the middle of your sentence and thinks something has happened to you, only to be relieved when you call back a few seconds later
Simeon is very interested in your day and how you doing, asking you many questions and encouraging you to keep talking
"Oh no please keep talking! You're not overwhelming me at all, in fact I like listening to your voice, it puts even the most melodic voice of an angel into the shadows...hahaha did I make you embarrassed? I apologize, I didn't mean to, I was only telling you my honest opinion!"
Simeon is quite the flatterer, but he often does not notice it, he simply tries to be nice, so a call with him leaves you flustered and stuttering ever now and then, but he is just as quick to blush at a honest and heartfelt compliment
Luke might be an angel, but he is still low ranking and therefore has less assignments, besides studying to become a great angel and doing some minor tasks for Michael, he is relatively free
he often spends his free time in the kitchen constantly trying to improve his baking, now after the exchange year not only to impress Michael and Simeon but also Barbatos, maybe a bit Beel and definitely you!
but as Simeon is still working at these times, he gets somewhat lonely so he'll try calling you to keep him some company
Luke has this habit of speaking the recipes out loud to remember the steps better and be able to able to make them from memory, he got that tip from Barbatos, but he still has his moments where he gets stuck and forgets what to do next, you can notice that when he gets silent and concentrates on trying to remember
"Ah right that was it! I almost forgot about the eggs! Good thing you were here...or well on the phone hehe! You always remember this stuff, you're so amazing!"
when you tell him you simply looked it up in the internet for him, he'll get a bit sulky that he now basically cheated, but with your reassurance that he is already great and can remember so many other steps, he is quickly back to his happy little angel self
"Michael let me help with his conference today I was assistant record keeper today, one day I'll be able to do it alone, bit they're talking so much and so fast...I think I still need a couple centuries until I'm fully ready, but I'm working on improving! You should also try to improve your skills daily! Even a small bit of practice is good! Though I think you're perfect already!"
Luke most definitely learned his flattering from Simeon... he talks about many different things on the phone but repeating topic is Michael...just talking to you makes his day and later he'll tell everything Simeon and he smiles so brightly while he reports to him, please keep talking to him a lot!
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
ramon arellano felix being jealous would include
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a/n: continuing the jealously headcanons since some of you guys asked and well,,, i decided to make ramon the next one but listen i lowkey subconsciously feel like this es basura yet here i am uploading it so we’ll see
warnings: nsfw! 
wow ok jealous ramon? ay dios mio is this hot tempered mf not going to be scared at all to make a whole ass scene if necessary
because if season 2 brought out his psychotic tendencies and heated levels of aggression?? season 3 introduced the above all taste of everything
because do you guys remember that recent scene at roxanne in s3 where some guy bumped into ramon which caused his shoes to get all stained and dirty??
and then it just proceeded into ramon getting into a fit and almost getting the guy killed just for that sole reason???
yeah so que dios ayude at the bozo that tried to get with you,, the princesa of tijuana
and woW so ill let you pick whatever route you want to take for this because,,,,
first the thought of you and ramon being exes with obvious feelings still there that anyone near the two of you could mistaken you both are still very much together is a path i feel like would happen with him
it would literally feel like a breakup between the two of you never happened you feel? and thats just something i vibe with right now
because while you both are essentially free to see whoever you want and wherever you want,, the spark of jealousy rising is something that i yearn because look the idea of you taking some poor guy to roxanne
who would have no idea you were ramon arellanos novia beforehand while he has his hands all over you
and all of this just so you could come over here and make ramon jealous since he was with some other viejas last week completely forgetting about your relationship because “ya no somos nada” is just making me swoon- un par de pinches toxicos alright
but if you want to take a different route say,,, you and ramon are very much together but maybe you just felt a little more confident tonight and all that-
and maybe this mf wouldve had some viejas going up to him all night acting like hes not acompañado with you,,
so you just deciding to push some of ramons buttons back while youre out here dancing on the floor with some guy behind you getting a little too close to you to be friendly-
 just you acting all single to get a rise out of ramons pendejadas is just woW
but just listen any route you chose to take,, it will have this bitch doing a double take,, and blocking out any person or noise around him just so he could solely focus on you-
like oh my god,, do you guys know that scene with him on top of the table at roxanne after dinas wedding,, i would imagine him doing that,, all contento while he drinks and just pasandose a toda madre with the juniors around him
i just know as soon as his smile about being happy is up,, its fading away at that second when he spots you down on the dancefloor with some pendejos hands on your hips,, 
just watching the way you would smile when your date leans in to whisper in your ear,, his arms beginning to encircle you-
like wow ramons doing that dead stare he does all the time setting his jaw in place as he watches the scene unfold in front of him and hes already running through so many ways he could break this cabrons hands in two for touching you like that- because whether his emotional ass realized it now or before,, tu eres su mujer and no one elses
just because i feel like he would struggle so fucking bad getting his feelings across to you which is why i say that -
and like him just blatantly ignoring the calling of his name because all he can really focus on is the temper rising internally in himself,,, 
this grip on his champagne glass getting progressively harder and the heavy feeling of wanting to use his gun thats behind his pants when your dates face inches closer to your face-
and its like everything slows down for him because all i know is that ramon is fucking pissed that youre out here like nothing with someone new and not him,, lo abandonaste even tho this mf was the first one to start it,,
so him just finishing his drink,, his jaw fucking clenched as he throws his glass on the ground,, his tempered ass already pulling out his gun taking the safety off and all and just outright ignoring the voice calling his name out like que te pasa cabron?
him striding down the stairs with the juniors right behind him not hesitating to follow him
ayy no the way this man is parting the crowd with the thumping of the music matching his movements-
him not stalling to get in between the two of you and getting his face all up on your date like “oyes cabron, si esa es mi pinche mujer, quien vergas crees que eres”
and i can just imagine your date being this cocky mf sizing ramon up like “oh si? ella me dijo que no tenia novio, pero igual nomas me la cogo mas duro, seguro que no ay problema”
and padre santo if ramon wasnt pissed off enough already this man is riled up beyond belief because all i can imagine is the way ramon would sarcastically smile and just suddenly bring the butt of his gun up to hit this guys face like “pinche pendEJO”
him turning around and signaling for his guys to take care of your date outside, and him just giving you a once over, heat in his eyes and grabbing hold of your arm and dragging you away to one of the vips rooms in the back,, 
not even giving you a second look when you try to pull away from him like “que pedo ramon, que te pasa”
i - the way he would pull you into the room after him,, shutting the door behind you two while he brings your body close to his,,, his hold not budging when you try to pull away like “no que ya no estamos juntos, porque chingados hiciste eso ramon -”
wow him not wanting to hear anymore of you because hes already leaning down towards you and kissing you to shut up,, 
roughly pulling you back against him when he feels you try to pull away and wow its going to be one of this rushed not wanting to separate because of unsaid feelings makeouts ok,,,
i- both of you just out of breath when he pulls away,, you both silently staring at each other and just desperately leaning towards eachother again because you both love each other more than life youre just too hardheaded to admit it ,, 
him just picking your legs up and wrapping them around his waist,, walking you both towards this desk,,,
and let me just say this now because this horny raging and frustrated mf is going to break you 10 different ways ok,,
hes just going to get rid of the feelings of your dates hands on your body with his instead,,,
and so just him at first having you laid out in front of him,, your legs wrapped around his waist while he drives his hips into you,, him holding your arms right next to your head, not letting you look away from him otherwise hes stopping all of his movements -i
him placing his hand on your throat going “de quien eres bebe? de ese pendejo?” like wanting you to say his name and completely forget whoever you came here with-
woW him unwrapping your legs from around his waist,, spreading your legs out with his hands holding the underside of your thighs,,, 
pulling your body down to him and watching the way your soft pussy takes him as he drills into you again and again-
him possessively watching the way you move your hands to play with your breasts,, whining out his name as your eyes roll back before you desperately open them back up again to look at him through your tears of pleasure as he picks one of your legs up over his shoulder-
one of his hands planting onto your stomach,, so he can bury himself even more into you,, his rough thrusts making your body bounce up everytime -im
him mesmerized with the way you would crease your eyebrows together,, your high pitched whines of his name filling the air,, your trembling body just fucking shaking with the way hes devastatingly filling you up-
y alguien ayude because if you even thought he was going to let you cum after the shit you pulled and him being jealous with the emotional range he has?? think again
because hes going to edge you all fucking night until you forget how to even think and walk,,
not letting you cum even if youre starting to have tears of pleasure and frustration roll down your cheeks because even as soon as he feels you start to tense up and start to squeeze his cock even tighter with your orgasm approaching-
este cabron is just stopping everything and all movements with his cock buried deep inside of you,,
 smirking down at your wrecked form on the verge of losing your mind when you cry out at the lost build up 
probably drooling while he moves this thumb to gently massage your swollen and weeping clit ,, holding your hips down with his other hand so you cant move your hips up into him like “nomas las niñas buenas se pueden venir, princesa” i good fuckinG BYE
porque all i know is that hes keeping that shit up for as long as he wants until all you remember to say is his name all slurred,, and just him reminding you that nomas el te ama and that hes the only one that can have you like this,,
claiming you and just straight up reminding you over and over again that youre his,, hes ruining you for anyone else - im 
taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @afterneptune @redhairedace @wtfisgoingonlol​  let me know if you want to be added! 
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dammitolly · 3 years
Loki Imagine: "Starting Now"
tw: rather large age gap, swearing, major angst
fluff, angst
Loki x Stark!Reader
You were seventeen when you met Loki Laufeyson. And you must admit... you had a bit of a crush on him. He was being kept prisoner by S.H.E.I.L.D, his power too great and his blood lust overpowering. You found him... interesting.
It only took a couple of tries before Nick Fury found out you were spying on Loki. You would study his mannerisms. For a god, he was quite... human. But, that was before there was a code put on the door, one that was made to keep you away from him.
It had never been explained to you in detail exactly what Loki had done, and you were too busy doing other 17-year-old things to turn on the news. So, Banner kept you as distracted from the trickster god as possible, showing you anything and everything he could in the lab. But, you would occasionally see Loki being escorted to and from his cell, peering into the lab... grinning at you. You couldn't help it, you wondered what he was like... you'd also wondered what those beautiful black locks felt like through your fingers. But those thoughts were just fantasies... ones that would never come true.
You had never been close to anyone capable of that before, capable of killing. Let alone someone who had wanted to do it. But you were a fool... a child. You didn't understand Loki, you didn't understand what he'd done. Not that anyone had bothered to clue you in.
After things got out of control, Tony, your father sent you back to New York where you would stay with Pepper and train for the next three years. Where you would learn how to help your father. Learn how to be an Avenger.
You were nineteen when you saw him again. His hair had gotten longer and his face had aged, but the biggest change was that he was no longer considered an enemy of the Avengers. Now, he was simply accompanying his brother to the compound.
It was almost noon when you first woke up and began making breakfast. It was your day off and you were going to do your favorite activity: sleep.
"My, my" a velvet voice said from behind you, "look who grew up."
You didn't need to turn around to know who was speaking. You grinned and continued to smear butter on your toast. "For the God of Mischief, you really aren't very good at sneaking up on people."
You turned and threw the butter knife, it pierced the wall right above his head. He stood with his eyes wide, his shock was unjustified. For one, if you had wanted to hit him you would; two, he had to have known what you had been doing all these years, what your father required of you.
You took him in as he sauntered through the kitchen, leaning against the bar. He was in desperate need of a haircut, the black locks fell to his shoulders. He wore his traditional solid black suit, not a hint of color. Not even his signature forest green.
He looked tired... as if it had been not two years but twenty. Age had gone well with him though. He looked mature, as though the youthful pranks had stopped a long time ago, like the power-hunger had disappeared.
You smirked, "You've gotten old."
"Two years isn't that long, Y/n." He reached over his head and yanked the knife out of the wall, leaving a small hole. Pepper would kill you for that later. Worth it.
You took the knife from his hand. "It is when you're getting old and fat," you retorted.
Loki chuckled, "You are your father's daughter."
You rolled your eyes, "Did you need something? Or do you enjoy seeing the mental agony you inflict upon me?"
"Actually, I was looking for your father."
You pointed your knife towards the elevator at the other end of the room, "Lab. Lower level. You should be familiar with that wing." The wing he had been kept prisoner in. The wing you had strolled down almost every day when you were seventeen just to catch a glimpse of the handsome prisoner.
"Thank you, darling," he replied as he strolled over to the elevator. He smiled and gave you a wink before the doors slid shut. You rolled your eyes.
Darling? Absolutely not.
Dinner was the most awkward thing that you've ever been forced to sit through. The fear of Loki and his manipulation loomed over the table like fog. Steve was watching him like a feral animal that would attack at any second. As if he were a venomous snake ready to strike at any given moment.
"So," Thor cleared his throat awkwardly, "Y/n, your father tells me you've been training in New York. How's that going?"
"It's a lot of work but it's a nice way to spend time," you said through a bite of mashed potatoes. "Right now I'm focusing more on science so I can help Bruce and dad. But Natasha is really wanting to do more combat training with me."
"Y/n fights now?" Loki asked, grinning at you.
You shrugged, "Not much, but I could definitely kick your ass."
"Could you now? I suppose we'll have to put that to the test, won't we Miss Stark?" Loki said with a wink.
Natasha laughed, "Y/n is a bit too soft right now. Once she gets over her fear of actually hurting someone I think she'll be an excellent fighter."
"The knife she threw at me this morning must have been an expression of that fear."
"Y/n Stark!" Pepper said from the other end of the table, "You did not put that hole in my wall."
"He was annoying me!" You said defensively.
"He annoys everyone, you don't see Tony throwing silverware at his head."
"No he just blasts him to hell with his suits," you deadpanned.
Pepper looked at Tony. "You see where she gets it? I told you seventeen was too young for training. I told you that the violence would rub off on-"
"Can we not argue at the table, please?" You said, looking back and forth between your father and Pepper.
She rolled her eyes, "Fine. But you're going to fix that wall young lady."
"Fine," you sighed with a roll of your eyes. You caught Loki grinning at you from across the table and went back to picking at your food.
"Here I was thinking we were going to have a civilized dinner," Loki chuckled.
Cap scoffed, "Civilized?"
"Cap," your father said with a warning tone.
"What?" Steve said defensively, "I'm just wondering where a murderer gets off saying anything about being civilized."
"That's rich coming from you," Loki retorted. "Do I need to remind you of all the innocents you killed in Sokovia? So many lives sacrificed in the name of doing the right thing."
"Brother!" Thor snapped.
"I'm just trying to level the playing field," Loki grinned. "If I'm going to be put on trial, perhaps everyone else should get off their high horse as well?"
"We have never been on the same level, Loki." Steve snapped, "You tried to conquer this planet. You lied, manipulated, stole, killed innocent humans. All because you wanted a power trip. That wasn't Sokovia, we thought we were doing the right thing, all you wanted to do was the wrong thing. All you wanted to do was kill."
"You speak as though I don't have the ability to change," Loki leaned his elbows on the table. "Isn't that what being on this planet is all about? Second chances?"
"Not for murderers," Steve spat.
You didn't know Loki well... but to the extent that you did know him, you knew that when he was embarrassed he also got angry and violent. But not this time. Loki was the picture of serenity and calm as he stood from his spot at the table. "I see how it is," he muttered, "I suppose I should have just stayed... gone."
With that... he left.
It was 3 AM by the time you left your room again. For no other reason than to break into Thor's cookie stash. He was convinced it was your father that had been stealing from him... wrong Stark.
You prayed that nobody would find you digging in the pantry for two reasons. One: Thor would kill you for stealing his snacks; two, you were in your underwear and a tank top. Anyone other than Pepper seeing you in this state would be humiliating.
But, of course, you can never get what you want. Behind you, you heard soft footsteps padding their way into the kitchen.
"I didn't realize you'd be awake," the masculine voice said from behind you. You turned and saw Loki, shirtless in low-hanging black sweatpants. You did your best to force your eyes away from the dark trail of hair below his belly button and into his pants.
As your eyes met his, you could see the light blush on his cheeks. Fuck, he'd caught you staring. He cleared his throat, "I just thought I'd make some tea. For some reason, I don't sleep well in Midgard."
"Perhaps it's all the memories," You muttered as he stood next to you at the counter.
"For christ's sake, Y/n," he slammed his mug down onto the counter, "I am not that person anymore, you know that."
"Do I?" You turned to face him, "You killed innocent people, Loki. You killed children-"
"I know what I did," he sighed, putting his head in his hands, "I'm trying to fix it. I want to be better than I was."
"Loki we can't just trust you," the tea was long forgotten at this point, the water had probably gone cold, "not after what you did."
Loki huffed and yanked the butcher knife out of the block, placing it in your hand. He wrapped his hand around yours and put the knife to his chest, only a little pressure would need to be applied in order for it to tear his skin.
"Loki, what are you-"
He shushed you, "I am literally putting my life in your hands. I want you to see that I am done hurting people, and if you killing me is how to prove it, then so be it."
You tried to pull away but he pulled you back in with enough force to make your knees buckle. You weren't looking at the knife against his pale, muscular chest. But his blue eyes that were begging you to acknowledge his sincerity.
Your grip on the kitchen knife loosened. It clattered to the floor as you wrapped your arms around him, pressing your face into his warm chest. "I don't want to hurt you," you whispered.
You felt him sigh in relief, "I don't want to hurt anyone either. If anyone here is willing to trust me, I want it to be you."
"Why me?"
He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands, "Because you are the first truly good person I've met on this planet. You give me hope, Y/n." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to be that person ever again, Loki," you kissed his Adam's apple gently, "I promise I will help you through this."
You felt him lean down slightly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you up to meet him. You immediately felt your breath hasten. You had been fantasizing about this moment since you were in high school... and now it was about to happen. Loki, God of Mischief, was about to kiss you at 3 AM in the kitchen of the Avengers compound.
Before you could take another breath, his lips were against yours. His lips were soft like you'd always imagined they'd be, and his mouth was hot like the rest of him. He groaned into the kiss when your tongue brushed against his. You raked your fingers through his hair.
He parted his lips from yours in order to lift you onto the counter, standing in between your legs, his hands trailing up your sides.
"Wait, wait," you gasped as you pulled your lips from his, "How do I know you're not about to use me?"
Loki smiled and tucked some stray hair behind your ear, "I'll never lie to you, my darling. I'll be good for you... starting now."
You pressed your forehead against his and kissed the tip of his nose, "Starting now."
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Hollow Pass (Part 1)
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Summary: When the reader has to spend a day in the mines for work, she’s less than thrilled. When the miner showing her around for the day, Dean Winchester, is an ass, she’s even less thrilled. But an accident will change all of that and if they want a chance of getting out of the mess they’re in, they’ll need to put their lives in each others hands, literally...
Pairing: Miner!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,100ish
Warnings: language, injury, frightening/claustrophobic/near death situations
A/N: Please enjoy the first of this 2 parter!
You sighed as you stood in the trailer of the manager’s office, a jumpsuit and a pair of boots sat in a chair. Your boss, bless his heart, thought it was always a good idea for corporate positions to experience a day in the mines to truly understand the product and what the little guy went through on a day to day basis. The argument that you were not really corporate, not even close, seemed to go over his head.
“Y/N, you gonna change? I need my office back,” said the manager through the door. You pulled it open and pouted. “I don’t want you going down in the mines anymore than you do but if you want to make corporate, you gotta do what the CEO says.”
“Dad I don’t even want to work there. I like my simple office job.”
“Then why have you been in all those development programs at work?” he asked. You shrugged and he sighed. “Cause you can’t say no.”
“Do I have to?” you asked, looking back at the overalls.
“Do you want to quit?” he asked.
“I don’t want to lose a good paycheck. But I don’t want a corporate job either,” you said. 
“Then you’re shit outta luck,” he said. “I’m gonna put you with the Winchester boy. He’s on safety checks in our most secure mines.”
“You mean the ones that never have problems.”
“Funny how that all coincidentally happened today of all days,” he said with a smile.
“Thanks dad.”
“I don’t want you going anywhere near explosives. You’ll be safe doing the checks with Dean for the day.”
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said twenty minutes later. The man in overalls and a hard hat rolled his eyes.
“I’m ten minutes late because of you which means I’m gonna get docked those ten minutes of pay so thank you little miss corporate.”
“I’m your boss’ daughter, jackass.”
“Still ain’t my boss,” he said. You huffed and headed over towards the mine entrance when he grabbed the back of your overalls. “No, dummy. You have zero safety gear so unless you want to die, you’re coming with me.”
“Dean Winchester at your service,” he said, dragging you over with him to some lockers. He punched a card and went to the storage racks, seemingly grabbing a few items and putting them on. He picked the hard hat off your head and grabbed one with a light and a wire attached to it, clipping it on your belt. He put something over your shoulder you put your arm through like a sling and clipped a mask onto the back of your belt, a flashlight and a small hand pickaxe going through your other loops. “Turn this lamp on anytime you’re in the mine and never, ever, take off your hat. If I yell at you or you smell something funny, get that mask on. Flashlight and the axe are backup for emergencies.”
He put a radio in your pocket and looked you over.
“Oh and for the love of God, do not wander off. I don’t care if you see a bug or break a nail or gotta piss.”
“What do you do if you have to…” you said.
“Normally you piss against some rock like a man but special manager’s daughter we’ll walk you back out here, take our slow ass time, make me go longer than my shift and because I was late today, I don’t get overtime.”
“That sounds kinda illegal.”
“The contracts for this company are a fucking nightmare,” he said, walking out of storage.
“Why work here then?” you asked as he went to an area and grabbed a clipboard. He took two water bottles and clipped them on each of your belts before whistling for you to follow after.
“Well somebody had to pay for his baby brother to go to law school and it wasn’t going to be my drunk of a father now was it,” said Dean, stopping and writing something down. 
“So you didn’t grow up with mining in your family?” you asked.
“No. I’m not some redneck hillbilly like you imagine either,” he said. He flipped on his light and turned yours on when you got to the mine entrance. “Crouch.”
“We ain’t riding the cart which is missing, dumbass. Crouch down so you can fit in the tunnel,” he said. You swallowed and had to bend down some, following Dean closely. “Ain’t claustrophobic are ya cause now’s the time to tell me.”
“No,” you said. “Jerk.”
“Ah, see? We’re getting along already.”
You walked for five or so minutes before the ground sloped down further and an entrance to the right opened up. Dean straightened up and you did the same, stretching out as he grabbed the back of your jumpsuit.
“Dude, would you stop doing that?” you said.
“Would you stay in my line of sight?”
“That’s harassment. You can’t touch me without my permission,” you said, crossing your arms. He blinked a few times and rolled his eyes quite possibly the most dramatically you’d ever seen in your life.
“This? This is not an office building. Every single time you step in here you run the risk of dying and you have zero clue on how to stay safe down here. I hate it when you people with your big offices and penny pinching bullshit come down here and complain about every goddamn little thing. If you want out, get out of the fucking mining business.”
“You’re an irritable person,” you said. He grumbled and tugged you along with him until you brushed him off. You followed him down a hallway and another, Dean checking things off on his clipboard as he went. “Are you gonna explain any of this stuff?”
“What do you think?” he said. He whistled and you followed him down a few more hallways when he stopped a gauge looking contraption. He checked a few different numbers and valves on it as you spun around. 
“I guess it is kinda cool. That somehow you guys know how to block up rocks and leave all these cracks and know how to make it so it doesn’t all come crashing down.”
“Cracks?” he asked as he squatted down and read off a meter.
“Yeah like that big one,” you said, pointing at the wall across the way. He turned around and looked at it for barely a second before he grabbed your arm. 
“Move. Now,” he said. He pulled out his radio and pressed down the button. “We have a grade five crack in Lodge Six West. Do not blow. I repeat do not-”
The ground rumbled and you heard a splintering noise, Dean pushing you back into the hallway you’d been in. He jumped on top of you and covered your body with his, all the lights going out, a loud thundering of falling rocks happening close by. It seemed to go on and on before it finally stilled, the hallway pitch black.
“You alright?” he asked.
“I think so,” you said, coughing when you felt dust in the air.
“Don’t move,” he said. He lifted his head and there was some light, Dean looking around before climbing off of you and staring at a new wall of rock. He looked at the hallway you’d been in, clicking on his flashlight and you saw where the rock dropped off about a hundred feet away. “Well. Shit.”
“What just happened?”
“The rock was unstable and they already set off the charges and it shook the mountain so now there’s a giant hole over there and our exit is blocked.”
“What’s that way?” you asked, nodding down the only unobstructed hallway.
“Further down into the mine before you hit the decommissioned area.”
“Is there a way out,” you asked, Dean patting his side.
“Fuck. My radio is under all that,” he said. He took out yours and handed it to him, Dean nodding before he turned it on. “Main do you copy, over?”
There was silence on the other end and Dean hit the button again.
“Main this is Winchester in Lodge Six West with…what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, manager’s kid. Copy, over.”
“Winchester this is Main. We got lots of calls coming in from ground crews about a shaking.”
“Lodge Six West Hall K is a giant crater of death and Hall H is buried, right up to the entrance of junction HJ.”
“We’re okay,” said Dean.
“Give me a second.”
Dean took a deep breath and coughed. He tapped your mask on your belt and you put it on, the air a bit easier to breath. 
“Winchester this is Melvin.”
“She’s okay, boss. Just a little shook up. Saved our asses from winding up in the ground even if she doesn’t know it yet,” he said. He held out the radio and you pulled down the mask. 
“Dad I’m fine, really. We both are. It’s just kinda dark and smelly is all.”
“I know. Put your mask on sweetie until you can get to some cleaner air,” he said. You put it back on, Dean, getting to his feet. He pulled you up and looked back at your blocked path. 
“Any other collapses?” asked Dean.
“None reported so far. Everyone should be out of the mine’s or on their way. Alarm is blasting.” You looked back at Dean, his eyes shutting.
“Melvin we can’t hear it. At all.”
“Rodney’s out checking where our side of the collapse starts. We’ll get you out,” he said, someone panting in the background.
“Hall B, Mel,” he said. Dean turned away from you and sighed. No one said anything for a long time until Dean finally raised his head.
“We got two 16 ounces bottles of water. If she rations it, she’s got a shot,” said Dean quietly.
“No, she doesn’t,” said your dad, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it. “How long does your radio have?”
“Mine got crushed. Hers was on a quarter charge. I’d guess maybe an hour or two tops,” he said.
“Should we call your brother?”
“He’s hiking in Glacier Park this week. No cell service,” said Dean quietly. “Just tell him to check my bottom desk drawer. There’s something for him there.”
“I can do that,” he said. “Is there anyone...parents-”
“All due respect sir, I’d rather you talk to your daughter,” he said. Dean held out the radio to you and you picked it up, Dean skirting around the corner to the one unblocked hallway.
“Dean?” you asked, following over there. He was leaned against the wall and looked over his shoulder at you. “What’s going on?”
“They can’t dig us out in time.”
“What do you mean-”
“Talk to your dad. You’re wasting time. That battery won’t last forever,” he said. He turned back and you walked back around the corner, sitting down against the wall.
“Hi dad,” you said.
“Hey,” he said, his voice shaky. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Mom’s on her way down to talk, okay? She’ll be here in ten minutes.”
“I so quit this job,” you said, wiping off your eyes with the back of your hand. He laughed and you threw your head back. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m gonna stay on the line as long as I can, okay?”
“Okay. Okay.”
Two Hours Later
The battery in the radio had died about fifteen minutes ago. There was no sound aside from your sniffling and Dean’s down the hall. You got up eventually and went into the hall, sitting down beside him. You handed him the radio and he clipped it back on his belt.
“You okay?” you asked, voice hoarse.
“You try listening to someone say goodbye to their parents and not bawl,” he said. He wiped off his face and took a deep breath. “Air’s better now at least.”
“What do we do now?”
“Now,” he said, clipping his water bottle onto your belt. “You sit there and try not to exert a lot of energy and that water will last you a few days.”
“We both heard my father. They can’t drill or dig or do anything fast enough. It’d take weeks. I’m not sitting here next to your dead ass so take your damn water back,” you said, shoving it back in his chest. He didn’t speak but put it on his belt, pulling his knees into his chest. “Why were you so mean to me before? You gave up time on the phone for me. I don’t think you’re what you pretend to be.”
“I’m a dead man walking and that’s a fact.”
“Technically you’re sitting.”
He smiled and rested his face in his knees. He sat up and reached over behind you, hitting off your headlight.
“We need to conserve power as long as possible,” he said.
“Will our lights go out before we dehydrate to death?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “This is what it’ll be like.”
He flipped off his lamp and you swore you’d never experienced a darkness so deep. You felt his hand graze yours before holding it and you swallowed.
“Kinda less scary knowing you can turn it back on again,” he said.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why such a brute?”
“You do this job long enough and most people think you’re a dumb sack of shit with nothing in his head. You’re dead weight, odds are you’ll die down here or get into some kind of accident and have to go on disability the rest of your life. You corporate people are always so stuck up, like I’m not even good enough to be the dirt on your shoes. I didn’t give you a chance because odds were you were like all the rest of them. You’re the only reason we didn’t die in that hole, very painfully.”
“Wouldn’t we have-”
“No. It’s not a simple hole we would have fell in. Falling rocks, crushing and hitting, landing on you, ones you hit yourself. Might not kill you immediately. You’d feel it.”
“Dying of thirst is better?”
“I’d say so. Still get to keep this handsome face, or what’ll be left of it,” he said. He flipped his light back on and you scooted closer. “I think you’re very attractive.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m gonna die in like three or four days. Life has no consequences now and I happen to find you very attractive and you seem like a smart, sweet woman that put her parents a little at ease during the worst moment of their lives.”
“Who’s your brother?” you asked. “No consequences after all.”
“He’s a lawyer...and my best friend.”
“You said you did this job for him.”
“Student debt is a bitch. I try to help him out and the overtime helps make dents in it,” he said. “Our parents had debt out their asses. It caused so many problems for us. I wanted him safe, never have to worry about the next meal on the plate or the roof over his head or having to wear my hand me downs ever again. At least he’ll get my life insurance policy. That should help.”
“I have been busting my ass since I was a college freshman in that office to move up the chain for a job I didn’t even want. I completely lost nearly all of my twenties to work. All so I could die in here.”
“Well I know this doesn't sound good but I’m glad I didn’t die all super painful. Or that I’ll be alone,” he said. You smiled and nodded, Dean returning it. “Got any bucket list shit we can pull off down here?”
“We could make out,” you said. “Never knew anyone could make that jumpsuit look good.”
“Why the fuck not,” he chuckled. He leaned in close and your helmets bonked, Dean pulling his off and yours, quickly cupping your face. 
His lips were gentler than you thought, the two of you stopping when your lips were pressed together. You rested your forehead against his and broke off only an inch.
“Not as much fun at the moment as it sounded,” you breathed out.
“Pretty good last kiss though,” he said. You put your helmets back on and you grabbed his hand again. 
“Don’t let go down here. Please.”
He reached to his belt and undid a little pouch, pulling out a small tether of rope. He clipped one end onto him and the other to you.
“For when the lights go out,” he said.
“How long do we got?”
“About a day, maybe a little more,” he said. You sighed and turned your head, staring down the rest of the hall. “It’s decommissioned, Y/N. It’s a death trap.”
“Is there a way out?” you asked.
“Maybe. Maybe they never find us though,” he said. You stared at him and he nodded, hitting your headlamp back on. “Enough of the pity party. Let’s go get out of here or die trying.”
He stood and held out a hand, hoisting you to your feet. 
“So. What’s our best option?” you asked.
“It’s alright for a bit until we get to the decommissioned section. When we get there, that’s when it gets dangerous. Technically it’s dangerous now considering the blast but we’re okay for a bit,” he said. 
“Let’s go then,” you said. He nodded and you followed him down the hall, walking side by side. 
“Alright so the decommissioned section is called Hollow Pass. Beyond that is Upper Seven. If we can get to Upper Seven, we can get out the old entrance I’m pretty sure. Never been in there but hopefully it’s not a maze over there.”
“So Hollow Pass is the hard part.”
“Why was it decommissioned?”
“Unstable ground. Holes, pockets of air, rotted support beams, wood planks.”
“So it’s a death trap.”
“Yup,” he said. “We’re probably gonna die down there.”
“What do you think our odds are?”
“Well it’s been out of order for over fifty years, we have no map, I have no real idea where exactly to go...I give us 1% odds.”
“Beats are 0% odds here.”
“Good way to think about it considering we’re going to most likely die.” He stopped walking and took a deep breath. “If I fall or whatever, follow the widest hall possible and keep away from wood and cracks as best as possible. Ration your water and eventually you’ll find your way out.”
“If you fall I’m definitely not gonna make it.”
“Well at least try. You can tell my brother how devastatingly brave I was that way.”
“You just spent the past hour crying.”
“So did you,” he said. You bumped his shoulder and he returned it but it was playful and soft. You walked together quietly for a moment until Dean rounded a corner and took a deep breath.
There were a few planks across a hallway, Dean kicking them down, frowning when they broke pretty easily.
“There’s gonna be rot.”
“We don’t have to go,” he said. “You don’t have to. There’s a chance-“
“There’s no chance Dean. Not if we stay up there. If you don’t want to go, I will. Maybe I can get help back in-“
“We’re doing this together or you’re staying. I can go and you-“
“We both go,” you said. 
“I go first. You step where I step and if I tell you to do anything, you do it.”
“Dean. We already established that you’re not a hardass. You can lead the way but you know, nicely.”
“Alright, alright,” he said. He gave more slack in the rope attached to the two of you and took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”
He was calm for a few minutes until you were turning down a hallway, Dean suddenly stopping in front of you.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Look,” he said. You poked your head around him, swallowing at the rotted wood on the ground, holes worn into the planking. “Y/N that’s not good. Rot means there’s water and water means erosion and erosion means big shafts hundreds of feet straight down under those wood planks.”
“How much of it is wood?” you asked. You both looked ahead and sighed, the whole hall flooring covered in wood. “Shit.”
“Y/N. This is too dangerous. I’ve worked in mines since I was 18 and it’s way too dangerous.”
“Dean. I don’t want to die. If we don’t do anything, we’re dead in three days, maybe less.”
“Maybe they come up the decommissioned mine and get us,” he said. 
“Dean. The mountain collapsed from what my dad said. They are not coming in here, risking even more lives, in this mine. It might even have collapsed on the other side on the way out. We don’t know. All we do know is we stay and we’re dead or we go and we’re maybe dead.”
“You still won’t let me go on ahead on my own to try to get some help?”
“You’re not leaving me alone,” you said. You stepped ahead and he yanked on the rope, pulling you back. “Dean. Stop.”
“I go first,” he said. You held up your hands and he swallowed, Dean stepping past you, carefully putting his weight down on each plank. “Follow. Every footstep exactly where mine go.”
You followed after, the only sounds your breathing and the occasional board creaking. Dean put a foot down and stopped moving forward when you heard snapping. 
“Go back. Slowly.”
You stepped a foot backwards, putting weight on it and your foot going straight through. Dean grabbed your arm as you pulled your foot up, a few sticks falling into a deep dark pit. 
“What do we do,” you breathed out.
“Well we’re over rock that fell away so there’s a big hole beneath us if the rotted wood is anything to go by,” he said. You heard the slight waiver in his voice and sighed. “We make a choice. Forwards or backwards.”
“Back looks bad. Plus we already probably broke the supports.”
“I think solid ground is in front. But I have to jump for it,” he said. You looked past him and shook your head. 
“Dean, it's way too far. I can try to walk over there if you let out the rope. I get to solid ground and then you walk and if you fall, I got you with the rope.”
“Sweetheart, there’s no way.”
“You’re too heavy and we can’t stay here,” you said. You slipped past him and he tried to grab you but you went quickly. “Dean let out the rope. Now.”
“Fuck. We’re gonna die.”
“No we’re not,” you said, walking quickly, planks creaking but you sighed when you had solid rock under your feet again. “Alright. Just go where I did and fast.”
He took a deep breath and walked a few steps, a loud groaning of the wood making him move faster.
You hit the ground the second you saw him go down, the wood breaking away. Dean shouted and you dug your heels into the dirt. 
“Y/N!” he said, falling straight down into a hole and out of view.
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
What to Do?: Chapter 2
One, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Summary: Logan realizing that his first mistake was seeing the other sides as anything other than coworkers. They weren't a family. They didn't even like each other. How had he not realized sooner?
Warnings: General anxiety, hurt/comfort, angst, and hurt feelings. 
Word Count:  1,803
Logan could feel the tug in his gut of the others clearly trying to summon him into the centerpiece of the mindspace. For a split second he felt a jab of fear racing through him as he pondered whether or not he should actually go to them, they wouldn’t be happy about the decision he had decided to make for himself. If anything they’d probably be most cross with him about it, or… or perhaps they’d laugh at him. Say that it was ridiculous that he was trying to appear so professional with all the things that they knew about each other. 
Yeah… they would most definitely try to laugh it off to clear the air, and to make him go back on his decision. To undermine his boundaries, and make him second guess himself when it came to this. 
But he wouldn’t… he couldn’t.
Not about this, and most certainly not now. He had already talked himself into doing this, and he wasn’t going to let his imagination run away with him about it either. 
He had made up his mind. 
“Logan…” He could hear Patton referring to him. 
“Logan.” He could hear Roman talking. 
“Logan..” He could hear Virgil mumbling. 
Logan’s fingers curled into his hands, and he could feel his temper flaring up before he even attempted to stamp it back down. “Shut up!” He snarled to himself, raising his hands to his ears as to block out the sounds of his name that came from inside his head. A part of him felt like sobbing, like curling up in a corner and just admitting defeat so that it would just make it all stop. But he couldn’t do that, and he knew that he couldn’t do that. There was too much work to be done… “Just stop!” 
Logan. Logan. Logan…
This could not wait another day, no matter what Logan tried to tell himself it just couldn’t. He needed to set things straight, and get it down with the others so they at least understood where he was on the matter, no matter how much it hurt their feelings. In the end, it would at least make him feel better, and hopefully… hopefully things would at least change then and he’d be listened to. 
Even if it was only a little bit. 
Straightening his back, and forcing his hands back down to his sides Logan rose up in the living room biting his tongue the entire time. He would only have to endure his name in their mouths for just a little bit longer, they might not listen, but at least they would know. And that’s literally all that he needed from them, it didn’t matter if they got upset or refused. 
Because this was for him, not for them. 
“Logan!” Virgil’s head whipped away from Patton and Roman, and to where Logan was standing. “Are you okay?” The anxious side tried to ask it cooly, but everyone could see his hands fidgeting with the loose threading strands of his sleeves. The anxiety he had felt coming off of Logan in waves had all but vanished the moment that he had arrived, and it had done very little to lessen Virgil’s own anxieties about the subject. His gaze seemed to look everywhere but Logan for an instance, before he finally willed himself to look at the logical side.  “You seemed kind of anxious, and we were…” The words that were right on Virgil’s tongue died in an instant upon seeing the look on Logan’s face. 
None of them had exactly gotten a chance to talk to Logan after his whole run in with Remus, but right then and there… Virgil wished that he had been there from the very start. To help Logan, and to help the logical side come to terms with the fact that his schedule hadn’t exactly been followed. 
He wished… he wished that he had done something. 
Logan didn’t look cold, he didn’t even appear to be disinterested in them like he had in the past when it came to discussing Roman’s daydreams or plans. He just looked…
Well it was weird, but he looked oddly polite. 
Like a stranger waiting for someone to stop talking, so that he could speak his business. 
Virgil swallowed thickly, “Deceit?” He merely asked, looking Logan up and down as if trying to spot any inconsistencies of the other side’s attire. 
There was nothing.
And Logan slowly shook his head, his eyes remaining trained on Virgil steadily. He looked calm, the farthest thing from the side who used to scream falsehood at him and anyone who tried to lie to his face. His hair was a windswept mess, and his clothes even messier. With his tie loosened and the collar to his shirt unbuttoned by a single button. And it was that alone that sent alarm bells off in Virgil’s head, because despite all of that… Logan was here. He was calm, he was collected, and there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him. 
He looked fine. 
But something was wrong, maybe it was just him but.. there had to be something wrong with Logan. He couldn’t be okay, not by any kind of standards. He knew Logan too well to know that the logical side would never show up to any kind of meeting with them dressed as he was. Logan was far too prideful for that, and he also knew that Roman would most certainly never let him live it down. So… something.. Something had to be wrong here. He couldn’t be okay.
Not after what happened. 
“Logan,” Patton inched forward, a look of clear worry on his face. “You okay bucko? Are you feeling oka-” 
Patton blinked, hoping that he had misheard what Logan had just said to him. His voice chilly in the kind of way that made his back shiver, even if there wasn’t a single draft to be felt. “What?” He attempted a happy playful smile that wouldn’t betray how he was feeling, when the stoney look on Logan’s face didn’t even  budge for a second he felt it slip right off into a puzzled frown. He was acutely aware of Roman and Virgil watching their interaction with the eyes of a hawk, their eyes were burning the back of his head. He could feel something inside of him tremble with that one word that Logan had spoken to him, and he hoped with everything that he was… that he’d only misheard Logan. With Logan’s firm unbreaking stare,  and the obvious stares from the other two sides… he had to actively avoid squirming in place just from how uncomfortable he was starting to get from the change in atmosphere. 
All it had taken was one word… and it felt like everything had just turned on its head.
Logan crossed his arms smoothly over his chest, “Given the state of our relationship, it is Logic.. Not Logan.” There wasn’t a single hint of joking or exaggeration in his voice, there was just that air of polite honesty that somehow managed to rub Patton the wrong way. 
“What?” He asked again, his throat choking out the word. This time he was absolutely sure that he was about to cry, was this.. was this Logan ending their friendship? Was he really that tired of them and their jokes? Did he… 
Did he hate them? 
“What are you talking about?!” This time it was Roman who spoke up, the creative side had been lounging on the couch for a majority of the time. Only now rising once it was apparent how upset Patton was getting with Logan’s selective words, and to top it off… he was getting rather upset himself at it. Did this name change just go to Patton, or was it all of them combined? “Listen,” Roman tried to say patiently. “If you’re upset and angry about your schedule not being followed this is not the way to act about it, tell us and we’ll work something out. Don’t just pull this shit and expect us to not know what to do with it!”
Roman’s breath came out in hot angry puffs, he honestly hadn’t expected himself to get so worked up over this.
Logan’s eyes shifted over to him, clearly waiting a moment to see if Roman was done talking. “Creativity.” Roman’s lungs seized, and his breathing stopped right then and there with that one little word. Logan was… Logan was serious. “I am not angry.” He said patiently. “I understand that sometimes things come up that can get in the way of a preplanned schedule. It is okay, and I understand that nothing could be done that specific day.” Logan linked his fingers together. “However, I am merely stating that I wish to not be referred to so casually.” 
Their mouths gaped openly, a mixture of concern, fear, and puzzlement written over each of their faces. For a moment Roman had no idea what to say, after everything involving Patton and Janus this just felt like one more thing that he didn’t understand. He was fairly certain that none of them understood this though, judging by the looks on each of their faces. None of them knew why Logan was choosing to pursue this, and honestly… he was kind of scared to know exactly why. 
Because that meant in some kind of way… they had all fucked up. 
Roman hated himself for the words that came out of him next, “Are we not close? I thought that knowing your name, and using it meant that.. that you trusted us with it.”  
For a split second, Logan looked up to the ceiling and Roman fought the urge to bristle indignantly at the implications. The hurt in his heart steadily being replaced by a new feeling that he couldn’t yet put his finger on, but once he did…
“No,” Logan merely said, and didn’t elaborate. “I am going to go back to my room should you need to call on me again, I will be drafting up a new schedule that we can all hopefully agree upon, in the meantime... Have a good day.” 
There wasn’t the tiniest hint of resignation or resentment, throughout everything that he’d told them Logan had remained polite to the very end. Even when he ducked out, there weren’t any side eyes, or upset looks from him. Just an air of civil courtesy, that felt so.. so unlike him. Logan got excited about his projects, and he got upset when they didn’t play out to how he wanted them exactly to go. He should have been upset, he should have been spitting barbs and being salty about his failed schedule, he should have reassured Virgil’s anxieties, and he should have…
He should trust them…
Shouldn’t he? 
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kalinara · 3 years
On Aspec Identities
I’ve “joked” before that I know that it’s Pride Month, because as soon as June 1 comes around, I suddenly get to see a wonderful flood of aphobic bullshit on my dash.  
Sometimes the people who reblog this shit aren’t themselves exclusionists.  At least I’d like to think they aren’t, given that they’re mutuals who follow me, but out of ignorance, they join in on mocking what they don’t understand.
My block button gets a nice workout during Pride.
Anyway, since I do think (hope) that some of the people reblogging this nonsense do so because they are genuinely clueless, I’m inspired to write this post.
It’s very common, during Pride and otherwise, to see people mock the idea of aspec identities.  For example, “fraysexual”, in which people only experience sexual attraction to people they don’t know very well, for example, celebrities.
It’s very common to see otherwise well-meaning people mock this idea.  “I’m attracted to Chris Hemsworth!  Does this mean I’m suddenly LGBTQ?!”
I don’t want to attack their reading comprehension, of course, but they’re missing something obvious in that definition: the word “only”.
If you are a woman and you are attracted to Chris Hemsworth, then you’re probably straight.  Or bi.  But if you’re ONLY attracted to Chris Hemsworth and NO OTHER MEN in the world...then maybe something else is going on.
Lesbians will often talk about compulsory heterosexuality and that’s a thing that asexual people experience too.  Society has an expectation of allo-straightness and it’s very hard to define a negative, so it’s very common for a young person to express attraction to a fantasy, someone safely out of reach.  Most of us will never meet Chris Hemsworth in real life, certainly we’ll never get invited to have sex with him, so we don’t really have to parse through whether this is something we really want to do.  And well, if we’re not interested in the real life men that we know, it’s probably because they just don’t measure up.
Now, I think lesbians have one advantage in this case that asexual people don’t have.  And that’s that they do feel attraction to women.  It’s suppressed, and it may take a lot of time to realize it, but it’s there.  And once you feel the real thing, I think that it makes it easier to see the “attraction” to Chris Hemsworth for what it is.
Most asexual people don’t have a “real thing” to put the fantasy and cultural programming into perspective.  It’s very hard to define a negative, and often you end up doing that by defining everything else around out.  That blank space is what’s left.
And that’s why aspec identities exist: because society has a really complicated relationship with sexuality in general.  A physical sex drive can complicate matters too.  Because that’s a thing that most people have.  Hormones and gonads and all that.  And if you think growing up with all those impulses is confusing already, try it when you don’t have a sexual orientation to direct it.
So that’s, I think, where a lot of these identities come from.  Identities like fraysexual and lithsexual (sexual attraction ONLY if it’s not reciprocated) sound weird to an outside observer, until you understand that the end goal is not to have sex!  The end goal is to process what we’re feeling and not feeling and define it for ourselves.  
As a young person, I didn’t know I was asexual.  I thought there was something wrong with me.  I’d grasp at straws and think to myself that I must be straight, because I liked slash fanfiction.  Because I liked erotica.  Clearly I just never really had the opportunity to have sex.  I have very specific trait preferences.
And then the invitation came!  From someone who was objectively very attractive.  He* was beautiful, a live action and real life version of the characters I’d read about, amazingly smart, great sense of humor.  I’d fantasized about them for a long time before this moment.  (More accurately, I should say “They” as later, they came out as non-binary.  At the time though, I’d believed them to be male, just as I’d believed myself to be female.  People are complicated.)
The fantasy was real!  There was no better time!  And....all I could feel was a resounding “NO.”  I liked them a lot.  But...no.  No.  (They took the refusal with good grace, they were really great!)  The aftermath was rough on me though, because I no longer could fool myself.
I don’t consider myself lithsexual or fraysexual because in my case, the attraction wasn’t so much to the person as to the fantasy of being straight.  But people come in all variations, and we can only really define ourselves.
Ultimately, aspec identities aren’t about you unless they apply to you.  But for us, they can be a literal lifesaver.  I spent a long time thinking I was broken.  Why could I feel a sexual response when reading erotica but not want to have sex?!  Obviously I can’t be asexual if I feel SOMETHING, right?
And then, and then, at the age of thirty or so, I stumbled across the concept of autochorissexuality.  The idea of a disconnect between self and sexual desire.  And I realized, wait.  There I am.  You can’t imagine the sense of relief.
THAT’s why these identities exist.  It doesn’t MATTER if you understand them.  It doesn’t MATTER if you think they’re valid.  They’re for US, not you.  And it costs exactly 0 dollars to shut the fuck up about something that has nothing to do with you.
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lustbile-archive · 4 years
Wanna Watch?
Tumblr media
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary/Warning: Smut. Yangyang swears that tentacles are hot, just watch one video with him and you’ll see. He promises.… this was supposed to be a blurb but then I got very carried away. and because of that it might be a little rambley at some parts im so sorry
You’d be the first to admit that you and Yangyang had a weird friendship. Your other friends had clocked it, saying that even for best friends, you were way too open with each other.
And they weren’t technically wrong. Something about being around Yangyang deleted your filter, made you say shit that you never thought you’d say to another human being, but in your defense, he was exactly the same way.
It started with a few dirty jokes. It wasn’t anything serious or any different than ones you’d say with or without each other, but you two did encourage each other. It was as if anything one of you said, the other had something to add. It didn’t take long for things to begin to spiral and for your friends to decide that you two together were lethal.
After that day it was like you were attached at the hip. Something about your shared vulgarness made you click and it wasn’t very long after until it went a little far.
It was the first time you stayed over at his place, a bottle of liquor tucked in your bag. Tipsy off a half a bottle each, you both let it slip what turned you on the most. It wasn’t weird at the time, but the next morning there was a tension there.
That tension eventually faded, leading to another sleep over. And another. And another. Each of them somehow leading to some form of sexual conversation.
But the one that happened tonight was different.
Some joke about porn was made. You two sat side by side in your own chairs as you watched him play some game you quickly forgot the name of, and he had deemed it appropriate to mention that it would be kinda hot if the woman he played as were to get fucked by the tentacle monster that she fought.
You started by jokingly scolding him about how, though you weren’t sure exactly in what way, what he said was chauvinistic. But then you followed it with teasing about how he was a weirdo for being into tentacles.
“Oh come on,” he goes on, much louder than he needed to be, “you cannot tell me you’ve never looked at tentacle porn. Not even just because you were curious?”
“What porn I watch is none of your business Yang,” you retort as you push your finger in his face, a bratty giggle bursting from you when he smacks your hand away in irritation.
“So you’re not denying that you’ve seen tentacle porn,” he hums, nodding to himself, “if that’s the case I’m just gonna assume you have.”
You move to retort again, but he quickly interrupts, “actually I’m going to assume that you only watch tentacle porn and it’s something you get off to very often.”
“You think about me getting off a lot Yangyang?” you ask, but you quickly realize maybe the question was a step too far once the words are in the air.
Thankfully, he seems to ignore your question as he suddenly closed his game, the incognito tab he opens immediately after making your mouth run dry.
“How about this,” he starts, his fingers running across the keyboard as he types in the the link to a porn site. You divert your eyes quickly when you see the bars auto fill pop up, the idea of seeing whatever he looked at when he forgot to go incognito making your stomach flip, “let’s just take a little peek and we’ll see who’s right.”
“See who’s right about what?” your voice pitches and your back straightens as you ask.
“About whether or not tentacles are hot,” he turns to you briefly as if he’s explaining a math equation to you, “come on dude keep up.”
“Man I don’t know,” you hesitate, but you quickly notice he already has a video picked out and queued.
“I’m not gonna force you to watch it if you don’t want,” he reassures as he hovers his cursor over the play button, “but I also won’t judge you if you’re curious.”
You gnaw on your bottom lip for a moment as you think, your heart beating faster as the seconds pass, “okay fine just play it before I change my mind.”
And that’s how you got where you are now. You and Yangyang curled into your chairs, eyes wide and curious as a slender woman, with a disproportionately large chest, screams and whines while she’s brutally fucked by a weird tentacle monster.
You feel your face twist in fascination, first at the amount of detail and time that must have went into animating each frame, but then slowly but surely, just how weirdly hot you found yourself finding the video.
Something about the way the multiple tentacles cover her body as they suspend her in the air. One is shoved deep in her mouth, gross gagging noises added as a result, two attached to both of her nipples and another set fucking her open from both holes. It was easily one of the weirdest things you’ve ever seen, but you couldn’t ignore the growing wetness it caused in your underwear.
You try to not let it show in your body language, the idea of Yangyang noticing your arousal and then most likely making fun of you for it making you want to crawl in a hole.
You eyes dart over to him for a moment to try and gauge how he’s feeling. The first thing you notice immediately is the way he curls to block your view of his crotch, the second being the fact that he looks at you as well.
“So… what are you thinking?” he asks slowly.
“I don’t know what are you thinking?” you throw back almost too quickly.
“I… I think you know what I’m thinking,” his words continue to spill out like molasses, his head quickly nodding to the space between his legs with a embarrassed flush to his skin, “I’m asking how you’re feeling.”
“I don’t know,” you double down, your head shaking with a jerk, “I- I don’t know how I’m feeling.”
“It’s okay if you like it-“
“I don’t know if I like it,” you lie, your tone defensive and sharp.
“You do know that you’re not a bad person for liking it right?” He continues to reassure as he tries to keep his patience with you.
You only huff in response, the video still loudly playing as you talk. You try to shift in your seat to create distance between you, but it only makes you aware of how your arousal grows.
“Okay im not gonna lie,” he starts, a joking tone to his voice in the way that tells you he’s trying to ease the tension, “I think it’s hot, but you probably guessed that. I’m just saying I could totallly jack it to this.”
You know it’s a joke, but that doesn’t stop the words from making your face warm and your thighs flex. And even though you try and advert your eyes, you know he is analyzing every move you make.
“Do you maybe…” he trails off as he considers what to say next, “ack, no no it’s weird never mind.”
“What?” you dart up in panic, “is something im doing weird?”
“No no no,” he panics as well, “you’re fine… I was just gonna ask if you... if you maybe wanted to see how much you like it. Like see if you can get off to it?”
It was in this you found out that maybe your friends were right. Maybe you were lethal together, too comfortable and relaxed and willing to do and say the worst in front of each other. If that wasn’t the case there was no way in hell you’d end up where you were now.
If someone had told you that when you first met Yangyang that one night you two would be masturbating to tentacle porn together, you would have told them they lived in a fantasy, that they were just delusional perverts that don’t like people being just friends, but they would have been right.
You felt weirdly eager as you pushed your pajama shorts and underwear to his floor, the air of the room hitting your skin and making you come to the terms of how wet the video had gotten you.
And the fact that Yangyang seemed equally as eager as he pulled himself from the restrains of his sweatpants both put you at ease while putting you incredibly in edge.
You tried to ignore him as he sat next to you. Your eyes taking an iron lock onto his screen as a new video played. It was the same idea, pretty girl with literally any possible hole stuffed with a slimy tentacle getting pleasured in any way possible, the only difference was a slight change in art style.
It took you a moment to get into it, your fingers gently tapping against your clit as you tried to build the courage to touch yourself the same way you do in the safety of your own room, but after one particularly hard thrust from the monster and a desperate cry from the girl, you couldn’t hold back.
Your fingers dipped into your entrance gently as you coated the tips in your arousal, your hips jumping slightly at the friction.
Yangyang tried to ignore you as well, his fist moving slowly as he tried to focus on the scene in front of him, but the way you jerked next to him and the bubbles of noise that slipped unintentionally from your lips, he felt like a starving tiger being tempted with a steak.
You tried to bite your tongue to hold in any moans as your fingers started to roll circles gently on your clit, but with the way you grew wetter and wetter and the rising sensitivity in the bundle of nerves, you couldn’t help the quiet whimpering that rose from you chest.
It wasn’t that you could get off to it, it was actually much easier than you had anticipated. Something about the way the girls in the videos were being stimulated in every way possible had you hot and dripping in your arousal, and maybe your best friend pleasuring himself next to you was making it a million times sexier.
You weren’t alone though. It didn’t take long for Yangyang to lose his internal battle, his eyes straining to his side and his gaming chair rolling back slightly to allow him to watch you from the side. He knew he could crank one out easily to the videos in front of him, he had done it plenty of times before, but if he let the opportunity of watching your chest rise and fall with labored breaths while your fingers moved quickly over your dampened skin pass him by, he’d be kicking himself forever.
He was moving before he could even think, the finger of his free hand working with a mind of his own as they tap gently on the side of your chair. His heart beat sky rockets when you jump, but he only feels himself get harder when he sees it doesn’t stop your rapidly moving hand.
“Say no,” he whispers regardless of his growing need to touch you, “say no cause I cannot ruin this friendship.”
“No offense Yang,” he almost collapses at how winded you sound, but also at the promise that you’re still comfortable enough to shorten his name, “but if what we’re doing now didn’t ruin it, I don’t think anything will.”
“Thank fuck,” he speaks too loudly again as he moves his chair next to yours, his hand brushing against the side of your bare leg as it leans against the arm of your chair, “cause I wanna touch you so bad dude.”
“Hmmmm,” you hum out as his words swirl your brain like a blender, your heart rapidly pumping against your chest. You’d be a liar if you tried to act like the idea didn’t cause a new wave of arousal run over your body. Your answer comes before you can even think of the consequences.
“Please,” the word being your only verbal response before you rip your hand away from your body, your legs falling wider apart as an invitation. Your body jumps in protest as you deny yourself the orgasm that was slowly building, and Yangyang immediately jumps into action to compensate.
The first touch of his fingers is unsure, a hesitation in his muscles as he tries to convince himself that what’s happening is real. He isn’t sure what’s hotter to him in that moment, the way you whimper with a slight pout to your lips when he finally presses his digits to your swollen clit, or the way your eyes remain locked on the animated porn.
He’s battling between the two, when you show him something better. Your hand moves wildly in the air for only a moment, before you're pushing it under his arm. It doesn’t take you much exploring before you find where his hand slowly moves against his length. Your hand swats gently at his in a way that weirdly reminds him of the way you swat at him when he does something he’s not supposed to, and after his brain catches up with your motions, he lets go.
He thinks his heart probably stops when your hand wraps around him, your wrist immediately moving at the same pace as his fingers. His eyes slam shut for a second, a desperate attempt to hold off his orgasm, before they open slightly again.
He tries to do the same as you and keep his eyes trained on the video, and it works a few times, but as you gush and twitch against his unrelentingly moving fingers. He feels like one of his biggest fantasies has come to life in front of him, the whining sound of his name from your lips music to his ears.
You babble and squirm, your orgasm approaching you much faster than it has ever before. There’s something so jarring and new about the video that flashes in front of your eyes, and combining that with your best friend playing you not much differently than he’d played his game not long before made you feel like you were losing your grip on reality.
You’re vaguely aware that your hand flexes around his length, and fear that maybe your hold may be too rough immediately leaving your mind when you hear him let out a pleased groan. The sound also momentarily replaces the fear that filled you from actually looking at the boy that sits next to you, and you feel your head jerking to look at his face scrunched in pleasure.
The wind is knocked from your lungs when your eyes meet his again, neither of your stares faltering like you assumed they would. Instead the eye contact encourages you both, and you feel your hands pick up their pace.
You thank the universe for Yangyang’s reflexes as he finds no trouble in following your antsy jerking hips, his fingers never shifting away from your buzzing clit. He’s also completely unfazed as your thighs clamp around his wrist, and instead his now free hand moves to grab at your knee that’s closest to him, and pull harshly to hold your legs spread.
The angle his body is now turned leaves him leaning on his side, and he shows no hesitation to using the new position to his advantage as he begins thrusting his hips to fuck your fist.
You feel as if there’s another force around you that forces you to stare at one another, your hands and hips becoming frantic as you both inch closer and closer to your finish.
The video had ended moments before, but neither of you move to choose another. Too distracted by the other bodies, both of your breaths pick up right before the point of hyperventilating.
You feel yourself right on the edge, the beginning of your orgasm making your toes curl and your back arch off the back of the chair. Just from the stimulation on your clit, you can feel yourself falling, but when he notices that you’re starting to crumble, his fingers slip down until they push into you making you gasp loudly.
With his middle and ring finger pistoning in you at the same pace as his hips and the heel of his hand digging and rubbing into your clit, you finally start to come. If it wasn’t for his determined pace, your fluttering walls would push him out, but he fights against your body with a deep grunt as he curls the digits to pull against the nerve inside you that makes your eyes roll back into your skull.
With your mouth hanging open, silent moans and squeaking whimpers popping from your throat, he’s sure he stares at a defiled angel. He knew he always found you attractive, even more attractive when you first took his raunchy jokes in stride, but as you come so beautifully around his fingers, he decides you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
Just watching your come is enough to push him over the edge, but as it makes your muscles tense, your hand flexes and shakes as you hold him. With a few more pulses of his hips, he’s coming with his lip tucked between his teeth and his eyes trained on where you wrap around his fingers, your noise of surprise at the feeling of his come shooting across your hand only making his orgasm stronger.
With shaking legs, he falls back into his chair, his hand pulling from your sensitive skin, and his softening length slipping from your fingers.
Silence falls over the room, the only sound being the angry sound of his computer's fan and your evening breaths. You pull your limbs into your body as you try to get more comfortable in the seat, and as you try to wrap your arms around yourself, you notice the evidence of his orgasm that sticks to the side of your hand.
You’re moving before you can even think about your actions or how weird they could be to the boy next to you, your hand lifting up to your face and you tongue peaking out to lick at the sticky substance. You jerk slightly at the taste, but in a thought of self challenge and a simple ‘fuck it,’ you slide the flat of your tongue up the side of your hand, collecting everything he left behind, before swallowing deeply.
You hear a muffled sound of surprise to your side, the sound making your head whip to the side as you remembered your possible audience. Your heart beats fast as you panic at the idea of him finding your action gross, but as you look you see him in a very similar position.
Yangyang grins around his fingers that were once drenched in your orgasm, but now sit licked clean in his teasing mouth. There’s a slight popping noise as he pulls them hesitantly from his lips, and his devious smile only grows before he speaks.
“Oh so we’re both like gross, gross huh?”
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denkamis · 3 years
Hi there!!! I wanted to let you know I love reading your work!! I would also like to request peanut butter with Kirishima, Bakugou, and Amajiki please!
to anon: ahh thank you so much anon!! that seriously means so much to me. i see you’re craving a bit of angst tonight, i hope that i can deliver, since i do like writing a fair amount of angst :,)))
warnings: love triangles, implied cheating, a lot of doubts, insecurities, and swearing. reader is gn! tread carefully with this one please
prompt: eijirou kirishima, katsuki bakugou, tamaki amajiki headcanons + “why are you lying to me?”
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eijirou kirishima
kirishima didn’t want to believe it at first
he didn’t want to believe that you actually had feelings for bakugou, his best friend of all people
especially when bakugou knew how he was feeling about you
but how could he ever compare to bakugou? top of your class with such a manly quirk to back up his intense commitment to being a hero. his drive was impeccable, it was no wonder you liked him so much
he tried to keep his feelings on the downlow, wanting to support you and let you be happy with bakugou. it were your feelings, you were allowed to love who you wanted to love
so why was he feeling so distraught?
so utterly trapped by his emotions?
what the fuck was wrong with him?
it wasn’t as if anything between the two of you had changed, either. you were still his best friend, his study buddy, his person to go to whenever he got in his head
except now he couldn’t. he couldn’t look at you the same, especially when you talked about bakugou the way that you did
“hey, i think i might ask him out. what do you think, kiri?”
his entire world collapsed
you two had been studying for history together. it appeared that his brain had stopped functioning, your words processing in his mind. “what?” he asked you in a small voice, clearing his throat to better hide the way his voice had cracked. when his eyes met yours, you were staring at him curiously
“is everything okay?”
“me? oh yeah, no no! i’m okay. i think um, i think you totally should.”
“... really?”
kirishima was kicking himself, biting his tongue to keep his feelings from spilling all over his textbook. it wasn’t the manliest move to lie about his feelings, but he couldn’t simply hold you back from being with someone you liked that much
“yeah. i don’t see why not i mean, you talk about him all the time! so, i figured, if he makes you happy, go for it.”
“are you okay?”
“i- of course i am, i’m okay with you dating bakugou. it’s all okay with me!”
“why are you lying to me?”
kirishima’s hand holding his pencil tensed, fidgeting ever so slightly as you continued to look at him intensely. nothing got past you
“kiri, seriously. is there something wrong?”
kirishima weighed out his options. he took in your features, your bright eyes looking serious and your mouth pulled into a pout as you watched him react. he held his breath, breaking your staring contest to glance back at his notebook below him
“do you really like him like that?”
“what do you mean?”
“i want you to be happy.”
“go date him.”
kirishima looked at you, a small smile on his face that held an emotion you couldn’t quite place. “i think he’ll make you happy. bakubro’s not a bad guy, he’s super manly. i know he seems a bit, y’know, but i think he could really make you happy.” he was nothing compared to him. he could never make you as happy as bakugou.
not wanting to fight, you nodded your head slowly. “if you don’t want to talk about it, you can just tell me that too,” you replied gently. that wasn’t bothering him, you knew that. and yet you decided to keep your head down
to this day, looking at the invitation to yours and bakugou’s wedding still brings a sick feeling of regret to his stomach
he should have told you
he just realized too late
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katsuki bakugou
you and katsuki had your arguments back and forth about his work life not constantly, but enough for you to take notice of it
sure, you and katsuki had your qualms but you always made up in the end. you both came back to each other, no matter how angry you both got or no matter how much time had passed
you always came back to each other
tonight though, was awful. it was the worst argument you two had ever had
“what is it now, dumbass?” he growled aggressively, his eyes flicking to you with a certain annoyance that looked all too familiar to you
“where were you tonight? we had a date.”
“was at work.”
he didn’t even look up from his phone
you weren’t satisfied with his answer, knowing him and his schedule well enough to be aware that he had not been at the agency
“no, you weren’t at work.”
he scoffed with a shake of his head. “sure, believe what you want to believe.”
“can you listen to me while i’m talking to you? i’m standing literally right here.”
he let out a small “hm” at your remark, your fists clenched as you gritted your teeth. he was really pushing your buttons now
finally, right then and there, you had had enough of his bullshit
“why are you lying to me?”
bakugou’s head whipped up, face contorted in an ugly sort of snarl like an animal finally biting after being provoked for long enough
“the fuck do you mean i’m lying? why the fuck would i lie to you?”
“i know you weren’t at work! you’re done at five and you came home at eight. where were you?”
“i was going home and stopped a shitty villain, is that what you wanted to hear?” the way he spat words at you with such a venomous tongue made your blood boil. you decided to push further
“what villain?”
“fucking christ, really? do you seriously not trust me?”
you said nothing, fear coursing through your body as doubts plagued your mind. his gaze watched you steadily, tears wetting your cheeks as you crossed your arms. you decided to finally let him know
“i know, katsuki. i saw the fucking texts.”
bakugou seemed to be frozen in place, a slow realization washing over the anger on his face. he looked like a deer in headlights
you stood tall, your chin pointed up as you held faux confidence before him
had you not been enough for him? had you pushed him too far? maybe this had been your fault. no. this wasn’t the time to overthink. you had to protect yourself. you vowed to yourself no one would ever treat you like that again. mustering up all the courage you had, picking your shattered heart off the floor of your now one person inhabited apartment, you offered two words to him
“get out.”
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tamaki amajiki
it wasn’t exactly a secret that tamaki was a person who tended to overthink things a lot
he would get jitters and his nerves would act up, causing him to be a little more insecure than the average person
he needed a lot of reassurances, to which you didn’t mind giving him. you loved tamaki, you would always be there to support him. you were his partner, he was your boyfriend. of course you would be there for him to lean back on
there were some times where his mind would spiral, especially when it was later at night and he couldn’t sleep
he stared up at the ceiling, his eyes going in and out of focus as he listened to the steady rhythm of your breathing. twiddling his thumbs, he sighed. you deserved better than the stuttering mess that he was. someone who wasn’t afraid to speak up during nights out with your friends, someone who was more positive and less doubtful
he was scared you would realize all of these things and just walk out of his life
you were so precious to him
he couldn’t have that happen
your voice pierced the silence of the night, his thoughts dissipating as the rustling of the sheets indicated you were sitting up in your shared bed
oh no, oh god had you realized?
“why are you up, darling?” you asked of him gently as the light of the lamp was flicked on
his cheeks looked red and streaked with tears
“hey, talk to me. what’s going on?”
not wanting to be a bother, he shook his head, pulling the covers up to hide his face from you
“n- nothing bunny. let’s just get some rest.”
“why are you lying to me?”
your voice wasn’t accusatory, you had merely asked the question. tamaki, however, visibly flinched at your words
“no, let’s not… it’s really nothing,” he mumbled beneath his blanket shield, turning over to face away from you. he couldn’t tell you about what he was feeling, not now. not when he hadn’t made up at least 80 different ways the conversation would play out. he needed to be prepared for all of them
“tamaki,” you reached out for his touch, your hand meeting his quivering form before he shrugged your hand off his shoulder
“go to bed, it’s nothing,” he said more firmly this time
this wasn’t what he wanted
why was he pushing you away?
tamaki’s hands squeezed the edges of the covers, eyes closing shut in a sorry attempt to block out what he was feeling. doubt and anxieties swirled uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach
“i.. alright. we’ll talk about this in the morning?”
tamaki said nothing in response, your heart wrenching in your chest upon receiving silence
the two of you barely slept anymore than a wink that night, the shadow of your shared insecurities looming over you both
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all works © denkamis 2021.
@meilbox @honeykami @httpfirx @strawberrysalwa @hey-i-really-miss-you @smexy-goose @satis-kei
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Security Breach
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Dick Grayson x reader
Summary: he’s supposed to protect the reader in Titans tower after she was attacked and there is a big failure. Injuries mentioned briefly.
It was 3 days earlier that your life had been in danger. Dick felt awful, barely left your side. Deathstroke, Slade fucking Wilson had attacked you in your apartment when Dick was on patrol. He had tailed Dick and found out about you. Dick had found you before Deathstroke had done much damage. Your hip had been dislocated and a gash over that thigh that required a few stitches.
Dick brought you to Titans tower and didn’t leave the building for 3 days and rarely let you go out of eyesight. He held you tightly at night and watched you sleep while getting very little of his own. He could have lost you. You could have been killed for being with him.
It was helpful because you had a bandage on your thigh and your hip hurt every time you walked. It was also smothering. So when the other Titans were going on patrol, you insisted that he go and act normal. They were going to question what happened to Nightwing soon if he didn’t.
“Fine. Here is a panic button. Push this and it will lock down all the doors and windows and send me a signal. Don’t hesitate to use it. Okay?” Dick said. He had an intensity and worry in his eyes that you couldn’t quite quiet before he left. He pulled you close for a kiss that wasn’t exactly proper in front of the team.
You pulled back flushed. “Dick,” you breathed before clearing your throat. “I’ll be fine. Just go. You need to get out. You’ll go nuts,” you joked as you pulled away from him. Raven and Beast Boy smiled a little before Dick joined them.
“I’ll be back soon,” Dick said before the elevator closed.
You laid on the huge couch sinking into the pillows before turning on literally any show you could imagine. Bruce Wayne didn’t skimp on tv services. The couch was so comfortable and you finally found a position that your hip didn’t hurt and you fell asleep. The panic button was lost in the cushions.
You woke up to a sound in the kitchen. It had to be a few hours later. You assumed the Titans were back and hobbled into the kitchen, carting an empty glass with you. You turned the corner and gasped while dropping the glass. It shattered loudly on the tile floor.
Deathstroke in black and orange armor stood in the kitchen. He turned and looked at you with a tilted head.
“I assumed I was alone. I guess I got lucky,” he said and you looked back towards the doorway but you were barely walking. There was no way that you were running. He was huge and strong and probably fast.
“L-lucky?” You said, stepping back as he walked nearer. You felt the cold counter hit your lower back. You’d unknowingly walked yourself into a trap.
“Yeah. I can finish what I started,” he said quietly. The softness of his voice was chilling. He wasn’t mad and knew he was in control. Even in perfect health you had a severe disadvantage. And you were injured.
“You don’t have to,” you barely say above a whisper.
“See, Nightwing took something from me and I’ll take something from him,” Deathstroke said. He was now in your space. You shifted legs and winced in pain despite yourself. “Has to hurt, hu? Right about here,” he said before pressing on your cut. You gasped in pain and tried to scoot away fruitlessly. He caged you against the counter.
Your heart pounded. “Please, don’t,” you pleaded.
“Did Nightwing stop,” he asked coldly and you didn’t have an answer. As far as you knew, his son got between him and Dick and got killed in the crossfire. You tried to move again and grimaced in pain.
“That’s more than a cut. I thought I heard a pop,” Deathstroke said before pressing on your injured hip. Your vision flashed white and you shrieked before grabbing the counter. He chuckled. “I thought so.”
“Please,” you breathed, leaning as far away as he let you. “Don’t hurt me.” You leaped for the knife block behind you but he quickly pressed your hip to the counter and you whimpered and almost fell to the floor, far from reaching the knife.
“It’s not about you, sweetheart. I have an issue with your boyfriend. His parents are dead, has no siblings, and no kids. You’re it, darling. The only person that can be hurt to hurt him.... That’s enough. I didn’t come here to play with you,” he said lazily unclipping the strap on a gun. “I came here to kill y-“
A shiny piece of metal was thrown between you both and he barely leaped out of the way as his gun went flying. You screamed and cowled down. A blur of black and blue jumped in front of you and finally you realized that a Deathstroke and Dick were fighting. You hobbled towards the doorway only for Wilson to shoot the doorframe above your head. You collapsed to the ground in horror.
“Attacking my house?” Dick said and you could hear and see rage unlike what you’ve seen before. “My girlfriend,” he said with vicious hits landing on Deathstroke who gave as good as he got. The other gun was lost as well. Escrima sticks were pulled out and a sword was pulled.
They fought hand to hand for a while, neither relenting control. Dick finally tossed the sword from Wilson’s hand and pointed his shocking escrima at the other man. Both were bleeding and exhausted and there was sounds downstairs where the other Titans must have gotten back. Knowing he had lost the round, Deathstroke jumped through the glass window and into the night. Dick watched him go before turning to see you cowling on the floor.
He bent down and cradled your face. “Baby, are you okay?” Dick looked over your body for any injuries.
“Uh yeah. Yeah I’m fine,” you said but Dick could see you trembling. He carefully scooped you up pulled you to his chest and you broke down into a sob. You grasped his suit tightly and cried in relief and fear.
The other Titans came up within 20 minutes. Dick had rushed home after the mission, leaving them behind. They took in the scene quickly. Broken glass everywhere and you sitting in Dick’s lap while crying.
“We’ll need to update security and install patrols until we get this fixed. Come on,” Kori said and you couldn’t be more grateful as the others left the room. If you thought Dick was smothering before, he didn’t leave your side beside patrol. This time you didn’t mind.
Dick gently woke you from a nightmare. You clung to him in a sticky sweat of cold fear. Your eyes were wild until you realized that it was Dick and not Deathstroke there to finish the job.
“I’m right here. It’s okay,” he said, too knowledgeable about the nightmares from trauma. He gently spoke to you and rubbed your back until you fell asleep. He was always against Bruce fighting his battles for him but he made the exception today. If Tim had done it before, Dick could too.
A few hours later you were sitting in his lap, watching a movie, when Dick got the message from Bruce.
Bruce: All clear. $50,000 but clear.
Dick: thanks. I owe you.
All Dick had to do was make sure that you knew you were safe but not know that it cost him $50,000. It couldn’t be that hard, right?
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naralanis · 3 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 8)
Previously on LBitR
“For the record, I still say Disney World would have been far safer than this insanity.”
Lena does her best to ignore Kara’s muttering. While this may be one of the more insane schemes she has ever concocted in her life, the truth of the matter is that she would have never, ever suggested it if she didn’t honestly think they could pull it off.
“Maybe,” she concedes, squinting at the drugstore compact sitting on the nightstand as she readjusts the wig. “But it certainly wouldn’t be as productive.”
She turns to Kara, who’s still frowning, and fluffs the strawberry blonde locks cascading from her own head. Maybe she should just bleach her hair and be done with it.
“So, what do you think?”
Kara’s frown deepens considerably. “You still look like you, Lena. I’m not sure about this.”
“Wait, hold on; I’m missing a crucial piece,” Lena retorts, reaching for a pair of thick, black-rimmed glasses sitting on the nightstand. “Ta-da,” she says flatly, pulling them on. “Unrecognizable, I’m basically a different person.”
Kara pulls a face, and Lena mentally kicks herself, rushing to pull the frames off.
“Kara, I didn’t mean...”
The blonde raises a hand, stopping her in her tracks. “I know,” she says, though she does so through clenched teeth. “I still think this is a monumentally bad idea. Explain to me why I can’t go with you.”
Lena sighs. “Because you’re supposed to be dead, Kara--it’s far less risky if I go in alone. Even if I get caught, you remain a secret. Plus-- I know the building. I used to own it, once upon a different Earth, remember?”
Kara crosses her arms over her chest, looking entirely unconvinced. “I still think we should wait for Alex. She’s going to respond soon, Lena, I know it.”
“Maybe she will, maybe she won’t. Call her again tomorrow,” she says, as evenly as she can. “But I’m doing this, Kara. I can’t just stand by while you go without powers for another day--who knows when Alex will actually be able to help? I need to do this.”
Kara stares, pensively and worriedly, not saying a word for a long time. She looks at the wig Lena’s wearing, at the outfit they bought a few towns over to make her look like some intern--button-down, dark jeans, oxfords, at the medical supplies they’ll use to take a sample of her blood and transport it to LuthorCorp tomorrow. Her gaze lingers on the glasses Lena’s still holding, and she releases a sigh, sounding more than defeated--she sounds afraid.
“You know you don’t have to do this, right?” she waves a hand over the considerable space between them, seemingly at a loss. “There’s nothing to... atone for, or whatever.”
Lena smiles, knowing it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“We’ll have to agree to disagree there.”
Kara looks anguished, seems to be grinding the gears in her head, like she knows that at this point she’s just grasping at straws.
“Is it too late to find a vet lab somewhere?” she tries, with no conviction behind her tone.
“No, but LuthorCorp will have the equipment for much faster, and more accurate results. I can do this, Kara. I promise.”
Kara visibly deflates, and Lena knows the matter will be dropped, just like that. “Fine. I concede. I’m never talking you out of this, am I?”
Lena feels her smile twitch a little, but she reaches over the gulf between them, putting the glasses back on the nightstand.
“No, darling, I’m afraid not.”
Kara’s responding sigh seems to echo in the motel room; it lingers in the air, heavy with a fear Lena knows she’ll try to brush off.
“Alright, fine. Now please take off that wig--you as a blonde is freaking me out.”
Breaking into LuthorCorp is quite simple, in a manner of speaking: all one needs to make it through the main doors is a swipe card. If she had the necessary materials, Lena could easily clone one with her eyes closed, but as it is, she needs to acquire one from an actual employee.
That is easily accomplished; Kara, decked out as tourist (complete with a neon-orange fanny-pack of her choosing), distracts a low-level minion having his lunch break on the public plaza right across the street from the main building, and Lena just walks right past them, disguise in place. His entry card and lab-coat are in her hands in less than a second, and in the other, she’s already crossing the street.
With any luck, Lena will be in and out of the building before the card is ever reported missing.
The problem, however, lies in getting into a laboratory. Any of the more equipped labs, those working on secretive (and likely illegal) projects, would lie behind layers and layers of security Lena has neither the time nor the tools at present to even try to break.
To their luck, Lena doesn’t actually need to try to sneak into any high-clearance labs--all she needs is a solid thirty minutes with a mass spectrometer of her own design; a handy not-so-little piece of machinery that had become standard in all L-Corp labs in their previous Earth, and, because Lex cannot resist stealing a good idea, LuthorCorp.
Still, even to access a simple, run-of-the-mill lab at LuthorCorp, Lena needs to go through biometric sensors--retina scanners, to be precise.
And maybe, just maybe, Lena had neglected to mention that little detail to Kara when they discussed the plan for the umpteenth time that morning while she methodically took a sample of Kara’s blood, but that’s neither here nor there.
Once she’s through the main doors-- Kryptonian blood sample packed into a Thermos full of ice in her purse (I am amazed and disturbed at how easily you were able to get medical supplies like these, Lena, seriously), it’s easy enough to make her way through the  elevators, carrying a stack of papers to look the part of an intern--no one even bats an eye.
The cameras on the third floor are exactly where Lena had expected them to be, so she walks down the corridor to where she knows is a supply closet, and swipes in with no problem. The layout of the building really had not changed at all since she last worked there, even if that had happened on a literal other reality.
Once she’s in, Lena only has to wait. She counts the seconds in her head in French, both to keep track of time, but also to calm her racing heartbeat, because this--this is the biggest gamble of her plan.
Since she obviously does not have a way to bypass the biometric scanners, Lena’s only option is to get someone to do it for her.
She lies in wait in the supply closet for about two and a half minutes, and then she hears it: the sound of footsteps, two sets of them, and idle conversation, coming down the corridor directly her way. Lena takes a deep breath, counts the steps as they approach--she only has one chance to do this right.
When the steps are right in front of the closet, she swings open the door with force.
The hit is a good one--whoever’s on the other side blocks her from opening the door all the way with dull impact, and her papers go scattering all over the place.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Are--are you OK, did the door hit you?”
Lena’s holding a hand over her right eye, moaning and doubled-over in mock pain as two young men--both looking to be interns-- look her over with concern. One of them is already on the floor, gathering her papers.
“Ow, no, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have opened the door like that--oww” she cries, maybe a little too dramatically. One of the interns, tall and lanky, steadies her as she fake-wobbles on her feet.
“Ouch, did you hit your head? Let me take a look at your eye, take your hand---yikes!”
Lena removes her palm, previously dusted with the finest blush powder she could find at the drugstore yesterday, and makes a big show of blinking away her tears. The make-up gives her an instant shiner, and the fine powder has the added benefit of irritating the shit out of her eye--so the swelling and the tears are 100% real.
“I’m fine, really, thank you,” she says, waving them off and taking the sheets the other intern dutifully picked up. “I’m so sorry, I was in such a hurry--are you guys OK?”
“Better than you,” the first one, laughs, though he still looks concerned. “Are you sure you’re OK? Your eye looks pretty bad, do you want to go to the infirmary or something?”
“No, no, it’s fine -- I just got to run some stuff, then I’ll get some ice. I’m fine, really,” Lena waves them off politely, touching the skin around her supposedly injured eye.
The two men exchanged a worried glance, but the first shrugs his shoulders. “OK then, take care. Sorry again.”
“No worries,” she laughs, a little too high, but she’s so close, so so close... “I’m just a klutz--my fault, totally.”
She’s already walking away towards a lab, one she had checked during her walk from the elevator to the supply closet. The interns linger by the closet door for a moment, before slowly making their way to the elevator, still sending worried glances her way.
Lena swipes the stolen card, and immediately the panel by the side opens up, revealing the retina scanner and prompting her to scan her credentials. She leans towards the scanner, and the red light makes her blink; the machine buzzes and flashes red, and a robotic voice filters through the side-speakers.
Unable to scan. Please try again.
Lena huffs, audibly--she hears the interns’ steps pause someway down the corridor. She stomps her foot, and leans over the scanner again. It buzzes.
Unable to scan. Please try again.
“Shoot! You’ve gotta be kidding me right now!”
The steps grow closer, and for a moment Lena’s a bit worried she may be overselling her frustration, but before she can try scanning her retinas again, the tall and lanky intern is by her side.
“Did you try your left eye? Seems to be in better condition,” he jokes--his smile is genuine and friendly, but Lena puts on an impressive grimace of alarm.
“I never registered it,” she bemoans, feigning panic. “God, I meant to, but then it was just one of those things--oh my god, my boss is going to kill me--”
“Hey, relax,” he quips, raising a hand to stop what was going to be a rather dramatic tirade. He smiles, and swipes his card at the door, leaning over the panel and scanning his own eye.
Scan complete. The voice drones. Access granted; Montgomery, Jason.
The panel lights up in green, and the door unlocks with an audible hiss. Lena lets out a little squeak of delight that is barely faked--she can’t believe it worked.
“Oh my god, thank you, you’re a saint!”
She pushes the door open, but is barely a foot inside when an arm blocks her entry--she almost screams, body frozen in sheer terror as she turns to look at the intern the door panel just identified as Jason.
He’s smiling broadly. “Say, I’m sorry about your eye. Can I make it up to you over some coffee, later?”
Lena can barely contain her sigh of relief, but she puts on her sweetest smile and bats her eyelashes (though she’s not sure how good the effect is with the eye that is actually stinging quite painfully--what the hell was in that powder??). “I think you just did, Jason.”
His blush would have been cute, if Lena had not been on a very tight schedule. “Oh, I insist. When does your shift end...?”
It takes Lena a second to register he’s waiting for her name; she slowly maneuvers under his arm, dragging her fingers over the sleeve of his labcoat--she can practically feel the poor guy’s shiver as she leans in closer.
“Liz,” she whispers, close to his year. “And my shift ends at seven. The café across the street alright with you?”
He visibly swallows. “Yes, ma’am. See you there, Liz.”
Lena gives him a wink--with her good eye-- as he steps away. As soon as the door clicks shut again, she exhales with relief, leaning against it so she doesn’t just fall to the floor. Her knees are trembling.
She knew she could pull it off, but she also cannot believe she did.
With no time to waste, Lena practically bolts to the nearest spectrometer, quickly uncapping the Thermos with Kara’s blood sample and getting to work. It’s almost refreshing to be in a lab again, even under these circumstances, after weeks on the road. There is an innate sense of calm that falls over her when she’s working like this, like this is her element.
Like this is where she is meant to be.
The spectrometer whirs to life with Kara’s sample--Lena only needs twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes with it. She is tempted to stay for as long as she possibly can--there is so much equipment here that would be helpful... if only she brought a bigger purse, maybe she could have stolen some without detection, since there are no cameras in the labs.
The screen begins to break down the analysis, and Lena’s barely seeing it; she’s copying everything by hand onto a notebook--once the machine is done, she will make its history unrecoverable, and she doesn’t want to print anything through LuthorCorp printers.
Lena works quickly, annotating in her shorthand and trying to work as fast as the machine gives her results. She is barely processing what she sees; there will be time to read and figure everything out later, but now, she needs all the information she can cram into this little notebook.
She can feel her own eyes widening at some of the results, has to check them twice before writing them down--her pen furiously scratches across the paper, but her brain is already elsewhere, trying to reverse engineer the method of synthesizing what she’s seeing in Kara’s blood, trying to figure out ways to get it out of her system, trying to...
The spectrometer slows down and stops--the bar on the screen reads analysis complete. Lena releases a sigh of relief, hand cramping as she writes.
And then there’s the click of a gun right behind her.
“Fancy seeing you here, Lena.”
Lena shuts her eyes--the right one still throbbing, and raises her hands, still clutching the notebook as she slowly and deliberately turns around. She never even heard the door hissing open. She opens her eyes to meet a flinty, furious glare.
“Hello, Alex.”
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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