#it’s a constant problem the writing community deal with but i BLOCK ANYONE UNDER 18 I FIND
garoujo · 2 years
this is the last time i’m going to give energy to this topic but i just wanted to remind. i do not interact with anyone under the age of 18 who doesn’t have an age in their bio or who’s age i don’t know, 18+ mdni is everywhere on my blog and if i see any minors / blank blogs in my notifs i block — no i won’t get all of them because i post regularly therefore i consistently have notifs and i am infact human with a full time job and a life outwith tumblr.
minors will always force themselves into adults spaces and there’s not much we as writers can do about that except try our best to catch them all, ive mentioned multiple times this is not a safe space for minors but it’s not my responsibility to police how they act when it’s easy enough for them to lie about their age like they have been doing consistently on this app and again, CONTINUE TO FORCE THEMSELVES INTO ADULT SPACES.
i won’t be commenting on this again, i try my best to catch them all but if the way i run my blog isn’t up to your standards — you can block me.
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Winchester Child 3 of 4 (thanks John)
Warnings: None, spoilers for Supernatural’s earlier seasons Words: 2500 (I swear I don’t feel like it’s that long) Summary: A short where you are another one of John’s bastard children who grows up with the family but never really feels apart of it until much later.  Reader: 2nd-person, female pronouns A/N: I’m trying to do some writing while I have spare time and it’s not going great but the best way to move past it is to force yourself to write more so I tried to write a short on an idea for a reader-insert I’ve had for a while :)
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The night air never made you shake as hard as you did that night. Maybe it wasn’t the wind that caused your discomfort, but the yelling as your father, John and half-brother, Sam, fought. Beside you was your other half brother, Dean. You stood between your brothers with Dean closer to your father. You were freshly 18, a year and a bit younger than Sam. 
After the death off his wife, John had turned to a rather unhealthy form of grieving. One night, after finding a baby sitter for his two young children, he encountered a rather pretty woman who took pity on his situation and offered him a night of free beers and other activities which resulted in you. Unfortunately, like many women the Winchesters encountered, your mother didn’t live long after birthing you and informing John of your existence. Now stuck with two babies, John really did try to make you someone else’s problem. He could barely take care of two kids, how was he going to take on another, not to mention a girl? Yet, despite all he tried, you just seemed to stick. Now one could get rid of you no matter how hard they might have tried. So you grew up as the illegitimate Winchester girl. The black sheep of the hunter family.
John never really looked at you the way he did Sam and Dean. Dean never recognised you as his sister. It was hard enough for him to relate to Sam, who’d never met his mother, but even harder for him to relate with you. You were only half his sister and a burden on top of that as for many years of his younger life he was stuck looking after you and Sam. But hey, at least you had Sam. Being very close in age and slightly less traumatised than Dean, you got along very well and would always be on research duty. In many ways, you two were the same. You both caring and thoughtful and neither of you had a good relationship with your father. The difference was Sam had a goal and aspirations. He wanted to be a lawyer and he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him. You, on the other hand, had no idea what you wanted to do and never got the opportunity to explore your passions. 
You’d never forget the sound of John raising his voice like he did that night. Even as you heard it all you already knew what was going to happen. Sam had made up his mind. He was going to Stanford and he wasn’t going to let his dad bully him out of it anymore. Sam had spoken to you about it the night before and offered for you to go with him. You were old enough to enrol in a nearby community college and crash with Sam in whatever little apartment he could get his hands on. You both knew you wouldn’t get into a course at Stanford- you didn’t have the education thanks to the constant travelling- but Sam assured he’d make it work. You turned him down, though. You couldn’t stand up to John as Sam could, and you couldn’t bare to become a burden on Sam when he finally got to get away from it all. 
“If you leave us- if you go to Stanford- don’t you ever come back, you hear me? Don’t you ever come back!” John had yelled. Sam had given you and Dean a sad look like a silent goodbye and left after that. 
With Sam now gone, and John growing more and more absent in your life with each passing day, you were forced to get closer with Dean. It was weird. You’d know Dean your whole life and yet he felt like a stranger to you and it was clearly mutual. Often you were chasing at his heels, scared of getting left behind. The years you spent with Dean while Sam was off at Stanford didn’t include a lot of bonding between the two of you, but you did pick up a lot of his traits that included but were not limited to: being headstrong, stubborn, argumentative, and thinking that yelling louder meant you were winning. This lead to a lot of screaming matches between you and your older brother that never really went anywhere. 
Living in close quarters with Dean and constantly butting heads caused you to gain quite the temper too, to the point that you were once 5 seconds away from getting arrested for assault after finding out Dean had let some poor unsuspecting waitress borrow your clothes after spending the night in the neighbouring motel room to the one you had been staying in. 
2005 rolled around like a blessing you didn’t realise you’d been praying for. Dean had grown anxious enough about your father’s disappearance that he’d resorted to asking Sam for help. He dragged you along for the long drive to Stanford. As per tradition, you sat in the back of the Impala. 
“You know, I’m surprised your pride calmed down enough for to actually admit needing help, Dean. I didn’t think it was possible,” You mocked from the back seat as you toyed with the cord on your walkman. 
“Yeah, well maybe if you were any help we wouldn’t be needing to go harass Sammy,” he retorted. “You don’t even want to help look for dad. All you do is whine and complain until it comes to your turn to get off your ass and then suddenly it’s not an issue.” 
“My stance on dad is very clear.”
“What? ‘Cause he said you were acting like a skank that one time? Geez, (Y/N) he’s done way worse to me and you don’t see me just up and abandoning family like that. It’s not like he was completely wrong anyway-” 
You kicked the back of the headrest on the driver’s seat. “Family- bah,” you scoffed at Dean. “Family is you, dad and Sammy. I don’t come into that equation. Never have, never will, all ‘cuz my genes are a bit different to yours.” You could see Dean roll his eyes in the revision mirror. “Just ‘cause Mary wasn’t my mum doesn’t mean I didn’t lose a mother. You don’t give Sam shit and he knew your mum as long as I knew mine.” 
From the reflection in the mirror, you could see Dean’s mouth go taut. It was something you had argued over many times and there was never any progress, so he instead he turned up on the volume on the stereo. In response, you turned up your walkman and spent the rest of the drive in bitter silence. 
Hours later, the Impala rolled up to a little flat a couple blocks from the university which you assured was where Sam lived now. It was the middle of the night and Dean was already out of the car and looking for a way to break in before you could get a word out. You raced out after him and yanked him back before he could crawl through a window. Dean went to protest, but stopped when you gestured for him to be quiet. That was one of the few things you and Dean could do and that was work well on hunts together. When one of you gave the other a signal, you would listen.
“Why don’t we use the door, Dean? Like normal people.” You hissed under your breath. Dean smirked.
“Normal people? Since when have we ever been like that?” Although he joked, he obliged and you both snuck back over to the front door and Dean knocked. You eyed him and saw he was nervous. It was weird to see him practically sweating with anticipation. You never saw that side of Dean, but before you could tease him, the door opened.
A groggy looking blonde woman stood in the doorway in a robe while rubbing her eyes and hiding a yawn. Clearly she’d only just woken up, and no wonder considering it was past midnight. “Hello?” She said with a frown.
“Hi, Jessica-”
“Jessica?” Dean scrunched his nose and looked down at you, confused.
“I’m (Y/N), Sam’s brother. We spoke on the phone last year around Christmas. This is Dean, other brother.” You smiled as recognition washed over the girl’s face and she nodded. 
“Yeah… yeah I remember. What are you guys doing here? Actually, nevermind… I’ll go get Sam.” She stepped back into the house. “Give me a minute.” She then disappeared into the living room to assumably go get Sam. Once the coast was clear, Dean grabbed your arm and spun you to look at him.
“You know her?” Dean said in a hushed voice.
“Of course I know her, Sam and Jessica have been dating for a while. And before you ask, I ring Sam every Christmas and we talk shit about you for a few hours. It’s no big deal.” Besides complaining about Dean, your annual calls to Sam also involved you catching up on what was going on in his life and getting to unload your own problems to someone who would listen. You never told Sam, because you didn’t want him to feel guilty, but you missed him a lot. 
Sam came into view a minute later, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and a large smile stretching across his face as he saw his siblings standing in the doorway. You were practically beaming and leap and him as soon as he got close and pulled him into a tight hug. You felt the rumbling of his chest as he gave a hearty laugh and hugged you back. Big hugs were something you always did with Sam before he left. You were surprised, though, when there was a pressure against your back as Dean joined and squished you in the middle. It was… a shock to be sure- Dean hadn’t ever given you a proper hug before- but it was a welcome one. 
Dean decided to let Sam get back to sleep and process your arrival and he and you spent the night in the Impala. The next morning you both met Sam bright and early at a local coffee shop to talk and catch Sam up on everything that had happened and why you were there. Sam chuckled when he saw you both.
“What’s so funny?” You mused as you slide across the seat in a booth and Dean sat beside you, giving you a slight shove. 
“Oh, it’s just..” Sam was looking between the two of you fondly. “It’s like I’m seeing double.” He finally admitted. This caused you and Dean to look at each other, where you realised you were practically wearing the same thing. You both had a grey shirt, red button-up and black jacket with jeans and boots. You even had similarly scruffy hair. As if to prove Sam’s point further, a waitress came by with an order of two coffees and two plates of fries and a burger.
“It wasn’t intentional,” you snapped. Sam’s eyebrows raised a little at the sudden burst of attitude.
“You’re like a mini-Dean.” Sam joked.
“Yeah, she wishes,” Dean teased and gave you another shove with his elbow. You grumbled.
“More like he’s an exaggerated me.” You pushed Dean back and then shuffled to sit away from him to avoid further harassment. “If you don’t stop I’m gonna start acting like Dean and then you’ll have two big babies with a bad taste in movies to deal with.” 
You decided to instead focus on eating your food and listen after that while Dean briefed Sam on what was going on. 
Neither you, Dean or Sam, had expected that after that day you’d all be travelling together again. After what happened to Jessica, Sam was back and hunting. It felt almost wrong to see him in the front seat again with Dean. Sam was the one who was meant to get out, yet here he was getting dragged back in again. You wanted to console him, but there was only so much talking he’d do before getting frustrated and wanting to be left alone. You found yourself sitting with Dean outside of whatever motel you were staying at some nights. You’d mainly talk about Sam and how you both worried about him. It seemed that finally the two of you had something in common.
Weeks and weeks of running around the States, hunting monsters and what-not, you were finally blessed with the knowledge that your father was, in fact, alive and had not had the time to get back to Dean. Instead of getting to hear some sort of praise for your efforts, John instead gave Dean instructions and lists of jobs to go finish up. During these jobs, the three of you encountered a demon named Meg. Like a lot of demons oddly enough, Meg liked to talk and revealed she had a connection to what had killed Mary. All the time you found yourself getting angrier with your father’s actions and the way he treated your brothers. It wasn’t until Dean reported what you’d found out about Meg did the Winchester father make the effort to come to meet up with you.
You stood back by the Impala while your brothers paced the street impatiently, waiting for the arrival of their dad. He arrived eventually. Dean was first to hug John, while Sam was a little more reluctant. You picked at your nails, waiting for it all to just be over so you could get back on the road. You were annoyed at your father and weren’t in the mood to be acting like you weren’t. No one seemed to notice you for a while until finally, Dean spoke up.
“And, you know, if it wasn’t for (Y/N) we never would have heard anything off that demon.” At the sound of your name, you perked up and begrudgingly walked over. Neither you nor John made an effort to hug as your brothers had. As you stood awkwardly, Dean looked down at you and saw the tight expression on your face. “Of course… you never notice when she does stuff, huh dad.” 
Nothing came from that comment and you ended up excusing yourself to sit in the car to avoid saying something you’d regret, but as you sat in the Impala with your walkman, you smiled a bit. Dean… stood up for you? Sure, it wasn’t much but it was something. Now that you had the chance to think about it, Dean had been acting differently towards you ever since Sam had come back. It was nice. Maybe things were going to start changing.
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kotofvi · 5 years
Mobile Rules
Important Notes
My mini-muse navigation on the main bagel has links to individual bios! I did this so you can get a preview on my fucks and see if you're interested, if so then you can check out their full bio! Please note the trigger warning tags before the bios. Though not all of them will have them and some will have more than others, I make it a point to put these warnings above whatever bio needs them so you have ample warning before reading them. The links in the mobile version of the bagel are for mobile bound users! I try to make my bagels as accessible as possible!
Please specify what muse you want. If you're not sure or are indecisive, that's alright! Just please tell me "Random" and I will give you a random muse! However, if you don't tell me what muse you want or tell me to give you a random one, I get anxious because I'm not sure which one of my fucks you'd like to write with and worry if I'm writing up something for the wrong muse. So please, please, specify a muse or "Random" so we can avoid all that mess.
Since I've had this problem several times before across all my other bagels: If I've written you multiple starters and you haven't responded to a single one of them, I will not write you anymore. That is just.. Unreasonable. I will legitimately write you a starter for every single muse and you can pick and choose which ones you want to reply to, so to reply to none and then ask for another one? It just really gets under my skin and makes me question whether or not its my writing or if you just have no interest. I will rewrite a starter for you if you didn't like the one you got, no problem! So please, instead of leaving me on read, tell me if you want a different muse or a new starter. I really don't mind at all. But do not just ghost me and not tell me anything then expect me to write you more. That's just rude af, mate.
Tagging system: N.SFW = Kettledrums // (I tag everything with ___ //) If you need anything specific tagged and I don't tag it, please let me know and I'll mark it down to tag in the future!
Since I’ve had some troubles in the past about non-mutual starlings still liking starter calls or the like, I feel its necessary to address this issue first.
My lovely starlings, I will always adore you and I will come into your inbox all the time. I will send you Nonnies and HC questions. I appreciate and adore you very much! However, if I didn’t follow you back its likely because of very few reasons: 
★ I want to keep my dash neat and organized and I can’t follow you (in good conscious because I will likely unfollow you soon after) if the content spread of your bagel is a bunch of varying things that I personally wouldn’t want on my dash or have no use for. 
★  Your character is wonderful but I don’t think they could really interact well with my muse in a sense of actually interacting and not in a sense of different fandoms or the like. No, our muses don’t have to get along for us to interact but if your muse isn’t my cup of tea– Well I can’t see us interacting. 
★ Our writing won’t work well together. I read a handful of threads when I go to check out your bagel and if I feel our writing won’t work well together, I can’t follow you because I don’t want to be the asshole who follows you then never interacts with you.
★  If I have no interest in writing with your muse I won’t follow you because, again, I really don’t want to be that asshole who follows but never interacts.  
None of this is personal, okay? I love all you beautiful starlings and I really do appreciate you so much! You’re not too OOC (may I direct you to my constant bagel situation? Look at all that endless OOC.) You’re not a bad writer. You’re not anything bad at all! These are just my preferences! 
This doesn’t mean we can never talk or interact, though! But here’s the rule of thumb:
★  Please do not send me asks or the like with Memes that aren’t relative to drabbles or HCs. Please do not send me asks or the like with inquiry to thread! I don’t want to have to tell you no, I’m really really bad at saying no, okay? And when I don’t say no, but I want to say no, I end up dropping threads and then no one feels good. Which is really not okay because I don’t want either of us not havin’ a good time!
I take great measures to check your bagel out! I’ll read your writing, check all your pages and I’ll basically stalk your bagel for a bit before I decide on following you or not. 
Please note though: Sometimes I can take a while to get to checking you out! This is because tumblr doesn’t notify me, I’m too busy working or I didn’t see the number change concerning my followers! Typically I’ll post when I’m checking new starlings out though! 
If you’re going to follow me, please note that I do tag everything as extensively as possible. If you need something tagged with a custom tag, please let me know! I’ll take care of it! 
Tagging in general: I always tag all forms of NSFW (Nudity, Violence, etc) as “Kettledrums //“  and I always tag Water, Blades, Eye contact, Scars and other things as “water //” etc.
If I unfollow you, don’t come at me asking why. Don’t come at me interrogating me for reasons as to why I unfollowed you. If we’re close friends or if we’ve always been following each other and suddenly I’m not following you, then yes, please IM me because I’m p sure that tumblr fucked up somewhere there.
But if not? Don’t come at me with that please. I am a very anxious person and I really don’t want to have to deal with that. 
The same goes for you unfollowing me though! I won’t come at you for it! Its your decision who you follow, not mine! I understand completely and you do you sugar! 
My threads vary in length but generally they tend to get long all on their own. Even if it starts off with just a sentence or something, it usually evolves into paragraphs within a few replies. 
I don’t mind length matching. You don’t have to match my length and you definitely don’t have to try to make it longer just to keep up. I want you to have fun writing and if you can only give me two paras on a three or four para reply, that’s fine. However, if I’ve given you six paragraphs and you only give me one, I’m likely to lose interest in the thread unless I’m told that you’re having writer’s block or something.
The reason for that is because when the reply length drops that dramatically, it makes me feel as though you have no interest in it. If I think you don’t have any interest in it, I’m not going to make you continue it. If you want to drop a thread with me, let me know! We can always have a thousand threads and only ever really do two of them. I mean, it happens a lot pfft. 
The point is: Relax. Threads are meant to be fun after all! 
PLEASE DO NOT EQUATE ME TO MY MUSE. However, whatever similarities may arise between us: I AM NOT MY MUSE. Anything they may do or say is not necessarily supported by me. 
I am multi-ship but I ship on chemistry. We can talk about shipping our muses all day long though! If you wanna ship with me, let me know! Just kick my inbox door down and say “HEY FUCKFACE LETS SHIP” and I will be down for discussing it! 
Shipping is not just Romantics here either. Platonic ships such as Familial, Best friends, etc. Hateful ships too. There’s various ways to ship, romanticism isn’t the only way. 
If you drop your ship with me, that is perfectly alright and I understand completely. Sometimes things change somewhere along the line and the ship doesn’t work anymore! 
Please note: ANY UNDERAGE MUSE / MUN WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY NSFW / SMUT WRITING. I will not write it with my underage muses and I definitely will not with underage muns, I do not wanna go to jail, thank you.
Don’t come here with any Anti bullshit. If you follow me and you’re an Anti, I’ve probably already blocked you. I don’t allow unneeded drama and bullshit here and I will protect anyone who follows me from it by keeping that shit off my bagel.
If you send me anon hate or anti ask bullshit, I will report and block you. NO ANTIS ALLOWED HERE. I’m not down with that life and this is a NO DRAMA ZONE. You bring it here, you’re INSTANTLY BLOCKED. I won’t answer you, I won’t respond nor react– I’ll just delete it, block you, report you and move on. Ain’t no one got time for that.  Beyond that: I welcome you with open arms!
The general Do(s)
★  Message me if you are interested in my muse! 
★  Send me memes when I reblogged them! 
★  Tag / Mention me in anything! 
★  Ship with me! If there’s chemistry, I am down! Even if it’s unrequited or anything of that sort! I mean, dang, ship in platonics! Do the thing my friend!
★ Ask me anything your little heart desires, even if it’s just some help or advice you need! 
★ Like/Reblog my roleplays if you are involved in it!
★  Send headcanons or drabble prompts! I’d love to hear them and hell, will probably accept them! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re from another fandom! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re an OC! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re a multiblog!
★  Interact with me! Just do it friend! I do not bite!!
The general Don’t(s)
★ Attempt to write smut with me if you are underaged. Mun is above 18 and would really rather not go to jail!
★  Expect me to follow you back once you followed me! Truly, I usually do follow back, but I also take the time to read every page on someone’s blog to see if I’m interested! It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if I just followed them back and never interacted with them due to lack of interest! Not to say that your muse(s) aren’t great, they’re just not my cup of tea!
★  Expect me to be my muse.
★  Expect me to solve every problem on my own. If we’re interacting with each other and run into a problem, I want to be able to communicate with you and solve it together! While I am an agile problem solver, I can’t do it on my own because it risks upsetting you by accident if I do something wrong! 
★  Assume I’ll ship with you just because I’m Multiship. I am multiship, but I ship upon chemistry! 
★  Guilt trip me into replies! I do them as quickly as I can and I try my very best! Please do poke at me if you feel I’ve missed it, but don’t give me hell for it, okay?
★  Message me and corner me into doing something I’m uncomfortable with. While I’m pretty laid back and am up for just about anything, if I express that I’m uncomfortable, please respect that! 
★  Bring me unneeded drama! I’m here to have fun, not bitch at people over the net, y'know?
★ Bring your “Anti” bullshit here. I’m not about that life.
Main images on this bagel by by Len-Yan.
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