#it’s a miracle Fave was there today last time i saw her was like... mid december ??? even begginning of december maybe ?
yoohyeon · 4 years
I’m in a zero emotion mood since Friday and I accepted to replace someone at the job Tomorrow, so I’m doing 4 days in a row, I’m an idiot
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brenli · 7 years
[[length warninnnngu]]
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 whoever the fuck you want
Tagged by: @goddamnitkastle (Thank youuuuu~)
Tagging: @annabelle-poe @halorecoil @chocostains @direngreyofmyheart @malevolentqueenofspiders @claudia86c @laura--howlett @lemonedscream @aflawedfashion @kareink @catchild @candybunnieholic @thisisntmyrealhair @ominous-communication @borgiabastard @evilwriter37 @lesbomancy @myguiltyghost @rococo-royalty @celestialcollectionaus
The Last:
1. drink: Blue Moon, Honey Wheat.
2. phone call: The Honey’s youngest brother, asking to get picked up at the driving school (he just passed his written test today~)
3. text message: Roommate P, ranting about the road block on I-90 around Vantage due to the brush fire.
4. song you listened to: The last SONG song was “Mama I’m Coming Home” Ozzy, but the last music overall that I listened to was the BGM for The Keepers.
5. time you cried: Prolly a few months back during one of the times I got a little TOO frustrated about how like, a large percentage of my life is boxed up.
6. dated someone twice: I dunno I guess my last date was when I went to see Baby Driver and basically any date with the Honey is an additional date so???
7. kissed someone and regretted it: If I have any regretful kisses they happened literally over 15 years ago. I dunno. Maybe the guy that bit my thighass area without my consent; I did kiss him prior to the biting incident. (It’s okay I hit him across the face and that was the end of that dumbness so.)
8. been cheated on: No.
9. lost someone special: When Uncle Pete passed on, which was Christmastime 2009. Christmastime used to be a little hard because of it; now the joy comes back in remembering his big Texan self.
10. been depressed: There is a part of me that feels like this is a weird question to ask someone who has depression always kind of humming in the background, but I guess the last time I let it CONSUME me was, again, a few months back when I was a little TOO frustrated about being so boxed up. While I like the work I’m doing up here more than what I was doing down there, the fact remains that this was not what I was led to believe I would be coming into. I don’t want to spend the time ranting poetic about it; it would take too long. The short of it is I’m unhappy with what feels like being misled, and even more unhappy with knowing I can’t really leave it right away. It’s been a little too easy to get eaten up, because of it. I don’t talk about it when it happens, because people always want to come at it with solutions, and there isn’t one. That’s not how this situation works. And for that matter, that’s not how depression as a mental illness works; sometimes you’re sad because you’re sad and you just have to kind of. Work through it. Process it.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Uhhhhhh, probably C’s bachelorette party, which was back in 2012. 
Favorite Colors:
12. I refuse to answer this in the traditional manner screw this I hate fave color questions. XD I adore, stark black and white, sometimes with a splash of red.
13. Anything from burnished bronze and coppers to brilliant, pure golds to warm, old ivories.
14. I used to really not feel the classic Snow White primary colors kind of palette, but it’s grown on me over time - blues and reds and yellows.
In The Last Year Have You:
15. made new friend: Yes~
16. fallen out of love: No.
17. laughed until you cried: Yesterday.
18. found out someone was talking about you: Also yesterday.
19. met someone who changed you: I guess I kinda feel like everyone a person meets changes said person on some kinda level, even if only minutely. The last person to change me immensely was, I guess Dr. Lund.
20. found out who your friends are: I feel like I’m always finding out who my friends are. XD
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Well the Honey is on my FB list so.
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Pretty sure all of them, excluding public figure pages. Seeing as my FB is locked down from ever-watching eyes. (Sometimes I wonder what people think of my life what with me periodically mentioning being watched and my boxed up life and all sorts of weird stuff. XD)
23. do you have any pets: I have a Chocobean! There are also two other cats in the house and two dogs, who are technically claimed by others, but you know how it is when you’re sharing a space with multiple people who all have pets. It just becomes like, the pet COMMUNITY and we’re all taking care of the pet COMMUNITY basically.
24. do you want to change your name: In my youth I wanted to, very badly. Around mid-to-late highschool days I ultimately embraced my name, enough to make it the root for my online handles.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I enjoyed the Anaguran sky and also went to watch Star Trek Beyond at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Got the metal popcorn tin and everything.
26. what time did you wake up: Around 8:45AM.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching Philip Defranco.
28. name something you can’t wait for: The Punisher for sure for sure for sure!!! Also, P securing a freaking house with freaking space so I can finally fully unbox my life, and for the conclusion of my AS series notes that I’ve been doing as a book club type situation with @halorecoil, which will help me a lot for CotF going forward. Or P securing a house with space so I can unbox my life and finally fine my note sheet. Whichever. XD
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: December 2016.
31. what are you listening to right now: The AC, a place going by (again), Frankie hissing at my Chocobean and Chocobean not giving a single fuzzy fuck about it. XD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah. He was obsessed with some box. (Not really; we were performing a scene together and his CHARACTER was obsessed with some box. XD)
34. most visited website: Tumblr. Youtube. Pinterest. Instagram.
35. hair color: Dark brown (with some natural red/auburn highlight situation going on if it’s under direct light).
36. long or short hair: Long on me, long on my Honey.
37. do you have a crush on someone: Flaming hot. On my Honey
38. what do you like about yourself: My hair, my hips.
39. piercings: Just the one hole in each earlobe. I had a navel ring but had to take it out when it started showing signs of rejection. T.T I want it back, very badly. As well as a septum ring.
41. nickname: Bren.
42. relationship status: Married.
43. zodiac: Leo.
44. pronouns: She/her
45. favorite tv show: Man this is really a mood thing, but I guess my earliest favorite is Star Trek TOS. I’m a sucker for way back when’s like The Tudors, The Borgias, Marco Polo. House of Cards is divine, and Daredevil.
46. tattoos: Inkless, though I like to think of ideas. 
47. right or left handed: Leftie~
48. surgery: The only one I’ve ever had was to get all four wisdom teeth taken out.
49. piercing: Repeat questions are for chumps.
50. sport: I’m not a sporty type, but I enjoy volleyball? If dance can be considered a sport I done BEEN interested but haven’t learned anything. 
51. vacation: Boracayyyyyyyy~! Also, the Normandy region of France.
52. pair of trainers: I dunno Mama gave me a pair of black and hot pink running shoes?
More General
53. eating: Air.
54. drinking: Air.
55. i’m about to: Rest.
56. waiting for: Space.
57. want: Getaway.
58. get married: Already.
59. career: Storytelling.
60. hugs or kisses: Both.
61. lips or eyes: Both.
62. shorter or taller: Just right.
63. older or younger: Either make me 4, 19, or 75. XD
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms.
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: A Hesitant Troublemaker.
67. kissed a stranger: Then he bit my thighass and that ended that.
68. drank hard liquor: July 4th.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I’ve actually never lost either.
70. turned someone down: April 2016.
71. sex on the first date: Depends on what I’m trying to get out of said date prolly.
72. broken someone’s heart: The Honey’s, once.
73. had your heart broken: By the Honey, once.
74. been arrested: No.
75. cried when someone died: Yes.
76. fallen for a friend: The Honey is a friend so.
Do You Believe In:
77. yourself: Yes?
78. miracles: Yes, but not always what we’re specifically hoping for, and thus not always acknowledged.
79. love at first sight: Like at first sight.
80. santa claus: Saint Nick, yeah.
81. kiss on the first date: Gotta give ‘em something to remember you know.
82. angels: Yes.
83. current best friend’s name: Lorie, Jael Face
84. eye color: Brown.
85. favorite movie: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), which is a great way to end this because I don’t know how expected that was. XD
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mochiminii · 7 years
82 Truths
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people.
tagged by the lovely @bangbangbangtanx thanks giiirl WARNING: yo this gonna be long af so like feel free to ignore/skip
name: athena blood type: actually not 100% sure but i did a blood test in my anatomy lab this year and apparently it’s type B idk if it was accurate tho nickname(s): dead sea, salt queen, moon goddess (its a long story)  r/s: single 2 awkward n tired 2 mingle zodiac sign: leo pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: (not including kdramas) greys (before all my faves left/died smfh shONDA how dare u), how to get away with murder, forensic files, bob’s burgers, running man, american horror story, suits, the walking dead, fresh off the boat, black mirror  long or short hair: long hair, to mid-back  height: 160cm someone pls donate some of ur height to me do you have a crush on someone: ...park jimin???? what do you like about yourself: my need for cleanliness and kinda sharp/witty tongue?? idk right or left handed: originally left but now right  list of three favourite colors: red, black, white
right now: eating: bibim naengmyeon w an egg  drinking: matcha milk tea with red bean i’m about to: continue studying for my stats exam listening to: the sound of my friends cooking in the kitchen kids: when i’m financially stable enough lmao i spend so much money just feeding myself can u imagine if i had kids rn get married: hopefully?? career: studying science but like i kinda wanna do law but also med school but also teach abroad ugh life yafeelme
most recent: drink: matcha milk tea with red bean ayyyyy phone call: my housemate bc she was too lazy to walk downstairs  song you listened to: afterlife by XYLØ
have you ever: dated someone twice: what is dating?????????  been cheated on: when the prof says “don’t worry it wont be on the exam” but guess what??? they sit on an ergonomically friendly throne of LIES  kissed someone and regretted it: tbh never willingly kissed anyone, cant really remember its been a while lost someone special: yeah unfortunately  been depressed: yeah been drunk and thrown up: i have high alcohol tolerance but i’ve never drank enough to get drunk also i’m a member of the mom friend™ category kissed a stranger: ew stranger danger had glasses or contacts: i have glasses and my vision is complete shit honestly if my vision could just go back to 20/20 that’d be great had sex on the first date: lmao what is a first date?? (but like no i wouldn’t) broken someone’s heart: once when my best guy friend confessed and i turned him down bc i liked someone else; it wasn’t intentional n i felt horrible afterwards turned someone down: see above cried when someone died: yeah, for someone i was really really close to fallen for a friend: lmaooo that’s like every crush i’ve had in the past hahahaha
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yep! fallen out of love: ...no?? park jimin tho??? laughed until you cried: i laugh at stupid shit sooo often met someone who changed you: i think all my friends have changed me a little, whether it be a little more confidence or a more positive outlook on the world (i’m quite cynical) found out who your true friends were: yeah found out someone was talking about you: my friends and i roast each other on the daily, does that count  kissed someone on your fb list: hahahaa no
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes i guess??  hugs or kisses: hugs bc they’re comforting and warm and increase serotonin levels and make me feel less lonely  shorter or taller: taller romantic or spontaneous: why not both? sensitive or loud: i think it’s good to have a balance between the two  hookup or relationship: relationship troublemaker or hesitant: once again, i think it’s better to have a good balance of both
first: best friend: a girl who lived with her grandma across the hall from me surgery: none sport i joined: gymnastics  vacation: the beach i think? 
do you believe in: yourself: honestly? less and less nowadays, there’s just a lot of stress miracles: just a lil pray for me this exam szn love at first sight: kinda?? not for me personally but for others  heaven: idk about heaven but i feel like i’m living in hell atm save me from school
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: like 98% of them. every year i go through my friends list and delete random ppl i might’ve added or people i don’t really know or people who post racist/sexist/homophobic/etc. shit my ass aint tolerating any of that bullshit do you have any pets: no :((( do you want to change your name: nope what did you do for your last birthday: i went out for brunch, then worked a 8 hour shift, then i went home and my mom made me food what time did you wake up today: 7:46AM what were you doing last night at midnight: studying emphasis on the dying something you can’t wait for: to be completely and utterly happy/satisfied with my life last time you saw your mom: on facetime yesterday but i haven’t seen her since new years in person  what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: idk maybe have more confidence in my abilities and to stress less about minor things/be a lot less insecure  have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah what’s getting on your nerves: rude and ignorant people 
u da real mvp if u read the whole thing but i don’t blame u if u didn’t
tagging (ofc only if u wanna do it!) (also ignore if u already did it): @ultimated @def-jaebum-soul @dreamjeongguk @lushguk @bok-joo @velvethoseok @haengboktae @notjhope @jungkoog @coconutheadkook @jeonqguks @baxngtan and anyone else who wants to do it ♡♡♡
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seokjinchuriki · 7 years
82 Truths
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people.
tagged by the lovely @mochiminii thanks honey WARNING: yo this gonna be long af so like feel free to ignore/skip
name: linh blood type: i don’t know, so i’m just going to say gold nickname(s): rin, log r/s: dating park jimin. nahhh, single and don’t want to mingle. zodiac sign: taurus pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: fixer upper, triple d (with guy fieri), kitchen nightmares, and iron chef long or short hair: to my shoulders height: 165cm do you have a crush on someone: park jimin what do you like about yourself: my love for food and my heart of golf right or left handed: right handed list of three favourite colors: black, gray, and white
right now: eating: cheesecake w/ strawberry syrup drinking: soy milk i’m about to: shower for like an hour listening to: btob - movie on Mnet kids: probably never get married: i’d hope so career: as a pharmacist or the proud owner of a dog cafe
most recent: drink: soy milk from a box phone call: my dad bc his car ran out of battery song you listened to: do u dirty by kehlani
have you ever: dated someone twice: yes i have, i was a naive little shit been cheated on: yes lmao, still was a naive little shit kissed someone and regretted it: i suppose so lost someone special: unfortunately yes been depressed: yeah been drunk and thrown up: i’m always the designated driver™ kissed a stranger: ew stranger danger had glasses or contacts: i wear glasses and i look damn good in them
had sex on the first date: nope nope ( i don’t know why there are large ass spaces ™)
broken someone’s heart: noo i dont have the heart to do so turned someone down: i don’t have the heart to do so cried when someone died: yeah, for someone i was really really close to fallen for a friend: i guess
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yep! fallen out of love: no how could you fall out of love with park jimin?? laughed until you cried: i laugh all the time at my own damn jokes met someone who changed you: yeah i guess found out who your true friends were: yeah found out someone was talking about you: i literally dont care kissed someone on your fb list: lmao no
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes but have you seen park jimins lips??? hugs or kisses: hugs. i love hugs shorter or taller: taller romantic or spontaneous: both pls sensitive or loud: a good balance hookup or relationship: relationship troublemaker or hesitant: good balance
first: best friend: my old guinea pig surgery: none sport i joined: tennis vacation: the philippines
do you believe in: yourself: sometimes miracles: a little? love at first sight: not really heaven: feels like only hell exists sometimes
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: a lot i guess do you have any pets: yes, my boy King Mickey™ do you want to change your name: nah i like my name what did you do for your last birthday: ate three cakes what time did you wake up today: 10:43 am what were you doing last night at midnight: laughing at my shitpost something you can’t wait for: for jimin to buy me a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise last time you saw your mom: just now what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing, i like it rn have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah what’s getting on your nerves: rude and ignorant people
i tag: @tr4sh-s0ci3ty @parkjiminbiased @emjooni @hipsterminseok (sorry if you guys have done this already) and whoever else wants to do it!
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externally-upset · 7 years
1. The last person I held hands with was my ex like 2 ½ years ago2. I can be outgoing, when I’m not isolated 3. I always look forward to seeing my friends4. I think I am. Everyone I’ve ever talked says I am5. I’m pretty sure they’d take really good care of me6. I don’t honestly have any specific qualities. If I like you, then I like you. 7. A relationship in two months? Probably not.8. Right now, my friend that I saw yesterday9. Not at all. Sex is a very natural thing.10. It was actually yesterday with my friends11. “Me too. Joey is a really great guy”12. How Far I’ll Go - Auli'i Cravalho, Stained Glass Ceilings - The Wonder Years, Art School Wannabe - Sorority Noise, C.R.E.A.M. - Wu-Tang Clan, You Deserve An Island - Chase Huglin13. I love when people play with my hair14. I tend to lean more in believing in miracles15. I don’t even remember what I did during the summer. I think I just slept.16. Idk maybe I would.17. I wholeheartedly believe in life on other planets.18. Nah. I haven’t seen nor talked to her since like the 6th grade.19. I actually don’t like bubble baths. 20. My neighbors are pretty great people. Unfortunately that may be subject to change.21. I isolate myself a lot, lay around a lot, and hold in all of my emotions.22. All around the world. 23. I don’t know if I have trust issues, but I do tend to be skeptical of things24. When I get home and get to lay down.25. Probably my stomach.26. I sit there for like 5 minutes until I get up to get dressed.27. I’m very content with the skin color I have now.28. I most comfortable around my friend Mason.29. Nah. Not sure if they do.30. Eventually, yeah I’d like to get married.31. Hell yeah it is. My hair is like to my mid back right now.32. I actually can’t think of anyone.33. Jose. (it autocorrected itself.)34. I haven’t played a sport in awhile.35. I’d be fine without TV.36. All the time.37. If i hadn’t already, compliment their clothes and go from there.38. I don’t have an ideal dream girl. Like having a crush on someone just happens for me.39. A big fan of Tillys, Zumiez, and Barnes & Noble.40. Since I left, I’m pretty focused on my major and minor. 41. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. 42. I’m probably zoned the hell out and probably thinking about dogs.43. Yes I do.44. Outer space by far. I love the water but that still terrifies me.45. I think about my future and everything I need to do to get there.46. I’m paranoid about someone attacking me from behind. I’m always looking over my shoulder and I hate sitting in front of people.47. Yes I have.48. No I have not.49. Yeah.50. It was a black hoodie.51. At one point, when I was younger. Not anymore though.52. The fact that I isolate myself.53. I don’t know make up too well. 54. Probably Zumiez.55. I’m pretty fond of @manoversadness because he’s the plug for my posts.56. I like the color peach.57. There’s this burger spot by my house and it’s the best burger I’ve ever had.58. I think it was a chicken sandwich. 59. It was the chicken sandwich.60. I was on a baseball team back when I was younger and we won the championship for the league.61. Never suspended or expelled.62. Never arrested. Not yet at least.63. Never romantically. 64. We were on a date at this place in Fresno called Christmas Tree Lane. We were walking past all the houses and we had pulled off to the side to let these horses pass us by and here eyes were twinkling in the lights and I just leaned over and kissed her. She then proceeded to say Wow. 65. I’m actually really hungry right now.66. It’s actually pretty equal. Even though I don’t have too many Tumblr friends.67. Twitter.68. Tumblr.69. Not watching tv. I hardly do.70. Mason, Diego, Laurie, Jonah, Angela, Steven, David, Jose, Maya.71. I’m craving some Chinese food.72. Most of my towels are shades of brown.73. No stuffed animals here.74. At one point I had like 4 but they were fucking huge.75. My fave animals are the crow, red tailed hawk, and the deer.76. They’re like a heather blue.77. Vanilla.78. I love me some strawberry ice cream.79. I’m not currently wearing a shirt.80. No pants on either.81. The Office, I’ve watched it all the way through at least 4 times.82. I love the Whale Rider.83. Mean Girls.84. Mean Gilrs. 85. Probably Karen.86. The Moonfish.87. My friend Yahaira.88. It’s currently my little sister.89. I try not to hold hate in my heart.90. I love all of my friends and those I have yet to meet.91. Of course there is.92. Would I get in a fight? Hell yeah i would.93. I own like 3 pairs.94. I own like 10 sweaters in total.95. Last movie I saw was Little Nicky.96. I’m fond of Emma Watson.97. I love Idris Elba’s work.98. I’m already dark, so no tanning for me.99. I have 10 cats and a turtle.100. I’m losing control of my life again. Other than that I feel great101. I type at an average speed.102. I try not to live my life full of regrets. That being said, only one regret. 103. I spell pretty darn well.104. Yeah I miss a few people. Thing is that’s probably where they belong.105. Yes I have. Hosted a few myself.106. Broken someone’s heart? I hope not. If I have, I’d like the know.107. Yeah I’ve rode a horse before.108. I should be in class.109. A few things are irritating me. Nothing I can’t get through.110. Oh god yes. It took so long to get over it.111. I am skeptical of a few things but usually I trust people.112. It’s been awhile since I’ve cried in front of someone.113. People used to call me Chancho114. I went to Nevada once.115. I don't own a wii so nah.116. I was listening to music like 5 minutes.117. I love a good chicken noodle soup118. I love Chinese food.119. Where The Ox Doesn't Plow120. I used to be afraid of the dark but not anymore.121. I think I'm fairly nice.122. Cheating is never okay, no matter what.123. White shoes turn all different colors with me.124. I guess maybe sometimes love at first sight is real.125. I think at one point true love can be real, yeah.126. I actually really entertained right now127. I love being with my friends. That always makes me happy.128. My name is unique to me, I'd never change it.129. I'm a Virgo130. Subway is pretty good but it's not my go to food.131. I'd be very flattered, possibly pursue it.132. My friends Joey and Yahaira133. "You have his words on your arms, his name on your knuckles."134. I don't think I'd every try but I probably could.135. I don't think I can remember any but I'm pretty sure I said a stupid one once.136. My doors are always closed.137. I'm 5'11138. Do I have curly or straight hair? Straight hair.139. Oh it's asking what I prefer. Either one is fine.140. I'm a winter type of guys.141. I prefer the night. 142. I'm a big fan of September.143. I'm not vegetarian.144. I love white chocolate.145. I prefer coffee on some days, tea on other days.146. Today has been pretty good.147. Snickers, I don't know what Mars is.148. "Nothing in this life is certain but death and taxes."149. I wholeheartedly believe in ghosts and the after life.150. "Nothing causes a prince to be so much esteemed as great enterprises and setting a rare example." - The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
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