#it’s been too long i haven’t even played hiveswap part 2 yet!!!
blackoutballad · 2 years
the fact that i had a visceral reaction to hearing “how do i live?” by miss leanne rimes while shopping today is but a small testament to how much of an impact HS had on me no matter how many godforsaken years it’s been
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mary-is-writing · 4 years
I´m currently playing Hiveswap Act 2 and here are some of my opinions (spoilers so be careful)
I haven’t finished the game so I can’t do an overall rewiew (yet)
First part before the train was nice and fun. I liked Joey and Xefros just talking and learning more about each other and their cultures and laughed really hard at the joke they made when Joey asks “To do what with your what?” after Xefros explanation. Some things were very intuitive while other weren’t, and I had a little trouble in the Bee House cause of me not understanding how the game worked. After that I got that Joey and Xefros are supposed to be played like a team, so try to make one do something that helps the other was good to learn to continue. 
The part in the station was also nice. I really liked some of the trolls I met there and was more than happy to see they were also in the train. Joey made me kinda anxious taking so much inniciative of talking and telling stuff to trolls, specially Marvus and the bronzeblood from the station, and I totally agreed with Xefros freaking out about it. This was also the part where I got that I would probably forget most of the names of the trolls. There are a lot and are hard to memorize. Sad, but oh well.
The first two cars of the train were fun. It took me by surprise how most of the issues and puzzles/little quests can be solved by just. Talking to people. It was like the game was calling me out, cause most of the time I tried to find solutions and answers by myself. Same thing happened in the fight against the yellow blood: I first tried to find a way for Xefros to knock him down, and even the hint option said to not let Joey fight Xefros' battles, but apparently letting her doing it first to give Xefros enough motivation was the right choice. Again, the answer was just ask for help, and it took me by surprise AGAIN. After that, I tried really hard to remember it and keeping the two of them trying all the options, aka making them work like a real team. 
So that was nice, but then I got in the jade and teal car and holy crap that was frustrating. I don’t think I liked any of the jades besides Wanshi and then turns out she was the freaking mastermind who made the other jade take the blame just cause she didn’t like her. I figured it was Wanshi like half trough the trial but I couldn’t came back to it even tho I knew it, and Idk if it’s just that the game has only one ending or what. I liked most of the teals tho, specially the one with rectangular horns that helps you during the trial, but the whole trial thing was super long and kinda annoying at times. After I talked with everyone multiple times, the game kept telling me to find more clues and testimonies and I didn’t know where else to look around: I had to go over everything and everyone in the car multiple times for like a good half hour or more until giving up and looking for a guide online, that said to look in the restroom. The grub in the restroom that I was supposed to notice and pick up as evidence was SO SMALL, I swear, it was so easy to miss it and only after slowly moving my cursor near it I could find it. The trial itself was long too, and tho I liked having the company of the two teals who were my “mentor” and the prosecutor, the other characters made it annoying to play after a while, and specially near the end. I appreciated the reference to Ace Attorney games, tho, and I bet the trial was so long because the ones in that game are as well. I was more than happy to finish that and get tf out. I still love Wanshi even tho she played me. GG Wanshi
The blueblood’s train is the one I’m currently at, and so far has been way more straightforward and less frustrating than the last one. I liked that to complete some of the little quests I had to go back in the train and ask for help to the trolls I had already met. I believe I’m almost about to complete this one, but I’m currently struggling to find a way to pass the last mini quest before the main one, tho is definitely nothing as hard to realize like in the last car. The only thing I don´t like is that I have to go through the jade and teal car again every time I want to go to find clues. 
That’s it so far. One of my favourite things is how, depending on who you are controlling (Joey or Xefros) the dialogue when you click on things will change and give you more info about it. Anyways, I’ll be back with more when I finish it.
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honestlyawesome · 4 years
jokes on you i got tagged in 2 different memes by @freddy-krueger​ so prepare yourself three ships: OKAY.... hm.. well in 2016 i realized sonadow was so god tier perfect and now with time i know that will always be true, even if i’m not actively into sonic anymore. second ship,, uh BATJOKES always god it goes off. and finally axmarco is always cute, but i don’t hate any animorphs pairing tbh bc i love those hoes. im just kinda on the axmarco bs rn
last song i listened to: by now i’m listening to a new song, it’s the cult of dionysus by the orion experience! listen to it its good and an earworm gem graveyarding and me also got into 100 gecs together so i’m bopping to a lot of their stuff
last movie i watched: the first hunger games with my friends @opti-mized​ and @graveyardfullofteeth​ !!
currently reading: im finishing the hunger games trilogy bc my friends and i agreed to reread it together! thats why we’re watching the movies too :) I’m also reading animorphs bc I never finished the whole series as a kid, so it’s a partial reread. AAAANd im kind of reading warriors but not really, just getting refamiliarized with the canon bc i’m also writing a warriors rpg story to do with previously mentioned friends 😳
currently watching playing: OMG i just realized I haven’t watched a show in so long... im planning to watch beastars but i’m not doing it yet so it doesnt count. im changing this question to playing bc ive been on my gamer bullshit lmao. I’ve been playing a LOT of minecraft with opti opti-mized on a server in a sparkledog community im in. and we’re also on and off playing through hiveswap friendsim!! i love tagora sm :)
currently consuming: strawberry poptarts.. i like the fruit flavored ones the best but i think my favorite is blueberry tho
currently craving: my sisters takis that are sitting on the counter,,
tagging: you all again its a 2 part special @amishdyke​ @opti-mized​ @graveyardfullofteeth
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I Couldn’t Fight the Homestuck
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Hey guys, I don’t have an anime review for today (should be one tomorrow though), so I thought before I dived into the intricacies and the quadrants for Homestuck characters; it might be easier to start with my general impressions of the Homestuck universe itself.
My friend introduced me to Homestuck in college and told me to go home and read it. My first impressions? I was not amused, like who was this tiny armless nerdy boy with glasses; and what did arms and chests have to do with anything? I think the first impressions are misleading considering the depth and story you get for the universe(s) later on. As much as Act 1 is a chore to get through, once you get into the game everything takes a rapid turn and everything becomes more relevant. The way the characters are introduced is nonsensical but I enjoyed it, especially later on as it becomes a break between eventful scenes. It also gave me some time to reflect on what had gone on previously and to try and understand what had just happened and how it linked to everything else.
Although it was a very long webcomic, I enjoyed it and despite not being part of the fandom for very long (2 years before it ended I think), I did get over emotional when it came to the final flash scene. Even though looking through my tumblr at the time, people didn’t seem to like the ending and many theorists were downhearted as the end of the story just didn’t deliver. And I agree. I thought the ending was rushed and didn’t really answer a lot. If given the time and effort the rest of the larger comic flashes had seen I reckon the ending could have been somewhat more wonderful. However, it did leave a lot of unanswered questions; I personally liked this as it allowed me to fill in the gaps with my own theories and still left something for the fans to discuss.
Another good thing is the run of the webcomic on youtube, this is really good if you don’t really want to sit there and do all the clicky things. It’s also good if you’re not good/unimaginative with character voices like I am, as everyone’s part is voiced. They haven’t reached the end of the webcomic yet, last I checked they were still in Act 6 (which is very very long).
Homestuck didn’t just give the option of romantic ships or platonic ships. Thanks to the quadrant system it also gave us hate ships and ashen relationships (hate dating but with a third person that mediates to stop things getting too bad). There is plenty of good fanfiction on the internet, though I mainly use archieve of our own and fanfiction to find mine. In addition to scrolling through the depths of tumblr for fanart.
Another thing I really enjoyed about the community were all the quizzes that have been created for determining things like whether you are a Derse or Prospit Dreamer; or what your ClassPect would be. I’ll be doing separate posts about those soon including where I got the quizzes from.
Speaking of the community on tumblr. I can’t say that I’ve interacted with anyone personally (although feel free to get in touch if you want to chat), but I have seen some negative things in my time. Especially revolving around the characters Gamzee Makara and Bro Strider. Both were not good characters but I do believe their actions to be a means to an end, well in Bro’s case anyway. But I’ll do another thought bubble on those when I get round to their characters. I’ve also heard some unfavourable things about the cosplay community, but then again I can’t verify these as they are only things I’ve heard from others.
Thankfully, Homestuck didn’t just end with the webcomic and now Hiveswap is out (which I’m currently playing and will detail my thoughts at some point). Hiveswap is a really fun point and click game which really captures the essence of the Homestuck universe and gave us more fun things like the Extended Zodiac (which is really fun for a good read).
Overall, I think Homestuck became one of the larger parts of my college life and thanks to Hiveswap and other things it is still part of my life. I’m hoping to do either a Dave or Dirk Strider cosplay soon and will put updates on tumblr with what I’m doing and how it’s going. Finally, I can’t pinpoint a favourite character from this series but my favourite – albeit dysfunctional – family has to be the Striders. My favourite Beta troll would have to be Tavros, while my favourite Alpha troll would be Mituna. My favourite cannon ship is RoseMary and non-canon ship would have to be EriSol.
Here are some links:
-          Homestuck (webcomic): http://www.mspaintadventures.com/
-          Homestuck (youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jMzJaztnFs
-          Homestuck Extended Zodiac: http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/index.php
-          Hiveswap: http://store.steampowered.com/app/623940/HIVESWAP_Act_1/
Bye for now! ^-^ 
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blaperile · 4 years
Hiveswap Episode 1 Reaction Part 16: Trophy Room Exploration Part 2 + Jude Sends Byers the Pigeon to the Kitchen
So uh, now that we've FINALLY caught up with the Homestuck Epilogues, Homestuck^2 and the bonus stories, it's finally time to try to catch up with the other thing that has laid aside for far too long.
Yup, I'm talking about Hiveswap.
Welp, apparently the last time we got around to playing it was October 2017. That sucks.
Fortunately, I can still remember the most important stuff, and I also reread my last reaction post to get into the groove again a bit.
We were Joey, in Grandpa's trophy room, trying to get the attic key!
So let's try to do exactly that.
Looking at that Egyptian-type tapestry in the room...
Oh god, is it just me, or does one of those figures look like a Smuppet and another one like a Scalemate? And then there's a serpent and a red-eyed person sitting on a throne... HMMMMM
Serpent could be another Cherub related thing, but I wonder what that red-eyed person is supposed to represent. We haven't had some kind of red-eyed monarch/dictator/whatever that I can remember, right?
I mean, the closest I can think of is Crockertier Jane and/or Candy Jane with her links to red, hehe.
I just noticed we can spin the globe, and then the red X appears. Just what is that supposed to resemble? Is it maybe not a map of prehistoric Earth, but a map of Alternia, or something else entirely?
BATTERIES && GLOBE ==> Wait, so the globe DOES need something. But what? Do we need to open it up somehow? Is there something inside? Does the X mark a spot WITHIN the globe?
The deer's got creepy glass orbs indeed. Kind of reminds me of the dead eyes of the Dreambubble ghosts.
Oh??? There's light reflecting from it? What's that supposed to mean??
Well, I DO knows it means we're gonna try out all the items on it.
CHERUB KEY && DEER ==> That's DEFINITELY hinting the deer might be hiding the key somewhere... are we going to tap this deer open, or what? xD
TAP SHOES && DEER ==> Yeah, we're onto something here. This deer is hiding some secrets!!
We can interact with the antlers!! Looking and PULLING. Oh man, are the antlers going to be some kind of lever?
I just realized how appropriate is that the deer/antler related stuff here is the most important, considering Dammek's link to those same things.
Let's PULL it!
Oh wow, there's some lights shining out of the eyes now! But whereto? To the empty eye sockets of the cat head? Do we need to put something in there to reflect the light again?
And suddenly we're Jude!!! :D
Oh god, listen to that music. That's a fun remix of the song that played when we were Joey.
That drawing on the wall... that seems to depict EXACTLY how the globe needs to be opened! A deer, a line connecting it to the head across it, and then the globe...
So we're going to get marbles as Jude, and send them to Joey with a pigeon?
ESCAPE HATCH --> EGRESS: Hehe, he's definitely got Jake's genes. Going all out against monsters, guns blazing.
Examining the papers on the wall now...
That definitely looks like drawings of the device on the attic that will transport Joey to Alternia.
And those shady figures are searching for that technology, at least according to Jake?
Just who are they? Are they ordinary humans? Are they from SBURB? Are they from Alternia already? ...Crack theory that Dammek actually ends up in the past and one of these figures is him, ahahaha.
It's not going to be somehow related to Obama's session, right?
Or followers from The Condesce?
I mean, just trying to think of any shady things we could possibly expect on B1 Earth...
Looking at the desk now... well there's our marbles! Probably going to be sending a red and green one to Joey then... with one of those sachets attached to a pigeon?
Huh, he succesfully put a red and BLUE marble into a pouch now. He didn't even refuse to put anything beside red and green in. Does that mean we have a choice after all, or are we going to have to redo this later?
Ok, we can open the metal chest and retrieve some flares! I assume the flare gun is that thing sitting in the box on the other side of the room?
And looks like we can have some more dialogue with Joey now.
Looking at the tree markings... Activity on 11/11... That's definitely hinting towards something Condesce related, right?
Ahahaha, alright, upon examining the pouch he's removed the marbles again, so we can put in the correct ones now.
In the meantime, we've been enjoying looking at the little narration bits for combining the flares and gun with each and every item here. I just love how they programmed all those separate bits of narration.
MARBLES && LANTERN ==> Oh yeah, I hadn't noticed yet that Jude's got a green lantern as well! He's really into the red-green thing... is it just because of the the device on the attic?
MARBLES && PIGEON ==> Cutscene time! ...Pfff, that epically backfired.
So, Jude's probably going to tell Joey to go to the kitchen and retrieve the pigeon? But that might mean she's in for another strife against a monster?
Awww, poor Jude. He's really sad about what just happened. :(
I hadn't realized yet though that he could just send another pigeon with another pouch and another two marbles, seeing as he's got a few spares of everything, hahaha.
What's going to happen to Frohike then though?
And is his second try even going to succeed?
He's got 3 pigeons and 3 pouches... I wouldn't be surprised if his second attempt won't be succesful either. :(
That's... uh, not very promising for what's going to happen with the third pigeon, right?
But being threatened now as well... the same monster that uh... might have just eaten Frohike?
Oh dear.
Byers might only be safe, for now, because it's sitting so high on the fridge.
Looks like next time we'll be off to rescue Byers, get the marble, and get the key from the trophy room!
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