#it’s funny when people act like ohh Mohg is raping Miquella is a counter to shipping them?
sealer-of-wenkamui · 1 year
Why is everyone talking about Miquella’s morality suddenly…? Personally I think he’s more or less a good person that’s sometimes willing to go to extremes for his causes especially if it’s for Malenia. And her being his blade, he’s involved in her actions as well.
Pure evil Miquella theories irritate me because they always come across as people just trying to find some excuse to avoid the very heavy implications that Mohg is sexually abusing him (or at the very least, violating his body in a way that mirrors it, it seems to be both if you ask me). And I think the way it shows how Mohg tries to gain the love he desires by force, regardless of Miquella’s will is an important part of his character. I love MohgMiq! But specifically as something purely one-sided, nonconsensual, and abusive, so it takes away the whole appeal of them to me too.
I don’t think it makes sense for Miquella to want any of that too, I mean he raised the Haligtree from a sapling with his blood, and his embedding himself in it makes it seem like he fed it with his whole body too, why ruin that whole plan by having his body removed from it? And his needles are for countering outer gods, and he also seems to be abandoning his fate as an Empyrean (discarding his great rune- the great rune of the unborn seems very similar to Malenia’s so I suspect it to be his, also the description is that it’s one of an unborn demigod which given his eternal childhood and then cocooning himself also matches. Amber starlight as well seems to be his fate.) I don’t think he wants to be a god, and especially since it’s entirely for someone else’s plan. It’s the Mohgwyn dynasty, for an outer god dear to Mohg, not anything for Miquella. And now that may be preventing him from ever hatching even at Mohgwyn, either from willful defiance, lack of the rune perfecting rebirth, or both. The oracles aren’t there either, they’re at the tree, where Malenia did indeed become a god, not Miquella.
Even if he was super manipulative and “evil” I don’t think it would magically save him from being abused, anyone can be a victim. Him being a victim tells us nothing about what he’s like as a person.
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