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chinzhilla · 2 years
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deltamovies · 7 years
Kingsman: The Secret Service Free Full HD watch online & movie trailer
Release Year: 2014
Rating: 7.7/10 ( voted)
Critic's Score: /100
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Stars: Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson
Storyline A young man named Eggsy whose father died when he was a young boy, is dealing with living with the creep his mother is with now, who mistreats her and him. He goes out and does something to one of the creep's friends. He gets arrested and he calls a number a man gave him around the time his father died, to call if he needs help. A man named Harry approaches him and tells him he's the one who helped him. He tells him that he knew his father. When the man Eggsy slighted wants some payback, Harry takes care of him and his companions single handed. Harry then tells Eggsy that he's part of a secret organization called the Kingsman and his father was also part of it. He died trying to make the world safe. Harry offers Eggsy the opportunity to be a Kingsman and he takes it. He undergoes a grueling training course. Harry is looking into the demise of another Kingsman and the trail leads him to tech billionaire named Valentine aka V who is also curious about the group following him, the …
Writers: Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn, Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson, Adrian Quinton, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Jonno Davies, Jack Davenport, Alex Nikolov, Samantha Womack, Mark Hamill, Velibor Topic, Sofia Boutella, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Caine, Taron Egerton, Geoff Bell, Jordan Long, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Cast: Adrian Quinton –
(as Adrian Quentin)
Colin Firth –
Harry Hart / Galahad
Mark Strong –
Jonno Davies –
Jack Davenport –
Alex Nikolov –
Little Eggsy
Samantha Womack –
Michelle Unwin
Mark Hamill –
Professor Arnold
Velibor Topic –
Big Goon
Sofia Boutella –
Samuel L. Jackson –
Michael Caine –
Taron Egerton –
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
Geoff Bell –
Jordan Long –
Taglines: Manners maketh man.
Official Website: Official Facebook |
Official Site |
Country: UK, USA
Language: English, Arabic, Swedish
Release Date: 3 Jan 2014
Filming Locations: London, England, UK
Box Office Details
Budget: $81,000,000
Opening Weekend: $42,000,000
(USA) (13 February 2015)
Gross: $128,248,205
(USA) (26 June 2015)
Technical Specs
Runtime: 129 min
Did You Know?
Trivia: Colin Firth worked out for around six months, to be in top fighting shape and physical form, in order to portray gentleman spy Galahad a.k.a. Harry Hart. See more »
Goofs: If Valentine vomits at the sight of blood (he says even a drop), then he should have been vomiting when talking to Galahad / Harry Hart outside the church after the massacre, as he had blood on his face and both hands. However, Valentine exaggerates his condition for dramatic effect. See more »
Quotes: [
User Review
Rating: 10/10 I'm going to be honest about this: I like unabashedly violent action films. I'm 42 years old, I'm from Texas and I can take it. Growing up with films like 'Rambo', 'Die Hard', 'The Terminator' and 'Robocop', I can't stand that watered-down "no-blood-no-swearing" gutless kiddie fare that is being served as "action" these days. I know the real thing when I see it – we used to see it all the time back in the day – and I hardly ever see it anymore.
Which brings me to this movie. 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' was being shown just around the corner from where I live, and because I loved two of director Matthew Vaughn's previous films, 'Layer Cake' and 'Kick-Ass', I naturally took the chance to see it. I had already read some comments from previous screenings that this film was totally bad-ass, and I can now say that's actually putting it mildly. This film is nothing short of bat-shît crazy.
Years ago Tarantino said in an interview that he had written a James Bond script and that he would love to direct a Bond film. Sadly, that never happened, but ever since I read that I wondered what an R-rated Bond might be like. I don't know, maybe Matthew Vaughn has read that interview too and saw the potential, because 'Kingsman' is pretty much that: An ultra violent, funny, crazy, foul-mouthed James Bond film (with a little bit of 'Men in Black' and 'Mission Impossible' thrown in). You could say that this is to Bond what 'Game of Thrones' is to 'Lord of the Rings': Where the former can't and dare not go (for marketing and box office reasons), the latter joyfully and gloriously ventures. Dirty and (very black) humor – check. Bad language – check. Gratuitous violence – check. Needless to say, I was thrilled.
But it's also a fantastic action film with an amazing cast (Oscar winners Colin Firth and Michael Caine, plus Sam Jackson AND Mark Hamill) and spectacular, over-the-top fight-scenes that in some instances even rival films like 'The Raid' for their sheer visceral intensity. In short, if you're as fed up with lame wannabe Die-Hards and Terminators as I am, go watch this film. Apart from the rare 'John Wick' or 'Equalizer', 'Kingsman' seems to be pretty much the only antidote to the toothless, generic tripe Hollywood tries to pass for action these days. 9 stars for the film and the story, 11 stars for the balls to pull this off the way they did. Average = a perfect 10.
P.S. I recently stumbled upon an article on the importance of R rated movies. If you're a film fan (especially of films that don't cater to teenagers), you might find it as enlightening as I have:
The post Kingsman: The Secret Service appeared first on The Movie Entertainment of the 21st Century!.
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