#it’s kinda gut wrenching that we won’t get any new content anymore
fitpacs · 4 months
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chocxy-prince · 3 months
How would The First Generation react to the Neobeasts if they were…to fight per say? (beast ancient au by @cuppajj )
(this is hypothetical to say but i think to write how pissed off/sad each might be.)
content in the undercut
I’ve been kinda thinking about this a bit (but to also sponsor my own parents a little bit/silly)
Vanilla Bean To: Saint Vanilla: Rightfully pissed off. Who does he think he is? She had raised him so well, to not put himself above others, To not be selfish, establishing a cult surrounding himself and calling himself the only true savior to the cookies of earth bread. But she’s also quite sad. What could she have done. When she was born from sunlight and gold, She swore as the goddess of heaven and purity, She’s going to take this faker down, Even if it’s her own son. She cannot allow the people to deceived by a fake.
“You…HOW DARE YOU?! You have NO right to be vanquishing this poor innocent souls. You are not any saviour, or a god. You are a cult. You are nothing. I swear by the heavens pearl white clouds, you will die by my hand.” (internally sobbing inside because she doesn’t want to do this to her own baby)
White Cocoa to: Frigid Cacao
If you haven’t read the most recent part published of The Runaway series, You probably know how she feels already. Mixed feelings….shes upset, angry, confused. What could she have done? She wasn’t in control…He had locked her temple up and wouldn’t let anyone inside, even disciples of her old cause. Both evenly matched, old versus new… She ain’t going let him return her to his prison and continue being rogue.
“…my son…oh my boy…What happened to you….? When i was told you went rogue…I couldn’t believe my ears. But it is really true. How could you do this…destroy the history and cultures of people who were here before my time…during…” *a pause* “…If it is a fight you want, a fight by the true monarch and builder of the citadel you will get. Bring it on, Boy.”
Burnt Parm to: Celestial Cheese
He’s not entirely shocked, He figured something like this would happen, just not so soon. The old eagle and God Of Prosperity hopes to just talk it out and come to a solution..But he knows, Greed makes a cookie stubborn and unwilling to give up power. He will wrench it from her and save the people, and earthbread. He wants to return her to her former glory, unlike some of the others who may not have a choice…Maybe with her there is one…
“…oh precious daughter… the greed is not worth it…I would never wish to pull my own weapon, on the same cookie i loved, cared for…and baked…Im sorry it came to be this way, But I will do what i must.”
Cranberry Ale to: Dragonberry
Also pissed off. Well, He’s debating his feelings a lot. Well she was cocky, caring and loving in her younger years, it seems it’s caught up to her big time. His old trading capital from his pirate years turned into a ruthless dictatorship…This won’t stand. He knows she won’t budge without a fight, so he’ll bring the fight to her.
“It seems things have caught up to you…Maybe for your benefit, kid. But unlike the others…I have sympathy. I want you to change…I don’t want you like this anymore.” (if the talking out solution does work)
)if it doesn’t): “You seem to not understand the damage that you’ve reckoned upon the world, along with your little friends. I will put a stop to it, even if i have to put my hands on you.”
Wildflower Cookie to: Midnight Lily:
To be totally honest, he’d join forces with her and infact would help the neonates kill the rest: cocoa esp. he hates her guts. Keep Vb alive tho…that’s my wife.
“Perhaps we can join together and spread our ideas and fruits of prosperity to the world…Maybe the others don’t understand…”
(Divine Goddess is not included because she is associated with the republic, and therefore her children aren’t really an issue.)
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