#it’s like a jumpscare that will also make you look like a complete inconsiderate idiot in public if your phone isn’t muted
c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
I’m a soft and gentle pacifist by nature but if I ever meet the person who decided to allow ads on tumblr with FULL-VOLUME AUTOPLAYING SOUND I am going to pull off their fingernails
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jaideite · 5 years
Maybe some headcanons with bakugo and a male s/o?? Most of the x readers I see with bakugo have femme s/o's so itd be a nice change in pace
Ahhh yes :))
I usually try to make my headcanons gender neutral for everyone. When I do this, I usually throw in a girl joke (like in the body swap one I cross out the text for a girl reader as it’s not needed but I added it in anyways) if that makes any sense haha. But lemme see what I can whip up hmm? ;)
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— ok but him stretching makes me drool y’all see that slim ass waist
— first off
— congratulations on wriggling your way into bakugou’s mind (and not being midoriya)
— your constantly popping up in his head
— he thinks your a pretty cool boy
— props also cause to him your a really pretty boy you inconsiderate fuck
— like todoroki pretty
— second of all
— F in the chat for you cause this boy is in such denial it’s actually comical
— he is the literal definition of “if a boy messes with you it means they like you”
— he always tries to challenge you over the littlest things
— “HA, fuckin idiot! Bet you couldn’t finish all that shit!”
— “Your one to talk with all that spicy curry.”
— “Is that a challenge?!”
— “Dude I—“
— “ITS ON!”
— everytime you walk past him he just outstretches his leg and tries to trip you
— but you catch it and manage to step over it
— you can hear his teeth grinding
— he also tries to impress you
— which you find really weird because
— “I can do the same thing....”
— “Not with those whimpy noodle arms you fucking can’t.”
— “Shut the fuck up. My arms are not weak.”
— you casually flex and he feels his face heat up and that sight goes straight to his di—
— “Pick this shit up and I will, dipshit.”
— he is always rough on you with training
— he claims “You think villains will go easy on your stupid ass?! Toughen up, you dumbfuck.” y’all hear them bars
— he absolutely hates it whenever you hang out with Midoriya
— “Oi, quit hanging around that nerd.”
— “Who are you to tell me who I can hang out with?”
— “I don’t wanna hear both of you muttering later on, you fuck!”
— eventually you start to pick up on it
— the way he always cooks your favorite meal and makes sure your eating properly
— he always makes sure to make sure you don’t overdo yourself during training
— he even personally offered to train you and you ????
— “...Not with you yelling in my ear I can’t you fuck.”
— Since your boys you guys get away with breaking curfew
— this is how you’ve gotten closer tbh
— you besides the bakusquad are like the only people who have been in his room
— slowly yall get closer n closer
— you got invited to go to the movies once with the Bakusquad
— and it was a scary movie
— “Kaminari you’re a genius.”
— “I know. Wanna see me stick this metal fork in a socket?”
— “I take it back. Your a fucking idiot.”
— but anyways so they all plan it so you don’t have a choice but to sit next to bakugou
— and you have no problem with that
— y’all have been getting closer together
— so you sit together and the movie starts and it’s alright until one of the first jumpscares
— he looks over to you and you just ( 0-0 )
— “Oi, fucknut, you alright?”
— “Yeah man I’m fine.”
— “Oh.”
— so it’s quiet until another jumpscare comes on and you immediately grab his hand and he
— oop full on gay panic
— the squad isn’t even paying attention to the movie their just recording bakugou in his gay panic
— he’s arguing with his mind
— “holdinghandsholdinghandsholdinghands”
— “Doesnt holding hands lead to pregnancy?”
— “You idiot y/n has a dick. That’s for girls, and you made it clear you don’t like girls.”
— “So then what the hell does holding hands with a guy lead to???”
— his mind goes blank for a second and then
— “Gay se—“
— “LET GO OF MY FUCKING HAND IDIOT!” He starts annoyed
— the whole theatre just “SHHHHH”
— so you just whisper a sorry and continue
— and his gay panic is over with for now lol
— and then like thirty minutes later you grab his arm to cover your eyes
— and oh boy his mind just goes completely blank man
— you guys know that scene in spongebob where he makes the Krusty Krab look nice for squidward and then I think they ask for a name and Spongebob’s brain is scrambling for a name
— that’s an accurate representation of his mind right now
— eventually the movies over and you guys make your way back to the dorms.
— and you say goodbye to everyone as you guys make your way up to your rooms
— “You were holding my hand during the movie.” He blurts out. You just turn to him and “HMm?”
— he rolls his eyes. “You were holding my hand. Are you seriously that scared of horror movies?”
— “Actually the movie was pretty good, not gonna lie. I think the plot was pretty interesting.”
— “You were hiding behind my goddamn arm, fucknut?”
— “Oh yeah. Your hands are nice to hold, despite them being really sweaty. I’d like to do it again.”
— he kind of just pauses and ‘hUh’
— “Uh...yeah...I hope you don’t mind that. I had already seen the movie but when I heard you were going I wanted to go with you...I really like spending time with you.”
— well this explains you putting his hand over your eyes three seconds before that one horrifying scene
— hes gonna go into another gay panic
— you wanted to spend time with him??
— but he always teases you and beats you up??
— you... you like that ???
— he—I—whaa???
— “Y-You like spending time with me??” He croaks
— you keep rubbing your neck and chuckling nervously and oop your blushing in the dimly lit hallway “Yeah...in fact I like you...a lot...like in that way...”
— man he is just all kinds of confused
— you like him???
— like that??
— like they way he’s been thinking about you for the past couple of weeks
— you can’t get him out of your head like him
— oh
— oh
— oh fuck you
— he’s confused when you get this hurt look over your face “If your not into guys you could just tell me...no need to be harsh...”
— “No, fuck, it’s not that it’s just...”
— he takes a deep breath and grinds his teeth and he can smell the caramel in the air
— “I want to punch you...in the face...with my lips...and strangle you gently...with my arms...”
— you stare at him and blink before saying
— “You...you mean...you wanna make out?”
— that
— that’s...
— not what he was going for but he’ll take it
— like hell hes gonna pass up the chance to kiss your handsome face
— he just stupidly “uh huh’s” and stands there
— you kind of just grin softly and cup his face in your hands
— “Katsuki Bakugou...I’m going to kiss you now...”
— “Uh hUh.”
— “Please do not blow me up.”
— he blinks cause whaa—
— oh shit your lips are on his
— oh shit your kissing him
— oh shit kISS BACK YOU DUMMY—
— all of a sudden he’s just kissing you and it’s great
— your lips are somewhere in between chapped and soft for and for a guy your a great kisser
— him uh not so much so he’s kind of lost as he grips your jacket face flustered
— eventually you pull away and then laugh
— “You are a terrible kisser.”
— he wants to blow up your flustered handsome face but instead he just
— “W-why don’t we go in my room and you teach me how to kiss better?”
— you blink at him
— “There is no way you are that smooth, dude.”
— he pulls the door open and yanks you inside
— poor kirishima can’t sleep cause he can legit hear all that nsfw ness going on cause we know those walls ain’t shit oop
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