#it’s literally perfect. it’s genuis. it’s beautiful. i could go on about it forever
takemetodragonstone · 10 months
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the chokehold nicholas britell had on me this year 💀
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whtaft · 6 years
Happy Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day!
In honor of Fanfiction Writer’s Appreciation Day (which is apparently August 21st), I wanted to share some fics and authors who have made an impact on me this year. TBH, I haven’t read a lot of fic this year because 2018 has been completely wild, but I wanted to highlight the ones that I did!
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by @praximeter
An absolutely beautiful alternate canon fic where Steve saves Bucky without knowing who he is. It’s literally so good that once I stopped crying after the ending, I immediately started reading it again.
in cayenne and honey, in vinegar and lime by Nonymous with art by @albymangroves
This fic is a game changer. Between Nonymous’ witty and heartbreaking story (that includes both Bucky/M’Baku, T’Challa/Nakia, M’Baku/Okoye and Stucky) and Alby’s gorgeous art, you have a fic that just lingers with you for a while. I literally don’t have words to describe how good this fic is. It’s just... perfection.
Civilians, GDI by @relenafanel
Literally my favorite Bucky ever. He’s such a lovable, snarky jerk with a heart of gold in this FBI Agent!Bucky and actor!Steve AU. It’s a perfect pick-me-up fic! (Also, like... I literally reread all of relenafanel’s fics this year. She’s golden and her words are perfect and I wanna be her when I grow up.)
Mine is the Shining Future by @bride-ofquiet
Steve is an Irish immigrant who falls in love with Brooklynite Bucky. There’s something so beautiful, tender, and soft about brideofquiet’s writing in this fic; I’d love to wrap their words around me like a blanket. This fic made me laugh and cry and wanna go to a church dance (which is kind of a feat for a Jew like me).
What We Pretend We Can’t See by @gyzym
I read this behemoth of a Drarry fic on one of my lowest nights ever. It made me feel hopeful when it felt like nothing in my life (or the world at large) was going right. This beautiful story of redemption and second chances had me laughing and sobbing. I love every single word of it (and have subsequently read it like... five times).
Old Man Taako Outruns Death* and Lives Forever** by @anonymousalchemist
I assume that if you’re reading TAZ fic you’ve read this Classic, but this madcap adventure is a riot and also sweet. anonymousalchemist also does a great job of matching the unique tone of the McElroy bros, which is such an incredible feat!
they're gonna send us to prison for jerks by napricot
Bucky has a mustache. Like, it’s such an absurd concept that napricot weaves into a lovely, touching, and hilarious story. What I can’t get over is how tender this fic is, how Steve aches for Bucky, and how you feel his anguish... but never without hope or humor. It’s beautiful.
Once Upon Some Bullshit by @machine-dove and @sproings 
A perfectly imperfect fairy tale with some truly magnificent mutual pining from Steve and Bucky as Steve is magically turned into a series of animals, most of which have a special affinity for Bucky. I especially love how trusting Steve is of his Buck, even when he’s in his vulnerable animal forms.
say you’ll bee mine by @deceptivesoldier @yetanotherobsessivereader and @talkplaylove
A sugary sweet Shrunkyclunks AU where Bucky is a genuis, Steve is Captain America, and both of them are awkward as all hell (as they should be). A perfect read for an airport! (Which is where I first read it.)
If a Train Leaves the Station at 60 mph, How Fast will Bucky Barnes Fall in Love with Steve Rogers? by @jinlinli with art by @tasteslikekeys
An adorable high school AU that is perhaps the best-named fanfic of all time. Tasteslikekeys’ adorable art accompanies an uplifting story where the teenagers win!
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap by @aggressivewhenstartled
Everything aggressivewhenstartled writes ends up making me laugh hysterically in public, and this WIP is no exception. Steve and Bucky swap bodies and go on a road trip with Peter. It’s hilarious and charming and every time it updates (or I get any notification that aggressivewhenstartled has written something new) I am filled with joy.
I need to go to bed now, but I know there are authors whose works I didn’t list specifically here who I love, so here are a few: @biblionerd07 @what-alchemy @cesperanza @spitandvinegar @rohkeutta @soldieronbarnes @essieincinci @leveragehunters @hakunahistata @mrscalculation ......... I’m sure I could name a hundred others, but I am pretty sleepy, so I am sorry if I made a mistake and forgot about you.
But more than anything, thanks to everyone who puts themselves out there and writes and shares fic with the rest of us. You’re amazing and I love you!!!
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soulgenuine · 7 years
Seasons of Life
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What is it about a simple change in weather that can bring out the best in people? It's almost like each new season is a new beginning of sorts. It's very representation of newness stirs up changes in our souls. Autumn visions of our favorite warm cozy sweater, rich hot cocoa, and steaming hot apple cider spring into action in our hearts.
I wanted to share my devotional that I wrote this morning. In 1 Peter 1:4-7
you who are kept by the power of god through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rehoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuiness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory ar the revelation of Jesus Christ. 
In verse 6, is says though now for “a little while”, if need be you have been grived by various trials. That phrase a little while literally means a season. I like the phrase “a little while”. That tells me the season is going to end. It is not forever. Every season ends whether its winter, spring, summer or fall every season has an end. 
Peter encourages us to see the trials we face as temporary, something that only lasts for a while. One of the critical things I need to do when faced with trials is continue to trust God in the midst of those trials. I have faced different kinds of trials in my life. In fact it always after the another. But no matter how difficult it is, do not unplug your faith, even when things get rough. Keep trusting God and His promises. 
The Bible also references new changes and beginnings in our lives as being seasons. Seasons are metaphors for God's perfect timing in delivering us through all the changes He makes in our lives. These certain seasons can bring about the blessings we reap from having been obedient in following him through those changes even if we did not fully understand or welcome them. I wanted to share my devotional I wrote this morning This scripture tells us to never give up. No matter how long, strenuous and painstaking the road or trials are in our lives, there is always a new season ahead, a season of new beginnings. 
Every day we can make the decision to begin again. We can adopt a positive mindset to overcome, conquer, and live triumphantly. All beginnings must eventually come to an end so a new beginning, a new season, can commence. We need to take the opportunity to look ahead at what can be and forget the what might have beens. We can challenge ourselves to be better, live higher, rise above our own self-appointed limitations. We can look ahead to a new season of thinking, speaking, acting and living more positively. Each subtle change we implement towards living a more positive life will eventually take root and manifest itself into our days, weeks, months and years.
A beautiful tree full of wonderful green foliage and rich, ripened fruit can offer shelter, nourishment, and shade, but only temporarily. The leaves eventually turn brilliant hues of crimsons, golds, reds and oranges, offering us a wonderful spectacle to behold, a brushstroke of genius only God can artfully paint. Then, those leaves must fall, leaving that beautiful tree bare and vulnerable as it must survive the harshest of seasons.The tree must go through that season to begin a new life, a new cycle,with budding blossoms fragrant and beautiful. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
 In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3 
We need to be incessantly grateful and thank God continually even when our future seems very unclear. We can still stay firmly planted in faith so we will never wither; but always prosper and produce good fruit. All glory comes then from daring to begin, daring to change, ushering in each new season, and forever trusting God with each unpredictable new step. Never stop believing and growing. We can never fully know what God's intentions are for us, but we can always do our absolute best with where He has placed us right now. Only then, when we have learned all there is to learn and are truly grateful in this place, this season, will God move us to a new, more bountiful, and blessed season. 
One last thing I wanted to share is by heading back to 1 Peter 1:5-7. Something tells me we could all continue to use the encouragement of Peter’s words. Regardless of what you are going through in life today, we need to rejoice. Keeping our sense of humor it will help us to oulast our trials. My friends, do not let your trials rob you of your joy. 
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