#it’s not that sasuke dislikes any of the outfits but he is embarrassed to wear naruto’s clothes. the pink and the pink are also a little
cloudabserk · 4 months
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naruto’s thoughts on dress up, and how he’d like to dress sasuke:
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his own clothes and some miscellaneous “cool” outfit seemed obvious, but i also thought he’d like the look of sasuke in something more feminine, based on how enamored naruto was with haku and sakura’s looks
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Fourteen: The Color Yellow ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino ] [ SasuHina, bullying ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
She hates, hates, hates days like today. And by ‘like today’, Hinata specifically means one of the most dreaded days of the school year:
Picture day.
There’s just something so...embarrassing about having her picture taken. Part of it is her appearance: twelve years old, and still with such a round baby face. Her father still refuses to let her grow her hair out, stuck with the same short cut she’s had since starting school. All the other girls, it seems, have gotten to let their hair reach such pretty, flowing lengths. She can’t help but be a little jealous. Add in that Hinata’s found herself to be a bit of an early bloomer, and she just...doesn’t like pictures of herself at all.
But the other most annoying part is that her father insists she wear the stupidest outfits. Staunch, unflattering, and just...overall horrible.
This year? A dress that looks straight out of the fifties. It’s honestly so dated she can hardly stand to look at it. And the color?
Yellow. Bright, slightly-off yellow. With white trim. Her already pale skin looks all the more washed out against the obnoxious shade...and she just knows she’s going to be poked fun at over it. She’s in the sixth grade, a new middle schooler, and Hiashi still gets to pick her picture day outfit. As she gets on the bus, Hinata begins mentally preparing herself to resist the barrage of comments from those like Sakura and Ino. Hinata struggles enough to fit in fashionably normally...but this? This is going to be painful.
Huddled in the corner of her seat, she keeps her backpack on her lap, doing her best to hide behind it. Of course, no one ever sits with her. No one ever pays her any mind. But she doesn’t want to run the risk of gaining anyone’s attention. And with it, their inevitable mockery.
But eventually...she’s going to have to get off the bus. As an extreme, she considers hiding once all the other students get off, but...well, the driver always does a sweep. And surely they’ll call her father if she doesn’t show up to class. Not only will she get in trouble with the school and her teachers, but with her father as well. And Hiashi would be livid if she ever skipped so much as a single class.
...best to not even consider it. No matter what the other girls say to her, it would never compare to an angry Hiashi Hyūga.
So when the bus pulls up along the front of the school, everyone disembarking, Hinata swallows harshly before shakily standing and making her way out.
At least outside, with such a crowd, no one really seems to notice. It won’t be until she’s inside, probably in the classroom, that anyone will give her a second look and realize how ridiculous her outfit is.
Just ignore them, Hinata...y-you hate it as much as they do. They...they just… Oh, what’s the use...there’s no fooling herself. Never will be. It’s not just the outfit they dislike. It’s her. All of her. Her looks, her personality...she’s just your typical misfit.
Stepping up to the front door, Hinata gives it a somber look before making her way in.
The hallways, of course, are a madhouse: her middle school is fairly big, made bigger by the fact it’s technically also part elementary school: two separate wings for each group of students. She’s spent all of her time as a student here. It won’t be until the final four years she’ll get to leave this building behind and possibly find a better niche than the one she’s found...that being a lonely corner, out of the way.
The shuffle and quick pace means she’s mostly ignored - how in such a bright outfit, she’s really not sure. But at least by some grace she makes it to her locker without anyone giving her any trouble. Hurriedly, she puts away her bag, gathering what she’ll need for her first hour block. Maybe if she gets sat down quick enough, she’ll -
“Oh, wow…”
Her back muscles tense, frozen and facing her locker.
She knows that voice.
There’s a bubbling of laughter. “I didn’t know today was a costume day...trying to look like the sun?” Behind Hinata, Ino can’t help but snicker. “That has to be the ugliest shade of yellow I’ve ever seen.”
“M...my dad...picked it,” Hinata offers feebly, still not turning around. Maybe she can put the blame elsewhere…
“Wait, your dad still dresses you? Well...I guess that explains a lot.”
...or it will just make things worse.
“Well there won’t be any mistaking you in the yearbook,” the blond then offers, shrugging her shoulders. “I think the editors might have to tone down the brightness or they’ll go blind!”
Clutching her books, Hinata just waits until she hears Ino’s laughter disappear down the hall. Okay, well...that was probably the worst of it. Sakura will probably have words, but hers are never quite as sharp as Ino’s: just attempts at follow ups that never pan out quite as well.
Everyone else will probably just laugh. And...she’s used to that.
Clinging her supplies to her chest, she speedily walks to her first classroom, taking her seat near the back and doing her best to sink in her chair. Most of the others are too busy talking to friends or hurrying to finish up homework to notice her...good. Hopefully it will stay that way. The biggest hurdles will be the actual pictures...and lunch. If she can just make it through those...the worst will be over.
Then she can try to pretend that today never happened.
More and more students filter in, and Hinata just sits still, eyes flickering in search of anyone looking at her. But, as per usual, she’s mostly ignored.
“Nice outfit.”
Almost jumping out of her skin, Hinata looks to the desk next to her own in the corner. Setting his books atop it is her typical neighbor, Sasuke. His brow is perked, looking her over critically. “Did you mean to wear that?”
Slowly blooming pink, Hinata tries to figure out a passable answer. Does she dare admit the same excuse as she did to Ino? “U...um…”
“Cuz I mean...that’s nothing like what you usually wear.”
...she blinks. Blinks again. He…? But…? How would he know…? Unless he’s been…?
“...m...my father p-picked it out. He’s, um...he’s v-very strict about my...about my school p-picture.”
Understanding brightens Sasuke’s face a bit. “...that makes sense. He, uh...really doesn’t have a clue about clothes, does he? You look like a banana.”
The color in her cheeks gets darker. “I...I-I know…”
“Didn’t bring anything to change into after pictures?”
“...no…” She hadn’t thought of that…
“Well...guess you’re stuck with it.”
Wilting a bit, Hinata nods in defeat.
“Eh, whatever. It’s just one day. My brother says the seniors always dress up goofy for theirs. Maybe if anyone asks, you’re just starting early.”
Another blink. “...they do?”
“Yeah. Drives my brother nuts.” A hint of a smile pulls at his lips. “He’s such a prude...I bet he won’t do it next year.”
“W...will you? I-I mean, when you’re a...a senior?”
“I might. Guess it depends on how I feel. It’s a long time between now and then, after all. But hey, you’re not the only one who’s gotta dress up.”
Blinking, Hinata watches as Sasuke tugs the zipper of his jacket. Beneath is a dress shirt, complete with a bright red tie. It...looks a bit odd with his shorts and sneakers.
“The pictures are only waist up, so the rest doesn’t matter,” he explains at her confused expression, closing the zipper. A hint of a smirk pulls at his lips. “This way, I can hide it all day.”
“...lucky,” she can’t help but comment, going red as she realizes he heard her.
“Didn’t bring a coat?”
“No...a-and even then, you can still see the s-skirt…”
“Oh...yeah, true.”
“Hey, Sasuke!”
Immediately, the boy’s face sours. Ino sashays her way over, perching atop his desk with one knee over the other. “What?”
“Just wanted to make sure you’re not going blind back here,” she quips with a smirk. “Poor thing, having to look at that ugly dress...I don’t know which is worse: that, or wearing it!”
All the while, Hinata just sits silently, taking the abuse with a tight jaw.
“Funny, I was gonna say it’s about the same shade as your hair,” Sasuke retorts.
The blonde gives him an aghast glance. “...what?!”
“She didn’t pick the clothes, Ino. Leave her alone. You really got nothing better to do than make fun of her for an outfit she doesn’t even want?”
“I...but…she looks ridiculous!”
By now, the talk has garnered some attention, other students looking back curiously.
“So? Like I said, it’s not what she wanted. So leave her alone. It’s just a dress.” Standing, Sasuke then asks, “You wanna see ridiculous?” He reopens his coat, gesturing to the non sequitur between his top and the rest of his outfit.
A few kids laugh, including Sasuke’s best friend Naruto.
“Gonna laugh at me too, Ino? Or is this not really about clothes?”
Mouth flapping like a fish out of water as she fails to find a response, Ino instead claps her lips shut and retreats back to her desk.
“Tch...there.” Not bothering to zip his coat, Sasuke retakes his seat. “...I think that settles that.”
Hinata gapes at him. “...you…?”
“...nevermind.” Well...maybe today won’t be so bad after all.
     It's so late omg @~@ I...didn't really like this prompt, so this is rather...random? But it's all I could really think of. Poor Hinata, I'm always writing her getting bullied...but that's typically what happens to the quiet kids. Either they're ignored, or poked fun at =/      But at least Sasuke's got her back on this one!      Anyway, it's SUPER late, I gotta go! Thanks for reading~
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narutooccritiques · 7 years
Hayato Hyuga
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Alright. I've been Extremely inactive lately and I think it's time for me to start my Naruto OC Critiques. Again, I'm sorry for being extremely inactive and I'm going to try to stick to a routine of "One Critique a week", just to try and keep myself active as possible. Alrighty, enough of that now let's start
(REMINDER: I AM ONLY CRITIQUING THE OC AND HAVE NOTHING PERSONAL AGAINST THE CREATOR OF THE OC. THIS IS NOT A ATTACK TO THE ARTIST OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT. THIS CRITIQUE IS MY PERSONAL OPINIONS AND I WOULD RESPECT YOUR OPINION IF YOU RESPECT MINE. THANK YOU!) ------------ Hello again and we are back with another Naruto OC Critiques. Today we will be reviewing a vary handsome OC named Hayato Hyuga by Itsnattie.Deviantart.com This OC really strikes my interest because it's extremely hard to find a good looking Hyuga OC that does not look and act like exactly clone of Neji or Hinata
Let's start with Hayato's appearance. I'm loving the hair, short and it appears that he has a small bit of it that grew out towed the right side of his face. I like this because it's not long and flowing down his back like most Hyuga OC's. I also love the small bead that's attached to the strand of hair. Now, his facial features are really good. I like the scars on his face, they are just placed so perfectly and the creator didn't over do it either. Also I love the small bit of facial hair on the chin as well, which is a good touch and attention to detail. His outfit really is what brings this OC to a whole different level and puts him in a league of his own. First let's start off with the color. I really enjoy the dark dull blue, This really strikes as a "ninja" to me, it's not a soft dull powder blue or a normal dark blue, it's dark, dull, and really says "I'm a ninja and I'm positive you can't see me in the bushes" I like his sash belt with the village symbol on it. I like that it's not a complete headband. It's a quick look that really tells you where he's from but at the same time doesn't slam in your face as "alright look at my obvious headband". Now his pants, I really like the design and style of his pants but I do have a problem with the color. As a ninja I would say "pure white is not the rout to go on" I like how dark the top is but once I see the pants it's like "Who are you trying to hide from?" I do wish the pants was a dark grey, black, or even the same color as your top. But I honestly do really like the outfit as a whole. I don't know why they picked the red for this character but half of me loves it and another half is like "Dude, that needs to be black" I'm conflicted with the red cloth he has. The shoes are honestly a breath of fresh air as well. You don't see many - hell, you don't see any Naruto OC's with his foot wear. It really translates well with his outfit and his backstory (which we will be getting to that next) and it really relates to the Japanese Ninjas of the past
Now it's time to move onto his History/Background. So reading into it, his mother was a assassin before his birth. Once his mother gave birth to him their family was fine until Hayato turned 8 years of age. To fill his mother's role and obligation to the assassin's group (Which the creator never gave a name or the assassin's group, they just know it's a secret organization) Already I like how this is starting. I like the aspect of "Its a assassin organization and no name keeps it a secret" I also like and dislike how the child of assassin's are put into the group at such a young age. Let's be realistic for a moment. By the age of 8 a organization comes and takes your child away, of course you would know what's going on but what about the child? By the age of 8 a child has already formed a bond - a connection with their parents. I would assume that so many questions are running through this child's head, Who are you people? Why are you taking me away from my family? Why isn't mommy stopping this? or am I ever going to see them again? This must have been vary traumatic for Hayato and not to mention, where is this child's father and what would his father say about strangers taking his oldest son away? Also the sister must have something to say as well, where is my older brother at? I just wish the creator would have put more into the story pertaining to the emotions of Hayato and the emotions of the family in that moment. Let's continue, Despite all that he must stay in the organization till they have children or till they die.
Let's move on to his Relationship. All I could find is that he is married to Hotaru Uzumaki and has two children, Minako Hyuga (Daughter) and Kojo Hyuga (Son). I really love how it's not a popular cannon character (I find that annoying and a waist of a ship) the creator took their time out to make a OC (or their friend took the time) to be paired with their main oc. I think that OC x OC ships are amazing and should be approached more, but that's just me.
Let's get to his personality. I'm not a fan of simple personality descriptions. They made Hayato's personality all choppy and it's hard to read but here we go! From what it says, Hayato enjoys The Winter, Loneliness, Ramen, Training and Testing new weapons. I dont really see how this part of his personality is different from your average "Loner" OC. It's vary one dimensional. I'm not a big fan of the "Loneliness" part. This makes it seem like he doesn't enjoy the aspects of love and compaction for himself or anybody (He has a family so I would assume that he doesn't like the concept of true loneliness) It would have been better if they would have said "Hayato enjoys his space and being left alone for a some time", personal I think that sounds better. He dislikes Embarrassment, Pork, being distracted, impulsive people, and.... Sammer? Alright, his dislikes are better because it feels more human. Nobody enjoys embarrassment or being distracted. Not many people like pork tbh and he's a assassin, so it just normal for him to not like impulsive people. Impulsive people have a high percentage of having the team fail because of their reckless behavior. Your a assassin, swiftness and stealth is the key to success. Let's continue with his personality, mood and behavior wise. Back to the Loneliness thing, It says that "He likes loneliness because it helps him focused on new ideas and make important decisions" This simply means that he likes to be alone because it gives him time to think not the fact that he only feels loneliness. "He can be cold sometimes and distant" This is nice to hear because at least he's not SASUKE! "But he can get worried when it comes to his mates being in harm's way or needing help" That's nice too because this shows that he cares about his love ones and he will take himself out of being alone to do what's right for his family and friends. I would also love to know if his personality traits are hereditary or his personality is a influence on his experience growing up. Who knows? would his personality be a lot more cheerful and positive if he would have grew up with his parents?, Would his personality be a product of his environment?, or are his emotions and personality the same as his parents? His parents likes and dislikes paused on genetically to Hayato?, I'd love to know that!
Let's see about his Jutsu, Chakra Nature and Abilities. So far I could find nothing. All I found was that he can use Earth, Wind, and Fire (Cue September opening lol joke) Releases. It's a shame that I couldn't see or read what he could do, ability wise. It would have been really really cool.
Ok, I've dissected this OC in and out and I have to say I really like this OC. This is honestly a well balanced OC. He's not like most of the male OCs I find who either are overpowered, depressed, Revenge seeking all powerful god level men. He's balanced and I'm happy to say that I do like this character a lot.
Appearance: 9.8/10 History/Background: 7/10 Relationships: 9.9/10 Personality: 6/10 Chakra/Abilities/Jutsu: NO REAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS SO I CAN'T GIVE A RATE!
FINAL DECISION: Well balanced OC with a lot potential. Can use a a bit more work, personality wise but besides that, this is a great OC
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