#it’s the campfire by the last silga quest
cicadaknight · 1 year
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had aloy tellin tales to these desert tenakth and they followed me to fight machines for a quest
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs People In Difficulty
I did not want to be up early this morning but apparently the building management has the landscapers in so I woke up to tree-trimmers at 9am. Ugh. Anyway...
I do not have much time this morning because I did actually sleep until my alarm for once. Sooooo campfires. Heeeeeere campfires campfires campfires...
Huh. Quest up there. Who's this?
Someone getting attacked by machines. Let's do this.
...Okay, lady. I get being protective and tight-lipped, but...
Did ... did you just build a radio? You reverse-engineered a radio.
Riiiiiiight. I forgot how sexist the Oseram can be. Look, lemme see what I can pick up.
Quick climb and ... yes. Okay. Little better.
Well, apparently either Aloy doesn't know the word 'triangulate' or has decided that Silga doesn't. Either way, decent explanation.
Aww. Poor Silga. I will get the triangulations done. ...But not today because I have work. Shelter aaaaaaaand done.
Right. Next triangulation coordinate is up there someplace, and there's a Tallneck I can pick up on the way! Score!
Erm. Burrowers and Ravager on one side, Thunderjaw on the other. Talk about a rock and a hard place. Well, let's do some hunting.
One-shotted everything from stealth? Awesome. Aaaaand yeah, I'll go take out a Thunderjaw.
Gun ... radar array ... canister ... gun... Hee. POONK.
You still have mouth lasers buuuuuuut I am largely behind a rock. POONK. Bye, Thunderjaw.
...Sooooooooo there is nothing I can climb to get on this Tallneck. I guess I'm going to have to learn to unlock a flying machine, and then ride one. Yeesh.
Moving on toooooo ... oh, someone's in trouble.
...These are just Chargers, kids. Seriously.
Well, thanks for the welcome. I needed into Shattered Spear for a couple of reasons.
Hrm. Before I start doing things, let's go shopping. Let's see ... weapons.
Oooooooooh SHINY hunter bow. Overdraw damage, critical hit damage, critical hit chance ... stick on a couple of good coils and we're good.
Speaking of, what do they have for... PURPLE STEALTH DAMAGE COIL?!? MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!
Right. Climbing the Spear.
Just about to the top and then fell. FUCK. Glidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Okay, now how do I get up that last bit of--? Oh. There's a ramp inside. Duh.
Well, getting better. I can do the base one later. Lemme go talk to Tuvok-- Jetakkah, I mean.
Okay. Dude. Wait. Where are you going?
Why are you walking up to a wall and just standing there?
Right. This is bullshit. What's the quest name?
"Forbidden West wound in the--" Ah. That's already a commonly used search term. Wiiiiiiiiiiith "bug" attached to the name.
NOTE: To those playing this, if Jetakkah gets stuck walking into a wall? Restart, try again. Not just reload; restart. If that doesn't work, fast travel far away, restart, try again.
This apparently counts for both times this quest gets commonly bugged.
(It was an issue on Playstation too, so this isn't just a port issue.)
Right; I'm about done for the morning anyway. I'll try again later.
And now, work.
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