#usually they go fight the shellsnapper to the south
cicadaknight · 1 year
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had aloy tellin tales to these desert tenakth and they followed me to fight machines for a quest
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs the Sons of Prometheus
Had to leave off last night because the migraine was too bad to start in on the hyperfocus. Feeling somewhat better today, so I figured to just get a few side quests going.
Right. Runda's Rollerback salvage. And then maybe I'll go do Handa's stuff because it feels unfair. Granted, Runda really needed help whereas Handa's just ... erm ... Handa, but y'know. Fairness in all things? I guess?
Oh. Except if I'm really being fair, I should probably check on that rebel camp the delvers have been on about.
This is ... actually useful. Show myself juuuuuuuuuust enough to lead people out of camp, and then shoot them when they're out in the open. I am such an ambush predator.
Only problem is knowing exactly how much or how little is "showing myself juuuuuuuuuuuuuust enough" because now I'm in melee. Oh, fuck you, rebel shithead.
...I ... do not know how I did that thing where I rammed Aloy's knee into her attacker's face but I doubt I will be able to repeat it. No matter how much I want to. This is part of why fighting games will never be my thing. Well, that and the fibro.
And we're in the camp and ... where is everybody else? Oh. Right. I lured them all outside and killed them.
...Oooooooh, so this is how they're overriding machines. I mean, respect to them for figuring out that whole deal of pulling remote override cores out of Corrupters and then trapping machines with the intent of performing surgery on them, but still, yeesh. Also they can't be doing very well at this if there are this many machine corpses lying around.
Welp. No more of you. Stabby-stabby.
Okay. So. Where is everybody else?
Ah. There's like three of them behind this wall. How do I get in?
Oh. Okay. Gate.
And you ... and you ... aaaaaaaand you. Sorry, Son of Prometheus sniper; I am a waaaaaay better sniper than you. Now. Let's have a look.
Focus that I need to deal with back at base. Right. Okay. I had to go back there for a couple of bits and pieces of quest anyway. I guess this is important enough to drag me back there fairly soon.
Also ... can I just pretend in my head that the Oseram going along with this were just caught by the possibilities of the tech, and aren't blatantly evil? I usually like the Oseram.
...Well, there was Ulvund. Like I said; usually.
.........Maybe if I tell Erend about this, he can crack some Oseram heads and tell them to stop being shitheads. That'd be nice.
Anyway. Rollerback salvage. If I actually have to kill a Rollerback for this, I'm going to be pissed.
Oh. Okay. So it's just picking salvage out of a field and--
Right. So much for you, you subterranean pain in my ass. Now. ROLLERBACK. SALVAGE. Plus some extra Shellsnapper bits.
Oooh. Shiny close-range bow. This will be useful when I've upgraded it a little more. I should put together a shopping list.
(Honestly I'm really glad that whatever arbitrary time limit I've been given to get main quest shit done isn't really worth beans. I'd hate to think I doomed the world because I was trying to help an Oseram lady win an armour contest and upgrade my gear Because Reasons.)
Okay. I should head in a Handa-ward direction, but again I'm going for campfires and ... oh. Ruins. I should check those.
If there's a metal flower in there I am going to scream and punch things.
Nope. Just Firegleam. Now ... how am I doing this?
Huh. We're playing with water physics today, are we? Okay. A-swimming we will go.
Y'know, I didn't even look at what symbols this stupid holo-whatever was giving off. I have ceased to care. I am soggy and I would like out of the water hole, please.
(Why can't we go tell Drakka that, hey, if they want to go south a ways, there's a whole flooded ruin that might be a source of potable water while they wait for the Wound to fill up again? This feels like a waste.)
Right. More campfires and ... okay, that Thunderjaw looks upset. Oh, look, Oseram are baiting it again. Lemme see what I can do about this.
SO glad I'm getting better at dodge-rolling. Smoke-bomb, dodge-roll, INTO the bush I go.
What's all this now? Oh. Rebels. It's dark, I'm stealthy, and you're all doomed. Bye, rebels!
Ooh. Spikesnout. I can always use bits from them.
Okay. Just going to collect this shelter, because shelters are awesome and it's the best place to pause for the day. Though I should consider going back to Base later to drop shit off, and also to a settlement to dump some vendor trash.
Also I need to see if I can upgrade anything-- Huh. One upgrade on the shiny purple short-range bow. What do I need for upgrade 2? Ah. Greenshine cluster. I have fragments and slivers a-plenty, but no clusters. Lemme check my map.
Okay, new order of proceedings. Stop game, have food, see how much time I have before D&D, and then possibly go hunt up that greenshine cluster up in the mountains to the east.
I have more to-do lists for my video games than I do for my Being A Motherfucking Adult sometimes and it's weird. Ah well. At least it's more fun. And takes up fewer spoons.
On that note, food.
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