#it’s typical for the type of video classes he’s doing but man. I’m bored LOL
samuraisharkie · 1 year
why is Ronnie Williford so bland at speaking 😭😭😭 I want to take these classes but he speaks in such a way that just does not engage me
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] College!AU Zoom University Headcanons
For the 7 Demon Brothers + Solomon
Scenario: Headcanons about how you interact with the demon brothers online during online lectures via Zoom (an online video platform that universities have been using to teach classes) and their habits using it
Notes: gn!MC, Considering most universities (including mine) are all online AGAIN fall quarter and we’re going to be using Zoom forever……. i kinda wish i DID have online classes with the demon boys (and Solomon) 
Video off, mic off, no profile pic just the typical first and last name, so you don’t really talk to him but you do see his name pop up in the Zoom chat to ask clarification questions
Accidentally has his mic on sometimes
First time you interact with him is when you private message him “hey, I think your mic is still on” because everyone can hear his brothers arguing in the background
The mic is soon turned off and you get a response back “thanks. Sorry you had to hear all of that”
“Yeah no prob. How many brothers do you have anyways?”
“Too many.” 
Thus starts your relationship with him as zoom buddies, asking each other privately what the professor just said and some clarification questions
If you’re shy about asking stuff, he has no problems asking for you; never makes you feel dumb about your questions
first time you hear his voice during midterm season when the professor doesn’t see your messages (“you’d expect them to know how this all works by now” he messages you dryly) and he asks his question out loud before the professor can move on
(lowkey think he’s hot just from his voice) 
Then highkey finds out he’s hot when his video is accidentally on for a few seconds when he’s distracted with Asmo or Mammon in the background 
Bonus points if you tease him about it 
Shows up at office hours when the TA is late and you just talk to him, exchange emails and numbers ;) y’know for homework help
If you’re going to do group projects, he seeks you out first-- god forbid he’s stuck with someone who doesn’t do the work ONLINE
Mic is ALWAYS accidentally on until the professor mutes him or tells him to mute himself 
“Oh, sorry prof!!! My b!!”
Private messages you on purpose to ask a clarification question because he doesn’t want to seem dumb asking it to everyone or to the professor
You wonder why he chose you but then you realize it’s because you had asked a question yourself earlier in the lecture or answered a question 
It becomes a recurring thing-- like EVERY lecture
If you’re not annoyed at him, then you might suggest that the two of you share a document for notes or tease him about just having you teach the lecture if he’s confused
“Actually, that sounds great!” he types to you before you could say jk “that’d help me a lot, thanks!!”
Smh why did you sign up for more work for yourself but oh well, he seems like a nice guy
Is also a very attractive guy, you realize, when you schedule a zoom meeting with him and actually see his face
Realizes why he keeps asking questions is because he plays card games on a split screen instead of paying attention to lecture (same tho)
Invites you to join him by private messaging you a link to join (and you do eventually when lectures gets boring)
Sometimes sends the invite link to the whole class by accident 
He admits he wouldn’t even attend lecture and would just watch the recording but you’re always there so he goes 
Which means you suppose you should keep going to lecture if anything to have him go as well 
Already the master of online classes tbh and has no problem with the format
Finds it kind of annoying when there’s technical difficulties, but he just quickly switches to a tab to watch anime 
Probably is just watching anime on another tab if the lecture gets boring or slow anyways
He’s always the first one to answer forum/discussion posts because he’s just very tech-savvy and good at replying to people
First interaction is probably him answering one of your questions on the discussion question and from then on after you start messaging him privately during lecture when you have a question you think he can help with
A little hesitant on helping you, but you’re also just really nice to him so he’s okay with helping you, I guess 
Give him your email? Why? So he can send you the book pdfs and previous practice tests of course, why else?? 
O-Oh, you want to add him on social media? Just to ask for homework questions right? Okay, yeah, sure! o////o 
If video is on, you see the reflection of anime in one of his mirrors and casually ask him which episode he’s on
Has never been so shook or attentive in his LIFE 
He is a godsend during every breakout room because he ACTUALLY TALKS instead of leaving you in a quiet room alone with three other strangers
You think you’re lowkey in love with him when he has no problems volunteering to present to the professor and putting his thoughts into words so eloquently
He also appreciate you talking during discussion too, and enjoys the conversations the two of you have while you’re not even sure the other blank profile pics are even there anymore 
He’s the one to suggest making a shared doc to share notes and study together-- the man is productive and efficient about this, what can I say?
Manages to convince you to go to office hours with him and meet up for studying hours and ooooh he’s hot 
He’s actually a very good study buddy, especially when he’s teaching you something you’re confused about, but also just good to study together with (when you’re not too busy staring at him) 
The only reason why you’re focused during class because he’d look disappointed at you if you weren’t-- that’s on you for caring about what he thinks, but he’s just so PUT TOGETHER how do you NOT look up to him?
Finds out that he’s actually just a mess like everyone else when his brothers come in during one of your study session and he says “excuse me,” mutes the mic and goes off screen; you can see some shadows in the back as satan shoves his brothers out of the room and manhandles them till they leave
Is kind of embarrassed he forgot to turn of video too but you just think it’s funny because you relate to the lack of privacy of online classes (and perhaps annoying siblings)
How the hell does he look awake and lively at a 9am lecture class????
Is that make up??? Is he… wearing PANTS??? (you don’t remember the last time you put on actual pants)
The most functional-looking person in the entire zoom lecture, asides from the professor 
Has video on all the time-- because honestly why wouldn’t he? He actually looks good
Definitely not paying attention most of the time, and you see it on his face 
Messages you first when you actually wear something nice for once because you’re going to go to the supermarket afterwards
“Ooh, where’d you get that accessory??”
The two of you end up not paying attention AT ALL and instead just gush about each other’s outfits
Definitely is not afraid to ask for your social media so you can follow each other and ask for homework help I guess but MAINLY to talk to each other because online classes can get sooooo tedious 
Really really wants to be able to meet you in person someday when it’s safe (“we’d look so cute together!!!”) but settles for facetime or zoom meet-ups 
Really does not hesitate to make friends and make the best out of social situations despite remote format bless him 
The only time he doesn’t turn on video is after a night of drinking with his brothers (“it was mammon’s birthday” he types into the chat with you, “ugh i’m probably going to go lie down, let me know how lecture goes”)
Always eating-- even if this wasn’t online, he’d also be the one to bring snacks-- his whole LUNCH to class to eat so this isn’t too surprising 
You think it’s hilarious when he actually brings his laptop or phone (whatever he’s using zoom with) to the kitchen and literally makes dinner during the lecture
Sometimes you watch his tiny video of him putting stuff into the oven than the lecture slides and you bet your entire class is doing that too 
Sometimes you ask him jokingly what he’s cooking and you’re surprised when he pauses and answers your question mid-dinner making
“Lasagna. You want some?” 
“Yeah send it over through mail bro”
You don’t actually know if he’s actually retaining any lecture information, but apparently he’s doing decent enough-- still, if you offer to share your notes, he’d be so grateful
“Where do you live?”
“Ldfjalskjd why are you going to send me food?” 
“Yeah. What’s your address? I’ll send you a box of cookies or something.” 
Basically he just does NOT care what the entire class sees him doing; he could be cooking, eating, working out-- he’s listening to the lecture out loud but he’s giving you a show (whether it’s a cooking show or a work out video depends on the time of day)
If the lectures are recorded, you’ll never see him, especially if the class is early in the morning LOL
If you do see him during lecture and video is on, he’s always in his pajamas or sleep clothes, a pillow in front of him 
During discussion, if video is required, he probably has a screenshot of himself awake as a profile picture so he can snooze away pretending like he’s actually there 
You definitely notice because he’s the first video to show up in your gallery and his video is like never moving HAHA
You finally message him when the TA splits you all into breakout rooms when you’re all supposed to be finding the answer or discussing something to be shared later
Kind of awkward at first because he’s like… asleep, but when he wakes up blearily, he does participate-- if only for your sake and for discussion points 
“Hey… wake me up if the TA or professor asks us any questions, will ya?” he says as he puts his head down and sleeps 
Since you and him are now officially breakout room buddies, you message him when you have a question and know that he’ll probably respond to you by the end of class because he actually knows the material despite sleeping through half of the class
Is actually very appreciative of you that you volunteer to speak on behalf of your breakout room if no one else does because that means HE doesn’t have to do it
The one to make the groupchat/slack link and send it to everyone in the class so we could actually help each other in the class
Shares a link to a google folder with resources
Highkey more useful than a TA sometimes 
Super helpful, efficient, and charismatic… but suspiciously so
Like where did he get all these pdfs? Where did he get all these 100% test from previous years? And-- is that an answer key??? To what???
Video isn’t on ever, so you have no clue what he looks like… until you’re in the same discussion as him and he turns on his video for breakout rooms
He always, ALWAYS sits at the island in the kitchen and sips coffee whenever you have discussion with him 
Responds back to you almost immediately if you ask him questions during lecture (because honestly, why not-- he seems smart and has his life together) but if anyone messages him in the groupchat, surprisingly takes a while to reply… maybe he’s busy?
Anyhow you’re not gonna question it; you’re gonna pass this class and Solomon is carrying everyone to an A+
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What's the first thing you thought in your head when you woke up today? I thought about calling Gab, which I did and which made me fall right back asleep. If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would...? I’d put likeeeee 15% trust in them because they’re still my best friend lmao, but I’d mostly be challenging them about their ~skill. I’d be curious to know when it started, what exactly is it they see, whether it’s been accurate the whole time they’ve had it, etc. Tl;dr I’d basically apply my journalism lessons irl lol. Write a random quote that comes to your head: “Tried to keep my eyes closed, I want you so bad, then I woke and it was so sad.” Idk if it counts as a quote but I’ve had this lyric by The Japanese House in my head for a few minutes. What's your opinion on milk chocolate? I like it, but it can get a little too sweet for me and I usually don’t like how too sweet feels for my throat. I’d take it over dark chocolate though. What about Dark Chocolate? I like it too, but I can probably only eat a block or two before finding it too bitter. Idk man, I’ve always been a white chocolate girl.
You do know that white chocolate isn't even really chocolate, right? Yeah, but it’s just the right amount of sweet for me so it’s always been my fave. Do you get annoyed when surveys mention a band you've never heard of? I entirely skip those surveys so that I just don’t have to deal with them, because yes I do get annoyed lol. What's your opinion about Katy Perry's song "I kissed a girl"? Ahead of its time. It’s not one of my favorite singles but I wouldn’t change the station if it suddenly played – and I’d certainly make my parents sit through the whole song. What's your least favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni. What would you do if you discovered the US was now drafting for the war? Aren’t they always in war with some other country? As someone from a relatively poor country it’s always been a little laughable, surprising, and even a little appalling seeing how much Americans spend for WAR. We’re here wishing every school had an adequate amount of desks and chairs, and they’re out there buying bombs and tanks. Sad. Are you even living in America, or are you from another country? Last question should answer that for you. What's your favorite social website? I love Twitter. Everyone is a mess in there and it’s where people hang out for the memes. It’s great. Do you believe in heaven? If so, what's it like? If not, why? I don’t really believe in it but a part of me finds comfort in the idea of reuniting with my loved ones after death. Still, I mostly think of death as permanent sleep – it just makes the most sense to me. What's your favorite video game? Not a big video game gal but I always wanna play Grand Theft Auto just to be a law-abiding citizen HAHAHA In your opinion, is Bzoink the best place to find fun surveys? It’s been my go-to for the longest time, so yeah.
What kind of mood are you in right now, and why? I’m a little more content than I’ve been in the last few days. I’ve recently been hanging out at our rooftop until very late at night because we have a pretty view of the city and the stars, and it’s sooooo peaceful up here; I dunno why I never hung out here before. I’m also more than halfway through the 1,500-word essay I need to do for one of my classes, so I’m feeling good and proud of myself. What's your opinion of high school? It’s all honestly so stupid with all the cliques, the proms, and the pressure to have high grades; but it’s also your chance to be dumb, make friends, make mistakes, and have fun. Some of my most precious memories, important lessons, and best relationships came from high school, so as stupid as it got sometimes, I’m always grateful for the four years. Do you prefer the country or city? CITY. I’m already too used to the internet, the nice restaurants, and the hustle and bustle of the city to be separated from it. That’s not to say I don’t like vacationing in provinces – I really do, but it’s only a matter of time before I get homesick for the city. Texting: Is it fun, evil, boring, or none of the above? It’s none of these things for me? It’s just convenient, lmao. What email service do you use for your main (or only) email account? Gmail. What's your favorite dumb pick-up line? Pass on here, I’ve never liked pickup lines. What are your plans for the next 48 hours? Did you ever read "Captain Underpants" when you were little? OMG yes I diiiiiid. My parents didn’t allow to buy me those books cos they were a little immature, but I lived with a cousin who had the complete series. They were SO fun to read and so funny and the doodles were really entertaining. What's better: The old Cartoon Network, or the new one? Or do you not care? THANK you for the third option. I don’t care. Disney Channel shows are all pretty cheesy, aren't they? They definitely are now, but maybe that’s just because I’m older now. Older people in 2006 probably found That’s So Raven and The Suite Life corny too. What's your opinion on the Jonas Brothers? Crazy talented, both in 2009 and their recent comeback. I vibe with Sucker today the same way I vibed with SOS when I was 10 years old. What are some of your favorite singers/bands? I enjoy listening to Paramore, Beyoncé, Hozier, Ariana Grande, Hayley Williams as a solo artist, Coldplay, and Ben&Ben. Why do the lead singers in bands always get the most recognization?! Because they’re typically the most recognizable ones in the group. You have your guitars, basses, keyboards, drums... and I think people often recognize vocalists as the one that sets the band apart from others. Just my two cents though, and this is certainly not meant to undermine the band members who do play instruments. Did you ever believe in the Tooth Fairy? I did at one point, but my parents ruined any fictional character for me when I woke up not finding any money under my pillow. What's your favorite type of weather? Just any kind of weather that blocks the sun out is great with me. What's your opinion on reading books? If you have the time and passion for it then honestly good for you. I stopped being a bookworm a long time ago and I never got back into the groove. You're given a chance to act in a hollywood blockbuster! Would you accept? If I was a paid extra, sure lmao. What it if it was a movie directed by Tim Burton? (He directed Sweeney Todd) I know who Tim Burton is. Again, only if I were an extra lol. How do you feel about Taco Bell? It’s so good. I don’t care how unhealthy it is or what it’s actually made out of; it’s great comfort food for me haha. Are you hungry right now? Now that you mentioned Taco Bell I do want some cheap fast food right now lmao, but I guess I’m not having anything like that until the lockdown is lifted :/ :/ How often do you go on to YouTube? Everyday. I watch at least one video a day. It's possible to be addicted to anything... What are you addicted to? Using my phone, I guess. What's your opinion of Wallgreens? I don’t have any, because I only see hear of it in American vlogs hahahaha. Back when Spongebob Squarepants was famous, were you interested in it? 100%. Favorite cartoon as a kid. It’s still one of my favorites today. What's your dream pet? Any kind of dog except for chihuahua sounds like a dream. You see a mermaid while relaxing on the beach with friends. What now? Take a photo from afar and then share it with close friends. It’s up to them if they want to spread it on social media, but I’ll take a pass on that lol.
Who's been your favorite teacher growing up, and why? I liked Ms. Ettie because she always made sure all of her music lessons came with an important life lesson. She always led the class with a lot of grace and poise and treated all her students with respect no matter how much they were struggling in class, and I admire her tremendously for it. When you were little, did you ever like Pokemon? I did. I had the books, video games, cards, and pogs. How often do you get headaches? Only when I’m really stressed from school and haven’t eaten. Do you have any songs stuck in your head right now? If so, what? Nope.
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xenoxxe · 6 years
Usually I wake up at 5:50-6:00am and go back to sleep til about 7:00am. I still struggle with getting up every morning, and no. Its not because I'm just pure lazy. Some days I wake up and I can't get out of bed at all. Like a force holding me down and I feel compelled to just stay in place. Other days, I feel exhausted and upset for no real reason. Its like I just wake up sad for sometimes no real reason at all. But some days are better. Some days I feel completely motivated to get out of bed and power through the day. But those days are rare.
I either eat or I don't. I don't typically like to eat in the mornings, so I usually just skip breakfast. If I do eat, it's always something small. My go to is usually a piece of toast or some fruit. I mainly just snack periodically throughout the day to tide me over. Naturally, I don't feel the need to eat.
Around 7:45 to 8:00 is when I leave for school typically. I usually walk through alleys with my music blaring. I don't like being seen by other people, so I'd rather stick to something a little more hidden from public, even if it brings more potential dangers.
I arrive at school and usually stop at my locker and drop my stuff off first. Then I head to the cafeteria to hang out with my friends before class starts.
My first class is probably one of my personal favourites because I have an amazing teacher to teach me my favourite subject, science. Even if I show up to class upset or am more quiet than usual, he picks up right away and does his best to help me. He can always make me laugh and smile. It doesn't matter if I was having the worst day ever, he always has found a way to make it better.
I basically have a free period for the next to do whatever I want. I typically just go hang out with friends or finish math homework. Usually extremely boring class if I can't go hang out. However, it isn't always boring since I have a hilarious teacher. There was this one time where he stepped in dog poop and didn't realize it. He checked everyone's shoes except his own and when he sat back down at his desk, he realized the stench was worse where he was. When he realized it was him that had the dog poop on his shoe, he threw a sarcastic tantrum type thing. I'm not sure how to fully explain it but it was funny as hell.
Next class is typically the one I am worst in. Math. I really do struggle alot with math, so it's kind of nice to be able to sit with my best friend. I originally sat with someone I haven't gotten along with in years and he hates my guts.
I then have lunch. I usually have 2 main places I hang out and select people. I either hang out in the cafeteria or at tables close to classrooms. I don't usually feel compelled to eat at lunch either so I mainly just talk.
Next, I have English. I honestly really don't like my teacher very much already.. I don't want to be rude to her because she is of higher status than me, but some of the things she does or says to others is just flat out rude or offensive. I also don't know her very well and still am really anxious around her, but she seems to think we are best friends or something. I forgot my assignment at home and she told me I'd have to do something for her, which of course I'm not doing because I don't know her and it's her job to give me grades. I don't think there will be much that can change my mind about her.
Last, I have gym. I mean, I don't really mind the physical activity as long as there is music involved. I don't have many friends in my gym class because they either hate me, grew tired of me or don't talk to me. Other than that, I somewhat enjoy that class even on bad days. Mainly because of the loud music.
When school is done for the day, I walk home. I usually take the main road, with my blaring music still. I am always in a bad mood after school because of people that also walk home. They always think they are so entitled to everything and mock me, taunt/tease me or swear like a mad man. Also I hate slow walkers with a passion.
When I get home, the first thing I usually do is eat a snack. After that, I get boring. I usually go play video games (Overwatch) until supper. After supper, I go back to playing video games until about 9:30 or 11ish and get off. Unless it's Friday and I play d&d from right after school til about 8. Then I play video games for about an hour or two.
After I get off video games, I lay in bed again and think for a bit. I also sit down and talk to people til sometimes 4am. I don't get a ton of sleep due to insomnia. Im really bad at keeping normal sleeping schedules so it just gets progressively worse every night. Usually I have troubles falling asleep and staying asleep. I'm not gonna talk about much for my night because it can get very depressing.
Lol sorry for dragging this on. I know there's alot of stuff I left out, but most I left out on purpose because im lazy and not writing down each specific day.
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