#it'd be cuteeeeeeee
Here you go :]
Kamiko and Minori never kissed, but Minori thought about it a lot. This is actually loosely indicated once they start growing infatuated with each other by Minori clicking her tongue a lot when Kamiko is around and completely stopping whenever she's off her mind. It's something to do with her mouth so the thought doesn't drive her mad.
Minori is the one who basically initiated everything because Kamiko has extreme anxiety about attachments and relationships. It's a very "little miss perfect" type situation for her. In her mind, she has to be the very paragon of perfection and can't hesitate or stop for anything. She gets super awkward about relationships and basically any advancements. She doesn't have it in her to turn Minori down because she's aware of her own attraction to Minori and doesn't want to reject her- a small, very teenage part of her wants to nurture the fantasy of a relationship with her- but she basically just lets Minori act on it, and tries not to outwardly reciprocate. She's... not the greatest at this.
There are several points at which Minori accidentally flirts with Kamiko, because she's really not good at hiding positive feelings, and Kamiko just becomes a flustered mess. Literally her face goes so red it's hard to believe, she has to cover her mouth and force herself to frown to avoid laughing out of sheer infatuation, she can't look Minori in the eye, and just awkwardly stutters out a "...thanks."
Kamiko was the only person who ever saw Minori without her jacket off. It's sort of an extra layer of protection, and she only trusts Kamiko to uncover more of herself around.
When I mentioned Kamiko and Minori sleeping together, I want it to be known that I envision it very specifically. Kamiko sleeps flat on her back, Minori on her stomach/side. Minori basically sleeps half on top of Kamiko.
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imagine combining these two sleeping positions. Minori is literally just laying on Kamiko. If for some reason Kamiko slept on her stomach, I also want it to be known Minori would still do the same goddamn thing, literally just lay straight on top of her. Though I could also see Kamiko sleeping flat on her stomach on top of Minori, who basically has her as a weighted blanket.
Minori has absolutely pulled the "look, our hands fit together perfectly, see?" thing on Kamiko as an excuse to hold her hand.
The sleeping positions help- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
That sounds like it'd be simultaneously the most comfortable and uncomfortable thing ever-
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starrierknight · 8 months
I can't tell you much because it'd reveal my identity but yeah basically I'd been flirting with them for months and now we are like in a sorta relationship
- Star 💫
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Truly evil and darksided that we’ve had almost no interactions between Haruka and Majima. It’s cruel, really.
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