#it'll be non-angst (crazy coming from me)
lostxmelody · 8 months
game au sounds interesting!
thanks thats the most bare-bones one afdkakjfjks
it's basically what it says. it'll be an mmorpg thing where mikoto picks up the game as a way to escape from work and obv meets fuuta through it. there's really not a lot written rn, less than 1k words which is insane for me, but i'll put a small snippet below
(i use [] for placeholder text)
[You have sent a friend request to pazuzu_soccer.]
[pazuzu_soccer has rejected the request.]
What the hell?
I thought if I distracted you it could work.
What kind of brain-dead plan is that??
I would unfriend you immediately afterward.
I guess it was worth a shot.
By the way, where can I find []?
Google it.
Aren't you supposed to know everything?
Are you too ashamed to admit you don't know? It's okay.
Idiot. Of course I know. It's a basic-level quest that any noob has to go through.
So where is it?
It's okay to say you forgot.
I didn't forget.
Do you think I'm some kind of moron? You're trying to goad me into answering. I'm not falling for that crap.
Wow~ I am very impressed, pazuzu_soccer.
You at least have the comprehension skills of a high school first year!
use DMs. people are trying to farm here.
Oh, hey there!! Can you tell me where to find []?
google it
Mikoto's eye twitched, and his hands stilled over the keyboard. So everyone on this game was an asshole.
[pazuzu_soccer]: Lmao.
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zombvic · 3 months
would you write one of hector fort and reader being in an argument and reader crying because of the accumulated stress and hector comforting reader afterwards pls
PLUS ONE (hector garcía fort x reader)
summary : in which hector gets invited to a team event, which comes with a certain challenge
face claim : no-one
notes : first time writing angst lol sorry if its soft but im a noobie
pairings : hector fort x reader , angst
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HECTOR and I have been dating for about a year. Our relationship has been very low-key, with only our families knowing about it. We both agreed it was better this way—he has his fangirls, and I would assume they would go ballistic if they found out Hector had a girlfriend. Not even the Barca players knew; some, slowly caught on, but apart from a few REALLY soft, soft launches, it was basically non-existent to the public eye.
It was a typical Saturday evening when Hector came over to my apartment after a training, a bit more excited than usual. “Guess what?”
“What’s up, babe?” I asked, looking up from my phone.
“I got invited to the FIFA Football Awards event next month. It’s a big deal; all the top players will be there,” he said, sitting down beside me.
“Wow, that’s amazing, Hector! I’m so proud of you,” I replied, genuinely happy for him.
“And they said I could bring a plus one,” he added, his voice trailing off as he looked at me expectantly.
I paused, my excitement fading slightly. “Oh, that’s.. nice.”
Hector noticed the change in my tone and his brows furrowed. “I want you to come with me,” he said firmly.
“Hector, you know we agreed to keep this low-key. An event like that, with all the media and attention… it’s not exactly low-key,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know, but it’s just one event. We don’t have to hide forever. Besides, I want to share this moment with you.”
I shook my head. “It’s not that simple. Once we go public, things will change. People will start prying into the life of my family and I. I don’t want that kind of stress.”
“But I want to be able to be with you openly. It’s been over year. I’m tired of hiding” he argued, his frustration evident.
He got up and walked around the room. 
"So, why can't we do just one thing together? "I just want one, public, night together." 
"It never lasts a night. Today it's the awards; tomorrow it'll be something different."
"Where does it end?" I exclaimed, my voice rising as my anger increased. 
"I don't see why you're so against this. It's not like I'm asking you to do something really crazy." 
"I just want my girlfriend to be there for me, to support me." he said, his voice filled with distress.
"And I support you, Hector. Every. Single. Day, I offer you my whole support. However, this is not like usually. It isn't just about us. It's all about the media, fans, and attention.
"It's genuienly too much."
Hector paused while walking, his eyes softening. "I had no idea that was giving you so much anxiety. I just thought... Maybe it was time to announce our relationship, I don't know."
With a shaky voice, I took a deep breath. "Hector, it's not that I don't want to be with you honestly. It’s just that I’m scared. Scared of what will happen when everyone knows. Scared of the pressure, the judgment."
"I apologize for pressuring you. Im sorry. I just... I want you to know that no award or event is equivalent to how much you mean to me. I just wanted everyone to see the girl i adore and love so very much."
"You don’t get it, Hector. You're used to the constant focus on you and your loved ones. I'm not famous in any way, nor do I desire to be."
Hector's face fell, guilt and regret obvious and clear in his eyes. "I'm sorry; I should've taken your feelings into consideration. I just assumed that-"
“You assumed what? That I would suddenly be fine with our private life being exposed to the world?” I interrupted, slowly feeling the anger rise in me.
“I thought we could handle it together,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“But I’m not as strong as you think I am, Hector,” I said, my voice breaking. “I never cry, I never let things get to me. But this… it’s just too much. I can’t do it. What if they try to break us apart? It's so overwhelming. What if the media digs into our personal lives and spreads lies? What if your fans start hating me, or I say something wrong, and it affects you? The anxiety is eating me alive."
Feeling the weight of everything squeezing me, I shook my head. "Hector, I'm not as strong as you expect me to be. I can’t handle the thought of people judging us, criticizing us. With all this pressure, the idea of losing you is too much for me to handle."
"Hector, you just don't get it. You're used to being the focus of attention. However, I'm not. I'm more than scared, I'm basically petrified."
I looked aside, trying to cover my face as the tears I had been keeping back suddenly burst out. Hector stood there for a brief momentwatching me with a distressed expression. Then, slowly, he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
“I’m so sorry, love. I didn’t realize how much this was affecting you. We don’t have to go public if you’re not ready. We can take our time,” he said, his voice gentle and soothing.
I leaned into his embrace, my sobs shaking my body. “Thank you. I just need time.”
He squeezed me even tighter and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Take as much time as you need. I'm always here to support you. I love you."
The tension began to ease as we stood there, holding another closely. I knew that between us, we would get through this. That was the only thing that mattered for now.
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first time ever writing angst hope its what you imagined while requesting 𖹭
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suzy-queued · 1 month
DVD Commentary: Under Lock and Key
@callivich invited me to share behind-the-scenes commentary from a fic. I hope you dig this deep dive into Under Lock and Key!
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) I wrote it in 2021. I posted a chapter a week, and I was actually writing those chapters each week as I went along. 15 weeks of their life = 15 weeks of my life.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I have general non-specific angst about college. It feels like an earworm, a time in my life where so many things were unfulfilled or unresolved. So many roads not taken. I needed to write something to put those thoughts to rest.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character? I alternated Ian's and Mickey's POV, because I love seeing both of their sides. That also helps increase the tension, because you can leave one person's thoughts on hold while you go see what the other person is doing.
What was your favorite scene to write? Any of the scenes in chapters 5-8, the simmering time before they actually get together. I love to write their push and pull.
How did you come up with the title? Because hair metal rules.
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Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? The story started as a college radio station, where Mickey was a shock jock and Ian was a new volunteer. It would be told via journals that Ian wrote for one of his classes.
I wrote a couple of Ian's journal entries, but nothing was gelling. Once I changed the setting to the lost keys office, the story took off.
Initial ideas, original opening, the day I decided to switch the setting.
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Oh, by the way, I usually handwrite everything.
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this? This is the sweetest story I had ever written. I had always tried to write compelling plots before, things with adventure and intrigue. For this one, I wanted no villains, hardly any angst, just two people falling in love.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story? So, so many.
The original chapters from the radio station.
That night after the mid-semester party, I had about 5,000 more words of them making their way back to Ian's dorm.
I had more descriptions of Mickey being completely into the Chicago music scene.
I outlined an epilogue from 10 years in the future.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story? I do have that epilogue outlined. Not sure if it'll ever see the light of day!
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc? There aren't references to my other stories. I had only published one fic before that. But, man oh man, are there references to my college experience.
The lost keys office was the most fascinating place on my campus. It lived in the basement of the next dorm over. I never needed it, but many people I knew did.
Mickey is based on my friend Sam, who I spent late nights with in the architecture building. He hated every guy I had a crush on and wasn't afraid to tell me. We climbed on yellow steel-beam sculptures, stole signage from the parking garage, scaled buildings and sat in windowsills, talked about music, and harassed each other endlessly. It was one of those "lightning in a bottle" friendships.
Trey Kanahele is based on Gordon, who lost his keys so many times, usually while in the shower. He made it a point to walk across campus in his towel, with his long black hair flowing.
Hannah is based on Leslie, the coolest girl I met in Moore Hall my freshman year.
"Charlotte" and "Clemson" were my top two picks for colleges.
Dr. Neal is based on my current friend Jayme, who is a forensic nursing professor and takes her students to Africa in the summers.
The bulletin board, the grounds of the school, the fire drills in your pajamas, the dining hall, the crazy late-night games, the challenges of registering for classes, the meetings with advisors … all of it is plucked from experience.
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity? This one has the most hits of any of my stories. I'm surprised that it's the one that people keep coming back to. I've written a bunch more since then, but this one has staying power.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story? I'm nervous to post everything. Even now.
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote? No, I'm stubbornly beta-less.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story? I make my own merch for the stories I write. Here's me in actual college and me today re-imagining college through a Gallavich lens.
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This is open to all writers! Pick your favorite story you’ve written or your most popular or the one you think deserves some more love! Or ask your followers to suggest their favorite fic of yours!
And hey, if there's another story of mine you want to hear about, I can share more!
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champagneher · 1 year
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BASED ON | how can he move on when he is still hopelessly in love with you ? GENRE | f!reader x jungkook, ex!lovers, angst. WARNINGS | a very sad jungkook. I got the photos from the internet - pinterest - please let me know if they are yours, so I can give you credit for them or remove them. | something short i wrote when i was trying to get tickets for taylor, but sadly I couldn't.
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Jungkook knew that being in his current situation was all his fault. No matter how much he looked at the ceiling of his room, how much he thought about things, or how much he regretted his actions. It was all done.
He also knew that his heart wasn't the first to break, but this was far beyond that. He felt like it had fallen off his chest and shattered into a thousand pieces on the floor. Unable to pick up the pieces to put it back together again. 
His head kept telling him that it had been months, and it was time to move on. That there were more fish in the water and in a little more time and with more will, all this would be in the past. But his heart... his heart, he couldn't even feel it. Because it wasn't with him anymore, it was always with her. 
He felt like he was going crazy since he wasn't with her anymore, his days passed slowly like an uncomfortable situation that he wanted to escape from all the time, but there was no way out. 
Even at rehearsals with his friends, all he could do was think about her and feel sorry for himself.
"I feel like I'm on automatic, I don't even feel it when I walk anymore. Or talk… or just breath." He muttered, looking at a point in the void in front of him.
Taehyung looked at him with his lips pressed together feeling bad for his friend's situation, but deep inside he couldn't help but want to let out a sigh and tell him that it was all a result of his actions. What he didn't know was that Jungkook already knew, and that was what fucked him up the most. 
"We were all there, bro. It'll pass." Were his only words before patting his shoulder and going to Namjoon.
His actions not only resulted in losing the love of his life, but he also lost the trust of two of his brothers. Namjoon and Jin were very close to you, almost like family. So it was natural for them to be unhappy with him or his presence. Jungkook couldn't care less, he just wanted to stop feeling that way. He wanted her.
When he went out on the street, he couldn't help but close his eyes tightly when he saw a couple walking hand in hand, for it reminded him of the moments he shared with her. 
After months, he knew he was still hopelessly and madly in love with her. 
He had come to the conclusion that there was simply no way to get over her. He was willing to sit and wait for her for the rest of his life if necessary. There was nothing more he could do at that point, he was losing his mind.
She had blocked him from everywhere, every time he tried to dial her number it would just send it to voicemail. When he tried to log into her Instagram, her profile would come up as non-existent for him. Her Facebook and Twitter were no longer on his friends list. Every trace of her had even been removed from his networks. 
Desperately, he had only one option left to communicate and as pathetic as it looked, he was going to use it.
My love,  How have you been? It's been so long... I've spent so much time without you that I feel like I'm dying.  I know that receiving an email from me on a Saturday night where I express everything I've wanted to say to you, just wasn't in your plans. And I know I don’t deserve it, but I have no other way to communicate with you. Your friends have done a great job of hiding you from me, and you have done a great job of removing yourself from all means of communication with me. Let me tell you that I don't blame you at all. I know I made the biggest mistake of my life and believe me I am paying for it.  I know I should have stayed home that night. I know I should have listened to my heart and waited for your call instead of going out with my friends. And I know I should let you go and move on, but I just can't.  How can I let go of the love of my life?  There is no one to blame but myself here. I take responsibility for my actions.  Still, I'm willing to ask on my knees that we can please talk. If only one last time. To ask as a last favor to see your eyes without tears. To be able to be in your presence one more time is all I ask. Listen to my words and if you still want me out of your life forever, then I'll leave... but until I hear it one last time from your lips I'll remain this fool madly in love with you blinded with the hope of still seeing you again and being with you.  I pray to the stars to hear from you. I love you today and always. Hopelessly devoted to you, Jungkook.
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Prompt list for Requests! [OPEN!]
Hello my lovely Wonderlings! I realized this morning that I have hit just over 400 follows today! That is absolutely crazy and mindblowing to me because I honestly wasn't expecting this much love for my account! What had started as a little oneshot lists from older series I was too shy and insecure to post previous that just blew up over a short period of time! I am super grateful for you guys who have followed me; whether followed my account or have just been stalking to read my work without following, I still appreciate every single one of you! You have given me the encouragement to continue writing and finding new appreciation for the work I do so a BIG THANK YOU to every single one of you who have followed my journey this far in my writing! I have gotten to know a few of you over time as well and I'm grateful for the support and love you guys have shown me!
That being said, I would like to officially open up some prompt lists for requests! I know I have gotten a few already through my messages in the last week or two and I'm super grateful for that! I love interacting with you guys; so with that I'd like to introduce you to a list of prompts you guys can choose from to request a writing from! I know most of you will do so for Ghost (I love writing for them so I don't mind) but other fandoms are also welcome to be requested if I know them! I can't wait to see what kind of requests come find themselves in my inbox! <3 Love you guys so much!
[Fluff Prompt List]
"Your hair is so soft…"
"Your so cute when you pout like that!"
"Just relax, I'll wash your hair for you."
"I won't stop poking you until you give me some attention."
"What, does that feel good?"
"Ha! I found a weak spot on your haven't I?"
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
"You are ridiculously comfortable."
"I've had a rough day. All I want is a drink and someone to cuddle with."
"You're cute when your half asleep like this."
"You're beautiful, you know that?"
"We should get a puppy!"
[Injury/Comfort Prompts]
"Tell me where it hurts."
"How did this happen?"
"Let me see."
"How bad is it?"
"Can you carry me?"
"I can't move."
"Don't move!"
"This is gonna hurt."
"You're burning up!"
"Don't worry. I'll take care of you."
"Why didn't you tell me it hurt this bad?"
"Please, make it stop!"
[Non-sexual intimacy Prompts]
Finding the other wearing their clothes
Holding hands
One falling asleep on the other's lap 4, Cuddling in a blanket fort
Sharing a bed for the first time
Head scratches
Sharing a dessert
Messages or shoulder rubs
Reading a book together
Taking a bath together
Slow dancing
Accidently falling asleep together
[Angst Prompts]
"If there comes a day where we are not together; you will continue to shine like gold in my memories…"
"I was hurt, pretty badly one time. And while my outsides got better, my insides never did."
"Scream, shout, yell..say something!" - "You look as beautiful as the day I lost you"
"All I care about is you. You are stuck on me like a tattoo."
"Oh, brother we go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos. No, we don't share the same blood but your my brother, and I love you; that's the truth."
"He ain't my blood he ain't got my name but if he did I'd still feel the same."
"I don't want to go but baby we both know. There is not a time; it's time to say goodbye. Until we meet again cause this is not the end. There will come a day when we will find a way…"
"What's small turned into a friendship that friendship turned into a bond and that bond will never be broken; the love will never get lost."
"You with the dark curls you with the watercolor eyes…"
"You will never be alone; I'll be with you from dusk til dawn. I will be with from dusk til dawn; baby I'm right here."
"I could play nice or I could be a bully. I'm tired and angry but somebody should be…"
"If you tell me your leaving I'll make it easy it'll be okay. And if we can't stop the bleeding we don't have to fi it we don't have to sty. I will love you either way, it'll be okay."
[Emotional Comfort]
"It's okay I'm here."
"I'm not going to leave you."
"Everything is okay."
"I'm going to protect you."
"I believe in you."
"Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that."
"You'll be alright. No one is going to hurt you."
"You're not going to lose me."
"I'll stay right here, okay?"
"I'm okay, your okay, we're both okay."
"I don't care what they think; you're perfect to me."
"You don't have to be alone."
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baksukki · 9 months
take me to the sun
pairing: bakugo katsuki x todoroki shouto
summary: Todoroki is irrevocably lonely, unless he's fighting with Bakugou, and that's kind of a problem that not even their friends can fix.
cw: 18+ mdni, enemies to lovers, fighting kink a little bit, angst, pining, drug use, depression, panic attacks, aggressive hickeys, spit kink
wc: 10.4k (and counting)
pls support me thru this ao3 link!! or read below
Bakugou and Todoroki don't talk about a lot of things, if at all. Their main form of conversation has always been an awkward acknowledgement of A Thing, followed by incoherent screaming in the face of confusion. This usually discourages Todoroki from trying to start another conversation, which makes Bakugou angry for a different reason ("Hah? Now I'm not good enough for you to talk to, Halfie?") and it's honestly a whole thing. So, they've come to develop an odd neutral agreement of only mildly acknowledging each other's existence with nods, hums, and gestures. 
Bakugou likes it because he doesn't have to hear the halfnhalf bastard struggle through social interaction like the sheltered, spoiled brat he is. Todoroki likes it because he doesn't have to hear Bakugou throw a toddler-esque tantrum every five seconds. It's a good deal, but not exactly sustainable. 
If it were up to them, they wouldn't speak at all, but being in the same friend group complicates things. Todoroki can't escape these interactions because his best friend is Midoriya and Midoriya's oldest friend is Bakugou and Bakugou's best friend is Kirishima, who is Midoriya's boyfriend and Todoroki's classmate. It's kind of inevitable, their tentative relationship. 
Todoroki glares at him now, just as he glares at him, another thing that they do when in vicinity of each other. Silent, angry, confusing glares cutting though thick air and distant conversation, it's almost a game of chicken to see who turns away first. The problem is, they're both too stubborn in their own right, so their eyes battle for far too long in the light atmosphere of their usual bar. 
With everyone else blocked out, Todoroki can really focus on how beautiful Bakugou is. Not traditionally. His beauty is like the the edge of a kitana, drenched in red, fast and sharp, glinting in moonlight and shining too bright. Dangerous.
It coincides well with his grating personality, he thinks. Bakugou's blood red eyes size him up and down for a moment before returning viciously to his steely glare, it sends a chill down Todoroki's spine. Distantly, he hears a lull in conversation between their mutual friends, but he pays it no mind because Bakugou also doesn't care.
"You guys aren't gonna, like, fight each other, right?" Kirishima's light, reassuring voice almost brings him out of his daze. Bakugou smirks.
"This candy cane bastard couldn't last a second against me, Kiri."
"Izuku, when will you put a leash on your friend?"
Midoriya doesn't want to say that speaking to each other indirectly is still technically speaking to each other, at the cost of his life, but the two of them were going to drive him crazy.
"Shou-chan, Kacchan, would it kill you both to get along for just one night?" Midoriya asks only to get insulting looks back. Of course he wouldn't understand their way of communication. Kirishima places his hand on Midoriya's shoulder as if to say 'just let it happen'. 
Todoroki catches Bakugou's eyes again as their friends also communicate through non-verbals. He sizes him up with a sneer, a familiar expression on the fiery blond. Todoroki smirks back at him because he knows it'll annoy him. It does.
"I'm going the fuck home. Fuck this." He pushes up from his seat and begins to stomp away, but Kirishima, ever the loving giant, pulls him back with a sigh. 
"I'm sure once we get some drinks going around, it'll be all good. Come on, bro, it's been a tough ass week on all of us. With the the semester ending and Izuku working on this project for All Might Studios - we all need a break!"
Todoroki guessed he could agree with Kirishima on that. Not that school has ever been a problem for him, but this final week has been absolute chaos, especially given that his brother will be crashing with him for a few weeks. His brother who hasn't contacted him in three years, out of the blue, uninvited and disheveled, pounded at his door last night and basically announced himself temporarily moved in. Todoroki remains as calm as he can manage, but between school, his brother, and his father...he really has managed to become just as stressed as his friends. 
Bakugou sits back down with a huff and folds his arms. If he weren't so grown, it might've been cute. 
The drinks do manage to loosen the mood when they come around. Todoroki downs several even though he's well aware that he's an incredible light-weight. Bakugou side-eyes him through this process but, of course, says nothing.
"It's the final part of my interview process where basically I film someone in my life who I care about doing everyday activities and give them superpowers through the art of video editing. It's taking me a while to nail, and the deadline is soon, but still it's such an honor to even be sending anything to All Might Studios! What if All Might himself see's my video and approves and lets me into the program and then becomes my mentor and then next thing you know I'm editing the latest hero movie of --"
"Deku! Shut the fuck up, you're ruining the fucking atmosphere talking about work."
Midoriya blushes. "Work? Ah, you really think this could become my work? Thank you, Kacchan."
Bakugou rolls his eyes as Kirishima plants a series of small kisses all over Midoriya's freckled face. 
"Not what I fuckin' meant. No one wants to see that bullshit."
Todoroki snorts. "Who did you end up picking as your muse? Kirishima?"
The forementioned redhead grunts with a mean pout. "Nope! Because he's not a good boyfriend. I told him a million times that I wanted him to make me the strongest man ever and he didn't even consider it." Midoriya gives a long winded groan at this and explains that his boyfriend was being unreasonable.
"I love you too much to try and edit you, Kiri. Nothing I make will ever be good enough to send in." He explains, which gets Kirishima to blush like an idiot. Shouto wishes sometimes that his friends could be cute and in love somewhere else. Bakugou obviously had similar thoughts given how he gagged. "I'm filming Momo, actually, she has some extremely awesome ideas about what her power could be and she said we could use the space in her chemistry lab to film."
"Yeah? And why the fuck wasn't I considered for this hero bullshit? We all know I'm the obvious fucking choice and I'd have the best power."
Shouto hides his snort behind his hand. Bakugou settles a seething glare on him.
"As if you'd willingly do anything I want you to."
"Next time at least try, ya damn nerd!"
"Here we go..." Kirishima mumbles as the duo starts a loud back and forth.
A heavy buzz jolted Todoroki from the conversation. His phone notification read Natsuo's name with no cover picture. He excused himself from the table and power-walked towards the back exit of the bar. Natsu could only be calling for one reason and he isn't exactly in the right state of mind to give the correct response. Nevertheless, he clicks the call back button and hopes for the best.
"Shouto, are you okay?" His brother asks. He's sure that the booming music from the front of the bar could be heard through the phone, so he couldn't even pretend as if he were sitting at home. 
"Heh, yeah. I'm...I'm cool. Very. Cool." Yep, that sounded kind of normal. Natsuo huffs.
"You're fucking drunk. Shou, did Touya visit you this week? He's been acting shady as fuck and apparently he's in some hot water with the police right now." Nothing Shouto didn't already infer from context clues. Touya's head was leaking as he limped through Shouto's apartment for the first time last week. He had no suitcase, just a backpack full of pill baggies and a few shirts. The last time he'd seen his brother, he'd only had one tattoo on his arm, now his body was almost completely marked from head to toe. And his hair was pitch black. He was almost completely unrecognizable. 
"No. I, um, I haven't seen him. What's going on?" He asks. His brother sighs deeply into the receiver.
"Something about drugs and arson. You know, typical shit from him. He called me a few days ago, basically talking in circles about if we still had that beach house upstate. He hung up when I told him dad sold it. Shou, if you are in contact with him, cut it off now. He's dangerous and he doesn't give a fuck about you or any of us. Do you hear me?"  Shouto knocked his head against the wall behind him. A bit too late for this talk now, he thinks. His oldest brother, who insists on being called a different name, is probably knee deep into his seaweed snacks and watching some bullshit horror movie on his couch. 
"I hear you. I know he doesn't care, he never has." He thinks back to trying to help Touya and getting sneered at and pushed back like a stranger. It really hurt then, but until now Shouto had decided to keep that bottled up and repressed. "Fuck him. Fuck him and dad." He finally says through a bitter laugh. And fuck you, too, he wanted to suddenly scream. He wasn't quite drunk enough for that. But actually fuck his brother for treating Touya like he was a complete lost cause and failure. Just like their fucking dad.
Neither he nor Natsuo will ever know how it felt for Touya growing up with their father. The abuse he had to endure on his own, the psychological damage he'd taken in stride.
Shouto barely remembers most of his fucked up childhood at all, but he remembers his mother's loving embrace, and never playing with his siblings, and faintly, a white-haired kid stepping in front of their father's aggressive backhand for him. It was the only memory he had of Touya actually being nice to anyone, but it was enough for Shouto still consider him family. Something the rest of his family couldn't do.
"That's the spirit, kid. Are you drinking responsibly, Shou? There anyone with you?"
Todoroki looks around on instinct and rolls his eyes at himself. "I'm with my friends." Just as he says so, a flash of spiky blonde hair moves through the crowd towards him.
"Well, mostly friends. They'll take care of me, don't worry. I'll, uh, call you back later." He ends the call without waiting for a response because suddenly Bakugou is right in front of him. 
Todoroki fears that their mutual understanding is being tested to the max tonight. The liquid courage makes him want to say lots of things, anything at all really. He wishes he could sometimes. Bakugou doesn't break like he does, though. He's an immovable object and that scathing, loathing glare on his face only cements that. 
The background noise of the place, the drunken conversations, bass boosted music, clinking of glasses, it all suddenly fades into the background. Bakugou's annoyed look stays as he reaches his hands out to him, grabbing onto Todoroki's sweater and pulling him closer. Shouto barely has time to gasp, he's so caught off-guard that he loses balance in the pull and ends up clutching at Bakugou's waist. 
His breath is stilted now this close to him, their faces inches away now. Shouto tightens his grip on Bakugou's waist, for no reason in particular because he was fully balanced again, noticing that the man was incredibly defined. Both of their mouths open at the same time, as if to speak, but no sound actually came out. A beat passed of Shouto looking into Bakugou's eyes, searching for something...anything.
Bakugou removed his hand from Shouto's sweater like he had been burned, then pushed him away - this time off to the right. Shouto was about to ask what his problem was and why he took to tossing him around (not that he was complaining too much, but that was besides the point). 
However, Bakugou just shakes his head like he's so unbelievable, then pushes into the wall that Shouto had been leaning against.
It's a door.
Bakugou disappears into the door that Shouto just realized was the men's bathroom that he was blocking. He has enough sense to cringe. 
Bakugou tried shoving him out of the way just now and he ended up trying to wrap his arms around his waist instead of being normal. Great, yet another reason for that bastard to hate him. When he walks back to their table it's with a dejected spirit and he barely even hears Midoriya's excited ramblings anymore behind the rush of embarrassment.
Bakugou comes back completely normal, if not a bit annoyed. The rest of the night is irrelevant afterword because that's all Shouto can even think about until he waves goodbye to the group.
Shouto ends up taking the train home instead of a taxi, just to clear his head. 
He wondered why he suddenly felt so lost in a sea of moving parts. Midoriya has always been so focused and driven towards a singular dream, so it's no surprise he's finally getting everything he's ever wanted. But he's in a happy relationship with the love of his life. He didn't even have to date around first, they were high school sweethearts and just so happened to be soulmates. Shouto never believed such a thing to be true until he saw it with his own eyes. 
But, it still sucks. Because now that he knows it exists, he's that more pissed about his parent's relationship, about his sister's failed marriage, about his own nonexistent love life. Even fucking Bakugou has had serious relationships. And here he is, alone and tripping into his own apartment where he feels like a stranger.
When Todoroki stumbles half-heartedly through his apartment door, he's greeted to the sight of his homeless, druggie older brother two beers down and cutting a white line with his credit card on his living room table while explosions played on the tv screen. He sighed. 
"At least hide this shit when you hear me coming," Shouto exclaims, glaring at the offending powder on his furniture that's bound to ruin his brother's life more than their father. Touya is as unaffected with his presence as ever and proceeds to lean down and snort up his line, sniffling and rubbing his nose afterwards. He looks back up with a cocky smile. "What if I were with someone?"
"With someone? Heh. You're not the type to get wasted and come home with someone. You get wasted and then leave early to probably puke and cry in your room or some shit."
"You don't know who I am, Touya. Neither does dad. Guess that's something you two have in common, if nothing else."
He leaves the room while Touya's eyes are still wide and offended. He doesn't care about saying the wrong thing or not anymore. He's lonely. He realizes that. But is that better than putting himself out there and getting hurt in the process? He doesn't know anymore. 
He continues on like that, dragging his lifeless body to and from classes and wondering why it is he's becoming a business major. There's not even a single part of him that finds any interest in business, but it's what he's been groomed for. To someday inherit his father's company as the heir, even though he's the youngest son. His brothers were too big of disappointments for daddy dearest. 
He wonders why his brother is still living in his place. 
He bumps into him sometimes in the evenings when he gets back from school or work, but it's always in passing and with little communication. He didn't know what he expected when he accepted his terrible brother back into his life, but he at least hoped that they wouldn't treat each other like strangers. 
He wonders why he's still thinking about holding Bakugou's surprisingly lithe waist. 
Bakugou is the most infuriating person he's ever met in his life. He hasn't so much as glanced in Todoroki's direction since that night in the bar, despite them having the same gym schedule and study sessions with their best friends. Their usual game of glaring is paused for the next week despite Shouto's very brash attempts at starting something indirectly (prolonged eye contact, sarcastic raised eyebrows, general 'harrumphs'). He eventually canceled his next study session with Midoriya, not because of Bakugou, he just didn't feel like seeing his best friend make goo-goo eyes at a certain redhead. 
In the meantime, he's struggling to start a conversation with his brother that won't end in curses. He's usually leaving by the time Shouto arrives from class or work, quiet and always with that damn backpack. It's not like he's clueless as to what he's out there doing, working for some high end dealers and doing things that could get him arrested. He often wonders how arson is brought into the equation. As far he knows, Touya burned down someone's house and there were no fatalities, but the owner was someone involved in politics. No small feat. Shouto thinks he could actually go to jail for harboring a fugitive.
The rest of the details are foggy, he just picks up bits and pieces from when his siblings start ranting in their groupchat. He can just imagine it if they find out he's been housing said criminal and lying to them about it. 
"For the last fucking time, my name is Dabi."
He sighs. "Dabi."
"What? I'm busy."
He's thumbing through a large stack of money, a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he muttered numbers to himself. Everything is organized in a very specific order on his dining table. When he's handling his business, he gets silent and focused, his incessant foot tapping ends, his face relaxes. He thinks his brother might've been a perfect successor to Endeavor Corp in an alternate universe. 
"Why are you doing this?" He finally asks. Touya doesn't stop counting or smoking.
"Double checking that everything's all here, including the cut for my boss."
"I meant—"
"I know what you meant, asshole. I appreciate one of you people acting like I'm part of the family and shit, but I don't have to explain shit to you, Shouto. We have different lives, bro. Fuck off."
He's tempted to call their dad and snitch on him most days. Touya isn't a good person, he's not even an okay person, and every time he speaks it's nothing but a reminder that Shouto will never know anything about him. 
His friends still hadn't been over since his brother moved in and he'd make sure that they never would so long as he was bumming around with his drug money all on the countertops, coke residue on any flat surface he could find. It was insufferable. 
He couldn't avoid his friends forever, though.
His and Bakugou's non-verbal agreement comes to a head once Kirishima insists upon a night out with his 'best buds' at some restaurant downtown. Todoroki only agrees because the alternative would be to meet up with his father to talk about the future of Endeavor Corp, and he'd honestly rather dive head first from his father's office into concrete than do that. 
The only problem was that Midoriya and his muscle-head boyfriend were late and Todoroki was stuck waiting at the bar with a feral-looking Bakugou. They're on minute eleven of tense silence and avoiding eye contact. The upscale place isn't typically a spot Shouto would frequent without his family, but Midoriya had insisted that he come out and enjoy himself to celebrate 'ten years of friendship'? Or was it twelve years? Todoroki isn't sure when he and Midoriya officially became 'friends'. He thinks that he and Kirishima are very friendly but friends might be a stretch...and he and Bakugou can barely speak without arguing, so this whole thing feels a bit ridiculous.
Todoroki decides to break the silence that has lasted for six months, one week and eleven painful minutes. 
"Izuku and Eijirou are late." He decides is a good enough ice breaker. Bakugou's eyes shift to his with malicious intent, not an unfamiliar feeling, but this time Shouto is actually nervous for what's to come. He's silently glaring him down, from his stoic expression to the tapping of his shoes and back to his two-toned hair. 
Shouto is expecting the worst.
"Tch. No shit." Bakugou growls. 
He sighs in relief. That wasn't so bad.
"Maybe it's...traffic?"
"Talking time is over, princess."
He sighs. It's always a battle. How Midoriya can even stand to be his friend remains a mystery to Todoroki. 
"For our shared friend's sake, we should at least be somewhat cordial for this one night." And that's not an unfair thing to want, right?
Bakugou grunts. "Deku is not my fucking friend," says the man who threatened Kirishima with death if he broke Midoriya's heart. Shouto couldn't control his eyes from rolling.
"And every time you open your fucking mouth, I want to murder you. So no. Fuck you."
"I'm trying to be the bigger person here and—"
"That's such bullshit! You don't get to act like the damn victim after being an icy bitch to me for years! It's no wonder why you don't have any fucking friends besides annoying ass Deku, you self-righteous, cry-baby bastard!"
Todoroki feels an indescribable anger bubbling inside of his chest. "You're one to talk. No one in high school even fucking liked you, you know, and the only reason Kirishima and Midoriya stuck through all your bullshit is because they're both forgiving to a goddamn fault. But I see you. You're just a kid throwing tantrums because you want everything your way. So, fuck you."
He takes back every nice thing he's ever thought about Bakugou. He's a demon. 
Bakugou gets an oddly somber expression on his face before pushing himself up from the chair. "We're going outside."
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
"I've tried to be nice, but it's fucking hopeless with you. Come on, we're ending this."
Bakugou leaves Shouto with no option but to follow behind him as he made a scene trudging through the restaurant to the back exit. If that was Bakugou being nice, then Shouto is hesitant to see him anything else. He follows closely behind anyways with just as much vigor and determination. The exit leads to a small alleyway leading to an array of different establishments, the only light coming from the full moon and bright neon signs above their heads. 
"You think fighting me is going to fix anything? Violence is always your first answer to anything."
If Shouto could pinpoint one single moment that caused this feud, he would, and fix it. However, it's the culmination of dozens of moments that's triggered this act of aggression. Days when he'd overhear Bakugou talking shit about him, days when Shouto would overstep his boundaries, and even when they'd accidentally bump into each other and not exchange apologies. Midoriya tried his hardest to make his two best friends get along, but in the end it wasn't enough. Maybe it'll never be enough. 
Todoroki and Bakugou circle each other like wolves, hands clenched beside them. 
"This is childish, Bakugou."
"And it's fucking needed. I've fantasized so much about punching that pretty boy face of yours, it had to happen at some point."
"You've fantasized about me? I don't even think of you at all." Except for when he thinks about high school, or when he decides to go to the gym to exercise, or happens to see literally any other blonde person - sometimes for absolutely no reason at all. (Bakugou's an annoyingly memorable person, that's not Shouto's fault.)
Bakugou's face is set in an angry scowl despite the slight twitch of his right eye. 
"You can't lie for shit."
Shouto scoffs. "Fine. I sometimes imagine knocking that stupid, smug expression off your face. Is that what you want me to say? You really want us to fight right now when we're supposed to be waiting for our friends?"
"I just wish you would stop acting like there isn't a fucking problem here. You don't get to be a dick to me and then act as if all this has been me and try to start a conversation. Since when the fuck do we talk?!" Bakugou raises his voice, it echoes through the dark alley. Shouto wants so badly to say that he's the one who's a dick, but damn it he's trying so hard to end this.
"I'm not denying that there's a problem, Bakugou, I'm trying to offer a temporary truce. I don't like you and you don't like me, we can leave it at that, but Kirishima and Midoriya seemed pretty serious about tonight for whatever reason and I don't want you to ruin it."
He cringes as the words fumble out of his mouth. He didn't mean to say it like that, but it's far too late.
"You think I'll ruin it? Fuck you!" 
His fist is inches away from Shouto before he has time to react. He turns his face last second and the punch connects to his cheek instead of his nose. The impact knocks him off his feet and he can't even gather his thoughts before a body is straddling him down on the pavement. Bakugou's fist connects perfectly with his nose this time, the pain only registering after another punch lands on his mouth. He puts his forearms together above his face to stop the attack.
"Fight me! C'mon, princess, I know you wanna fight me!" Bakugou yells through clenched teeth. Shouto releases his blocked position to look up at Bakugou. His eyes are unhinged. "You wanna hurt me?" He grabs Shouto's hand from the ground and forces it around his own throat. Shouto's eyes nearly pop out of his head. His hand twitches around Bakugou's neck. "Hit me back. Or are you just a helpless victim, huh?" 
Shouto has the most confusing moment of his entire life, stuck in a haze of anger, pain, and something he's too ashamed to admit. He hates that only Bakugou can pull so much emotion from him, hates that it's like this, hates that he can't be normal. He hates Bakugou. So he sits up and punches him in his stupid face. The punch resounds a sickening crack and Bakugou is knocked to his side, his sudden gasp at the hit evolving into  pleased laughter. He uses the hand still gripping Bakugou's throat to toss his body off of him. Off to the side Bakugou lands with a huff. Shouto follows him with vigor and straddles his stomach.
He's smiling through bloody teeth and Shouto hates him even more.
"Didn't expect a princess like you to know how to throw a punch."
Shouto goes in for another one but Bakugou turns too quickly to dodge his fist and he ends up hitting pavement. "FUCK!" He curses while trying to shake the pain out of his hand. Bakugou takes the moment to wrap his arms around his midsection and tackle him back into the ground. They're full on wrestling in the middle of an alleyway and everything hurts and nothing has ever felt better.
The blonde fiend knees his side and nearly knocks him off balance, but he counters it with a swift block and jab at his throat. He chokes a bit, but still remains with that nasty smirk on his face. 
"Fucking cheap shot." 
He twists Shouto onto his stomach, pushing his face into the concrete below. His hand that doesn't hold his head down holds his hands behind his back. He tries to wiggle out of it but Bakugou just presses him harder into pavement. It fucking stings, but the feeling of him pinning him in place does weird things to his brain chemistry, he thinks. Because he also starts to laugh. And Bakugou laughs too.
It's almost cathartic.
Well, until...
It's an awkward sit down, to say the least. Shouto could feel the blood dripping from his lip to his chin and Bakugou's eye was beginning to turn purple. Across from them, their best friends look between them with the disappointment of parents coming home to find marker stains on the walls. 
"This thing is getting out of hand, bros. Izuku and I wanted this to be a happy evening, just to realize we can't leave you two alone for ten fucking minutes without you turning into animals!"
"He started it!"
"He started it."
"I don't care who did what! My Izuku is sad on the night of our engagement because you two idiots don't know how to properly communicate your—"
"HAAH? Engagement?!" Bakugou shouts loud enough to make even some waiters pause to look over at their table. The two boys sigh.
"Engaged to be...married?" Shouto asks. Bakugou shoots him an irritated look but has the sense to turn back and wait for their friend's explanation. Midoriya blushes before lifting his left hand to the table. A small, silver wedding band with a tiny emerald in the middle sits on his ring finger. Shouto smiles. Of course Kirishima didn't cheap out and got the perfect ring for him. Bakugou hums in acknowledgement.
"It's about damn time. Congrats, losers." Which was the closest they'd probably ever get to a heartfelt speech from Bakugou Katsuki. Midoriya squeals with excitement and Kirishima gives his best friend a fist bump. Shouto is still frozen in place, taking it all in. 
"Thanks, Kacchan. I guess it was pretty expected out of us. It's kind of not the only reason we invited you two here. We actually, you know, want to...we want to ask--"
"Will you two be our best men?"
"Together?" Shouto asks.
Kirishima sighs. "Look, we know it's a lot to ask, but you guys are our best friends and no one knows us better than you. And we don't even want anything too fancy, just your help on getting groomsmen and planning the bachelor's party of course." Kirishima winks and nudges at Bakugou at that. 
Shouto catches Midoriya's concerned look and tries to adjust his face into an encouraging smile, though he's sure that's not what it turned out to be. His head is still spinning. His friends are getting married...because they're at an age where people actually fall in love and get married and start a happy life together. He sighs. This isn't about him.
"I can handle all that bullshit by myself," Bakugou says, "I'm not doing anything with this asshole." He gives Shouto a seething glare before turning back to their disapproving friends. Midoriya's face especially falls. 
Shouto might not be happy, but it's not like he ever wants to see his best friend sad. Damn it.
"If it'll make you happy, I'll do it. I'm not selfish." 
"And I am?"
"This isn't about you or me or anything else. Our friends want us to help them."
Bakugou sneers. "Gross."
"Guys, it's not like the wedding is happening right now, we're literally still fighting over the last pack of ramen at home, you think we can afford a fucking wedding? Be serious." Kirishima scowls. "All you need to know is that it's happening and you're gonna be our fucking best men despite how unmanly you've both been acting lately!" 
"However, we will have a little celebration in the meantime. I was thinking of getting the whole OG class together and spending a night at Kiri's old house. His parents are out on vacation in Seoul, so we thought we'd give Kiri the house party he never got the chance to have."
"I was such a good kid." He frowns. "I had a house with a fucking pool and never even took advantage of it."
Bakugou grunts. "You had a house with a pool and yet you continued crashing at my place, eating all my damn food?! I oughta kick your ass, Kiri!"
"Not now, Kacchan. It's gonna be fun, though, we'll set up games and drinks for everyone." Midoriya looks viscerally excited, his body practically shaking trying to contain his happiness. It's cute. "Old school sleepover vibes. Oh! Maybe we can watch the All Might series in order from the first scripted—"
"Sweetie. No offense, but we'll all be getting too fucked up to watch a series that includes 8 movies, 2 spin-offs, and a 2 hour long holiday special." Kirishima shuts his fiancé down with a gentle hand to his shoulder. Midoriya pouts. 
"That's fair, I guess. Maybe just the first one? It's a classic!"
"Of course, sweetie." He pulls him in to kiss his forehead and the other giggles. Bakugou coughs.
"I'm happy for you and all, but if you brought us here to be cute and kiss each other, uninvite me from the wedding right now." He says. Shouto regrettably has to agree with him. Kiri laughs.
"Relax, bro. We just wanted to share the news and eat out with our best bros." He suddenly looks very dejected. "But you keep fighting. I mean, look at you. I can't sit across from you and ignore the busted lip or the fucking black eye...tonight's obviously not a good night and that's okay."
He feels bad, but Kirishima's right. He won't drag on the depressing night and neither will Bakugou, despite how pent up he seems. 
"I'll call you later, Shou-chan." Midoriya says as he stands and bids his goodbyes (not to Bakugou).
Shouto calls for a ride that night, eager to return home and clean the blood from his face. He only hopes that his freeloading brother isn't there to see him at this low point, but he never gets what he wants. Dabi is there when he walks through the door, blasting punk music and making the most convoluted sandwich Shouto has ever seen. He stops scooping the ramen on his jellied bread once he notices him standing there. 
"Shouto? The fuck happened to you?" He's immediately glaring and it's a little scary. "Who did that to you?"
"Nothing. No one. I'm fine." He replies while taking his shoes off and slipping into his house slippers. 
"Do you need me to deal with them? I will."
Shouto laughs. "Wow. Since when do you give a fuck about me? I'm almost moved." Dabi's face twists into something mean, but he doesn't continue his tirade and allows Shouto to stomp off to his room like an angsty teen. He slams the door behind him and locks it. The one time he wants some peace and quiet is the one time his brother decides to act like a real sibling. 
His tries to keep his night routine as normal as he can, hoping that the familiarity of it would rid his brain of these intense thoughts he's having. Of his brother and his friends and his miserable life. It doesn't really, but it's nice. 
He collapses on his bed thinking of nothing but Bakugou, partially because of the pain that was inflicted upon him by said man and partially because he thinks he's going insane. His brain must be fried to keep the image of his hand wrapped around Bakugou's neck on constant replay. 
His hand slowly travels down his pajama set, landing on the spot that's obviously hard and distracting. He's been fighting off his boner ever since Bakugou forced his hand around his neck and now it's demanding his immediate attention. 
He resigns himself to the fact that he has to take care of his problem and tries thinking of anything else. His favorite celebrity, a model he's seen on a few covers, the guy with the jet-black hair in his Economics class, literally anything. His strokes aren't getting him any closer, though and it's frustrating how his body jolts if an image of blonde hair even passes his mind. Blonde hair and fiery eyes, mean and glaring, tackling him into the ground, holding his body down and not letting up. 
"Fuck." He gasps, feeling his end approaching faster. 
And that voice. So raspy and irritating. Demanding. He's probably call him all sorts of names, things that could actually hurt his feelings as he wrapped himself around him. His hand moves faster at the thought. He's close.
"You wanna hurt me?"
Shouto whines, eyes watering from trying to hold himself together.
"You wanna hurt me?"
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
"Hurt me, princess."
He cums with an uncontrollable shout, hips jerking up from his bed into his hands. The aftershocks keep going and going, he pants into his pillow like a depraved whore. His face is wet with tears and he doesn't bother to wipe them away as he curdles in on himself and falls into the deepest sleep of his life. 
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sparklingnight02 · 2 years
Updated rules for fanfic requests
Hey guys, if some of you have scrolled through my blog you'll probably remember the anonymous ask I got about taking fanfic requests, so for anyone wanting to request something, as of now I'm still willing to write stuff if you want, this is just an updated version of what I'm okay with writing and what I'm not.
At the moment, no Steven Universe, sorry I'm a little outta practice and only do RE8
What I WILL write:
-Non-con/dubious-con. I'm okay with some pretty dark stuff so it'll be rare you can request anything TOO dark.
-Canon character x OC. Sorry if your OC is a little out of character although I'll try to write them as close to in character as I can if you give me enough info on 'em to work with.
-Canon character x Reader. Since I know a lot of this fandom is basically made up of a lot of these types of posts lol of course I'm gonna have to do it too lol, I'm open to writing characters as whatever sexuality you want them and the reader as whatever gender you want.
-Canon character x Canon character. Which characters I'm okay shipping with each other and which I'm not can vary although as someone who you might know ships a few not-so-popular ships herself, feel free to ask me if I'll write certain ships or not, depending on what you want me to write I might make an exception for a ship I might not normally write for if I'm comfortable enough.
-Heavy smut/rough sex. Anything from BDSM to just simple missionary position sex is on the table with me, trust me, as someone who has a few weird kinks herself and is NOT shameful about 'em! Lol don't worry about asking for seriously kinky stuff anonymously, I won't judge if I know who you are.
-Platonic/familial character relations. I also don't JUST write romantic or sexual character fics so if you want me to write two characters together just as friends or family I'll do that too.
-Sequels. If I've written a fic or one-shot that you want a second or maybe even third or forth part, just send in an ask and I'll see if I can come up with anything for a sequel, or if you have a sequel in mind already tell me and I'll try to write a second part or maybe even more.
-Heavy angst/character death. Although I normally prefer fluffy or smutty stuff I'm still open to angst filled sob-fics lol although the character death part you might have to check with me about, although I'm no stranger to killing off characters, depending on how angsty their death is I might have to say no.
-Fanfics, headcanons, or one-shots. Currently I'm only taking bullet points headcanon requests although I'll let you know when I'm taking fic/one shot requests too. If you want me to write about something as headcanons rather than a fanfic or a one shot, please say so in the ask, if not I'll just default write it as a fanfic/one-shot.
-AUs. I'm also open to writing AUs as well as long as you give me enough details if you want me to write something about an AU you created.
-SOME crack fics/headcanons. Like with the character deaths thing, this is kind of a gray area where it all depends on how crazy you want me to go or what you actually want me to write, just ask if I'm okay with it and we'll see if I'm okay writing it or not.
What I WON'T write:
-Male character x Male character sex. Sorry guys but as a cis woman myself who doesn't really read much smut about this kind of thing you might have to find someone else to write this, I just don't feel too comfortable writing male gay sex as someone who isn't male myself or doesn't have a penis.
-Piss kink/scat fetish/vore/feet fetish. Sorry guys although I just find some of those kinks WAY too gross/uncomfortable to write, no shame to anyone who DOES find it sexy although I'm not really one of those.
-Moreau x Anyone. Sorry guys and no hate to fishboy although as someone who hasn't written a lot about him I'm a little outta practice so would probably not know how to write him in a romantic setting, I can still write platonic/familial stuff with him just please no romantic or sexual stuff.
-Anything/anyone yandere! Sorry guys, I know I said it's very unlikely anything will be TOO dark for me although yandere is one of the rare few types of fics that is, I just feel WAY too uncomfortable writing yandere stuff.
-Dimitrescu Daughters x each other/the other lords. This one is probably mostly for on Ao3 although as someone who's seen some of this stuff there before, this is just to say I am NOT comfortable shipping ANY of Alcina's daughters with the other lords or each other, the only exception I'll make is maybe any of the daughters and Donna, although anything else is just too much like incest to me, no shame on anyone who DOES ship 'em though and doesn't see them as family although personally I do so it's just too uncomfortable for me.
-Donna x Angie!! As someone who knows this type of stuff exists on Ao3, just NO!! I am NOT writing anything like that!!
-Lord x Lord/Mother Miranda incest. This is along the same idea as the Dimi daughters being shipped with any of the other RE8 villains, although I'm willing to write stuff between the lords and Miranda IF you make it clear they do NOT see each other as family, if it's some kind of kink/fetish thing where you find them hot/sexy/anything BECAUSE they're siblings and are having sex or something, I'm sorry ew, no, I don't do that, the closest I'll write is if they refer to each other as brother/sister in a joking/mocking manner, if they GENUINELY see each other as brother/sister and are having sex or something, I'm not writing that.
-Certain character deaths. Like I said for stuff I WILL write, character deaths is kind of a gray area for me, if you're not sure if I'll write something or not feel free to ask and I'll let ya know if I will or won't, always check if you're not sure, like I said, I might make exceptions depending on what exactly you want.
-Character match ups. Sorry guys although if you want someone to write something about which RE8 character they think should be your partner, sorry but I'm not too good at that so won't be doing those.
-Crack stuff. As someone who's done a few pretty ridiculous stuff herself with friends in my DMs, I'm open to at least inviting crack fics/headcanons, whether or not I'll actually write 'em though depends on how crazy you want me to go.
-Anyone outside of RE8. Sorry guys but as someone who's only seen the RE8 gameplay I don't know enough about the other RE characters to write for them .
Characters/Ships I will write: 🧑‍🤝‍🧑=will write platonically/familially.💏=will write romantically. 🍑=will write smut.
Alcina Dimitrescu:
-Alcina Dimitrescu x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Alcina Dimitrescu x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Donna Beneviento.👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Karl Heisenberg. 👫 (lol in these two's cases, very unlikely I'll be writing them as FRIENDS 😂)
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Mother Miranda. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Mia Winters. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑 (lol yes, sorry Alcithan shippers/Mia haters 😂)
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Rosemary Winters. 👭
-Alcina Dimitrescu x Chris Redfield.👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨 Lmao, highly doubt anyone will ever actually ask for something like this although just wanted you to know in case you do, I'm open to at least TRYING lol. 🤣
Bela Dimitrescu:
-Bela Dimitrescu x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Bela Dimitrescu x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Bela Dimitrescu x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭
-Bela Dimitrescu x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭
-Bela Dimitrescu x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Bela Dimitrescu x Donna Beneviento. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Bela Dimitrescu x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Bela Dimitrescu x Karl Heisenberg. 👫
-Bela Dimitrescu x Mother Miranda. 👭
-Bela Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters.👫💏🍑 Lol yes, if anyone wants me to write something like this I WILL do it too. 😂
-Bela Dimitrescu x Mia Winters. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Bela Dimitrescu x Rosemary Winters. 👭
-Bela Dimitrescu x Chris Redfield.👫💏 Also this lol, I'm just curious to see if I'll ever actually get any requests for this stuff.
Cassandra Dimitrescu:
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Donna Beneviento. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Karl Heisenberg. 👫
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Mother Miranda. 👭
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters.👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑 Lol yes I will write ALL Dimi daughters with Ethan, just not at the same time though.
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Mia Winters. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Rosemary Winters. 👭
-Cassandra Dimitrescu x Chris Redfield.👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨 I will also write all RE8 female villains with Chris too lol if you seriously want me to or if you just want it done as a crackfic.
Daniela Dimitrescu:
-Daniela Dimitrescu x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Daniela Dimitrescu x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Donna Beneviento. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Karl Heisenberg. 👫
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Mother Miranda. 👭
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Mia Winters. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Daniela Dimitrescu x teenage!Rosemary Winters.👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩 Lol yes, Dani is the only one of the Dimi sisters I'll ship with the ENTIRE Winters family, although for the sake of not angering tumblr or something I'm gonna age up Rosemary to at least 18 so she's not underaged if anyone is gonna say something about that. 😬
-Daniela Dimitrescu x Chris Redfield. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨
Donna Beneviento:
-Donna Beneviento x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Donna Beneviento x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Donna Beneviento x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Donna Beneviento x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Donna Beneviento x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Donna Beneviento x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Donna Beneviento x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Donna Beneviento x Mother Miranda. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑(Only if they don't see each other as family)
-Donna Beneviento x Ethan Winters.👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑 Personally although I think these two would be better as just friends than a couple although I've seen a few people here who ship these two so am still willing to write these two romantically or sexually.
-Donna Beneviento x Mia Winters. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Donna Beneviento x Rosemary Winters. 👭
-Donna Beneviento x Chris Redfield. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
Salvatore Moreau: (Like I said before, I don't really know how to write Moreau romantically so please none of that although I'm willing to write platonic/familial stuff so everything in his section will be everything I'm willing to write platonically with him.)
-Salvatore Moreau x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
-Salvatore Moreau x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
-Salvatore Moreau x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Bela Dimitrescu. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Donna Beneviento. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Karl Heisenberg. 👬
-Salvatore Moreau x Mother Miranda. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Ethan Winters. 👬
-Salvatore Moreau x Mia Winters. 👫
-Salvatore Moreau x Rosemary Winters. 👫
Karl Heisenberg: (just no smut if the reader/OC/character has a penis please, like I said before, as a cis woman, I just don't think I'd be able to write that too well)
-Karl Heisenberg x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏
-Karl Heisenberg x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏
-Karl Heisenberg x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👫
-Karl Heisenberg x Bela Dimitrescu. 👫
-Karl Heisenberg x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👫
-Karl Heisenberg x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👫
-Karl Heisenberg x Donna Beneviento.👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑 Again, don't even THINK about harassing me about this.
-Karl Heisenberg x Salvatore Moreau. 👬
-Karl Heisenberg x Ethan Winters. 👬👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Karl Heisenberg x Mia Winters. 👫
-Karl Heisenberg x Rosemary Winters. 👫
Mother Miranda:
-Mother Miranda x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Mother Miranda x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Mother Miranda x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭
-Mother Miranda x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Mother Miranda x Donna Beneviento. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Mother Miranda x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Mother Miranda x Ethan Winters. 👫(Only because I myself have an AU where these two are actually friends)
-Mother Miranda x Mia Winters. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑NOTHING TOXIC!!! Guys, PLEASE!!!
-Mother Miranda x Chris Redfield. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨 Saw this ship on twitter and wanted to see if anyone would request it. 😂
Ethan Winters: (Again, please, no smut if the character has a penis)
-Ethan Winters x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Ethan Winters x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Ethan Winters x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑 Again, ANY harassment about this will get you reported.
-Ethan Winters x Bela Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Ethan Winters x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Ethan Winters x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Ethan Winters x Donna Beneviento. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Ethan Winters x Salvatore Moreau. 👬
-Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg. 👬👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Ethan Winters x Mother Miranda. 👫
-Ethan Winters x Mia Winters. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑(again, sorry Alcithan shippers 😂)
-Ethan Winters x Rosemary Winters. 👫
-Ethan Winters x Chris Redfield. 👬
Mia Winters:
-Mia Winters x any gender reader. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Mia Winters x OC. (Any gender) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💏🍑
-Mia Winters x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Mia Winters x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Mia Winters x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Mia Winters x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Mia Winters x Donna Beneviento. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑
-Mia Winters x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Mia Winters x Karl Heisenberg. 👫
-Mia Winters x Mother Miranda. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩🍑 Again, anything toxic I won't do!
-Mia Winters x Ethan Winters. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Mia Winters x Rosemary Winters. 👭
-Mia Winters x Chris Redfield. 👫
Rosemary Winters:
-Rosemary Winters x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👭
-Rosemary Winters x Bela Dimitrescu. 👭
-Rosemary Winters x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👭
-teenage!Rosemary Winters x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👭👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
-Rosemary Winters x Donna Beneviento. 👭
-Rosemary Winters x Salvatore Moreau. 👫
-Rosemary Winters x Karl Heisenberg. 👫
-Rosemary Winters x Ethan Winters. 👫
-Rosemary Winters x Mia Winters. 👭
-Rosemary Winters x Chris Redfield. 👫
Chris Redfield: I'll try my best to write him although I dunno how good it'll be.
-Chris Redfield x Alcina Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Chris Redfield x Bela Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Chris Redfield x Cassandra Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Chris Redfield x Daniela Dimitrescu. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Chris Redfield x Donna Beneviento. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨🍑
-Chris Redfield x Mother Miranda. 👫👩‍❤‍💋‍👨
-Chris Redfield x Ethan Winters. 👬
-Chris Redfield x Mia Winters. 👫
-Chris Redfield x Rosemary Winters. 👫
I'm also willing to write threesome/polyamory stuff between certain characters so feel free to ask if I'll do something like that too.
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fw00shy · 3 years
seven fics to love by vukovich
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For @vukovich's bday, here are some of my fav Vuk fics. Hope you have a wonderfully dark celebration of life!!! 😈
The Seven Weasley Horcruxes G, <1k, Gen Molly POV, MCD, child loss This fic feels like all the pieces of a soul put back together. Like Vuk's carved out Molly Weasley's soul for us to see, all the bone-weary heartbreak and hope of parenthood. There is a wholeness to the writing...it's hard for me to explain. Like you come out reading a whole new person. Maybe one of my fav fics of all time.
"I love you, (too/also)." E, 8.7k, drarry, infidelity, gaslighting, breeding kink, butt plugs, hopeful ending but not in the romantic context SO as with any vuk fic, there's a lot going on, but what I love most about this fic is Draco's POV. His internal monologues are hilarious despite being a fic about people being awful to each other??? Ex: As if I'd eat raw vegetables.  Like a horse.  Granger shovels salad into her horsey face, point proven. I MEAN COME ON.
Return to Sender: Harry J. Potter E, 2.5k, drarry, MCD, infidelity, scent kink, sad ending, also the sequel This fic, aka the beginning of vuk darkfics 😈 What I love is that Harry doesn't leave when Draco sleeps with other people...they make it work until death. It is very much twisted and dark, but there's so much love in it still too. I love the scents. So messy.
Heliophile E, 1.1k, drarry, actirasty: sexual arousal caused by sun exposure A sexy poolside hand job. That's it, that's the fic. And boy is it a fic!!!!!!!!!!!! I recommend a drink with this one, cuz you will need to cool down after.
The Seduction of One Draco Malfoy by a Green Velvet Chair E, 1.8k, draco pov, masturbation More hand jobs, except Draco takes care of himself this time...😏 So so sensual & hot!! Really love how much it plays with diff textures, mm velvet. This one has a special place in my heart, because it was the first time I talked to/betaed for Vuk!!
Triolets for Rainy Days T, 197, unrequited love, poetry Did you know...vuk also writes sexy poetry? Little’s lost through amorous haste./Red robes unfurled, limbs interlaced. A woman of boundless talents.
Ursa Major G, 50, draco pov, adoption Draco has insecurities and Molly resolves them. Get yourself happy tears in exactly 50 words!!! Ending on a sappy note, b/c I know vuk LOVES fluff.
hbd vuk 🤍🤍 ty for spoiling us with sexy fics & sexy tomatoes. pls keep writing whatever u want to write.
Read more from @vukovich's ao3, and submit a peculiar prompt if you have a crazy idea and want it written!!!
EDIT: ok I said seven, but then I read ANOTHER amazing fic, so have an extra:
It'll Come Back E, 16k, angst with happy ending, non-drarry attempted sexual assault Draco Malfoy wakes up in the Thickey ward not remembering anything except that the Auror in front of him is his husband. But he's not. A tale of owning up to who you used to be. ^ leaving the summary as-is cuz it's so good. I really loved the slow unfolding of draco's past, and having to confront all the not-so-great choices he made. & vuk's writing is so so so good in this. I wanted to quote like every other word. just perfect really.
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